Synopsis of a lesson in physical education on the topic “Comprehensive training in the basic elements of playing volleyball. Volleyball plan-outline of a lesson in physical education (grade 10) on the topic Outline plan for physical education volleyball

Municipal community educational institution

Secondary school No. 2

Open lesson in 5th grade

within the framework of the city stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year 2009"

Prepared by: teacher

physical education

Kuklina Zoya Viktorovna


November 2009


physical education lesson

for students of grade 5 MOU secondary school No. 2

Theme: volleyball

Lesson Objectives:

    to form the physical culture of the individual;

    expand the functionality of schoolchildren;

    educate moral and volitional qualities;

    promote the development of mental and individual personality traits.

Lesson objectives:

    Teaching the technique of receiving and passing the ball from below.

    Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above on the spot

    Development of speed and coordination abilities

Lesson plan.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Inventory: basketballs(according to the number of students), chalk, markers: paper mugs and buttons, chips, felt-tip pen, balls.



1. Preparatory part

Construction (organization of students to the lesson).

"Equal!" "Attention!"

Greeting: "Hello, guys!" ... In order, "Pay!" ... "At ease!"

"Equal!" "Attention!" "Right!" Behind the guide "Go ahead!" "March!"

Walking, running: bend your arms at the elbows, switch to accelerated walking, with an easy run “Ma-rsh!”

I.p. - fingers in the "lock";

1-4 - circular motions hands.

I.p. - clench your fingers into a fist.

1-4 - circular movements of the hands forward;

5-8-circular movements of the arms back.

I.p. - hands on the belt.

1-4 - jumps with moving forward with the right side;

5-8 - jumps with moving forward with the left side.

ORU to restore breathing.

    inhale through the nose, hands up;

    exhale through your mouth, hands down.

O.S., finding out the quantitative composition of students.

Instruct students to complete all exercises on command.

Instruct students to complete the exercise.

Tasks to explain

along the way.

Provide guidance on maintaining distance.

General developmental exercises with basketballs.

I.p. - the ball is below in lowered hands.

1-4- straight arms with the ball up, walking on toes.

5-6- hands with the ball behind the head, walking on the heels

Students take basketballs,

the guide stops at a certain place (the place is determined by the chip).

I.p. - hands with the ball are lowered down.

1-2 - forward, raise your hands with the ball up, bend over;

I.p. - the ball is in front in straight hands.

1 - lunge with the right foot with a turn to the left.

2 - lunge with the left foot with a turn to the right.

Remind you to keep your distance.

I.p. - Keep the ball straight in front of you.

1- swing with the right foot, while moving, touch the toe of the ball.

1- swing with the left foot, while moving, touch the ball with the toe of the foot.

Keep your back straight.

2. Main part .

Technique for performing a volleyball player's stance and ways of moving around the court without a ball:

    perform a volleyball player's stance with subsequent imitation of the top transfer of the ball;

    running facing forward, stop on a signal, take the starting position - volleyball player's stance, running backwards, volleyball player's stance (from the front line to the net and back);

    side step to the right and left from the sideline of the volleyball court to the other sideline.

Building on the front line, put the balls.

At the end of this exercise, the second numbers take the balls and line up opposite the other team.

Teach the technique of receiving and passing the ball with two hands from below:

    take the stance of a volleyball player, holding the ball on straightened arms, the ball lying on the wrists, and perform the following movements: (Fig. 2)

    swinging your arms up and down and to the sides;

    extension and flexion of the legs, simulating the lower gear.

    hit the ball on the floor, after the ball bounces, pass from below over you and catch the ball. (Fig. 3)

When receiving the ball, the student's hands are in front of the body, one hand is nested in the other, the forearms are deployed to pass the ball. Draw students' attention to lowering the brushes down. This allows you to straighten your arms as much as possible in elbow joints.

When performing the transfer, the hands work only in the shoulder joints.

    In pairs: the first player throws the ball into a position suitable for a low pass, the second player returns the ball with a low pass.

3 . Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands.

