Ankle brace on the big toe. Rules for the use of a fixator for the treatment of bones on the leg

Bone on the thumb is a modern problem for most women. Ladies do their best to be beautiful and fashionable, so they constantly wear shoes with heels. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice, so heels are harmful to health, deforming the foot. As a result, an ugly bump appears on the leg, which causes a lot of inconvenience and constantly hurts.
The bones on the legs are treated with the help of special orthopedic devices - clamps, as well as by the method of a surgical operation. The use of fixatives is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease, so treatment should not be delayed. If a bone begins to appear on the leg, you need to urgently consult a doctor and pick up clamps.


Orthopedic fixators for bones on the legs are special designs that are put on the foot in order to correct valgus deformity of the foot. Such a device allows you to fix the finger in the correct position. Fixatives are soft and hard, like a splint, soft ones are usually used during for, and hard ones are recommended to be worn at night.
Prolonged wearing of retainers causes the finger to return to the correct position, pain and inflammation go away. Such devices are often prescribed in the postoperative period to prevent the leg from deforming again. And if you use them before surgery, then the rehabilitation period will be easier, as the foot will be prepared.
All orthopedic fixators have the same function - they fix the finger in the correct position. But they differ from each other in the type of material from which they are made. There are several types of fasteners:

    • Plastic corrector for thumb legs. These are rigid devices that are worn on a sore finger, fixing it in the correct position. For example, we can cite the popular corrector of the big toe valgus pro. Outwardly, they are identical to silicone protectors, but they are not so elastic to the touch, so you won’t be able to wear them all day. Plastic proofreaders are usually put on all night, hence they are called night.
  • Adjustable correctors made of plastic, fabric and silicone. Such devices are a more complex design that allows you to individually fix the foot in the correct position, an example is the valufix splint. Such models are considered very effective, but they are only suitable for home and night use, since walking in them is very uncomfortable. They are made from different materials, often it is a plastic or silicone frame and fasteners made of dense fabric with Velcro.

The corrector of the big toe usually helps only in the early stages of the disease, so you can not hope for a complete cure with the help of such means if the disease has progressed greatly. But the fixators will help alleviate the condition with hallux valgus, relieve inflammation and reduce pain during the day, so orthopedists always prescribe them.
The attending physician should select orthopedic devices for the toes, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's lifestyle. So at the initial stage, you can get by with rollers between your fingers, or purchase a valgus pro retainer, while in other cases you will need to wear a full-fledged design of a bandage, a day protector and a night plastic protector.
There are also orthopedic shoes for women with hallux valgus, which can relieve pain and stop the development of the disease. If the patient does not like the model of the shoe, she can purchase a valgus pro or other retainer and wear it under regular shoes.


The use of a toe corrector is usually recommended not only for hallux valgus, but also for arthrosis and arthritis of the big toe joint, for flat feet, and even for the prevention of calluses. Protectors can be worn at night as a prophylaxis if the patient spends all day in high heels, because in this case it is likely that valgus will develop.
There are no special contraindications to the use of such funds, but in childhood, and during pregnancy, you should always consult with your doctor. Pregnant women often have severe swelling in the legs, so wearing a hard protector can be dangerous. For pregnant women, it is best to choose special orthopedic insoles and pads together with your doctor.
It is also not recommended to wear a protector if there is a violation of the integrity of the skin in the affected area, dermatosis, especially accompanied by itching, the skin must first be cured. It is important to understand that the device may prevent the skin from breathing, it will begin to rot and the wounds will not heal for a long time, and the dermatitis will intensify.


If we compare the use of orthopedic devices with other methods of treatment, then they definitely have a number of advantages:

  • Fixatives relieve pain, reduce inflammation;
  • The devices are made of hypoallergenic and safe materials, they do not cause allergies.
  • The protectors are comfortable to use and can be worn all day long;
  • Silicone and plastic protectors are easy to clean, but cloth protectors need to be washed by hand to keep them from deforming;
  • Fixators can correct the deformity at the initial stage without surgery;
  • Such devices do not cause pain, do not press or rub, but rather protect the deformed foot from calluses;
  • Adjustable clamps and bandages correct not only hallux valgus, but also flat feet;
  • Fixatives are not expensive, and they do not need to be constantly purchased, so this treatment is considered quite economical.

