Incline Bench Press 30. Incline Bench Press! Competent technique and interesting chips that are little known

Since my articles about exercises are mainly devoted not to their simple description, which is not lacking on the Internet, but to technical nuances and attempts to classify them, justify them theoretically and practically, then another exercise that I have something to say about is bench press wide grip, on incline bench(head up) at an angle of 20-40 *.
In principle, the incline press engages the same muscles as horizontal press, but shifts the emphasis in the load from the lower middle part, to the middle upper part pectoralis major muscles and the front of the deltoid muscles, which are involved more strongly and more fully. Triceps works to the fullest in both horizontal and incline bench presses - there is simply nowhere for it to go.

The "trick" is that often horizontal and incline press are perceived “separated by commas”, as something very similar both in execution and in meaning - as if the difference is only in the emphasis on the upper chest, but in fact, in terms of execution technique and meaning, there is a huge gap between these exercises.

So, if the horizontal bench press is a general strength exercise (unless it's a fitness bench, described in my article "three hypostases of the bench press or how I searched for the truth"), and not just for development shoulder girdle and chest (but mainly for their development, of course), the situation is somewhat different with the incline press.
The incline press is an exercise specifically for the front parts of the deltas, chest, and triceps, and nothing more. Neither the general tension of the muscles of the whole body, nor the legs, nor the lats can “help” these muscles in lifting the bar here - no bridge or other “cheating” will work here, just as there are no options for the trajectory of lifting the barbell, as in the horizontal bench press. .

Those. the weight is lifted solely by the strength of the muscles of the agonists of this multi-joint movement - the chest, deltas, and triceps (or we can say that they are all equal synergists in this movement), without options, along a vertical trajectory with the elbows spread apart (the elbows are always under the bar, which falls on the top of the chest) is correct technique performing this exercise.
And real progress in this exercise begins when a tangible “track” appears in the lifting trajectory, corresponding to balance, balance, and the most rational lifting of the bar (it is very convenient and effective to do it in a Smith machine, where this track is provided by the simulator itself).

Therefore, even the most “original” ones that declare that the classic bench press is useless for chest development precisely because of its general strength character, they hardly have anything against the incline press.

Thus, the incline press is a technically simpler exercise, more isolating, and it develops the chest, deltas, and triceps to the maximum.

Very often, amateurs who are primarily concerned with the result in the horizontal bench press, with solid working weights and the total mass of the pectoral muscles, have an underdevelopment of its upper part.
Meanwhile, by focusing the load on the upper chest and front deltas with an inclined bench press, it is possible, due to their additional strengthening, to increase the overall power potential in the bench press, and, as a result, the result in the horizontal bench press will increase.
And also, doing incline bench presses on a consistent progressive basis can't have a positive effect on standing/sitting press results.

This is not about doing incline presses after horizontal ones, in one workout, as is done everywhere, but about replacing horizontal presses with inclined ones, in separate workouts (for example, alternating from workout to workout, incline and horizontal presses as the main chest exercise), and, accordingly, the perception of incline presses not as an addition to the horizontal one, but as an independent full-fledged exercise. Where progress is just as important as in the bench press, bench press, and squat for example - this is about the correct approach to the incline bench press for advanced lifters who are concerned with both chest development and maximum bench press performance (and who isn't). ...).

For fans not concerned about power indicators in traditional exercises like bench press and standing, but thinking only about strength in principle, regardless of specific exercises, and the development of muscle shapes and volumes, the incline press can generally become an alternative exercise for the chest (for example, replacing the classic tandem of exercises for the chest and shoulder girdle in the framework of " general "trainings - horizontal bench press + standing press, for an alternative - incline bench press at an angle of 30 * + "pulling" the bar to the chin while standing or laying dumbbells to the sides while standing).

The case when the incline press may even be preferable to the horizontal press - the so-called. super-abbreviated "general" workouts, in which shoulder presses (standing / sitting) may not be performed at all, and all efforts are focused on building up results, for example, only in three exercises: bench press, some back row (pull-up or bent over row) and squat.

Also, an incline bench press at an angle of 20-30 * instead of a horizontal one can be recommended for beginners for the first few months of training, as a more comfortable and technically simple exercise. At the same time, it perfectly develops muscles that work in the horizontal bench press, which will then facilitate the process of mastering the horizontal bench press - with muscles already prepared and trained to some extent.