Individual exercises:

    passing the ball over oneself in place: to a given height, changing the height from the minimum to the maximum.

    pair exercises:

    perform the top pass above yourself, then the top pass, standing opposite the student;

    counter top transfer of the ball. (Fig. 4)

After a series of transmissions, students switch roles

4. Development of speed and coordination abilities.

A team member stands in a circle with a radius of 1 meter. On a signal, he throws the ball up, runs out of the circle, leaves an object in the agreed place, returns to the circle and catches the ball. The second participant tosses the ball, runs out of the circle, picks up an object, returns to the circle and catches the ball. Those who complete the task faster and do not drop the ball win. (Fig.5)

3. Final part.

    Construction, brief summing up, homework

    Posture exercises, organized exit from the gym

Rice. 1

d movement of students step to the starting position.

moving left side forward with side steps

moving right side forward with side steps

◘ Teacher ● Students

Rice. 4

Rice. 5


1. G.A. Kolodnitsky Planning and organization of classes. - Bustard, M., 2006

2.G.P.Bogdanov Lessons of physical culture.- Enlightenment, 1979

3.A.G.Furmanov Volleyball.- Sport. M., 1983

State budget educational institution

Kulebaki Metallurgical College

Outline of the lesson of physical culture

( I well)

Subject: « Comprehensive training basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Type remedial lesson: learning new material.

Program: Comprehensive program physical education students. 1-11 grades. Lyakh Vladimir Iosifovich, Zdanevich Alexander Alexandrovich, Enlightenment, 2012



physical education

Andreyanov N.V.

Lesson outline for physical culture.

Lesson topic: Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Target lesson: popularization of volleyball among students, involvement of children in systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of passes, the upper direct serve, the attacking (attacking) strike and blocking.

2. Introduction to tactics games.

3. Development of speed-strength qualities, agility, strength endurance.

4. Checking knowledge on the section "Volleyball".


1. Education correct posture.

2. Teaching self-control over physical activity.


1. Education of willpower, independence, organization, discipline, attentive attitude to comrades.

Conduct method: group, frontal, game technologies, integrated learning technologies.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, hanging balls, gymnastic stick, laptop, multimedia presentation.

Location: gym.

Exercise Dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

    Reporting Lesson Objectives

    Combat exercises (right, left, circle)

    Types of walking:

    • normal walking

      Walking on toes

      walking on outside feet, on inside feet

      normal walking

    Running types:

    • Slow run

      Acceleration 30m

      Regular run

    Breathing exercises:

1-4 - inhale, arms up, through the sides

5-8 - exhale, hands down, through the sides

Checking the readiness of students

Back straight, shoulder blades flattened

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

outdoor switchgear without items

    I.P. hands on the belt, circular movements of the head

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - circular movements of the head to the left

    I.P. hands on the belt, head tilts:

1 - forward

2 - back

3 - left

4 - right

    I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 - rotation of the brushes inward

5-8 - rotation with brushes out

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the forearms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the forearms back

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the arms back

The same exercise with the addition of jumps

    I.P. legs wider than shoulders, leaning forward:

1 - to the right leg

2 - to the left leg

3 - in the middle

    I.P. – O.S.

1 - sit down

2 - jump out

3 - sit down

4 - jump out

Do slopes smoothly

The slopes are smooth, the head touches the shoulder, chest

Elbows 90° at chest level

Amplitude of arm movement as much as possible

Try to get your forehead to your knee, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

    Circular movements with the hands in the "lock" position.

    Rubbing of the hands.

    Circular movements of the legs in the knee joints.

    Circular movements of the legs in the ankle joints.

Exercises to perform one after another at the command of the teacher

Monitor your range of motion

Main part

    The distribution of students by "stations".

    Station work.

The first "station".

Running with sudden stops and changes in direction.

The second "station".

Transfer from above with two hands of the ball suspended on a cord.

Third station.

Imitation of receiving the ball from below with two hands after moving.

Fourth station.

Tossing the ball above you to a certain height.

Fifth station.

Hitting a suspended ball in a jump from a place.

Seventh station.

Observation of the movements of players during the protection of the "corner forward".

Eighth station.

Movement in a circle in an emphasis lying on the fingers.

    Competitive game tasks.

The game "Get in the square."

Falling stick game.

Watch out for quick changes in direction.

To draw the attention of students to the consistency of the work of the legs and arms.

Control the movements and timeliness of hand connections

Strive to throw the ball to the same height.

Try to hit exactly in the center of the ball. Follow the movement of the hand when hitting.

Viewing a presentation. Pay attention to the movement of players of all zones.

Try not to sink into your palms and keep up the pace.

Follow the rules of the game.

Final part


    Lesson Analysis

    Message d/z

    Organized exit from the hall

Message grades for the lesson.

Jumping up from a deep squat.

Chapter: sport games

Subject:"Volleyball. Improving the reception and transfer of the ball"

Class: 7A

Lesson type: combined

Target: Consolidation of previously learned techniques; control knowledge, skills, physical activity and develop basic physical qualities through volleyball.

