Lose weight on oatmeal in a week. Oatmeal diet for weight loss

Do you want to lose 10 kg in a week? Try the oatmeal diet for weight loss. Benefits, menus, reviews, results, as well as before and after photos of the week on the oatmeal diet in this article!

There are many nutrition systems, following which allows you to lose an impressive amount of extra pounds in a short period of time. Typically, such diets require great willpower, since the set of products offered by their diet is extremely limited. But the results are worth the effort, including moral.

oatmeal diet- one of the nutrition systems, thanks to which, in just 1 week, you can get rid of 10 kilograms excess weight. Despite its severity, you can not worry about possible harm for good health. The beneficial properties of oats are one of the benefits of this diet. This plant was used as a medicinal plant, and now oatmeal tops the list of the most popular products among adherents. healthy lifestyle life and wholesome food.

Effect on the body

Oats contain a lot of fiber. Therefore, its use is so effective for weight loss. Fiber contributes to the cleansing of the body, the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, reduces the risk of new "contamination". A week on the oatmeal diet will bring you extraordinary ease. Nutritionists recommend a nutrition system based on oatmeal, because, thanks to it:

  • The level of glucose in the blood returns to normal.
  • The aging process slows down.
  • A calming effect is produced on the body.
  • Stabilizes the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Hair, nails and skin acquire beauty and health.

The oatmeal diet is suitable for almost everyone, and from the first day you will feel all its advantages. The main thing is to overcome the initial hunger and tune in to achieve the goal.

A few "buts"

Any diet has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to practice it during breastfeeding and pregnancy. And if you have a history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases or infectious diseases, it is better to consult a doctor first.

An oatmeal diet can harm the body in only one case - non-compliance with the recommendations. You can not sit on a mono-diet, eat only porridge and drink only water.


Before disassembling detailed menu as part of this diet, you need to understand what the nutritional value of oatmeal is and how many calories are in the finished product.

100 g of dry product contains:

  • carbohydrates - 60 g;
  • proteins - 12 g;
  • fats - 6 g;
  • calories - 355 kcal.

The proportions of cooking porridge - for 60 g of water, you need to put 40 g of cereals (flakes). The finished product has a different calorie content - 140 Kcal. Despite such small values, after eating oatmeal, the feeling of satiety does not leave up to several hours.

Since you will need to eat oatmeal every day and several times throughout the week, it is worth learning about some of the secrets of its preparation. They will be useful to you later:

  • It is preferable to cook with water (you can add a few tablespoons of milk).
  • The most common cooking method: pour oatmeal into a small saucepan, pour the required amount of water and boil (up to 7 minutes).
  • More fast way: you can simply pour the cereal in a suitable dish with water and send it to the microwave for 4 minutes.
  • A useful way: you need to pour oatmeal into an ordinary thermos, pour hot water over it and wait about 3 hours.
  • It is allowed as part of the diet to add berries or fruits to porridge for a brighter taste.

There are many variations of the oatmeal diet, differing in duration, end goal, etc. But the most popular and effective is recognized weekly diet. This great option for cleansing the body and rapid weight loss.

Menu for the oatmeal diet for a week

Day of the week



Monday Oatmeal boiled in water - 100 gNatural yogurt - 150 ml, oatmeal - 50 gOatmeal - up to 150 g, chickens. egg - 1 pc.
Tuesday Watch Monday, add a little appleOatmeal - 100 g, chicken fillet decoction. – 100 gOatmeal - 50 g, a serving of cucumber and cabbage salad
Wednesday Watch Monday + berries - 100 gPortion of carrot salad and oatmeal - 50 gOvary protein - 1 pc., oatmeal - 50 g
Thursday Monday menu + grapefruit - 1\2Serving salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, oatmeal - 50 gOatmeal - 50 g, low-fat kefir - 1 tbsp.
Friday Monday menu, add prunes to porridge - 50 gOatmeal - 50 g, fat-free cottage cheese. – 50 gWatch Thursday
Saturday See Monday, chickens. egg - 1 pc.Oatmeal and decoction. chicken fillet - 50 g eachOatmeal - 50 g, add a pear - 1/2
Sunday Add an orange to the Monday menuOatmeal - 50 g, chicken. egg - 1 pc.Oatmeal - 50 g, nature. yogurt - 100 g

Such a strict, but at the same time quite varied diet is your chance to lose as much as 10 kg of excess weight in just 7 days.

Possible Diet Variations

There are several varieties of the oatmeal diet that differ from the diet described above. Consider them, perhaps you will be more comfortable using these power schemes.

Oatmeal diet with fruits

As part of this system, you can supplement porridge with any fruit:

  • fresh - apples, kiwi, pear, plum;
  • dried - dried apricots, apples, raisins, prunes.

For 200 g of oatmeal, you can add 100 g of the selected fruit. Nutrition occurs according to the scheme - 5 times a day (at the same time, 3 doses are given for oatmeal, the rest - for fruits, the total volume of which should be no more than 300 g per day). The break between meals is 3 hours. You can add a little honey or nuts to the porridge. The results are the same as we expect from the oatmeal diet - up to 10 kg in 7 days.

