Contract with a fitness client. Disputes involving fitness clubs: the contract decides everything

1. This Agreement governs the relationship of the parties to provide independently or with the involvement of third parties a complex of sports services.
2. On the basis of this agreement, the Fitness Club provides the Client with sports services, and the Client undertakes to accept and pay for them.
3. The list of sports services provided when visiting the Fitness Club includes: gym, group classes / programs according to the schedule approved by the Fitness Club, one briefing in the gym, use of locker rooms, showers, individual lockers for storing things in the locker rooms (no more than one for each visit and only for the duration of classes). The number of visits to the Fitness Club is not taken into account and does not affect the cost of the services provided.
4. Other services provided by the Fitness Club are not included in the list of mandatory and can be changed by the administration of the Fitness Club unilaterally. Change/termination of the provision of a service that is not included in the list of mandatory services is not a basis for unilateral termination of the Agreement.
5. The opportunity for the Client to use the sports services of the Fitness Club is provided to him on the basis of the selected subscription in accordance with the price list and the client registration log.
6. In case of violation by the client of the time frame for visiting the club in accordance with the subscription chosen and paid for by him, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed on him. for each instance of such a violation.
7. Term of the contract: the contract comes into force from the moment of signing the customer registration log (or from the moment the contract is executed through the website by accepting the terms of the contract) and payment of the administrative fee, and is valid for a period, depending on the type of subscription chosen.
8. When purchasing a subscription at the time of conclusion of the contract, the Client pays the Fitness Club an administrative fee in the amount of 1000 (one thousand) rubles, which includes: client registration in the WebFitness system, assignment of an individual ID number, deductions to the software developer for installing and using the mobile application . The administration fee is non-refundable.
9. Subscription is renewed monthly. The client independently deposits funds to replenish the balance of the current subscription by paying with a bank card or through the payment terminal located at the Fitness Club reception. The Company is not responsible for the actions of clients with their personal funds, including is not responsible for transfers that were made by the Client with errors (indicating an incorrect card number, etc.).
10. Changing the type of subscription at the request of the client is not possible.
11. Entrance to the Fitness Club is carried out through the Identification Tool (subscription or mobile application) and the photo image linked to the Identification Tool.
12. When visiting the Fitness Club for the first time, the Client is obliged to take a photo in the reception area with a club employee to link the photo image to the Identification Tool.
13. The Client is obliged to present the Means of Identification at each visit to the Fitness Club.
14. The Fitness Club reserves the right to refuse entry to a Client whose identification is impossible or difficult.
15. The client does not have the right to transfer the right to use the services of the Fitness Club to third parties without the written consent of the Fitness Club. When transferring the subscription to third parties without the written consent of the Fitness Club, the Client is obliged to pay a fine to the Fitness Club in the amount of 5,000 rubles, in case of repeated violation, the Fitness Club unilaterally terminates this agreement with the Client without refunding any money transferred to the Fitness Club at the time of termination of the agreement .
16. The Client is prohibited from engaging in any commercial activity in the premises of the Fitness Club, as well as disseminating information related to the commercial activities of the Client. Also, the Client is prohibited from providing any consulting services (including giving advice on how to do exercises, how to use the simulator, etc.) to other Fitness Club clients (regardless of whether such services are paid or free of charge). In case of violation of this rule, the Fitness Club has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement without refunding any money transferred to the Fitness Club at the time of termination of the agreement.
17. By signing this agreement, the client confirms that he is familiar with the rules governing the handling of equipment and sports equipment provided to him by the Fitness Club. If the Client has injured himself, the Fitness Club is not responsible for the harm caused.
18. In case of damage to the equipment of the Fitness Club, the Client is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.
19. The Fitness Club does not accept the Client's property for custody. Safekeeping is an independent, separately paid service in accordance with the price list, provided on the basis of a separate agreement between the Client and the Fitness Club. The Fitness Club is responsible for the safety of the Client's property, only with the appropriate payment for the custody service. The client must be attentive to personal belongings, not leave them unattended and not trust them to other persons.
20. By the fact of concluding an agreement with the Fitness Club, the Client confirms that he has no medical contraindications for training and receiving other services provided by the Fitness Club. The client assumes full responsibility for the state of his health.
21. The client is obliged to independently monitor his health, regularly undergo medical examinations in order to ensure the safety of classes and inform the Fitness Club of any changes in his health that may affect the safety of receiving services.
22. The Fitness Club has the right to request from the Client information about the general state of health of the Client, the absence of medical contraindications for practicing and consuming other services of the Fitness Club, confirming the safety of receiving the services of the Fitness Club by the Client.
The Client is invited to provide the information specified in this paragraph in one of the following ways: 1) before the start of classes, provide a conclusion from the therapist or attending physician on the Client's ability to engage in physical education and sports (according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 01.03.2016 No. 134n). The term of the conclusion is 6 months.
2) By contacting the personal trainers of the Fitness Club and purchasing the Service Package for accompanying the Client by a personal trainer, in accordance with the price list of the Fitness Club.
23. A Client who has not used any of the options specified in clause 22 of this Agreement thereby violates the Rules of the Club, and the Fitness Club reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with such a Client.
24. In case of delay in payment for services under this Agreement within the terms specified in paragraph 9, the Fitness Club suspends the provision of services provided for in paragraph 3 of the agreement. 25. Payment under the agreement is confirmed by a check issued by the Fitness Club to the client, the Client is obliged to keep all payment receipts during the entire term of the agreement. In case of payment through the website or mobile application, the Client is obliged to provide a bank statement of the account.
26. The Fitness Club has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement with the Client, while the unused funds for future periods are returned to the Client, but the administrative fee paid in accordance with clause 8 of this agreement is not returned.
27. In case of termination of the contract at the initiative of the Client, the funds are returned to the Client for the unused period on the basis that the cost of one training session attended by him is equal to the cost of a one-time room indicated in the price list of the Fitness Club.
28. The client uses the services of the Fitness Club according to the schedule approved by the director of the Fitness Club.
29. The Club reserves the right to close the Fitness Club during the holidays and repairs for a reasonable period, as well as change the schedule.
30. All changes, termination, additions to this agreement must be made in writing.
31. Based on this Agreement, the Client undertakes to follow the rules of conduct in the fitness club.
32. Integral appendices of this agreement are: Rules of Conduct in the Club, Price List and Customer Registration Log.
33. In the event that the Client does not use the services of the Fitness Club within the framework of his subscription for any reason (illness, business trip, etc.), it is considered that the Fitness Club provided the Client with services in full during the validity period of this subscription. .
34. The Client agrees to the processing and use of his personal data by the Fitness Club.
35. The Fitness Club has the right not to allow the Client to attend classes in the Fitness Club, if the Client does not comply with the terms of the Rules of Conduct in the Club.
36. The client confirms that he has read and agrees with the text of this agreement, the Price List, the Rules of Conduct in the Fitness Club and the Regulations on Personal Training in the Fitness Club.
37. Photo and video filming in the Fitness Club is prohibited without the written consent of the Administration of the Fitness Club.
38. Re-registration of a valid subscription to another person is not allowed.

Type and term of the Club Card: (Type of Club Card)

Freeze: (Freeze) days.



Subscription agreement No.(Contract number)from(Agreement date)

for the provision of sports and recreation services

Personal data of the Club Member

(Full Name)__________________________________


Total Cost of Services: (Cost) _________________ rub.

This agreement was concluded on the basis of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation between Individual Entrepreneur Tishina Victoria Ivanovna, acting on the basis of Certificate 77 No. 017808767 dated May 18, 2016. and hereinafter referred to as the "FITNESS CLUB", on the one hand, and

(Surname) (Name) (Patronymic) _______________________________________ hereinafter referred to as " Club Member”, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as “ Parties”, have concluded this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ Treaty") about the following:


1.1. The FITNESS CLUB undertakes to provide the Club Member with health and fitness services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), and the Club Member undertakes to pay for these services on the terms of this Agreement.

1.2. The name, scope and types of services provided to the Club Member are contained in Appendix No. 2 to this agreement, which is its integral part.

1.3. The provision of services under this Agreement is carried out in the premises of the FITNESS CLUB at the address: Moscow, st. Festivalnaya, 28, building 1.

Working hours of the FITNESS CLUB: from 7:00 to 23:30 on weekdays; from 9:00 to 23:00 on weekends.

On holidays, the club's operating hours are set by the management.

Working hours of the FITNESS CLUB in the summer: from 8:00 to 23:00 on weekdays; from 9:00 to 23:00 on weekends. On holidays, the club's operating hours are set by the management.

1.4. After making the payment in accordance with the terms of clause 3. of this Agreement, the Member of the Club for the duration of this Agreement is issued for temporary possession and use, a personalized Club Card confirming club membership under this Agreement. The Club Member is not entitled to transfer the Club Card to third parties.

1.5 Activation of the Club Card occurs upon the first visit to the FITNESS CLUB, but no later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. If the Club Member has not activated the Club Card within the above period, it is considered activated from 00.00 on the 16th (sixteenth) day from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.


2.1. FITNESS CLUB is obliged to:

2.1.1. Provide Services on the terms of this Agreement.

2.1.2. Ensure the functioning of equipment and inventory intended for use by the Club Member.

2.2. The Club Member is obliged to:

2.2.1. Pay for the Services on the terms of this Agreement.

2.2.2. Observe and not violate the RULES OF VISITING THE FITNESS CLUB. In case of VIOLATION of the Rules of the FITNESS CLUB, the Club Member may be charged a fine in accordance with the current Price List.

2.2.3. Immediately notify the Administration of the FITNESS CLUB about the presence of medical contraindications, if the services of the FITNESS CLUB may cause damage to life or

the health of the Club Member, as well as about contraindications that create or may create a threat to the life or health of other Club Members and FITNESS CLUB personnel.

2.3. The Club Member is prohibited from:

2.3.1. Harass other FITNESS CLUB Members, raise your voice, threaten and use profanity against employees, guests and other Club Members.

2.3.2. To be on the territory of the FITNESS CLUB in outerwear and street shoes without shoe covers, to disturb order and cleanliness.

2.3.3. Stay in the SPA area of ​​the FITNESS CLUB, if this service is not provided for by the type of subscription or has not been paid in advance according to the current Price List at the reception of the FITNESS CLUB. In case of violation, the Club Member will be charged a fine in accordance with the current Price List.

2.4. FITNESS CLUB has the right to:

2.4.1. Deny the Club Member access to the FITNESS CLUB (temporarily terminate the provision of services unilaterally) if the Club Member has obvious signs of alcohol or drug intoxication, or when trying to bring any types of weapons, explosives or poisonous substances into the training areas, as well as in case of violation by the Club Member of his obligations under clause 3.2. actual agreement.

2.4.2. Require the Club Member to stop actions that violate the Rules of the FITNESS CLUB, and in case of ignoring the comments of the FITNESS CLUB employees, ask the Club Member to leave the FITNESS CLUB.

2.4.3. Engage third parties to provide the Services; on the territory of the FITNESS CLUB, third parties can carry out entrepreneurial activities that have concluded relevant sublease agreements with the FITNESS CLUB or the right to hold events, such services are not included in the subject of this Agreement, the FITNESS CLUB does not bear any responsibility for the actions of such persons and / or in connection with their respective business activities.

2.5. The Club Member has the right:

2.5.1. Regularly get acquainted with the schedule of classes held in the FITNESS CLUB, posted on the stand, as well as on the club's website at:

2.5.2. Visit the FITNESS CLUB during its opening hours in accordance with the type of subscription.

2.5.3. Consume sports and health services, the list and quantity of which is determined in accordance with the type of subscription.

