How to make your hand wider. Push-ups on fists

Large sculpted biceps are the dream of many men. For the sake of achieving it, they train for several hours without sparing themselves in gyms. This muscle is an integral part of a harmonious body.
You will learn how to pump up the biceps in width without the use of steroids. But first, let's figure out what "banks" are.

The biceps includes a pair of muscles that perform a dual function:

Shoulder muscle. It originates from the middle of the arm in front, passes through the shoulder and is attached to the ulna. Its main function is to bend the elbow. It is directly involved in the implementation of elbow flexion, however, not in supination.

2-head muscle of the shoulder. Includes a pair of heads starting at different locations on the shoulder blade. The heads are connected on the radius, which can turn. Her main function consists in supination of the forearm and flexion of the elbow. The semi-brachial and brachial muscles help the 2-main muscle.

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The most common mistake that athletes make when pumping biceps is overtraining. Many
athletes, in an effort to quickly achieve the desired result, train for hours in gyms, doing one set after another of curls with dumbbells, with a barbell, on a simulator. Most of these exercises are performed without any meaning, and as a result, the athlete wastes time without achieving any result. To avoid this, you should train according to a specific program created by qualified specialists.

Another common reason why some people can't increase the size of their cans is due to incorrect bending technique. You need to stand straight, take your shoulders back and lower them down so that most of the load falls on the biceps.

Best Exercises

So, we figured out the anatomy and the main mistakes. Now let's figure out how you can pump up the biceps in width. Below are exercises created by experienced fitness trainers to achieve maximum effect after every visit to the gym.

Use only optimal technique and do not lift too much weight so as not to harm your own health:

1. Bending arms with dumbbells, with a barbell. Grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip, with your elbows firmly pressed to your sides. Focus all your attention on your biceps. Flexion do with 100 percent amplitude, without wasting time to rest at the highest point. Squeeze the biceps, return to the previous position.

2. To carry out bending with dumbbells, stand straight, keep your hands squeezing the dumbbells strictly along the torso. Bending your arms, try to rotate your wrists so that at the top point of the amplitude the palms are turned up and the thumbs look outward. At the extreme point, squeeze the muscles, return your hands to their original position.

3. Approximately in the middle of a training session, when the muscles are tired and extremely significant competent technique exercises and balance, use the Smith machine. Rest your chest on the elbow pad, arms hanging down. With a shoulder-width grip, grab a barbell with a moderate weight, raise it and lower it.

4. Bending the arms with dumbbells on a bench in an incline. This is an excellent special tool for gradual increase muscle mass. Set the slope of the bench to 45°. Lie on your back on the bench, and so that your shoulders are in contact with its surface. Raise and lower straight arms with dumbbells. Repeat this about 10 times.

5. Bending in a sitting position. Sit on the edge of a bench. Bend forward with a dumbbell, resting your elbow on your thigh. Bend your arm with a dumbbell to your shoulder. Use the optimal weight for you, which you can not only lift, but also control. Do not help yourself with your shoulder, let the biceps do all the work.

6. Bending the arms "Hammer". Helps to pump up the upper part of the biceps. Lower the dumbbells along the body, trying to keep the wrist motionless. Bend up, squeeze the muscles, at the end of which return to the previous position. Bending can be done alternately, with both hands at once.


Beginners should not train daily, as muscles should be accustomed to loads gradually, and not immediately. For example, you can start with three training sessions during the week lasting 1 hour. We must not forget that you can get beautiful “banks” only thanks to a large number of repetitions and exercises through strength. To increase biceps in size, do 8-13 repetitions.

To prevent muscle adaptation from occurring, alternate exercises after a couple of training sessions.
The most effective stimulating factor is a gradual increase in the level of load. After 2-3 training sessions add weight. Just do not overdo it, otherwise all efforts will go to waste, but you don’t need to make yourself indulgent. Defeat yourself, be persistent and the result will not be long in coming!

How to create voluminous and embossed arm muscles without increasing the duration of training? Take 30 minutes of hard work and reap the harvest in the form of powerful and beautiful hands!

I have always been attracted by the power that can be applied in practice. I also love working with people and explaining to them that hard muscle work often brings more joy than the aesthetic enjoyment of an athletic reflection in a mirror. However, I often encounter a problem that was described by Bob Hoffman. In those distant times, when bodybuilding had not yet formed as an independent sport, his wards, Olympians, were already obsessed with the size and shape of their hands. And instead of fighting a manic obsession with biceps and triceps, I decided to channel this energy into a good direction.

Due to the different lengths and the presence of several points of origin and attachment of the biceps and triceps, you can accentuate each head of these muscles by varying the position of the arms and rotating the hands in the wrist joints.