Oatmeal diet with vegetables

This option is not for the sweet tooth. The scheme is approximately similar to the fruit one, but vegetables are chosen as an addition to oatmeal:

  • fresh - tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, bell peppers;
  • baked in the oven - asparagus, zucchini, eggplant.

It is allowed to add lemon juice to salads from these vegetables. We eat 5 times a day - 3 times is given to oatmeal with vegetables, 2 - to salads. The result is approximately 10 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.

Oatmeal is a storehouse of useful trace elements. But it is recognized as not fully balanced. Therefore, there are some restrictions in terms of who can take it with such frequency. For example, with problems with constipation, the use of oatmeal is undesirable.

That is why, before going on a diet, it does not hurt to get advice from several specialists: a nutritionist, an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

They also recommend cleaning the body before switching to a weekly oatmeal nutrition system. The day before, pour 4 tablespoons of rice cereal with water (1 l), leave the mixture overnight. After that, in the morning, rice is poured into clean water and boiled until it acquires the consistency of jelly - about an hour. When the decoction has cooled, it should be drunk and wait 5 hours before eating or drinking anything. After this single meal, fast again until the morning of the next day. Now you can start a diet - start breakfast on the first day of the weekly diet.

The key to success in this case is your willpower. But a lot will depend on how smoothly you get off the diet. The amount of habitual food should be increased gradually. You can start with casseroles and light salads, then move on to more fruits, and only then return meat to the diet.

Your health, well-being and appearance- to a greater extent the result of your specific efforts.

One of effective ways weight loss are mono-diets, of which the oatmeal diet is considered safer and healthier for the body. In addition, it can be attributed to the most affordable and budgetary, because this cereal is quite inexpensive. There are several options for oatmeal diets. They differ in duration and the list of allowed products. Which of the weight loss methods is more effective, their rules and several recipes with photos for each are presented in the information below.

The benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

Oats are one of the healthiest grains. It contains many trace elements necessary for the body. Among them are chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sulfur, iodine and potassium. Also vitamins - B, C, K, E, PP, and even such a rare H. Also, a large amount of fiber and amino acids are found in this cereal. Oatmeal for weight loss is useful in that it helps to remove waste and toxins and improve functioning. digestive system.

Is it possible to lose weight on oatmeal

If we talk specifically about losing weight on oatmeal, then this is possible if you cook this cereal correctly and further change your diet by eliminating junk food. The main condition is to consume flakes daily. In this case, it will help you lose weight by:

  • high content of soluble fiber, which enhances the feeling of satiety;
  • flushing out harmful substances from the body;
  • lowering the level of bad cholesterol;
  • prolonged saturation due to the content of slow carbohydrates in cereals;
  • almost complete digestion of the cereal itself, which prevents excess fats from being absorbed.

The main advantage of oatmeal is its low calorie content. Dry cereal has an energy value of 355 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of the finished dish is much lower. It depends on the cooking method. If water is used for cooking, then the nutritional value of the finished product is about 60-80 g. If it is replaced with milk, the calorie content increases to 100-110 kcal. It is important to note that it is better to use natural oats or flakes, but not instant ones. The faster the latter are brewed, the less useful they are.

How much can you drop

The number of kilograms dropped is determined by two factors - the initial weight and the duration of the oatmeal diet. The higher your body weight, the more you can lose. There are options for 3 days, a week and a whole month. In the first case, you can lose weight on oatmeal by about 2-3 kg, in the second case, lose 5-7 kg, and in the latter even more - 7-10 kg.


The rules of the diet are determined depending on its duration, but there are a few basic recommendations. By following them, you can lose even more extra pounds and at the same time cleanse the body. An oatmeal diet can last 3 or 7 days and even a whole month. Choose a specific option depending on your goals. If you need to lose a couple of pounds before some important event, then try a diet for 3 days or a week. For more effective weight loss choose a monthly duration. So you can fix the result.

For 7 days

The 7-day nutrition program is more gentle compared to the following unloading option. The list of allowed products here is much longer, and therefore it is easier to comply with it. sample menu presented in the table:

unsweetened tea

A glass of kefir

half an apple

Cabbage salad with carrots

Oatmeal on the water (200-250 g) +

Water, pure or mineral

Oatmeal with non-fat milk (200-250 g) +

unsweetened tea

Radish Salad with Cucumbers

Oatmeal on the water (200-250 g) +

half an orange

Carrot salad with cabbage

handful of prunes

Oatmeal with non-fat milk (200-250 g) +

Radish, Cucumber and Cabbage Salad

Hercules on the water (200-250 g) +

Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers

For 3 days

During all this time, except for oats, nothing else can be consumed. Due to this, it happens complete cleansing body from toxins and lowering bad cholesterol. In addition to porridge, you can add a couple of oatmeal cookies to the diet, but only dietary ones. Additionally, you must drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water. It is recommended to repeat such unloading not earlier than in a month.

