Time for a detox. How do detox shakes work? Detox - a complete guide to cleansing the body at home What is a detox diet how to do it right

Bad ecology, an abundance of semi-finished and canned foods, constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle gradually lead to the appearance of various diseases, complete slagging of the body and premature aging. Facial skin becomes dull, hair becomes brittle and split, appear overweight. It is easy to avoid all these problems - it is enough from time to time to carry out such a procedure as a detox diet. What is it, you ask? Now we'll tell you.

History of appearance

A detox diet is a special nutritional system that allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen the immune system, and gain a huge supply of strength and energy. In addition, it will help eliminate a number of other health problems:

  • Purification of toxins and toxic substances;
  • Normalization of metabolism and improvement of the digestive tract;
  • Rapid absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • Reduction of cholesterol levels and general detoxification of the body;
  • Cleansing the skin from acne and other skin diseases;
  • Treatment of the genitourinary system (renal and gynecological diseases);
  • Reducing excess weight;
  • Removal of inflammatory processes;
  • Getting rid of allergies;
  • Feeling better.

The system itself is very simple, and the effect of it is colossal! Millions of people around the world follow this program 365 days a year.

Detox diet in Hollywood

Many Hollywood stars are fans of this technique. Demi Moore, Alicia Silverstone, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Salma Hayek... Just remember how amazing they look: none of them outwardly can be given more than 25-30 years. But many of them are over 40 or even 50 years old.

In our country, there are not so many fans of such a diet yet, and in vain. Positive changes are noticeable after a couple of days, and after completing the full course, you will feel reborn. The figure will become slim and toned, the hair will shine and become incredibly silky, and the skin of the face will take on a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Why spend money on expensive cosmetologists, beauty salons and dietary supplements for weight loss, if you can become fabulously beautiful thanks to proper nutrition?


Most of the supporters of this program recommend that it be carried out after new year holidays, in spring and autumn - three times a year. There are several options for conducting:

  • One-day is a kind of unloading day, which allows you to unload the digestive system and slightly cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • Three days - this time is enough to remove toxins and toxic substances from the body. It is better to start your way to losing weight and strengthening immunity with it;
  • Five-day - more effective than the previous one. During this time, you will have time to get used to a new diet - if you wish, you can stick to such a menu all your life;
  • Ten-day - the body is completely cleansed of toxins, blood flow is updated, metabolism is normalized and immunity is strengthened.

During these days, you will get used to proper nutrition, and it will be difficult for you to return to the previous diet. Fired up with the idea to lead healthy lifestyle life? Start with preparation:

  • Start every morning with a glass of warm water with lemon juice added;
  • Refrain from eating fatty, floury, spicy and sweet foods;
  • Dinner no later than 8 pm;
  • The diet consists of vegetarian dishes (no meat and starch).

Only after a month you will be able to start a complete cleansing of the body. However, there are a few more rules that everyone who switched to a detox diet should adhere to.

Golden Rules of the Detox Diet

American professor Susan Silberstein and French nutritionist Henri Chenot have developed several principles that will make this method of healing even more effective:

  • Full sleep - its duration should be at least 8 hours;
  • Balanced diet - be sure to take vitamin complexes;
  • Detox menu for the entire course will help you get the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Positive tuning - you must be sure of an excellent result, then it will not keep you waiting;
  • Sports and SPA treatments - they will help improve appearance and get rid of toxins faster. Buy Sports Equipment(hoop, health disc, exercise bike, jump rope) - they will enhance the effect of this wellness program;
  • Special cocktails will help recharge your health and improve your mood (by the way, you can buy them on our website);
  • Smooth return to the usual diet.

Only after careful preparation, you can proceed to the chosen course. And it’s worth starting with the most important thing: what you can eat, and what is strictly prohibited.

