Kudo: the perfect sport for modern people. Brief information about kudo In martial arts there is a concept not a coach, but a mentor - what in your understanding is this word

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    KUDO, translated from Japanese - "the path of open consciousness."
    This is a universal system of spiritual and physical self-improvement, designed for the harmonious development of the personality of the student of KUDO.
    The roots of KUDO come from Daido-Juku karate-do.
    KUDO is a synthesis various kinds martial arts, in which striking techniques of fighting in a stance and wrestling techniques are equally developed.
    Fights are held in full contact. Daido-Juku Kudo rules allow all punches, elbows, kicks and knees in all zones and levels, throws, sweeps from the stand, wrestling and strikes in the clinch, grabs, headbutts, painful and choking techniques, and striking techniques are also allowed on the ground .
    Such a solid arsenal of contact equipment, clear and systematic rules turn fights into spectacular fights with an almost complete absence of injuries. Home hallmark school is the maximum approximation of this style to the conditions of a real battle. This allows Kudo to be effective tool self defense and spectacular view martial arts. The rating of tournaments held in Japan in this style is very high, the competitions gather tens of thousands of spectators, the winner is honored as a national hero, and the martial art itself is called “WAY OF WARRIORS”, “FURIOUS KARATE”, “WAY OF STRONG SPIRIT”.

    What is Kudo?

    Black Belt magazine, December 2006

    "The Daido-Juku National Organization hastens to announce that the official name of the tournament on November 17, 2001 in Tokyo will be: "1st Open World Hokutoka Kudo Championship." The decision was made at the All-Japan Daido-Juku Conference on May 12, 2001.

    There are several reasons to continue to use the name "Kudo" from now on, but the main thing is that the future championship will be held with the participation of fighters from various types of martial arts, such as: judo, jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling, sambo, muay thai, boxing , wushu, pankration, etc. Firstly, this goes against the ideas of traditional karate, where only punches and kicks are allowed. Secondly, the purpose of any martial art(judo, karate-do, kendo, aikido and kudo) is the training of the body and spirit for the subsequent use of their strength in Everyday life. This good way educating the younger generation in a difficult time for them, when much in the world, on the contrary, contributes to the degradation of youth. The martial art, be it karate or otherwise, can be said to be a vital tool for organizing and guiding the individual in life.

    At the moment, officially the concept of "karate" means non-contact combat. The sports department of the Japanese government does not officially recognize karate as a full contact fighting style. And even such an organization as the International Olympic Committee does not recognize karate as a contact martial art.

    We believe that the Daido-Juku Federation is one of the most important sports organizations contact types of martial arts (boxing, judo, freestyle wrestling, etc.). Therefore, we are changing the name in order to achieve recognition by the IOC as an official and separate sport. Now we will hold the KUDO World Championship so as not to be among other world karate championships. This will give us a great advantage when applying to the IOC for recognition of KUDO olympic view sports.

    To all of the above, we can add that time flies and we have no right to waste it, because, as already mentioned, there are other smaller and less developed organizations that have already held the World Championships under their new names and are seeking official recognition. We should follow their example and start our "official career".

    In conclusion, it should be said that the basis of KUDO is certainly karate-do, just as jiu-jitsu is the basis of judo; "Kara" means "empty", "Te" - "hand", "Do" - "way of life". As you know, the daido-juku technique involves the use of not only hands, but also other techniques from various martial arts, such as: kicks, throws, suffocations, painful techniques, grips, and so on. In addition, the Japanese character "Kara" can be pronounced as "Ku", which means "wide", "vast", or "open". In Buddhist interpretation, the hieroglyph "Ku" means "open mind". Thus, we create the word "Kudo", which carries a deep philosophical meaning and allows not only to use techniques from other martial arts, but also in the meaning of "open consciousness" leaves a lot of room for improvement and development. Kudo has a "historic chance" today. Therefore, we announce the 1st Open World Hokutoka KUDO Championship on November 17, 2001 and hope for understanding of this step by all members of the federation and heads of their departments."

    International Federation of Combat Karate Daido Juku, International Federation of Kudo Daido-Juku, President Azuma Takashi.