Lesson objectives:

Educational tasks(subject results)

1. Improve passing the ball from above, passing and receiving the ball from below with both hands.

2. Promote student health through development physical qualities, coordination, strength abilities.

Development tasks(metasubject results):

1. To form the ability to adequately assess one's own behavior and the behavior of others (regulatory UUD).

2. To develop the ability to identify and formulate what is learned, to determine the quality and level of knowledge assimilation (regulatory UUD).

3. To develop the ability to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made (regulatory UUD).

4. To develop the ability to perform ligaments at a high quality level (cognitive UUD).

Educational tasks(personal results):

1. To form independence and personal responsibility for their actions, installation on healthy lifestyle life (self-determination, personal UUD).

2. To form the motivation of educational activity (meaning formation, personal UUD).

3. To form the skills of cooperation in different situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations (moral and ethical orientation, personal UUD).

Forms of work: frontal, flow, group (in pairs), individual.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, net, whistle, stopwatch

Location: gym

Conductive: Marychev P.N., Ovcharenko E.N., Solovyov M.A.

Planned results

Personal Skills

Meta Item Skills

Item Skills

Possession of the rules of conduct in the classroom, safety rules;

Support comrades with insufficient physical fitness;

Show activity, self-control;

To develop speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, jumping ability.

To be able to define and formulate a learning task;

Be able to work in a group, find a common language;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task;

Be able to form your own opinion and position;

To be able to form mental operations for each of the performed elements of volleyball.

Be able to perform a set of ORU exercises;

Be able to select exercises taking into account the upcoming work in the lesson;

Consolidation of motor experience;

Improving the technique of giving and receiving the ball, the attacking blow, the defensive actions of the game of volleyball.

Teacher activity

Student activities


Construction, greeting. Checks the readiness of students for the lesson, voices the topic and purpose of the lesson, the forms of its conduct; Invites students to formulate their goals and objectives of the lesson.

Creates an emotional mood for studying and repeating the material,

psychological mood of students for the upcoming lesson.

and discuss the topic of the lesson.

Set your goals and objectives for the lesson.


understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it; have a desire to learn; strive to study well, correctly identify themselves with the position of the student.


listen to the interlocutor, build statements, express their opinion.


make decisions and make choices in educational and cognitive activities, are able to express opinions on the merits of the assignment received.

Question. Guys, what elements of volleyball do you know?

Well done boys.

Today we will improve the ball passing from above, receiving and passing from below with two hands.

Offers exercises,

joints to work.

While walking and running, it encourages you to monitor your posture, keep your distance, correct breathing, technical performance of exercises in motion.

Shows exercises.

Pays attention to the smoothness of rotation, the maximum amplitude of rotation

Monitors the position of the shoulders and torso: do not tilt the shoulders forward, keep the torso straight.

Draws attention to the depth of the lunges

Pays attention to the height of the jumps

For execution preparatory exercises Instructs students to stand facing each other at 3 meters from each other.

Demonstrates with the help of a more prepared student correct execution exercises.

Focuses the attention of students on the movement of the hands, the inclusion of the abdominal muscles in the work,

Controls the implementation of exercises, corrects shortcomings individually, controls safety precautions.

Straightens the grid.

Listen to the teacher's questions, answer the teacher's tasks.

Updating knowledge on TB

Walking in the hall with a distance of 2 steps in a column one at a time:

On toes, hands up in the "lock".

On your heels, hands behind your back

Rolling from heel to toe, hands to the sides,

In a semi-squat, hands forward,

Full squat, hands on knees.

Run at an even pace.

Perform special running exercises:

back forward

With high hips

With a whipping of the shin back,

Side step with right and left side, with imitation of hands passing the ball from above

with breathing exercises.

outdoor switchgear in place without objects

1. Head rotation.

I.P. - hands on the belt

1-4 - head rotation to the left

1-4 - head rotation to the right

2. Brush rotation

I.P. hands in the "lock" in front of the chest

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the right

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the left

3. Shoulder rotation.

I.P. hands to shoulders

1-4 forward rotation

1-4 spin back

4. Trunk twists.

I.P. - hands behind the head

1-3 turn left, 4-I.P. 1-3 turn right, 4 I.P.

5. Torso rotation. I.P. hands on the belt

1-3 left rotation, 4-I.P., 1-3 right rotation, 4-I.P.

6. Knee rotation

I.P. - feet together, knees slightly bent, hands clasp knees - 1-4 rotations to the left, 1-4 to the right.


I.P. hands on waist

1-3 left lunge, 4-I.P., 1-3 right lunge, 4-I.P.