For a month

For such a long period, it will be difficult for the body to get by with porridge alone, so the diet for a month involves more benign conditions and a varied diet. The entire period of weight loss includes 2 stages:

  1. Strict period. Lasts for 7 days, includes breakfast, lunch and dinner in the form of oatmeal cooked in water and a glass of skimmed milk or kefir.
  2. Sparing period. Continues from 8 days to the end of the month. You can add fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, greens, berries, nuts, lean meat and fish to the list of allowed foods.

Oatmeal for weight loss

There are two ways to cook porridge - hot and cold. In the first case, cereals are boiled with any or milk. Whole grains are simmered for a couple of minutes, and then allowed to cool. Flakes are easy to simply steam with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, the dish is ready to eat. If it is cold, you can warm it up a little.

Flakes can be cooked cold. For whole grains, this option is not suitable. Flakes are simply poured with water or kefir and left to stand all night. In the morning the dish is ready to eat. Such oatmeal no less useful. Soaking in water allows you to deactivate the phytic acid contained in the composition of oats, which prevents beneficial microelements from being absorbed in the intestines.

On the water

The easiest recipe for weight loss is oatmeal in water. For its preparation, only hercules is required. Cooking instructions are on most packages. Flakes must simply be poured into a saucepan and poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. After boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum and simmered for about 10-15 minutes. At the end, for taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey, pieces of fruit or berries.

On milk

Not everyone likes porridge on the water, because it is not sweet. In this case, you can cook it with low-fat milk with the addition of vanillin or cinnamon if desired. Its calorie content increases, but not so significantly (it is 102 kcal per 100 g), so sometimes such a dish can be included in your diet.The dish itself is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 200 g of oatmeal, pour it with 300 ml of water.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. Then simmer on low heat for about half an hour.
  4. Then pour in milk, boil again.
  5. Remove from heat after another half an hour.

On kefir

Another original weight loss option is a diet of oatmeal and kefir. In this case, the body needs special preparation so that a radical change in diet does not harm. A couple of days before the start of weight loss, it is necessary to reduce the usual portions, give up salt and fatty foods. Then you can begin to change the diet - every day you need to consume about 600-800 g of finished oatmeal and one liter of kefir, it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey. Another option is to pour kefir over cereal in the evening.

with apples

A more varied diet has a diet of oatmeal and apples. Its main characteristic is a large amount of fiber. In addition, apples contained in pectins help not only cleanse the stomach and intestines, but also reduce the level of bad cholesterol. The maximum duration is 10 days. During this period, you can lose weight by 5-7 kg. Sample menu for each day:

  • breakfast - a portion of porridge, an apple;
  • second breakfast - 2-3 apples;
  • lunch - breakfast menu;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • dinner - breakfast menu;
  • before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

How to cook oatmeal

There are several options for how to cook oatmeal for weight loss. In the simplest version, it is boiled on the basis of water, it is suitable for dinner, because it has less calories. For breakfast, you can cook a sweeter dish, for example, with milk, or add fruit or honey. Cooking oatmeal does not take much time, which can be considered another advantage of such weight loss.

With fruits for breakfast

You can improve the taste by adding some fruits, but not all. It is best to choose unsweetened varieties of apples, plums and pears. No less useful are citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, which has fat-burning properties. In any case, they should be no more than 300 g. If these are dried fruits, then their number is limited to 100 g, because this product is more high-calorie. Fruits can be used not only with cereals, but also consumed separately.

The most common option is oatmeal with apples. It is prepared not only with fruit pulp, but also with a small amount of juice. You can also add a little raisins or other dried fruits for taste. Oatmeal with fruit for breakfast is very easy to prepare. For it you will need the following ingredients:

  • apple juice - 250 ml;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • hercules - 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse raisins, pour hot water, then let stand for 20 minutes.
  2. Wash the apple too, if desired, you can peel it, remove the core from the fruit, and grate the pulp.
  3. Pour the flakes into a saucepan, pour water, add apple juice, put on the stove.
  4. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  5. At the end, place the pan in a warm place, let stand for half an hour.
  6. Before serving, add grated apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.

On the water for dinner

There are two ways to cook porridge with water. The first method is very easy - the cereal is simply poured with water so that it exceeds the level of the flakes by about 2 cm. If the dish is to be ready for dinner, then the flakes must be soaked in the morning, then by the evening it will be ready for use. There is another cooking option. In this case, oatmeal at night for weight loss is more crumbly. Oil, sugar and other sweet and fatty ingredients should not be added. All you need for this dish is cereal and water. Cooking instructions:

  1. Take a frying pan, warm it up and fry the flakes on it for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, pour the cereal into boiling water. It must be taken in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. Stir all the time so it doesn't burn.
  4. After 15-20 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a towel on top and leave for 1 hour.

Another simple, delicious and diet recipe- This is oatmeal with honey for weight loss. Even nutritionists advise including this combination of ingredients in your diet. Honey is an excellent substitute for sugar, which is especially important for those with a sweet tooth. But adding too much of this delicacy is still not worth it, because it has not such a low calorie content. Enough 1-2 teaspoons.

