Effective interval training is the secret to a lean body. Interval training Aerobic interval training

Interval training - youthful look physical activity, which, however, occupies a leading position not only among amateurs, but also among professional athletes. Beginning sports fans use the interval method as an active fat burning program that helps to get rid of extra pounds and emphasize relief. Professional athletes use interval training immediately before sports competitions, which allows you to prepare your body for further high-intensity loads in the shortest possible time.

Basic Principles of Interval Training

Interval training, used to lose weight, give the body relief or improve endurance, is the most effective and optimal type of physical activity that does not require much time or money.

Anyone who wants to drop overweight generally recommend doing cardio

Interval training has a number of principles:

  • the meaning of interval training is cycles that consist of intervals of high and low intensity;
  • the number of cycles in one workout is from 5 to 15;
  • before the start of the training, a warm-up is necessarily carried out, which allows you to prepare the body for stress;
  • at the end of the training, a hitch is carried out, which helps to restore the cardiovascular system, muscles and the whole body after an intense load;
  • cycle time depends on physical fitness athlete, training goal and lasts from 6 seconds to 2 minutes;
  • the duration of the high-intensity interval is equal to the duration of the low-intensity interval. For beginner athletes, the duration of a low-intensity interval can be 2-3 times longer than a high-intensity interval. As training progresses, the difference should decrease;
  • the total duration of one interval workout (excluding warm-up and cool-down) is from 2 to 30 minutes;
  • the number of workouts per week - no more than three. The remaining days, depending on the goals and fitness of the athlete, can be used for rest, strength training or cardio training.

Before starting an interval training program, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and undergo the necessary studies of the cardiovascular system. This will remove the risks associated with high load.

This method allows you to start the combustion process excess fat to the maximum, in terms of efficiency it is several times higher than the cardio load


Interval training occupies a leading position among other types of physical activity due to a number of advantages, namely:

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  1. Active fat burning. More intensive fat burning in comparison with the usual cardio load, associated with the effective activation of metabolic processes that do not end with the end of the workout, but continue further.
  2. Strengthening the cardiovascular system. Regular interval training improves the adaptation of the heart to physical activity. Research in 2017 confirms the ability of the interval method to slow down aging, thanks to an increase in skeletal muscles the number of mitochondria.
  3. Interval training does not require special equipment or a subscription to Gym, you can practice both at home and on the street (at the stadium or in the park).
  4. Interval method - great option for those who do not have a lot of free time. The duration of the workout usually does not exceed 30 minutes.

Interval training will help to significantly improve endurance, get rid of extra pounds, help emphasize the relief and beauty of muscles, without spending a lot of time and money.

Interval training is one of the the best views fat burning workouts

Principles for choosing exercises and intervals

High-intensity interval training is one of the most effective types of training that allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, whether it is losing weight, giving relief to the body or increasing endurance.

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In order to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness when performing an interval training program, it is important to consider several rules:

  • Selection of exercises. With aerobic (low-intensity) training, preference should be given to running, cycling, swimming, jumping rope. For anaerobic (high-intensity) training, push-ups, exercises for the abdominal muscles, squats, exercises with kettlebells, medicine balls are perfect. When choosing exercises, it is important to give preference to those in which the more groups muscles; and ignoring isolated exercises(working out the biceps with dumbbells or quadriceps in the simulator). When working with weights, it is important to determine the optimal weight, since using maximum value, you can be injured.
  • Definition of intervals. Before determining the intervals, it is necessary to find out such a parameter as the maximum heart rate. To do this, you need to subtract your age from 220. The load phase should correspond to 60-80% of the maximum heart rate, and the rest phase should correspond to 40-50%. Depending on these indicators, the most suitable intervals are determined, while the load phase is equal to the rest phase (from a few seconds for beginners to several minutes for more trained athletes).

Interval training has a delayed effect - it starts the fat burning process, which continues after the end of the workout.

  • Rest and recovery. The optimal number of interval training sessions per week is 2-3 times. The rest of the time should be used to restore the body or to perform a less energy-intensive workout (depending on the fitness of a particular person).

Properly composed interval strength or cardio training will allow you to get the desired effect in a short time and at the same time not harm your body.

