Super mass protein. Super Mass Gainer by Dymatize Nutrition

Different problems lead people to gym: the desire to strengthen the body, increase immunity, lose weight, create an attractive appearance. To build a harmoniously developed figure, Super Mass Gainer is considered an ideal sports nutrition - a special set of substances that helps to build up relief steel muscles in the shortest possible time.

What's happened sports nutrition?

Creating your body, like a palace of bricks, a novice bodybuilder needs to seriously think about what these beautiful forms are made of. Many factors must be brought together to obtain a harmonious result: the time spent, money, energy, willpower. The components are purely individual: genes took care of someone, and you just need to add a little muscle, and someone will need to build up an almost new body on the skeleton, gaining weight or urgently losing it.

One of the fundamental building blocks of such a complex, patient work is a balanced sports nutrition in the form of gainers (translated from English as growth, increase):

  • these are irreplaceable nutritional sports supplements that contribute to the achievement of results in a short planned time;
  • this is the basis of a rich cocktail - a complete snack for an athlete!
  • This is a great addition to a sports diet.

Supplements are offered as a means to build ligaments and muscles in a short time. The main composition of this food:

  • proteins are the building block muscle tissue;
  • carbohydrates - energy for a good sports workout;
  • protein - muscle recovery after work in the gym;
  • minerals, vitamins, unsaturated fats - strengthening immunity, smooth operation of all body systems;
  • enzymes - assimilation of biofood;
  • glutamine, creatine, etc. - an increase in the overall performance of the body.

The composition of sports supplements

Gainers are:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrate.

If more than a fifth of the bionutrition is protein, it is a protein variant. (Recommended for athletes prone to gaining weight from daily carbohydrate meals. The protein option prevents fat loss in place of muscle growth). Accordingly, with less protein, with more percentage carbohydrates, the dietary supplement is called carbohydrate.

Super Mass Gainer Dimatize is a balanced sports nutrition with a high biovalue. With a new effective formula, it contains:

  • glutamine;
  • purified protein - protein;
  • amino acids;
  • lactose - a meager percentage of ballast.

All this is necessary for the fastest possible muscle growth. Thanks to food enzymes, the drug is easily absorbed and very effective.

Why and how to take the Super Mass gainer?

Balanced bionutrition is the main component of success in bodybuilding. This composition provides the most acceptable muscle growth and energy of the athlete without the deposition of fat.

This type of sports supplement, which increases the daily calorie content of the diet, is more often practiced by ectomorphs, athletes who are hard to gain weight. With systematic exercises in the gym, their muscle mass begins to grow actively. This sport nutrition is used by athletes, boxers, football players, basketball players - athletes experiencing aerobic exercise. Combining a supplementation regimen with proper diet restores strength, supplies energy, makes it possible to maintain a specific weight gain.

How to take Super Mass Gainer: 1-2 scoops of protein mixed in 0.5-0.7 liters of water or low fat milk. Drink two to three doses a day: after training in the morning, after dinner and before bed.

Super Mass Gainer - feedback from athletes on admission

Ruslan. 24 years, 2 months training: “The gainer is very good, for 1 month. I gained 6 kg, I don’t have much fat, I’ll take it. ”

Leonid, 32 years old, six months of training: “Adding is super! Mass Gainer Dimatize can be mixed with cottage cheese. Gained 7kg in 3 weeks!

Ivan, 23 years old, a year and a half of training: “I drank, the taste is normal. Saturates decently, a month easily gained 5 kg. I bought another pack."

Danil, 29 years old, 2 years of training: “For a year - 30 kg, the result is class! Body-builder!"

Modern sports training It's hard to imagine without bionutrition, the Super Mass gainer is the most popular, proven sports product. Have you had to use it?


Super Mass Gainer includes Vitamin A, B6, B12, C and E. Also in compound includes: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, sodium and potassium and 1 gram of creatine monohydrate.

Now let's move on to numbers. There are 1280 calories per serving. It contains 10 grams of fat, 244 grams of carbohydrates, 23 grams of sugar and 52 grams of protein. Quite a lot, but this is a serious weight gainer.

Now let's look at the types of proteins. Protein Matrix consists of a concentrate whey protein, milk protein isolate, whey protein isolate, whey protein hydrolyzate and micellar casein. Protein absorption and recovery will take place in several stages, from several minutes to several hours.

The taste I got was sugar cookie. The aroma was quite pleasant. It was very similar to baking sugar cookies so I was happy with that aspect.