If we compare orthopedic treatment with medication, then we can say that it is much safer, since it does not side effects and relieves pain. And taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsto relieve pain and inflammation leads to disruption of the stomach.
Folk remedies have only a weak anti-inflammatory effect and cannot correct the deformity even at an early stage, but fixatives can. At the same time, herbal baths and hot compresses often cause allergic reactions, and sometimes even burns if used incorrectly, and this cannot happen when using orthopedic treatment.
Surgical correction of the deformity is considered more effective than orthopedic, especially in the later stages, but it causes many inconveniences. After the operation, a person will have to undergo a long course of rehabilitation, which will accompany pain, low joint mobility and incapacity for several weeks. And with orthopedic treatment, you can safely continue to work.
Obviously, fixators are an excellent treatment for early hallux valgus, but they are best used in combination therapy to achieve the best effect. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations of the doctor and folk remedies.


There is nothing complicated in using the fixator, the most important thing is to choose the right model, suitable in size, so that the device does not press or dangle on the leg. They put on a retainer for the bone on the leg, usually at night for 8 hours, and also wear it during the day for no more than 3-4 hours. If the patient refused the night protector, then during the day you need to wear the device for at least 6 hours, but no more than 10.
It is important to note that you cannot keep your foot in the tread all day, you need to give the tissues time to rest, otherwise the situation can only worsen. The fixator puts pressure on the joint and tissues that are already deformed, and they are in tension all this time. The duration of treatment usually ranges from several months to six months, the exact time of wearing the device and the duration of treatment can only be announced by a doctor.

Big toe braces are very popular. They are quite effective and can significantly alleviate suffering, especially in the early stages of the disease.

Such devices protect the bone well and keep the affected joint in the correct anatomical position. In addition, they are perfectly combined with medical treatment and physiotherapy procedures. For best results, you can combine different kinds bandages.

The earlier the use of the device is started, the more likely it is to stop the progression of the disease.

The toe corrector is a simple device that can be used throughout the day. There are also special varieties for day and night use. Their sizes are typical, so they are ideal for people of different sexes and ages. The brace can be worn on one leg or both lower limbs simultaneously.

The scope of fixators is extensive. Devices are often used to prevent and treat the following pathological conditions:

  • bursitis, gout, arthrosis and arthritis of the joints of the first toe;
  • calluses and corns in the area of ​​​​the bone;
  • various foot injuries (hematomas, bruises, fractures);
  • postoperative period for interventions in the area of ​​the thumb and sole.

The main indication for the use of orthoses is a protruding bone in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint.

There are no special restrictions on the use of these protective equipment. They are suitable for everyone and, when used correctly, do not cause inconvenience. However, pregnant women should consult their doctor. During the period of bearing a child, the legs constantly swell, so the use of hard correctors can be dangerous and traumatic.

Do not wear braces for broken skin. The device reduces the access of oxygen to the wound, as a result, local metabolism is disturbed, the onset of purulent-necrotic processes is possible. It is undesirable to use bandages for dermatoses accompanied by itching and local skin irritation.

When putting on an orthosis, it must be remembered that even the most perfect corrector is not able to eliminate the bone on the first finger. The device will only make life easier for the patient and prevent further deformation of the joint.

Therapeutic effect

What gives the use of a bandage? The protective device eliminates pressure on the bone, reduces pain and discomfort, increases physical activity patient. The corrector makes walking much easier. A person's quality of life improves, mood and efficiency rise.

In addition, regular use of the fixative allows you to achieve the following results:

  • correction of minor curvature of the first toe and other bones of the foot;
  • stabilization of the joint.

As a result of the use of valgus splints, small curvatures disappear

Finger correctors are effective tool in the early stages of the disease. Rigid fixation helps to stop further curvature and destruction of bone and joint structures.