Preparing the dish is very simple, especially on the water. In this case, the flakes are poured into a boiling liquid, simmered for 10-15 minutes, after which they are allowed to cool slightly and seasoned with honey. You should not add it right away, because at high temperatures the sweet ingredient loses its beneficial features. In another way, how to cook porridge with honey, involves the use of milk. The instruction in this case is as follows:

  1. Bring milk to a boil over low heat.
  2. Next, pour cereal into it in a ratio of 2: 1.
  3. Sweat for a couple of minutes, then let cool slightly and add a spoonful of honey.

Getting out of the diet

When losing weight, it is important not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to consolidate the result and maintain the current weight. The main rule of exiting the diet is gradualness. You can not abruptly return to the usual diet, especially the wrong one with harmful products. In this case, there is a risk of returning excess weight, and even in larger quantities. Oatmeal with a diet helps to lose weight, but only if you follow a few rules in the future. Of these, the main ones are:

  1. On the first day of leaving the diet, you can add some fresh fruits or vegetables.
  2. On the second day, it is allowed to include a small handful of nuts in the diet.
  3. Next, you can already introduce vegetables - stewed or steamed. When you feel hungry, you should drink a glass of kefir.
  4. Then you can gradually add lean meats and fish. Calorie content should increase by about 20 kcal daily.
  5. In general, there should be 4-5 meals of approximately 200-250 g each.

Cons of the oatmeal diet

Even with good results The oatmeal diet has a number of disadvantages and contraindications. This cereal is not suitable for people who do not tolerate gluten, because this substance is contained in it in large quantities. Other contraindications for the diet:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • digestive tract disorder;
  • with caution in diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to cereals;
  • elevated physical exercise;
  • chronic or acute gastritis;
  • colitis.

Due to an unbalanced diet, you cannot follow a mono-diet for more than 10 days, otherwise fatigue, apathy, drowsiness may appear, as a result of which efficiency will also decrease. The harm of oatmeal to the body is significant in the case of a mono-diet, i.e. when using one porridge and water. But if the period of weight loss is limited to 3-5 days, there will be no negative consequences. The disadvantages include the following:

  • low-calorie and unbalanced;
  • a meager diet of a fasting 3-day option;
  • possible weakness and loss of strength;
  • the same product can quickly get bored.


Using an oatmeal diet for weight loss, you can significantly reduce weight without negative effects on the body. Because by choosing this diet, you get required amount calories for the body, at the same time the intestines are cleansed and digestion improves. Improving metabolism in the body, helps to establish and eliminate malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract and thereby reduce weight. In addition, oatmeal is not only healthy, but also tasty.

The benefits of an oatmeal diet

What are the benefits of an oatmeal diet? First of all, the benefits of an oatmeal diet is that oatmeal saturates your body with essential minerals, vitamins, proteins, potassium, iron, magnesium and other trace elements. Since oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, it is useful for everyone and diabetics in particular.

Fiber, found in oatmeal, is a natural adsorbent that, moving along the digestive tract, cleanses it of accumulated harmful substances. Oatmeal acts gently on the mucous membranes of the stomach and does not irritate, and by enveloping it, it significantly improves the functioning of the digestive system. By improving the functioning of the intestines and metabolic processes in the body, you can simultaneously improve the appearance of the skin and get rid of acne.

Oatmeal also acts as a kind, removing unnecessary substances and thereby freeing the body from pollution.

Menu examples for the oatmeal diet

A weekly diet using this menu will not cause you any trouble and will cleanse the body well.

  1. For breakfast: oatmeal 250 grams filled with a glass of skimmed milk or kefir. Dried fruits - 2 tablespoons, herbal tea without sugar.
  2. Second breakfast: 1 unsweetened apple or half a cup of berries.
  3. Lunch: oatmeal 250 grams, 100 grams of boiled chicken breast, green salad, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: a serving of raw vegetables.
  5. Dinner: 250 grams of porridge, a serving of salad, tea without sugar.
  6. 2 hours before bedtime, a glass of fat-free kefir and 2 cookies.
  7. In porridge during the day, you can add 2 teaspoons of honey, sometimes vegetable oil.

Mono-diet on oatmeal cooked in water

Oatmeal is prepared from oatmeal flakes, it is best to make unsalted porridge without food additives. Sugar is excluded, it is allowed to add a little olive or any other vegetable oil. You need to cook porridge before eating, especially since the cooking time takes from 5 to 10 minutes.

The daily serving is divided into five parts, the serving contains a maximum of two hundred and fifty grams of ready-made porridge. The liquid can be drunk half an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal. During the day, you need to drink a lot and plentifully to quench the feeling of hunger.

Green tea, herbal decoctions or herbal teas and still mineral water. Any sweet and carbonated drinks and juices are excluded. You can eat a couple of apples, pears or citrus fruits in the daytime, but unsweetened varieties. For 7 days of a mono-diet, you can lose weight from 3 to 6 kilograms, subject to mandatory physical activity.