List of allowed products

Do you think that the program will consist exclusively of tasteless products? In fact, everything is quite the opposite - everything on the list is very tasty and healthy. Blend, chop, eat fruits and vegetables raw, or season with lemon juice—there are many variations. So, let's see what you can eat during a home detox diet:

  • Cereals (wheat, rye);
  • seaweed and algae;
  • Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes);
  • Kashi (oatmeal, red rice, buckwheat);
  • Vegetables (artichokes, broccoli, arugula, carrots, beets, sweet bell or red peppers, asparagus, spinach, cucumbers, leafy salads);
  • Fruits (pomegranates, apples, citrus fruits, grapefruits);
  • Low-calorie berries (grapes, raspberries, currants, cherries and cherries);
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, natural yoghurts, kefir);
  • Low-fat fish and seafood (Haddock, tuna, pink salmon, shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • Pure (non-carbonated) water, herbal teas and fees.

Agree, the list is very impressive? In fact, it will be difficult for you only in the first week - then you will get used to eating right, and you will no longer be able to eat something from what you ate before.

Prohibited Products

Sweet tooth and lovers of meat dishes will have a hard time, because they will have to give up everything they love - at this time there should not be a single product from this list in the refrigerator:

  • Confectionery and flour products (chocolate, buns, cakes, bread, pasta);
  • Salt and sugar;
  • Fruits with a high fat content (avocados, bananas);
  • Any alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Packaged and freshly squeezed juices;
  • Strong black tea and coffee;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Lentils;
  • Sweets;
  • Fast food, semi-finished products and canned food;
  • All types of starch;
  • Fatty dairy products (cheese, milk, cream, sour cream, yoghurts with additives);
  • Spices.

Of course, when everyone eats something forbidden at home or at work, it becomes uncomfortable and you want to bite off at least a small piece of “this fragrant bun”. You should not do this, because an absolutely wonderful transformation and rejuvenation awaits you ahead.

Detox diet: sample menu

We have collected the most best recipes, which you can change and completely rebuild for yourself. Here is an example of a three-day program:

First day

  • Cleansing cocktail (in a glass of warm water, add half a teaspoon of grated ginger and the juice of half a lemon). You can also use ready-made cocktails - you can buy them on our website;
  • Smoothies. The recipe is simple: pour a glass of water into the blender, add cabbage leaves and apples, add some parsley and celery, juice of half a lemon and grated ginger root, one cucumber and mix everything well - your health drink is ready.

There are two options here:

  • Soup of finely chopped zucchini, tomatoes, celery, carrots and cabbage. Boil for about half an hour. Remember that spices and salt are prohibited;
  • Salad. To the spinach, add some broccoli and arugula, a few cherry tomatoes, parsley, lettuce, and a little low-fat cheese. You can fill all this with lemon juice or natural yogurt.

Dinner again consists of smoothies (combine whatever you want - but only from the list).

Second day

  • Breakfast consists of oatmeal and bran mixed with a finely chopped green apple.
  • For lunch, you can eat some rice with seaweed or asparagus salad with spinach.
  • Dinner will please you with vegetable stew or fruit salad.

The third day

  • For breakfast, you can eat fruit puree or a handful of brown rice.
  • For lunch, prepare vegetable soup.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice.

In fact, there are a huge number of different menu combinations - you can mix allowed products with each other, make various cocktails and smoothies, eat raw carrots or grapes. The main thing is not to forget that in order to achieve optimal results without harm to health, it is simply necessary to correctly combine them with each other. Such diet food will certainly benefit your body and return you youth and beauty. In a week you will notice that the dropping of body fat has begun - for the full course you will get rid of 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.


Despite the attractiveness of this method, this technique is prohibited for certain diseases:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Low blood sugar;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.

If you have one or more of these diseases, then it is better to postpone the detox diet. But you can order a lot of delicious and healthy cocktails on our website - they contain only natural ingredients that will give you good health and excellent well-being. This good way diversify the usual diet and recharge with the necessary vitamins. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia - the program you have chosen will be with you within a few days.

