An online animal test for girls and women: What kind of animal are you? What animal are you? Animal by human character test.

Your favorite animal is not only your energy donor and helper, it is a reflection of your essence. There is a belief that when you look into the eyes of your living talisman, you will see yourself in them.

Love for animals is rooted in the distant past. In Egypt, cats were worshiped, putting them on the same level with deities. In India, cows are allowed to be treated the same as their mother. Sheep have long been sacrificed to God. Animals are countless, and each person feels special connection with our smaller brothers. Someone likes unbridled and wild predators, someone admires the grace of a cat. Everything in this world is interconnected, and our mental connection with animals is no exception. Your favorite animal will say everything for you.

Wise Owl

In some countries, owls act as sinister thieves of luck and messengers of death. In other parts of the world, they are worshiped and endowed with the ability to attract prosperity and enrichment. Today, the owl symbolizes wisdom. If this is your favorite animal, you are very lucky. A mental connection with an owl indicates enhanced mental abilities, developed intuition and insight. You are able to expose the traitor, break through the thorns of lies, find the truth. You are not afraid of change because you know what to expect from it.

Sly Fox

The fox is cunning, grace, speed and showiness in one bottle. There is no animal more amazing than a fox. We have heard about her resourcefulness and dexterity since childhood. Everyone read fairy tales about how one fox deceived everyone around. The fox is ruled by purposefulness and confidence, she achieves the goal by any means. If this is your spirit animal and you admire it, be sure that the fox can also admire your agility and dexterity. You know how to avoid problems, overcome your fears and complexes. You know how to be brave when the time is right, and how to be cunning when stressed. It is in your power to subordinate people to your will, to manipulate and control.

stately horse

Horses are sacred creatures, and love for them is understandable. Even standing next to a horse, you feel the enormous strength and power of this gigantic animal, and at the same time you are amazed at its grace and softness. Minutes spent next to a horse remain forever in the soul. Love for this animal shows that you are a freedom-loving, personable and successful person. You are responsive, clean, fair. You rush towards your dream, overcoming difficulties one after another.

freedom bird

Each bird is a symbol of freedom and spiritual life. In ancient Egypt, the souls of the dead were depicted as birds with human heads, symbolizing the transition to the spiritual, sublime world. The love of birds defines you as a person who is conscious, spiritual, intelligent and incomprehensible. You are patient, wise, but at the same time restless and strive to know the truth.

wild bear

The bear is a very controversial animal. In Russian traditions, it personifies the king of beasts, sometimes a good-natured, but more often a furious predator. Any hero will envy his strength and power. The image of a bear attracts good luck and success. Spiritual connection with a predator suggests that you are a strong personality. You are self-confident, brave, good-natured and sympathetic, not afraid of loneliness, adversity and difficulties.

Brave lion

The lion represents royalty, courage, strength and power. No wonder he is considered the king of animals. Leo is not afraid of anything, fear and defeat are unknown to him. Therefore, if you have respect and admiration for this graceful predator, he will point out your strengths. You are self-confident, sometimes selfish. You know how to choose your life partners and completely control the environment. You always have a leading position at your disposal, and the ability to change the world is given as a bonus.

tender butterfly

Butterfly symbolizes the immortality of the soul, resurrection, the ability to transform and rebirth. This celestial being begins the cycle of life as a caterpillar, reborn as a butterfly. Love for butterflies indicates faith, love and hope. You are not afraid of change, you know how to enjoy it. And the abundant Universe appreciates it very much and constantly makes itself felt. Amazing changes are constantly happening in your life, which you sometimes don’t even know about.

lone wolf

The wolf is a symbol of freedom, fearlessness, purity. A spiritual connection with a wolf speaks of you as a man of honor. You are independent, self-confident, purposeful. In any fight, you fight to win like your spirit animal. The wolf will never choose defeat, even when in mortal danger. It speaks of great courage. To your advantage, you use all sorts of options, never letting go of luck.

Royal tiger

The Chinese consider the tiger to be the king of animals. He is bold, furious, elusive. In mythology, the tiger is often portrayed as an equal rival to the dragon. This predator symbolizes beauty, grace, exclusivity and strength. Love for tigers gives you determination, perseverance, tolerance. You are wise enough, responsible and have the ability to make all dreams come true. You know that the price of success is hard work on yourself in training your strength of mind and will.

smart snake

Many treat snakes with disdain, although they symbolize wisdom, vitality, immortality, healing powers, fertility, and the hearth. In addition, snakes are skilled predators. Serpents are found in many sacred apocrypha, they have been written about since ancient times, assigning them not the last place in the spiritual world. The snake is energy, creation, mindfulness. Your love for snakes shows that you can adapt to any environment. You do not hold sadness and let go of resentment. You are resourceful and always get your way, sometimes in a cunning and easy way. You have enhanced intuition and the ability to distinguish enemies from friends.

