Push-ups on uneven bars which part of the chest works. Push-ups on the uneven bars - the growth of strength and volume of the upper body

Push-ups on the uneven bars is an incredibly effective exercise aimed at the harmonious development and pumping of the triceps. It has become popular due to its availability, because this sports equipment can now be found in any gym and almost every sports ground. This article discusses the following important points: what muscle groups are involved in push-ups on the uneven bars, exercise technique, main mistakes, benefits, as well as types of push-ups on the uneven bars for athletes of varying degrees of training.

To know how to pump up on the uneven bars, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich muscles work when pushing up on the uneven bars. The muscles of the chest are also involved here. The emphasis on working out certain muscles can be shifted by adjusting the execution technique. The front deltas and stabilizer muscles are also actively involved in the work.

What muscles work when push-ups

Exercises using the described projectile are extremely effective for recruiting muscle mass and increase endurance. To the question “How much can I build muscle on the uneven bars?” there is no single answer - it all depends on your initial data and the intensity of training.

Execution rules

Before you start exercising on the uneven bars, be sure to warm up your muscles well, this will reduce the risk of injury. Perform the exercise slowly, controlling and stabilizing the body through the muscles of the core. Do not move your head, legs, or rock your body in an attempt to help you pull yourself up.

Push-ups need to start from the top point. The weight of the body must be transferred to the hands. The back should be straight, and the shoulders laid back. You need to go down very slowly, leaning forward with the body and maintaining tension in the muscles. Then you can briefly fix at the bottom point. The angle at the elbow should be kept within 90 degrees. You need to climb as smoothly and under control. Special attention it is worth paying attention to breathing: inhalation should be done while lowering, and exhaling while lifting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Barbell training can be both useful and traumatic, so if you decide to include parallel bars in your training program, be sure to familiarize yourself with their advantages, disadvantages and contraindications.


  • accessibility of the exercise - a sports ground with bars and horizontal bars is available in almost every yard;
  • you can even practice at home, you just need to choose the right projectile;
  • suitable for any level of training;
  • strengthen the body, making it more beautiful, pumped up and functional;
  • improve posture and straighten shoulders;
  • perfectly work out the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, chest,
  • improve results in other bench press exercises.


  • increased risk of injury;
  • due to the strong extension of the shoulder during the bench press, train in the presence of chronic dislocations or pain in shoulder joints contraindicated.

However, these shortcomings become insignificant if you use correct technique and follow the appropriate guidelines.

  1. Before each workout, be sure to do a warm-up.
  2. To avoid injury, choose the appropriate width of the bars - their dimensions should not significantly exceed the width of the shoulders.
  3. Strive to do push-ups slowly and measuredly, avoiding sudden movements.
  4. A beginner should prepare the body for the load with less difficult exercises, for example, push-ups from the floor or bench.
  5. It is advisable for women to start acquaintance with push-ups in the simulator (gravitron). To facilitate the development of the exercise will help to perform push-ups on the uneven bars with an elastic band.
  6. You do not need to practice on the uneven bars every day. Give your muscles rest and time to recover. The optimal training regimen is 3-4 times a week.
  7. When doing push-ups on the uneven bars with weight, increase the load gradually.


Consider two types of exercises using this sports equipment.

Push-ups from the crossbars lying

Push-ups lying on the crossbars of the projectile is a simplified version of the exercise in question. It is recommended to start classes with him. The main difference from the standard ones is that this option allows you to lower the chest below the level of the hands. Try to lower your chest as low as possible, and press your elbows to the body.

Weight training

To improve the results of training, use at work extra weight, for example, weighted vests or belts with a chain for hanging kettlebells and pancakes. Weighted bar push-ups should be done with extreme caution. The training program on the uneven bars with weight should be drawn up correctly: you need to start with small weights (about 5 kg) and a small number of push-ups. It is necessary to increase the load gradually and only after mastering the classical technique.