Start a detox diet today, and in a month you simply won't recognize your reflection in the mirror. Minus 10 years and 10 extra pounds, radiant facial skin, luxurious hair - isn't this what millions of women around the world dream of? After this course, you can safely pose for the cover of a glossy magazine - your beauty will outshine everyone around you, and excellent health will give you the strength to fulfill your most cherished desires. Detox - a diet that can turn back time - try it and see for yourself.

Spring is the time for renewal, and best time For detox cleansing.
Let's define Detox wider than just ridding the body of putrefactive deposits and toxins.

Detox - this is a way of global reconfiguration of the body systems and a way to prevent many diseases.

By carefully following the recommendations detox course will improve the condition of hair and nails, refresh the complexion, but these are only external indicators (which cannot but rejoice) - much more important is what happens inside the body and how the work of the most important organs and systems improves.

According to oriental medicine, any treatment should begin with cleansing, and even if you consider yourself a healthy person, then putting things in order inside after a long winter is more of a rule than a necessity.

The intestinal surface represents a total area of ​​more than 200 square meters- a surface that constantly absorbs substances, some of which are not useful, given the eating habits of the inhabitants of the metropolis. To cleanse the intestines, to improve the body (in the first place) and to lose weight (as a result of the detox program), we have prepared a number of recommendations based on the world experience in detoxification.

Tune in new life! You will have to change some habits, but you should not treat this as a deprivation - look more broadly: you are doing an important thing for the future, for your body, in the name of beauty and ease of being.

start Detox program during a period when you are not squeezed by stress and excessive loads At work. Choose a relatively calm stage in life and start Detox program Weekend morning, such as Saturday, after taking a mild laxative at night.

Start every morning with a glass of clean water at room temperature. You can add a few tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice if you like. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid throughout the day. Give up tea and coffee fully instead, brew infusions of chamomile, mint, or ginger tea with honey. Be sure to drink a glass of warm water before bed.

Get more rest! Take more time to sleep. Mid course programs Detox you will notice that your sleep has become deeper and better. Walk more and breathe clean air. Use the relaxation techniques that you like: baths with aroma oils, meditation, and more.

Watch your diet - you can cancel the effect Detox unless you completely abandon harmful products for the cleaning period. Smoked meats and sausages, fried foods, fast food in all its manifestations, any products that have been subjected to prolonged heat treatment should be excluded. To maintain strength, use vegetables and fruits raw, fresh juices And fruit smoothies with bran.
- reduce, if possible, the consumption of butter;
- eat nuts - this is a huge charge of clean energy for the whole day;
- eat pumpkin seeds - this is the most powerful natural remedy for worms;
- germinate the wheat and freeze the excess, if any, so that at any time you can have a ready portion of seedlings;
- Minimize milk intake, instead it is healthier to prepare and drink calcium-fortified almond milk.
- fully give up flour;
- fully give up sweets and sugar - you can use Jerusalem artichoke syrup, stevia or maple syrup;
- if you can not give up meat for a period detox programs, then carefully dose the intake of this food, giving preference to low-calorie types: turkey breast or rabbit meat;
- Replace your main meal with a large jar of fruit smoothie with bran and fiber, or use fruit smoothies instead of snacks in the morning*;
* - we do not recommend eating sweet fruits and smoothies after 16:00, as the metabolism decreases in this part of the day;
- do not eat anything later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Sweat! Visit the sauna 4-5 times a week, monitor your well-being and immediately replenish the loss of moisture with plenty of fluids. If you feel enough energy to play sports, give preference to light loads: walking, jogging (if you have run before), light exercises for muscle tone.

No exceptions! A friend's birthday or a tea party with colleagues should not be interrupted well detoxification. Try to explain to yourself how important it is to finish what you started in order to state the changes with pleasure.


Make a reception detox cocktail first meal of the day - slowly sip a room temperature smoothie. Let the cocktail act - do not eat anything for at least an hour after taking the composition, wait and listen to yourself.
During the day, you can drink an additional 3-6 jars Detox cocktail, but even a single application of it in the morning will do important work in your body.

