How do you know if your workout was effective? How did the training go?

Fitness today is not only popular view active rest. He is a part Everyday life, effective method keeping fit and losing weight. Beginner Tips healthy lifestyle life. A hint for those who, in an effort to get rid of extra pounds, want to achieve efficiency and results, as well as independently understand the effective principles of losing weight. General information how to exercise properly for the benefit of the body.

Starting classes at home or going to the fitness room, you need to clearly imagine and decide on the purpose of the classes. This will serve as a guide on how to train correctly, how to choose exercises and build a training complex. After all, individuality important principle approach to weight loss: the physiology of women and men is different, there are a lot of programs, do not forget about contraindications, permitted loads, etc. How to exercise without harm to health and make weight loss effective? Let's figure it out?

How to exercise

  • Without compliance proper diet the effect of physical activity will not bring the proper result and may turn out to be just an illusion;
  • Exclude food (you need to drink water!), And even diet snacks, 2 hours before and 1 hour after training;
  • The first half of the day is an ideally intensive time for training. The body and muscles rested at night, and the metabolism works in full force. According to researchers, 20% more fat can be burned in the morning than in the evening;
  • The duration of the lesson is optimal in the range from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours; when choosing a training, “listen” to your well-being, focus on physical capabilities;
  • Initial moderation in exercise is an important principle. Build it up gradually to painlessly enter into training process. Do not immediately and immediately force your muscles to work unusually and strongly, this is fraught with negative consequences;
  • Taboo on hedgehog daily workouts. Your muscles will not have time to rest, and instead healthy weight loss and well-being, weakness and the state of “melted ice cream” will come. Exercising 2-3 times a week is enough. If you want a speedy result - do it every other day;
  • An excellent choice for dealing with interfering fat in a short time is aerobic training;
  • Along with cardio training, strength exercises are gradually added to the program. They will stimulate fat burning processes and accelerate metabolism, strengthen muscles, and prevent skin from sagging;
  • alternating load on different groups muscle will bring you closer to achieving results. You do not need to repeat the same exercises at each workout, so the muscles do not have time to recover;
  • The weight of the weights, chosen correctly, is the key to intensive strength training without harm to health. Getting started - weight, at which 20-30 repetitions of one exercise is not a problem. Moreover, the latter should be carried out to the limit;
  • Availability basic exercises in the program is a must. Practice the technique for doing them. in the best way;
  • Proper breathing is another important principle. Watch your breath. At the moment of greatest tension, exhale.

Aerobic exercise: what are the benefits?

Experts consider aerobic exercise the best in the fight against overweight. And research confirms the opinion that regular cardio training in a comprehensive weight loss program increases its effectiveness by 25%.

Running, cycling and even walking are among such activities. In the gym you can choose an exercise bike, treadmill, orbitrek, etc.

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

  • Achieving the main goal of cardio - burning excess fat and overall weight loss
  • Almost all muscles of the body are involved;
  • A long-term physical effect on the body is expected. After completing the workout, its effect lasts for about an hour;
  • Gives general tone and increases endurance, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, immune systems, accelerates metabolic processes.

What about power?

  • Power load allows you to build and strengthen muscles (this also contributes to weight loss, but to a lesser extent);
  • Strength exercises are aimed at working out individual muscles or their groups;
  • The duration of one approach is insignificant.

They are not the correct way to measure effectiveness. There are other, scientifically based signs for this. So, how do you know that your training was really high quality?

Perceived load level

Personal trainer Keri Lynn Ford uses perceived effort to measure her client's effort during a workout. The American Council on Exercise offers a scale from 0 to 10 points.

The level of load should be measured by the pace and the sensations that arise from this. Increasing your speed or adding hill runs can get you closer to the 10 mark. For many, the perception of the resulting load is not quite right. You may think that you are already somewhere at the eighth level, although the coach knows very well that you are still at the fifth.

To determine the level of perceived load, the heart rate and its relationship with yours are used. The increase in intensity is directly related to the increase in heart rate and the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

During aerobic exercise, effort is measured by a combination of sensory input from muscles, joints, respiration rate, and heart rate. Usually only the coach can assess the condition of the athlete. During the first few workouts, control heart rate measurements are taken before the start of the workout and after a set of exercises. This is necessary so that the coach can determine how the ward's body reacts to various loads.