N.B. Sometimes beginners are advised to do the bench press (no matter incline, horizontal) in the Smith machine for the first time, as a simpler and more comfortable exercise. In my opinion, this is completely inappropriate if in the future it is supposed to do a bench press with a free barbell - the coordination skill for creating and maintaining a lifting trajectory must be developed from the very beginning so that there will be no problems in the future when switching to a regular barbell.
Therefore, if you plan to work with a free bar in a horizontal bench press, then I recommend starting with an inclined one, of course, only with a free bar - this is a technically simpler exercise that perfectly develops strength and coordination for the subsequent development of a horizontal bench press.
About the difference and expediency of free weights and power simulators in principle, I wrote in the article “strength machines & free weights – which is better?”.


In amateur weight training, a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary exercises are often used for absolutely nothing, a simple amateur. The bench press on an incline bench certainly does not apply to them, at the same time, oddly enough, it is often unreasonably ignored, or perceived as an “appendage” to the horizontal bench press - it is performed after it in one workout, when either there is no strength, or even can be harmful (lead to overtraining).
With this article, I tried to emphasize the usefulness and need for amateur training, the bench press on an incline bench. As always, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth and the completeness of the information provided.

Hello! We continue the topic of various exercises for pumping individual muscles and today we will talk again about breast pumping. Most gym goers love this theme because breasts get a lot of attention.

This is one of the favorite muscles that many people enjoy training. And even pain after a workout is perceived as pleasant. And I'm no exception...

Now, when I hit the keys, I just feel pain in the muscle fibers after a workout in the gym. But let's talk about the topic. So...

If we are talking about dumbbell bench press lying on an inclined bench, then several muscle groups are affected here at once:

  • Breast;
  • Shoulder.
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Triceps;
  • back muscles;

Shoulder muscles and triceps advantage perform a contractile function. Their main feature is that during the exercise they help each other work. (muscles-synergists).

The back in this case is pumped more passively, directly when the dumbbells go down (negative phase). The anterior pectoral muscles are responsible for the push, after that all the rest muscle groups used during the exercise.

Our main task is to reduce the involvement of all extraneous muscles, except for the pectorals, as far as possible during the exercise.

This is achieved by the execution technique, the angle of the bench and the special position of the body. We'll talk about this a little lower.

Using the angle of the bench

As I said in the article about the angle of inclination, it directly affects the muscles that will tense up with us. But let's repeat in this article:

  1. If the angle is increased too much, shoulder muscles and the back will be heavily overloaded, then the chest will practically not receive a load;
  2. If you lower the bench too low (reduce the angle), the triceps will be overloaded.

To solve this problem, it is enough to follow a simple rule: you need to increase the angle of the bench by no more than 20-30 degrees. Then the muscles are included in the work most harmoniously, and when performing approaches with the head up, the load on all muscle groups will be distributed evenly.

Why is the incline press better than the classic?

This exercise is the one that I would advise girls first of all. Do you know why? Because it is the most effective for chest training as such.

Since girls should not pump their breasts much (because this makes no sense), then even if you use only this exercise to train the chest, this will be quite enough. It is very cool! Why women do not need to focus on breasts I wrote

Before starting a workout, it is very important to consider that girls have a minimum of muscle in their upper body. Therefore, the training program, the load and the number of approaches should be developed taking into account these features.

Too intense training can cause stress to the body and the appearance of pain in chest. In addition, during training it is very important to ensure that there are no injuries and blows to the chest. In addition to the muscles, the mammary glands can be affected due to the impact. Exercises with dumbbells for girls should be done slowly to avoid overload.

The best thing to do when lifting heavy weights is not to train alone. When performing approaches, you will also need to monitor correct breathing. So it will turn out to save strength much longer, and the exercise will be much more effective.

It makes sense for men to “bomb” their chest in a hard way. Therefore, they can use a whole arsenal of chest exercises. By the way - there is an article where you can choose for yourself some

But why is the incline press so good? Here are the most compelling reasons for this:

  1. Amplitude. We have the ability to lower dumbbells much lower than the barbell, because we do not have a bar. This makes the exercises more difficult to do and therefore more effective.
  2. Safety. Since the weight of the dumbbells is quite small - when the muscles are turned off, we can simply throw the dumbbells on the floor and we will not be crushed. Although I never do this (I hate it), but this is my personal opinion. Throw pancakes on the floor, dumbbells for health, only it makes sense if you really can’t hold them in your hands anymore, and don’t just throw them, because you are an ill-mannered goat.
  3. Supination. At the highest point, we can turn the dumbbells in our palms in order to better feel the contraction of the muscles. It's very efficient!

