Gel for weight loss fitness body. Cream massage anti-cellulite drainage

The Floresan company has developed a line of fitness bodybuilding cosmetics to help women who care about their figure. Creams of this series have become very popular among the fair sex. This is evidenced by numerous laudatory reviews on specialized forums.

Read in this article

Gel-cream Elastic from the series Fitness body

One of the most popular products for weight loss and skin care is Elastic gel-cream. This is excellent and effective remedy has a jelly-like consistency, is used to reduce stretch marks in problem areas ah (abdomen, thighs, forearms, chest, knee area) and improve the appearance of the skin.

Composition and action

Gel cream includes:

  • silt (sapropel) from the bottom of a freshwater lake, saturated with trace elements and minerals;
  • kelp;
  • fucus;
  • natural elastin, which contributes to the formation of the skin frame;
  • auxiliary components for hydration and nutrition.

Lake silt saturates the skin with moisture, which favorably affects its appearance. Algae and elastin help to increase turgor, make the skin supple, young and healthy.

How to use

Before using cosmetics with active ingredients, you should read the instructions for use.

Cream-gel Elastik is recommended to apply a thin layer on problem areas of the body and rub with active massage movements until completely absorbed. The more massage manipulations, the better result. If there are pronounced stretch marks on the skin, you need to apply the product in the form of a mask and keep it for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the remaining cream can be blotted with a napkin.

The first sensations after rubbing - a slight chill and unusually smooth skin.


Not all cosmetic anti-cellulite products are equally suitable for every woman. For people predisposed to allergies, you need to carefully approach the selection and use of active creams. Before fully using Elastic, you should test for small area skin. If after 15 minutes nothing happens, you can safely rub.

Contraindications to the use of Elastic cream are skin diseases, open wounds, pregnancy, breastfeeding, thyroid disease, diabetes and oncology.

What effect to expect

If you smear the body with a cream once and wait for the result, then a miracle will not happen. Only regular use of the gel will help restore the skin, make stretch marks less pronounced, and the silhouette more clear.

How to use

Gel-cream from Floresan should be applied with active massage movements on the thighs and buttocks. It is these areas that most often suffer from the appearance of the hated "orange peel". It is advisable to massage until the skin turns red and begins to “burn”.

In advanced cases, you can re-apply a layer of cream and wrap the problem area with a film. For a better result, it is recommended to wear shorts or pants, to actively work out in sports. After a couple of hours, remove the film and the remnants of the product.

The cream applied to the skin is well absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes, does not cause irritation and other unpleasant sensations.


Creams containing active ingredients can cause allergies if the skin is too sensitive. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely use it.

Contraindications to the use of Active Fat Burner Gel Cream are pregnancy, lactation, skin diseases and malignant tumors.

What effect to expect

Due to the regular use of the product together with good massage the body will acquire a more slender and chiseled outline, cellulite will significantly decrease, and the skin will tighten.

Most of the women who used the Fitness body series noted an improvement in the external condition of the skin and a decrease in volume.

Fitness Body Cream-Gel Night

The manufacturer set himself the task of releasing a tool that promotes weight loss during sleep. As a result, the Fitness body line was replenished with a light creamy orange-white gel, which actively fights against overweight during 8 night hours.

Composition and action

Active ingredients of the product:

  • caffeine;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • papaya and pineapple extract;
  • valerian, lemon balm, motherwort (perfume);
  • additional substances for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Cream-gel, when applied with massage movements, helps to warm up the skin and improve blood circulation in the affected areas. Thanks to papaya and pineapple extracts, the skin becomes smooth and supple. The delicate aroma of valerian, lemon balm and motherwort helps to relax and plunge into a deep healthy sleep.

Night gel stimulates the passive work of muscles while a woman sleeps. At this time, they do not receive enough energy, so they begin to burn excess subcutaneous fat.

How to use

The product must be applied before going to bed, after taking a shower or bath. It is necessary to squeeze out a small amount of gel, based on the area to be treated. Then evenly distribute over the skin and rub with intense massage movements into problem areas (stomach, buttocks, thighs, knees). Recommended to use daily.

The cream does not leave stains on the bed and clothes.


When using the product for the first time, it is strongly recommended that you read the instructions and composition. If in doubt, test the cream on the wrist or elbow. If there is no allergic reaction, it can be used as directed.

Contraindications are skin diseases, wounds, abrasions, tumors, pregnancy and lactation.

What effect to expect

With daily use of the night cream, the skin is smoothed after 1.5 weeks, the manifestations of cellulite decrease, and turgor improves.