And since your hands are actively involved in the work being done top body, you just need to adjust your actions a little, and shapeless piles of muscles will turn into embossed jackhammers!

Half hour arm strength training

With this complex, you will learn how to use various tricks and tricks to create powerful and evenly developed hands. We will perform three pairs of exercises, forming supersets of sets for biceps and triceps.

We’ll start with hard work with heavy weights, and then smoothly move on to high-rep training to force maximum hypertrophy. Training will not take you much time, but it will give a powerful impetus to increase the volume and shape the relief of the biceps and triceps.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Training program

Superset 1:

For me, no the best exercise to create massive and strong triceps than the JM press. This move is often used by powerlifters to turn jelly-like muscles into concrete extensors that Optimus Prime himself would envy. Do five repetitions and immediately move on to pull-ups. Then, after resting properly, add weight and repeat the superset. Keep increasing the weight on each set to make your final set a living hell.

This is primarily an exercise for the back, but electromyography shows that the reverse grip creates a serious load on the biceps, which falls mainly on short head. You can use straps for support, or, conversely, put on a sports belt and add weight.

Superset 2:

Done right, dips are a great way to develop strong triceps. Ideally, you should use V-bars, which allow you to change the grip width, but you can work with what is at hand. To make push-ups as effective as possible, you will need an additional load. To do this, hold dumbbells between your legs, use an expander or a sports belt. And take care of your shoulders - do not let them fall below your elbows.

By using a reverse grip, you make the work of the long head of the biceps a little easier. (You can check: bend right hand at a 90° angle and place your left hand on your right biceps. Now rotate the brush and notice how the muscle tension changes). Performing bending reverse grip, you are forcing the growth of the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, and you know that every bodybuilder dreams of having a powerful shoulder muscle, protruding from under a strong biceps.

Superset 3:

The standing French press works best on the long head. You can increase the range of motion by performing the exercise unilaterally (with one hand). It also reduces the risk of elbow pain.

In the starting position, the arms are located behind the plane of the body, and this stretches the long head of the biceps and creates an additional load on it. Since the biceps are also involved in the rotation of the hand, I prefer to start with a hammer grip and rotate the hand as I move.

Any athlete sooner or later faces the question of how to pump up the wrists. This task is very difficult, but not impossible. You just need to find correct exercises and do them regularly.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that there are very few muscles on the wrists, and therefore there is nothing special to pump.. But at the same time, even the slightest increase in volume can give them a more solid and massive look. And strong and voluminous wrists are an indispensable component of a sports body.

The absence of a large number of muscles in the wrist area does not make the task unsolvable, since they can be enlarged and strengthened due to the tendons. They are the main object for study.

Tendons, like muscles, adapt to loads, grow and get stronger, which in turn gives a considerable increase in hand strength. So, how to pump up the wrists, and make them voluminous and strong?

How to pump up the wrists? Carpal expander as an example of an effective method

This unpretentious and simple tool can significantly increase the strength of the hand and work out the muscles and tendons in the wrist area. Those who really want to achieve a positive result need not just deal with it, they need to love it. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, and not everyone has dumbbells or a barbell at home.

And here carpal expander- this thing is not expensive and does not take up much space, but what is it worth getting it out of your pocket during a break between tasks and doing it a couple of dozen times. Regular classes with an expander they can do wonders with the hands and wrists.

Bodyweight exercises

To get started, do the most simple exercises without the use of shells and improvised items.

  • Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms down. Squeeze your hands tightly into fists and hold for a second, unclench. Perform the desired number of repetitions.
  • The position of the hands is the same. Perform bending of the arms in the wrists up so that the hand, in the extreme position, is perpendicular to the forearm.
  • A similar exercise, only bending the wrists is performed down.

Crossbar exercises

Every boy from childhood knows that the horizontal bar is the very first assistant in the development of all muscle groups. Any exercises on the crossbar are done by using the hands, which means that the wrists are worked out along with all the other muscles. Despite this, there are several exercises that work out this area even better, namely:

  • Pull-ups or hanging at the fingertips.
  • Hanging in the highest position. To do this, you need to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar and stay in this position as much as you have strength. You can perform the exercise by holding the crossbar with both a regular and reverse grip.
  • Pull-ups on ropes or towels. To do this, they need to be tied to the crossbar and, holding them with your hands, perform pull-ups. Similar and no less effective action rope climbing on the wrists.
  • Pull-ups on a thickened pipe. You can thicken the crossbar with plastic pipe or throw an existing towel over it.

Push ups

This exercise can also be performed in different variations while training different groups muscles. With the help of some of its types, you can work out the wrists and hands by giving them greater loads than with classic push-ups. The catch is that they are not suitable for beginners, and in order to perform them you need to be physically prepared and have strong hands.