8. Jumping

4 jumps on the left, 4 on the right, 4 on two, 4 in a full squat. Rebuilding in a column of two in motion for preparatory exercises with volleyballs

1. Throwing the ball with two hands over the head. 2. Ball throws right hand because of the head. 3. Throws with the left hand from behind the head. 4. Throws to the floor with two hands. 5. Throws with the right and left hand to the floor.

They agree on the distribution of functions and roles of joint activities.

Perform learning actions, using speech to regulate their activities.

Listen, do the exercises.

8-10 throws each exercise

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the teacher's story, from their own experience.

about the reasons for their success or failure in learning, they associate success with efforts, diligence.

and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive: they know how to perform correctly specially - running exercises, they know how to perform a set of exercises without objects.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task when performing exercises; act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher; carry out step-by-step control of their actions, focusing on the instructions of the teacher.

Tests knowledge of theory.

Shows the correct performance of the exercise.

Supervises the implementation of exercises, draws the attention of students to errors, corrects them in a timely manner.

Draws attention to the stance of the volleyball player and the position of the hands when passing the ball.

Hands in shoulder joint fully unbend, fingers and hands accompany the ball as long as possible

Draws attention to the fact that when receiving the ball, the arms are stretched forward, tense, the hands are connected together, the legs are bent at the knees, the torso is slightly tilted forward. The oncoming movement is started first by the legs, straightening at the knees, the arms later. The ball is kicked with the forearm. After the pass, the legs are straightened, the arms are extended in the direction of the pass. Pay attention to the work of the legs.

Reveals typical mistakes, corrects them.

Referees the game, corrects mistakes.

Actualization of previously acquired knowledge about passing and receiving the ball with two hands.

Perform exercises to improve the ball passing from above, passing and receiving the ball from below with two hands (in pairs)

They change roles in turn.

- toss the ball over you, catch it with a forward and upward movement 3 times, pass the ball to a partner on 4. - receiving, passing the ball from above. - the same with moving to the left, to the right with side steps.

Toss the ball to a partner to receive with two hands from below.

One partner performs the top transfer of the ball, and the other receives two from the bottom.

- receiving the transfer of the ball from below with two hands.

Educational game of volleyball. Application of previously learned techniques.


Updating previously acquired knowledge, based, among other things, on life experience.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task when performing exercises; accept the instruction of the teacher and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control.

Communicative: they know how to master the ways of interacting with people around them, the methods of action in communication situations, monitor the safety of each other.


Find adequate ways of behavior and interaction with partners during learning and play activities

Communicative: are able to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities.

Regulatory: act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; adequately perceive the refereeing of the teacher.


Homework: repeat the rules of TB during the game of volleyball and the rules of the game of volleyball.

Line up in a line.

Listen to the teacher's comments and generalizations.

They answer questions.

Analyze the results of their work in the classroom.

Organized exit from the gym


self-assessment and mutual assessment of results academic work, correlate the results with the goal.


Analyze and draw conclusions based on the results of educational activities.


They come to a common opinion and formulate their own opinion, summarize what they have learned.



Technological map of the lesson in physical culture

Section: sports games


Grade: 7A

Lesson type: combined


Lesson objectives:

Educational tasks(subject results)

Development tasks(metasubject results):

Educational tasks(personal results):

Forms of work:

Inventory and equipment:

Location: gym


Planned results

Personal Skills

Meta Item Skills

Item Skills

Teacher activity

Student activities


Universal learning activities

Preparatory part - 12 minutes

and discuss the topic of the lesson.

1 min .





Well done boys.

Repetition of TB rules in volleyball lessons

Offers exercises,

preparatory carpal, knee and ankle
joints to work.

During the movement of students in a circle, the teacher is in a circle or moves slightly ahead of the column, explaining the position of the hands and showing the exercises.

Shows exercises.

calls to monitor the position of the fingers on the ball, the angle of bending of the arms in the elbow joints, the tilt of the head;
perform the throw due to the coordinated work of the legs and arms, do not lean forward, follow the ball with straight arms from the shoulder.

Straightens the grid.

Updating knowledge on TB


On your heels, hands behind your back

In a semi-squat, hands forward,

Run at an even pace.

back forward


outdoor switchgear in place without objects

1. Head rotation.

I.P. - hands on the belt

1-4 - head rotation to the left

1-4 - head rotation to the right

2. Brush rotation

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the right

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the left

3. Shoulder rotation.

I.P. hands to shoulders

1-4 forward rotation

1-4 spin back

4. Trunk twists.

I.P. - hands behind the head

5. Torso rotation. I.P. hands on the belt

6. Knee rotation


I.P. hands on waist

8. Jumping

Preparatory exercises with volleyballs (in pairs)

30 sec.