Cosmetic products of the Fitness body series from Floresan are a complex of natural active substances and auxiliary components that purposefully act on problem areas. But to lose weight, creams and gels alone are not enough. An integrated approach is important here: sports, a balanced diet and care products. And the main thing in all this is regularity and a great desire to transform.

Useful video

For weight loss products from Floresan, see this video:

Cellulite is a common problem among women, for which many different means and methods have been developed. One of them is "Cream asset" from the Floresan series. The manufacturer guarantees the effectiveness of the drug and safety in use.

In addition to anti-cellulite cosmetics, the Russian company Floresan produces scrubs, lotions and other products.

Dosage form, composition, dosage

cellulite remedy Fitness Body"is available in the form of a cream packaged in an orange tube. The amount of medicine in the container is 125 ml. Its composition is natural, which ensures the safety of use for women's health. The components of the drug are as follows:

  • Algae of the White Sea. Brown sea kelp is used, which is widely used in the production of cosmetics. Anti-cellulite creams are no exception. The product of the sea produces a drainage effect, normalizes the metabolism in the tissues of the legs, removes stagnation from the subcutaneous layer. Algae are also involved in improving skin tone.
  • Camphor oil. Intensively warms the epidermis, increases its tone, removes excess accumulations of fat, stabilizes metabolic processes in tissues. This component is also often used in cosmetology, as it is able to improve the condition of the skin, assist in its renewal and restoration.
  • centella extract. A substance for making cream is obtained from a plant growing in the tropics. It suppresses the inflammatory process, promotes the regeneration of the cover, strengthens the weakened epidermis, and activates its protective mechanism. The component also produces a strong tonic effect, enhances blood flow, eliminates blood stasis, promotes weight loss.
  • Fir extract. It destroys pathogenic microflora, has a calming and anti-cellulite effect, takes part in cell regeneration, provides the skin with moisture, saturates cells with useful nutrients, and normalizes metabolism.
  • Essential oils. Produce a cooling effect. The decrease in local temperature occurs due to the influence of menthol oil. There are also citrus oils in this product that can break down accumulations of fat.

Due to the natural composition of the cream has a pleasant smell. The color of the drug is white, the consistency is thick. It is easily applied to the skin and is well absorbed.

Indications for use

"Cream-Active" is used when a woman has cellulite. The greatest effectiveness of the remedy is observed in the early stages of the disease. In advanced cases, cosmetologists recommend resorting to more radical methods, but they allow the use of this drug as an additional therapy.

Mechanism of action

Cream "Fitness Body" from cellulite has an effect on the deep layers of tissues, which ensures its beneficial effect in the fight against "orange peel". The tool is famous for the following useful actions:

  • Eliminates uneven skin.
  • Increases the tone of the epidermis.
  • Prevents the development of cellulite.
  • Provides the skin with nourishment and sufficient moisture.
  • Removes excess water from tissues.
  • Destroys accumulations of fat.
  • Tightens the skin.

The components of the cream actively penetrate deep into the tissues, break down body fat, normalize the water-salt balance. Due to the elimination of fat, the skin is gradually smoothed.

It is important to use the tool every day, without missing a single procedure, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.

To successfully get rid of the "orange peel", experts advise combining "Cream-Active" with exercise, massage procedures, other tightening cosmetics. A balanced diet is also important, which will not allow fat to accumulate in the body in large quantities.

Instructions for use

Cream "Fitness Body" is applied to problem areas twice a day with a thin layer. Beauticians advise doing this after a shower so that the epidermis is steamed. It is necessary to rub the ointment with intensive massaging movements. You need to start processing from the lower leg, and finish on the hips.

Contraindications for use

The cream is created from natural ingredients, so it has practically no restrictions on its use. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to any substance present in the composition of the ointment.

To check for an allergic reaction, you must first do a test. To do this, a small amount of ointment is applied to the place of the elbow bend, wait a few minutes. If no changes occur, you can use the cream. With the appearance of rashes, itching, burning, the use of the drug should be abandoned.

Advantages over other anti-cellulite products

The advantages of "Active-cream" in comparison with other anti-cellulite products are that it has a low cost, but is not inferior in its effectiveness to expensive ointments. Also, women note its safety, unlike drugs that contain various chemicals.


The cost of "Cream-Active" from cellulite is only 150 rubles. This is quite a budget tool. One tube is enough for at least 1-2 months.