Noble deer

Deer - Sun, sunrise of life, light, spirituality, creation, purity. These are amazing animals, whose horns in mythology personify the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Deer admiration shows that you have kindness, love, calmness and selflessness. You know how to control your emotions and have the ability to hear. You are not afraid of anything, because you understand well how this world works. You create and help other people to come to this.

Totem animals come to the rescue when it seems that there is no more hope. Your spiritual connection with your beloved animal awakens your strength in times of need. You chose them not in vain. So, in moments of defeat, turn to the strength of your animal. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Long-term observations of scientists over people and pets have shown that pets in most cases have a significant impact on their owners, sometimes changing them beyond recognition. Moreover, the nature of the changes largely depends on what kind of animal lives in your house. Scientists agree on only one thing: four-legged pets make a person more responsible, more calm and happy.

Psychologists say that cat owners are more fortunate than owners of other animals. Contrary to popular belief that only women deprived of male attention get cats, representatives of the cat family are able to fit perfectly into any family. It is believed that the owners of these animals are famous for their healthy egoism, which allows them to go about their lives, ignoring the sidelong glances of enemies and the complaints of absolutely strangers. In the event that you met a lonely man who has a cat in his house, you can be sure that you have come across a truly worthy specimen. The already mentioned psychologists note that the cat man is ideal option for family life, as he is characterized by attentiveness to women's desires, generosity, reliability and tenderness.

As for dogs, they make their owners more sociable, friendly and sociable. In other words, all those qualities that a dog possesses are gradually transferred to its owner, and a person begins to notice qualities in himself that were previously not inherent in him. Sociologists also believe that large dogs are mainly bred by people who are not satisfied with their official and social position. People who are confident in themselves and in their work, as a rule, prefer small breeds. At the same time, everything depends on the specific features of the character of each individual person.

In the absence of sufficient time to care for their four-legged pets, many people prefer to keep fish at home. It would seem that silent pets can in no way influence their owners. However, psychologists “send” adherents of such an opinion to the ancient oriental legend, which said that fish are able to give peace and prosperity to the house. People who have aquariums at home claim that the acquisition of fish has made their life more comfortable and emotionally rich. In addition to everything, according to the existing belief, fish are able to make their owners financially secure and successful people.

Choosing a pet according to the character of a person

People have long noticed that when observing a pet, one can draw a fairly accurate conclusion about the character of its owner. But an important factor is also why a person chooses a particular animal, why he develops a strong antipathy towards certain types of animals, and he dreams about others all his life.

Each animal is for a person the personification of any qualities inherent in himself or others. Therefore, the pet is selected based on priorities. A positive or negative attitude towards a certain type of domestic animal also comes from the symbolic character traits inherent in this animal.


The cat always knows what the owner needs

The cat, for example, is a symbol of femininity and independence. A woman feels the same, therefore, when she gets a cat at home, the hostess treats her like her second self. If a woman prefers to have a cat, then she subconsciously makes a choice in favor of the merits of the female and male sexes. Such a woman, in addition to being sweet and affectionate, has pronounced business qualities, is stubborn in achieving her goal, and is charismatic. An elderly woman will choose a cat if she needs to show maternal feelings and care. Such a female owner will have a cat that is capricious, naughty, cunning, playful, but very affectionate. If a single woman gets a cat, this indicates her distrust of the male sex, alertness when choosing a partner.

Children have always loved cats. For them, the cat is the personification of everything connected with the mother - affection, tenderness, kindness, warmth.

If a man loves a cat, he also respects the right of independence and self-sufficiency in a woman.

A lonely man, who prefers a cat to other animals, is always self-sufficient, focused on himself and his goals, and rarely looks for a life mate.

Cats are usually disliked by people who do not have much respect for the female gender in general. It can be a man who does not trust women too much, and a woman who is more striving to show independence and business qualities, who has a masculine mindset.


The dog acquires the features of the owner, his behavioral habits and even facial expressions.

