How to stand on the bridge from a prone position. How to learn to do a bridge from a standing position? Preparatory exercises for developing the flexibility of the back muscles

Which, probably, each of us did at school physical education lessons is a “bridge”. Many athletes, most likely, forgot about him, and in vain - better movement to warm up the back (both muscles and the spinal column) is simply not found. At the same time, modern glossy magazines and Internet portals dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding publish monotonous articles with enviable regularity, describing for the hundredth time the methods of training biceps and “cubes”, undeservedly depriving such useful exercise. Let's restore justice and consider it in detail.

How to learn to make a bridge

A brief excursion into anatomy: the importance and functions of the spinal column

Even people who skipped biology and anatomy classes as children know and understand that the basis, the “core” human body is the spine. The number of its functions is extremely large, and each of them is important and serious in its own way. Among them it should be noted:

  1. The spine is the "frame" to which the spinal muscles, abdominal walls, ribs, and pelvic bones are attached.
  2. The spine performs cushioning and softening during falls, jumps, sudden movements.
  3. The spine is involved in almost all movements of the body and head.
  4. The spine is a protective "sheath" for spinal cord- which is a complex interweaving nerve fibers that transmit impulses from and to the brain.

Each of the above points is vital. For this reason, the slightest violation of the functionality of the spinal column (and the spinal cord located inside the vertebrae) can lead to serious consequences - up to paralysis of individual limbs or even the entire body.

Protection and mobility of the spinal column provide muscle groups. More than 30 pairs of muscles of various shapes, lengths, depths and purposes are mirrored on both sides of the spine. In this article, it is necessary to single out only one of them - the extensors of the back. Erector Spinae (their Latin name) stretch from the sacrum to the occipital bone (from the pelvis to the neck), doing work when the spinal column moves and providing protection for it.

The benefits of exercise

The spinal column experiences a significant load for most of life. The force of gravity, the execution of various movements, the maintenance of a natural curve - all this can eventually cause problems that often occur in old age. They arise due to the low mobility of the spinal column, high load and (especially relevant now) long-term motionless sitting at the computer, at the table, and often in the wrong twisted posture.

It is the “bridge” that helps to correct the situation. It stretches the spinal column in the right direction, improving the transport of nutrients, mobility and flexibility. Consequently:

  • degeneration of individual vertebrae and the entire spine as a whole is prevented;
  • back extensors are strengthened;
  • the risk of displacement of the vertebrae is reduced;
  • prevention (or treatment) of certain problems with the spine.

Who is relevant?

You should pay attention to learning how to bridge if you fit into one of the following groups:

  • aged people;
  • people with problems with the spine;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people actively involved in sports (any kind of moving).

Well, just for the prevention and strengthening of the spine, it is recommended to do a “bridge” for absolutely everyone - from small children to pensioners. Regular execution(at least 2-3 times a week) significantly reduces the risk of problems in the future.

How to do?

If the last time you performed an exercise was at a school physical education lesson, it may turn out to be unexpectedly difficult to cope with the task now. This is quite natural - the body managed to "forget" the correctness and sequence of the movement, and as a result, you can even get injured trying to perform it without preparation. Therefore, an adult should first learn how to learn how to do a bridge while standing (which is even more difficult) or at least lying down (lightweight version).

Warm up

Like before any other physical training We start with a warm-up. This is relevant and indispensable for every muscle group, and especially for the muscles of the back and spinal column. First, “warm up” the body and muscles: jump rope, for example. After that - stretch: tilts, turns and rotations of the body, stretching the legs, lunges - do not spare time for the simplest movements that prepare your muscles for further stress.

Full "bridge" (classic version from a prone position)

This is exactly what we did in school. The "bridge" is made as follows:

  1. We lay down on our back on the floor.
  2. We bend our knees.
  3. Raise your hands up and bend in elbow joint resting your palms on the floor near your head. In this case, the fingers are directed towards the legs.
  4. We smoothly begin the movement, tearing the pelvis off the floor and lifting it.
  5. We continue to raise the body until the back is arched in an arc. At the same time, the head is, as it were, a continuation of the spine, maintaining its natural position.
  6. Having briefly lingered in this position, just as smoothly and carefully we lower ourselves back. Be sure to finish the exercise in this way - a sharp relaxation of the muscles can only hurt.
  7. We perform several repetitions.