When the wrists and fingers have sufficient strength, you can begin to do push-ups relying on your fingers. At first, you can focus on your knees. When the arms become powerful enough, it will be possible to move on to performing a full-fledged exercise with an emphasis on the toes of the legs.

The same applies to the next variation, namely push-ups on outside palms. It is very important to do the exercise carefully so as not to injure yourself.

Dumbbells and barbells

When pumping your wrists, you do not need to chase large weights. It won't lead to anything good. If you use heavy dumbbells and barbells, you can damage the tendons. All previous successes will be burned, and after a long recovery process, you will need to start all over again.

1) Take a light dumbbell. We place the forearms on the thigh or bench parallel to the floor. The hand with the dumbbell hangs down and is turned perpendicular to the floor. We lower the brush to the lowest position, then raise it to the highest position. We perform the required number of repetitions and change the hand.

2) Exercise similar to the first, only we place the hand with the palm up. After the desired number of repetitions, we take the dumbbell in the other hand and repeat the exercise. It is better to perform it not on both hands at once, but on each separately. This will allow you to better concentrate on the correct execution. You can also use a barbell for this exercise.

3) The position of the hand is similar to the first two exercises, but now the palm is facing down. To perform it, you will need a dumbbell or barbell of less weight, since the wrist extensors are weaker than the flexors, and they need to create less load. We make movements to the lowest position and lift up. We perform the required number of repetitions.

4) Next exercise similar to the second when the palm is facing up. The difference lies in the fact that during the movement of the brush to the extreme bottom point you have to bend your fingers. The dumbbell at this time rolls to the fingertips. With the reverse movement, by bending the fingers, we return the dumbbells to the palm and hold, raise the brush up.

5) Take a dumbbell in your hand and place your forearm on your thigh or bench so that your palm is turned down. Fulfill rotational movements first in one direction, then in the other direction.

6) Take the barbell behind your back and take a standing position. The palms are turned back. The arms are straight, only the hands work. Raise and lower the bar by bending your arms at the wrists. It is important that when moving down, the fingers unbend as much as possible and the palm opens. In the lowest position, the bar is held at the fingertips. Next, the fingers are compressed and an upward movement is performed.

Another exercise that can work your wrists and forearms well is the Zottman curl. It also develops many other muscle groups, but the creep it has on the forearms and wrists cannot be overlooked.

The exercise is performed in the following order:

  • In a standing position, you need to take dumbbells in both hands. The elbows are pressed to the body, the shoulders are motionless, the palms are turned to the body.
  • We begin to raise the dumbbells to the biceps and at the same time turn our hands palms up.
  • When the dumbbells are at shoulder level, stop moving and hold them for a few seconds.
  • Next, in the extreme upper position, turn the brushes around the axis so that the palms look down.
  • We lower the dumbbells and at the same time turn the brushes. In the lower position, the palms should be facing the body.
  • Do the same for the required number of repetitions.

This is only a small part of the exercises with which you can pump your wrists, but by doing them you can achieve good result and see the fruits of your labor in just a few months.

Well, that's all, strengthen your wrists properly! And remember that whoever tries, succeeds. We recommend that you also read the article on how to pump up your arms at home. Good luck) and see you soon in new articles.

There is an opinion among the people that it is unrealistic to pump up the wrists on your own. But you don’t need to believe it, because there are many good examples when athletes with thin hands managed to develop them to huge sizes. If you look closely at bodybuilders, you will notice that their hands look harmonious with the rest of the pumped up body. At the same time, it becomes clear that they were not born with such wrists, but simply developed them. It is important to understand that the hands are a complex part of the body that is difficult to change. But there are many ways to increase the size of the wrist.

How to enlarge your wrists?

Often people want to strengthen their hands and enlarge their wrists in these three cases:

  1. Sports activities during which you need to lift a heavy load. For example, if you have weak arms, then it is impossible to pump up the biceps and other muscle groups.
  2. The constant development of the wrists is always needed by amateurs martial arts and boxers. This is due to the fact that such training helps to perform strong blows.
  3. The natural weakness of the hands, which makes it impossible to perform various daily tasks or any other hard work.

During the development of the wrists, you need to pay attention to a little warm-up, because it is very easy to hurt your hands, even when using small weights. Common performance problems different exercises tendon microtrauma. They will make themselves felt very strongly in old age. To avoid such microtraumas, a small warm-up should be carried out. To do this, you need to fold your hands with a “lock”, and after that you need to perform waves with the help of your hands. This exercise allows you to warm up your wrists very well. It must be done within three minutes. You can then switch to general exercises. However, you need to start with easy and gradually move on to heavy manipulations. This will make it possible to avoid injuries and insure yourself.