The body cleansing program by duration can be classified into several types:
MINIMUM PROGRAM 3 days- basic cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins.
FIRST STAGE - following all recommendations 7 days- cleaning + launching the recovery program.
SECOND STAGE- following all recommendations 10 days- cleaning + launching a recovery program + tangible healing effect.

Only subject to the above conditions and the use Detox cocktails for at least 10 days will create a "wow-effect". You will not only notice external changes - the main thing will happen inside:
- the moiré of consciousness will dissipate and you will feel that you even began to see the world differently;
- concentration of attention will increase;
- you will feel a surge of inspiration - plans long postponed for later can turn into already done deeds, thanks to an energy surge;
- by the end of the day you will feel more energy than before;
You will notice that you sleep better and wake up in a completely different mood.

And remember:


What is "DETOX"?

Our body is a self-cleaning system, but only under the following conditions:

1. Compliance with the water drinking regime

2. Eat 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, healthy fats, vegetable and quality animal proteins

3. Physical activity, proper rest and sleep

4. Sufficient sunlight

In this case, the body will perform all its functions perfectly.

But is it possible for us to strictly adhere to these rules?

Especially in a big city...

One purchase and selection of the necessary, high-quality products + their daily preparation takes a lot of time and effort. That's why we set out to develop smart fasting, healthy detox days that use over 40 herbal ingredients. They allow the body to adjust to the correct work, perform the functions of detoxification and removal of toxins, while supplying all the necessary vitamins, macro and micronutrients, fiber, enzymes and prebiotics, thereby leveling pH (acid-base balance, a vital indicator of health that controls homeostasis (liquid environment of our body.

Which is healthier, smoothies or juice?

Smoothies are healthier than juices.

When preparing juices, the squeezes are utilized, although they contain many valuable substances and fiber - because of this, the concentration of sugars in juices increases. Juices are quickly absorbed and give an increase in blood glucose levels. This applies to juices made from semi-sweet fruits, such as orange, and especially to commercial juices that are additionally "enriched" with white sugar. People who have overweight, you should exclude packaged juices and limit sweet freshly squeezed ones. Vegetable juices give a much lower sugar load. Juices are concentrated, saturated foods, they should not be consumed in chronic gastritis. Smoothies are made from whole fruits and contain all the ingredients of fruits and vegetables - vegetable fiber, proteins and healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, avocados, nut milk and protein added to the smoothie make the smoothie nutritious and slow down the absorption of sugars, stabilizing blood glucose levels. This is important in detox. Smoothies or juice should be drunk on empty stomach and sugar can rise sharply. It matters to those who have excess weight, pre-diabetes or diabetes.

How do I know if I need a detox?

Detox is a cleansing process during which

the body gets rid of toxins and waste products. Liver, intestines, lymph, skin and kidneys

everything unnecessary and harmful. They deal with natural

excesses and a natural cleaning process, but it is not possible to resist various stabilizers, dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavor enhancers, antibiotics and other chemicals. going on

gradual process of slagging of the body. In addition to food, modern man subject to constant exposure to harmful substances - from air, water and other

sources. As a result, fatigue, malaise, headache, there are problems with digestion and skin, allergies and other diseases appear. All of the above is a sign that the body is clogged and needs to be cleansed.

How to spend a detox day?

In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 300-400 ml of water at a temperature of ~40 degrees (as not hot tea, comfortable for drinking). After 20 minutes, eat smoothie No. 1 - it is thick, saturated and it is advisable to eat it with a spoon. This will allow food to be absorbed already in the oral cavity, signals of satiety will reach the satiety center in the brain faster. During the day, every 2-3 hours you give yourself a rest by eating another smoothie, while experiencing pleasure, lightness, satiety and joyful mood.