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Basic techniques

To date, there are such methods of interval training:

  • Waldemar Gerschler method. The essence of the method is to run a distance 3 seconds longer than a personal record until the heart rate returns to normal within 2 minutes after the race. The duration of the workout is up to 30 minutes.
  • Fartlek. The essence of the method is to run a race of two or more people. After a quality warm-up (jogging, intense running, fast walking), athletes compete in speed in a straight line and up the slope, the training ends with slow walking.
  • Tabata method. The duration of the training is 4 minutes, during which you need to complete 8 sets (20 seconds - the fastest possible intensive exercise, 10 seconds - rest). Any exercise can be used. Research confirms that 4 minutes replaces 45 minutes of a full-fledged cardio workout.

Classes at a calm pace will also allow you to effectively get rid of extra pounds.

  • Interval running training. The interval (distance) is selected depending on the preparedness and the goals pursued: short distances to develop strength and power, long ones to improve endurance. Taking a 400m circle as a standard, you need to run 100 meters at 80% of the maximum, and the next 100 meters on foot. When reaching the ability to overcome up to 6 circles, it is recommended to increase the interval (distance) to 200 meters and eventually be able to run the entire circle (400 meters). Then you can return to more comfortable intervals.
  • Rope workouts. A unique example of cardio training, during which the legs are practically not involved. Strength indicators are actively developing, the muscles of the arms, back, abs, chest are strengthened. Initially, rope training was used for MMA fighters and American football players.
  • Weight pull (sleigh, wheels). This exercise targets the muscles of the torso, buttocks and thighs. The correct execution technique prevents flexion of the back, stoop. Developing "explosive" strength, the exercise is widely used in the training of football players and athletes.
  • Sprint. According to research, to improve metabolism, the minimum required duration of physical activity should be 3 ten-minute workouts per week.
  • Mahi kettlebell (dumbbell). For the exercise, it is important to choose such a weight so that when performing a series of swings, the technique remains correct. Mahi kettlebell or dumbbell - an exercise that allows you to use the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks and thighs (back group).

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    What will be required

    The principles of interval training are successfully applied to both cardio and strength training (although the first option is much more common). Many consider interval training to be a form of circuit training. Indeed, these two approaches are similar, but there is still a difference. During circuit training, we perform several exercises in a circle in a classic strength manner, resting only after each circle. In interval strength training, we alternate high intensity and low intensity exercise, resting after each set, allowing the pulse to recover.

    High-intensity exercise refers to strength dynamic exercises or cardio at a fast pace. Low-intensity exercise can be light cardio, rest, or static exercise.

    This method of training is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. Let's consider what are the benefits of interval training, find out who they are contraindicated for, and offer an interval training program in the gym.

    What is interval training?

    Interval training is when we consistently perform work at different levels of intensity. High intensity implies maximum or near maximum speed (in the case of cardio), a large number of repetitions, work almost to failure (in the case of strength exercises) and a high heart rate (on average 80-95% of the maximum).

    The maximum heart rate (MHR) is calculated by the formula:

    • For men: 208 - 0.7 * age in years.
    • For women: 206 - 0.88 * age in years.

    Beginners need to train, trying to keep the pulse equal to about 80-85% of this number. 95% of the MHR is the upper acceptable limit that cannot be exceeded, and it is also undesirable to reach it at the first stages of training. Of course, you can’t constantly train with such a heart rate - the heart will not say “thank you” for this. Constant work at the limit of possibilities leads to the development of arterial hypertension and arrhythmia.

    An intense period is followed by a calm, low-intensity exercise. Most often, athletes prefer to jog or walk with a heart rate of up to 40-60% of the maximum. When strength training during this period, they simply rest, restoring the pulse. You can also walk slowly. This allows you to recover a little after a heavy power load, normalize breathing and prepare your muscles for further work.

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    Benefits of Interval Training

    By training in this manner, you will constantly maintain a relatively high heart rate. Due to this, the metabolic processes in the body will proceed at a higher speed, and effective weight loss is impossible without a fast metabolism.

    The most important thing is that metabolic processes are accelerated not only during the training itself, but also after it - for up to two days.

    This is the main difference from the classic low-intensity cardio, in which the process of fat burning occurs only in the process of exercising. For this reason, the interval training method is best suited for endomorphs who want to quickly get rid of excess fatty tissue.