"Bridge" from a standing position

But such a “bridge” will be much more difficult to master. IN school curriculum this exercise is not included due to its complexity and increased risk of injury. However, at the same time, it is also more useful - the abdominal muscles receive the load (when returning to the starting position).

There are two versions of such a "bridge".

The first is an incomplete “bridge”, in which we only descend to the desired position:

  1. Let's get straight. At the same time, be sure to make sure that there are no objects behind (at a distance of 2-3 meters).
  2. We begin to bend back, slightly bending our knees.
  3. At the same time, we tilt our head back and raise our arms up, slightly bending them at the elbow joints.
  4. While continuing to gently bend, at the same time continue to bend at the knees, bringing the hips forward - to create at least partial balance. This will prevent you from turning the deflection into a sharp drop.
  5. Flex until you touch with your hands gender.
  6. Having stood on the “bridge”, linger for a short while, then lower the body to the floor (as in the previous embodiment).

The second option - a full "bridge" from a standing position - is the most difficult of all existing ones. Remember - before you read about how to learn how to do a standing bridge and try to do it yourself - you must be able to perform a regular (full) version and have a certain level of physical fitness. Otherwise, you can get injured (at least bruised when falling back).

  1. We stand on the bridge in the same way as described in the instructions above.
  2. We begin to get up: smoothly shift part of the body weight to the legs, bringing the knees forward.
  3. At the same time, we tear our palms off the floor, leaning on our fingers.
  4. With the effort of the muscles of the abdomen and back, we begin to rise to a vertical position: we completely tear our fingers off the floor and smoothly straighten ourselves. The movement should not look like a push with the hands from the surface, but rather like a smooth straightening.

That's all, friends. Now you know how to learn how to make a bridge.

Although the bridge is not a popular exercise among bodybuilders and weightlifters, but this exercise is one of the most effective ways to train the spine and deep back muscles.

How to make a bridge? At first glance, a fairly simple bridge exercise has a number of nuances. To make the right bridge you need to focus on:

    breathing, it should be slow and measured.

    back, a straight back should not be allowed, it should be well arched.

    hands and feet, ideally they should be straight, but to facilitate the exercise, you can bend your knees.

    pelvic position, it should be above the head.

Benefits of the bridge

Regular performance of the bridge exercise has a beneficial complex effect on the body. Bridge - included in the list the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, which allows you to protect the spine from many diseases.

Back bends help improve blood flow and muscle nutrition. It stimulates growth muscle mass, strengthens the spine and promotes straightening.

In the process of performing the bridge exercise, all vertebrae are involved. That allows you to get rid of the problem of bulging discs, return them to their place.

This exercise will increase chest and improve digestion. Stimulates the muscles of the thighs, abdomen, arms and legs.

How to learn to make a bridge

There is a specially designed program by Paul Wade "how to get on the bridge", designed for 10 levels. It prepares the body to perform the bridge exercise from a standing position.

When executing the program, the following rule should be observed:

“You can’t move on to the next level exercise until you are confident in the previous level exercise.”
Paul Wade

Level 1: Shoulder Bridge

The shoulder bridge is the simplest exercise, well suited for the prevention and treatment of spinal dislocation.

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor parallel to each other, arms crossed on the stomach. Due to the strength of the legs, we push the hips and lower part spine up so that they are at the same level and at the same time we take a deep breath. We're back in a couple of seconds.

You should start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing to 50 repetitions in 3 sets.

Level 2: Bridge on outstretched arms

Starting position: sitting on the floor, the back is straight, the legs are extended forward and pressed to each other, the socks are looking up, the arms are straight along the body, the hands are pressed to the floor. It is necessary to tear off the torso from the floor in such a way that a straight line is obtained from the head to the heels.

The fulcrum remains the hands and heels of the legs, the head should be raised to the ceiling. The exercise is performed on the exhale and lasts a few seconds. Gradually increase total reps from 10 to 40, in one and three sets, respectively.

