Variants of unloading days for cleansing the body. Unloading week

The human body should sometimes be given a rest and help cleanse it. For example, after various holidays with feasts, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines to remove toxic substances and excess fluid. To do this, you can perform special fasting days to cleanse the intestines.

Benefits of unloading

It is possible to identify numerous positive sides unloading days. Since when cleansing the intestines, the general well-being of a person improves. Therefore, we can say that after fasting days for bowel cleansing, the following improvements occur:

  • The complexion is visibly improved, a healthy natural glow appears
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system
  • Metabolic processes in the body are normalized
  • Excess water is removed from the body, and with it a few extra pounds disappear.

Basic Rules

It is necessary to follow some rules during fasting days. They are:

  • Drink plenty of water - drink about 1.5 liters of water per day
  • On fasting days, it is better not to perform various physical exercises.
  • Eating should be carried out on the days of unloading in small portions, but often - about 5 times a day.

Fasting days should be observed once a week. The duration of the course of unloading is 2 months.

Between fasting days you have to choose proper nutrition and lead healthy lifestyle life to save the results after unloading.

Types of fasting days for the intestines

There are many options for fasting days for the intestines. The essence of each is the use of certain products that contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the intestines and the body as a whole. by the most popular species unloading days can be called the following:

  • Unloading day for the intestines on the water
  • On cereals
  • On kefir
  • on apples
  • On juices

Such fasting days belong to mono-diets - that is, when unloading, it is necessary to consume only one main product. Sometimes it is allowed to use some other products in addition.

Mostly vegetables or fruits.

Examples of fasting days for the intestines

You can consider in detail some examples of fasting days for the intestines.

Day of unloading the intestines on kefir

Cleansing on kefir is considered one of the most popular. They are very effective and well contribute to the removal of toxic substances, toxins. In addition, kefir helps speed up the metabolism and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.
For cleansing, you should take about 2 liters of kefir, but not less than 1.5 liters for consumption per day. You need to choose a fat-free product. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, then an apple, grapefruit, cucumber or orange is allowed.

Juice day

Fasting days on juices can be called a very effective method for cleansing the intestines. You can drink both fruit and vegetable juices - at least 2 liters per day. You can prepare various cocktails from vegetables with the addition of herbs.

Fasting days for the intestines is a great way to maintain health and maintain an excellent state of the body.

Improper nutrition, irregular work schedule, constant fussiness - these and many other factors negatively affect the human body, disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which results in rapid weight gain, deterioration of the skin, hair and nails. How to avoid problems? How to make the intestines “work” again, return to normal functioning?

Cleansing the intestines with the help of fasting days will allow you to quickly and effectively normalize the system, solve the problems that have arisen. RD is a special period during which a person observes a certain diet. This or that technique is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and preferences for soft and effective cleaning.

RD for a beginner is a rather difficult process that you need to get used to. The body experiences a huge shock, receiving far fewer calories than usual. But gradually he gets used to it, and a woman / man endures such “hungry” days much calmer and more comfortable. In order to quickly adapt to this system and get really good result Please remember and adhere to the following rules:

  • You can "unload" no more than twice a week. If you get carried away with this process, there is a high probability not to help, but to harm yourself, provoke metabolic disorders and the occurrence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • No physical activity. During unloading, you should categorically refuse any physical activity, regardless of the level of complexity and intensity. During this period, the body should be as relaxed and calm as possible.
  • "Yes" to fractional nutrition. Ideally - 5-6 meals, which will allow the body not to feel the state of hunger.
  • Deviations from the diet are allowed. Dinner is still far away, and the snack has already been eaten, but do you really want to eat? Indulge yourself, drink a glass of kefir or eat your favorite fruit.
  • We drink water. Be sure to follow the drinking regime. The daily norm is 2-2.5 liters.
  • We do not use laxatives or diuretics during RD. This "help" always comes back. The human body must cleanse itself.