But I am sure you will be interested to know something else related to the incline press and scientific research. More on that below.

Research by Bret Contreras

A certain Bret Contreras conducted an experiment that recorded the degree of muscle involvement during training using the most different exercises. The goal is to find out which exercises for which muscles are the most effective in terms of mass gain.

For this, he used an electromyograph. This is such a device that uses everything in medicine. After he published the results of his research in 2010, it generated a wave of great surprise, since the very foundations of bodybuilding were affected. Some habits, postulates that have existed for years.

Bret himself is very turned on bodybuilding and is a fan of it. Moreover, he is a scientific researcher who has modern equipment, he is a writer and a famous fitness trainer. That is, a person is not just a theorist, but a practitioner and researcher! This is a word about the fact that this guy is not such a mediocre figure in the field of iron sports.

And here he is (in the photo below) torturing the skeleton and telling something there. Hey Bret!

So, according to research results, the most effective for the upper breast in terms of involvement muscle fibers It turned out to be the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench. Next in descending order:

  • 2nd place - horizontal bench press with a wide grip in the style of "guillotine" (when the bar of the bar falls to the throat).
  • 3rd place - bench press on the floor.

But that is not all. There are a couple more interesting facts:

  • According to research, the barbell bench press on an incline bench works more on the MIDDLE chest than on the upper one.
  • The classic bench press was generally called the most ineffective for the chest. Surprised? I think yes.

Here's the research guys. How do you feel about such things? It's just that there are people who, having learned about some kind of research, perceive it all too categorically. Someone writes that now he will not do a regular bench press, there will only be an inclined one.

Personally, I respect such studies, but I do not consider them absolute truth. In any case, only practice will help you figure it out finally. Try, listen to the sensations, draw conclusions. This is very difficult, because it requires conscious training.

Unpleasant moments

Yes, there are some unpleasant moments that you should pay attention to:

  1. High risk of accidental injury. Since the weight of the dumbbells can be large, even with perfect technique, there may be errors. Still, we are human beings, we can do something inadvertently. But in this exercise the slightest jerk of a heavy weight dumbbell to the side can lead to rupture of ligaments, damage to tendons and other injuries. Such injuries take a long time to heal and interfere with training.
  2. The impossibility of a smooth increase in weight. This problem will affect only very healthy guys who work with extreme weights. For example - you want to move from a weight of 45 kg to a slightly heavier weight, for example 47 kg. But you may conclude that you cannot do this, because there are no pancakes that would make you gain that much weight. I have to hang 50 at once, and this is too much.

It's time to move on to discussing the execution technique in order to avoid injuries and learn useful tricks.

Secrets and subtleties of execution technique

The first thing I want to talk about is how to take dumbbells and throw them. How do I see it in gyms? There people are divided into several groups in this respect:

  1. Some lie down on a bench, take dumbbells from the floor, and throw them with the strength of the biceps to their original position to the shoulders.
  2. Others, before lying down on the bench, stand up and take dumbbells in their hands, throw them to their shoulders, and only then sit on the bench.
  3. Still others, while standing, take dumbbells, rest them on their hips (above the knees), sit down and then help to throw the dumbbells to their shoulders with a push of the legs in turn. This is the most correct technique if no one helps you.
  4. But in my gym, guys pulling heavy weights just asked 2 people to help them lift the shells to their original position. It is too a good option. But if you are too shy or have not yet mastered the gym, then this option is not for you.

An important detail that should not be forgotten - correct position hands The wider the arms are, the more load the pectoral muscles receive. If the arms are narrow, then the triceps and back take on most of the load. Here it is very important to find the best option so that they are evenly at work during training.

A lot also depends on the speed of the workout. For example, if dumbbells are lifted quickly, then predominantly fast muscle fibers work.

This type of execution is possible even with a sufficiently large weight; it is required to lift the projectile at least up to two times per approach. Beginners are encouraged to work the weight slowly to get used to the feel and determine which groups are involved in multiple sets. It can also help correct some runtime errors.

The correct position of the legs plays a big role. If you put them too far, a "bridge" may form. In this case, the biceps and triceps are much more involved, and the chest practically does not receive its load. When you firmly fix your legs and lie flat on the bench without deflection or bridge, you can focus on the work of the chest.

Immediately you need to figure out how to breathe correctly during the exercise. Very often, beginners make a common mistake by taking a breath at the moment the projectile pushes. As soon as the projectile rises, you need to exhale. Lowering the projectile, take a deep breath.