Level 3: Bridge from the bench

For execution this exercise you will need support - ideally this is a knee-high bench, but you can also use a bed, and even a table to facilitate the exercise. It strengthens pectoral muscles and hands.

The meaning of the exercise is as follows. Top part body - shoulders, neck, arms, head - is on the bench, legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel to each other. Leaning on the hands, we gradually straighten our arms at the elbows and tear off the shoulders from the bench, round the back, head thrown back.

We linger in this position for several minutes and then lower ourselves onto the bench, first the shoulders, then the head. We start with 8 repetitions, bringing up to 30 in 3 sets.

Level 4: Bridge from the support position on the head

This exercise serves as an important intermediate step on the way to performing a full-fledged bridge. Based on the name of the exercise, it is already becoming clear that the bridge is performed on the floor from the position of emphasis on the head due to the maximum extension of the arms at the elbows.

This exercise should be done very carefully. You can not make sudden movements and strain the muscles of the neck.

Level 5: Bridge from a prone position on the ball (half bridge)

Lie on your back, grab a volleyball-sized ball and place it under your lower back. Bend your legs at the knees at shoulder level and pull them towards your hips. Put your hands behind your head and rest your hands on the floor.

Push off the floor so that the main points of support are the palms and feet, and the lower back lightly touches the sword. Then you need to stand on the bridge, rounding your back as much as possible.

Training should start with 8 repetitions, increasing to 2 sets of 20 times.

Level 6: Full bridge from a prone position on the floor

From a lying position on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet parallel to each other at shoulder width are pulled up to the hips, the arms are behind the head, the palms rest on the floor, the fingers are turned to the body, we round the back, raising the hips as much as possible upward due to the strength of the arms and legs . We linger at the top for a couple of seconds and slowly lie back on the floor.

This exercise is performed 8 times, gradually increasing to two sets of 15 repetitions.

It strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs, improves breathing and posture.

Level 7: Lowering hands along the wall to the floor (bridge descending along the wall)

Getting up on the bridge from a standing position, slowly descending along the wall, of course, is easier than from a prone position. But it also takes practice.

Stand with your back to the wall at the level of outstretched arms, lean against the wall with your palms, tilt your head back and slowly lower yourself down, “walking” along the wall with your palms. Bend your knees as you lower. As a result, you need to rest your hands on the floor to make a bridge.

Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing to 10 for 2 sets.

Level 8: Raising hands along the wall from the bridge (climbing from the bridge along the wall)

This exercise is a logical continuation of the exercise "lowering the hands along the wall to the floor" and is done in tandem with it. After you descend into the bridge along the wall in reverse order, you need to climb it, smoothly rearranging your hands one after another.

For the first time, 2 repetitions of the cycle are enough. To reach the advanced level, you need to complete 2 sets of 8 reps.

Now we can proceed to consider the question: “How to make a bridge while standing?” This is what the last two weeks have been about.

Level 9: Incomplete bridge from a standing position

How to make a bridge back? It is necessary from a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, gently bend back in the back and reach the floor with straight arms.

Not full bridge from a standing position is different from full of topics that after reaching the bridge stance, the torso falls to the floor. To perform the repetition, you must stand up again.

This exercise is technically very difficult, so for beginners it is recommended to repeat only 1 time. Aerobatics is considered to be the performance of 2 series of 6 repetitions.

Level 10: Full bridge from a standing position

The final exercise is the full bridge from a standing position. It involves the continuation of the exercise worked out for 9 weeks, and includes lifting the torso up from the bridge stance.

To perform this exercise, it is necessary to redistribute the body weight on the legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, gradually stand up. In the process of lifting the torso to a vertical position, almost all the main muscles of the back, abdomen, chest, legs and arms work.

For entry level one repetition is enough. Ideally, you need to do 2 sets of 10-30 times.

How to get on the bridge video:

Style Outcome.

We recommend the bridge exercise as one of the most effective ways strengthening the muscles of the back and giving the spine flexibility. Paul Wade's 10 Level Program will not only teach you how to do the bridge, but also develop flexibility, endurance, and even work out the abdominal muscles.