In addition, orthoses are able to restore blood circulation and stop the inflammatory process in the joint, so they are advised to be used in the postoperative period.

Today, a large number of different devices are produced for correcting curvature of the first toe. Internet pages and advertising publications are literally full of inviting pictures. Each manufacturer promotes its product, promising the consumer a quick and reliable relief from a painful problem. But choosing the right orthosis on your own is quite difficult, so you need to consult a specialist before buying.

In medical practice, valgus splints are usually divided into 3 types:

  • therapeutic devices;
  • preventive orthoses;
  • devices to improve the quality of life.

Proofreaders are therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

In the postoperative period or after injury, therapeutic correctors are used. With the help of a bandage for the bone, patients with a chronic course of the disease are prevented from relapsing the disease. Proofreaders are very popular to improve the quality of life, making walking easier.

On the shelves of pharmacies and medical equipment stores, the following therapeutic and prophylactic types of products are most often found:

  • gel protective pads;
  • silicone interdigital rollers;
  • tissue products;
  • swivel clamps and tires.

Each of the considered devices has strictly defined indications, its pros and cons, which the specialist will tell the patient about.

Rigid fixatives perform the same functions as the gypsum splint, but, unlike it, do not lead to the formation of contracture. Semi-rigid tires immobilize the finger and take on the maximum load. Soft (silicone) devices reduce pressure on the tissues of the foot and protect them from damage.

Corrective devices should be purchased only after consulting with your doctor and carefully reading the instructions. The specialist, giving advice, necessarily takes into account the etiology of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Comparative characteristics

Orthopedic correctors are designed to fix the first finger in the correct position, but they are all arranged in different ways. In addition, products differ in the material from which they are made. Consider the most popular species goods and compare them.

Table of comparative analysis of known correctors

Gel Fixatives (Valgus Pro)Silicone finger separatorsBursoprotectors with interdigital correctorTissue fixatives (Valgulex)Hinged retainer (Valgus splint Valufix)MaterialThe base is made of soft and elastic gel, reminiscent of silicone.Made from medical gel.Made from medical gelMade from thick fabricSynthesized from neoprene and plasticDesign featuresThe device is simple. They consist of an interdigital roller and a side lobe that protects the bone from injury.They consist of one or more interdigital ridges.The device securely fixes the first two toes, protects the bone from abrasions and gradually corrects the position of the first toe.They cover almost half of the foot, so they can only be worn with closed shoesConsists of plastic elements and Velcro fasteners. One of them is attached to the thumb, the other - on the soleJoint protectionProtects the joint of the first finger from injuries, abrasions and callusesNoProtects the skin over the finger joint from abrasions, articular structures from various injuriesProtects the thumb joint from abrasionsProtects the joint from injuryApplicationIdeal for use at the beginning of an ailment. They do not eliminate the causes of the disease, but alleviate the patient's condition and stop further deformation.Increase interdigital spaces, restore the normal position of the toes. They have a massage effect. Recommended as an addition to wearing splints and bandages. Often used to prevent the development of valgusCorrects the position of the thumb, reduces pain and improves blood circulation in the affected jointThey have a weak corrective effect and are only suitable for the prevention of hallux valgus. In rare cases, the bandage is worn at the onset of the disease, but is more often prescribed as an adjunct to other devices.The product produces a double effect. The transverse arch support on the foot restores the metatarsal arch of the foot and does not allow the heel to move outward. The thumb corrector stabilizes the load on the jointThumb Angle AdjustmentNo. The latch has one widthNo. The divider has one widthNo. Bursoprotector has one widthNo. Bandage has one widthThe angle of abduction is adjustable with VelcroThe main advantage of the modelCan be worn at home and worn with shoesAllowed to wear all day, but only with loose shoesIt is permissible to wear indoor free shoesThey are used throughout the working day, but you have to use closed shoe modelsCorrection of the location of the first finger. More secure fixation speeds up recoveryPurposePrevention and stage 1 of the diseaseWarning or 1 stage deformationPrevention of curvature of the finger or the initial stages of the diseasePreventive roleTherapeutic effect

Each of the listed means has certain advantages and disadvantages, and such correctors must be selected individually, given the neglect of the disease. If at an early stage of the disease it is possible to use rollers and gel shock absorbers, then with a neglected form, therapeutic day or night orthoses are used.