On oatmeal with cottage cheese and apples

One of the best options for losing weight on oatmeal is the three-food diet. In this form, only three products are used in the diet: oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples. Why choose this option? Oatmeal - saturated with vitamins, microelements, contains fiber, which improves digestion and helps in cleansing the intestines in particular and the body as a whole. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and therefore, saturates well.

Apples also contain vitamins and minerals. In addition, they have soluble fibers - pectins, and therefore they remove cholesterol well and help cleanse the body. Cottage cheese is an easily digestible animal protein that contains fatty acids necessary for the body to fully function the muscles. The maximum fat content of cottage cheese is up to 4%. The combination of these three foods in the diet provides the body with the necessary substances for life.

Kefir-oatmeal diet

There are two kinds kefir diet on oatmeal: this is a mono-diet and a light version of the kefir diet on oatmeal with the inclusion of dried fruits and fruits. The mono-diet is different in that you can eat limited foods: kefir and oatmeal. The daily diet is divided into 4-5 doses, you can eat 1 liter of kefir and 800 grams of porridge per day.

One option is to cook porridge in the evening, in which oatmeal is poured with kefir. The diet is not recommended for kidney failure, peptic ulcer and stomach diseases. The diet is short-lived, a maximum of 3-5 days.

A more gentle version of the kefir and oatmeal diet includes the use of fruits and dried fruits. From fruits you can eat - apples, pears, cherries, cherries, apricots, kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries, currants and lingonberries. Excluded: mango, white grapes, bananas, melons. Dried fruits: dates, prunes, dried apricots, figs.

With fruits

By adding various fruits to oatmeal cooked in water, you can significantly improve the taste palette of diet days. In addition, saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. Such a diet is allowed for a longer time, with virtually no negative impact on the body in two weeks, you can reduce your weight by 5-10 kilograms.

From fruits, it is best to choose not sweet varieties of apples, pears, plums. Citrus fruits are very useful, as they contain the necessary vitamin C, kiwi, berries. A serving of fresh fruits is not more than 300 grams, dried fruits - 100 grams, since dried fruits contain more calories. You can include honey no more than 2 teaspoons and 50 grams of nuts. Fruits are introduced for the second breakfast and afternoon snack, oatmeal porridge 3 times a day.

Cleansing with oat bran

A cleansing diet with oat bran saturates the body with the necessary complex of vitamins and microelements. Fiber, passing through the intestinal tract, adsorbs harmful substances produced by the intestines during the life of the body and binds them, removes them. The daily norm of bran is not more than 30 grams, before use, the bran must be steamed out, the main thing is to consume liquid as much as possible during the diet, up to 3 liters per day. A cleansing diet in 3 days, without harm to the body, will help you lose more kilograms.

You can add bran to any dish, the main thing is to observe the daily dose of bran intake. But there are some restrictions, since during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, it is not recommended to start a diet. Since fiber in large volumes negatively affects the intestinal mucosa. In addition, there is a risk of developing beriberi, so a second course of the diet is allowed only after 2-3 months.

On oatmeal

, reduces inflammatory processes in the food system, improves metabolism, cleanses the intestines and thus helps in losing weight. In addition, this is a hearty dish and you will not be haunted by the feeling of hunger. For this, it is necessary to take half a glass of oatmeal jelly half an hour before meals for a month. In a month, you can easily lose from 3 to 5 kilograms.

Kissel is prepared as follows: you need to take 300 grams of oatmeal and pour 100 grams of milk and 1 tablespoon of sour cream, put it all in a three-liter glass jar. There also crumble a small crust of black bread and pour it all over with water. Putting the jar in a warm place, after 2-3 days, the resulting liquid after filtering, boil over a fire until it thickens.

The right way out of the diet

In order to properly get out of the diet without harming the body and permanently consolidate the achieved results of losing weight, you must follow some rules and, most importantly, make them permanent in later life. It is necessary to significantly increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, it is best to steam them.

Eat only lean meats and fish, gradually increasing the portion. Including fats and carbohydrates in your diet, give preference to vegetable fats. Continue physical exercise and gradually increase the load.
Observe the drinking regimen, drink up to 2 liters per day.

Accept daily ration food for 5-6 meals, give up snacks, the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

If, nevertheless, when you leave the diet, you are overtaken by a feeling of hunger, drink low-fat kefir with several biscuit cookies or eat an apple. After two weeks, you can switch to a full meal.

Photos of those who lost weight before and after the oatmeal diet

Having studied the photos before and after applying any of the above oatmeal diets, you can be sure of their effectiveness. As mentioned earlier, an oatmeal diet helps not only get rid of unwanted pounds, but also strengthens the body as a whole, since the product is rich in various trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

People have long known about the benefits of oats. Specialists in healthy eating argue that oatmeal in any manifestation should be present in, and adherents of proper nutrition cannot imagine their morning without a plate of oatmeal. Oat products, and especially cereals, have a beneficial effect on human health and help maintain a healthy weight. So, oatmeal is considered one of the most popular and effective products for normalizing weight.

Benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

Oat flakes are a valuable storehouse of proteins, fiber, vitamins, iodine, fluorine, folic acid, biotin, calcium, magnesium and potassium, amino acids and other trace elements that the body needs for normal activity.

The benefits of cereal for weight loss cannot be overestimated:

  • Cleanse the intestines and stomach;
  • Activate the body's defense processes;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Reduce the risk of developing heart disease and thrombosis;
  • Remove harmful substances from the body;
  • They give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Varieties of diets on oatmeal

Diet on porridge from oats with fruits

The diet lasts 5-7 days. During the day, you need to eat 3 servings of 250 g of oatmeal in the morning, afternoon and evening, replace other meals with fruits to taste. You need to eat every 3 hours.

Diet "four days" on oatmeal

The first day

  • Breakfast : ½ cup water-cooked oat flakes
  • Snack : a few nuts, unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner : oatmeal steamed with boiling water, you can season 1 tsp. honey.
  • Snack : light salad of sliced ​​cucumbers and radishes.
  • Dinner: porridge from oats on the water and a handful of berries.

Second day

  • Breakfast : oatmeal porridge cooked with water.
  • Snack : 200 ml of kefir.
  • Dinner : oatmeal, steamed with boiling water, can be seasoned with 1 tsp. honey.
  • Snack : half a grapefruit and green tea.
  • Dinner : flakes boiled in water, a few pieces of prunes and dried apricots, as well as 1 fig.

Day Three

  • Breakfast : hercules on the water.
  • Snack : low fat yogurt.
  • Dinner : Hercules, steamed with boiling water, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey.
  • Snack : 1 small orange, unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner : oatmeal steamed with boiling water, a handful of raisins.

Day four

  • Breakfast : oatmeal porridge on the water.
  • Snack : 200 ml of kefir.
  • Dinner : hercules, steamed with boiling water, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey.
  • Snack : 1 small orange, lettuce.
  • Dinner : oatmeal, steamed with boiling water, 1 pear.

Rigid oatmeal diet

Lasts one week. The first three days of the diet, you need to eat only oatmeal porridge, cooked according to the instructions on the package. None are allowed flavor additives or condiments. It is allowed to drink porridge with green tea or pure water, as well as infusion of herbs. On the following days, 1 is added to the porridge. green apple.

Unloading day on Hercules

Divide 1 cup of oatmeal into 5 equal portions. They must be consumed during the day, and the last serving should be eaten no later than 18:00. Of the liquids, green tea without sugar and water is allowed.

Oatmeal porridge recipes for weight loss

Whole oatmeal porridge


  • whole grains of oats - 200 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Rinse grains;
  2. Boil water and add oats to it. Salt to taste. Cook for 40 minutes over low heat;
  3. Let the flakes brew in a warm place for about half an hour.

Healthy and low-calorie porridge is ready!

Hercules with apples for weight loss


  • hercules - 250 g;
  • apple juice - a glass;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • green apple - 1 pc;
  • water - a glass;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over, leave for 18-20 minutes;
  2. Grind the apple on a grater;
  3. Pour hercules into a saucepan, pour in water and juice. Boil. After boiling, cook for 13-15 minutes;
  4. Serve with cinnamon and apple.

Oatmeal without cooking for weight loss


  • cereal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 150 g;
  • dried apricots and raisins - 1 tbsp each;
  • honey - ½ tsp;
  • candied fruits - 1 tsp;
  • coconut flakes - a pinch;
  • green apple - 1 pc.


  1. Pour oatmeal, raisins and dried apricots into a plate;
  2. Pour boiling water over, cover with a lid or plate and leave overnight;
  3. In the morning, add the grated apple and the rest of the ingredients.

Prepare porridge in the evening.


  • oat flakes - 250 g;
  • pumpkin - 150 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • skimmed milk - 400 ml;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Put the pumpkin in a saucepan and pour water, after boiling, cook for 18-20 minutes;
  2. Puree the pumpkin in a blender;
  3. Move the flakes to a saucepan and pour over the milk. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling;
  4. Let it brew for half an hour;
  5. Add mashed pumpkin and cinnamon.

Oatmeal breakfast recipes for weight loss

Herculean porridge classic


  • oat flakes - 1 cup;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Boil water, pour flakes into boiling water;
  2. Cook for a couple of minutes over high heat, stirring vigorously;
  3. Reduce the gas and cover the porridge with a lid, cook until fully cooked.

Porridge can be supplemented with an apple, fat-free cottage cheese, a pinch of cinnamon, nuts or raisins.

The cold way to make oatmeal for breakfast


  • hercules - 30-50 g;
  • skimmed milk - 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour the cereal with cold milk, let it brew for 15 minutes;
  2. Add dried fruits or nuts to taste.

Microwave porridge for breakfast

It will take:

  • hercules - 30-50 g;
  • skimmed milk or water - 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour flakes with milk or water;
  2. Place in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Hercules prepared in the evening

It will take:

  • hercules - 30-50 gr;
  • drinking yogurt without additives - 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour flakes with yogurt;
  2. insist night;
  3. Add dried fruits, apple, cinnamon to taste.