For newbies

Most women, as well as beginner athletes, do not have well-developed muscles of the chest, arms and back. As a result, the bench press on the uneven bars will not be fully implemented. Accordingly, many people have a question: how to learn to do push-ups on the uneven bars from scratch? We suggest using the following recommendations:

  • Start training in the gravitron. This simulator greatly facilitates the implementation of exercises due to the counterweight.
  • Strengthen your muscles with other exercises. Fulfill different kinds push-ups from the floor, bench, bench press.
  • On early stages try pushing up using a partial amplitude, increasing it over time and bringing it closer to the normal position.
  • To put good technique and do it right in the future, use the help of a coach.
  • First, learn how to do negative push-ups. In them, the main emphasis is on the slow lowering of the body, and not on the rise. By exercising in the negative phase, you can increase the effectiveness of training and develop muscle strength.

Training on the simulator for advanced

If you are an advanced athlete, we suggest you master several new, more complex types of exercises:

  1. Push-ups with a "corner";
  2. Push-ups on bars with weight;
  3. Push-ups from pillars;
  4. Horizontal push-ups without legs;
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars reverse grip, i.e. palms out;
  6. Push-ups upside down.

How to replace the exercise?

Those who do not have the opportunity to do push-ups on such a projectile are wondering "how to replace push-ups on the uneven bars?". The following options may be the answer:

Push-ups from the floor as a replacement for bars

  • Push-ups between chairs;
  • Push-ups from the floor with an average grip;
  • French bench press standing or lying;
  • Bench press head down.

Dips and bench presses are very similar in terms of the muscle groups involved in the two exercises.

The scheme of push-ups on the uneven bars

In your workouts, you can focus on the following program for push-ups on uneven bars for beginners:

1 week: 3 sets x 5 push-ups.

Week 2: 3 sets x 10 pushups.

Week 3: 3 sets x 15 pushups.

Week 4: 3 sets x 20 pushups.

If you have a good physical training, try using a more complex program, which will be presented in the next paragraph.

Schemes for increasing the number of push-ups

To the question "How to increase the number of push-ups on the uneven bars?" the following scheme, designed for 2 months of training, will help answer:

Week 1: 5 sets (10-5-5-3-2 reps)

Week 2: 5 sets (15-15-10-5-5 reps)

Week 3: 5 sets (20-20-15-15-10 reps)

Week 4: 5 sets (25-25-20-15-10 reps)

Week 5: 5 sets (30-30-25-20-15 reps)

Week 6: 5 sets (35-30-25-20-15 reps)

Week 7: 5 sets (40-35-30-20-15 reps)

Week 8: 5 sets (40-40-30-20-15 reps)

Possible training problems

It often happens that during push-ups, joints crackle or click. If they are accompanied by painful sensations, it is necessary to stop training and seek qualified help. If there is no pain during push-ups, then the crunch may be due to too much range of motion or improper technique.

Common mistakes

  1. Too wide grip. Push-ups on the uneven bars wide grip unnecessarily load the front deltas, increasing the risk of injury.
  2. Incorrect breathing technique. The previous paragraphs have already said how to breathe correctly when doing push-ups, but it is worth noting this point again: before lowering down, you need to inhale, and the rise should be done on the exhale.
  3. High execution speed. You need to push up slowly, without jerking, with a delay at the bottom point.
  4. Bad and short workout. Any set of exercises on the uneven bars should begin with a warm-up and warm-up of the muscles.
  5. Too much high loads when working with weights. Additional weights it is worth adding only when you can confidently perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions with the current weight.

Such exercises have a positive effect on the relief of the body and train good endurance. With the help of this sports equipment, you can pump up the muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest and back, but for more effective workouts experts advise using other shells: horizontal bar, barbell, dumbbells. Whatever exercises you use for training, perform them under control, concentrating on the work of the target muscles.

Girls should limit the degree of load, reduce the number of approaches and exclude the use of large weights. Otherwise, the bench press for girls is no different from doing the exercise for men. If the exercise is difficult to complete, women can use a counterweight, such as a gravitron or rubber loops.