How to use

The use of a valgus splint is not difficult. Detailed instructions are included with each model. The duration of use of the bandage during the day depends on its type. Soft silicone daytime correctors can be worn for 8-12 hours.

Night braces are worn all night. If this causes inconvenience to the patient, orthopedists recommend using the device during the day for 5-6 hours.

You can’t walk in the corrector for a long time, you need to periodically remove it. Any design, especially if squeezed by shoes, impairs nutrition and blood circulation in the tissues.

The period of use of the corrector is determined by the doctor. Usually it is at least 6 months. Soft devices are worn for a year or more, as they do not have a significant effect on tissues.

How much do braces cost

Today the question - where to buy a latch - is easily solved. Advertising of online stores selling low-cost devices is widespread on the network. It is better to buy valgus correctors in pharmacies, specialized centers or salons. There you can always get competent advice, employees will help you choose the best option and teach you how to use it.

The price depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the device. The cheapest are silicone pads from Chinese suppliers. A complex hinged model with angle adjustment will cost between 2000-3000 rubles. An orthopedic tire of a well-known brand is valued even more expensively. For example, products of the German manufacturers Hallufix AG or Ortmann cannot be bought cheaper than 4 thousand rubles.

Bones in the legs modern world a common problem for many women and even some men. This deformity can be caused by wearing tight shoes with high heels or being overweight. Hallux valgus also occurs due to a hereditary predisposition, so people at risk need to take measures to prevent the appearance of bumps. These measures include: special gymnastics, proper nutrition wearing orthopedic shoes.

But when the disease has already begun to manifest itself, you can use fixators for the bones on the legs. In combination with other preventive measures, these remedies are very effective and help to correct the deformity at the initial stages of development, when irreversible changes in the joint have not yet occurred. These clamps can be bought at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Types of orthopedic aids for toe correction

Manufacturers today offer many types of products for the correction of hallux valgus. Internet pages are full of aggressive advertising, and everyone says that his tool is the most effective. But it is worth considering that bumps on the toes are a disease and when choosing a special corrector, you need to consult a doctor, and not rely on beautiful customer reviews.

Here are a few types of braces that are commercially available at most pharmacies or medical supply stores:

  • silicone protectors and pads;
  • bandage-fixator for toes;
  • silicone day correctors;
  • adjustable correctors and tires.

Each of the listed types has certain advantages and disadvantages, and such correctors must be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the development of the disease of a particular patient.

Interdigital rollers

This orthopedic tool is a small partition, which is often made of silicone. Partitions are inserted between the big and second toes. They are almost invisible in shoes and help relieve discomfort when walking.

These rollers are suitable for long daily use(you can not take off during the whole working day). Considering how much such a roller costs, these funds can be attributed to the most affordable fixators. But they help only in the early stages of the disease, when there are still no visible changes in the position of the thumb. The roller prevents the finger from taking the wrong position, which is more suitable for prevention than for treatment.

Foot protectors and pads

Silicone protectors and foot pads are designed to correct the position of the foot while walking. They partially relieve the load from the foot and prevent rubbing of calluses. Protectors can be with a corrugated surface, which normalizes blood circulation in problem area.

A variation of these braces are toe pads and ridges, which keep the forefoot and toes in the correct position. Does a brace help to correct a bone in the leg? Regular use of such protectors really makes it possible to avoid serious manifestations of hallux valgus. But when the disease is already at a more advanced stage, then protectors can only slightly alleviate the condition.


The fabric bandage is a retainer for the foot. It can cover the entire foot and ankle, or only part of it. For example, a bandage in the form of an elastic fabric band is applied only to the forefoot, and a sock bandage covers the leg from the toes to the top of the ankle. Naturally, the price of the latter is much higher.