Oatmeal in milk for weight loss

There is a lot of controversy around milk and its benefits for weight loss. Someone believes that oatmeal cooked in milk does not contribute to weight loss, while someone says that the opposite is true. Nutritionists recommend using skimmed milk or with the lowest percentage of fat content when cooking oatmeal. It is allowed to mix milk with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Oatmeal porridge in milk with dried fruits for weight loss


  • hercules - 50 g;
  • milk - 320 g;
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • dried fruits - 80 g.


  1. Boil milk;
  2. Pour hercules into boiling milk and cook, stirring;
  3. After a few minutes, remove from heat;
  4. Insist in a warm place for about half an hour;
  5. Meanwhile, chop dried fruits;
  6. Heat the pan and send honey there, add dried fruits, stir and remove from heat;
  7. Put the porridge back on the fire and add dried fruits with honey, warm for a few minutes.

Oatmeal with honey for weight loss

Honey is put into oatmeal for sweetness, replacing sugar with it. And, although there are enough calories in honey, a very small amount of it will not only not hurt, but will also help to lose weight. If oatmeal is used for weight loss, it is not recommended to use more than 1 tablespoon of honey. Oatmeal with honey quickly cleanses the body of "deposits" of toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated in the intestines and blood vessels.


  • hercules flakes - 100 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Boil water and pour oatmeal into it;
  2. Cook until cooked;
  3. Sprinkle with honey when serving.

Oatmeal on water for weight loss

Oatmeal steamed


  • oatmeal - 75-100 g;
  • water - 100-150 g;
  • honey, dried apricots - to taste.


  1. Flakes pour boiling water;
  2. Add honey and dried apricots;
  3. Cover with a lid, leave for about 10 minutes.

Oat milk


  • coarse flakes - 100 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - ½ tsp


  1. To boil water;
  2. Pour the flakes with water, stir and let it brew overnight;
  3. Add honey in the morning;
  4. Beat the mixture with a blender, and then pass through cheesecloth.


Like any product, oatmeal has a number of contraindications. Oat flakes are not recommended for everyday use for a long time, as they contain phytic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium and promotes its leaching.

The quality of oat flakes also needs to be approached with extreme caution - most unscrupulous manufacturers add oat starch to flakes, which turns into ordinary sugar in our body.

Finally, oatmeal is contraindicated for people with intolerance to gluten (gluten). Be careful and consult your doctor before choosing an oatmeal diet.

Can you lose weight on oatmeal?

Indeed, you can lose weight on oatmeal. This healthy and tasty porridge helps to return normal weight and join proper nutrition. The results are different for everyone - depending on the characteristics of the body and the chosen diet. So, for example, some people manage to lose up to 10 kg in the shortest possible time. A normal indicator of weight loss per week on oatmeal is about 3.5-5 kg.

Video about oatmeal diet

Dr. Agapkin talks about the benefits of oatmeal and reveals the secrets of the oatmeal diet:

In the next article we will talk about others.

The oatmeal diet will be useful not only for those who are trying to lose weight. overweight but also for those who want to improve general state your body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Rave reviews and recommendations from doctors speak only in favor of oatmeal. Try it and you, perhaps oatmeal is your product for weight loss.

An oatmeal diet for a week will allow you to lose 10 kg. And as evidenced by numerous reviews, this is a proven fact. It is well known that oatmeal is an ideal dish for the breakfast menu, as it can bring maximum benefits to the human body. This cereal is like a magic box, which contains a great variety of useful trace elements - magnesium and fluorine, phosphorus and calcium, a complex of vitamins B and A, C, E, PP. And besides, this is a long-acting carbohydrate, after which you do not want to eat for a long time.

Eating porridge regularly, a person not only saturates his body, but also perfectly cleanses the intestines from toxins accumulated there. It is on this property that the very efficient system nutrition for weight loss based on oatmeal.

Benefit for health

Is it possible to lose weight on this cereal and is it not harmful to health? There is no doubt that oatmeal is useful. The high fiber content in oat seeds helps to activate human body metabolic processes, and also lowers cholesterol in the bloodstream. It is thanks to the ability of this cereal to cleanse the intestines from toxins and their decay products ─ toxins that made this traditional product of true British effective method to quickly get rid of deposits that have settled on the waist and in the abdomen.

Diet Rules

You can lose weight on an oatmeal diet in a very short time. But since this is a carbohydrate mono-diet, its effectiveness is high only if a number of rules are observed:

  1. It is absolutely forbidden to sit down at the table 4 hours before a night's sleep.
  2. Throughout the day, you must drink at least 2 liters of liquid (green tea or mineral water without the presence of gas in it).
  3. Oatmeal itself is not washed down with liquid. We don't drink anything after eating.
  4. During the diet period, breakfast cereals based on hercules are completely excluded: muesli or cereal. We cook porridge only from whole grains.
  5. As additives to porridge, it is not recommended to introduce seasonings, spices, or jam.