With arms wide apart. Today it's time to chat on another interesting sports theme. This article will be devoted to how to correctly, and most importantly, quickly learn how to engage in uneven bars with maximum effect.

Ready? Then I begin to narrate, and you absorb information.

Exercises on the uneven bars are a great addition to the exercises that we can perform on the horizontal bar. The bars will allow the athlete to pump those muscles that are very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to pump on the crossbar. These muscles include: shoulders, and.

There are bars and a horizontal bar in almost every yard, on every sports ground or on school grounds. Anyone can go there for free. Everything depends on the desire. These two sports equipment, if desired, can give you much more than the entire fitness club put together. So the beauty and health of your body is in your hands.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars is one of the easiest and most effective exercises that you can afford on the street. Performing this exercise, you can develop triceps, muscles of the shoulders and chest. With any exercise on the bars, an intensive growth of the entire shoulder girdle occurs, as a result, the trainees get a beautiful body, good health, endurance and strength.

There are a lot of push-ups on the uneven bars: in the hang, in emphasis, in the handstand, reverse grip, with the transfer of the body to different sides, diving, etc.

Execution technique

Push-ups on the uneven bars, however, like any other exercise, has its own technique. I would like to consider this technique a little closer. In order to learn how to do everything correctly, you need to feel the exercise and understand which muscles should be tensed and which should not.

There are certain rules for push-ups on the uneven bars, that's just what we will consider:

  1. Before performing the exercise itself, it is necessary to take the appropriate position of the hang. Hands should hold the bars, legs crossed, and also bent at the knees, having an angle of 90 degrees. This position will provide a “clean” pumping of the muscles and prevent unnecessary jerks of the pelvis and legs.
  2. When pushing up on the uneven bars, you need to know one thing - if you do the exercise slowly, lowering and rising to the end, then this is work for strength, but if you do push-ups for speed, then this is work for endurance and relief. The main thing to understand is that one cannot exist without the other.
  3. If you want to put all the emphasis on the triceps, then with push-ups, when you go down, the angle formed at the elbow should be 90 degrees. You don’t need to go lower, otherwise the chest muscles will come to your aid, and this will no longer be considered an exercise only for triceps.
  4. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to keep the pumped muscle group in constant tension. This will enhance the quality of the produced load.
  5. Don't forget about breathing. When you go down, you need to inhale; when you go up, you need to exhale.

Step by step exercise

Come to the bars. Their width should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulders. If the width of the bars is much wider than the width of the shoulders, then the exercises on them will be a little dangerous for an unprepared body.

We accept hanging on the uneven bars, we go out on straight arms. We start the exercise from the highest point, as this will help prepare the muscles for push-ups. We slightly tilt our torso forward and lower ourselves, bending our arms at the elbow joints. Don't forget to take a breath. You can go down to the limit, using all the muscles, or you can reach 90 degrees at the elbow, using the triceps. Then, we rise, gradually exhaling. We repeat.

In the case when your goal is pumping pectoral muscles, you need to spread your elbows to the sides during push-ups, but when you pump up the triceps, your arms fall along with the body parallel to it. The main thing to remember is that you came to the uneven bars to pump muscles, and not to do a huge amount of push-ups. It is necessary to divide the pumping of muscles into several approaches. That is, for example, 3 sets of triceps 30 times and 3 sets of chest muscles 30 times.

If you are a beginner, then take it seriously this exercise, because due to your inexperience, you can injure yourself. You don’t need to do a lot of push-ups at once, because there will be no sense from this. Choose your average result and do several approaches. Every day try to increase the number of push-ups done in the set.

Also, don't forget about good food. The training body needs to eat a balanced diet, otherwise there will be no point in training.

Force or mass

When pushing up on the uneven bars, athletes can focus either on developing strength, or on increasing muscle volume, or on both.

Push-ups on the uneven bars are usually divided into two phases: the first is negative, the second is positive. When you lower your body down, you go through a negative phase, when you raise it, you go through a positive phase.