10 sec.

10 sec.


10 sec.

10 sec.

10 sec.

10 sec.

20 sec.

10 sec.

5 minutes.

30 sec.

3 min.


Personal: realize their possibilities in teaching; capable of judging

Regulatory: are able to evaluate the correctness of the performance of an action; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its evaluation



The main part (updating knowledge, improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball with two hands, a direct attacking blow) - 29 min.

Tests knowledge of theory.

They change roles in turn.

They focus on the movement of the hand, the position of the hand on the ball, achieve a biting blow with a relaxed hand.

1 min.



Communicative: know how




Final part - 4 minutes

Summarizing.Evaluates the work of students in the lesson, their activity, independence. Reflection:
- Is the evaluation criteria clear to everyone?
- Does everyone agree with the marks?
Do you feel shifts in positive side in volleyball exercises?
- Has anyone got an interest in volleyball?
Have we completed our assigned tasks?

Line up in a line.

They answer questions.

Organized exit from the gym

2 minutes.

40 sec.


10 sec.





Technological map of the lesson in physical culture

Section: sports games

Subject: "Volleyball. Improving the reception and transfer of the ball"

Grade: 7A

Lesson type: combined

Target: Consolidation of previously learned techniques; control knowledge, skills, physical activity and develop basic physical qualities through volleyball.

Lesson objectives:

Educational tasks(subject results)

1. Improve passing the ball from above, passing and receiving the ball from below with both hands.

2. To promote the health of students through the development of physical qualities, coordination, strength abilities.

Development tasks(metasubject results):

1. To form the ability to adequately assess one's own behavior and the behavior of others (regulatory UUD).

2. To develop the ability to identify and formulate what is learned, to determine the quality and level of knowledge assimilation (regulatory UUD).

3. To develop the ability to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made (regulatory UUD).

4. To develop the ability to perform ligaments at a high quality level (cognitive UUD).

Educational tasks(personal results):

1. To form independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, setting for a healthy lifestyle (self-determination, personal UUD).

2. To form the motivation of educational activity (meaning formation, personal UUD).

3. To form the skills of cooperation in different situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations (moral and ethical orientation, personal UUD).

Forms of work: frontal, flow, group (in pairs), individual.

Inventory and equipment:volleyballs, net, whistle, stopwatch

Location: gym

Conductive: Marychev P.N., Ovcharenko E.N., Solovyov M.A.

Planned results

Personal Skills

Meta Item Skills

Item Skills

Possession of the rules of conduct in the classroom, safety rules;

Support comrades with insufficient physical fitness;

Show activity, self-control;

To develop speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, jumping ability.

To be able to define and formulate a learning task;

Be able to work in a group, find a common language;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task;

Be able to form your own opinion and position;

To be able to form mental operations for each of the performed elements of volleyball.

Be able to perform a set of ORU exercises;

Be able to select exercises taking into account the upcoming work in the lesson;

Consolidation of motor experience;

Improving the technique of giving and receiving the ball, the attacking blow, the defensive actions of the game of volleyball.

Teacher activity

Student activities


Universal learning activities

Preparatory part - 12 minutes

Construction, greeting. Checks the readiness of students for the lesson, voices the topic and purpose of the lesson, the forms of its conduct; Invites students to formulate their goals and objectives of the lesson.

Creates an emotional mood for studying and repeating the material,

psychological mood of students for the upcoming lesson.

and discuss the topic of the lesson.

Set your goals and objectives for the lesson.

1 min .


Understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it; have a desire to learn; strive to study well, correctly identify themselves with the position of the student.


listen to the interlocutor, build statements, express their opinion.


make decisions and make choices in educational and cognitive activities, are able to express opinions on the merits of the assignment received.

Question. Guys, what elements of volleyball do you know?

Well done boys.

Today we will improve the ball passing from above, receiving and passing from below with two hands.

Repetition of TB rules in volleyball lessons

Offers exercises,

preparatory carpal, knee and ankle
joints to work.

During the movement of students in a circle, the teacher is in a circle or moves slightly ahead of the column, explaining the position of the hands and showing the exercises.
While walking and running, it encourages you to monitor your posture, maintain a distance, correct breathing, and perform technical exercises in motion.

Gives a signal to change walking and running by voice.

Shows exercises.

Pays attention to the smoothness of rotation, the maximum amplitude of rotation

Monitors the position of the shoulders and torso: do not tilt the shoulders forward, keep the torso straight.