With the help of such nutrition, kilograms will steadily “run away”, and health will steadily improve. The diet itself is universal and has no age restrictions. A seven-day course optimally cleanses the body of everything superfluous in it, but it is still worth consulting with your doctor.

How to cook cereal

For the most effective cleansing of the body, it is better to cook oatmeal in distilled or filtered water, without all kinds of additives.

You can cook the dish just before the moment of consumption - it is somewhat tastier, or you can pour the grains with distilled water for 10 hours and only then boil the resulting slurry.

Another cooking method is boiling in cow's milk - prepare a mixture of fresh milk and water: in equal volumes, in which oatmeal is cooked. For 2 cups liquid 3/4 cup cereal. Boil for 10 minutes, turn off, sweat under the lid for 30 minutes. Boil again, let boil for 5 minutes, turn off, hold under the lid for 30 minutes. The porridge is ready.

Oatmeal can be prepared both from whole grains and with the help of crushed flakes - they are widely distributed in all kinds of stores and shopping centers. But flakes are less effective, although they are prepared by simply steaming with boiling water.

Another way to prepare oatmeal for weight loss is to pour a cup of oatmeal overnight with a cup of fat-free kefir, mix and leave until morning. We eat in the morning.

Menu for the week

To fully get rid of annoying kilograms, during the week you will need to eat only dishes based on oatmeal.

The menu does not please with variety: oatmeal or oat bran, as well as oatmeal jelly. It should be noted that the cereal itself is very satisfying, so saturation occurs quickly. And you don’t want to linger at the table in front of a plate of porridge too much - a dish without salt, sugar or other seasonings is not very pleasing to the eye and taste buds.

The nutrition scheme itself is built in two stages - first cleansing, and only then losing weight.

  1. The purification stage is short - three days to cook oatmeal: Pour 80 g of oats with a liter of distilled or filtered water, mix, leave for 12 hours (preferably overnight) in a closed container. And in the morning, cook it over moderate heat until it boils down to the consistency of jelly. Drink the resulting liquid on an empty stomach. Then fast for five hours. A light afternoon snack in the form of a green apple completes the fasting day. If you suffer from bouts of hunger, we drink water, green tea without sugar and think about something pleasant. A walk, a favorite pastime, an interesting movie will help to distract from food.
  2. The weight loss stage is 4 days. Compliance with the diet at the second stage is not burdensome in terms of costs. It is recommended to eat porridge in portions of 200 g throughout the day - about five times. Portions are conveniently measured with a glass or cup. There is nothing more.

Drink more liquid between meals of oatmeal - the volume per day should be about two liters. The diet will be more effective if you start the morning ritual of preparing for the upcoming day by drinking 200 ml of purified warm water, and having breakfast half an hour later.

If a strict diet seems difficult, you can sometimes add a little dried fruit to the porridge itself - dried apricots, or better - prunes, dried apples or raisins. Dried fruits are saturated with useful trace elements, and their use solves the problem of constipation.

In 7 days you will rid your body of 10 kg of excess weight, cleanse your body and give good start for the rejuvenation of every cell. But even after reaching the desired weight, you should not rush "in all gastronomic serious" and eat up half-eaten. Oatmeal breakfast should become your habit, as should regular small meals and 2 liters of clean water a day.

Exercising will help tighten your muscles and improve your posture. Every extra calorie has to be burned, whether it's running, exercising on the machine, dancing, swimming or cycling. And remember: what you eat before going to bed will not work! When the body sleeps, digestion rests, gastric juice is not produced, and all food stagnates, deteriorates and turns into slag.

Fasting day

For those who are not faced with the issue of getting rid of ten kilograms accumulated over time, who do not need a sharp start, fasting days 1-2 times a week with the use of oatmeal-based dishes are quite suitable.

  • For the first breakfast, freshly prepared oatmeal without unnecessary additives will go. You can drink it with green tea without additives.
  • For a second breakfast, oatmeal 200 g, or 200 ml of oatmeal jelly is prepared.
  • For lunch: a bowl of oatmeal, boiled egg, fresh herbs, one green apple or 200 ml of prunes infusion.
  • The afternoon snack menu is left: 200 g of oatmeal, one orange and 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • For dinner, oatmeal with dried fruits and a glass of freshly made fruit or vegetable juice are recommended.
  • 4 hours before a night's rest, if there is a noticeable feeling of hunger, then you can eat another bowl of porridge.

Throughout unloading day it is necessary to consume at least two liters of purified water - this is a lifelong rule. After all, water is a solvent, it removes toxic substances and decay products.

The use of an oatmeal diet has its positive aspects: uniform weight loss; the skin does not sag and is cleansed; immunity increases; the intestines work regularly; hair and nails grow better. But there are also negative aspects: such mono-nutrition is absolutely forbidden for people with congenital intolerance to all cereal crops, in the presence of severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for women during the period of bearing a baby or lactation.

Consultation with a specialist before starting a diet will help to avoid serious complications in the future.