My biggest problem was mixing. I understand that this is a gainer, so I was already ready for big scoops and had to beat all the juices out of it when shaking. Using a shaker for half a portion, it turned out very thick and with lumps. Then I tried it with a blender, mixing in the 700ml they recommend for a full scoop. It still came out quite lumpy and not completely mixed. When using 900 ml of liquid, I got a complete mix without lumps. The smaller the volume of the product, the better the dissolution. Try to stir it in smaller portions, for example, by dividing the preparation into two stages.

I tried both water and milk. Much tastier with milk. Although keep in mind that you will get more calories and fat.

Dymatize nutrition super mass gainer is generally effective in getting muscle mass. Overall, after I finished with it, I gained about 4 kg. So technically it worked. In addition to muscle mass, increased and body fat. This gainer has definitely helped me maintain my daily calorie intake.

I have always felt very full and slightly bloated from 900 ml of liquid, quite a long time after drinking.

Other than that feeling, I didn't experience anything negative.

Take dymatize super mass gainer needed after training and / or between meals. You can cut the serving size in half. Focus on your individual nutritional needs!

Actual super mass gainer price on Yandex.Market and nutrafit.

An inexpensive alternative with a good protein/carbohydrate ratio to Lactomin.

For a return of up to 30% from each purchase, use the Cash4brands cashback service.

Sports Nutrition Reviews:


Here are a few reviews, and in the comments I ask you to write your impressions about the gainer ...

Review #1

In the past, I have had trouble meeting my daily calorie needs on an ongoing basis. The dymatize super mass gainer is a simple and convenient way obtaining the necessary anabolic substances.

I doubt I could ever eat a full serving of super mass gainer (it's 337 grams and 1280 calories!), but whenever I need a quick 500-600 extra calories, it's perfect! Consuming in smaller quantities also makes mixing much easier and more complete. The taste is chocolatey, good for a gainer, full and rich.

Review #2

Stuck on the same weight for half a year. A month after gainer dymatize (vanilla) and creatine = +3kg.

Review #3

Great product! Helped me gain some weight, and was great for a meal replacement. I like to eat it either for breakfast or for dessert in the evening. I tried 3 different flavors and loved each one. My favorite is chocolate.

Review #4

Vanilla taste. I gained 5 kilos within a month and a half. From 80 kg to 85 kg. I always drank it with milk and peanut butter. Doesn't taste bad...

Review #5

Taste is ok. Small pieces of cookies sometimes irritate the throat if you take the variant of the same name. I recommend if you have time then use a blender. I usually buy vanilla flavor.

Review #6

Dymatize super mass helped me gain 8 kg. I would say that this is a good sports nutrition when working on the mass. I didn't have any digestive problems or anything. side effects from use.

However, the taste leaves much to be desired. I found the taste to be quite bland when mixed with 450 ml of milk or water. I also tried following the directions for use on the package, which resulted in a very thick smoothie that is hard to drink. I usually split portions in half.

Review #7

I work in a very physically demanding job on an automotive assembly line. I use the recommended serving every working day, divided into three doses, every 2 hours on my breaks with 3 meals a day. I love to drink like this! It is much easier to drink when I look at my pedometer and it says I have walked 30 km and my hands are not pulsing from 700 rounds per hour with the impact wrench and they are still able to lift something, I know that dymatize super gainer works.

Review #8

I want to reassure everyone who is afraid of stomach problems and suffers from them. Yes, he has about 1900 calories with 2 heaping scoops and a liter of milk. When you throw in as many calories at once as you would expect, how does your stomach react? What I did as a 95 kg guy with a sensitive stomach: 1/4 scoop in the morning with 250 ml of water or milk, 1/2 scoop after training with 300 ml of water or milk, 1/2 scoop with dinner with 250 ml of water or milk, 1/4 scoop 2 hours after dinner with 250 ml of water or milk. It's been a week and I've gained about 2kg without any stomach irritation and I'm usually very sensitive to milk or any dairy product.

Try this method and don't try to put in 1900 calories at a time. I use super mass gainer like sports supplement to the diet, to ordinary food. It's just a calorie booster and it works really well if you're disciplined. Let's keep buying.

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer is one of the brand's many successful products. Sports nutrition manufacturer Dimatize is known for its products with an excellent combination of price and quality. Gainer Super Mass also did not stand aside and fell in love with the professionals of the "big" sports.

This sports nutrition product is a high-carbohydrate (fast) gainer. Its action is aimed at helping to quickly gain muscle mass.