As a short-term mono-diet, a fasting day for bowel cleansing boasts numerous advantages:

  • The ability to quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms. The most effective options for the technique allow you to lose up to 5 kg excess weight in just one day.
  • Normalization of metabolism, cleansing the intestines, organ systems from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that gradually accumulate.
  • Great willpower workout. If you are aiming for fast weight loss, switching to that RD is a great way to assess your strengths and competently start your journey to the desired figure.

There are a huge number of options for a one-day technique. According to the composition of the products, they are divided into protein, carbohydrate and combined. Most effective types RD giving an excellent cleaning result:

  • On kefir. This fermented milk product is ideal for unloading the gastrointestinal tract. It perfectly normalizes the work internal organs, fills the body with numerous useful substances. To achieve the best effect, experts recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of low-fat kefir per day.
  • On buckwheat. Compared to kefir unloading, buckwheat has a softer, sparing effect. 250 grams of cereal is steamed and left overnight. In the morning, excess liquid (if any) is drained, and the finished product is consumed throughout the day. If it’s hard to eat one buckwheat, you can combine it with kefir. By analogy, it is possible to replace buckwheat RD with rice, oatmeal, but such methods for implementation require cooking cereals.
  • On apples. One of the nicest ways to clean gastrointestinal tract. During the day, you can eat no more than one and a half kilograms of fruit. As a more gentle option, a combination of apples and kefir or green tea is possible.
  • On curd. This option involves the use during the day of 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 60 grams of sour cream, also with a small percentage of fat. To diversify a boring diet, experts allow the addition of a coffee with milk menu.
  • On fruits and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable unloadings have numerous things in common. During them, it is allowed to eat no more than 1.5 kilograms of food. It is recommended to use them fresh or baked. Exceptions for RD are potatoes, banana and grapes.
  • On the fish. Not so popular, but there is a way to be. It is allowed to eat low-fat white fish, which we steam and combine with a vegetable side dish. Similar meat RDs are also possible, during which we prefer veal, chicken fillet or turkey.

Unloading days for bowel cleansing are best combined with other ways to normalize the body. It can be all kinds of massages, trips to the sauna or bath, lymphatic drainage. Thus, you will not only enjoy the process, but also speed it up, providing yourself best result as soon as possible.

Our body is unique - it functions like a well-oiled mechanism and reacts to the slightest changes in the diet by reducing or gaining weight. It is for this reason that even following the most strict and clearly prescribed diets, you, contrary to all expectations, will one day stop losing weight. This happens for one simple reason - there is a "plateau effect", which professional nutritionists know firsthand.

The abrupt cessation of weight loss is due to the fact that the body begins to suspect something is wrong a few days after the complete restructuring of your diet. Most often, diets involve an extreme reduction in the calorie content of food. Immediately it works for the benefit of our figure - excess fat splits to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. However, after a few days, the body begins to behave very anxiously - it worries that it has been in conditions of starvation for a long period, and begins to panic-storage all the nutrients for future use in order to protect itself from exhaustion.

Despite such physiological feature human, the "plateau effect" can be avoided. This will help to do a fasting diet, which should be followed for one day. In the following days, you don’t need to abandon the chosen dietary diet; with a short-term unloading, you do not complete the main stage of losing weight, but only shake up your metabolism, speeding it up. Returning to the usual nutrition system, you will again notice how extra centimeters and kilograms will disappear.

Why fasting diets don't work

Despite the fact that nutritionists have proven the effectiveness of fasting days, you may not notice the desired result. This happens for the following reasons:

  • improper nutrition in the intervals between unloading;
  • irregularity of cleaning;
  • the presence of chronic or acute diseases.

Remember that to cleanse the body and lose weight, one day spent on a meager diet will only be useful if you have already chosen the right balanced diet for yourself and excluded harmful trans fats (cakes and pastries), fast food, convenience foods, soda and others harmful products. It is important not to skip your fasting days - do them once a week, preferably on the weekend.