Be sure to observe the drinking regime during the day - 20-30 minutes before taking a smoothie, drink a glass of water. Water can be alternated with herbal preparations.

The volume of liquid during the day should be at least 30 ml. per 1 kg. weight.

How to prepare for a detox day?

1. The main thing is the psychological mood for a fasting day, understanding its necessity and health benefits. Try not to be tempted by the smells and types of familiar food on this day. On this day, you will build your body, knowing exactly what and why.

2. During the day and after a detox, it is important to minimize and if possible eliminate the following foods:

White sugar and products containing it


Gluten products (bread, pasta, dumplings, bulgur,

couscous, oatmeal, etc.). Quinoa, millet and brown rice are best replaced with buckwheat

red meat


Refined food, convenience foods, fast food

Alcohol and tobacco

Coffee, black tea, soft drinks, packaged juices, energy drinks

Milk chocolate

3. Observe the drinking regime. In the morning on an empty stomach drink 300-400 ml. warm slightly alkaline (РН> 8) water, temperature ~40 degrees (as not hot tea, comfortable for drinking), you can add lemon juice. During the day, drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before taking a smoothie. Water can be alternated with herbal preparations. The volume of liquid during the day should be at least 30 ml. per 1 kg. weight.

4 The next morning after a detox day, start with a glass of water and 20 minutes later a fresh kale salad with carrots and lemon juice, no salt. This salad is like a broom for the body, which will remove the remnants

toxins and you will enter the new day refreshed, ready for new challenges.

How to properly store smoothies?

Detox smoothies do not contain preservatives, they are prepared "from under the knife" from fresh products, so the shelf life is so short. It is necessary to store them in the refrigerator at a temperature of 1-5 ° C. Shelf life 48 hours. However, even without a refrigerator, smoothies will easily last a couple of hours, so you can safely take them with you to work or training.

What are the contraindications?

Detox Day smoothies are 100% natural, but in some situations it is worth refraining from going through a detox day:

1. The presence of chronic diseases (permissible only after consultation with the attending physician);

2. Allergy to individual components of the smoothie (the composition of each smoothie is indicated on the website and on the labels). On request, we can replace individual components in smoothies.

3. With exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to expose the body to any drastic changes in diet or lifestyle. Therefore, a detox program is not recommended during this period. A detox day is ideally done before pregnancy, and already during pregnancy, focus on eating fresh and natural foods in the diet.

Juliana Popeka, a nutritionist, told how long a detox should last for an unprepared person, is it possible to practice at this time physical exercise and whether a full transition to exclusively liquid food is acceptable.

Mistake #1: You misunderstand the term "detox"

Many invest in the concept of "detox" is not quite the right meaning. This is a natural process of self-purification of the body from toxic substances through the kidneys, skin, lungs. As for toxins and slags, there is no unequivocal opinion among experts. Our body is designed in such a way that in a normal state it copes with harmful substances that come with food and water.

Slag is generally an industrial term and is not applicable in relation to health.

Mistake #2: You're Not Preparing for a Juice Detox

Detox on juices is one of the options for cleansing the body. It works, but it needs the right approach. Almost everyone who practices a juice detox does not prepare for the program. The result is a serious stress for the body, which manifests itself in the form of migraines, weakness, drowsiness, and poor health. Many systems and organs begin to work in emergency mode. Even a short-term complete transition to liquid food can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract - it is designed to digest food of different consistency.

If you do decide to try a juice detox, reduce the amount of solid foods gradually.

Juices should be drunk 6-7 times a day. It's best to start your morning with a smoothie. For those who have increased acidity of the stomach and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this method is not suitable at all.

One more nuance. For a proper detox, juices should be prepared immediately before drinking. 15-20 minutes after cooking, the concentration of vitamins and nutrients in them decreases several times. When exiting a detox, do not overload the body with heavy foods. Start with steamed vegetables, gradually returning to your usual diet.

Mistake #3: You are leaving unhealthy foods in your diet.