Draws attention to the depth of the lunges

Pays attention to the height of the jumps

To perform preparatory exercises, he invites students to stand towards each other at 3 meters from each other.

Shows with the help of a more prepared student the correct execution of the exercise.

Focuses the attention of students on the movement of the hands, the inclusion of the abdominal muscles in the work,

calls to monitor the position of the fingers on the ball, the angle of bending of the arms in the elbow joints, the tilt of the head;
perform the throw due to the coordinated work of the legs and arms, do not lean forward, follow the ball with straight arms from the shoulder.

Controls the implementation of exercises, corrects shortcomings individually, controls safety precautions.

Straightens the grid.

Listen to the teacher's questions, answer the teacher's tasks.

Updating knowledge on TB

Walking in the hall with a distance of 2 steps in a column one at a time:

On toes, hands up in the "lock".

On your heels, hands behind your back

Rolling from heel to toe, hands to the sides,

In a semi-squat, hands forward,

Full squat, hands on knees.

Run at an even pace.

Perform special running exercises:

back forward

With high hips

With a whipping of the shin back,

Side step with right and left side, with imitation of hands passing the ball from above

with breathing exercises.

outdoor switchgear in place without objects

1. Head rotation.

I.P. - hands on the belt

1-4 - head rotation to the left

1-4 - head rotation to the right

2. Brush rotation

I.P. hands in the "lock" in front of the chest

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the right

1-4 rotation of the brushes to the left

3. Shoulder rotation.

I.P. hands to shoulders

1-4 forward rotation

1-4 spin back

4. Trunk twists.

I.P. - hands behind the head

1-3 turn left, 4-I.P. 1-3 turn right, 4 I.P.

5. Torso rotation. I.P. hands on the belt

1-3 left rotation, 4-I.P., 1-3 right rotation, 4-I.P.

6. Knee rotation

I.P. - feet together, knees slightly bent, hands clasp knees - 1-4 rotations to the left, 1-4 to the right.


I.P. hands on waist

1-3 left lunge, 4-I.P., 1-3 right lunge, 4-I.P.

8. Jumping

4 jumps on the left, 4 on the right, 4 on two, 4 in a full squat.Rebuilding in a column of two in motion for preparatory exercises with volleyballs

Preparatory exercises with volleyballs (in pairs)

1. Throwing the ball with two hands over the head. 2. Throwing the ball with the right hand from behind the head. 3. Throws with the left hand from behind the head. 4. Throws to the floor with two hands. 5. Throws with the right and left hand to the floor.

They agree on the distribution of functions and roles of joint activities.

Perform learning actions, using speech to regulate their activities.

Listen, do the exercises.

30 sec.



10 sec.

10 sec.


10 sec.

10 sec.

10 sec.

10 sec.

20 sec.

10 sec.

5 minutes.

30 sec.

3 min.

8-10 throws each exercise

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the teacher's story, from their own experience.

Personal: realize their possibilities in teaching; capable of judging
about the reasons for their success or failure in learning, they associate success with efforts, diligence.

Regulatory: are able to evaluate the correctness of the performance of an action; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its evaluation
and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive: they know how to perform correctly specially - running exercises, they know how to perform a set of exercises without objects.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task when performing exercises; act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher; carry out step-by-step control of their actions, focusing on the instructions of the teacher.

The main part (updating knowledge, improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball with two hands, a direct attacking blow) - 29 min.

Tests knowledge of theory.

Shows the correct performance of the exercise.

Supervises the implementation of exercises, draws the attention of students to errors, corrects them in a timely manner.

Draws attention to the stance of the volleyball player and the position of the hands when passing the ball.

Arms in the shoulder joint fully unbend, fingers and hands accompany the ball as long as possible

Draws attention to the fact that when receiving the ball, the arms are stretched forward, tense, the hands are connected together, the legs are bent at the knees, the torso is slightly tilted forward. The oncoming movement is started first by the legs, straightening at the knees, the arms later. The ball is kicked with the forearm. After the pass, the legs are straightened, the arms are extended in the direction of the pass. Pay attention to the work of the legs.

Identifies common mistakes and corrects them.

Referees the game, corrects mistakes.

Actualization of previously acquired knowledge about passing and receiving the ball with two hands.

Perform exercises to improve the ball passing from above, passing and receiving the ball from below with two hands (in pairs)

They change roles in turn.

They focus on the movement of the hand, the position of the hand on the ball, achieve a biting blow with a relaxed hand.
- toss the ball over you, catch it with a forward and upward movement 3 times, pass the ball to a partner on 4. - receiving, passing the ball from above. - the same with moving to the left, to the right with side steps.