Measurement with actual heart rate

For accurate measurements you need a heart rate monitor. If not, just put your fingers on the carotid artery, count the number of beats for 10 seconds and multiply by 6. In this case, the value of your maximum frequency is used. To do this, age is subtracted from 220 (for men) or 226 (for women). The number of heartbeats should not exceed this maximum. If the pulse goes off scale, you need to reduce the load.

Now that you know your maximum heart rate, you can determine how much percent you have completed today's workout - at 60% of maximum power or at 100%.

Number of forces

Unlike your heart rate, which is objective (what it is, what it is), the quality of your effort during a workout is very subjective. It may seem to us that we are trying very hard, although in fact we are only 50% involved.

How to understand that you are working at full capacity? it should be explosive, it should give you a feeling of a surge of strength, and not complete exhaustion when, after completing a set, you fall to the floor.

Muscle condition after training

Your muscles will increase in volume (be in good shape), as during exercise more blood enters them for a better supply of oxygen and uninterrupted removal of decay products. If you start to feel a burning sensation in working muscles, don't stop! Right now they are finally starting to work.

The state when muscle fibers can no longer contract is an indicator of training at 100%. However, it is worth being very careful here, since there is a very thin line between proper muscle fatigue, accompanied by burning, and excessive effort leading to.

If you feel dizzy, weak or nauseous, sit down and take a short break and drink some water. If during the work of the muscle you begin to hear strange sounds: clicks, crackles, pops - and there is a feeling of sipping, stop the workout. After that, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since, most likely, you were injured.

Recovery rate

The effectiveness of training can also be measured by how quickly our heart recovers from the resulting load. Calculate recovery speed heart rate after low intensity exercise. Recovery within one minute is considered normal. A slower recovery indicates either poor physical condition or excessive load.


The feeling of hunger and cravings for carbohydrates is an absolutely normal state of the body after a quality workout. Your body has spent energy, and now it needs. It is advisable to do this within 30 minutes after the end of classes.


Usually, immediately after a quality workout, we feel a surge of strength, a surge of energy and positive emotions. However, once in bed, we quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly until morning. If you feel the opposite effect: you can’t fall asleep, your sleep becomes superficial and you often wake up, then you went too far with the load.

Properly dosed physical activity improves the quality of sleep. But if you overdo it, you can forget about the good things.

Feelings after a workout

If you have morning or afternoon workouts in your plan, a really high-quality physical activity, despite the physical fatigue immediately after it, should charge you with vigor for the whole day. Psychologists say that an improvement in mood occurs five minutes after the completion of the exercises.

Also, after a good workout, it will be much easier for you to concentrate on performing work tasks, your productivity will improve. With excessive physical exertion, you will feel tired and overwhelmed, and a flaw will leave an unpleasant feeling of incompleteness. ;)

Anyone who has ever seen masses doing aerofitnoshaping can understand this. If the load on the body under the influence of the proposed exercises is insufficient, then this can be seen from the way people breathe. If a person seems to be engaged, but does not breathe deeply and often, sweat is not visible, does not overcome his “I can’t do it anymore”, then the exercises are ineffective.

If during exercise there is no increased ventilation of the lungs, this indicates only one thing - a very low oxygen consumption by the muscles of the body. It is clear that if there is no work, then the level of insulin in the blood practically does not change. And the existing ensemble of fat and muscle cells do not experience "inconvenience". Everything remains in its place: they burned a fraction of carbohydrates, spent time and money - and all wasted.
Let's try again to dispel the myths of sports