Having wondered how to learn how to make a bridge, you should first pay attention to your physical training: if you are developed and you are quite athletic, you can start exercising right away, if not, first take the time to exercise.

How to quickly learn to make a bridge?

The fastest such tricks are successful for those who have developed muscles press, back and legs, as well as developed flexibility. So that attempts to get on the bridge do not lead to injury, first take a few weeks to prepare - for this it is enough to attend stretching and do. Enough of the most simple exercises- squats, push-ups, bridge from a prone position. When your body is strong enough, you can try to stand on the bridge.

How to learn to do a bridge from a standing position?

The basis of how to learn how to make a bridge at home is regular workouts. Do at least 3-5 times a week, and soon everything will work out! The actions you need to perform are simple:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, leaving a distance of 70-80 cm behind you, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Raise your arms above your head and lean back until your fingers touch the wall.
  3. Pause, find your balance, and then, moving your fingers, lower yourself to the floor.
  4. After completing the bridge, go back the same way - helping yourself with your hands.

Having mastered this ideally, you can abandon the wall and move on to classes with a partner who can insure. But remember - in the question of how to learn how to do a bridge while standing, you should not rush. Don't go to next step workout without perfecting the first one! It is best to practice on mats. It's even easier here:

  1. Stand facing your partner, feet shoulder-width apart, arms above your head. Your partner should support you by the waist.
  2. Bend back and slowly reach the floor.
  3. Pushing off the floor with your hands, return to the starting position.

When this will succeed easily, you can refuse insurance and train on your own. After a while, you will be able to perform this exercise easily and naturally.

The bridge is one of the most effective methods of gymnastics, allowing you to shortest time strengthen and stretch the spinal column and spinal muscles. Directly because the question of how to learn how to make a bridge at home will become the most relevant.

Proper technique and constant exercise will lead to all sorts of positive changes within the body. Bridge exercise provides the following benefits:

  • that straighten the spinal column (extensor muscles). Elongated muscular "ropes" that run parallel to the spine on each side.
  • There is a training of a large number of small dorsal, gluteal and limb muscles.
  • Increased flexibility of the spine and general motor activity.
  • The abdominal muscles are stretched.
  • Improves blood flow in the tissues that surround the cartilage between the vertebrae. This creates an obstacle to early wear of the vertebral discs.
  • The rush of blood to the head increases cerebral blood flow and stimulates mental activity.

In addition, when performed correctly, the gymnastic bridge makes it possible to improve flexibility and physical fitness.


The training has its limitations. Bridge exercise should not be performed in the following cases:

  • . Women receive an increased burden on abdominal muscles which has serious consequences for the fetus.
  • One should not be carried away by the bridge for those who suffer from vascular diseases. Excessive loads become a provoking factor for a stroke or heart attack.
  • Difficulties with gastrointestinal tract, gastritis. During stretching, the gastric walls can tear, provoke damage or bleeding of the ulcer.
  • Disorders in the work of the thyroid gland. By carrying out the bridge, it is possible to influence hormones, which leads to a deterioration in the overall well-being of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs. An unusual and tense position can provoke damage to the capillaries and inappropriately distribute the load.
  • Joint diseases. Bones and joints can be damaged by physical exertion, which sometimes leads to injuries and fractures.
  • postoperative period. Exercise provokes divergence of seams or bleeding.

But, when there are no significant contraindications, you need to understand that activity will become the key to health. Probably the bridge exercise will be the beginning of a passion for some kind of sport and active physical activity. They master the training in stages, carrying out its simplest variations. In this case, the body will be able to adapt to previously unusual loads.

How to make a bridge correctly, beautifully and plastically

The gymnastic bridge is quite effective due to correct technique and execution. There are a number of common mistakes to avoid:

  • You should not be afraid to lose balance, trying to get on the bridge through the back and shoulders. When done properly, only upper limbs.
  • Quite often, the majority conducts training without transferring body weight to the upper limbs, with the help of the back, without using shoulder girdle. As a result, the arms are too arched, and the bridge will turn out to be unstable.