It is important to be patient, because strengthening muscles requires a lot of time from a person. Having completed several effective exercises, the athlete will not be able to have powerful claws the next morning. An important factor in obtaining a positive result is the consistency of training. You don’t need to arrange “weekends” for yourself simply because of your laziness.

Many beginners in the sport wind their arms around to strengthen their forearms. elastic bandages. However, this does not allow you to get the result from the training that you are counting on. Wrists will not be stronger if you lift different loads with the help of such bandages. It is better to do exercises with a small weight in order to achieve a good result. It is important to know that the change in the width of the wrists is directly dependent on the design of the body. Therefore, you should not count on huge wrists if the person himself is thin by nature.

Wrist exercises

When deciding how to enlarge your wrists on your own, you need to understand that you can’t do without exercise equipment and sports equipment. A common fixture now is an expander. But not always athletes manage to choose for themselves a model that allows you to pump up your wrists. For beginners, it is better to choose an expander with medium hardness, and after that you can gradually increase the load. It is best to purchase two expanders - one soft for warm-ups, and the second for basic manipulations.

There are several exercises on how to pump up the wrists:


Stretching should be done during all workouts, for this reason it is important to include it in the warm-up. If an athlete naturally has poorly developed wrists, then he needs to stretch before training. Stretching begins with the fact that the athlete needs to get on all fours and point his fingers in his direction. Next, you need to gradually move the body back until tension in the wrist area. It is important in this case not to overdo it. You can also stretch your wrist in the cobra pose. To do this, lie face down on the floor. At the same time, hands should be directed towards you. This exercise is very effective.

Flexion of the arms at the wrists.

This exercise can be done at home to increase the flexibility and strength of the forearm muscles. By doing bending, you can enlarge your wrists over time. From the very beginning, you need to put your hands palms up on your leg. The forearms in this case should lie entirely on the legs. It is also necessary to take the load in your hand and gradually lower it down. Such exercises for the wrists take 5 seconds, after which the hands can be returned to their previous position. You need to perform 2 sets of 10 times for each hand. To get excellent results, you need to do it 4 times a week.

Reverse stretch

Performing this stretch after a workout can reduce pain and the risk of injury. It should be done after any workout. To do this, the athlete needs to bend one arm at the wrist so that the palm is with inside. With the other hand, you need to press a little on the first to increase the flexion. This hold should take up to 10 seconds. After that, you can switch to the other hand and repeat all the manipulations.

Bicep Curl

Although this exercise trains the biceps, it also strengthens and enlarges the wrist. When performing this exercise, the athlete needs to keep the hands and forearms straight. First you need to take the barbell from below, while using a small weight. You need to stand straight and keep the bar at the level of the hips. After that, you need to try to pull the bar with your wrists. You should perform the same number of approaches as with a simple biceps workout. This exercise must be done using a reverse grip.

pancake squeezing

Many do not know how to pump up their wrists, so they make a lot of mistakes and do not give themselves the opportunity to get the result they are counting on. The pancake squeeze is often used to build up the wrists, strengthen the forearms, and improve grip. You can lift not only pancakes, but also other heavy loads. The exercise begins with the fact that 1-2 pancakes are taken in the hand and held perpendicular to the floor. First you need to squat, and then rise. After completing the exercise with one hand, you can safely switch to the other hand. It is important to perform 3 sets of 10 times or any other number of times at your discretion. In the absence of pancakes, you can take a thick book.

Wrist Roller Workouts

Often this projectile can be seen in athletes in gyms. If you wish, you can do it yourself. Such a roller is a short neck with a rope to which a load is attached. The athlete must take the bar with both hands palms down and twist it back and forth, as when riding a motorcycle. You need to do 3 sets of 10 times.

Push-ups on fists

By performing such an exercise, you can not only strain your wrists, but also strengthen your forearms. It is important for the athlete to keep the forearms straight. For beginners, it is better to do 3 sets of 10 times.

Wrist exercise after a fracture

Most effective exercises after a fracture of the wrist, they are done with the help of twisting. By changing the direction of movement, the athlete can easily engage several muscle groups. You can even perform it at home as a set of recovery exercises after injuries. The athlete needs to pick up dumbbells or any other heavy load. After that, it is necessary to gradually take the dumbbells away from you and again return to the starting position. You need to do two approaches 10 times. You need to train 4 times a week.

If a person wants to pump up his wrists, it is important to regularly perform all the exercises for this and do not forget about warming up and stretching. You should not wait for the result immediately after the first workout, because it can be noticed not earlier than after six months of regular training.

Video tutorial How to strengthen your wrist

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