That's all I have on this topic. I hope this information was useful to you and I was able to provide you with the information you were looking for. Describe in the comments how you feel about this exercise. Are you doing it?

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The issue of pumping the upper bundle of pectoral muscles is asked by many athletes who have chosen power training as a way to develop your own body. In order to avoid lagging behind the development of this muscle and to realize their own strength potential, athletes resort to such a type of training as a bench press on an inclined bench.

Need to fulfill

Why is it necessary to pay special attention to this muscle group? Everything is simple. The fact is that standard basic exercises, such as the bench press, deadlift aimed at developing large groups muscles that do not effectively work out the upper part of the chest. Subsequently, there is a lag in the development of the pectoral muscle, which entails a decrease in the growth dynamics of strength indicators and makes the pectoral muscle less attractive.
We should not forget that first you need to gain total body weight, and only then pay attention to individual muscles.

The development of the desired muscle bundle is facilitated by the bench press on an inclined bench with the head up, in this position the load on the indicated area is accentuated. Another position - barbell head down on an inclined bench - helps to work out the lower part of the specified muscle group. Athletes are usually used on an incline bench up.

Execution technique

The grip must be chosen in such a way that lowest point the forearms were located at right angles to the bar, which ensures optimal loading and reduces the likelihood of injury. A grip slightly wider than shoulder width is usually chosen.

It is recommended to perform the barbell press up on an incline bench with a partner, since cheating is difficult to use in this exercise.

Performing the exercise: remove the projectile from the rack and lift it to feel the load, take a breath and slowly lower the barbell in a straight line to the chest. Touching the upper part of the chest, make a short pause and squeeze the projectile up, exhaling. After the bar is squeezed out completely, repeat.
When performing the exercise, the shoulder blades should be brought together and pressed against the bench. A common mistake is arching the back, in which case it is parallel to the floor, and the load is shifted to the bottom of the chest, that is, the effect is like from a regular bench press on a straight bench.

Bench press on an incline bench 30 degrees - one of the most common options for performing the exercise, a smaller angle of inclination shifts the load on lower part chest. However, it should be noted that the angle of inclination is “adjusted” individually for each, depending on the growth and structure of the muscles. When installing the bench more than 45 degrees, the lion's share of the load will shift to deltoid muscles and spine, which is not a positive factor and indicates incorrect execution exercises.

Do not forget about the legs: you need to rest your feet on the floor, providing a reliable support, in addition to the shoulder blades pressed against the bench. Indeed, under a large weight of the bar, the body will slide down, especially at an angle of 45 degrees.

The grip is usually chosen a little wider than the shoulders: a narrow one involves other muscles, a wider one is already designed for an advanced athlete - the bundles connecting the pectoral muscles with the shoulder muscles are loaded.

Execution frequency

Bench press on an incline bench should be performed in 4 sets, 8-10 repetitions each. It is advisable to resort to this isolating exercise no more than once a week, more is undesirable, because the body needs rest for a full recovery. This rule applies not only to this muscle group, but to everyone in general.

Based on the compiled program, the exercise is performed on the day of training the pectoral muscles, preferably after the classic bench press on a straight bench. An alternative option is to lay dumbbells on a bench in an incline. Suitable in case the projectile needed by the athlete is occupied or absent. However, in this case, the help of a partner or coach is also needed. Unlike the bench press, the safety net is carried out by pushing under the elbows, and at the end of the run, it is necessary to help the athlete lower the dumbbells.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake newbies make is refusing the help of a professional. Alone, it is quite possible to draw up a training program based on articles from the Internet, but only a coach is able to put a novice athlete on the technique of performing exercises. Whether it's the incline bench press or the head up press, you need to do the exercise correctly, otherwise the result will come to naught, as well as the enthusiasm.

Another big mistake is overtraining. As mentioned above, the body must rest, because the training itself only starts the process of muscle growth, rest plays a significant role.

Nutrition is also of great importance. High-quality food fills the muscles with the necessary components for further growth, development and recovery, regardless of which muscle group has experienced the load: the upper pectoral or any other.