    It was after. And in the beginning, the Japanese Kyokushin karate master Azuma Takashi leaves Masutatsu Oyama's organization to found his own style, which he called Daido-Juku Karate-do. Translated from Japanese "Daido" - "great way", "Juku" - "art". "The Art of the Great Way" - That's what it is Daido-Juku. “There is no single gate that leads to the great path to perfection” - this is the principle that Azuma Takashi laid the foundation for his school. Being engaged in Kyokushin karate, Azuma Takashi saw that the training system of fighters is limited and brought under the framework of the competition rules adopted in Kyokushin karate.

    As a man who had been involved in judo for many years and was very interested in boxing, this did not suit Azuma Takashi. He was not satisfied with the lack of good wrestling training among the athletes and the ability to work with their hands to the head. And the study of these aspects is absolutely necessary to prepare a person for real hand-to-hand combat.

    Therefore, in the system that Azuma Takashi created, the study of wrestling techniques (stand wrestling, ground wrestling), practicing the technique of working with hands to the head, based on boxing techniques, are the same necessary components as learning the best of what, according to According to Azuma Takashi, there is in Kyokushin karate. All these elements in the Daido-Juku system are intertwined and complement each other.
    Naturally, the acquired skills must be tested in some way, preferably without harm to others and to the testers themselves. To do this, Azuma Takashi developed competition rules that allow fighters to demonstrate their versatile training.

    In Daido-Juku competitions, punches and kicks were allowed in almost all parts of the body, except for the back of the head and back. Also forbidden are those blows to the joints that provoke the joints to break. Under Russian rules, groin strikes are also prohibited, although in Japan and Western countries these strikes are allowed under certain conditions. But a necessary element of protective equipment for Kudo competitions is a protective protector for the groin. In Kudo competitions, all kinds of throwing techniques are also allowed, as well as wrestling techniques on the ground, including choking techniques and pain on the arms and legs. Therefore, in Japan, Daido-juku began to be called "furious" or "street" karate. Russian fans of Daido-Juku - Kudo came up with a motto that characterizes this style to the highest degree: “Only life is more real than KUDO!”.

    However, while developing the rules for conducting Daido-Juku competitions, Azuma Takashi did not at all want Daido-Juku to become the sport of modern gladiators, who put their lives and health at stake. For Azuma Takashi Kudo is first of all Budo, the harmonious education of the personality. And the Kudo duel is an element of education.

    Therefore, despite the seeming rigidity and even cruelty, the rules for conducting Daido-Juku competitions make it possible to avoid serious injuries. One of the main elements that allows you to do this is the "super safe" helmet used in Daido-Juku-Kudo competitions. This is a helmet with a transparent mask made of impact-resistant plastic. Having protected themselves with such helmets, fighters have the opportunity to work when attacking with their hands to the upper level or with their bare fists, or in special gloves that protect their hands from hitting the plastic. This system - a "super safe" helmet and thin gloves - avoids serious health consequences, much less than in the "boxing helmet - boxing gloves" system, not to mention those cases when the head is not protected by a helmet at all. Also, this system - a "super safe" helmet and thin gloves - allows you to fully use wrestling equipment in fights, because the hands in the grips are not constrained by anything.

    Another and very important for Kudo fights is that representatives of various types of martial arts with a certain special training can take part in them. The rules of duels and the real combat system itself provide such an opportunity. Wrestlers, competently defending themselves from punches and kicks, can, for example, transfer the fight to the ground and make a painful or suffocating hold. A boxer, not allowing himself to be thrown and competently defending himself from kicks, has a chance, using his advantage in the technique of working with his hands, to realize the advantages of his training into victory. And a representative, for example, of taekwondo, if the above conditions are met, can powerfully work out with kicks. But it is best, of course, to have a comprehensive fundamental training, which is what training on the Daido-Juku-Kudo system gives.

    Now Kudo is a synthesis of various types of wrestling, European and Thai boxing and, of course, karate. It should also be noted that, unlike other types of martial arts, where the division into categories occurs solely depending on the weight of the athletes, Kudo has a different system. In Kudo instead weight categories there is a concept of "coefficient". The coefficient in Kudo is a parameter that takes into account not only the weight of the athlete, but also his height. The formation of the coefficient value is quite simple. We add up the weight and height of a person and get a figure, which will be his coefficient. According to Azuma Takashi, this calculation is much more objective and takes into account many more aspects that affect the fight.