    Interval training is a great solution for those athletes who do not have time for long strength and cardio workouts. Two to three interval sessions per week will be enough to maintain your current level. muscle mass, do not gain excess adipose tissue and feel in good shape. You won't lose strength or stamina. Horizontal bars and bars located in the neighboring yard, a skipping rope and a pound weight will come to your aid. With this set of equipment, you can fully train and progress steadily.

    In the case of using interval training by experienced cutting athletes, the best option There will be a combination of interval cardio and classic strength training. Allocate different days for them, for example, interval cardio training can be done in the morning 3 times a week, and in the evening on other days, train in the gym the same 3 times. This combination will allow you to burn fat to the maximum and preserve muscle. This method is not suitable for beginners - too much workload, they simply will not have time to recover. 2-3 interval workouts are enough for them.

    The most important advantage for CrossFit fans is the development of strength endurance. Performing strength exercises during interval training occurs at an increased heart rate. Over time, the body adapts and begins to perceive such a load much easier, which will lead to increased strength endurance.


    Regular interval training is contraindicated for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Having arterial hypertension and hypertension, tachycardia, congenital or acquired heart disease, or ischemic disease, you risk harming your health by exercising at a heart rate above 80% of your maximum.

    Take contraindications seriously. Many professional athletes have experienced a hypertensive crisis due to the fact that they did not listen to their body and constantly trained, overcoming pain and fatigue. Unhealthy fanaticism and sports longevity are incompatible things, especially when it comes to power types sports.

    Principles of interval training

    Approach sports as consciously as possible. Apart from the obvious things like compliance correct technique doing exercises and measured breathing(exhalation is always done with effort), we recommend that you adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Overtraining, doing in this vein, is as easy as shelling pears. High intensity requires careful recovery. Pay as much attention to nutrition and sleep as you do to exercise.
    • The period of a low-intensity load should be no less than a high-intensity one. For beginners, it should be 3-5 times more. Only experienced athletes can equalize these intervals. Remember that your task when doing it is to restore strength and breath. Don't do it in a few seconds.
    • Period duration high load- 10-120 seconds. It is better for beginners to start with 10-15 seconds and gradually increase. Another option to increase the intensity is to reduce the time of the low-intensity part.
    • In total, 5-15 cycles can be performed per workout. The total time is 10-30 minutes.
    • Before and after class, you need to conduct a mandatory warm-up and hitch, respectively.
    • Training should be regular. It is important to choose the optimal frequency of training for yourself. For beginners, 2-3 lessons per week will be enough, for more experienced athletes - 3-5.
    • It is not necessary to go to the gym. You can do interval training at home or outdoors.
    • Don't take pre-workout complexes before interval training. During a high-intensity load, the pulse almost reaches the limit values ​​anyway.
    • Don't overwork your cardiovascular system with caffeine and other stimulants.
    • You can not do such hard workouts on an empty stomach. This will lead to a drop in blood glucose levels, which will reduce your performance to zero, and you will not get a normal workout.

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    Types of interval training

    So, you now know the basic principles of organizing interval training. Next, we will talk about the most popular types, including the Tabata protocol, the Hershler method, fartlek and others.

    Tabata Protocol

    This interval training program was developed by Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata and has gained wide popularity in the fitness community. According to the Tabata protocol, the time under load should be four minutes, while alternating heavy and light load. After one such four-minute approach - a little rest. This mode of operation leads to crazy calorie consumption. But you need to thoroughly follow the recommendations for the distribution of the load developed by the doctor:

  1. First comes the period of high-intensity training: 1 period lasts 20 seconds, during which time you need to do about 30 repetitions in an explosive manner.
  2. This is followed by a rest period, it lasts 10 seconds, during which time you can take a little breath and concentrate on the exercise.

We repeat all this for four minutes. As a result, you get 8 approaches, after which you can fully relax and recuperate. There may be several such cycles, depending on the level of training.

Suitable as light exercises like push-ups from the floor or squats with own weight, and heavy basic exercises with a barbell or dumbbells. Bench press is great deadlift, swinging a kettlebell with two hands or jerking a barbell. It all depends on the level of the athlete.

Waldemar Gerschler method

This method is designed specifically for track and field athletes, with it you can easily increase your record in sprinting. For its full application in practice, the runner needs to know his record time in the hundred meters. Training takes place with a heart rate monitor.