Toss the ball to a partner to receive with two hands from below.

One partner performs the top transfer of the ball, and the other receives two from the bottom.

- receiving the transfer of the ball from below with two hands.

Educational game of volleyball. Application of previously learned techniques.

1 min.


Updating previously acquired knowledge, based, among other things, on life experience.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task when performing exercises; accept the instruction of the teacher and strictly follow it; carry out final and step-by-step control.

Communicative: know how own ways of interacting with people around them, methods of action in communication situations, monitor the safety of each other.


Find adequate ways of behavior and interaction with partners during learning and play activities

Communicative:are able to negotiate and come to a common decision in joint gaming activities.

Regulatory: act taking into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; adequately perceive the refereeing of the teacher.

Final part - 4 minutes

Summarizing.Evaluates the work of students in the lesson, their activity, independence. Reflection:
- Is the evaluation criteria clear to everyone?
- Does everyone agree with the marks?
- Do you feel positive shifts in the performance of volleyball exercises?
- Has anyone got an interest in volleyball?
Have we completed our assigned tasks?
Homework: repeat the rules of TB during the game of volleyball and the rules of volleyball.

Line up in a line.

Listen to the teacher's comments and generalizations.

They answer questions.

Analyze the results of their work in the classroom.

Organized exit from the gym

2 minutes.

40 sec.


10 sec.


self-assessment and mutual assessment of the results of educational work, correlate the results with the goal.


Analyze and draw conclusions based on the results of educational activities.


They come to a common opinion and formulate their own opinion, summarize what they have learned.

Andreyanov Nikolai Viktorovich
Educational institution: GBPOU "Kulebaki Metallurgical College"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-09 Synopsis of a lesson in physical education on the topic "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of playing volleyball" Andreyanov Nikolai Viktorovich GBPOU "Kulebaki Metallurgical College" Outline of a physical education lesson on the topic: "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball." Lesson of studying new material for students of the 1st year. Designed on the principle of circular training.

View Publication Certificate

Synopsis of a lesson in physical education on the topic "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of playing volleyball"

Subject: "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball."

Correction class type: learning new material.

Program: A comprehensive program of physical education for students. 1-11 grades. Lyakh Vladimir Iosifovich, Zdanevich Alexander Alexandrovich, Enlightenment, 2012



physical education


Andreyanov N.V.

Plan-summary of a lesson in physical culture.

Lesson topic:Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Target lesson: popularization of volleyball among students, involvement of children in systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of passes, the upper direct serve, the attacking (attacking) strike and blocking.

2. Familiarization with the tactics of the game.

3. Development of speed-strength qualities, agility, strength endurance.

4. Checking knowledge on the section "Volleyball".


1. Education of correct posture.

2. Teaching self-control over physical activity.


1. Education of willpower, independence, organization, discipline, attentive attitude towards comrades.

Conduct method: group, frontal, game technologies, integrated learning technologies.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, hanging balls, gymnastic stick, laptop, multimedia presentation.

Location: gym.

Exercise Dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

1. Reporting lesson objectives

2. Combat exercises (right, left, around)

3. Varieties of walking:

–Normal walking

-Walking on toes

–Walking on the outside of the foot, on the inside of the foot

–Normal walking

4. Varieties of running:

– Slow running

– Acceleration 30 m

-Normal running

5. Exercises to restore breathing:

1-4 - inhale, arms up, through the sides

5-8 - exhale, hands down, through the sides

12 min

Checking the readiness of students

Back straight, shoulder blades flattened

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

outdoor switchgear without items

1.I.P. hands on the belt, circular movements of the head

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - circular movements of the head to the left

2.I.P. hands on the belt, head tilts:

1 - forward

2 - back

3 - left

4 - right

3.I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 - rotation of the brushes inward

5-8 - rotation with brushes out

4.I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the forearms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the forearms back

5.I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the arms back

The same exercise with the addition of jumps

6.I.P. legs wider than shoulders, leaning forward:

1 - to the right leg

2 - to the left leg

3 - in the middle

4 - I.P.

7.I.P. – O.S.

1 - sit down

2 - jump out

3 - sit down

4 - jump out

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

Do slopes smoothly

The slopes are smooth, the head touches the shoulder, chest

Elbows 90° at chest level

Amplitude of arm movement as much as possible

Try to get your forehead to your knee, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

1.Circular movements with the hands in the "lock" position.

2. Rubbing the hands.

3.Circular movements of the legs in the knee joints.