    Improving his art of real combat, Azuma Takashi abandoned everything superfluous and unnecessary. From what takes a lot of time and does not fit into a real fight at all. Azuma Takashi removed the traditional kata from the system, the system of elements, in his opinion, is completely divorced from what one has to deal with in life. Azuma Takashi also removed from the training system the practice of strikes from positions that are completely uncharacteristic of a real fight. After all, in boxing, giving for the fight the best technique hands, there is no working out of strikes from a position with lowered hands. Azuma Takashi also refused to practice such traditional karate elements as traditional karate stances and the development of various elements when moving in these stances. Azuma Takashi left only one stance - the fighting stance, the one in which the fight actually takes place. And Kudo fans produce all the elements of combat from a combat stance. The technique of working with hands in Kudo is similar to the technique of working with hands in boxing. What could be more concise, more powerful and more effective? The kicking technique is based on the excellent foundation of kicking in Kyokushin karate, in which, thanks to Masutatsu Oyama, the traditional kicking technique in karate was enhanced by an order of magnitude with the kicking technique in Thai boxing.

    And finally, the fight. The best that there is in judo and in other types of wrestling, all this is in Daido-Juku - Kudo. Being himself a very strong and physically developed person, Azuma Takashi pays great attention to the physical preparation of those involved. The master knows and understands perfectly well that without excellent physical training all technical and tactical skills will not work. Azuma Takashi's requirements for students in his school found their expression in the qualification standards for those wishing to receive one or another degree in Daido-Juku - Kudo. It is very difficult to test for one or another degree at the Kudo school. You can’t come from the street and say: “Certify me!”. Only officially registered members of the Kudo federation, practicing in one of the dojos, can be certified. At the same time, certain requirements for the applicant for certification are taken into account. And whether the applicant has fulfilled these requirements or not, the evaluator can allow the applicant to take the exam. These requirements are determined by the following indicators:

    1) The amount of labor invested in training. This indicator is calculated in days and hours and is taken into account by the coach's entries made on membership cards.

    2) The quality of the work performed. This indicator indicates the correctness of the execution of technical actions studied in training.

    3) The level of physical perfection. To determine this indicator, there are both certain standards and a visible ability to endure heavy physical exertion in accordance with the qualification degree for which the applicant expects to be certified.

    4) Mastering the strategy of karate. Even passing the exam for the lowest degree - 10 kyu, the applicant must show his ability to technically correctly and tactically competently fight to the bitter end.

    Someone can compare Kudo with one of the varieties hand-to-hand combat, of which there are quite a few now. But it's not. Kudo is essentially Budo. Kudo is a holistic education system in which from the very beginning the student learns not only the various elements that make up the technical section of Kudo, but also gets acquainted with the traditions of Budo martial arts. He learns and performs the rituals for starting and ending training, as well as perform other actions that, according to etiquette, must be strictly observed to create the atmosphere of the hall. One of the basic rules of Budo etiquette is to be extremely polite, self-possessed, to respect elders in terms of belt and age, not to offend the weak and younger, and when meeting each other, greet with a respectful bow with the word “Os!”. We should also not forget about respect for the place of training. Never forget to bow when entering and exiting the dojo.

    Students of Kudo place great emphasis on the practice of Zen. This word is interpreted as meditation, concentration, contemplation. The practice of Zen is one of the ways of development for the martial art. This path is based on the harmony of body and spirit. The samurai of medieval Japan without fail studied the practice of Zen, which helps in mental self-regulation and makes a person's consciousness bright, and his spirit calm and balanced. Possession of such a consciousness and such a spirit gives an advantage in combat.

    Especially over those whose consciousness is clouded. Zen is aimed at understanding the essence of things and leads to an awareness of the nature of ordinary life. In Kudo, Zen practice is actively used, since the use of Zen methods significantly increases the effect of training - it develops the bioenergetic potential of students. And the opened and developed bioenergy potential leads to the fact that the creative abilities of a person are activated and he begins the path to spiritual rebirth and physical recovery.