2.5.4. For a separate fee, use the additional services of the FITNESS CLUB in accordance with the Price List valid at the time of the provision of services. The amount paid for additional services is non-refundable.

2.5.5. Temporarily suspend the term for the provision of services under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “freeze”) if this service is provided for by the type of subscription or if such a service is purchased additionally by the Club Member. In case of suspension of the term for the provision of services, the validity of the contract is extended for the corresponding period of suspension (freeze). The minimum freezing period is 7 days.

2.5.6. Re-register the rights under this Agreement to another person for a fee in accordance with the Price List valid at the time of provision of services. If the Club Card is not activated, the fee for reissuing the Agreement is not charged.


3.1. The cost of services under this Agreement is (Cost)_(______________________________) rub.

3.2. The CLIENT pays for the cost of services by depositing cash to the cash desk of the FITNESS CLUB or to the settlement account of IP Tishina V.I.

3.3. The subscription can be paid in full or in installments, if this service is provided for by the subscription. At the same time, the Club Member is obliged to pay the remaining amount for the subscription within 30 days from the date of the first installment. If the subscription is not paid in full within 30 days, the Club Card is suspended until the subscription is paid in full.

3.4. The FITNESS CLUB provides for the possibility of individual work of an instructor with a Club Member for an additional fee, by prior arrangement with the instructor.

3.5. Payment for additional services is carried out in accordance with the current Price List. Changing the cost of additional services is carried out by the FITNESS CLUB, based on its internal policy, and does not require additional consent of the Club Member.


4.1. The contract is subject to early termination unilaterally at the initiative of the FITNESS CLUB in the following cases:

4.1.1. Violation by the Member of the Club of the Rules of the FITNESS CLUB or the terms of this Agreement.

4.1.2. Incorrect treatment in relation to employees and other Members of the FITNESS CLUB.

4.1.3. Violations by the Member of the Club of the order of payment for the subscription.

4.1.4. Identification of documented contraindications in a Club Member that pose a threat to his life, as well as the life or health of other Club Members or FITNESS CLUB personnel.

4.2. In case of early termination of the Agreement, the Club Member shall be refunded the amount calculated in proportion to the period of time (in calendar days) elapsed from the date of activation of the Club Card to the date of termination of this Agreement, excluding periods of "freeze". At the same time, the Agreement is considered terminated on the next day after the registration of the Club Member's written application for refusal to execute this Agreement.

4.3. If before the expiration of this Agreement the Club Member has not declared a refusal to execute the Agreement, the services will be considered properly rendered by the Club, regardless of the actual visit to the Club.

4.4. The return of the cost of the subscription to the Club Member is made within 14 working days after the early termination of the contract by paying money from the FITNESS CLUB cash desk or transferring it in a non-cash manner to the account of the Club Member.


5.1. By purchasing a subscription, the Club Member confirms that he has no medical contraindications for the provision of services by the FITNESS CLUB to him, which may cause damage to the life or health of the Club Member, as well as to the life or health of other Club Members and FITNESS CLUB personnel.

5.2. FITNESS CLUB reserves the right to temporarily suspend work for technical or other reasons. In this case, the validity period of the subscription is extended for the period of forced downtime in the work of the FITNESS CLUB.

5.3. The Club Member bears full liability for damage caused to the property of the FITNESS CLUB. Compensation for damage by a Club Member can be made on the basis of an Act drawn up by the Parties (with an indication of the cost of damage). If the Club Member refuses to sign the above Act, the FITNESS CLUB has the right to sign it unilaterally (indicating this fact in it). Such an Act becomes binding on both Parties from the moment it is received by the Club Member. The Club Member makes payment no later than 3 working days ̆ from the date of receipt of the relevant Act, otherwise, the FITNESS CLUB has the right to satisfy its requirements from the cost of this Agreement with a commensurate reduction in its validity period, without the consent of the Club Member (unilaterally).

5.4. FITNESS CLUB is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items, incl. left in the locker rooms or other premises of the Club.

5.5. The CLIENT is fully responsible for the state of his health. Officials, administration, employees and instructors of the FITNESS CLUB shall not be liable for harm associated with any deterioration in the health of any of the Members of the Club, and injuries resulting from or received as a result of training.

5.6. By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the Club Member agrees that he is not entitled to demand from the FITNESS CLUB any compensation for moral, material damage or harm caused to his health, both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration. except as expressly provided by applicable law.

5.7. The FITNESS CLUB is not responsible for technical inconveniences caused by seasonal, preventive and emergency works carried out by public utilities in Moscow.

5.8. Information is considered brought to the attention of the Club Member if it is posted on the FITNESS CLUB Information Stand and on the FITNESS CLUB website (

5.9. The club has the right to refuse to purchase (renew) a club card (single lesson) without explanation.

5.10. The Club reserves the right to unilaterally change this Agreement. In case of changes, a new version of the Agreement and the Rules will be posted on the Information stand or the FITNESS CLUB website.

5.11. The Agreement includes Appendix No. 1 ( General rules FITNESS CLUB), which is its integral part. The rules are posted on the official website ( and in the premises of the FITNESS CLUB.

5.12. All relations not regulated by the parties in this agreement are regulated by the current legislation Russian Federation.


Application No. 1

to the subscription agreement (Contract number)

from(Agreement date)


  1. General provisions.
  • Working hours of the FITNESS CLUB from 7:00 to 23:30 on weekdays; from 9:00 to 23:00 on weekends. During the holidays, the club's working hours are determined by the management.; Opening hours of the Fitness Club in the summer: from 8:00 to 23:00 on weekdays, from 9:00 to 23:00 on weekends. On holidays, the club's working hours are set by the management. Staying in the premises of the FITNESS CLUB and using the equipment in it is possible only during its opening hours. Entrance to the Club stops an hour before its closing, 15 minutes before closing, the lights are turned off in the gym.
  • The Club Card is an individual pass to the FITNESS CLUB.
  • The Club Member enters / exits the FITNESS CLUB through the reception area using the Club Card. A Club Member is required to have a Club Card with him every time he visits the FITNESS CLUB.
  • The cost of initial registration of the Club Card is included in the cost of services provided by the FITNESS CLUB.
  • For registration and issuance of the Club Card, you need to take a picture at the reception of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • The Club Member does not have the right to transfer the Club Card to third parties.
  • In case of loss/damage/theft of the Club Card, the Club Member shall immediately notify the administration of the FITNESS CLUB. Re-issuance of the Club Card is paid, the cost of the Club Card is set by the current Price List.
  • During the period of stay in the FITNESS CLUB, personal belongings and clothes of the Club Member must be stored in lockers in the locker rooms. After the end of the lesson, the Club Member is obliged to free lockers in the locker rooms from personal belongings.
  • The administration of the FITNESS CLUB is not responsible for the safety of the belongings of the Club Member.
  • Forgotten, as well as personal belongings of the Club Member left in the lockers after leaving the Club ( sports uniform, underwear, sneakers, towels, etc.), personal hygiene items (soaps, shampoos, washcloths, gels, shaving accessories, etc.) are not accepted by the Club for storage and must be disposed of.
  • Payment for services is accepted in cash and non-cash form in rubles only at the reception of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • The club is not a medical institution and does not provide medical services. Providing its services, developing any individual programs for the Club Member, the FITNESS CLUB is guided by the fact that the Club Member has no contraindications for physical training. A Club Member is personally responsible for his own health. All risks of causing harm to one's health in the process of self-study are assumed by the Club Member.
  • FITNESS CLUB reserves the right to be completely closed during the year for technical and / or club events no more than 5 days a year. The days of such closure to the Club Member are not compensated.
  • By visiting the FITNESS CLUB, each of its Members undertakes to comply with the rules of general hygiene and cleanliness in all areas of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • On the territory of the FITNESS CLUB it is prohibited:
    1. the use of any alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking throughout the FITNESS CLUB without exception;
  1. the use in any form of medicines and dietary supplements, the circulation of which is prohibited or restricted in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • eating in places not intended for this (recreation areas, training rooms, locker rooms, showers, saunas, etc.)
  • When using the premises and equipment of the FITNESS CLUB, Club Members undertake to comply with safety regulations and strictly follow the signs for use posted directly on the equipment and / or in the premises where such equipment is installed.
  • Members of the Club are financially responsible for the loss or damage to the FITNESS CLUB equipment used by them, as well as for damage to any property of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • Personal training by FITNESS CLUB members is not allowed. The use of the premises of the FITNESS CLUB by its Members for the purpose of generating income or other benefits is prohibited.
  • It is not allowed to be drunk in the FITNESS CLUB, as well as to drink alcohol on the territory of the FITNESS CLUB, take drugs, and smoke.
  • The administration of the FITNESS CLUB is not responsible for the harm caused by the actions (inaction) of third parties, as well as if the cause of harm, including health, was a violation of the rules for using the simulators, as well as the provisions of these Rules.
  • In case of violation by the Club Member of the provisions of these Rules, the FITNESS CLUB reserves the right to terminate the Service Agreement unilaterally. In case of termination of the agreement, the Club Member shall be returned the funds in proportion to the remaining funds until the expiration of the term of the terminated agreement, excluding freezing.
  • The FITNESS CLUB rules and current administrative announcements posted in the FITNESS CLUB in public places and for public viewing are mandatory.
  1. Rules for visiting sports halls (halls for group programs of special sports areas club).
  • Group classes are scheduled. The administration of the FITNESS CLUB has the right to change the instructor declared in the schedule and make changes to the schedule group lessons Anytime.
  • You must be on time for class and not be late. Being late for a lesson by more than 10 minutes, as well as a discrepancy in the level of training, entitles the instructor to prevent the Club Member from attending the lesson.
  • It is not allowed to be in the halls in shoes that can destroy special floor coverings, otherwise change their properties, leave marks on them.
  • In group classes, it is not allowed to use your own choreography and free weights of an inappropriate instructor team.
  • Reservations are not allowed in group program rooms.
  • The use of mobile phones in the aerobics halls is not allowed.
  • Please do not use "strong" perfumes.
  • Children from 14 to 16 years old visit the FITNESS CLUB with the written permission of their parents.
  • Parents are personally responsible for children on the territory of the FITNESS CLUB and the classes they attend.
  1. Gym rules.
  • Before you start visiting the gym, we recommend that you take a briefing in the gym with an instructor free of charge.
  • For your safety, it is not allowed to be in the gym in shoes that are not intended for training (including slippers or open flip flops), as well as in shoes that can destroy special floor coverings, otherwise change their properties, leave them footprints.
  • Exercises with maximum weights in the gym it is allowed to perform strictly with an instructor.
  • It is not allowed to throw discs, dumbbells and other equipment on the floor; at the end of the workout, you must remove the equipment.
  • When using the equipment, please use towels (put on benches and other flat surfaces that are in contact with the body).
  • In accordance with the ethical rules of professionalism and respect for other FITNESS CLUB Members, control yourself and refrain from loud sounds and profanity when performing exercises with maximum weights.
  • Please switch your mobile communication devices to silent mode.
  • Children 14 to 16 years old can use the gym only with a personal trainer by prior arrangement. Children from 14 to 16 years old are not allowed to visit the gym on their own.
  • Before starting training on the simulators, please read and follow the instructions for this simulator.
  • Any of the simulators can be limited for use at any time (repair, preventive maintenance).
  • If you use equipment more than once, be aware of those people who would like to use the same equipment. If you notice that someone is waiting for you to finish your exercises, be the first to offer to work out together - do sets in turn. Most expect you to let the equipment work during your break.
  • If you have a question about how to use this or that simulator, or any other question - contact the instructor - they will always help you.
  • If you are not yet sure which training program is right for you, personal trainers will help you decide. If you have never worked out with a personal trainer before, we encourage you to give it a try. The knowledge that you have your own, personal personal trainer has a very beneficial effect on training process and achieve success!
  • Personal training allows you to achieve maximum results and pleasure from training. During a personal training, the instructor controls how correctly you perform the exercises, whether you work in full strength helps you get the most out of your workout.
  • Based on the tasks and your individual data, the instructor will draw up a training program.
  • The instructor will explain the technique of performing exercises, their sequence, and give useful recommendations.
  • The conditions and procedure for conducting personal training are determined by the Administration of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • Personal training can only be conducted by a FITNESS CLUB instructor.
  • Registration for personal training is made in advance, in agreement with the instructor.
  • If you are late for a personal training, the time for the personal training will be reduced.
  • Cancellation or rescheduling of a personal training (with the preservation of payment) can be made at least 8 hours before its start.
  • Please inform about the cancellation or postponement of personal training of your personal trainer and administrator of the FITNESS CLUB.
  • In case of untimely cancellation or rescheduling, unused personal training will be written off.
  • Personal training is carried out only after payment at the FITNESS CLUB reception, according to current prices and tariffs.
  • In order to avoid the spread of infectious diseases on the territory of the FITNESS CLUB and among its Members and visitors, we ask you to avoid visiting the FITNESS CLUB.
  1. Visiting RulesSPAzones:

In order to make your visit to the SPA as comfortable as possible, we ask you to observe the following rules:

  • Enter SPA zone in outerwear and street shoes, as well as sneakers is prohibited.
  • Passing and staying in the SPA zone is allowed only in bathrobes and slippers.
  • It is forbidden to be naked in the SPA zone (without a bathing suit / swimming trunks).
  • Please turn off or put phones on silent mode for your maximum relaxation, as well as for the comfort of other Guests.
  • Keep quiet.
  • Do not run or jump into the pool.
  • Maintain cleanliness and order.
  • Before visiting the pool, fonts and saunas, it is obligatory to take a shower.
  • Visit the SPA and the pool only in slippers for hygiene and injury prevention purposes. If you did not bring slippers with you, you can purchase disposable slippers at the reception.
  • Enter the Hammam, Finnish sauna only in slippers.
  • It is forbidden to use your essential oils in saunas.
  • It is forbidden to flood sensors and saunas. All saunas operate automatically, maintaining the required temperature and humidity.
  • Please take off your slippers and use a towel in saunas with wooden surfaces: Finnish sauna.
  • It is forbidden to dry towels and bathrobes in saunas. You can replace wet ones with dry ones for rent.
  • It is forbidden to use your creams and scrubs in saunas and steam rooms.
  • In the SPA, children under 12 years old are allowed only accompanied by their parents.
  • Visiting the SPA while intoxicated is prohibited.
  • For your comfort and safety, enjoy your drinks at the tables in the SPA.
  • It is forbidden to bring food and drinks in thermoses with you.

In case of non-compliance with these conditions, the Club Members will be charged a fine in accordance with the current Price List.

  1. Addition
  • if you have a runny nose, cough, sore throat or other signs of illness;
  • if you have indigestion, nausea or other intestinal ailments;
  • if you have a fever;
  • if you have a rash, unhealed wounds.


We work for you, we need to know your wishes, suggestions. Please state your comments, wishes and suggestions in a special form at the Club reception. We encourage you to participate in our periodic survey. Thank you for your help!

Application №2

to the subscription agreement

(Contract number)from(Agreement date)

for the provision of health and fitness services.

Types of services.

List of basic fitness and health services (included in the club card):

Gym visits;

Visit to the cardio zone;

Scheduled group classes (aerobic, strength, dance, special classes, etc.);

Visits to the functional training area;

Drinking water;

3 guest visits;

Introductory training in the gym;

1 visit to the SPA zone (60 min)

Additional services (not included in the main services):

Rental of related items and inventory according to the current Price List;

Additional group programs:

Master classes;

Classes in mini-groups;

Massage ;

Beauty saloon;

Contract for the provision of services No. dated "______" _______________ 2016

LLC "Investor", hereinafter referred to as the CDC "Soccer - Arena", represented by the Director Vorobyov I.V., acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand and __________________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the Client, have concluded an agreement on the following: CDC "Soccer - Arena" provides a gym and a group exercise room to the Client subject to the following rules:
1. Rules for using the services and terms of the contract

1 To control the visit to the CDC "Soccer - Arena" issues a personal card to the client.
2 On the basis of this agreement, CDC "Soccer - Arena" provides the Client with the opportunity to attend classes held at the CDC "Soccer - Arena", and the Client undertakes to pay for them. Payment under the contract is made in cash or by bank transfer.
3 The opportunity for the Client to use the services of the CDC "Soccer - Arena" is provided to him at the following times: Monday-Friday from 07-00 to 23-00, Saturday, Sunday from 9-00 to 21-00.
4 Compensation for the loss or breakage of the booth key is 400 (four hundred) rubles, for a broken number 200 (two hundred) rubles, for the lost magnetic key 200 (two hundred) rubles, the restoration of a lost club card is 500 (five hundred) rubles.
5 Payment under the contract is ________________ RUB, tariff: ______________________.
6 The term of the contract is ___________ month from the date of its conclusion.
7 The Client has the right to use additional services of the Soccer-Arena CDC, which can be provided at the rates set by the Soccer-Arena CDC.
8 The client does not have the right to transfer the current subscription of the Soccer - Arena CDC to third parties without the written consent of the Soccer - Arena CDC administration. EXCEPT for the dismissal of an employee from the organization in the case of a corporate subscription (a copy of the labor certificate of dismissal is required), the client transfers the club card to another employee. Entrance to the CDC "Soccer - Arena" is carried out by club cards issued at the conclusion of the contract. In case of loss of the card, the costs of restoring the card are reimbursed by the Client of the CDC "Soccer - Arena" in accordance with clause 4
9 The Client certifies that he is familiar with the rules of the Soccer-Arena CDC, which regulate the handling of equipment and sports equipment provided to him by the Soccer-Arena CDC. If the client has injured himself, Soccer Arena CDC is not responsible for the harm caused.
10 The client is obliged to warn about the medical contraindications he has, which may prevent him from using the services of the Soccer-Arena CDC or cause damage to his health as a result of training at the Soccer-Arena CDC, as well as report a change in health status (pregnancy ) during the term of this Agreement.
11 In full compliance with the recommendations of the coach (instructor) of the Soccer Arena CDC regarding the volume of load and the rules for using equipment during classes.
12 In case of violation by the Client of the rules for using sports equipment and equipment provided by the Soccer-Arena CDC, which led to damage to this equipment, the Client is obliged to compensate for the damage caused by the Soccer-Arena CDC.
13 In the event of a delay in payment for services under this Agreement within the time limits specified in paragraph 6, the CDC "Soccer - Arena" suspends the provision of services.
14 CDC "Soccer - Arena" is not responsible for the property, valuables, money of the client in case of loss, theft or damage on the territory of the CDC "Soccer - Arena".
15 Payment under the contract is confirmed by a check or act of work performed (services rendered) issued by the administrator (accountant) of the Football Arena CDC to the client.
16 Subscription activation period no later than 30 days from the date of purchase. If the subscription is not activated within the specified period, the funds will not be returned to the client.
17 In the event that the Client owns a day pass and leaves the Soccer-Arena CDC later than 18.00, such a visit is considered a SINGLE visit and is paid separately, according to the established tariff.
18 The Club reserves the right to close for the holidays and repair for a reasonable period, as well as CDC "Soccer - Arena" has the right to refuse to provide services without explanation.
19 "STOP-CARD" CDC "Soccer - Arena" makes only when buying subscriptions "THREE MONTHS", "SEMI-ANNUAL" and "ANNUAL" for 10, 15 and 30 days, respectively. The Client is obliged to inform about the activation of the STOP-CARD at least 24 hours in advance.
20 Duration of the contract: from __________ to _______
21 The client agrees with the internal rules of the CDC "Soccer - Arena".
22 I give my consent to Investor LLC for the processing of personal data in documentary/electronic/oral form, used within the framework of this concluded agreement.
23 If the parties have no claims against each other, the contract is considered to be prolonged for a period according to the newly purchased subscription.

Details of the Parties

CDC "Soccer - Arena" Client
OOO "Investor"
630005, Novosibirsk, st. Pisareva, d.42 (full name) ______________________________________
TIN/KPP 5402536746/540601001
r/s 40702810100430012015 Passport: Series __________ No. _______________
NOVOSIBIRSK Issued by ___________________________________
C/C 30101810850040000788
BIC 045004788
Director__________________ Vorobyov I.V ________________________ (____________________)


Agreement No. dated "____" _________ 201_

for the provision of sports and recreation services

Named (th)

hereinafter, the CLIENT, on the one hand, and the Individual Entrepreneur Shimko Anna Sergeevna, acting on the basis of OGRNIP 314504704300119, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, have concluded this Agreement as follows:

  • The CONTRACTOR provides fitness and recreation services (hereinafter referred to as SERVICES) to the CLIENT in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, as well as in accordance with the price list in force in the fitness studio AG Fitness by the address:

141730, Moscow region, Lobnya, Lenina st., 65 building 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Fitness Studio)

  • At the end of the term of the Agreement, the services are considered rendered.

The CONTRACTOR undertakes:

  • During the term of this agreement, provide services to the CLIENT in accordance with the terms of their provision and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Issue an individual subscription to the CLIENT and register it in the accounting system;
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the CLIENT's information received from him during registration, except as otherwise provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.1.4 Provide quality basic services. Take timely measures to prevent and regulate violations of the quality of services provided. Timely inform the CLIENT about changes in the structure of services provided under this Agreement and the conditions for their provision:

2.1.5. Ensure working condition sports equipment, carry out disinfection treatment in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules;

The CONTRACTOR has the right:

  • Change the price list, the terms of this Agreement without prior agreement with the CLIENT, while ensuring the publication of the changed terms on the website http://website
  • Change the schedule of group programs, previously informing about it directly in the fitness studio;
  • Do not allow late clients to group classes for more than 10 minutes from the start of the lesson.
  • The CLIENT is obliged:
  • Timely and in full pay for services;
  • Familiarize yourself with the Rules for visiting the fitness studio and follow them (to convey the necessary information to the child);
  • Do not transfer the right to use the subscription to third parties;
  • Observe the rules of general hygiene and cleanliness in all rooms, engage in sportswear and interchangeable sports shoes;
  • Do not bring food or eat food in places intended for training and changing rooms;
  • Independently and responsibly control your health (the health of your child; in case of illness, refrain from visiting the Fitness Studio) and not endanger the health of the people around you:
  • Attend group classes according to the schedule;

2.4. The CLIENT has the right:

  • Receive services in accordance with the concluded Agreement:
  • Receive information about all ongoing promotions and offers;
  • Send your opinion, suggestions and recommendations to the Fitness Studio administration;
    • Payment for services is accepted in cash and non-cash form;
  • Payment is made to the cashier or to the current account of the CONTRACTOR before the start of classes;
  • In case of termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the CLIENT, the prepayment made under this Agreement remains with the CONTRACTOR.
  • The subscription is valid for 1 calendar month from the date of conclusion of the Agreement or the first visit.
    • For improper performance of duties, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • The Parties are not liable to each other for failure to fulfill the obligations of the Agreement due to force majeure (This includes destructive natural phenomena (floods, earthquakes, etc.), as well as some social phenomena (military actions, strikes, etc.);
    • The CONTRACTOR is not responsible for the risk accidental injury received by the CLIENT through his own fault;
    • Before attending classes, the CLIENT is advised to consult with the attending physician, as he is personally responsible for his health (either parents or legal representatives). When concluding this Agreement, the CLIENT confirms that he has no medical contraindications for sports and fully assumes responsibility for his health (either parents or legal representatives).
    • The CLIENT is liable for damage to the equipment and property of the Fitness Studio;
  • The contract comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid for 11 (eleven) calendar months, if 10 (ten) calendar days before the expiration of the contract, none of the parties declared the termination of the contract in writing, the contract is considered prolonged for the following 11 (eleven) calendar months.
  • The subscription activation date is considered the first lesson in the schedule grid in the direction of the purchased subscription, missed classes without a good reason are considered to be completed in full, unused hours are not transferred to the next month, they burn out.
  • The opening hours of the Fitness Studio are indicated in the schedule. It is forbidden to be on the territory of the Fitness Studio outside working hours;
  • Photo and video filming on the territory of the fitness studio is prohibited without the consent of the administration of the fitness studio;
  • The contract is not public offer;
  • The cost of the contract is determined according to the price list in force in the fitness studio;

WITH (a) is familiar with the rules of visiting the fitness club and the safety rules during classes.

There are no contraindications to physical culture and recreational activities.

Signature of CLIENT (PARENT OR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE) _______________

Surname: IP Shimko Anna Sergeevna
Name: TIN: 263210912500
Surname: Checking account: 40802810500000040415
Date of Birth: Cor. check: 3010181010000000716
Residence address: Bank: VTB 24 (PJSC)
Contact number: BIC: 044525716
Document (passport / visa)

series _______#_________

Legal address: 141730, Moscow region, Lobnya, Lobnensky boulevard, 7, apt. 148
Signature Signature

1. Rules for using the services and terms of the contract

1 To control the visit to the CDC "Soccer - Arena" issues a personal card to the client.

2 On the basis of this agreement, CDC "Soccer - Arena" provides the Client with the opportunity to attend classes held at the CDC "Soccer - Arena", and the Client undertakes to pay for them. Payment under the contract is made in cash or by bank transfer.

3 The opportunity for the Client to use the services of the CDC "Soccer - Arena" is provided to him at the following times: Monday-Friday from 23-00, Saturday, Sunday from 9-00 to 21-00.

4 Compensation for the loss or breakage of the booth key is 400 (four hundred) rubles, for a broken number 200 (two hundred) rubles, for a lost magnetic key 200 (two hundred) rubles, the restoration of a lost club card is 500 (five hundred) rubles.

5 Payment under the contract is ________________ RUB, tariff: ______________________.

6 The term of the contract is ___________ month from the date of its conclusion.

7 The Client has the right to use additional services of the Soccer - Arena CDC, which can be provided at the rates set by the Soccer - Arena CDC.

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8 The client does not have the right to transfer the current subscription of the Soccer - Arena CDC to third parties without the written consent of the Soccer - Arena CDC administration. EXCEPT for the dismissal of an employee from the organization in the case of a corporate subscription (a copy of the labor certificate of dismissal is required), the client transfers the club card to another employee. Entrance to the CDC "Soccer - Arena" is carried out by club cards issued at the conclusion of the contract. In case of loss of the card, the costs of restoring the card are reimbursed by the Client of the CDC "Soccer - Arena" in accordance with clause 4

9 The Client certifies that he is familiar with the rules of the Soccer - Arena CDC, which regulate the handling of equipment and sports equipment provided to him by the Soccer - Arena CDC. If the client has injured himself, Soccer - Arena CDC is not responsible for the harm caused.

10 The client is obliged to warn about the medical contraindications he has, which may prevent him from using the services of the Soccer - Arena CDC or cause damage to his health as a result of classes at the Soccer - Arena CDC, as well as report a change in health status (pregnancy ) during the term of this Agreement.

12 In case of violation by the Client of the rules for using sports equipment and equipment provided by the Soccer - Arena CDC, which led to damage to this equipment, the Client is obliged to compensate for the damage caused by the Soccer - Arena CDC.

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13 In case of delay in payment for services under this Agreement within the time limits specified in paragraph 6, CDC "Soccer - Arena" suspends the provision of services.

14 CDC "Soccer - Arena" is not responsible for the property, valuables, money of the client in case of loss, theft or damage on the territory of the CDC "Soccer - Arena".

15 Payment under the contract is confirmed by a check or act of work performed (rendering services) issued by the administrator (accountant) of the Soccer - Arena CDC to the client.

16 Subscription activation period no later than 30 days from the date of purchase. If the subscription is not activated within the specified period, the funds will not be returned to the client.

17 In the event that the Client owns a daily subscription and leaves the Soccer - Arena CDC later than 18.00, such a visit is considered a SINGLE visit and is paid separately, according to the established tariff.

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18 The Club reserves the right to close for the holidays and repair for a reasonable period, as well as CDC "Soccer - Arena" has the right to refuse to provide services without explanation.

19 "STOP CARD" CDC "Soccer - Arena" makes only when buying season tickets "THREE MONTHS", "SEMI-ANNUAL" and "ANNUAL" for 10, 15 and 30 days, respectively. The Client is obliged to inform about the activation of the STOP-CARD at least 24 hours in advance.

20 Duration of the contract: from __________ to _______

21 The client agrees with the internal rules of the CDC "Soccer - Arena".

22 I give my consent to Investor LLC for the processing of personal data in documentary/electronic/oral form, used within the framework of this concluded agreement.

Free legal advice:

23 If the parties have no claims against each other, the contract is considered to be prolonged for a period according to the newly purchased subscription.

630005, Novosibirsk, st. Pisareva, d.42 (full name) ______________________________________

r / s Passport: Series __________ No. _______________


NOVOSIBIRSK Issued by ___________________________________

Free legal advice:

Director__________________ Vorobyov I.V ________________________ (____________________)



Mon - Fri 7:00

Sat, Sun 9:00

Opening hours are subject to change on public holidays

Free legal advice:

Our catalog of sample documents, contract forms and job descriptions collected in this section

This section contains interesting information (Samples of documents, contracts, job descriptions, statements of claim, etc.). which is available for download absolutely free.

CONTRACT - sample contracts

JOB INSTRUCTIONS - typical job descriptions

STATEMENT OF CLAIM - samples of statements of claim

CONTRACT - sample contracts

Free legal advice:

SAMPLE - samples and forms are different

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES - requirements for qualifications of an employee

Sample contract for the provision of fitness services

It is possible with the help of a contract for the provision of services. The subject of this offer agreement is the provision of sports services to the Customer in the fitness center "Re'forma" of the Contractor. This is where a civil law contract, namely a contract for the provision of services for a fee, comes in handy. You have become a Member of our Fitness Club - you have taken a new step. This is not surprising, since almost all contracts were written off from the same sample. Annex E - Sample contract for the provision of sports and health services of the fitness club "Global". the Agreement, other agreements for the provision of services not provided for by the Agreement. Contract for the provision of services: samples with applications, types of contract for the provision of services. Description of contracts for the provision of services for compensation. PUBLIC OFFER on the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services fitness club"Maxima", located at the address:, Altai Territory, Novosti Helpful information Lawyer's advice Sample documents Articles of partners. The entry is recorded in a standard form at the Club's reception.

Fitness club Athleticism and grace


This public agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") establishes the obligations for the provision of services by the private unitary enterprise "Makarios" (Fitness Club "Athleticism and Grace"), hereinafter referred to as the FITNESS CLUB, represented by the director Gerlovich Gennady Leonidovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, with one of the party, in relation to the consumer of services (hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT), on the other hand, and also establishes the obligations of the CLIENT who has accepted the Agreement in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.


Free legal advice:

1.1. The agreement is a proposal (public offer) addressed to a circle of persons wishing to purchase the services of a FITNESS CLUB.

1.2. The terms of the Agreement are considered accepted by the CLIENT if the CLIENT has bought a subscription (single lesson) in the FITNESS CLUB.

1.3. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the FITNESS CLUB receives payment from the CLIENT, issues a subscription to the CLIENT (renewal of the subscription for the next term).


2.1. The CLIENT instructs, and the FITNESS CLUB assumes the obligation to provide the CLIENT with sports and recreation services in accordance with the type of subscription purchased (single lesson). The CLIENT undertakes to pay for the subscription in the amount and in the manner prescribed by this agreement (clause 4), to comply with the Club Rules (Appendix No. 1).

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2.2. The subscription is understood as the personal right of the CLIENT to consume services in accordance with the terms of this agreement.


3.1. The CLIENT during the validity period of the subscription has the right to:

3.1.1. Regularly get acquainted with the schedule of classes held in the FITNESS CLUB and posted on the stand, as well as on the club's website at:

3.1.2. Visit the FITNESS CLUB during its opening hours in accordance with the type of subscription

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3.1.3. Consume sports and health services, the list and quantity of which is determined in accordance with the type of subscription

3.2. The CLIENT is obliged:

3.2.1. Comply with and not violate the Conditions for visiting the FITNESS CLUB (Appendix 1 to this Agreement)

3.2.2. Immediately notify the Club Administration about the presence of medical contraindications, if the services of the FITNESS CLUB may cause damage to the life or health of the CLIENT, as well as about contraindications that create or may create a threat to the life or health of other clients and CLUB personnel

3.2.4. Timely pay for sports and recreation services

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3.2.5. Treat the property of the FITNESS CLUB with care, prevent equipment breakdowns and immediately report violations of the rules for visiting (damage to property, equipment breakdown) of the FITNESS CLUB to the administrator on duty

3.2.6. Pay a fine for the loss (damage) of the FITNESS CLUB property in accordance with the current tariffs or in the amount of its value determined by the CLUB Rules

3.3. FITNESS CLUB has the right to:

3.3.1. Require a medical examination (certificate) if there are clear signs indicating that the CLIENT's health condition may pose a threat to his health, as well as the health of other clients or FITNESS CLUB personnel, and if these signs are confirmed, temporarily stop providing services unilaterally

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3.3.2. Deny the CLIENT access to the Club (temporarily terminate the provision of services unilaterally) if there are clear signs that the Client is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, or is trying to bring any types of weapons, explosives or poisonous substances into the training areas, as well as in case of violation by the CLIENT of his obligations under clause 3.2. actual agreement

3.3.3. Require the CLIENT to stop actions that violate the Rules of the FITNESS CLUB, and in case of ignoring the comments of the Club employees, ask the Client to leave the FITNESS CLUB

3.4. FITNESS CLUB undertakes:

3.4.1. After full payment by the CLIENT for physical culture and health services, issue a subscription to the CLIENT

3.4.2. Provide the CUSTOMER with physical culture and health services in the available gyms FITNESS CLUB (possible class time: from 7:00 to 22:30 according to the Club's schedule)

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4.1. The cost of a subscription (single lesson) of sports and recreation services is determined in accordance with the price list in force at the time of payment

4.2. The CLIENT pays for the cost of services by depositing cash to the cash desk of the FITNESS CLUB or to the settlement account of UE "Makarios"

4.3. The entire amount is paid for the subscription.

4.4. The cost of the subscription includes the work of the instructor with the CLIENT (taking into account the equal right to the attention of the instructor of all CLIENTS)

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4.5. The FITNESS CLUB provides the possibility of individual work of an instructor with a CLIENT for an additional fee, by prior arrangement with the instructor

4.6. Payment for preferential (up to 18 years) subscriptions is made only if there are supporting documents (passport or birth certificate).


5.1. The contract is subject to early termination unilaterally at the initiative of the FITNESS CLUB in the following cases:

5.1.1. Violation by the CLIENT of the Rules of the FITNESS CLUB or the terms of this Agreement

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5.1.2. Violations by the CLIENT of the procedure for paying for the subscription

5.1.3. Identification of documented contraindications in the CLIENT that pose a threat to his life, as well as the life or health of other clients or FITNESS CLUB personnel

5.2. In case of early termination of the CONTRACT at the initiative of the FITNESS CLUB, a refund is made minus a penalty in the amount of 15% of the refundable subscription price (including used classes)

5.3. The cost of the subscription is returned to the CUSTOMER within 5 working days after the early termination of the contract by paying money from the cash desk of the FITNESS CLUB or by bank transfer to the CLIENT's settlement account.

5.4. In case of missing classes due to illness (upon providing a sick leave certificate or a certificate from the relevant medical institution), payment is charged in proportion to the time of attending classes. Missing classes without a valid reason. and also when students leave the group, the fee paid by them is not refundable.

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6.1. The contract is considered prolonged if the CLIENT purchases a subscription for the next term (payment for a one-time lesson).


7.1. By purchasing a subscription (one-time session), the CLIENT confirms that he has no medical contraindications for the provision of services by the FITNESS CLUB to him, which may cause damage to the life or health of the CLIENT, as well as the life or health of other customers and CLUB personnel

7.2. FITNESS CLUB reserves the right to temporarily suspend work for technical or other reasons. In this case, the validity period of the subscription is extended for the period of forced downtime in the work of the FITNESS CLUB

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7.3. In the event that the CLIENT causes damage to the FITNESS CLUB, the FITNESS CLUB has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations to the CLIENT under this agreement and set off the cost of not rendered sports and recreational services in repayment of the damage caused. In the event that the amount of damage exceeds the cost of not rendered sports and recreation services, the CLIENT is obliged to reimburse the remaining amount of damage according to the calculations provided by the FITNESS CLUB

7.4. The CLIENT is fully responsible for the state of his health. Officials, administration, employees and instructors of the FITNESS CLUB shall not be liable for harm associated with any deterioration in the health of any of the CLIENTS and injuries resulting from or received as a result of any self-study

7.5. By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the CLIENT agrees that he is not entitled to demand from the FITNESS CLUB any compensation for moral, material damage or harm caused to his health both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration, except for cases expressly provided by the current legislation

7.6. FITNESS CLUB is not responsible for technical inconveniences caused by seasonal, preventive and emergency works by public utilities in Minsk

7.7. Information is considered brought to the attention of the CLIENT if it is posted on the Information stand of the FITNESS CLUB

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7.8. The club has the right to refuse to renew the subscription (purchase of a single lesson) without specifying the reasons for such actions

7.9. The Club reserves the right to unilaterally change this Agreement and the list of rules set forth in Appendix 1 to this Agreement. In case of their change, the new version of the Agreement and the Rules will be posted on the Information stand and the website of the FITNESS CLUB

7.10. All relations not regulated by the parties in this agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

8.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary circumstances, such as: flood, fire, earthquake and other natural phenomena, as well as war , hostilities, blockade, prohibitive actions of the authorities and acts of state bodies, destruction of communications and power supply, explosions that occurred during the validity of this agreement, which the parties could not foresee or prevent

8.2. All disputes or disagreements arising between the parties under this Agreement or in connection with it shall be resolved through negotiations.


Fitness club details: UE "Makarios" (Fitness club "Athleticism and Grace")

Legal address: Minsk, avenue Newspapers "Zvyazda" 61

Correspondence address: PO Box 304

Settlement account: 3818,

Bank: code, Branch No. 538, Minsk, JSC "Belinvestbank". Minsk,

Excerpts from the Order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 1997. No. 832 "On the organization and provision of paid physical culture and health services by means of physical culture and sports."

2.3. The cost of types of paid services by means of physical culture and sports (price list) is developed by organizations and sports facilities providing services. In the calculation of the cost of paid classes in sports and recreation groups and groups sports orientation includes the costs of paying for specialists conducting classes, renting places for classes, taking into account the number study groups and the number of students, the number of classes per week and for the planned period.

4.4. Payment for classes in groups, clubs is paid by those involved on a monthly or quarterly basis, by decision of the administration, one-time classes with appropriate payment can be organized.

In case of missing classes due to illness (upon providing a sick leave certificate or a certificate from the relevant medical institution), payment is charged in proportion to the time of attending classes. In case of missing classes without good reason, as well as in case of departure of students from the group, the fee paid by them is not refundable.

5.2. Those involved are obliged to comply with the established procedure, take care of property and sports equipment …».

Appendix to the public contract No. 1

Conditions for the functioning of group classes (aerobics, shaping, etc.).

1. A subscription for 12 is paid at a time. 8 or 4 lessons

2. When buying a subscription for 12 lessons (3 times a week) you get a 15% discount. for 8 lessons (2 times a week) - 7.5%. Subscription for 4 lessons (1 time per week) is paid at full price

3. One-time lessons are paid with a surcharge - 10%

4. Missed classes in the current month are worked out in any group of the current month, subject to availability, with an additional payment of the difference in cost

5. Late to class loses the right to get into the group and is allowed to class only if there is a place. The person who occupies an empty seat is not removed from the group.

6. Unused classes (amount) are transferred to the next month:

If there is a b / sheet, certificates and other documents confirming the absence of classes and with timely warning of the administration about the admission

7. In other cases, unused classes are transferred to the "Temporary Subscription" . those. unspent amount is converted into minutes and can be used within the next month

Conditions of work on the "Temporary subscription".

1. When selling a "Temporary Subscription", the date of sale is fixed

2. "Temporary subscription" is designed for 600 minutes of work (10 hours)

3. "Temporary subscription" can be used:

  • in the cardio room
  • in the gym,
  • for table tennis,
  • on a vibrating massager

    4. The subscription records the time spent in the club from receiving the key to the locker to handing it over to the administrator, i.e. class time includes: dressing, training and shower (if used)

    5. The start time of the lesson, its duration, the number of lessons per week is determined by the student himself

    6. "Temporary subscription" is sold from any day of the month and is valid until the same day of the next month (not including this date)

    7. In cases where the “Temporary subscription is forgotten”, a one-time lesson is paid

    8. For the "Temporary Subscription" there is an additional condition "Super Discount"

    9. In case of loss of the “Temporary Subscription”, it can be restored (once a year) at the request of the Client.

    Additional Terms for Women's Fitness Groups

    1. "Temporary subscription" for classes "Women's Fitness" differs from the "Temporary subscription" of the general gym in cost, as well as conditions

    2. The cost of 60 minutes (conditionally one session in the women's gym) includes 10 minutes of work on cardio simulators

    3. Additional work on cardio simulators is carried out according to a temporary subscription to the general gym

    4. The “Super Benefit” condition also applies to groups according to “ Women's fitness» .

    New authors

    1. 1The Fitness Center undertakes, under the terms of the Agreement, to provide the Client of the Fitness Center with a range of sports services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

    1.2. The list of services included in the price of the Agreement: use of locker rooms, showers, individual lockers for storing things in locker rooms, visits to the gym, visits to the pool, visits to group classes provided for by the class schedules approved by the Fitness Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Schedule"), with the exception of additional paid classes specified in the Schedule, one briefing in the gym, one briefing in the pool, a visit to the Finnish sauna, steam bath "hammam". The rest of the services are paid.

    1.3. Services are provided at the address. a, during the hours established by the Rules of the relevant Fitness Center.

    1.4. After making the payment, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, for the period of rendering the services of the Fitness Center, a personalized club card is issued, which is the basis for receiving the Services.

    1.5. The validity period of each card, provided that the Client of the Fitness Center fulfills the obligation to pay for the Services provided for in the Agreement, is calculated from the date of occurrence of one of the following events, which occurs first:

    * The date specified on the title page of the Agreement or in the application of the Client of the Fitness Center as the start date of the Club Card has come

    * The Client of the Fitness Center started using the Services or Additional Services in the period starting from the date of signing the Agreement until the 30th day of the date of signing the Agreement - in cases where the title page of the Agreement or the application of the Client of the Fitness Center does not contain the agreed date of commencement of the Club Card.

    * The 31st day has come from the date of signing the Agreement, indicated on the title page of the Agreement.

    1.6. Until the moment of issuing and receiving the Club Card, the Client of the Fitness Center has the right to receive Services on the basis of the Agreement containing the Fitness Center's mark on payment for the Services in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

    1.7. In case of loss of the Club Card, the Client of the Fitness Center is obliged to issue a new Club Card. Decor new card in exchange for the lost one is an additional service and is subject to payment at the rates of the Fitness Center.


    2.1. The Fitness Center undertakes:

    2.1.1. Ensure the quality of the services provided.

    2.1.2. Ensure the proper functioning of sports equipment and inventory, as well as auxiliary equipment in the premises of the Fitness Center for the Clients of the Fitness Center.

    2.2. The Fitness Center has the right to:

    2.2.1. Unilaterally establish the list and cost of services not included in the cost of the Card Services (hereinafter referred to as "Additional Services")

    2.2.2. Involve third parties to provide the Services.

    2.2.3. In case of emergencies that occurred through no fault of the Fitness Center and / or force majeure circumstances, unilaterally limit the volume and procedure for the provision of Services, Additional Services to Fitness Center customers.

    2.3. The client of the club undertakes:

    2.3.1. In the manner and under the terms of the Agreement, pay for the Services, Additional Services.

    2.3.2. Comply with the Rules of the Fitness Center, which are brought to the attention under the signature of the Client

    2.3.4. Do not transfer cards to third parties.

    2.4. Clients of the Fitness Center have the right to:

    2.4.1. Use the Services of the Fitness Center, participate in the activities of the Fitness Center at will.

    2.4.2. Receive assistance, advice, instruction from instructors on the issues of the Services provided

    2.4.3. In case of circumstances that temporarily prevent the receipt of the Services, use the additional option provided by the Fitness Center to the Clients of the Fitness Center. suspend the validity of the Club Card with and without indication of any grounds (hereinafter referred to as the "Freeze"). An application for a Freeze must be received by the Fitness Center no later than the first day of the requested Freeze, otherwise the Fitness Center has the right to refuse to grant the Freeze. The minimum period of one-time freezing of each Club Card cannot be less than 14 (Fourteen) calendar days. The total period (total number of days) of Freeze during the entire validity period of the Club Card cannot exceed the number of calendar days indicated on the front side of the Agreement and cannot be increased for any reason, including illness, vacation, business trip or any other reasons and circumstances. The only exception, according to which the Client of the Fitness Center, at the discretion of the administration of the Fitness Center, may be extended the total Freeze period, is pregnancy. In this case, the number of days of possible additional Freeze due to pregnancy in the amount of the unused balance of Freeze days provided under paragraph will not exceed 90 (ninety) calendar days. The provision of freezing during pregnancy is carried out directly at the discretion of the administration of the Fitness Center and is formalized by an Additional Agreement to this Agreement. An application for the provision of a Pregnancy Freeze must be received by the Fitness Center no later than the first day of the additional freezing requested by the Client of the Fitness Center. An application for an additional Pregnancy Freeze for the past period (in whole or in part) is not considered. A Client of the Fitness Center may be denied an additional Pregnancy Freeze without explanation. The Club Card Freeze period is calculated from the day specified in the written application of the Client of the Fitness Center, but not earlier than the day the Fitness Center receives the corresponding written application. Cancel or reschedule the booked Additional Service no later than 12 (Twelve) hours before the time of its provision, otherwise the refund of the amount paid for Additional Services will not be made. Suspension by the Client of the Fitness Center of the validity period of the Club Card (Freeze) does not provide for automatic cancellation of the preliminary appointment for the Additional Service.


    3.1. The cost of services / the price of the Club Card under this agreement is special and is set on the basis of the conditions for acquiring the Services. The cost of services/Price of the Club Card includes a one-time non-refundable fee.

    3.2. Payment for services under the Agreement shall be made by the Client of the Fitness Center at a time by 100% advance payment no later than the day of the beginning of the paid period, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement.

    3.3. All settlements under the Agreement are carried out in cash and non-cash form exclusively in the currency of the Russian Federation - ruble.

    3.4. Payment for Additional Services in cash is made only at the cash desk of the Fitness Center.

    3.5. The client of the Fitness Center pays for additional services by making a 100% advance payment.

    3.6. To pay for Additional Services, the Client of the Fitness Center can make an advance payment to the cash desk of the Fitness Center. When providing an Additional Service, its cost is debited from the amount of the advance paid before the Client of the Fitness Center is issued a confirmation document ( cash receipt), which he is obliged to present upon receipt of the paid Additional Service. In case of non-payment for the received Additional Services, the Fitness Center has the right to restrict the Client of the Fitness Center in receiving the Service, Additional Services until the moment of repayment of the arising debt. If the Client of the Fitness Center within 1 (one) day from the date of the rendered and unpaid Additional Service refuses to repay or does not repay the debt that has arisen, the amount of the debt is deducted by the Fitness Center without acceptance from the cost of the Services specified in the Agreement, followed by a commensurate reduction in the validity period of the corresponding Club cards.

    4.1. The Client of the Fitness Center is liable for property damage caused to the Fitness Center. In the event that the Client of the Fitness Center causes property damage to the Fitness Center, the Client of the Fitness Center is obliged to reimburse the Fitness Center for the cost of damaged and / or lost property, established by the administration of the Fitness Center.

    4.1.2.. In the event that the Client causes property damage to the Fitness Center, the administration of the Fitness Center draws up an act, which is signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. If the Client of the Fitness Center refuses to sign the act, the Fitness Center signs it unilaterally in the presence of two uninterested persons. The Client of the Fitness Center within 5 (five) calendar days on the basis of the act is obliged to compensate for the damage caused in full, otherwise the amount of damage is deducted by the Fitness Center without acceptance from the total amount specified in the Agreement, followed by a commensurate reduction in the validity of the Club Card.

    4.2.. In case of loss of the Club Card or its reissuance to another person, the Client of the Fitness Center is charged a fee in the amount established by the Price List of the Fitness Center.

    4.3.. In the event of a systematic (two or more times) violation by the Client of the Fitness Center of the Rules of the Fitness Center, the Agreement may be terminated by the Fitness Center unilaterally.

    4.4. By signing the agreement, the Client of the Fitness Center declares that he has no medical contraindications for visiting the Fitness Center and receiving fitness and sports services. The Fitness Center is not responsible for the harm caused to the life and health of the Client of the Fitness Center as a result of the provision by the Client of the Fitness Center of false information about the state of his health.

    4.5. The Fitness Center is not responsible for:

    4.5.1. For harm caused to the health of the Client of the Fitness Center in case of violation by the Client of the Fitness Center of the Rules for visiting the Fitness Center and / or safety rules when using the Services, and / or due to the negligence of the Client of the Fitness Center.

    4.5.2. For harm caused to life, health and / or property of the Client of the Fitness Center by the actions of third parties

    4.5.3. For loss or damage to personal belongings left by the Client of the Fitness Center in the locker rooms or other premises of the Fitness Center.

    4.5.4. For harm associated with the deterioration of health, if the health condition of the Client of the Fitness Center has deteriorated as a result of an acute illness, exacerbation of an injury or a chronic illness.

    4.6. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, if the failure was the result of force majeure.


    5.1. This Agreement is valid from the moment of signing and until its termination by agreement of the parties and at the initiative of the Client.

    5.2. At the initiative of the Fitness Center, the Agreement may be terminated in case of failure to fulfill the obligations listed in clause 2.3. actual agreement.

    5.3. The Agreement may be terminated by the Client of the Fitness Center unilaterally. The date of termination of the Agreement will be the date of acceptance by the Fitness Center of the written application of the Client of the Fitness Center, unless a later date is indicated in the application. In this case, the amount of money to be returned to the Client of the Fitness Center no later than 30 (thirty) banking days from the date of termination of the Agreement is determined as the amount paid by the Client of the Fitness Center on the date of termination of the Agreement, minus a one-time non-refundable fee of 30% of the cost of the Club cards and deducting the cost of the period from the beginning of the validity period of the relevant Club Cards until the date of termination of the Agreement. At the same time, the cost of the period from the beginning of the validity period of the relevant Club Cards to the date of termination of the Agreement is calculated based on the cost of the Club Card until the date specified in the Agreement, reduced by the amount of a one-time non-refundable fee and without taking into account the special conditions provided by the Fitness Center to the Client of the Fitness Center for the purchase of Services as of the date of signing Contracts (gifts, bonuses, freezes, renewals and other options set by the Fitness Center).

    5.4. The Agreement may be terminated by the Fitness Center unilaterally. In this case, the amount of money to be returned to the Client of the Fitness Center is determined as the amount paid by the Client of the Fitness Center on the date of termination of the Agreement, minus the cost of the period from the beginning of the term of the relevant Club Cards to the date of termination of the Agreement.

    5.5. Inability to provide services (in whole or in part) in cases of reconstruction, repair of the Fitness Center building or its separate part, power cuts, water supply (including hot water supply), including planned ones, as well as due to other circumstances, including circumstances of force majeure is not a basis for early termination of the Club Cards or for the provision of additional freezes.

    5.6. All disputes and disagreements related to the conclusion, execution and termination of the Agreement, the Parties will seek to resolve through negotiations.

    5.7. In all other respects that are not provided for by the Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.8. The Agreement is valid until the Parties fulfill all their obligations.

    5.9. The Agreement was drawn up in Vladimir in 2 (two) copies having the same legal force, one for the Client of the Fitness Center, one for the Fitness Center. The date of drawing up the Agreement is indicated on the title page of the Agreement. The Client of the Fitness Center is responsible for the accuracy of the data specified in the Agreement, and in case of their change, he must immediately inform the Fitness Center.

    I have read / read the terms of the Agreement and agree / agree to comply with them.

    I am familiar with the rules for visiting the Fitness Center.

    Client of the Fitness Center Fitness Center "Ant" / LLC "Strike"

    _____________________ _________________ / Metlinov A. N /

    Date of conclusion of the contract ______________


    We are glad to see fans healthy lifestyle life on our official website. Fitness center "Reforma" offers many opportunities and services to improve your physical fitness, to active rest and recovery. On the site you will find information about prices, read reviews and take a virtual tour of the halls.

    At your disposal:

    Spacious gyms with modern reliable AEROFIT equipment

    PROFITABLE - you can inexpensively, efficiently and quickly satisfy any of your sports needs

    favorable terms of cooperation with corporate clients

    CHOICE - a wide range of subscriptions - you can choose the option that suits you

    QUALIFIED PERSONNEL - a professional team of instructors with many years of experience, who have passed seminars in leading areas, will help you achieve results.

    FULL SET OF SERVICES In addition to the gym, group program rooms, the list of services includes: solarium, body shaping room, sauna, which will allow you to save your time on visiting specialists located in one place.

    SERVICE - high level service

    COMFORT - excellent ventilation and air conditioning system, comfortable showers and changing rooms, convenient location (proximity to highways, parking) pleasant atmosphere convenient work schedule From 07.00 to 23.00 different payment system.

    UNIQUE OFFERS- special programs for newlyweds, classes for expectant mothers, children's fitness / dance directions, various Gift certificates, POLE DANCE classes.

    If you still have doubts, then come to the Reforma fitness center and see for yourself! After the first lesson, you will fall in love with the sport even more and want to become a regular customer. All you have to do is get started and progress!

    If you decide to visit the Reforma fitness center, then we are waiting for you on the street. Michurinskaya, 169A. We will be glad to all our visitors!

    Fitness club contract with a client

    Coordinator: Svetlana Ryabukhina

    Coordinator: Irina Poletaeva

    Coordinator: Olga Andreeva

    to any direction

    A section from a new book, which is being prepared for publication, “Reasonable Fitness. Coach's book" / Bestavishvili T.

    Before reaching into your pocket for a wallet, ask to see the contract between you and the club. And read it carefully, and even better - ask for a copy and show it to a competent lawyer you know, if you have one. Of course, I understand that people in Russia like to sign everything without reading it, but I advise you to read this document anyway and ask for clarifications on points that will cause you questions. I assure you that this may save you some surprises in daily practice workouts. If there is no such contract in the club, I advise you to politely say goodbye and leave. The contract (agreement) with the club is the main document that regulates all aspects of your relationship. If they give you just a piece of paper with a couple of points, this is not a contract. But to reach the level of contracts in American fitness clubs in creating contacts is also not worth it. There the contract is a book. Something like the accompanying instructions for Western medicines, which are put into boxes with drugs. The list of possible contraindications listed there is reminiscent of a medical encyclopedia.

    Some clubs offer you to insure your life and health during your stay in the club. Naturally, in this case they act as agents of insurance companies, and receive bonuses from them from each “head”. But if you are told that insurance is mandatory for buying a club card, you can safely go to the prosecutor. According to our legislation, the imposition of insurance services on the population is a crime. An exception is made only for OSAGO. True, in case of your refusal, the club administration may ask you to write a statement of refusal in order to relieve yourself of responsibility for your health. This is also an illusion, but let the authors of the initiative remain in it. Such errors are evidence that the legal form of the contract between you and the club has not been thought out by the club's lawyer and its leader. No paperwork that you sign will release the club from responsibility for your life and health if safety rules are violated there. And such violations today are almost the rule of most Russian clubs.

    Above, we talked with you about the fact that the income from sales of club cards determines its profit. We sell more subscriptions and cards - more profit. But there is one option that is very unpleasant for any leader. We are talking about the early termination of membership in the club. One rainy day, the client comes to the manager and writes a statement that he will not visit the club for some reason, and asks to cancel his card with a refund of unused funds. Many clients and clubs face this situation. The situation is unpleasant. But there are only two reasons for its occurrence. First, you, the client, have a valid, compelling motive for taking this step. Job. Relocation and so on. Second: you are not satisfied with the quality of services that the club provides you.

    The return of the club card is the termination of legal and financial relations between the club and the client. These relations in the clubs, which operate as civilized commercial structures, are based on documents from the very beginning. There are two basic documents. Everyone knows about one, and almost no one knows about the other. The first is the Agreement between the club and the client, the second is the Club Rules. Let me remind you once again of a simple legal truth: in order for a document to be recognized as a bilateral agreement regulating the mutual obligations of the parties, it is necessary and sufficient to comply with two conditions:

    This document must be countersigned by these persons or their legal representatives

    This document must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation

    If the Club Rules do not exist in the form of a separate bilateral agreement, or the client has not signed a document called "Club Rules", then he is not legally obliged to comply with them. And no one has the right to require him to comply.