How unloading works

The main goal of a one-day or longer unloading diet is to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and excess fluid. At this time, you will not have to sit only on water (although such diet options are also found), you will just need to significantly reduce the calorie content of food (compared to your usual diet).

The following products help to lose weight and cleanse the body:

  • fermented milk (fat content - 1.5%, no more);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • Hercules;
  • lean meats and fish.

Diets by nutrient groups are also widely used, for example, protein or carbohydrate days can be arranged in order to restructure metabolic processes. The essence of the use of products from one group is that they do not give a big load on the gastrointestinal tract, allow the body to digest everything that has accumulated in it during the usual mode of food consumption.

Such techniques are suitable not only for weight loss, but also for improving the condition of the skin, as they cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, which are most often the cause of acne and pimples.

Psychologically, it will be quite simple to withstand several days on a low-calorie menu, it is much more convenient than various long-term diets. However, it is worth remembering that, even observing the diet for 1 day, you need to properly prepare for it and get out of it correctly. To do this, in the evening before the fasting day, you can’t overeat, it’s best to get by with a glass of kefir or a light vegetable salad. On the first day after unloading, you also do not need to immediately pounce on high-calorie foods, it is best to gradually introduce familiar dishes into your diet over several days.

Variants of unloading diets

The most common in our time are one-day mono-diets for cleansing the body and losing weight - they include the use of one product. However, there are longer-term nutrition systems that will help you lose weight not as quickly as express diets, but much more effective.

Unloading diet for 3 days

This food system consists of three simple mono-diets, which are observed every day in turn. Throughout the period diet food you need to drink at least 2 liters of purified non-carbonated water an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

Menu for 3 days:

  • 1st day - we steam 1 cup of buckwheat groats with boiling water in the evening, without adding sugar, salt or other components to it. In the morning we divide the porridge into 5 parts, which we use throughout the day.
  • 2nd day - protein. During it, we should eat no more than 500 g of boiled chicken fillet without skin and fat, you can also drink green tea and non-carbonated water with lemon between meals.
  • 3rd day - we drink in small portions throughout the day 1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of not more than 1.5%. Do not forget to observe the drinking regimen.

It is best to drink all liquids in small sips during a diet - so the body has time to absorb useful substances from them. It is also important that drinks are at room temperature, as our body tries to eliminate cold drinks as quickly as possible. If you repeat this unloading once a week, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight in a month.

weekly cleansing diet

This diet is more balanced and varied than, so it will be easier to sustain it. It is designed for 7 days, during which time you can get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight. This express method is suitable for girls who urgently need to get into an evening dress or defile on the beach in a new bikini.

Diet menu:

BreakfastLunchDinnerDinnerBefore bedtime
MondayCooking vinaigrette without peas, eat it with a slice of rye bread, drink a glass of low-fat milkWe have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, the total weight of the dish is no more than 150 gWe eat lean cabbage soup and green vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil and lemon juiceAny porridge, except for semolina, cooked with water, without adding salt or sugarHave a glass of your favorite low-fat fermented milk drink
TuesdayWe eat a hard-boiled egg with a salad of green vegetablesWe drink a glass of milk with a small percentage of fat, eat a slice of whole grain breadWe eat vegetable soup or lean borscht, vinaigrette and boiled lean meat (no more than 150 g)We prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice, linseed or olive oil, drink a glass of milkSnack all the same low-fat fermented milk product to your taste
WednesdayPreparing a salad with fresh vegetables and a sandwich of rye bread and hard cheeseDrink a glass of skimmed milk with a slice of whole grain breadWe eat lean cabbage soup and a slice of rye bread, vegetable saladVinaigrette without peas and diet breadA glass of fermented milk product
ThursdayRepeat Monday menu
FridayRepeat Tuesday's menu
SaturdayRepeating the Environment Menu
SundayOn this day, the calorie content of all food consumed should not exceed 600 kcal, for this you need to take the menu of any of the days and consume half of the products from it


A one-day cleansing will not harm a healthy body and will not introduce it into a state of stress. But longer-term diets need to be treated very carefully, as they can be hazardous to health. Before starting any diet, consult your doctor.