First, the athlete must run 100 meters, deliberately showing the result 3 seconds less than the maximum. This is followed by a two-minute break. At this time, you need to completely relax so that the heart rate drops to 120 beats per minute. Then the run is repeated again.

The workout continues until the heart rate has time to recover to 120 beats per minute during a two-minute rest. As a rule, the time of such a lesson does not exceed 20-30 minutes.

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This program is also designed for running. Its essence lies in the fact that two or more people compete for speed interval running. The whole process of the competition consists of 6 periods:

  1. 10 minutes of slow jogging.
  2. 10 minutes of fast, intense running.
  3. 5 minutes of brisk walking to restore breathing.
  4. 100 meters race in a straight line.
  5. 100m race uphill.
  6. 5 minutes of slow walking to restore breathing.

Gym workout program

The above programs are far from the only options for interval training. Everything is limited only by your imagination and level. physical training. You can think of thousands of interval workouts, combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

As part of the interval training program suggested below, we will do 4 workouts per week, two of them cardio, 2 of strength. The purpose of such a complex is fat burning and maintaining muscles in conditions of a calorie deficit.

Workout #1 - Strength
  • - 6-8 sets of 20-40 seconds. Rest between sets - 40-60 seconds.
  • Cooldown - 5 minutes of jumping rope.
Workout #2 - Cardio
  • Warm-up - 5 minutes walk on a treadmill.
  • High-intensity exercise period - 20 seconds of fast running.
  • The period of low-intensity exercise is 40 seconds of walking.
  • Only 10 circles.
  • Hitch - 5 minutes of slow walking.
Workout #3 - Strength
  • Warm-up - 5 minutes of jumping rope.
  • - 3-4 sets of 20-40 seconds. Rest between sets - 40-60 seconds.
Workout #4 - Cardio
  • Warm-up - 5 minutes on an exercise bike.
  • High-intensity period - 20 seconds of the fastest pace on an exercise bike.
  • Low-intensity exercise period - 40 seconds slow pace.
  • Only 10 circles.
  • Cooldown - 5 minutes on an exercise bike.

As you can see, you can alternate almost any exercise. The main thing is to take breaks and replace the high-intensity load with a calmer one so that the heart and muscles can calm down a bit. In the future, to increase the load, you can increase the periods of high-intensity load or the number of circles and approaches, reduce the rest periods, take more weight.

Anyone who wants to lose extra pounds is usually recommended to do cardio.

If you work on them at an average pace, the source of energy for the muscles is fat, which is burned in the process of exercising in significant volumes.

At the same time, the results become more significant if you combine training with a diet.

However, for those who want to lose extra pounds quickly, it would be better to turn to interval training.

This method allows you to start the process of burning excess fat to the maximum; in terms of efficiency, it is several times higher than the cardio load.

Interval training involves alternating the phases of maximum and minimum load during the training process: for example, when running, you need to alternate between sprinting and jogging.

In this case, in the phase of intense load, the body goes into an anaerobic mode of operation, in the low phase, it returns to aerobic.

  • IN aerobic mode fats serve as a source of energy. In this case, the process of their oxidation with oxygen takes place (“aerobic” literally means “with oxygen”). It is in this mode that all cardio workouts take place.
  • Anaerobic mode involves the use of carbohydrates as energy for muscle work. Oxygen in this case does not participate in the oxidation reaction. In the anaerobic mode, training takes place with free weights and on simulators in bodybuilding and powerlifting.


Interval training is one of the best workouts for burning fat. They are much more effective than cardio.

Interval training has a delayed effect - it starts the fat burning process, which continues after the end of the workout.

In addition, long-term cardio training leads to burning muscle tissue. Interval training is devoid of this drawback - it only helps to strengthen the muscles, but not to destroy them.


The disadvantages of interval training include, first of all, the fact that they have contraindications. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, hypertension, atherosclerosis and others.

If you have one of these conditions, you should definitely consult with your doctor before starting interval training.

In addition, this type of exercise is not suitable for all beginners: if you are just starting to practice, such a load may be too heavy for an unprepared body.

If there are contraindications to interval training, it is worth giving preference to working on cardio machines.

Classes at a calm pace will also allow you to effectively get rid of extra pounds. Losing weight with cardio will take longer, but the stress for the body will be less.

Results of interval training

Regular exercise allows you to start a quick process of fat burning. In addition, interval training helps strengthen ligaments and muscles, increase endurance and strength.