If you are interested in strength, that is, you want to do strength exercises, then you need to follow the rule below:

  1. You must slowly raise your body up and lower it quickly. The rise time is 3 seconds and the fall time is 1 second;
  2. It is necessary to constantly increase the number of approaches and repetitions;
  3. When lifting, your muscles should be in constant tension;
  4. It is necessary to gradually reduce the time between sets;
  5. Every week you need to do the approach for the maximum number of times.

If you want to build muscle mass, then you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. When pushing up on the uneven bars, you need to pay attention to the slow lowering of your body and the rapid rise. The lowering time is approximately 3 seconds, and the lifting time is 1 second;
  2. No need to increase the number of approaches (do, for example, 5 sets of 20 times);
  3. You need to put all the emphasis on the negative phase, and remember to keep all the muscles in tension during the exercise;
  4. Rest time between sets should be 3 minutes;
  5. After you have completely finished the exercise, give the muscles a good rest, and then replenish the body in the missing nutrients that you spent during the workout.

We make push-ups heavier

Do you need weights when doing exercises on the uneven bars? Yes, they are needed. However, only experienced athletes who have been practicing on uneven bars every day for more than a month need to weight the weight.

Beginners are usually in pursuit of beautiful body make a lot of mistakes. There is no need to rush anywhere, because you are risking yourself. Training loves consistency. The body must get used to physical activity and this should happen gradually. In our life, everything does not happen at once, it's time to understand this already. Therefore, if you are new to the sport, take your time. From the very beginning, you will have enough weight for push-ups on the uneven bars, and when you can show results, then you will cling to yourself an additional load.

But, as for already experienced athletes, they can experiment. But then again, the rule is the same as for beginners - "No need to rush anywhere." Add weight slowly. Start, say, with 5 kilograms of extra weight, then take 10, then 15, and so on.

What can act as a weighting agent? Well, the easiest way is to take a backpack and fill it with some junk. It is very convenient, the backpack does not interfere with the exercise at all. Also, athletes use hanging lead bars, clinging to their feet and much more.

So our story about how to properly pull up, push up and do exercises on the uneven bars has come to an end. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, you just need a little knowledge and a great desire to train. The main thing to remember is that you don’t do sports for a week or a month, or a year, you need to do sports all your life. Be healthy and strong. Good luck.

Hello dear sports blog followers! Today I will continue to talk about the benefits of push-ups. In particular, we will analyze with you push-ups on the uneven bars, talk about how to do it correctly.

Push-ups on the uneven bars occupy one of the key places if you want to pump and. Although it is worth recognizing that this is a rather complicated version of the work.
Push-ups on the uneven bars are largely a functional exercise, as they involve lifting and moving your own weight.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: muscle atlas

Before proceeding to the practical basics, let's deal with the anatomical part of the issue at hand. So, when doing push-ups on the uneven bars, the main load is assumed by triceps shoulder. However, if desired, the emphasis can be shifted to. It all depends on your goals.

Manipulation with the position of one's own body allows you to shift the focus to various groups muscles. For example, if you do push-ups with an inclination forward, then it will be worked out. In the vertical position, the focus is on.

It is worth noting an important aspect that when pumping the pectoral muscles, pectoralis muscle (lower muscle chest). This greatly complements your work with, since when performing these exercises, it is the pectoral muscle that is overlooked.

Push-ups on the uneven bars give a good load on. Especially on the front of the shoulder.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: the main mistakes when doing push-ups on the uneven bars

Now let's look at the main mistakes that you may have when doing the exercise.

At first glance, it may seem that push-ups on the uneven bars are a fairly easy exercise. However, it is not. In practice, quite a lot of even avid athletes make serious mistakes, which reduces the effectiveness of the training done.