It is forbidden to follow a diet in such cases:

  • any chronic and acute diseases;
  • complex mental work;
  • stress;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age indicators.

For all other people who want to cleanse their body, you can safely follow a diet. Unloading is best done on those foods that bring you pleasure, so it will be even more effective. Do not forget that during the period of weight loss you will need to spend more time on fresh air and stay in complete calm, so as not to overload nervous system. You will certainly be able to lose weight with the help of unloading diets.

Get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head, clearing everything of unnecessary rubbish as much as possible. It's time to take care of your body.
We are what we eat. Lately, I've been more careful with my diet. And one day I decided that it was time to unload my body, which is already working for me for days on end. You can arrange for yourself one unloading day, three, five or seven. I chose five days. Let me explain the benefits of fasting days:
excretion of excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body
getting rid of edema
shrinkage of the stomach, so that you will need less food to not feel hungry
normalization of the digestive system
Our diet greatly affects our well-being, our mood and general tone. Therefore, if you are experiencing chronic fatigue, irritability, insomnia, then this may also depend on nutrition.
Of course, this is not for everyone. Therefore, if during these days you have big physical exercise, you have intolerance to any food, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer or gastrointestinal disturbance, then this is unlikely to suit you and it is better to consult your doctor.
However, for everyone else, it will be a wonderful gift to your body, which also needs a vacation.
Having highlighted the advantages, I would like to clarify some of the disadvantages of fasting days.
-Stress. The body, which is used to you eating any and all, will be surprised and not ready for such an event. And the more you ate the wrong food before, the more stressful it will be for him. But having changed to a diet without salt and sugar, he will get used to it and will thank you in the end.
-Do not go on a fasting diet solely because of weight. I decided to do this in order to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances and give it a break. For the most part, in addition to harmful substances, excess water leaves the body, which will return after the diet is stopped. It is not a few days that help to lose kilograms for a long time, but constant physical activity and proper nutrition.
-and of course, after finishing the fasting days, you should not immediately pounce on food, since the stomach, which has just rested, will not be ready for your gastronomic impulses.
That's how I got motivated and decided that it was time, Nika, to act. On the Internet, there are a huge number of menus for a fasting week. You can choose any to your taste. I chose the simplest, since there was not much time to cook.
Vegetable, meat, egg, dairy and fruit days.
You can drink some water, some water with lemon, green tea without sugar, that's all.

It was hard. On the first day, I madly wanted to eat something other than cucumbers and tomatoes, which I hated by the evening. In general, I realized that if you want to hate any product, then just use only it during the day and you will definitely go crazy and curse it.
Meat and dairy days were easier to endure. Fruity and egg were difficult for me. By the beginning of the 4th day, you start to really go cuckoo, make lists of food that you will eat after these five days and go to the grocery store with wild eyes, carefully stroking the rows of chocolates or something salty. Since giving up sugar and salt is very difficult. Of course, everything is individual, but to be honest, it was not easy for me, a person who is used to eating whatever my darling wants. And of course, a classic of the genre. It was on these days that crayfish, kebabs and cakes miraculously turned out to be at home, which I only saw off with my eyes in the refrigerator. But don't think that my life for these five days was only haunted by suffering and dreams about food.

Here's what I can pick out from the good:
you wake up every day and your figure is getting better. You notice little things, how the body has become more prominent due to the loss of water in the body.
I am a person who will fight with himself to the end if necessary. This is a great way to prove to yourself that you can do more and be proud of yourself.
I began to feel more good mood and lightness in the body and thoughts, since the body is not aimed at the constant digestion of heavy and harmful food.
Five days were hard, but worth it. Often I would not do five-day fasting days, but I would try to switch to one day of fasting per week.