Do not forget that the most important condition for successful weight loss is the transition to proper nutrition.

If you have longstanding problems with overweight, without changing the diet, any load will not bring a good effect.

To work with intervals, you can simply use standard views cardio, alternating intervals. It can be:

  • exercises on an exercise bike;
  • classes on an ellipsoid, etc.

There are also training methods designed specifically for interval training.


This technique was named after Dr. Izumi Tabata, who developed it with his research team in the late nineties.

It involves alternating high-intensity loads with rest and takes a minimum of time. In this case, you can use almost any type of load - swings with dumbbells, work with expanders, work on cardio equipment, and so on.

An example is the following: you squat for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds. rest and start a new approach. And so you need to repeat for 4 minutes (i.e. 8 cycles).

Then change the type of exercise and do it in the same way.


Fitmix is ​​a training complex developed by instructor Leonid Zaitsev. It involves the alternation of different movements: imitation of evasion from the blows of an opponent in the fighting ring, tilts to the sides based on a pole, kicks, and so on.

Lesson time - up to half an hour.


Fartlek is a training program that involves running with alternating segments of different intensity. Intervals can be measured not only by time, but also by steps. An example of such a workout:

  • 10 steps at a fast pace;
  • 10 jogging steps;
  • 20 pace steps;
  • 20 jogging steps;
  • 30 steps at a fast pace and so on.

In this way, you can increase the number of steps in one interval to 100 or more, and then reduce them to 10 in the same way. Count only the steps of the right or left foot.

The duration of one lesson is up to 20 minutes.

Rules and principles of training

Before training, be sure to warm up. It can be jumping rope, running, working on an exercise bike, etc. Five minutes is enough. At the end of the interval training, a hitch should be done in the same way.

In order to navigate the phases of work, at the beginning of training, you need to use a heart rate monitor: the body works in an aerobic mode, when the pulse does not exceed 85% of the maximum heart rate.

This frequency is individual for each person, it depends on age. You can calculate it using a simple formula: 205.8 - (0.685 x AGE). With some experience, you can navigate by feeling, moving from one phase to another.

With interval training, it is necessary to correctly choose the duration of the phases of maximum and minimum load.

On initial stage the first should last 3-5 times less than the second. At the same time, the duration of the phases should be short - 10 seconds will be enough for a high-intensity phase, and a low-intensity phase, respectively, should last from 30 to 50 seconds.

Regular workouts at home or in the gym lead to significant gains, no matter what you do: pedaling hard, using the method, holding steady or amateurs for a long time, all this leads to weight loss and fat burning.

However, there comes a moment, no matter how hard you try, the weight stands still and the infection does not want to decrease. Streams of sweat come from you, your heart will soon jump out, and the numbers on the scales of the bastards do not go down in any way, if you lose weight, then it’s not at all where you want, and in the end the effect of “stagnation” occurs. This is a normal reaction of the body, when limiting nutrition and getting used to the loads, our body does not waste, but accumulates energy.

For improvement physical form and further burning of body fat, it is necessary to introduce a variety in training, a kind of “shock therapy”, to which the body is not accustomed, and for him it will be new.

What is interval training:

In the form of "shock therapy" and acts Interval training is the alternation of high-intensity and low-intensity training. , in other words, the exercises are performed in a fast, explosive manner, and then at a slow pace and again at a fast pace, constantly alternating them include additional reserves that help burn calories.

How should interval training work?

Before starting the exercises, perform a general warm-up of all muscle groups;

Normal interval training time is 1 - 1.5 hours;

Each phase of the exercise (whether fast or slow) should last about 10 minutes. It is allowed to perform for 3-5 minutes if the level of fitness is very low, as your fitness improves, gradually increase the intensity by 1 minute.

At the end of your workout, cool down by stretching and relaxing tired muscle tissue.

Alternating fast and slow pace workouts allows you to burn more calories!