    In combat, it is very important to be absolutely accurate and have a complete lack of anger. In battle, you need to be able to cast aside fear and renounce own life. Nothing should affect the purity of consciousness in battle. The same can be useful during workouts. A clear mind helps to avoid unnecessary aggression, to protect oneself from unnecessary injuries and to correctly perceive the material being digested. The student, until recently seized with doubts and in confusion, is gradually, step by step, led by his mentor to a correct understanding. A Kudo fighter, after long and hard training, gradually turns his body into a well-oiled mechanism, ready to act from a situation, the understanding of which becomes spontaneous. Gradually, everything that before that seemed so elementary suddenly turns out to be the highest revelation. And the most important thing here is not to stop and continue to stubbornly move forward! After all, Kudo is Big Way Open Consciousness! In Kudo, unlike many martial arts schools, there are no so-called secret meanings and secret traditions. The path of Kudo is the improvement of the surrounding world through the improvement of oneself through the strengthening of the spirit. And the spirit is strengthened only through hard and constant training.


    Symbolism of KUDO

    Kudo (Daido Juku) - Oriental full-contact martial art, martial art. It originated in Japan in the late seventies of the twentieth century. The founder, Azuma Takashi (Takashi), brought together the techniques and elements of karate, judo, and boxing.

    The International Kudo Federation (KIF, Kudo International Federation) was founded in 1981 and is headquartered in Tokyo. To date, KIF has more than eighty national federations from all over the world.

    The history of the emergence and development of kudo

    Azuma Takashi, as the best student, outgrew his teacher, the founder of Kyokushinkai (karate style), Masutatsu Oyama. A karateka nicknamed Tank, a lifestyle philosopher, Takashi developed a personal versatile style of contact fighting, which was originally called Daido Juku Karate Do. His private school of the great path (so the translation sounds) very soon became extremely popular in Japan, and then beyond its borders. Every year there were competitions in which everything became more winners from different countries of the world.

    1991 is significant for Russian kudo athletes. Vladivostok resident Yuri Pirogov became a participant in the Hokutoki-91 tournament, where Takashi set his first personal world record. It consisted in the fact that Azuma broke ten fifteen-centimeter ice blocks in a row. Two years later, sensei held his unique seminar in Vladivostok, which was the first step towards spreading the new style of martial arts throughout Russia and the former Soviet republics. Then kudo began to be mastered in America, Brazil, Australia, India, Iran, Chile.

    Branches open in all countries Russian Federation kudo, whose president is Roman Anashkin, originates in 1994. The work of the founder of the Daido Mamon style is closely studied by his followers in Canada, Belgium, Portugal, Holland, and the United Arab Emirates. Tournaments WARS (Wars) are held. In 2000, the Hokutoka Championship is organized by category. Absolute passes separately. Next year, the international federation removes the word "karate" from the name and officially fixes the definition of kudo. In this status, the first open championship of the world in this type of martial arts, which is decided (according to the Olympic type) to be organized every four years.

    Kudo rules

    Furious and super-realistic - this is how journalists speak about this martial art. It is what it is, because the founder of kudo did not put practically any prohibitions on the techniques of the duel. You can’t just hit in the back, break the joints, the back of the head, throat. However, kudo also has its own rules, which are conditionally divided into three types:

    • official (tournament) approved by the international federation;
    • limited (for veteran age categories);
    • professional (for experimental fights).

    Tournaments are held in different age groups, both men and women can participate. Forbidden and permitted techniques vary depending on the age and gender of the fighter.

    The general rules allow the use of almost all techniques, including headbutts, knees, elbows, hands and feet. At competitions, blows to the groin can be used, provided there is a difference of more than twenty units of categories of fighters. But they are not allowed to strike while holding in a standing position (tsukami). During the three-minute period of the duel, two transitions to martial arts in the stalls are allowed, where you can use side blows, painful and suffocating techniques. Tsukami can be used in unlimited quantities without exceeding the ten-second threshold.


    Ratings have been made by judges to tournament participants since mid-2017. From the highest of eight points to the lowest of one point, they are divided into:

    • 8-ippon (four-second or more knockdown, the opponent's unwillingness to continue the fight, pronouncing the word "maita", his escape with the tatami with his back to the winner);
    • 4-vazari (knockdown from two to four seconds, unwillingness of the opponent to continue the fight after six seconds, escape with the tatami with his back to the winner);
    • 2-yuko (knockdown less than two seconds, opponent's unwillingness to continue the fight from two to four seconds, attack without response, escape);
    • 1-koka (the opponent is unstable after the attack, throw with amplitude, successful technique, finishing off by the fighter-kime).

    In addition, the judges add hansoku - opponent's penalty points. Victory is determined both by points and by the content of the fight, the superiority of one fighter over another in various parameters.