Heavy food, malnutrition, alcohol, holiday feasts, drugs - all this is a big stress for the body and in particular for the gastrointestinal tract. Any human body, in modern realities, requires rest and reboot, fasting days for bowel cleansing are well suited for the implementation of these goals. A calorie-restricted diet is good for the intestines, it stimulates peristalsis and the process of self-cleansing.

Fasting days are a great chance to cleanse the whole body: the intake of a minimum amount of calories allows the body to switch to excess deposits and begin to digest and break them down. Thus, the stomach, intestines, circulatory and vascular system, appearance getting healthier, getting better Vital energy.

It is better to start fasting days to cleanse the body on raw vegetables or fruits from greens, namely from a bunch of parsley. You need to eat it on an empty stomach, the fact is that parsley has properties: cleansing from toxins, diuretic, antiseptic and antispasmodic.

The main rule of such a fasting diet is to eat everything raw, without heat treatment. Raw food helps to excrete a large amount of fluid that has been in a polluted body for a long time, thereby starting the process of deep cleansing. In total, you need to consume 1.5 kilograms of fruits and vegetables per day. You need to eat every hour for 100 grams of one type of vegetable or fruit. Water or tea without sugar can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

List of allowed and healthy fruits for bowel cleansing on fasting days:

  1. Watermelon;
  2. Orange;
  3. Strawberry;
  4. Carrot;
  5. Tomato;
  6. Cucumber;
  7. Apple;
  8. Celery.

Each type of product is able to fight a certain type of disease, inflammation, saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Unloading diet for cleansing the body

Protein fasting day for bowel cleansing consists of boiled meat. It is best to use dietary chicken or turkey meat. It is allowed to eat 350-400 grams of meat per day, boiled without salt and spices. There should be equal portions every three hours. Greens are allowed. Drink in unlimited quantities. On such a diet, there is less acute shortage of food, since meat is a satisfying product.

Rice unloading day

A fasting day for cleansing the intestines on rice is harder to endure than a protein day, but due to the suction properties of rice, it will be more effective. Ordinary white rice is not suitable for brushing, you can choose brown or brown wild rice. In these types of cereals, useful fiber is retained in the original amount and the cleaning process will be more useful and efficient.

150 grams of rice should be steamed with boiling water in the evening, then rinsed with warm water and boiled without the use of spices and flavor additives. This portion should be divided into 5-6 equal parts and eat during the day.

It is important to maintain a balance in nutrition, you can’t overeat on junk food all day and the next day you should abruptly switch to unleavened rice, the exit from unloading should also be smooth, and best of all, on proper nutrition.

Unloading days for cleansing the intestines on kefir

Unloading days for cleansing the intestines on kefir are distinguished by their availability and ease of preparation. It is enough to buy live kefir with 1-1.5% fat content in the store, you need to stock up on 1.5 liters of fermented milk products for the day. The simplest unloading day - consisting only of kefir, it is considered the most effective. You can add greens, ginger or cinnamon. During the day, you can not eat solid food, only the use of kefir 1.5 liters per day.

Basic rules of the fasting day

  1. It is best to start unloading on a weekday, since at work there is less risk of breaking loose and eating something other than the allowed product.
  2. To cleanse the intestines and the whole body of toxins, it is better to choose vegetarian fasting days.
  3. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. A couple of days before the unloading diet, you can start using a spoonful of any vegetable oil on an empty stomach before breakfast.
  5. You need to exit the fasting day carefully and smoothly, gradually adding food to the diet.
  6. If during the cleansing there is a feeling of discomfort, dizziness, chills, it is tedious to urgently stop the diet and consult a doctor.

With the constant practice of unloading diets, the process of losing weight starts, it is not fleeting, but reliable and true. After such weight loss, kilograms do not return.