So, the main mistakes:

  1. Bad workout. The biggest and most common mistake is a bad warm-up. Even before you start push-ups, you need to properly stretch the body. Otherwise, you may be injured. When warming up, focus on the elbow joints and shoulder girdle. Protozoa physical exercise you can take . Also, jumping rope is ideal for warming up.
  2. Wrong body position. We will talk about this a little lower, when we analyze the correctness of doing push-ups on the uneven bars.
  3. Wrong grip. Some choose bars with very wide spacing between the bars. Or vice versa… The ideal option there will be those bars on which the distance between the crossbars is approximately equal to the width of your shoulders. As a rule, in a developed person, the shoulders are wider than the torso. Therefore, it will be comfortable for you to perform flexion / extension of your arms.
  4. Incorrect breathing technique. In this article, I have covered this issue in detail. In short, at the lowest point, exhale (when lowering). In the upper breath (when lifting).
  5. High execution speed. When pushing up, there should be no jerks. No need to throw the body up and down. The exercise is performed smoothly, calmly. There should be a slight pause at the bottom. Only in this case, all the muscles will be well worked out.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: execution technique

I repeat. The more you move forward when pushing up on the uneven bars, the more actively you are involved. The more evenly you hold the body, the greater the load on. Choose the best option for you according to your goals.

Next, watch the position of the wrists. We remember mistakes. They should be aligned and be shoulder width apart. Starting position - vertical: arms are fully extended.

When doing push-ups, the elbows should not move apart to the sides. Press them as close to the body as possible. At the top point, fully straighten your arms. And at the bottom, lower yourself as far as your flexibility allows. But note that this limit must be adequate. The exit from the lower position should be calm, without jerks. And most importantly - no injuries.

Choose bottom point so that you can normally return to the starting position.

Pay due attention to the position of the shoulders. They should be as stable as possible. Try not to bend in (do not slouch). The spine should be in a straightened position, even if you are doing push-ups with an inclination forward (for pumping the pectoral muscles).

About the legs. Here is up to you. It is best if you bend them, and keep the whole body in tension. But it is not forbidden to perform push-ups on the uneven bars with straightened legs. In this case, the toes should be pointing down.

The gaze should be directed forward or slightly upward: this will additionally help not to bend the back. Don't forget your breathing technique.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: the final part

Every man at least once in his life thought about how to make his body better. First of all, each of them was interested in exercises for which visiting gym not necessary. Today we will talk about one of these exercises. And, more precisely, about push-ups on the uneven bars. You will learn which muscles work during push-ups on the uneven bars, as well as options for performing this exercise.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: the benefits

Very good exercise for upper body work. And, more precisely, to work out all the pressing muscles:
  1. Breast.
  2. Triceps.
  3. Front deltas.

This exercise is basic., because it involves the shoulder and elbow joints. Many bodybuilders include it in their training programs.

If you do not want to go to the gym, then this exercise will be enough for you to properly work out your pressing muscle groups. There are two options for push-ups on the uneven bars:

  1. With an emphasis on the pectoral muscles.
  2. With an emphasis on triceps.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the uneven bars? For this, it is necessary to perform This is an exercise in the following technique:

At the first stages of classes, it is necessary to master the technique of performing this exercise. If you do it in any way, then there will be no result. Moreover, you risk injury. For starters, learn how to do this exercise at least 20 times per set. After that, you can go to push-ups on bars with weights.

If you are interested in working out triceps, then the push-up technique will be different:

  1. During the approach, try to keep your elbows as close to each other as possible.
  2. When lowering and lifting, take your elbows back.
  3. Rise sharply and powerfully - within one second.
  4. Fully straighten your arms at the top. This will maximize the load on your triceps.
  5. It is necessary to linger at the top point for a couple of seconds in order to properly feel the tension in the triceps.

It is necessary to perform such push-ups at a higher pace than for the chest. The number of repetitions is not limited. Many fans of horizontal bars and uneven bars reach several hundred repetitions. The main thing is that you like it. To increase the mass of the triceps, you can also hang weights from the belt.

What can replace push-ups on the uneven bars

There are three exercises, which can replace push-ups on the uneven bars:

It is better, of course, not to replace push-ups on the uneven bars. Do not be lazy, walk around the area and find a platform where there are bars. Firstly, you do not have to perform exercises that will bring discomfort. And secondly, this will be an occasion for jogging before training.