Interval training in the gym:

In the gym, for this purpose, the alternate use of strength exercises with work on an exercise bike or a treadmill is chosen, consider the example below:

1. Warm up all muscle groups 5-10 minutes;

2. Easy jogging on a treadmill, pedaling an exercise bike or doing an orbit track for 5 minutes;

3. 15 dumbbell squats or lunges followed by 3 minutes of cycling;

4. 15 push-ups from the floor, then 3 minutes of jogging;

5. 15 reps on the press, perform twisting, raising the torso or raising the legs is up to you, it is better to alternate them;

6. Run 5-7 minutes moving from a calm pace to an explosive manner and vice versa;

7. 10 push-ups from the bars;

8. 5-10 minute jogging to calm the body;

9. 5-10 minutes hitch of muscles, for their relaxation.

It is up to you to decide what weight to take, start from the very minimum, only you will feel that the body has grown stronger and more strength has appeared, increase and the amount, but carefully monitor your condition, if the stars fly and it starts to get dark before your eyes, immediately stop the exercises and reduce the load.

Interval training at home:

♦ Stair steps:

Many do not even suspect the benefits of steps in our corridors.
To start:
> climb 20 steps up, then go down, do this 5-6 times in a row;
> gradually, as your fitness improves, increase the number of steps and the number of approaches;
> Alternate between walking and running up stairs.

You can make this exercise harder by going down the stairs and doing 20 squats or jumping jacks, and then go up again.

The heart is well trained, breathing develops and the quadriceps, biceps of the hips and buttocks are strengthened;

♦ Jump rope:

- This great exercise for the development of the calf muscles and strengthening the hips. Start with 20 jumps, gradually increasing their number, constantly changing the rhythm of jumps. By his own example, he jumped 400-500 times, and a familiar boxer jumped without a break for 35 minutes, while he did not have shortness of breath;

♦ Running:

Are in a good way raising the “physical” of the body, run at different paces from explosive to slow, alternate its duration, change the terrain, use rough terrain, descents, ascents, fallen trees in the forest. Also try running on top speed, how much strength you have, then go to a quick step, after resting, put all your strength again.

Make running constantly varied, but in no case do not stop to sit down or lie down even worse, the body must be in constant motion, this is the only way to speed up metabolism and burn fat and calories.


Interval training should not be used constantly, since at this time the body is working for wear and tear, this requires maximum body effort and high energy consumption. Usually it is used before competitions or preparation for summer season. Train in this manner for no more than 4-8 weeks, then let your body rest by moving on to your regular workouts. After 2-3 months, you can use it again.

Everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for the fastest and effective ways burning excess fat. Is it worth explaining that comprehensive measures are needed: a revision of the nutrition system, the selection of training. But what kind physical activity allows you to achieve maximum results in a limited amount of time? The answer is simple: interval training.

What gives this type of fitness?

Interval fitness what is it? Interval fitness got its name because of the short breaks between exercises. This method allows you to reduce the duration of the workout, while not reducing its effectiveness. A system in which between approaches and different types load is done short break, borrowed from professional sports. This method helps to maintain the required frequency heart rate, at which there is an active fat burning.

Of course, to feel the effectiveness, you have to work: for example, thirty seconds of intense squat exercises, then a short rest (about 10 seconds) and again 30 seconds of intense loads. The duration of the repetition of approaches will be 5-10 minutes. A number of studies have shown that just such a quick change of low and high intensity within the class is much more effective than classic strength and cardio workouts.

Features and nuances

Interval fitness requires certain knowledge and experience to correctly calculate the optimal alternation periods. In this case, running, squats, push-ups, jumping and other high-intensity exercises alternate with a short rest. Load change cycles are repeated 5-10 times. It is very important that the heart rate in the rest phase should not be less than 40-50% of the maximum, and in the intense load phase, the frequency should be 60-80% of the maximum. The duration of the rest phase is equal to the duration of the load phase.

Such training is not intended for a constant load, that is, you should not engage in this system week after week. Better give yourself a period interval training lasting a few weeks, and then switch to regular training for 1-2 months.

Interval classes can also be carried out using additional equipment, for example, dumbbells, tapes, steps, shock absorbers and more.

In addition to interval fitness, there is interval water aerobics. You are chest-deep in water and run along the bottom of the pool, overcoming the resistance of the water, and then raise and lower the dumbbells.

There are 3 main types of interval training:

  • Tai bo. Combination of aerobic exercises with exercises of combat programs.
  • Total body workout. A complete study of all muscles is based on a combination of aerobic programs with strength programs that are performed on a step platform.
  • Circuit training. This program is author's and uses various sports equipment.

To understand what it is Interval fitness for weight loss will help the video: