Advantages and disadvantages of playing sports in English. Sports essay in English with translation

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.
Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys and girls play volley-ball and basketball at the lessons. There is the sports ground near our school and schoolchildren go in for sports in the open air.
A lot of different competitions are held at schools, a great number of pupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results and become winners. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports you have good health and don't catch cold.
Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.
There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley ball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.
There are summer and winter sports.
My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming-pool twice a week, but I prefer to rest by the lake or the river and swim there. My friend Kostya goes in for boxing. He is a good boxer and he is a brave and courageous boy. His hobby helps him in his every day life.

Sport is important in our life

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train in clubs and various sections, and also participate in sports competitions.
Other people love sports too, but they just watch sport games, listening to sports news. They prefer to read interesting stories about athletes. But they don't play sports.
Physical activities- an important subject at school. Boys and girls play volleyball and basketball in class. There is a sports ground near the school, and schoolchildren play sports outdoors.
Many different competitions are held in schools, and a significant number of students take part in them. All participants are trying to achieve good results and become winners. Sport helps people stay healthy. If you play sports, you have good health and you don't catch a cold.
Children and adults should take care of their health and do regular morning exercises.
There are many various types sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular sports. It includes sports such as running, jumping and others. Everyone can choose a sport to their liking.
There are summer and winter views sports
My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the pool twice a week, but I prefer to relax at the lake or river and swim there. My friend Kostya is into boxing. He good boxer, and he is a brave and courageous boy. His hobbies help him in his daily life.


1. Do you do your morning exercises every day?
2. How do children and grown-ups take care of their health?
3. Are there a lot of different competitions held at schools?
4. Do you go in for sports?
5. Are there any popular kinds of sports in our country? What are they?
6. What is your favorite sport?
7. Where do you prefer to rest?
8. Do your friends go in for sports?
9. Do you like winter or summer sports?
10. Our hobbies help us in our life, don't they?


to jog - jog
section - section
competition - competition
participant - participant
to go in for sports - to go in for sports
to catch cold - catch a cold
to take care - take care
to include - include
to choose - choose
to prefer - to prefer
courageous - brave

Pros and cons of playing sports.

Even professionals sometimes suffer injuries of varying severity. And not only at competitions. This could be a regular morning exercise that ends in a dislocation or an unfortunate fall that ends in a fracture, and there are many, many examples of this.

What can we say about ordinary people who most often start studying on their own, unprepared and knowing practically nothing in this area.

In this case, any kind of sport, even the most harmless ones, such as fitness, can cause you a lot of harm, especially if you started doing it without consulting a doctor or having some kind of injury. But at the same time, in no case can one say that sport is harmful. After all regular classes correct all body imperfections, strengthen muscles, make you more attractive and resilient.

Of course, playing sports allows you to achieve a lot, make your body fit and slim, get rid of extra pounds or even assert yourself.

But for sports to bring only benefits, regularity in exercise is necessary, the loads must be within your strength. You should also pay attention to your diet; it should be balanced and healthy. You need to forget about bad habits forever.

Almost every athlete has a disciplinary regime, gets up and goes to bed at the same time, does morning exercises, attends gym few times a week.

Most people dream of repeating the successes of athletes,

So what are the advantages of sports?

1. With the help of sports, you can correct any figure and add attractiveness to it.

All the now famous athletes once also started from the very basics, overcame their laziness, they took up sports in order to acquire a toned, slender and beautiful body.

You also automatically gain self-confidence, that is, you will assert yourself through sports.

2. Also, with the help of sports, it is possible to overcome some diseases and doctors’ verdicts.

After all, how many cases have there been when doctors forbade the patient from any physical activity, even the most minimal, justifying this by the fact that then he would lose his health or even die. But man is a stubborn creature, he will do what he dreams of. How many people reach the top while being disabled? How many disabled people live normal lives?

What is this for? Moreover, even disabled people win competitions, and healthy people, if they wish, can pull themselves together and start taking care of their bodies.

3. Sport disciplines. A daily routine, training schedule and other joys of sports life appear.

4. Perhaps you can become famous through sports. This can bring victory in some competitions.

5. People's attention and admiration. Many will start asking how to create a nutrition and workout plan. By the way, you can earn a lot of money from this.

And, of course, the downsides, where would we be without them?

1. The envy of everyone who does not have the willpower to repeat your success, some may refuse to communicate with you at all.

2. Sports will take up a lot of your time. But if you really decide to devote your life to this, then this time will not be wasted.

With each new result you will make a small victory over yourself.

Do you want to pump up or lose a little weight for the summer? Great plan! What if at the same time you and I also learn a few new English words and expressions that relate to sports? Thanks to our selection on the topic “ Sport exercises in English”, you can not only learn the language, but also get acquainted with exercise programs from English-speaking trainers. Maybe it’s their complexes that will lead you to your dream figure.

So, today we will learn the names of basic exercises, some parts of the body and how to generally talk about playing sports in English.

Playing sports in English

You play sports every day. But how can you say in English that you are great and take care of your figure?

Names of body parts in English

In order to start training with foreign fitness gurus, we should learn what the main parts of the body are called in English. Today we will not focus on the names of such “little things” as fingers, for example. After all, we are unlikely to ever try to build muscle on them or lose them. excess weight from the little finger. Moreover, we have already written

To begin with, we should understand which part of the body we will do this or that exercise (exercise). We may be concerned about the condition of the upper body ( upper body ), or lower body ( lower body).

As you know, a person has a lot of muscles, so we will not delve into anatomy textbooks, but will simply find out what those muscles are called. problem areas, the exercises we do most often.

Upper body

If you are doing exercises top part body, then it would be good for you to know the following words:

Neck- neck
Shoulders– shoulders
Chest- rib cage
Biceps- biceps
Forearms- forearm
Abdominals– abdominal press, abdominal muscles
This word is definitely worth remembering. It often appears in the names of exercises that target muscles. abdominals. Sometimes this word is shortened to an abbreviation abs.

Waist– waist
Tricepstriceps shoulder
Core– center, core
In the context physical exercise this word usually means the muscles that support our body - the core muscles. You can often hear the phrase core exercises. This means that the exercises will target all muscle groups.
Lower back– lower back

Lower body

If you have problems with bottom body, then you can say you are lucky. After all, there are not many new words to learn here.

Glutes- buttocks
Hamstrings– hamstring
Calves– calves
Hips- hips
Butt– ass (colloquial language). Despite the fact that this word is colloquial in nature, it can often be found when describing training.

It's all a little confusing, isn't it? We hope the pictures will help you figure out where each body part is located.

Sports exercises in English

So, in order to be athletic and beautiful, you need to do various exercises. Quite often, the name of the exercise includes the names of those very parts of the body that we read about above. For example, the exercise “pump up the press”, popular in Russia, will be called in English as to do abdominal crunches(abdominal - abdominal, crunch - crunch, clamp, tense position). This abdominal exercise can also be called sit-up(to do sit-ups).

To begin with, we should refresh our memory of the basic sports actions. We can run ( to run, to jog), sit ( to sit), jump ( to jump, to leap, to hop). But before you start doing all these exercises, don't forget to stretch well ( to stretch).

If you can’t live a day without doing push-ups, then you definitely need to remember the words push-up or press-up. After all, this is what these exercises are called in English. The first option (push-up) will be typical for the vocabulary of an American coach, and the second (press-up) for a British one. To describe such floor presses, we again use the verb “do” - to do some push-ups.

Quite often, the names of the exercises themselves may be preceded by words that specify a particular maneuver. For example, single leg squats are squats on one leg, and side lunges are side lunges.

The easiest way to remember in English is the “plank” exercise, which is loved by many practitioners. The Russian name “plank” apparently comes from the English word plank. Here, as in previous cases, it is worth paying attention to which word comes before plank. For example, side plank is a side plank, that is, the exercise is performed on the side and on the lateral muscles.


It will also be easy for us to remember that raising legs in English will be like this leg raise. But it is worth paying attention, however, to the position from which the exercise will be performed – seated (sitting) or lying (lying down).

Those who lift weights are probably already familiar with the word deadlift. After all, this is the name of this difficult sport. This exercise included in “powerlifting” (powerlifting, powerlifting), along with squats(squats) and bench press(bench press).

We hope that a selection of basic exercises in English will help you more easily understand training videos from foreign instructors and bring you closer to your dream figure. But, if you don’t have enough and your body requires more workload, check us out and in the following articles you will find out what various fitness equipment will be called in English.

Shutikova Anna

This is a great way to overcome your fears. By taking up BASE jumping seriously, you will definitely get rid of your fear of airplanes, and after a high-speed descent on any roller coaster, you will find it an attraction.

Participating in extreme sports increases self-confidence. In addition, this is a great way to attract attention from the fair sex. What girl wouldn't want to go on a date with an extreme biker? And the young lady parachutist is guaranteed to have a lot of enthusiastic fans. In addition, when practicing extreme sports, incomparable emotions arise, and this helps to perfectly combat stress. Add to this the production of endorphins that occurs during any physical activity, and any nagging from your superiors will not make you angry or offend.

Another plus - extreme requires good physical fitness, which means your body will be strong and trained. Also, playing such sports causes the heart to work faster and respiratory activity to increase, which trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

To the most popular extreme species sports include mountaineering, snowboarding, skydiving, diving, parkour, road jumping and surfing.

Disadvantages of extreme sports

The most obvious disadvantage of extreme sports is the danger to life and health. Although correct technique and good equipment reduce this risk to a minimum, accidents still occur regularly. Excessive tension in all body systems can also be considered a minus.

By training excessively, athletes not only overload their muscles and ligaments, but also wear out their hearts. Constant bursts of adrenaline are also not very healthy. You can avoid these consequences by limiting your workouts. But extreme sports are akin to addiction - once you try it, you want to continue.

Sometimes extreme sports are a manifestation of auto-aggression - activities aimed at causing harm to oneself. This phenomenon occurs due to mental disorders.

The disadvantages include the peculiar lifestyle of an avid extreme sports enthusiast. Often, only like-minded people are able to support the constant search for new experiences, the frantic pace of life and the regular risky activities of an athlete. The extreme sports fan’s family often opposes this sport, which leads to conflicts.

The last but not least disadvantage of extreme sports is its high cost. Good equipment requires serious investment. The athlete may also need additional funds, for example, to climb to a given height when jumping with a parachute or to travel to a good ski resort.

Throughout life, humanity struggles with certain obstacles, physical, psychological, material and even imagined. But there is a circle of people for whom obstacles are of particular interest. They not only learned to overcome them quickly, but also made it a kind of extreme sport, which very quickly gained popularity among many segments of the population.

Parkour is a unique discipline of non-traditional sport, which carries many dangers, originated before the start of the First World War, and was invented by one military man who introduced it for his fellow soldiers the new kind training, which includes physical and mental stress, using willpower. They usually trained in obstacle course running, self-defense, rock climbing and free swimming, which included elements of balancing act.

Later this type of training was called the “Natural Method”, which showed itself very well during the First and Second World Wars. Even after the end of the war, this method did not lose popularity and the first group of people appeared who called themselves “Yamakashi”. A group of people continued the idea of ​​the “Natural Method”, only not for military purposes, but for more entertaining ones.

The word Parkour itself originated from the French expression - an obstacle course, during which an athlete, who was called, with the help of the acrobatic abilities of his body, overcame various difficult obstacles in as little time as possible.

Parkour is divided into two types: Acrostreet and Building. Akrostreet, which is also known as street acrobatics, is performed on flat surface without any insurance or protection. Building is similar to rock climbing, but instead of rocky mountains there are multi-story buildings and various buildings. Unlike the first type, building is prohibited, since climbing a building in many countries is considered a violation of public order or even the law.

This extreme sport did not receive official competitions, but the World Parkour Association was organized, schools began to appear in many countries, it began to be introduced into many law enforcement agencies, but most of all it became popular in various films and video games that showed this discipline in all its more beautiful To this day there are, and always will be, connoisseurs of this “Natural Method” who continue the history of a proven and very popular type extreme sports.

Just the other day there was an argument with security about this.

Just the other day there was an argument with security about this.

It would seem that sport is life. Sports is a generally recognized component healthy image life. Yet sports, like coffee, have two sides to the coin.

Let's start with the advantages of sports:
+ ;
+ ;
+ Counteracts many diseases;
+ Sports are fun;
+ The opposite sex likes it;
+ Helps you switch from current tasks and .

I would especially like to note that sport really improves performance. Just a couple of weeks ago I was in a situation like a squeezed lemon - after a hassle with the court, I discovered that all the areas that I touched were in an unsatisfactory condition. The dissertation came to a standstill, the management of subordinates was left to chance, and many projects experienced failures.

A week ago I started actively cycling, as well as... And then I noticed that I had more things to do than usual. The drive began to return.

But we can’t say that sports are all about advantages. There are also some disadvantages.
- You are susceptible to injury;
- You can undermine your health, not strengthen it;
- Sports are expensive!
- Addictive;
- Wears out the body;
- It takes time.

Over the past couple of days, I managed to fall off my bike in a big way - my thigh was torn to the flesh through my pants, and yesterday in the pool my leg slipped and I received a good blow. After winter hibernation, almost all muscles hurt - from pull-ups, cycling and swimming.

Excessive cycling caused pain in my knees. In short, sports are traumatic. I will never forget how I was thrown over the handlebars of a mountain bike. I lost feeling in my finger and my hands bled.

Finding a good sports doctor who could select an adequate load is not possible - there are practically none in the city. Even in fitness clubs.

I have been involved in sports since childhood - judo, swimming, karate, running, aikido, swimming pool, cycling, power training and even skates. I fell unsuccessfully once and now my tailbone sometimes hurts. It’s very unpleasant, but this is an old injury that makes itself felt from time to time.

As for addiction, this is a completely terrible thing. Students look askance as the teacher drags them into the classroom Mountain bike. There are scandals with security in this regard. And instead of sleeping, morning jogging occurs with questionable health benefits.

However, sport is still more good than evil. You just need to use it wisely. As always, balance is important.