We all want to achieve results as quickly as possible. And it seems that the more and more intensively you exercise, the more you load your muscles, the faster you can become slim and beautiful. Well, there is some truth in these statements. But the trouble is: the more calories you burn, the more you tire your muscles, the more time you will need to recover. In addition, you accustom the muscles to very high loads and more economical use of energy. Therefore, it may be more difficult for you to lose weight later.
However, not everyone adheres to a radical point of view. Others are sure that even 10 minutes of fitness a week is through the roof. It is not surprising that even a year later the devotees of this idea remain as full as before.
By the way, long breaks in classes also do not work in the best way. The law of "regression" works: the muscles no longer receive the oxygen they need and quickly lose their tone. After 1-2 months, the muscles will lose their tone and blur, the volumes will increase. However, this does not mean that the muscles turn into fat. There is also a funny misconception. It's perfect different types fabrics.
Someone is sure that you need to train more intensively, someone clicks on “problem areas” and thinks that after 1000 push-ups of the press there will not be a single wrinkle left. And here it is not. Fat disappears evenly throughout the body, and not from any one place. So in that sense, it doesn't really matter which place you pay more attention to. But the muscles left aside suffer.
How to train correctly?
Shaping training is a set of exercises that consistently load the muscles on different areas body. Each selected muscle group is “worked out” by repeated repetition of a cyclic exercise. It is advisable to continue the repetition until fatigue (30-200 times or 60-240 s in time), after which the loaded limb or muscle group changes. Sometimes a muscle group is worked out with several exercises, or it is returned to repeatedly during a session. A characteristic of shaping training is that the muscles loaded in it are poorly involved in everyday life. The choice of precisely such muscles is just methodically expedient, since, unlike the “hardened” muscle groups, they open wide scope for significant energy and morphological shifts.

A feature of the structural composition of “non-hardened” muscles is a small number of slow muscle fibers 1st type, adapted to long work and, accordingly, the presence of type 2 fast fibers. In their energy supply, an anaerobic (oxygen-free) mechanism plays a significant role, consuming the energy reserves of muscle cells and the whole organism. During shaping, all three mechanisms of energy supply are actively involved: transfoliation of ADP with CRF; anaerobic glycolysis; aerobic oxidative processes. At the same time, the presence of fast fibers of the 2nd type gives a significant role to the processes of glycolysis.

Long-term repetition of exercises is aimed at the exhaustive use of energy resources available in muscle cells - glycogen and lipid inclusions. As a result, lactic acid accumulates in active muscle cells, and characteristic pain sensations appear.

After changing the loaded muscle group, other muscle bundles are already being worked out until their capabilities are completely exhausted. Willpower, ensuring the execution of the last repetitions “through I can’t”, leads to an increase in the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones that can stimulate glycolysis and tissue respiration, as well as the mobilization of free fatty acids from the fat depot.

After the end of the work of the muscles, the following results can be observed: significant energy losses by the body as a whole, including a decrease in liver glycogen stores, the consumption of fatty acids from the fat depot. These changes in the body cause the activation of metabolic processes within a few hours after the end of muscle work. At the same time, it is necessary to single out the restoration of energy reserves: the synthesis of CRF, the oxidation of lactic acid and the resynthesis of glycogen from it. And all this will be due to your own fats.

It is also believed that certain foods can help speed up the metabolism. They need to be included in your diet: grapefruit, pomelo, pineapple, green tea, cinnamon, red pepper, low-fat dairy products, fatty fish, pumpkin, nuts. But alcohol, on the contrary, will only slow down the metabolism and worsen the results of training.

You spend several hours in the gym every day, you know all the equipment and feel at home among the tons of “iron”. But do you know how often you really need to? The answer may surprise you! Get to know your optimal frequency training to make new growth.

You probably already guessed that main mistake- this is with the wrong frequency. The most common variant of the training schedule is "three days a week": you work out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If this is your case, the good news is that you can do much, much better!

Even if everything is going great for you - the number of repetitions and sets, optimal weight, rest between sets, and proper exercise performance - all this can be useless if you do not train at the right frequency.

The right frequency of strength training

Here's a little secret to success. A fixed workout schedule, like three days a week, is absurd. He may fail you in the end. And here's why: as you progress, your workouts will be more exhausting and take longer to recover.

Recovery after physical activity demands a lot from most organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. If you are doing a light workout, it is unlikely to affect you in any way. Your recovery will be swift. But when you do grueling workouts with heavy weights and high intensity overload, it can take several days to fully recover.

An essential key to increasing the effectiveness of strength training is, therefore, to find a way to train properly. This will increase the intensity of each workout and give your body more time to recover.