Common Mistakes

For many athletes, this exercise does not bring the desired result due to the fact that they constantly make mistakes. The most common mistakes made when doing this exercise are:

If you are a beginner athlete, then the following push-up scheme on the uneven bars is ideal for you:

After you have completed this program, start working on the maximum number of repetitions in the approach.

For a quality study of your pressing muscles, the following training scheme is ideal:

  1. Push-ups on wide bars for the chest - 3 sets for a maximum of times.
  2. Push-ups on narrow bars for triceps - 3 sets for a maximum of times.

If you are able to do many times in one set (more than 30), then you are recommended to use weights. The easiest option is to put on a backpack on your back, in which any heavy objects will lie. Such training will quickly increase the volume of your chest and arms.

Find in your area workout area. There are bars of different widths, and you can train the muscle groups you need according to your training program. Wide bars are more suitable for the chest, and narrow bars are more suitable for triceps.

Don't neglect your traction muscles. You can not neglect any muscle groups. This can lead to disproportion in your body. The ideal training schedule is two workouts a week on the uneven bars, and two on the horizontal bar.

Warm up properly before training. There are many cases when an athlete did not warm up well, and in togas he received sprains of muscles and ligaments. Do you need it?

The right approach in any business is to constantly act and not wait for anything. If you really want to reach high results then forget about the freebie! Exercise regularly, and do not flatter yourself when you notice the first results. Don't give up and don't skip workouts!

Now you know how to do it right push-ups on bars. By putting into practice the recommendations from this article, you can pump up the broad pectoral muscles, as well as the arms and shoulders. The main thing is to train regularly, and then the result will not be long in coming!

Bars - the most publicly available sports equipment, which can be found in almost any yard and gym. We all know the uneven bars well from school, but few people think what an amazing effect competent training on the uneven bars can bring.

We will talk about how to properly pump on this projectile, bringing your body to a perfect state, how to increase mass and create relief, in this article. So, to work.

Exercises on parallel bars

Exercises on the uneven bars are divided into several types. With their help, you can pump up the triceps, strengthen the pectoral muscles, and also work out the press well. Let's look at all these points in more detail.

Triceps exercises

If you do not have enough time to train in the gym or in the yard, then you are perfect.

Working out the pectoral muscles on the uneven bars


Weight training on bars

Competent training on the uneven bars can help build mass. This technique is used in powerlifting and bodybuilding, it is aimed at developing triceps and pectoral muscles.

takes up the starting position on the uneven bars (on one or two crossbars), back, arms straight.

  • The first set of push-ups of 10-20 repetitions is done in the classic version;
  • the second - with weights (weight is taken that you can withstand for ten repetitions);
  • the third approach is carried out again without weights and a break is made for 2 minutes.

It is necessary to repeat the technique two more times, and the last approach without weights is no longer done 20 times, but to the maximum, as far as there is enough strength.

An important element for building up mass is, which will speed up the process of not only increasing volumes, but also drawing the relief.

Relief shaping technique

The bars can form a relief well. But before you start pumping, you need to learn a few rules, without which you can’t even dream of an ideal terrain.

And now one secret of bodybuilders: the same exercise at a different pace of execution can lead to different results. So classic push-ups with weights in slow pace stimulate the growth of muscle mass, and tempo push-ups in larger quantities, without weights, are aimed at relief.

To form a relief, it is necessary to carry out push-ups on the uneven bars with a maximum number of repetitions (from 30 to 50 and above), and the time between sets is reduced to a minute.

The time to achieve results can vary from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the volume excess fat, which is burned during a period of enhanced training (cardio exercises play a particularly important role here).

And one more important nuance: for achievement best results it is necessary to increase the number of approaches gradually, every week, you need to train from three to five times a week (you must definitely give yourself two days to rest to restore energy balance).

If you put all your will into your fist and do not let yourself relax, then such a simple and familiar to everyone since childhood equipment, like bars, will help to achieve simply fantastic results. We wish you good luck and patience!