Bandage - has a silicone protector on the entire foot and is great for daily wear in shoes. This is a tool for purely individual use, since it is absolutely impossible to wash it at high temperatures, this will ruin both the sock fabric itself and the tread material.

The bandage can be combined with other orthopedic devices: silicone combs or interdigital separators. This combination allows you to position the foot and toes as correctly as possible while walking and avoid irreversible deformations.

Daily correctors

Orthopedic fixator for the correction of bones on the legs can be day and night. The most common lately silicone retainers cast design. They have a mild effect and deflect the thumb to right position. The presence of a pad between the first and second fingers prevents them from crossing while walking.

The silicone retainer from the bone on the leg is convenient for daily use and stops the development of the disease. Unlike plastic counterparts, it can be worn up to 10 hours a day, and it is almost invisible. It does not interfere with walking in your favorite shoes (if it is of the correct shape) and at the same time protects inflamed tissues from friction and the appearance of corns. This may be part of complex therapy with conservative treatment in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Daytime fixatives are great for those who have just begun to show the disease. They do not relieve the inflammatory process, but greatly alleviate the condition while walking. It will be especially useful for people in the so-called standing professions. Currently, you can easily order them in the online store and still save money.

Adjustable correctors and splints

These remedies are effective even when the valgus deformity has already manifested itself with a certain angle of curvature of the joint and a protruding bone. - the retainer is designed for night use, as the design is rather uncomfortable to wear under shoes.

At the beginning of use, an adjustable retainer for the treatment of bumps on the big toe can bring discomfort and even pain in the joints. This is caused by the physical effort that is applied to ensure that the finger is in the correct position. To minimize pain, the degree of deviation should be changed gradually. Such therapy can be delayed for a long time, but this method is much safer than surgery.

Often there is a disease called valgus deformity of the big toe.

In the people it is called a bone on the thumb.

A large number of people are affected by the disease, and many of them do not even know that it is possible to be treated with a conservative method, and not with a surgical one. Some, having tried a lot of folk recipes and methods, decided that they couldn’t get rid of it and gave up.

But, the disease must be treated, otherwise in the future there will be great difficulties not only in terms of health and aesthetics, but also with the purchase of shoes.

To help with the main therapy, a device has been developed - a fixator for the big toe.

Why does the "bone" appear?

Most frequent illness feet of this kind appear in women when wearing tight shoes or high heels.

There are several reasons for the development of bone deformity:

Basically, people believe that such an outgrowth appeared due to the formation of salt deposits. But, the bone sticks out due to the deviation of the metatarsal bone of the first finger and its arching to the other side. To remind the toe of its correct position, it is recommended to use a big toe retainer and orthopedic insoles.

The choice of devices from the bone on the leg

This device was designed specifically for the correction of protruding bones. Significantly relieves pain, suffering, protects the bone and the affected joint. The latch is attached to the thumb. Thanks to the special material, it holds securely, does not slip and does not move when walking.

At the same time, the device does not squeeze the skin of the foot even when wearing shoes. The bandage contributes to the correct physiological position of the finger. Treatment lasts a long time - up to two months.

Varieties of devices

There are many manufacturers of orthopedic products. Everyone is trying to make life easier for the patient, so there are a large number of bandages for the treatment of the foot.

This is a big plus for correctors. You can choose the most optimal, given the anatomical structure of the foot.

The most popular is the silicone corrector. Very comfortable and invisible on the foot. It can even be worn with sandals all day long.

Bandages with a lock between the thumb and second fingers have been developed. There is an adjustable tire model with mounts and fasteners. Of course, compared to silicone inventions, it is not as aesthetic, but the foot feels very comfortable and the result is much faster.

There are two types of correctors: night and day.


They are quite rigid with soft liners inside. At night, they do not cause discomfort and securely fix the thumb, pressing on the “bump”. And it is possible to regulate the pressure.


It should be noted that the day can be worn for no more than 10 hours. Made from elastic material. Not customizable or adjustable. Most often used for prevention. Basically they keep the finger in the correct position. Moreover, if night is used, then daytime is also recommended to be worn in order to accelerate the therapeutic effect.