4.Circular movements of the legs in the ankle joints.

2 minutes

Exercises to perform one after another at the command of the teacher

Monitor your range of motion

Main part

1. Distribution of students by "stations".

2. Work at stations.

The first "station".

Running with sudden stops and changes in direction.

The second "station".

Transfer from above with two hands of the ball suspended on a cord.

Third station.

Imitation of receiving the ball from below with two hands after moving.

Fourth station.

Tossing the ball above you to a certain height.

Fifth station.

Hitting a suspended ball in a jump from a place.

Seventh station.

Observation of the movements of players during the protection of the "corner forward".

Eighth station.

Movement in a circle in an emphasis lying on the fingers.

3. Competitive game tasks.

The game "Get in the square."

Falling stick game.

28 min

2 minutes

16 min

10 min

Watch out for quick changes in direction.

To draw the attention of students to the consistency of the work of the legs and arms.

Control the movements and timeliness of hand connections

Strive to throw the ball to the same height.

Try to hit exactly in the center of the ball. Follow the movement of the hand when hitting.

Viewing a presentation. Pay attention to the movement of players of all zones.

Try not to sink into your palms and keep up the pace.

Follow the rules of the game.

Final part


2. Lesson analysis

3.Message d / z

4.Organized exit from the hall

3 min.

Message grades for the lesson.

Jumping up from a deep squat.

, . .

Outline of the lesson of physical culture


    Improving the technique of receiving and passing the ball.

    Further training in attacking strike technique.

Conduct method: flow, frontal, individual, group.

Lesson type: training.

Lesson objectives.

    Learn the technique of a direct attacking blow.

    Improve the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above and below with both hands.

    Develop qualities: dexterity, accuracy of gears, coordination of movements.

    To cultivate perseverance, purposefulness, diligence, comradely mutual assistance.

Location: gym

Sport equipment:


    Stuffed balls.

    Volleyball cards.

    Balls for tennis.


Organizational.specification method

Preparatory part

2. Walking, its varieties: on toes, heels, cross step, in a semi-squat, in a full squat, roll from heel to toe. Roll from heel to toe with jumping up

Indicate posture, repulsion, feet parallel, land only at the repulsion point

3. Jumps: on two, right, left, from foot to foot, with the rotation of the arms forward and backward

4. Running: normal; push one, jump up - reach out with your hand to the net; the same, push with two (explain the work of the legs, as in an attacking blow)

Pay attention to landing

5. Movements: to the right, to the left forward with side steps in the middle stance of a volleyball player;
acceleration - imitation of passing the ball over the net - moving backwards in the main stance volleyball player

Look at movement technique

6. Jumping in pairs along the volleyball net.

cross step

7. Outdoor switchgear on the move and in place.

Use special exercises

Main part of the lesson

Exercises with medicine ball:

1. Two-hand pass from below

The position of the hand is not higher than shoulder level

The position of the legs in the middle stance

2. Transfer from below right, the same - left

3. Two-hand overhead pass

Indicate the position of the hands and fingers.

Exercises with volleyball

1. Juggling: receiving and passing the ball from above, below

pay attention to the brush

2. Passing from above

Transmission height up to 4 meters.

3. Transfer in pairs

Indicate the accuracy of the transfers

4. Passing after rebounding off the floor

Speed ​​of movement, coordination of movements.

5. Transmission with convergence and divergence

6. Reception from below “goalkeeper”.

Direct hit:

1. Top feed into the wall (side mesh)

O / V on the forearm, hand

2. Top serve in pairs (light, palm strike)

3. Throwing the ball with two hands, hitting the floor

O / V on the “overlap” of the brushes ru

4. Throwing the ball with two hands, hitting the floor in a jump

Indicate the trajectory of the ball rebound

5. Ball in a straight hand, hitting the ball with the right hand

Extending the arm above the head

6. Direct hit from own throw

Impact at the highest point of the throw, feet parallel, vertical jump, soft landing

7. In pairs. throw tennis ball in a running jump over the net.

Non-stop transition from run to jump. Throw with a straight arm with an active movement of the brush

8. Forward hit on the ball in the partner's hand (on a raised platform - a chair at a distance of 1.5 from the net)

Focus on the repulsion phase

9. Forward hit on the ball thrown by a partner

Landing phase

10. Forward kick from zone 2 from a pass from zone 3

Consistency of movements with the trajectory of the ball

Final part


Pulse rate for 10 sec.

Breathing exercises

Summing up the lesson - good in the lesson, what was possible, what was not very good, what to pay attention to.

Organized exit from the hall.