I would recommend detoxing on fresh fruits and vegetables, removing all baked goods, rice, pasta, coffee, and dairy products from the diet. Required condition: the use of vegetables of different colors. So you will ensure the maximum vitaminization of the body. Be sure to include green vegetables rich in iron in your diet (prevention of anemia): spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. For a person unprepared for detox, a one-day program is enough. It is better to start with 6-12 hours. This time is enough for the body to take a break from digesting heavy food. At regular practices the time of the detox diet can be increased to several days.

Mistake #4: You Don't Know Your Physiological Values ​​Before Detoxing

Before starting any unusual activity, it is better to consult a specialist. Absolute contraindications to detox: pregnancy, lactation, disorders of the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease. It is important to know what exactly the body lacks, to determine the state of the intercellular fluid, the metabolic rate. Only then can you choose the right program.

Eat different types detox, for which you need to prepare in different ways. But there are also general rules.

During the week, remove meat, coffee, baked goods, rice from the diet. Eat more vegetables and do not forget about water - this is important when cleansing!

In no case do not enter the detox after the holidays - too much stress for the body.

Mistake #5: You don't take care of yourself

While detoxing, it is important to listen to your body, no matter how trite it may sound. If during the day you feel lethargic, fatigued, a headache appears, the selected program does not suit you. When detoxing in the afternoon, it is better to give preference to vegetables: stew, bake, cook salads from them. After 20:00, it is better to refuse food (if your program is designed for several days).

Mistake #6: You don't eliminate salt from your diet

Salt retains fluid in the body. And if it is not excluded, metabolic processes are not so intensive. Seasonings are also best avoided completely. Firstly, they may contain salt, and secondly, they can cause undesirable effects from the gastrointestinal tract, irritating the mucous membrane. Keep extra virgin olive oil in your diet. It has an excellent antioxidant effect - improves digestion and helps cleanse the body. Add to vegetables, salads and smoothies.

Mistake #7: You don't get enough sleep

Detox is a "holiday" for the body. In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to give it the opportunity to completely reboot. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, limit your usual physical activities (especially power training), preferring walking. Oxygen contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes - they proceed much faster.

Mistake #8: You don't see the difference between a detox and a diet

During a detox, calorie reduction occurs automatically. But this is not a diet. The main goal of detox programs is the improvement of the intestines, on the work of which the state of the immune system directly depends. Getting rid of fat deposits will not work. The body cannot break down more than 150 grams of adipose tissue per day. On the first day of fasting, this figure does not exceed 100 grams.

Mistake #9: You Picked the Wrong Detox Time

Detox is best done in the off-season - in spring or autumn. In summer, in conditions of high temperatures, polluted air and dust, it will not be possible to fully cleanse the body. Ideally, if you have the opportunity to leave the city for the duration of the detox program.

Mistake #10: Trying new skincare routines while detoxing

I wouldn't recommend doing this. It is not known how the body will react to such interventions. Many experts advise accompanying a detox with a lymphatic drainage massage. I am not a supporter of this. Permissible activities - bath and sauna. Take a cleansing herbal tea with you to the steam room.

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It’s just not clear how to detox on your own and without harm to the body. We answer the 7 hottest questions on proper detox.

1. What is a detox?

This is a program that starts the processes of cleansing the body of everything harmful and unnecessary - toxins, allergens and even extra pounds accumulated by our body. Accumulation of harmful substances, unfortunately, is inevitable. Well, unless you live in an ecologically clean area, eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, have no bad habits, and generally know Zen.

2. Why do we need a detox?

  • The accumulation of toxins in the body leads to the development of numerous diseases.
  • Poisoned by toxins, the body begins to work incorrectly. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with the intestines, kidneys and liver, headaches, fatigue, loss of strength and mood, depression - all this is evidence that the body cannot cope with the cleansing process, and it needs help.
  • The skin often signals us that something is wrong with the body. Pale and dull appearance, constant rashes, allergic reactions are also a reason to think about detox.
  • By the age of 30, in 7 out of 10 people, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients are absorbed only by 10-25% due to numerous factors that poison the body: ecology, nutrition, drugs, poor-quality water, etc. And some people don't get it at all.

