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Life is in full swing, and everything strives to hit me, Viola Tarakanova, on the head ... On a hot May night, I could not sleep and heard that someone was being beaten under the window. She saved a man - it turned out to be my neighbor Zhora. He asked to give the floppy disk to his friend. The first time it was a bummer, when I tried to give the floppy disk a second time, I almost lost my life. What is the secret information on this diskette? Three case histories. No matter how I studied them, I did not find anything in common, except that all three died from different illnesses and in different hospitals. But, apparently, it was not in vain that Zhorkin's apartment was robbed, and then his wife was killed. The neighbor himself is hiding, but I managed to find out that he got a job at an insurance agency. Do not dig there? So it looks like it's getting hot...

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Forbidden fruit compote
Dontsova Daria

For a friend - into fire and into water! Dasha Vasilyeva headlong rushes to look for the impudent one who dared to offend her friend, Colonel Degtyarev. The bachelor Alexander Mikhailovich, the aunt claims, is married and left his wife, who cherished and cherished him. Dasha is outraged. Does she not know that Degtyarev is free and clean as a tear. An innocent search for the colonel's namesake turns into a criminal investigation, to which, as you know, Dashutka is a great hunter. Along the way, she learns that the other Degtyarev ...

Light outrageous figure
Dontsova Daria

You want to do the best, but it turns out ... A terrible story! I, private detective Evlampia Romanova, agreed to help the client play the role of Professor Antonov's niece and got into a nightmare situation. I've been accused of murder! The lady-customer, of course, is cunning, but the Lamp is not a bastard. I’ll find out for free where the legs grow from in this matter ... But then, completely inopportunely, all the appliances in my house went out! Now you can’t cook food, watch TV, boil tea ... But in ...

Treasure Island Picnic
Dontsova Daria

Ivan Pavlovich Podushkin was again at the epicenter of events! His friend Yegor Druzhinin is a big fan extreme entertainment- died suddenly. And at night after the funeral, Vanya was awakened by a phone call. He called ... Yegor and tearfully begged to get him out of the grave. Distraught with horror, Podushkin rushed to the cemetery and dug up Yegor. He said that he wanted to make a "fun" joke - arrange his own funeral, and then "resurrect" at the wake. Imagine the reaction of the mourners! But a well-designed scene...

To deal with your cop
Polyakova Tatiana

Life sometimes throws up plots cleaner than any detective story. So the writer Anfisa Glinskaya, together with her faithful friend Zhenya, was again drawn into a confusing and bloody story. The six-year-old daughter of their acquaintances, Lelka, was kidnapped. Anfisa's husband, Spetsnaz Colonel Roman, tries to help the unlucky detectives, especially since the investigation becomes too dangerous. Someone mercilessly deals with the kidnappers. And it seems that a thin thread leading to a little girl is about to break. But not in vain Anf ...

Hedgehog Boutique
Dontsova Daria

Whom only I did not have to pretend, investigating crimes! But I didn’t expect that I, Evlampia Romanova, would be forced to play the role of ... “hanger”. Or, in other words, fashion models. And this is with my appearance! But what can you not do for the sake of the client ... True, all I need is to find a scoundrel who is trying to expose Irina Shulgina, the manager of a fashion boutique, as a thief. You could say it's a breeze! And now I'm spinning in front of capricious customers in chic outfits, and in the meantime I'm...

Return of the prodigal boomerang
Kalinina Daria

Arriving in a small village with their friend Anka, Kira and Lesya were most afraid of boredom. But in vain! This is where they had to show their detective abilities to the fullest. On the second day after their arrival, someone stabbed Niko, Anya's uncle, with a knife. The couple lived in perfect harmony for five years. And the uncle did not recognize the daughter-in-law. The old man's character was absurd, but you don't get killed for that. Three more murders followed one after the other. Add to that intricate love affairs with a criminal tinge, the search for...

March cat benefit
Dontsova Daria

Dasha Vasilyeva is catastrophically lucky for corpses!.. As soon as she agreed to go to a classical music concert with an imposing man Stas Komolov - and now he is already a corpse. During the intermission, Dasha ran for him to get water and drops, she thought he was sick from stuffiness, but he take it and die. And the next day, the cops came to her house. They clearly suspect Dasha of the murder. What to do? Of course, run! And now she is already at the Kursk railway station with a bag in one hand and the pug Khuch in the other. Behind the amateur...

Miracles in a bowl
Dontsova Daria

I, Viola Tarakanova, cannot live without crimes. Besides, they find me. This time it all started with the fact that during my visit Asya Babkina had a terrible grief - her daughter Lyalya died. Fell asleep and didn't wake up. Then various events distracted me from someone else's misfortune, I flooded my neighbors, the publishing house accepted my first detective story for publication. I was dying of happiness. And suddenly there was a call from the hospital, Asya, who got there with a heart attack, demanded me to her. From her I learned the incredible buried with...

Concerto for Kolobok and Orchestra
Dontsova Daria

Oh, why not write a philosophical novel instead of a detective on the topic “What is bad luck and how to deal with it?”. Unlucky not only for me, Viola Tarakanova, but also for my household. Yielding to the persuasion of my friend Anka, Tomochka and the children and I went to rest in her “estate” with the poetic name Pyrlovka. Not only is there a toilet under a bush, a shower on the bus, and gas in cylinders, but I also managed to get into a bad story when I fled from local dogs. But seriously, I had a stupid...