Cellulite prevention

"Orange peel" - an unpleasant ailment that spoils the appearance lower extremities, so women are desperately trying to get rid of cellulite. It is not always possible to fix the problem quickly. It is better to direct your efforts to prevent fat deposits on the legs.

Prevention is as follows:

  1. Eat right: exclude all harmful and fatty foods from the diet and include more plant foods.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  3. Exercise. If there is no time for a full workout, then do daily gymnastics.
  4. Do massage. The procedure will help break down the fats that have entered the tissues, which will prevent their deposits.
  5. Control weight. Cellulite is more common in obese women therefore weight control is an important preventive measure.
  6. Take a contrast shower: it normalizes blood circulation, helps to get rid of excess fat.
  7. Visit baths and saunas in the absence of contraindications.
  8. Choose clothes that do not press on the skin.

"Cream-Active" helps fight cellulite, has positive reviews among the fair sex. But to eliminate the pathology, one remedy is not enough, even the most effective one - an integrated approach is required along with physical exercises, massage, and other cosmetic ointments.

After reading reviews about the products of this series, I rushed to the store and took the first jar I liked, which suited me in terms of characteristics and promises. The price was 136r, not bad, the volume is sufficient. The color is pale orange, the smell is citrus, not overpowering.

Wash hands well with soap after application. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, do not apply on irritated skin. I applied it on the tummy and sides, it is absorbed gradually, I didn’t notice much burning or cooling (maybe I’m thick-skinned). I twisted the hoop, the effect is not good. Suddenly I decided to actively lose weight and bought food film. I apply the cream, wrap myself with a film and warm with a blanket on top. Warms much better, I would even suffer a little more. Before use, I do not use additional scrubs and so on, since I did not notice a difference in applications. I sit with him for about an hour, once a day, then I take a shower. I would not say that the stomach has decreased, the sides have gone a little, the belt began to fasten on the next hole. But I think the effect is not from the cream, but that I began to eat less, drink more and eat less sweets. As an additional assistant in losing weight, it’s not bad, I put three stars for low efficiency, and a very chemical composition.

Video review

Floresan Fitness - body Cream-gel "Active fat burner" Review of body lotions (fitness body, le petit marseillais)

On the eve of the beach season, most women are faced with the question of how to put their bodies in order. Every woman dreams of a beautiful fit figure Thanks to which she will not only like herself, but also delight others. However perfect body implies not only harmony, but also the absence of cellulite, which today worries women with any physique. Today, cellulite is an urgent problem for many women, both young and mature, especially after childbirth and a sharp change in weight. To combat it, a lot of creams, scrubs and wraps have already been created, the shelves of stores and pharmacies are full of all kinds of means, among which Floresan's fitness body cellulite cream deserves special attention. In the article, we will consider how the body fitness cream works, what are its features and what are the reviews about the drug on the Internet.

Product description of “fitness bodysuit”

Cream fitness body from cellulite of the Russian company Floresan is a product from the anti-cellulite series "Fitness-body". Fitness body gel is positioned as a means to effectively and prevent its occurrence, therefore it is recommended to use it for everyone who wants to get in shape and constantly keep the body in good shape. This provides enhanced collagen synthesis and rapid skin tightening.

“Fitness Body” not only gradually fights visible signs of cellulite, eliminates minor skin imperfections, but also moisturizes, tones, and nourishes it. With the systematic application of the product, the appearance of the skin improves, it becomes elastic and hydrated, the silhouette becomes slender and toned, and the body looks more well-groomed and healthy.

The composition of the cream "Fitness body" includes both natural ingredients and chemical compounds:

  • centella extract, camphor, kelp, White Sea minerals and polysaccharides activate cell metabolism, normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • a complex of essential oils of mint and juniper contribute to the active breakdown of adipose tissue and improve skin condition;
  • menthol and caffeine have a cooling effect.

The drug has a pleasant mint-citrus smell and a uniform dense texture, it is quickly absorbed and does not form a film on the skin. Cools the skin upon application.

Gel fitness body from cellulite is recommended to be used in combination with other products of the series, including scrubs, cooling and warming creams for weight loss and against stretch marks, massage oils, masks for problem areas, sprays and gels.

The product is available in bright orange bottles of 125 ml. You can buy the product in pharmacies, stores selling cosmetics and household chemicals and on the official website of Floresan, the average price is 136 rubles. Although the product is not completely organic, it is one of the best selling cellulite treatments due to its low cost and visible effect. Suitable for all skin types.