Proper implementation of the bridge exercise is performed with the transfer of mass to the upper limbs. The angle between them and the coating is 90 degrees. To achieve this, it is possible to pre-warm up the shoulders. To do this, you need to swing in the bridge, stretching the muscles of the shoulders.

Lead up exercises

Attempts to stand on the bridge without proper physical training can fail and cause damage. During the implementation of such a stance, appropriate flexibility of the spinal column, the strength of certain muscle groups and coordination are necessary.

Therefore, mastering the rack should take place in stages, regularly conducting special trainings, starting with simple ones and ending with complex ones. Leading exercises to stand on the bridge are included in the training program, and therefore it is possible to master the most difficult variations of such a stance.

Shoulder bridge (glute bridge)

Helps strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, lumbar and buttocks. It is necessary to lie on your back, bend your knees and spread wider than your shoulders. Hands relax and lay on the floor. The pelvis rises to the maximum, a deflection is made in lumbar and tighten the buttocks. At this time, emphasis is placed on the feet and shoulders, the head does not come off the cover. The neck is relaxed, otherwise injury is likely. At the maximum point, you should linger for 2 seconds and lower the pelvis. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. If you manage to do several approaches of 20 times, you should move on to the next stage of training.

Reverse plank

The training in question helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper limbs, back, and abs. It is performed from a sitting position. lower limbs are on the covering, straight and parted slightly wider than the shoulders. With palms, emphasis is placed on the floor surface somewhat behind the body. The pelvis rises and the body and lower limbs are aligned in a straight line. The neck does not bend, the head does not fall, the gaze is directed forward. When it is not possible to take such a position, it is possible at first to slightly bend the legs at the knee. You should stay in this position for 5 seconds. You need to perform 3 sets of 15 times.

Exit to the bridge from the bench

To carry out such a variation of the training in question, you will need a bench, a small box, or another stable support. You should sit on a bench, put your palms on the edge on each side of you. They advance with their lower limbs in front of them and lower their shoulders onto the bench. The hands are rearranged so that the palms are fully located on the bench, the fingers are directed to the lower limbs. At the same time, the feet are on the floor and the knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

half bridge

Take a fitball or a small pouf. It is possible to use any low object. You should sit on the floor, and put the ball behind you. Then they lie on it with the center of the back. The lower limbs are placed on the floor surface and bent at the knees. Hands are placed on the cover at the head, fingers to the feet. The neck relaxes and the head drops down. From this position, the upper and lower limbs are unbent and the back is bent to the maximum. It is enough to do 2 sets of 20 times.

classic bridge

Having mastered the bridge from the support, it is possible to switch to working out the rack from a lying position. Starting position: lie on your back, feet are placed at the buttocks wider than shoulders, emphasis is placed on covering with palms on each side of the head, fingers are directed towards the shoulders.

With the help of the upper and lower limbs, the body is pushed upward and, having made a deflection in the back, one should try to straighten the arms and legs. Then, when you managed to get into the bridge, you need to stay in this position, and then return to the starting position.

Competent execution of the training meets the following conditions:

  • The deflection in the back should occur to the maximum, the body takes on an arched shape.
  • The limbs are straight, the palms are located under the head.
  • The pelvis rises to the maximum and is above the level of the head and shoulders.
  • The lower limbs need to be straightened, it is permissible to bend a little at the knees.

The stance is practiced until 15 repetitions in each of 2 approaches can be completed.

Climbing up the wall

The exercise algorithm is as follows:

  • You should stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 2 steps. Bend back and rest your palms on it. Fingers point downward.
  • Small steps are taken with the hands along the wall and lowered to the surface. It is possible to retreat a little with the lower limbs so that the distance to the wall is comfortable. You should stay 5 seconds in the bridge.
  • Then you need to climb your hands back onto the wall. This is harder than going down and will require more effort. Each movement is performed in reverse order. At the maximum point, you must return to the starting position - standing with your back to the wall.
  • You should step back and forth 8 times, do 2 sets.

Such training improves the flexibility of the spine and eliminates a large number of problems.