Advantages of a day fixer:

How to choose a corrector

The decision to wear a retainer is made by the orthopedic surgeon. The required type of fixture is determined: unregulated or adjustable.

Non-adjustable corrector

It is needed for prevention. There are fabric, gel and silicone. Pluses in softness, versatility, easy care, invisibility, affordable price. Minus one - does not treat in advanced cases.

silicone models are soft and durable. Installed between the first and second fingers. With advanced disease will not help.

Gel consist of a ring, which holds the finger, but does not cut off the blood supply. Suitable for any foot, as it does not have a size. Ideal for prevention.

fabric it is good to use at the initial stage of the disease and as maintenance therapy. The front part is similar to socks with soft tabs.


This corrector is designed for night time. It is a plastic tire. To prevent corns, soft pads are provided. The tension is regulated by means of a special fastener. The most popular models - Talus, Aetrex, Variteks.

Plastic ones are the most durable. Pull the finger to the inner edge of the foot, immobilizing it. It is possible to increase the force of pressure. To select a retainer, the help of a specialist is required.

Rigid fixatives are similar in function to gypsum, but unlike the latter, they do not deform the contracture. Semi-rigid ones do not allow the finger to move, and the entire load falls on them.

Indications for use

With the help of a fixative, they are successfully treated:

  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • curvature of the fingers;
  • valgus deformity of the first toe;
  • flat feet of a transverse view;
  • arthritis.


There are no direct contraindications to wearing a retainer, but according to the recommendations of doctors, one should be careful in the presence of chronic articular pathology.

Therapeutic effect

Provided that the fixative is applied correctly and under the supervision of a doctor, the effect comes quickly. In advanced cases, therapy lasts much longer, but do not stop and despair. You will need the correct selection of the retainer, which can only be performed by a specialist.

What effect do fixators have?

  1. Reduce pain and discomfort in the foot.
  2. Prevent the appearance of corns and corns.
  3. Hold your finger in the correct position.
  4. Treatment of hallux valgus.
  5. Reduce load.
  6. Do not allow flattening of the arch of the foot.
  7. They are the prevention of flat feet.

A big plus in using the fixative is that there are no allergic reactions, redness and itching. All correctors are washable and washable. And besides, after a few months, you can confidently wear your favorite shoes, forgetting about pain and discomfort.

Attention! Orthoses of this kind help to improve blood circulation and slow down the inflammatory process in the joint. Doctors prescribe them in the postoperative recovery period.

Overview of Orthopedic Thumb Retainers

Have Splint. Night type corrector. Strengthens muscles, removes hallux valgus, relieves pain and inflammation. It is necessary to wear up to six months.

Talus. Suitable for correcting transverse flat feet and limb deformities. Cannot be used while walking and wearing.

aetrex. An American invention that corrects the thumb, second and third fingers. Consists of interdigital rings. Differ in high efficiency.

Valgus Pro. It is made of elastic gel similar to silicone. Very simple in design. Consists of interdigital roller, side lobe. Protects the thumb from injuries, scuffs and calluses. Effective in the early stages of the disease. Not regulated. Only one width.

Valgulex. Consists of dense fabric. Covers half of the foot. The correction is weak, mainly its purpose is the prevention of hallux valgus. There is no adjustment.

Valufix. This is a tire made from synthesized neoprene and plastic. Represents plastic elements on flypapers. Protects from damage, restores the correct arch of the foot, does not allow the heel to move outward. Regulated. Has a therapeutic effect.

Altus Pro. Effective overlay of long operation. Corrects, fixes, reduces pain and discomfort, prevents the development of foot inflammation and bursitis. An ideal alternative to surgery.

With a valgus curvature of the feet, a deformation of a small bone located under the thumb appears. The finger gradually deviates, the bone on the foot begins to visibly stick out. A person with a similar pathology experiences aesthetic and physical discomfort.

The selection and wearing of shoes become torture, against the background of hallux valgus, flat feet and pain in the joints develop. This change is age-related, it affects people over 35 years old. To straighten a deviated toe, a brace for the leg bone is used - an invention with a corrective action.