For a woman, a dog, regardless of her gender, is always a symbol of a man. Depending on the qualities that a woman appreciates in the representatives of the opposite sex, she also chooses the breed of a dog. Large breeds of dogs, such as shepherds, are chosen by women who see support, reliability, and protection in a man. A smaller breed, for example, a French bulldog, will be chosen by a woman for whom devotion, a sense of humor, the ability to listen and sympathize are valuable qualities in a man. If a woman's favorite breed of dog is a Doberman, she is calm, self-confident, and looks for the same qualities in a partnership. Women who prefer small dogs are restless, energetic, sometimes grumpy.

A man identifies himself with his dog. And he chooses a breed in which there are character traits inherent in him. A man who prefers other breeds of a bull terrier is always aggressive, a collie lover is sentimental and romantic, but very reliable in critical situation. If a man's choice is a Rottweiler, then he himself has fighting qualities, prefers loneliness, and is restrained in expressing feelings.

The child always sees the protector in the dog. The persistent desire of the baby to have a puppy speaks of his inner loneliness and the desire to have a close friend both for communication and for games.

Enough people who don't like dogs. As a rule, these are those who seek communication among their own kind, in a society of people, and do not like to manage and command anyone. They do not accept forced submission, instinctively feeling that such a quality is inherent in a dog. They are open to the world and in case of danger they try to come to their aid themselves or get out of a difficult situation with the help of friends or strangers.

Hamster and guinea pig

The guinea pig makes a person feel his strength, self-confidence.

Preference for such small animals is given by people who themselves are in dire need of the patronage of a large and strong man. They mask their weakness by caring for someone even weaker and more dependent, next to whom they can feel strong and powerful.

People who deeply appreciate the mind as the main quality of a person always have a bad attitude towards hamsters, pigs, and mice.


Rats are loved by independent people.

A person who prefers a rat has a solid mind, he first thinks and finds out everything, and then draws a conclusion. Such people always differ in their own, independent opinion and outlook on things.

People who are conservative and cautious, adhering to the generally accepted opinion in life, unsure of themselves, cannot stand rats.


Parrots are loved by melancholics and dreamers

A parrot is turned on by people who are very vulnerable, impressionable, naive - mostly melancholic. They are romantic, and they associate the parrot with adventure, tropical islands.

People who do not like parrots are irritable and quick-tempered, as well as immersed in their work.


Hedgehogs are loved by outwardly independent and sharp, but very vulnerable people.

The owners of hedgehogs are outwardly inaccessible and sharp, prickly, but very vulnerable in their souls. They are straightforward, reliable, not capable of betrayal. Very often, women like to acquire hedgehogs. They are always ready to curl up into a prickly ball and wait out the trouble.

People who prefer comfort to everything else do not like hedgehogs.


Aquarium with fish - for contemplatives and thinkers.

Pisces are preferred by two categories of people. Active, emotional and temperamental, relax and relieve tension at the sight of fish. They are addicted to the smooth movement of fish. For them, an aquarium is like an interior detail, like a TV set. The second category of fish lovers are thinkers, contemplators. Watching fish, their non-standard mind sometimes gives rise to brilliant ideas and solutions. Pisces help them to get away from reality, to abstract.

Squeamish, sensitive people do not like fish.

Animals bring warmth and comfort to the house. Animals are credited with medicinal qualities. And if a person likes an animal, then it quickly becomes like its owner. After all, there is only one character. They become part of us, acquiring our skills and adopting our habits. This is our mirror. That is why we buy them. To see and feel...

Irina Garmanova

An online animal test for girls and women: What kind of animal are you?

comprises 10 questions| rating 3.7 out of 5 points

Usually, when comparing a person with any animal, we mention only the negative characteristics of their behavior or appearance: "Litter like a pig", "Smell like a skunk", "Fat like a cow" and so on. But in fact, in fact, the animal world sometimes turns out to be kinder, fairer and more honest than the world of people. Animals do not know envy, they never harm each other for fun. Do you want to know which animal you look like? Then take our test!

Psychological test for girls What animal are you? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate. Have a good testing!

Animal test reviews:

  • Julia| Saratov
    It must be so ... I'm in shock)) Having answered all the questions, I did not expect such a result at all)) This is my favorite animal. I adore monkeys, not cats, not anyone else, namely monkeys. And the test gave this result - dumbfounded! Thanks guys!