Bridge from a standing position

Even more effective is the ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position. It will take more time to learn how to perform the exercise from this position, but these efforts will be rewarded. You should stand up straight, put the lower limbs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Then:

  • At wall bars you should make a deflection in the back in the opposite direction, grab the crossbars with your hands and, doing iterations, go down. In the same way, you should return to the starting position. Shoes and flooring must not slip, otherwise there is a risk of falling and injury.
  • It is easier to do this with the help of an outsider. It is necessary to ask one of the neighbors to hold 2 hands around the waist while the exercise is being performed. Then he will hold his back with 1 hand, and at a certain moment he will remove it too.
  • A deflection is made in the lumbar region (without the Swedish wall and support from the side), the knees are bent, the body is directed forward.
  • The arms are extended and arched back to touch the floor.
  • It is even more difficult to get up from the bridge to the lower limbs: you need to move the body in front of you, bend your knees. Push off the cover a little with the help of hands, straighten up. The first ones go directly to the arms, not the shoulders - this is a common mistake for beginners.

It is possible to ask the person to provide support by holding their back with their hands. After a certain time, support is no longer required. The standing bridge needs appropriate flexibility and coordination.

To make a bridge from a standing position, they also take a regular gymnastic mat. This is quite reliable, since the training has not been fully worked out. A back tilt is made, fixing the position for 2 seconds, and then they are fully lowered onto the bridge. They push off with their hands and return to the starting position.

Getting up to a standing position

Getting up from the bridge to the lower limbs is perhaps the most difficult exercise. However, as a result of hard training, the development of muscles and the vestibular apparatus, after a few exercises, it is possible to do this.

While in the bridge, you need to try to transfer the mass to the lower limbs, for this purpose you need to bend your knees and push your pelvis forward. Perhaps a few "come" with your hands to the feet. After, pushing off the cover with your hands and at the same time shifting the center of gravity, straighten up. For these purposes, some efforts will be required.

At the initial stage of mastering the bridge, it is advisable to ask for support. The middle one supports the waist area during the exercise with his hands. Having understood which muscle groups are involved in the exercise, you will soon be able to learn how to go into the bridge while standing on your own.

Having mastered the technique of implementing the bridge and lifting from it, such training is worked out to automatism and left in the training program. Regular exercise provides significant health benefits. However, when such training is not done regularly, the skills developed can be lost.

How to teach a child to make a bridge

Before a child learns to do a bridge from a standing position, he needs to warm up so that the muscles are warmed up and not injured during exercise. Later it will be possible to perform a gymnastic bridge with virtually no preparation. This is why children are required to warm up their muscles before classes. The following exercises will help with this:

  • You need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms in front of you. The upper and lower limbs rise, you need to bend to the maximum. The knees are straightened, a similar position is fixed for 30 seconds.
  • It is required to lie with your back on a hard surface, hands are placed along the body, and the lower limbs are bent. Raise the pelvis to the maximum for 10 seconds, then carefully and slowly lower it.
  • You should kneel, and spread the lower limbs along the width of the pelvis. Then they slowly bend back to reach the heels with their fingers. It is extremely important to arch your back, tilt your head back.
  • To perform such training, you need a ball. Fitball is intended for physical training. You should lie on your back on the ball, and put your lower limbs in a stable position. Then they bend and try to reach the coating with their palms.

Carrying out such training every day, the child will quickly be able to stand on the bridge, as well as cope with various problems that are associated with the spinal column.

When the previous trainings are fully mastered, it is permissible to begin the implementation of the bridge from a standing position:

  • The child needs to stand with his back to the wall - as a result, there is a distance that is equal to 80 cm. The lower limbs are placed shoulder-width apart, the arms are raised up. Loan carefully begin to lean back until the fingers manage to touch the wall. Next, you should sort them out along the surface, slowly going down. When the hands got the cover, it is required to remain in a similar position for 5 seconds, then resume the "climbing".
  • When the first training is fully worked out, the child may not use the wall and begin to perform the bridge on a soft surface. Initially, it is possible to help relatives, parents, for safety net in case of improper implementation or problems.
  • The upper limbs rise and slowly fall in the opposite direction. After the exercise, you need to stay in a similar position, then push off the cover and take the initial position.

Parents who do not know how to teach their child to perform a gymnastic bridge can use these recommendations and achieve positive results together even at home.