    Categories of kudo

    Official kudo tournaments are held in three age categories:

    • from 12 to 15 years old (boys, girls);
    • from 16 to 17 years old (juniors, juniors);
    • from 18 years old (men, women).

    Each of the age categories is subdivided according to the weight plus height coefficient. Competitions of athletes from 35 years old fall under the special category of veterans. Children in kudo do not take part in the decision of KIF in 2014.

    Clothing and equipment for kudo

    The main feature of the equipment in kudo is a protective helmet with a mask of a certain brand. In addition to the helmet, the mandatory elements of protection for a fighter in kudo are:

    • protective breastplate cuirass (must be worn by women and juniors);
    • shin guards (boys and juniors);
    • manual overlays of a kentosapopata (all categories);
    • one and a half meter bandages for brushes (all categories);
    • inguinal bandage (women, boys and juniors);
    • capa (all categories).

    A blue or white kimono (dogi) for kudo is worn over the protection. All ammunition must have international KIF certification.

    Belts in kudo

    The stage at which a kudo follower is located can be student (kyu) or workshop (dan). Student belts in kudo from the tenth to the fifth step (gakusei) differ in color and the number of black stripes. The lowest, tenth step is a white belt, the ninth is a blue belt, the eighth is blue with a black stripe, the seventh is blue with two, the sixth is yellow with one, the fifth is yellow with two stripes.

    After that, the athlete moves to the rank of senior student (sempai) and, depending on the level, wears: the fourth - a green belt with a black stripe, the third - a green belt with two, the second - a brown belt with one and the first - a brown belt with two black stripes. All student belts are 4 cm wide. The kudo emblem on one end of the belt is mandatory.

    The transition to the rank of master gives the right to wear a black belt with golden stripes, depending on the degree of dan, of which there are ten in kudo. Each belt is individual, with the name and surname embroidered on it in hieroglyphs, as well as the name of the school. In order to be certified for a certain dan, the master must comply with the standards and requirements of KIF, have his own students and followers participating in competitions of different levels.


    To ensure that tournaments are held in accordance with the rules of kudo, a panel of judges, which includes:

    • chief referee, his deputy (carry out general management of the tournament);
    • Shushin - referee (directly supervises the fight on the tatami, evaluates the actions of the fighters with the help of established gestures, whistle);
    • focusushin, chief, three focusins ​​- side referees (also located on the mat and evaluate the course of the fight, controlling the techniques of the fighters. Focususin, as the main side referee, is the only one who has the right to show a draw);
    • stopwatch - a referee located at the table (keeps an accurate countdown and timing of the fight, informs about its beginning and end in a gong);
    • operator (during the competition puts on the scoreboard the scores of the fighters, fixes the violations);
    • secretary (on it - maintaining all the documentation of the competition, announcing the athletes who go to the fight).

    Like the participants in the fights, the judges on the tatami go barefoot. Judges are prescribed a certain form of clothing and etiquette for the competition. They are obliged to observe the spirit of budo, to be fair and impartial.


    We tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic "Kudo".

    In the life of every person there will always be a place for sports. Someone is fond of doing some kind of sport, someone likes to watch it on TV. Many people devote themselves to sports from the very early years, but not everyone becomes a professional who subsequently earns a lot of money, but always runs the risk of injury or even becoming disabled.

    Today we will talk about a sport in which it is quite difficult to achieve fame and millions of salaries. But sport accompanies these people throughout their lives, shaping them as individuals.

    KUDO. "Only life is real!" - that's the motto Japanese look martial arts, which has recently become very popular all over the world.

    This type of mixed martial arts was created by the Japanese Azuma Takashi on the basis of kyokushinkai, Thai boxing and judo. The peculiarity of KUDO lies in the fact that almost everything is possible for athletes in combat: wrestling on the ground, punches, kicks, knees, head, elbows at all levels. Naturally, in order to avoid injuries, blows to the groin, back and neck are prohibited; throws and painful techniques that can damage the spine.

    This sport is suitable for both adults and children. KUDO is full contact fighting, but at the same time, those involved remain safe thanks to modern protective equipment (Neo Head Gear helmet with a plastic visor, special pads on arms and legs).

    The main tasks of KUDO:

    Overcoming your weaknesses through diligent training. At the same time, high-quality music can be present in the hall;

    Development of speed of thinking through a combination of certain exercises in sparring;

    Mastering the experience of communication in a team;

    Development physical ability;

    Development of motor abilities of the body.