How to use anti-cellulite "Fitness Body"

To achieve a visible effect, it is necessary to gradually use the drug after taking a bath or shower every day. The instruction says that the fitness body gel from cellulite should be applied in circular massage movements on the legs, heading from the ankles to the hips, Special attention should be given to problem areas where cellulite is concentrated.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Reviews from the Internet about gel fitness body

Veronica: “I decided to try the cream after reading the reviews. The gel has a pleasant smell of pine needles, after application there is a slight tingling sensation, it is quickly absorbed. The skin has really become softer and smoother and cellulite has become less noticeable, however, I regularly do fitness and go for massages. I think that it is worth fighting cellulite in a complex, from one cream, probably, there will be no effect. Also, the tube has a small volume, so it lasts for a couple of weeks.

Julia: “I started buying Fitness body cream a few years ago, I applied it both after a shower and did body wraps with it. I am absolutely satisfied with the result - the product is quickly absorbed, the smell is pleasant, the skin becomes smoother and the effect lasts for a long time.

Maria: “Amazing effect: in 1 month of using the cream in combination with diet and physical activity I lost a few pounds and got soft, firm skin.”

Irina: “Cream-active has a fresh citrus-menthol aroma, refreshing in summer. This cream will not remove any cellulite, however, as its prevention, the remedy is indispensable. The appearance of the skin has improved, it has become more even and elastic as a result of a week of use. ”

Alla: “I have been using the cream at home for a little over a week, but the effect shocked me. I used it every day: a hot shower, then a cream. I also twisted the hoop and used the scrub of the same series, there were no restrictions on food, but the volumes decreased, although only a week had passed. I advise!

Olga: “I have two children and childbirth affected my body not in the best way, there was a hated cellulite. There are many remedies against it in stores, but not all of them are affordable for me. On a social network, I read a review of a girl who lost 15 kg, who recommended a fitness body cream, with which she got rid of the orange peel on her thighs. After trying the remedy, after a month I noticed that cellulite was reduced, the skin became smooth, and the volumes decreased.

Let's sum up the body fitness cream

Cellulite fitness body cream received both favorable and critical reviews.

  • In general, the product justifies its cost, there is a noticeable effect of improving the appearance of the skin, it is smoothed and becomes more elastic; the product is most suitable for small "water" cellulite.
  • However, one cellulite cream is not always enough, it is necessary to use the entire fitness body complex in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition.
  • In addition, the gel must be applied step by step, with massage movements, which requires a lot of time and effort, that is, the product is not for the lazy: from a simple application to the skin, the effect will also be minimal.
  • Cream Fitness body is uneconomical, it is not enough for a long time, so you need to buy it constantly: a long-term effect will appear only with regular use of the product.
  • The product is not completely natural, it contains chemical compounds in combination with natural ingredients, which is a minus for some users. However, there were no negative consequences after using the fitness body gel, so it can be safely used as aid to reduce the signs of cellulite.

If you have tried cellulite fitness body gel, you can express your opinion about the product in the comments below this article.

Video: Anti-cellulite program with cream Fitness body

Currently, the problem of combating extra centimeters and cellulite is incredibly relevant. Although I am not the owner of particularly magnificent forms, I am also interested in this topic. After vacations or holidays, I get fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs.

So I started using a weight loss cream - fat burning products for external use. I used to prefer expensive products. Now I decided to try a more economical option - an active fat burner gel-cream from the Fitness body series.

Slimming cream: active fat burner gel-cream from the Body Fitness series, Russia (review)

I'll start in order. This tool is produced in Russia. The cost of the gel cream is approximately 85 rubles per 125 ml. Compared to other similar products, the price is more than affordable. Appearance gel-cream suggests emergency measures. This impression is produced by the bright orange color of the packaging. The label is the same color with rather large white-blue and red inscriptions. In general, the packaging is convenient. It is a plastic tube with a hole in the bottom.

Now about the content. The product has a faint pink tint and smells of eucalyptus. The consistency of the gel-cream is quite liquid, which ensures easy application.

The tool is intended primarily for use on problem areas: hips, abdomen, arms. The manufacturer promises to reduce body volume due to the strong cooling effect of the gel cream. Indeed, after applying the product, an “ice effect” is felt, but this does not cause severe discomfort. The manufacturer also claims the anti-cellulite effect of the gel cream. However, I cannot check these properties on myself due to the absence of this problem.

I used the slimming cream daily for two weeks. Applied to the abdomen and thighs after a shower. At the same time, she did not resort to additional methods of losing weight. As a result, I lost 2.5 cm in the abdomen, and 2 cm in the hips. Thus, I can conclude that this remedy is not inferior in effectiveness to expensive remedies.