  • Ksenia| Moscow
    Very interesting test! And everything I learned at the end really describes me! I recommend it to anyone who hasn't passed yet!

  • dandelion| yyyy
    yes i am

  • Aya| Nur Sultan
    The questions are interesting, everything is cool, but there is one big minus (advertising, spam

  • Anna| Moscow
    Well, it didn't match at all.

Find out what character traits and behaviors of the animal are similar to yours and find yourself among " the mighty of the world this"

The animal world lives by strict rules. The stronger eat the weak, the reproductive instincts and survival instincts take over and only the strongest always wins. Unlike animals, nature gave man a soul, the ability to compassion and pity, although sometimes animals have a more open heart when it comes to children or the sick than some people. The animal world is clearly divided into flocks, as well as people into "castes". But animals do not exterminate themselves, as a person does during a constant desire to develop and develop "civilization" and receive more and more "benefits" to save their time and energy.

Interesting is the fact that the main features of the character and behavior in animals and humans are identical. Among the representatives of "intelligent" beings there are also eternal "predators" and eternal "victims". The stronger "eat" the weak and defenseless. Only those who could heartlessly step over others and become the leader of the “pack” rise to the top.

To understand what kind of animal you are, or rather, the character traits and behaviors of which animal are similar to yours, read the description and find yourself among the "powerful ones", and then, perhaps, you will be able to answer some personal questions that torment you, but that you don't want to say out loud. The answers are very often on the surface, it's just that a person is used to looking for a "double bottom" in the elementary.


The wolf is a predator that constantly goes to its goal. He takes care of his family, not thinking about the feelings and opinions of "strangers". The wolf is cruel in the case of protecting his own. He will not look for ways to get closer to strangers, because everything alien is always a threat. The wolf is always secretive and rarely opens his heart to anyone. This predator only comes when it wants or sees fit to reward someone with its presence. It's useless to call him. He is not emotional, so it is sometimes difficult to withstand his "painful" restraint and "unemotionlessness". If suddenly you are on the list of the Wolf's enemies, then you just have to enjoy every moment of life as if it were the last, because Wolves do not forgive insults.

Wolves are most often: Capricorns, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Cancers.

a lion

Big cat. Proud and majestic. Physical form Leo is always excellent, males are always large and strong. Lions around the clock ready for exploits. They are eager to fight in order to always be on top. They do not know how to lose, lions are eternal winners. This animal is a born leader and leader. Leo knows that he is strong, and therefore does not understand the meaning of the words "loss", "fatigue", "concessions", "compromise". Leos do nothing just for the sake of a whim or pleasure, they live for the sake of "satisfying hunger", not offending anyone for the sake of ordinary self-satisfaction. Leos love luxury and wealth. They are used to getting aesthetic pleasure from everything that surrounds them. Kings are always kind to their slaves. And the lion has always been and always will be king.

Lions are most often: Lions (sorry for the tautology), Scorpios, Capricorns.


The dog is a sincere and reliable friend, an intelligent interlocutor and a devoted protector. This animal is characterized by a heightened sense of justice in personal and work matters. The main "talent" of the dog is their ability to listen carefully and understand what the interlocutor needs from them. The dog does not like to be the center of attention, but he always appears at the right moment. Such a kind of friend is Superman (a).

Dogs are most often: Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Pisces.


The fox is always kind to others on the outside, but very insidious inside. Representatives of this species of animals are found on all continents, in all countries, in every city. Her color is always bright, appearance attractive and luxurious. For its own benefit, the fox can dissemble, blackmail, “pocket” and take away, but she does all this beautifully, unobtrusively and without any trace of her “crime”. To be a fox means to fall in love with everyone. She is a real woman by nature: beautiful, cunning and sometimes deadly.

Foxes are most often: Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Libra.


A domestic and needy creature. Sometimes "purring" with pleasure, and sometimes showing claws. They do not like separation and prefer the eternal campaign of warm and dear people. The main feature of this beauty is an increased level of egocentrism. Not getting enough warmth and attention, she can become depressed. If you have done something wrong in front of the Cat, then do not even dream that you will get away with this. Revenge will catch up with you.

If the Cat is in a bad mood, then you will immediately understand this. In this case, the main rule is to please and amuse. Only 100% attention and the manifestation of love can save the situation.

Cats are most often: Pisces, Virgo, Libra.