    KUDO helps to develop not only in terms of physical abilities, but also helps in shaping a person's personality.

    There is a stereotype that girls who are engaged in martial arts are usually ugly, with a figure and gait similar to men. It's not like that at all. Any sport helps to make your body beautiful and athletic. Martial arts are no exception. They help the girl to keep herself in good shape, but it's better than having wrinkles on her stomach!

    Sport helps people to live and develop. Very few achieve great success in it, but sport accompanies them all their lives. Recently, young people have no hobbies, school age begin to smoke and drink alcohol, which can be very negative for their health and their future. Therefore, it is better to teach your children to sports from the very beginning. early age. This will definitely come in handy for them to become good people. After all, sport teaches not only strength and endurance, sport leads a person to the right path of life!

    is a Japanese sports style that was founded in 1981 by master Azuma Takashi. This type includes techniques from a wide variety of martial arts, such as karate, boxing, judo, etc.

    According to the rules of the competition, fighters are allowed all wrestling techniques, and in addition, blows with limbs, knees, elbows and head to all parts of the body except for the back, nape and groin. The use of painful and suffocating techniques is allowed.

    After the formation of a new style of karate, the Japanese media called it "furious". The original name of the style was Daido Juku Karate-do. The first name of the style included Chinese wisdom, which says that there are no universal roads that lead to the Great Way. Man must create them in his heart and go to them on his own path.

    In 1991, Takashi allowed the Russian athlete Yuri Pirogov to compete. So, kudo began to spread in Russia and around the world.

    Kudo received its current name recently - in 2001. Kudo, according to Azuma's new design, means "the path of the void." In general, the concept of emptiness in Japanese martial arts plays an important role. So, in the name "karate" - "kara" also means emptiness.

    It came from, but at the moment it is already a new, separate and fully formed sport. Kudo included techniques from both karate and other martial arts, creating a real fighting style for life.

    Kudo is synthesized from a combination of a wide variety of techniques. So, the technique of hands in kudo is from boxing, elbow, knee strikes are from Thai boxing, painful and suffocating techniques are from judo and sambo, kicks are taken from kyokushinkai karate.

    In addition to the development of technology, the founder of kudo also provided for the rules of battles that are closest to real battles, where almost everything is allowed. According to the moral criteria adopted in kudo, during the competition it is impossible to attack from behind, hit in the throat and joints and finish off a lying opponent.

    - this is a rather tough sport, but strict adherence to the rules helps to avoid severe injuries. So, in kudo fights, a helmet with a transparent mask and thin gloves are used, which effectively help athletes avoid dangerous injuries, as well as fully use the technique of wrestlers in the fights, because. thin gloves on the hands allow you to apply the grip.

    An important point for Kudo competitions is that fighters of the most different types martial arts in the presence of a certain training, which is allowed by the rules of the fight. Thus, kudo wrestlers can actively use painful and choking techniques, boxers can demonstrate excellent hand work, and a taekwondo fighter can show kicking techniques. After all, all these techniques and many others are contained in the Kudo style.

    It should be noted that Kudo does not use the commonly used system of dividing athletes into categories only by weight. In Kudo, categories are replaced by coefficients, which include the combined indicators of the weight and height of the athlete, which more objectively assesses the chances of athletes.

    When developing the style, Takashi rejected everything unnecessary, out of touch with life, that which is not applicable in a real fight. Also, the founder of kudo removed from training the training of strikes from unusual positions and traditional stances. He left only one stance for kudo - the combat stance in which the battle takes place.

    Therefore, Kudo is a modern martial art that meets all the requirements of safety, efficiency and accessibility.

    KUDO is modern mixed martial arts, created on the basis of traditions and education in oriental martial arts. This is the art of real contact combat, the synthesis of the most efficient technician defense and attack. The hieroglyph "ku" means "empty", "do" - "path", literal translation - the path of emptiness. The main goal of the fight in KUDO is to achieve the maximum result in the minimum time. In competitions, punches and kicks are allowed in almost all parts of the body, except for the back of the head and back, throws, chokes, painful holds and elements of striking technique in the stalls.

    According to the rules of the competition, only the real, pronounced, result of the use of technical actions. Instead of weight categories, the concept of "coefficient" is used - it is determined from the sum of the athlete's height in centimeters and weight in kilograms. This indicator is more objective and takes into account many more aspects that affect the battle. Athletes are protected by a helmet with a plastic visor, which makes it possible to use the most effective techniques with maximum contact and maximum safety for athletes.