    The Rules are a bilateral document that governs the Club-Client relationship in the same way as the Agreement. Only the latter regulates mutual obligations of a financial nature, and the Rules - ethical ones. One copy of such a document must be kept by the client, the other - in the club.

    But in order for these Rules to become a document, one more condition must be observed: any document signed by the club and the client must not be drawn up in violation of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, it will be considered a legally void document, and no court will accept it as an argument for the correctness of the club. Recently, I happened to get acquainted with a multi-page document - the "Rules" of a large network of clubs. The rules were, as they say, for any situation. For any violation, a fine of 500 dorubles was declared there. Only this alone was a gross violation of the law, according to which in the Russian Federation only administrative bodies can impose a fine on a citizen - the police, the court, and some departments, for example, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in exceptional cases, but stipulated by law. But not commercial structures, especially on the basis of some of their Rules. But these are just flowers...

    Imagine a situation where the perpetrator of the violation gave a fine at the request of the manager. With or without witnesses, it doesn't matter. The fact of payment is recorded by the payment document, as it should be. How else? And the manager instantly falls under this:

    Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Extortion.

    1. Extortion, that is, the demand for the transfer of someone else's property or the right to property, or the commission of other actions of a property nature under the threat of violence or the destruction or damage of someone else's property, as well as under the threat of dissemination of information disgracing the victim or his relatives, or other information that may cause significant harm to the rights or legitimate interests of the victim or his relatives,

    Shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to four years, with or without a fine in the amount of up to fifty minimum wages, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month.

    2. Extortion committed:

    a) by a group of persons by prior agreement;

    c) with violence

    Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of three to seven years, with or without confiscation of property.

    3. Extortion committed:

    a) an organized group;

    b) in order to obtain property on a large scale;

    c) causing serious harm to the health of the victim;

    d) by a person who has previously been convicted two or more times for embezzlement or extortion, -

    shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of seven to fifteen years with confiscation of property.

    It was a group of people - the leaders of the club, by prior agreement, and even more than once. And, what is especially remarkable, an organized group. Formally, the way it is, so before a very likely trial, you will look very pale.

    I was extremely amused by another clause that forbids clients in the club from "acts of a sexual nature." I suppose that a lady is holding this book now, so I try not to even remember the associations that arose in my head when reading this masterpiece of legal thought. I kept trying to imagine what the author of this pearl had in mind...? Naturally, for these "actions of a sexual nature" a fine of rubles was also due.

    There were other funny points, but I will not describe everything. The main thing is that these Rules are not any "document". It's just a stack of papers.

    The second document regulating the relationship between the club and the client is the Agreement. It sets out the rights and obligations of the parties. Let's talk about these contracts.

    Recall that contracts in the form can be any. They must satisfy only one condition: comply with current legislation. More precisely, non-compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation of any document regulating the relationship between the club and the client is considered as a violation, and in this case any document is recognized, as we said, “legally void document”. This is not a figure of speech, but a legal term. That is, its value is equal to the cost of a piece of paper on which it is written. Very often contracts contain rather original interpretations of the legislation. And we will demonstrate it now.

    Usually, problems for clients begin when, for some reason, they want to terminate their membership in the club ahead of schedule. Many contracts provide for a penalty that the club reserves if you terminate your membership ahead of time. For some particularly greedy clubs, the “lip rolls out” to keep as much as 35% of the full cost of the card! But for some reason they obviously do not thrive ...

    In a conflict situation, the very first objection of the client comes up against the fact that he is shown a signature under the contract, which contains such a clause. But, as I said, if some item is a violation of the law, then the contract is not a binding document.

    You can terminate the contract for the provision of sports and recreation services at any (!) time on the basis of Article 32 of the Federal Law on Consumer Rights Protection. Based on the article, you are obliged to compensate the contractor only for reasonable expenses related to the provision of the service. No "forfeits", penalties and other deductions, if they are not compensation for the expenses actually incurred by the club, are not applied by virtue of Article 16 of the Federal Law ZOPP.

    According to this provision the terms of the contract that infringe the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer rights protection are recognized as invalid.

    At the same time, the contract is governed by the rules Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Paid provision of services". According to Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the customer has the right to refuse to execute the contract for the provision of services for a fee, subject to payment to the contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him.

    Based on the law, each client is obliged to compensate the fitness club for the actual costs of providing services at the price that the fitness club itself has established. As a rule, the price of the contract is set based on the provision of services every day. This means that the reimbursement of expenses goes for each day the service is provided. If the client bought an annual club card, he paid for the service in advance, but did not use it in full. Note that it is unlawful to draw analogies here with the purchase of goods that have a material form. No service, no compensation. Termination of the contract terminates the provision of services, which means that there are no costs that the consumer is obliged to compensate for the fitness club. All. The circle is closed: no incomprehensible property of compensation to the club is not required by law. The cost of paper, staff work and other things related to the execution of a contract is not included in the costs of providing services under a specific contract, but passes in a fitness club and any enterprise as production costs, as well as heating, electricity, water, outside of your contract. The client compensates the club for expenses only related to visiting the club, that is, the actual provision of the service.

    Here, by the way, is article 32 of the POPP itself.

    Article 32 POCA. The right of the consumer to refuse to execute the contract for the performance of work (provision of services).

    The consumer has the right to refuse to execute the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him, related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

    When, in the process of resolving your issue of a refund, the client is trumped up with the word “forfeit,” it will not be superfluous to quote Clause 1 of Article 330 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation which reads as follows: “A penalty is an amount of money specified by law or contract, which the debtor is obliged to pay to the creditor in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the obligation, in particular in the event of delay in performance”. Recall that there is no clause in any contract obliging the client not to terminate the membership. And the refusal to perform the contract is provided for in article 32 of the POCA, that is, it cannot be recognized as improper performance of obligations. So what kind of penalty can we talk about?

    You can “visit” this blatant violation of the rights of the client from the other side, unexpected for the club that is trying to deceive you.

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the contract for the provision of sports and health services is a public contract.

    According to paragraph 1 of Art. 10 RF Law ZOPP, the contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the services in a timely manner, ensuring the possibility of their right choice, including - information on the price and conditions for the acquisition of relevant services (clause 2, article 10 of the Law).

    Article 3 POCA provided the rights of consumers to education in the field of consumer protection by organizing a system of consumer information about their rights and the necessary actions to protect these rights.

    Taking into account the public nature of the contract with the consumer, the contractor (fitness club) is obliged, when concluding an agreement with the consumer, to correctly select the method of payment (on a one-time fact of the provision of services or using prepaid cards for a particular period of reserving access to the club) to inform the consumer about his opportunities to require budgeting (see Clause 1 of Art. 33 POPP).

    Also, the consumer must be reliably informed about the method of calculating the refundable amount in case of early termination of the contract, based on the requirements article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on payment of only the actual expenses of the contractor in case of early termination of the contract by the consumer of services.

    So, if the club continues to insist on their stupidity, the client may require him to estimate the actual costs incurred. At the same time, we recall that, according to the law, the client may not at all motivate his decision to terminate membership in the club. No one has the right to demand this from him, not even the court.

    You will say that the club may well provide you with an estimate. But let me remind you that the estimate must be complete, which means that the club will publicly list all its income-expenses-cost. The client at the court session can even demand an independent audit of all the activities of the club! And the court, most likely, will satisfy this requirement, since it has no grounds for refusal. I think that for the tax inspectorate, a report on such an audit will be an exciting read! Especially in the light of understanding the tricks that Russian fitness clubs use in the conditions of balancing on the verge of profitability.

    By the way, do not forget that by law you are required to return the money to the client within a ten-day calendar (!) period after submitting the relevant application. The law does not provide for any other options. And even more so, it does not allow the appearance of masterpieces like “30 banking days for payment”.

    Well, for a snack, you can quote the representatives of the club Part 2 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, establishing liability for the use in activities of agreements that contradict Federal Legislation. This threatens the club with a cut. a fine for each (!) copy of such a “contract”.

    There are other ways to avoid liability to the client. No less naive and stupid.

    In the contract with the client of one of the new St. Petersburg clubs, I literally read the following: “in case of early termination of membership, unused funds are returned to the client, ... based on the following calculation: the cost of the first month of classes is calculated at a rate of 40% of the total cost, the second - 20% and further - 10% each.

    Let's just count.

    It turns out that by doing only two months out of 12, the client has already “chosen” services for 60% of the total cost. Having terminated his club card after two months, he receives from the club not 10/12 ≈ 83% of his money, as required by law, but 100% -60% = 40%. The same "franchise" came out. With the same legal consequences for the club in which case. I would like to see how he will prove in court that during these two months the services were provided to the client “at an increased rate”. But that's not all. Let's continue the calculation further: if the client decides to break off relations with the club after 6 months, then he will receive NOTHING. What did you think? 40% + 20% + 4x10% = 100%!!! If you follow the logic of the creator of this masterpiece of legal thought, if the client decides to break off relations with his club in 8 or 10 months, he will still owe the club! Then the smart guy will send collectors to him for a debt. With irons and soldering irons.

    A detailed description of these legal blunders may cause anger among my colleagues and accusations of violating corporate solidarity. But let's be fair, dear colleagues. As long as our potential clients have reason to accuse the clubs of dishonesty and greed, this will not add us any respect, customers or money. Unfortunately, already now many customers in big cities a clear conviction was formed that a fitness club is a “scam for money” and low professionalism everywhere. People are unfair, but even false opinions are now spreading very quickly. The trouble is that such opinions become subconscious, and now this is already very bad for the whole business as a whole. Alas, the masses of people are already convinced that a fitness club is a place where only scammers work, whose goal is to deceive a client in any way. If you don't believe me, go to the clubs' blogs in social networks, there you will read so much! So let's work normally, honestly and wisely, then there will be no such problems. Everyone will benefit from this.

    But there are other, no less gross violations of the law. And again, as I have done many times in this book, and will do more later, I give a lively example. Recently, I had the good fortune to get acquainted with a good, but only at first glance, advertising campaign of a network of St. Petersburg fitness clubs. As part of this promotion, new potential customers were offered to make 10 free (!!!) visits to the club, with the right to use all the services included in the card. Such shares are very good method attracting new customers. For 10 visits, the club gets a unique opportunity to sell its club cards to almost everyone who "pecked".

    Of course, you should not assume that they invite everyone in a row. The promotion does not apply to

    · former clients of the club. And this, on the one hand, is fair, because the action is aimed at attracting new ones. But it's not that simple. Let's reason sequentially. If a client once left the club, it means that he did not like something. Knowing what customers don't like is more important than knowing what they like. Errors must be identified and, after analysis, ruthlessly eradicated. If a person left dissatisfied, but showed a desire to visit again, the club gets a unique opportunity to show him that he once made a mistake. “We are already getting better, we have corrected! Come visit us again!" Is there any logic in such reasoning? Undoubtedly.

    · former club specialists. Yes, that's probably fair. But, as one eminent person said, “he who is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at me!” Why not let former specialists see that they were wrong?

    · persons who do not have permanent registration in St. Petersburg. It seems that everything is clear here. Firstly, this is dictated by security considerations: we must know who comes to us. Secondly, one of the goals of the campaign is to collect information about potential customers. In particular, in the questionnaire, the completion of which is mandatory for the participant, it is indicated mobile phone, to which, as we know, advertising spam will be actively sent in the future. In this sense, they are not interested in a person from another region. True, experts question the effectiveness of such “advertising”, but so far this is a common phenomenon. By the way, this paragraph is generally a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which all citizens of Russia have equal rights anywhere in the Russian Federation to everything that is not prohibited by law. Including any purchases.