Common mistakes in this exercise

Stopping on the bench press itself on an inclined bench, the following series of shortcomings are distinguished:

  • Incorrect positioning of the legs. The legs should be wider than shoulder-width apart, bent at the knees and resting on the floor, providing reliable support for the body.
  • Beginners often chase after more weight, unconsciously trying to show off their own strength indicators in the gym. You should not get carried away with this, so as not to forget about the goal of increasing the volume of a particular muscle of the body. Big weight will come later, but first there is a lot of work to be done.
  • The bench press on an incline bench requires a strictly verified technique; at the lowest point, it is necessary to touch the upper part of the chest with the bar. Beginners tend to lower the projectile to the lower part or even to the stomach, which is a mistake.
  • You should not “beat off” the barbell from the chest. Firstly, in this case it is difficult, especially in the bench press exercise on an incline bench of 45 degrees, and secondly, it is fraught with injuries.

When resorting to the bench press on an incline bench, you must also monitor the condition of your own joints and ligaments, which are subject to mechanical stress and in addition to exercising in the gym. For athletes with joint problems, which is not uncommon, it is recommended to use special cuffs. And also do not forget about specialized drugs that restore and protect the articular tissue.

You should not neglect the safety net during the exercise, even if you only need help in removing the projectile from the rack. Your own health is much more important than ambition, this should not be forgotten.

Summing up

In conclusion, it should be noted that each exercise must be performed correctly, and for this, a training program must be thought out and worked out. Carefully calibrated actions are the key to the successful development of one's own body and the preservation of health in integrity and safety. You don’t need to overestimate your strengths and capabilities in order to shine in front of others in the gym, because you can’t be the strongest of all, there will always be someone stronger.

The only one who should be surprised by an athlete is only himself, each time overcoming pain and fatigue on the way to success. And this is very difficult without carefully thought out and elaborated actions, as well as the strictest self-control.

Therefore, instead of spending long hours on the Internet in search of unique effective programs, testing the material found on yourself and gaining knowledge through your own trial and error, it is better to turn to professional trainer and work under his direction.

In bodybuilding, the incline dumbbell press is one of the main exercises for working out the chest group. Incline dumbbell work has several distinct advantages over the barbell and should be included in your training program.

The benefits and disadvantages of exercise

The first and main advantage is that while lying on an incline bench in the bench press, it is the pectoral muscles that are most involved (with the involvement of the triceps and deltas). While when working with a barbell, the load is distributed on the chest, deltas and triceps almost evenly. Therefore, for the target muscle, the dumbbell bench press at an angle becomes a priority.

Main advantages:

  • Working out all parts of the pectoral muscles;
  • The ability to manipulate the focus of the load by tilting;
  • Powerful stretch;
  • Development of coordination;
  • Increased range of motion.

Almost all the shortcomings relate to the execution technique. Basically, they are leveled by the development of all the features of the movement and compliance with the recommendations for implementation. Due to the need to work almost sitting at an angle (only applies to the back position at 45 degrees), the important condition is the concentration of the load on the chest and controlled execution (especially during lowering the weight to the chest).

The only pronounced downside in performing an upward angle movement is an increased risk of injury due to powerful stretching. It manifests itself mainly when working with large weights and at critical points (casting the projectile from a sitting position and completing the approach).

What muscles work

When performing a dumbbell bench press in an incline, almost the same muscles work as when working with a barbell. Also, due to the need to hold the weight with each hand separately, additional ones are involved in the work. However, due to the increased amplitude and the ability to “open” (or expand) the chest as much as possible, the incline press works out the target zone better than other exercises.

Lies on and, basically they act as a means to maintain the desired position of the hands.

Which angle to choose and what is the difference: 30 or 45 degrees

One of the main advantages of the exercise is flexibility, which manifests itself in the form of the ability to shift the load to different areas.

  1. When working at an angle of 30 degrees, the load evenly falls on all areas of the chest.
  2. When doing the exercise at 45 degrees, the focus switches to the top of the chest (which is often referred to as the lagging area).

Important to consider that when pressing at an angle of 45 degrees, the anterior deltoid bundle is much more involved and part of the load is switched to it. This can become a disadvantage only in cases where the training was preceded by an active study of the deltas (with an increased volume, the front beam will recover worse).

In general, the choice depends on training goals, priorities and individual conditions(lagging areas of the chest in a particular athlete). A slope of 30 degrees is considered universal and is used most often.

Execution technique

In the technique of bench press on an inclined bench at an upward angle, two phases are considered key - the direct execution of the element and the exit to starting position. Moreover, most injuries occur precisely at the stage of throwing weight, so this stage should be considered separately.

The technique of entering the position is performed in two versions: alone and with the help of a partner.

  1. In the first variant, throwing a dumbbell with legs. The projectiles are placed on the hips, after which they are lifted into position with a push and a simultaneous effort of the arms and hips.
  2. The option with a partner is safer. The partner simply alternately puts the shells into the hands of the athlete, who has already taken the starting position.