The fixators for the bones on the legs work on the basis of the gradual mechanical reduction of the bone that has moved away from the correct position. Depending on the degree of deformation, the features of the acquired pathology, various designs are used. Wearing a bunion corrector on the leg will work if the valgus deformity is at the initial or intermediate stage.

The device is put on the leg for a certain time. The departed bone has some mobility.

By regular pressure, the opposite effect is achieved: the finger assumes a physiological position, and with it the bone that disturbs the person falls into place.

Types of clamps

On the modern market, various fixators for the bones on the legs have been released. They differ in the severity of the impact, material, time and duration of wear.

Night and day

The design of orthopedic devices for the bone on the leg varies. According to the recommended time for wearing retainers, there are:

Fasteners from different materials

Bone fixators on the legs are produced from several types of material:

There are also combined orthopedic fixators for the correction of bones in the legs. Products combine the ability to adjust the pressure on the pathological area of ​​the foot, suitable for wearing during the daytime.

Indications and contraindications for the use of fixatives

Overlays on the big toes from the bones are recommended for several diseases:

At risk are women who regularly use shoes with heels, people with overweight and flat feet. The appearance of hallux valgus is a slow process, which manifests itself gradually. The first signs of curvature may not even be noticed during a visual inspection of the foot.

As a preventive measure, you can use fabric or silicone pads on the toes from the bones without rigid fixation several times a week.


Even healthy people should consult an orthopedist before selecting and using a corrector for the big toe from the bone.

Fixtures must not be worn:

The doctor will help not only determine whether it is possible to wear a retainer, but also choose the right option.

Where to buy a quality product

Corsets for bones on the leg are sold everywhere. On the Internet, hundreds of non-existent stores trade in fixatives of dubious quality. Most of these products come from China, products do not pass safety tests, are made from materials that can be toxic.

High-quality fixators of the bones on the leg can cost about 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles. You can buy a certified product at a pharmacy or make an individual corrector to order in an orthopedic clinic.

How to use the retainer

All leg bunion correctors sold in pharmacies are equipped with detailed instructions by application. Additional advice can be obtained from an orthopedic doctor.

For the first time using the device, you should carefully consider several important nuances:

On initial stage using a corrector for bumps on the legs, the sensations will be unusual. Attention should be paid only to discomfort or slight pain - this is a signal that the product is not worn correctly. The duration of wearing the device for beginners is 6 - 8 hours a day, after a week of use, the time can be increased to 10 - 13 hours.

If a big toe bunion corrector made of plastic is indicated for use, you should pay more attention to the wearing technology. These products are distinguished by the markings "L" and "R", corresponding to the left and right legs.

Put on the plastic device carefully and carefully:

  • Pass the big toe into the structure and combine the inner pillow with the protruding bone;
  • Using the fixing strap, secure the foot in the fixator in the position indicated above;
  • Fasten the corrector at the desired angle and in the required volume.

Even in rigid plastic retainers made using hinges, there should be no pain. The bunion splint applies gentle pressure to the desired area without becoming a torture tool.

5 reasons to use a thumb brace

It is possible to use bandages for the bone on the big toe at any stage of hallux valgus, as well as concomitant diseases. This tool will help:

Will a leg corrector help?

After buying a product of dubious quality without consulting an orthopedist, there is a high risk for a person not to notice the result of wearing a leg bandage on a bone.

If the device is purchased from a licensed manufacturer and selected correctly, the effect will become obvious:

A positive effect occurs at different intervals, depending on the stage of deformation at the time of the start of using the device for correcting the bunion on the leg.

How to speed up healing

Regular wear of the big toe bunion won't have an immediate effect, but it will.

The desired effect when using the fixator of the big toe bone is achieved due to the forced reduction of the bones to the correct place. It is important to understand that only regular and long-term use of a quality device will lead to the elimination of deformation.

At an advanced stage, valgus curvature is cured only by surgery. In order not to lead to surgery, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist and start treatment after the first signs of the disease are detected.