The effectiveness of split training

Why "split" workouts won't help you avoid overtraining? There is a practice of "separating" workouts, for example: Monday - top part bodies, environment - Bottom part body. And while this is a reliable tactic, it alone will not solve the problem of a fixed training schedule. The reason is that every day is kidney day.

It doesn’t matter if you are working on your chest, arms, or today, there is not the slightest difference for the kidneys. They still need to filter all the metabolic waste coming from the blood so you can fully recover. And remember - until your body has fully recovered, you will not grow new muscles. This is the law of physiology. So separation allows you to reduce the amount of work that the kidneys and other organs have to do, but as you get stronger and lift more heavy weight the kidneys will take even longer to do their job.

The most correct training frequency

Once you truly understand how often you need to train, your results will increase. Here is an example from life.

After the coach and bodybuilder discussed training and lack of progress - in particular, in - it was decided to take a break from training for three weeks. The bodybuilder said that he could not give up going to the gym for such a long period of time. This is a common problem for all serious bodybuilders. Psychologically, if you want to make progress, it is very difficult to do what seems to be "doing nothing". After all, in the absence of training, you seem to admit defeat. But in fact, your body needs time to recover. And this is the most ideal time to consider how often to train further and make a new training plan. Time without training is not wasted, it is critical to the growth process. It took a lot of arguments to convince him, and he took a three-week break.

Two months later, he called the coach and told about the results, which shocked everyone. His strength increased in all parts of the body, and the strength of his shoulders increased. The first workout after the break was his personal record. Now he trains once every nine days: between workouts of the same part of the body, 9 days pass. This schedule is used when separating upper/lower body workouts. Prior to this adjustment in training frequency, the bodybuilder only trained four times in nine days. Look at the numbers, they clearly illustrate the example.

The bodybuilder did not include the time he benched, so his power factor or power index is not known, but his total bench weight went from 6940kg per workout to 11460kg after he did nothing for three weeks. When was the last time you had such a productive three-week break?

Think about it. Three weeks without training at all! Our hero has only been at home for three weeks, but his progress is ahead of everyone he has trained with! His companions couldn't believe their eyes. The same person who found 180kg 20 reps “very difficult” is now lifting 230kg in 16 reps - after doing the exercise with 200kg and 20 reps! IN next time he presses in the gym already 270 kg. And let his goon buddies be concerned that he "missed" the last 20 workouts! There is something to think about, right? Maybe it's time to rethink your training frequency?

How to properly and often exercise for weight loss

The frequency of training when burning fat mass obeys a slightly different law than the frequency for muscle growth. To lose fat and train every day, the main thing is to prevent the development of overtraining. The high frequency of training dictates the need for the use of anti-catabolics for protection. muscle tissue from destruction. In this case, bodybuilders are advised to reduce the number of strength training sessions to 2 per week, and devote the rest of the time to aerobic training.

How to avoid overtraining

To avoid overtraining and find your optimal training frequency, you need to carefully monitor the progress that you make with each exercise of the program. Look for any signs of slowing or stopping progress. Lack of change in one exercise is a warning sign. And the lack of progress in two or more exercises is a danger signal, which means you need to take a break.

3 signs of overtraining and how to deal with them

  • The weight used in each exercise does not increase
  • Strength training is primarily associated with progressive loading. This means that you should return to the gym in a fully recovered state and lift the weight slightly heavier than you lifted during your last workout.
  • The number of repetitions or static hold time in each exercise does not increase

If your weight in the exercise has not increased (see above), then the number of repetitions or the time of the static hold should increase. Latest Research show that increasing the duration of a static hold to 12 seconds is less beneficial than increasing the weight with more short time retention.

Reception will help you increase strength indicators sports supplements- creatine, arginine, intratraining, bcaa amino acids and pre-workout complexes. This sports nutrition is specifically designed to improve sports and fitness performance for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go to conquer new heights!

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It took you longer to complete the same workout.

Progress is determined by the intensity of muscle output. The intensity is a function of time. So, even if you are doing the same workout today that you did three days ago, but you managed to do it in less time, then your intensity has increased. But the opposite is also true, so keep an eye on the extra time it takes to complete the same workout. Low intensity will not help build new muscles, keep this factor in mind when deciding how often and how to train correctly.