Incline Dumbbell Press Technique:

  1. Lie down on a bench with your dumbbell arms up (fully extended) so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The back and the back of the head are tightly pressed to the back, the feet rest on the floor to fix the position of the body.
  2. Begin to slowly bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells down.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades and push your chest forward as far as possible to stretch your muscles.
  4. Without a pause, squeeze the projectiles to the starting position at a faster pace.
  5. At the top, the dumbbells should not touch each other.

In fact, dumbbell and barbell work are variations on the same exercise with a similar movement pattern (but shifted emphasis). Usually these options are alternated to fully work out the entire group.

  • Men's Workout Mode(number of repetitions, sets, volumes, etc.) is no different between a bench press with dumbbells and with a barbell. Classic 8-10 reps in 3-4 sets for mass and multi-rep mode with an emphasis on.
  • Girls it is recommended to work in the range of 10-12 repetitions, this is the optimal average option, in which it is possible to achieve both an increase in the mass of the chest and an improvement in the relief of the muscles.

Due to the specifics of the movement, the dumbbell bench press at an angle with the head up is usually placed immediately after working with the barbell. This allows you to better “load” the pectorals without the strong involvement of other groups.

How to replace the exercise

There are two obvious replacements for the dumbbell incline press:

  • A similar movement with a barbell (less priority, since the chest ones are used a little worse);
  • Dumbbell bench press at an angle in video format

Video Inclined bench press for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of exercise: what muscles work?

The incline bench press is a variation of the classic basic exercise for the development of the pectoral muscles. The use of an atypical position in this case allows you to distribute the load on the participating muscles in a new way and focus attention on the upper chest segment, which is fundamentally weak by nature. This advantage is used by bodybuilders to give pectoral muscles proportional shape and clear relief. In the strength disciplines, incline presses are used as an auxiliary exercise to increase performance in the basic movement.

The workload in the context of muscle is distributed as follows:

Preparing for execution

Without focusing on the main part of the warm-up (conducting a light cardio session), we will immediately move on to a specialized block. "Introduction" to the presses involves preparing for the work of the participating muscles and the main movers - the shoulder rotators.

Additionally, inter-set pauses can be “filled in” with stretching movements for the chest, for example, pullovers or dumbbell breeding - this will not only allow you to liberate the muscles, but also work more efficiently in the next set.

Proper execution


The “sharper” the angle, the less load goes to the target pectoral muscles. An inclination of 30 degrees from the horizontal is considered optimal, which allows you to turn off the triceps as much as possible. If the possibilities for adjusting the bench in your gym are limited, then adjusting to the specifics of the equipment, keep in mind that the “boundary” value of the bench angle should not exceed 60 degrees. At a high inclination, a strong stress is experienced shoulder joints, and the training emphasis moves to the deltoid muscle.

When performing the bench press, the elbows should be strictly under the bar of the bar, and not aim in the direction of the head or legs.

The working weights in the positive-inclined version of the bench press are always objectively smaller than in classic exercise. This is due to the fact that the effect on the chest is more isolated, that is, assisting muscles are less involved in the movement.

This technique in this exercise is a kind of cheating that makes it easier to overcome the weight, but by no means "harmless" - the bench press in rebounding can cause chest injury.

If such a mistake is made, it is easy to injure the brushes. To prevent this, it is necessary to hold the hand fixedly in line with the forearm.

Often the reason for making this mistake is the motor skill formed in the classic bench press. Meanwhile, in this version of the bench press, the rules change: the bar should “go” to the collarbone area.

Bench press lying on an incline bench involves the use of the upper castle grip, in which thumb“Lie down” on the bar opposite the rest - this increases safety during the exercise. In addition, this grip option does not allow for relaxation of the hands and a decrease in the power of the pressing effort.

Exercise Efficiency


Inclusion in the program

As an exercise of a basic nature, the bench press at an angle is the "backbone" training program and performed in the first part of the lesson. It can be placed immediately after the sets of the classic bench press or as an alternative.

If the barbell press on an incline bench is highlighted as the main exercise of the "chest" training, it should be performed in the mode for 6-12 repetitions with a total volume of sets - from 2 to 4 (we are talking about bodybuilding training programs). In the event that the incline press is preceded by other heavy exercises, it is recommended to reduce the weight load and switch to the "pump" mode with 12-15 repetitions per set.