Control kiss
Dontsova Daria

The search for criminals leads a lover of private detective Daria Vasilyeva to the metropolitan metro: here her friend Lida was pushed under the train. And some time ago, Dasha saw Lida's daughter in wheelchair carried by a begging beggar woman. However, it is not so easy to penetrate the secrets of the world closed to outsiders. And then, accustomed to bring every matter to the end, Dasha takes root in the "beggarly business" of the subway. Now she is supposed to be in the hands of the `image maker` of this mafia. She's heading for a certain M...

Life is in full swing, and everything strives to hit me, Viola Tarakanova, on the head ... On a hot May night, I could not sleep and heard that someone was being beaten under the window. She saved a man - it turned out to be my neighbor Zhora. He asked to give the floppy disk to his friend. The first time it was a bummer, when I tried to give the floppy disk a second time, I almost lost my life. What is the secret information on this diskette? Three case histories. No matter how I studied them, I did not find anything in common, except that all three died from different illnesses and in different hospitals. But, apparently, it was not in vain that Zhorkin's apartment was robbed, and then his wife was killed. The neighbor himself is hiding, but I managed to find out that he got a job at an insurance agency. Do not dig there? So it looks like it's getting hot...

Darya Dontsova

Harvest of poisonous berries


There was a ringing silence in the apartment. I lay on the sofa and read the old, old Cosmopolitan, who knows how to get to us. Finally, I got tired of this occupation, and my hand clicked the remote control. Instantly the black screen turned blue.

- A box of chocolates "Russia"! What could be tastier? – rushed from the speaker.

I sighed heavily - hit the ad block. Interestingly, do the people who come up with all these slogans, appeals and catchy phrases listen to them themselves? What could be tastier than a box of chocolates? Sweets can be tastier than boxes. No, after all, people are completely absent common sense. Yesterday I looked at the market and, walking along the row where plumbing is sold, I saw the price tag "Toilet seated for one person." There was a call to approach the seller and ask:

- Man, I need a standing one, for two, where can I buy it?

But I suppressed the idiotic desire and went for the meat. In general, advertisers have little imagination. Take Coca-Cola, for example, it always offers the same thing: open the cork and look into it from the “inside out”, and only there ... cars, trips abroad, tape recorders, scooters. However, other manufacturers do the same.

At one time, people, hoping for good luck, rushed to buy bottles, I myself collected about forty stickers from yogurt, until I realized: I constantly come across an image rear wheel from the bike, the front was never. And in general, if you add up all the money spent on yogurt, you can easily buy a bicycle yourself.

Obviously, this simple truth occurred not only to me, because our acquaintances stopped "buying" for promotions. But the same Coca-Cola, for example, continues to lure us with prizes. There would be no need to create something new, original. So a good idea came to my mind yesterday, I came up with an unexpected twist in an advertising campaign. How would you like this idea: "Buy a Coca-Cola, every twentieth cork has vodka." I guarantee that in a day there will be a shortage of soft drinks in Moscow.

I clicked the remote, the TV went out. The clock showed two in the morning, everyone in the house was asleep, only insomnia attacked me. It's probably because of the stuffiness. May, there is nothing to breathe, it's hot, gasoline smog hangs in the air. Best of all now in the country, and we have it, close to the Moscow Ring Road, you can safely go to work. But our family spends time in the city. The reason is easily explained. My friend Tamara is expecting a baby, and her husband Semyon categorically stated:

- No, God forbid, childbirth begins, what are we going to do in the country?

Tomochka said timidly:

- But Senechka, Christina will have something like a vacation for the May holidays, how is she in the city?

“Nothing,” the always affectionate Senya barked, “I’ll send her to a rest home.

- Don't, - Krisa was frightened, - better at home, and I don’t like it at the dacha at all, melancholy, no one I know ...

- No, - Tom persisted, - the child is better in the air, in which case we will call an ambulance, call you on your mobile!

Senya turned blue and said in an iron tone:

- I said in the city, so in the city.

That is why we are sitting in hot Moscow, and not in the cool suburbs. According to the calculations of the doctors, Tomuska was supposed to become a mother on the third or fourth of May, but today is the fifth, or rather, already the sixth, but there are no signs of an impending birth. Tamarochka is as cheerful as a bird, cheerfully fussing at the stove, and dismisses all my requests to go lie down with the words:

- Now, now, just cook the soup.

But the process of planing the ingredients for a delicious soup takes a lot of time in our family, too many people live in the apartment: Tomochka, her husband Semyon, Kristina, Senya's daughter from her first marriage, me and my husband Oleg Kuprin.

Our apartment consists of two, and theoretically we can close the door that leads from the common living room to our half, and stay with Oleg alone. But practically this has never been done. Tomochka and I spent our childhood, youth and most of our mature years together, and now we sincerely consider ourselves sisters, although there is no blood relationship between us. And to be alone with my spouse is impossible for one simple reason - he is never at home. Oleg works in the police, he is an investigator, and I will not tell you how heavy the burden of the wife of someone who decided to uproot crime in the capital is. Despite, shall we say, mature age, Oleg has not lost his romantic mood and is absolutely sure that "a thief should be in prison." However, the rapist, the robber, the murderer and the swindler too.