    · persons under the age of 18. This is not clear, since the club allows people from the age of 14 to practice on their own.

    · persons over 65 years of age. But this is a true masterpiece in the light of what we are talking about in this section. In all honesty, I would cut off the head of the "wise man" who came up with this. Surely he invented something like “yes, it’s dangerous for such clients in our club. What happens - who will answer? Then there are several questions. How do you guys work in your "health club" if it's dangerous for people to work there? Do you expect these "advertising clients" to simply launch into the hall and not pay attention to them? What then is the meaning of "share"? Is a person at this age only fit for a cemetery? Do you hope to live to that age? Or do you think that at 65 your priorities will be only felt boots in the summer and semolina? Or do you think that the banknotes in the pocket of an elderly person are different from the banknotes of the "right customers"?

    · disabled people. As a pragmatic and cynical person, I will not talk about any universal values, about understanding and mercy. I will not say that we live in a society that has not yet got out of the swamp of total malice and cruelty towards everyone who is different from us. I will not mention the recent past and no less “glorious” present, in which any disabled person is a person about whom the state speaks very correct words, but at the same time actually considers it a burden. I will not point out once again that we are the only country in which there are no ramps for the disabled in public transport, they are not allowed on the subway, they are not allowed to fly on the planes of many airlines. I know that you are guided by a very simple logic, about the author of the selection (well, not euthanasia) of disabled people in clubs: “It is unpleasant for me to look at a disabled person. It is unpleasant for my clients to look at a disabled person, so I will do everything to ensure that they are not. No person, no problem. Familiar? The only thing I can wish the author with all my sinful soul is that nothing happens to him or his loved ones in the future that would make him look at this problem from a different angle. Even for his enchanting stupidity and absolute heartlessness, I cannot wish him or her such a wish.

    And now down with the lyrics, and discuss the issue of discrimination (as you thought, this is exactly the word IT is called) soberly and consistently. Cynical, so to speak, if you prefer. Well, what else can you hear from me?

    So, the club restricts access to its people over 65 and the disabled. What are the legal assessments of this act?

    Do they have it written in the Charter of the enterprise? In the club rules? Or are you so sure that in a private enterprise they have the right to violate federal law? Well, let's see.

    Every person has the right to establish his own customs in his home. But by selling services, everyone enters into civil law relations with other people. If the difference is not clear, then proceed further.

    Even if such a rule is written in the charter of the institution, it is absolutely illegal. The charter must not contradict the Civil Code. I repeat, I'm not talking about the Constitution. Not letting a person with a disability go anywhere is like not selling a loaf of bread. And if visitors start complaining that it is unpleasant for them to see blacks there, Asians, or odious "persons of Caucasian nationality"? Someone will not like women, someone - men? What do we do?

    But consider the possible arguments against.

    Objection. The fitness club is a private institution. The owner has the right to set any restrictions on the admission of visitors.

    Answer. The club, one must think, is officially registered and provides paid services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. And if so, then, even though this is a private shop, its owner does not have the right to establish its own restrictions that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation. Discrimination on the basis of disability is contrary to these laws. Here we have a clear violation of contractual obligations, namely the "Retail Sale and Purchase Agreement", which regulates this activity, which is a kind of public contract. IN Art. 426 GK says: "The refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract, if it is possible to provide the consumer with the relevant goods, services, perform the relevant work for him, is not allowed."

    Objection. Disabled people have rights, but healthy people also have rights. They come to the fitness club to work out and have fun. And if they see disabled people, their mood may deteriorate. They will not be able to practice in the presence of those who cannot even walk. The club will lose its regulars and go bankrupt.

    Answer. The subjective experiences of individuals in no way can serve as a basis for infringing the rights of other citizens. Today someone does not like a person in a wheelchair, tomorrow - a person with dark skin, the day after tomorrow - people with red hair. However, none of the individual characteristics of a person gives the right to discrimination on one or another basis. And I will personally add: if such visitors make up the majority in your club, then something is wrong not with them, but with you. Flies are known to have a great respect for certain substances.

    1. A public contract is a contract concluded by a commercial organization and establishing its obligations for the sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services that such an organization, by the nature of its activities, must carry out in relation to everyone who applies to it (retail trade, transportation by public transport, communication services, energy supply, medical, hotel services, etc.).

    A commercial organization is not entitled to give preference to one person over another in relation to the conclusion of a public contract, except in cases provided for by law and other legal acts.

    2. The price of goods, works and services, as well as other terms of a public contract are established the same for all consumers, except for cases when the law and other legal acts allow the provision of benefits for certain categories of consumers.

    3. The refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract, if it is possible to provide the consumer with the relevant goods, services, perform the relevant work for him, is not allowed.

    The essence of this article is as follows. If any commercial organization(shop, hotel, club, fitness center, etc.) offers its services publicly (that is, the circle of persons to whom the service is offered is not clearly limited), then such an offer is recognized as a public offer, that is, an offer to conclude the one referred to in clause 1 public contract.

    The club publicly offers its services, and this is already an invitation to conclude a public contract, that is, an offer. If the club provided in its rules a visit only for club card holders, then this would not be a public offer, because the circle of persons to whom the offer of services is directed is clearly limited. But in our situation this is not the case. By the way, if a club on its advertising banner writes in a small way, below, that the proposal is not a public offer, then the life of its lawyer will not be made easier. For the law says clearly: the circle of people for whom the service is offered on ANY advertising medium must be clearly outlined. Then you need to write on the banner, only in large, according to the law, clearly, and not in the smallest print, the following: “Our club will be happy to see within its walls only young, physically fit residents of our city! We make an age assessment on the basis of a passport, the issue of physical fitness is decided in our medical office or by eye.” In this case, the letter of the law will be observed.

    The article cited above indicates that refusal can take place only in cases "provided by law and other legal acts". But on this moment there are no legal acts providing for such grounds for refusing to conclude a public contract as "too old" or "disabled".

    I repeat, there is a very common misconception: a private owner has the right to decide for himself "whom to execute and whom to pardon", whom to let in, and who to say that he "didn't come out in the face." This is not just a delusion, but a manifestation of complete legal impotence and illiteracy. For the owner, such ignorance can end badly if he runs into a person who wants to defend his rights in court. By the way, I personally will help such a person. Free of charge, for the love of art.

    Objection. Disabled people are not allowed in their own interests: the club is not adapted for wheelchair users, you can’t even go to the toilet.

    Answer. There is a FEDERAL LAW ON THE SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE DISABLED IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, and according to this law, both municipal authorities and private owners are OBLIGED to provide access to people with handicapped to public places. Public places are not only clinics and hospitals, but educational institutions, cinemas, museums, and even restaurants and nightclubs. MUST PROVIDE. In other words, do not miss it, because "the stairs are too steep and someone has already fallen on it", they HAVE NO RIGHT. Steep - it means that they are obliged to make a gentle, or provide a different, safe, way to get into the room. Arguments like "the carriage will be overturned, trampled down," etc. are also not tenable. If a person’s legs do not work (or are completely absent), this does not mean that he has problems with his head. Will a healthy, but not able to swim, person jump into the pool from a 7-meter tower? Probably not, a sense of self-preservation will not give. Likewise, the person in wheelchair will not climb where there is a clear danger, he has the same sense of self-preservation. So, the refusal to provide services on the basis of the unsuitability of the premises is a violation of the federal law of 1995 "On the Social Protection of the Disabled", and this is also a problem not for the disabled visitor, but for the club administration.

    And, as a dessert, get a volley of heavy artillery - an article from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. So,

    Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Release or sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.

    1. Release or sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet the requirements of the safety of life or health of consumers, as well as illegal issuance or use of an official document certifying the compliance of these goods, works or services with safety requirements, if these acts have negligently caused harm human health,

    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of from five hundred to seven hundred times the minimum wage, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of five to seven months, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.

    2. The same acts, if they:

    a) committed in relation to goods, works or services intended for children under the age of six;

    b) negligently caused harm to the health of two or more persons;

    c) negligently caused the death of a person, -

    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 700 to 1000 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of seven months to one year, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to five years.

    3. The deeds provided for by the first or second part of this Article, which negligently caused the death of two or more persons, - shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of four to ten years.

    And as an appetizer, I would like to offer you comments on the situation when clubs aggressively offer insurance policies to customers when making a contract, namely, they impose additional services.

    Article 16 POCA. Invalidity of the terms of the contract that infringe the rights of the consumer.

    1. The terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as invalid.

    If, as a result of the execution of a contract that infringes on the rights of the consumer, he has incurred losses, they are subject to compensation by the manufacturer (executor, seller) in full.

    2. It is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the obligatory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (works, services) are reimbursed by the seller (executor) in full.

    3. The seller (executor) is not entitled to perform additional work, services for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for such works (services), and if they are paid, the consumer has the right to demand that the seller (executor) return the amount paid.

    There are a number of legal provisions that are most directly related to the activities of fitness clubs.

    Article 1068 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Responsibility of a legal entity or citizen for harm caused by its employee.

    A legal entity or a citizen compensates for the harm caused by its employee in the performance of labor (service, official) duties.

    With regard to the rules provided for by this Chapter, citizens who perform work on the basis of an employment contract (contract), as well as citizens who perform work under a civil law contract, are recognized as employees, if they acted or should have acted on the instructions of the relevant legal entity or citizen. and under his control for the safe conduct of work.

    Article 1084

    Harm caused to the life or health of a citizen in the performance of contractual obligations, as well as in the performance of duties military service, service in the police and other relevant duties shall be compensated according to the rules provided for by this chapter, unless a higher amount of liability is provided for by law or an agreement.

    Article 1096 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Persons liable for harm caused due to defects in a product, work or service.

    Damage caused due to defects in the goods is subject to compensation at the choice of the injured person by the seller or manufacturer of the goods.

    Damage caused as a result of shortcomings in work or service is subject to compensation by the person who performed the work or provided the service (performer).

    The damage caused as a result of failure to provide complete or reliable information about the product (work, service) is subject to compensation by the persons specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.

    Article 1099 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. General provisions.

    The grounds and amount of compensation to a citizen for moral damage are determined by the rules provided for by this Chapter and Article 151 of this Code.

    Moral damage caused by actions (inaction) that violate the property rights of a citizen is subject to compensation in cases provided for by law.

    Compensation for moral damage is carried out regardless of the property damage subject to compensation.

    Article 1100 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Grounds for compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

    Compensation for non-pecuniary damage is carried out regardless of the fault of the tortfeasor in cases where:

    harm caused to the life or health of a citizen by a source of increased danger;

    harm was caused to a citizen as a result of his unlawful conviction, unlawful criminal prosecution, unlawful application of detention or recognizance not to leave as a preventive measure, unlawful imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of arrest or corrective labor;

    the damage was caused by the dissemination of information discrediting honor, dignity and business reputation;

    in other cases provided by law.

    So, dear friends, you are by no means powerless. Now find your contract with your club tucked away and read it. Do you recognize? This is not surprising, since almost all contracts were written off from the same sample. Few people want to think for themselves. And the lawyers of fitness clubs. as mine shows personal experience communication, are generally not capable of mental activity, judging by the results thereof.

    Number of impressions: 20978

    DB "Slavyansky", of. 217

    Telephone: . Coordinator: Kazantseva Tatiana

    Moskovsky Trakt 118, Kolumb shopping center, 3rd floor Athletic Gym

    Telephone: . Coordinator: Danilova Irina.

    Telephone: . Coordinator: Oksana Ezhova.