Stately, beautiful and cheerful animal. The horse always knows what is in fashion, which "field" has the most delicious grass, how to attract attention in a large crowd, and who she really needs in her life. The perfect combination of intelligence and beauty. The horse rarely admits his mistakes, repents of his sins. She will blame the circumstances and the people around her, but she will never admit she was wrong. Horses are in constant motion, they need dynamics and speed. Partner is required condition their happy life. The horse loves to live with a backup plan for a rainy day.

Horses are most often: Gemini, Pisces, Libra.

Which animal is closest in character to you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Marina Poznyakova

    I'm definitely a WOLF.
    I got used to taking responsibility for myself. The social circle is really limited, but for the sake of friends I will do anything. However, I demand the same from them. I have only one close friend, and we have known each other since childhood.

    Serpent. My favorite animal. - He knows how to adapt and dodge so that all the bad things turn to his advantage. That is, even from the worst situation to be able to benefit for themselves. - With its poison, "it heals and cripples." It is not for nothing that a snake wrapped around a bowl is a symbol of medicine.
    3. A camel - he doesn’t care, he eats little and doesn’t want to, the supply of water is enough for a long time, he doesn’t suffer from the heat, and he’s not afraid of the cold.

    A camel - he doesn’t care, he eats little and doesn’t want to, the supply of water is enough for a long time, he doesn’t suffer from the heat, and he’s not afraid of the cold.
    Bird, any - you can make a nest everywhere, and keep in flocks, they will always help each other.

    For example, I would like to become a dolphin, jump out of the water, hunt fish with my relatives and help drowning people. It seems to me that dolphins are always cheerful.

    It's better to be human - because a person has the right to choose - we choose what we do and what we don't. And animals act mainly due to their instincts. I like being human and being aware of it.

    And I would like to be a dog!
    We are friends with dogs.
    Honest, open, always have character. And in general, dogs can learn a lot from some people. Would be a doge. Maybe because she once raised her pet from the cradle. There is no meanness in a dog. Maybe this is a drawback, but there is no trick either!
    So if what am I a dog)))

    I feel like a cat. I like her independence, because the cat allows herself to be caressed only when she wants it. And what a graceful animal it is, what flexibility of movements. And I also really like it when my back is scratched between the shoulder blades, in a cat's place. And when I really like something, I'm ready to purr with pleasure. Exactly, in past life I was one of the cats :))))

    And I, for sure, would become a turtle - I would stick my head for some time from this everyday routine, take a break and go forward with turtle steps - pick up a strong pace, I should take a break from everything - vacation is not enough. And I would like to live for a long, long time - I LOVE LIFE. Many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, grandchildren.

    I already confessed somewhere that a panda lives in me.)))) The same lazy, loving to eat and play the fool. How I wish I could live in kindergarten"for pandas, so that the Chinese would take care of me, feed, water, groom and cherish, well, so that they would not interfere with sleep.))))))

    Now I would like something as a penguin. I love them in general, I like their plump bodies, evoking thoughts of kindness ... And it seems that they have no enemies, they are calm there in Antarctica. The resort, in general. And they- holidaymakers!

    I turned out to be a lone wolf, I agree, I'm an introvert and I don't need company, the most comfortable thing for me is to be alone with myself. Although I can be part of the “flock”, a team player, but only out of necessity, and not out of my own will.

    Yes, I’m apparently a “Pig”, I want to be on good terms with everyone. Do not refuse and do not swear, but often they use it and hang their legs. So it's time to turn into a "Cat" or "Tiger"

    Have you seen a wolf? He is beautiful. I was in Siberia and saw a real wild wolf. And I realized that we have one soul. He has such a piercing look, I hope I have the same)). It's nice to know that deep down I'm connected with such a strong animal. It's easier to live alone.

    Oh, I'm a raccoon. I think it's great. Such sweet and cuddly creatures. I hope people around me also talk and think about me. Selfishness is also present in me, I first think about my beloved, then about others, and I think this is right. Who, if not me, knows best what I need now ...

    I once took a similar test. Turned out to be a pig and safely forgot about it. And today I saw, passed and realized that I was definitely a pig). It's necessary, twice for one rake. So this is about me. But according to the description, not everything is so bad, I am a good-natured person and help everyone as much as I can. It's true, I am.

    It may be that there are several animals in one person. So the tests are different, in the soul one, patronizes the other. I think that a cat, a snake and a parrot get along right away in me. I am different with all people. At work, a slut, a cat at home, a cheerful parrot with girlfriends)). Therefore, life is interesting.