Try it on your next workout

For each exercise, multiply the number of reps by the weight you're doing those reps with. For example, in you lift 80 kg 12 times, in the end you will get the number 960. The next time you bench press, see if this number has increased. If not, then you haven't fully recovered, which means you need more rest between workouts.

How long have you been exercising at the same frequency? Look for warning signs indicating that your training frequency is not optimal. Throw in an extra one and you can turn stale and boring workouts into fantastic mass gains and bursts of strength.

Program provided by the instructor gym"Ant" by Alexei Hernandez Ortega (World Junior Powerlifting Champion 2005, European and World Champion 2006, Russian Men's Champion 2008)

Muscle pain and severe exhaustion are far from always indicators that the training was really successful. What actually indicates the effectiveness of physical activity and how to correctly identify these signs? Pay attention to the following factors.


The best and most accurate way to get ahead of how effective a cardio exercise was is to measure your heart rate. Any physical activity makes your heart beat faster, which increases your strength and endurance.

The optimal load will be the one at which your heart beats at the level of three-quarters of your maximum heart rate. How to determine this indicator? To do this, use the formula:

208 - (Age x 0.7)

Accordingly, if you are 23 years old, then, according to this formula, the maximum heart rate should be 191 beats per minute. If we count three quarters from this figure, then we will get 143 beats per minute. If during execution exercise If you maintain your heart rate at this level, you can be sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from the load. In order to measure the heartbeat, you can use special sensors.

Another important point: if after a long rest, and also immediately after waking up, your heart is still beating a little faster than normal, then this means that you have overtrained and your body has not yet recovered from the load. This information is great for those who do cardio, but if you prefer strength exercises, then this indicator may not always accurately reflect the real picture.

you feel stronger

There is another way to test yourself, which, however, is somewhat subjective. For this, conditional formulas are used, in which how well you worked on the load is measured in points from 1 to 10. Accordingly, if you feel that you have given your best, then set yourself a high indicator, if not, then a low one.

If you are really honest with yourself and can confidently say that you have worked on exercise 8, then you have undoubtedly reached your goal. This is a great way to increase your motivation and become stronger and more resilient. In such a situation, you are working as efficiently as possible, but at the same time you still have something to work on.

In addition to this, the body must be given time to rest. Rest days for the body are just as important as training days. It is on these days that your body recovers and becomes stronger and ready for new physical exertion.

You recover faster during interval training

Many people pay attention interval training which increase the body's stamina and burn a huge amount of calories. The essence of such a load is that for a certain time you perform the exercise very intensively, then slow down for a while, and then increase the intensity five times, continuing to repeat the approaches at these intervals.

A measure of how quickly your heart rate returns to normal during a period of low exertion, and indicates how effective it is in general. this species physical work. A stronger and more trained heart returns to normal much faster than one that is not used to stress. If you notice that your heart rate returns to normal within a minute, then you are in good shape.

You challenge yourself

The bottom line is that when you work on yourself, you don't want to lower the bar, but on the contrary, you are trying to challenge yourself and demonstrate what result you have already achieved and what exactly you are capable of. If you start to feel like this, then you are on the right track.

To check if you are really working at a level that is difficult enough for you, try talking while exercising. If at the same time it is a little difficult for you to pronounce the sentence normally, then you are working at an optimal level for you. If you are out of breath and you don’t have enough air at all to say a few words, then the intensity of the exercise should be reduced.

Your sleep quality will improve

One of the benefits of exercising is that you become more active and less sleepy, but that's not all. Numerous studies claim that even one physical occupation will improve the quality of your sleep. You may find yourself falling asleep more quickly and getting deeper sleep. If, on the contrary, after doing the exercises, you observe insomnia or other similar problems, then this indicates that you have overtrained, and the intensity of the load should be reduced.

You are more focused throughout the day

In addition to the physical benefits, regular exercise also improves your brain function. If you feel more focused and concentrated, then you have done a really good job. In addition, you feel more confident, as well as happier, for which you can thank the endorphins that are released due to regular physical activity.

It also improves your productivity, mental clarity, and concentration scores. In addition, experts say that in order to improve your mood and increase efficiency, just five minutes of exercise is enough.