Before you start practical part exercises, you should read the recommendations. Initially, you should objectively evaluate your own initial data: mass, plasticity, physical training. When the weight is more than 80 kg, when the back is not too flexible and has not previously been carried out gymnastic exercises, one should not hope that it will be possible to stand on the bridge in a few days. It is necessary to make an effort, it will take at least a month or more.

You need to check the flexibility of your own spine. For this purpose, a mark is fixed on the wall at shoulder level:

  • Get back to her. Step away from the wall. A back bend is made in the opposite direction. If you can see the mark - the flexibility is sufficient and it will be easy to get on the bridge in a few days with the proper intensity of training.
  • They turn left, raise their straight right hand up, you need to touch the mark. The exercise is repeated for the second side.

Flexibility exercises are selected. Training programs are different, taking into account physical fitness and mood:

  • every day for a quarter of an hour;
  • in a day for half an hour;
  • 2 times a day for a quarter of an hour.

The bridge gives positive results in stretching the spinal column, only when the training is carried out properly. It is a good gymnastics and a great way to warm up the muscles. By doing gymnastic bridge, it is possible to eliminate pain in the back, cervical region, spinal column, when there are no medical restrictions.

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Problems with the spine can provoke a lot of different ailments that can ruin your life forever. You can prevent the state of "stiffness" of your back by doing stretching exercises daily. Then your muscles will be elastic, and the spine flexible and mobile.
How to develop the flexibility of your back and is it worth it? Even if today your back does not cause you any pain, you should not postpone exercises until tomorrow. You can check how flexible person in this way: put your feet together and make a smooth lean forward, try to rest your palms on the floor and not bend your knees. Did not work out? Then put aside everything and do physical exercises.

Since childhood, everyone has dreamed of reaching the limit of flexibility - to stand on the "bridge". The 10-minute complex outlined in this article will allow you to realize your dream very quickly.

Recall that all stretching requires preliminary warming up of the muscles. Running in place for 5-10 minutes or skipping rope will be enough.
As a preparatory exercise, we do the following:

1. Kneeling, stretch your arms forward, make smooth bends back, while touching the floor alternately with your right and left hands. Repeat 15 times for each hand;

2. Fish or boat - lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, lift straight legs and arms up and hold them for 30 seconds;

3. Lying on your back, bend your knees and straighten your arms along the body. Raise the pelvis as high as possible and count to 5, smoothly return to the starting position;

4. Lying on your stomach, lift the body on straightened arms (try to keep the pelvis on the floor). Raise your legs bent at the knees up, gently try to touch your toes with your head. Hold this position for 30 seconds;

5. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs apart. Do forward bends with a straightened back, trying to gently reach your fingers first right foot. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with the left leg;

6. Get on all fours and lower your pelvis onto your heels. Stretch your arms forward on the floor and try to lower your relaxed body as low as possible to the floor. Stretch your hands, counting to ten.

Repeat all these exercises 2-3 times. Over time, increase the load to 15-20 repetitions. This complex can also be used as a tonic for the spine.

Now we are training to make a gymnastic bridge (bridge). There are 4 ways to do it: lying on the floor, standing with support against the wall, standing without support, from a vertical handstand.

The easiest way is to stand on the bridge, lying on the floor. It is available to almost everyone. Even if your spine doesn't arch at all, try to just keep your body on your arms and legs. If the bridge turned out, you can improve it - try to place your legs closer to your hands or move your hands closer to your feet. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, making springy upward movements. The moment when blood rushes to the muscles and spine is very important. If you feel warmth in your back, then you have achieved the right effect.

If you are already doing a bridge, you can greatly improve it with this exercise: standing in the bridge, move your hands as close to your legs as possible and begin to rock back and forth, trying to move your chest forward. If you do everything right, then when you move your chest forward, your legs will come off the floor a little.

You can make a bridge while standing, leaning on a wall, when a lying bridge is already good. Stand with your back to the wall and, leaning back with your hands, lean back. Lower your arms slowly and be careful not to dizzy. If you feel discomfort, stop the exercise. Such a reaction to such a load can take place. But when the body returns to normal, you can continue the exercise.