  • Product plus in that a serving of 2 measuring cups provides a quarter of the required daily calories for.
  • A huge plus gainer will also be a gradual release of protein at night, which means that "hungry" muscles will not be destroyed during sleep.
  • In addition, it will allow for more effective workouts, since the substance adds strength to lift more weight, due to the accumulation of fluid between the muscle fibers.
  • Big minus for many is the high sugar content.

For people with high blood sugar, diabetes and obesity, such a product is contraindicated.

For the rest, this is a quality addition to the daily diet.

Composition Super Mass Gainer

Gainer contains 1280 calories per serving. Serving includes:

  • 10 grams of fat;
  • 244 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 23 grams of sugar;
  • and 52 grams of protein.

The protein blend consists of:

  1. milk protein isolate;
  2. and micellar casein.

Since it has several proteins that are broken down at different stages, the product becomes even more valuable, which is suitable for taking at any time of the day.

Since the mixture contains fast and slow proteins, the gainer can and should be taken not only before and after training, but also at night.

How to take Dimatize Super Mass Gainer

Mix 2 scoops (334 g) with water or milk (500 ml). Can be prepared in a blender or mixed in a shaker. It is recommended to take 1 to 3 servings per day.

  1. First portion Can be taken on an empty stomach, instead of a meal, or one hour before training.
  2. Second portion must be taken immediately after training.
  3. Third drink before bed.

On rest days you can leave two servings in the morning and evening.

The total volume of the Super Mass gainer is 5.6 kg. If you take 1-2 servings per day, the product becomes economical, with an acceptable cost. If you take 3 servings per day, the gainer bag will end in 5-6 days.

From side effects product in athletes noticed bloating.



Of the many manufacturers of sports nutrition, Dimatize is truly worthy of the attention of athletes of any level, both professionals and beginners. gym. For years, the brand has produced only quality products - amino acids and much more, at an affordable price, of excellent quality. Super Mass will be an excellent choice for people who have tried different compositions of gainers and have not found "their own". You need to understand that this is a high-carbohydrate product, there are enough sugars and calories in it, so you should be careful if you need to limit simple carbohydrates in the diet. Remember that only an addition to, but you need to choose only the best and proven products.

Video review of the Super Mass gainer from Dymatize

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After drying the body, an intensive set of muscle mass begins, and not only professionals, but also novice athletes know this. Obviously, you can’t do without the help of gainers, but trust only well-known manufacturers. Among them is the company Dymatize, which has been manufacturing and selling sports nutrition for several years. Special attention you should pay attention to Super Mass Gainer from Dymatize for gaining muscle mass.

General Product Description

While creating perfect body gainer is the best assistant to a beginner athlete and a professional. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer comes in a large 5.4 kg pack, so this purchase will last for a week. So, 332 grams of powder falls on one serving, which has the following distinctive features natural composition:

  1. The protein concentration reaches 52 grams, which is more than enough to form muscle fibers, building an athletic silhouette.
  2. The concentration of useful amino acids is 17 grams of bcaa, and we are talking mainly about isoleucine, leucine, valine.
  3. The presence of creatine prolongs the body's stamina, which allows you to make your workouts as productive as possible. In fact, it is an additional source of energy.
  4. Vitamins and minerals collected in natural composition, prevent the process of catabolism, support a set of muscle mass, strengthen the immune system.
  5. As a result, such a valuable product provides 1280 calories, which is quite enough to increase vitality, active physical activity every day.

So the value of such a biological supplement for the body is obvious, and the daily doses and rules for use can be additionally found out from the trainer, in the attached instructions. Moreover, Dymatize Super Mass Gainer has a unique composition, where each component is in its place, performs a significant function in the body.

Natural composition of the product

In fact, this is a “vitamin bomb” for muscle mass, which contributes to its rapid recruitment and growth. It is possible that very soon the silhouette will pleasantly please with its radical transformations. But first you need to study what substances provide such a grandiose and lasting result. So:

  1. Leucine is one of the three amino acids that guarantees rapid recovery of muscle tissue after intense training.
  2. Valine is a slightly different amino acid that provides the muscle elements with the required portions of energy, a sufficient level of nitrogen.
  3. Isoleucine increases the endurance of an organic resource, stimulates the body's metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  4. Carboxylic acid (creanine) is necessary for energy storage, maintains and prolongs the body's endurance. This element accelerates muscle growth, ensures the production of anabolic hormones, and sets the body to work at an accelerated pace.
  5. Glutamine is primarily responsible for the state of the immune system, while guaranteeing the natural growth of muscle mass. In fact, muscles are 60% composed of this amino acid.
  6. Glutamine peptides increase the effectiveness of the previous natural component, therefore they are often involved in the complex.
  7. Proteins are presented in no one execution, they differ in their origin. These are whey protein isolate and concentrate, egg white, casein.