3. How to choose a detox program?

Some talk about smoothies and juices, others about fasting, others about superfoods. I don't want to experiment on myself. And rightly so: you should not rush into the pool with your head, especially if you are not sure about the reaction of your body to a new type of food.

For most of us, life has been greatly simplified by the appearance of detox cocktails, which within a month allow you to cleanse the body and regain a healthy appearance. There are many offers, you need to make a choice!

4. How to choose a detox cocktail?

A quality detox shake should solve 3 main problems:

  1. Gently clean gastrointestinal tract removing harmful substances.
  2. Improve the microbiome.
  3. Slow down bowel aging.

The perfect detox smoothie must include sorbents, prebiotics and antioxidants.

The Smart Life brand has just such a cocktail - it is an IBC concentrate for cleansing and restoring the body. It is suitable for children and adults. This detox contains:

  • Sorbents- fiber and silicon dioxide
  • Prebiotics- lactulose, fibregam, inulin and pectin
  • Antioxidants- vitamin C and succinic acid
  • And some strawberries

Prebiotics is the nourishment of the “good” bacteria that inhabit our intestines. The more of them, the less pathogenic bacteria that harm the body become - good bacteria crowd out competitors. But they need help.

Sorbents bind toxic substances, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood, and this significantly reduces allergization and intoxication of the body.

Antioxidants help to cope with the harmful effects of free radicals on the cells of the body. It is important that antioxidants are ingested daily with food.

The main task of the IBC cocktail- improve the intestinal microbiome, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and increase immunity. Did you know that 70% of immune cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract? Any impact to improve performance digestive system and cleansing it from accumulated harmful substances, has a positive effect on health in 7-10 days.

5. What does the IBC detox cocktail remove from the body?

  1. Ammonia.
  2. Urea.
  3. Toxins and salts of heavy metals.
  4. Allergens.
  5. Breakdown products of alcohol and drugs.
  6. Xenobiotics.
  7. Bilirubin and radionuclides.
  8. Cholesterol, lipids, metabolites (provoking endogenous toxicosis).

6. A few words about the treatment of allergies

The detoxification process plays a special role in the treatment of allergies and helps to increase its effectiveness by actively detoxifying the body and increasing pharmacological sensitivity to drugs.

Detox removes allergens and all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as endogenous and exogenous compounds. At the same time, the manifestations of inflammation on the skin and itching are reduced due to:

  1. Increase in the number of cells of the immune system
  2. Increased activity of cellular and humoral immunity
  3. Normalization of the peroxidation process
  4. Decrease in the level of circulating immune complexes (the process of interaction of soluble antibodies and antigens, which leads to their accumulation and inflammatory processes in the places of their deposition)

When used detox cocktail Smart Life IBC there is an active increase in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which stimulate the immune system and reduce the absorption of allergens in the intestine. They are also natural bio-sorbents that remove phenols and salts of heavy metals.

7. How to take a detox cocktail?

IBC should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals once a day. With severe intoxication, the daily dose is increased to 2-3 servings. The course is designed for 21 days.

In ½ cup of warm water (at least 60 degrees), add 20 ml (2 scoops) of concentrate for adults or 10 ml for children and mix thoroughly. The cocktail is ready to drink! Very simple, right?

Of course, taking a detox cocktail is best combined with a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and berries. So you will help the body to cope with intoxication faster.

We always demand a lot from ourselves and our body. We want to be healthy and full of energy, and this is a completely normal desire. But the body cannot work like clockwork 365 days a year, sometimes it needs outside support. Detox is one of the the best options help the body fight the negative effects of the environment. Conduct detox programs at least a couple of times a year, and your well-being will noticeably improve.