    A Brief History of KUDO

    1981 Japan. The 32-year-old Kyokushin karate master Azuma Takashi, based on his vast experience in the study of martial arts, forms his own concept of real combat, which is called Daido-Juku Karate-do (later renamed KUDO).

    After the birth of a new style of martial arts, Japanese journalists called it "super-realistic", "furious".

    1993 Azuma Takashi began the development of the Daido-Juku in other countries. The first countries in which Takashi's undertakings found understanding and the most hot welcome steel: Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, USA, Australia, India, Chile, Brazil and Iran.

    May 12, 2001. It was decided to abandon the use of the word "karate" in the name of the federation, the style began to be called "KUDO".

    year 2001. The first KUDO World Championship in Tokyo. The Russian national team took the second team place.

    2005 year. At the second World Championship in Japan, the Russians are the best! Of the 6 sets of awards in the piggy bank of the Russian team were 4 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals.

    year 2009. Third World Championship in Tokyo. The Russian national team is achieving phenomenal success - seven gold medals out of seven possible in six men's categories and one women's, for a total of 11 medals.

    2011. The first KUDO World Cup in history is held on February 19 in Moscow at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, the initiator of the creation and holding of the Cup was the KUDO Federation of Russia. Russian athletes again out of competition - 7 gold medals out of 7 possible.

    Currently, KUDO is already practiced in more than 60 countries on all continents, with the possible exception of Antarctica.

    In July 2013 in Cali (Colombia) KUDO will be introduced as a new sport in the program World Games supervised by the Olympic Committee. In 2014, it is planned to hold the next IV World Championship in Japan.

    Grand Master Azuma Takashi

    The creator of KUDO Azuma Takashi was born on May 22, 1949 in the city of Kessenuma in Miyagi Prefecture during the difficult post-war period.

    1971 Azuma Takashi takes up Kyokushin karate. He devotes himself to training so diligently that a year later he gets the right to open the Kyokushin karate section at Waseda University.

    1977 Takashi becomes the best at the 9th Annual All Japan Kyokushin Karate Tournament. Azuma's favorite technique is the mawashi-gerigedan (low kick), with which he simply swept away opponents with tatami, for which he received the nickname "heavy tank".

    1981 Constantly improving, Azuma Takashi can no longer exist within the framework that Kyokushin karate offers him, he establishes his new direction of martial art - Daido-Jukukarate-do.

    1991 Azuma Takashi broke 10 blocks of ice 15 centimeters thick each, setting a world record.

    1995 Takashi breaks 12 ice blocks.

    year 2001. Azuma Takashi, breaking 14 ice blocks, sets a world record, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

    Now Azuma Takashi holds the honorary title of daihyo-shihanjukucho, black belt, 9th dan.

    The main tasks of KUDO

    1) The development of corporality (the body and its motor abilities) regular exposure to the body exercise, building, developing, tempering, protecting it.

    2) The development of sensory analyzers that help a person quickly navigate in a suddenly changing environment, due to the effective change of various techniques and their combinations.

    3) Stimulation of the speed of thought processes, with the help of certain combinations of sparring exercises, allowing you to make quick decisions, in combat and in life.

    4) Awareness and overcoming of one's weaknesses in the process of classes (uncertainty, fear, laziness, lack of concentration).

    5) Mastering communication skills in a team, forming and defending an active life position, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, using the synthesis of the European and Eastern approaches to life (European transformation of reality and Eastern dissolution in it)

    Thus, the goal of KUDO is to educate a Russian citizen - strong, healthy, trained, loving his parents, teachers, friends. Individuals with healthy ambitions, ambition, armed with the necessary modern world knowledge and skills that are in good health, able to withstand the intellectual and physical stresses of our time, and most importantly loving people- this is the main task of the educational process in KUDO.

    To start KUDO classes, those who wish, first of all, need a desire. Anyone can do it from the age of 6 years to a very old age - for various categories of those involved, there are individual groups with varying degrees physical activity and training programs.

    To select the appropriate group, please contact us and come to the training. Enough for the first lessons sportswear. In the future, if you understand that you want to do it, it will be necessary to purchase equipment and ammunition for full-fledged training.