Additionally, it is worth highlighting a capacious multivitamin complex in a natural composition, represented by vitamins of groups A, C, E, D, B, useful microelements, minerals, biological additives.

Indications for use

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer is necessary for gaining muscle mass, at the same time it strengthens the immune system, enriches the body with useful vitamins and microelements. It is used by beginners and professional athletes, and the capacious concentration of proteins present in the natural composition ensures the formation of muscle fibers. Thus, a person is in an athletic form, but he must definitely go in for sports, make physical activity the norm of everyday life.

Dosage and administration

Before buying such a gainer, you need to additionally consult with an instructor, coordinate nutrition and physical activity. In fact, it is a biological supplement that will speed up the desired result. Dimatize Super Mass Gainer is available in powder form, intended for oral use, according to the instructions.

Clinical studies conducted at the international level have proven that the athletic form of an athlete is not the result of genetic material, but the result of painstaking work on oneself, additional intake of a gainer. To achieve high efficiency of this drug, athletes recommend taking it three times a day - after waking up, at lunchtime and before bedtime. Such a complex makes the muscles work throughout the day, without taking breaks.

Cooking method protein shake extremely simple: place a single serving in the amount of 2 scoops in a container, add 700 ml of water. Stir, use instead of any other drink half the finished composition at a time. As an alternative, skimmed milk can be used as a gainer solvent. After taking a single dose, you do not want to eat, and after a short time interval, a person feels a surge of strength, a charge of vivacity and energy.

One jar is enough for a week, and after this period the result is noticeable. Do not stop there, it's time to continue the difficult path to improving your own figure. Cases of overdose and side effects are completely excluded, and the result will not be long in coming.

additional information

  1. Using one gainer is not enough, an additional plan is required physical activity, exclude from the daily diet foods harmful to the figure.
  2. Store the prepared drink in the refrigerator until the next dose, but no more than 8-12 hours. It is recommended to prepare a fresh batch each time, especially if skimmed milk is used as a diluent.
  3. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer tastes good, and every athlete can choose their own unique drink. For example, it can be cream berries, strawberries, chocolate, vanilla, banana or cream cookies to choose from. It is pleasant to drink, the result is obvious.
  4. The cost of such progressive sports nutrition starts from 2,000 rubles per jar (varies up to 3,000 rubles). The determining criterion for evaluation is not the choice of taste, but the amount of protein powder.
  5. You can buy Dymatize Super Mass Gainer in specialized stores in the city that sell sports nutrition, or order it in an online store with good discounts.

Super Mass Gainer is a high-calorie gainer from the American company Dymatize Nutrition. This drug contains a lot of fast carbohydrates and therefore is not suitable for athletes who are prone to gain weight. excess weight. Super Mass Gainer is designed primarily for athletes with a lean physique (ectomorphs) who eat a lot, but still cannot gain mass. In addition to fast carbohydrates, the gainer also contains 3 types of protein with different speed assimilation, which allows you to quickly build muscle mass and increase strength.

Super Mass Gainer has many positive effects, the main ones being:

  • Growth of muscle mass and increase in the power potential of the athlete;
  • Acceleration of recovery and suppression of catabolism;
  • Increased performance and endurance in training;
  • Renewal of energy reserves after high-intensity training.

One serving of Super Mass Gainer (334g) gives the athlete:

  • 1280 calories;
  • 8g fat;
  • 70mg cholesterol;
  • 200mg sodium;
  • 500mg potassium;
  • 252g carbohydrates;
  • 50g proteins;
  • 1g creatine monohydrate.

Also, the composition of the gainer includes vitamins and minerals, natural and artificial flavors, dyes and sweeteners.

As you can see, one dose of a gainer gives you more than a thousand calories, so we strongly recommend that you do not buy a gainer if you are prone to gaining subcutaneous fat.

It is recommended to take Super Mass Gainer 1 serving per day immediately after the end of your workout. On rest days, the manufacturer advises taking a gainer instead of one of the daily meals. To prepare a drink, stir 334g of powder (2 scoops) into 500-650ml of water or skim milk.

We advise you to reduce the recommended portion of the gainer by 2 times (from 334g to 167g) in order not to overload your digestive system. It is best to drink half a serving during the day and the other half after a workout - this scheme is optimal for ectomorphs.