Agniya barto is our tanya loudly. "Our Tanya"

111 years ago (in 1906), the Soviet writer, author of poems for children Agnia Lvovna Barto was born. A poetess whose poems are known by heart today to both modern children and their grandparents. Agnia Barto has written more than a hundred collections of children's poems, the total circulation of her books is tens of millions of copies. Many books have been reprinted several times, some four hundred times. Barto also prepared a collection of poems "Translations from children", where her translation contains poems by children's poets from around the world. The works of Agnia Barto herself have been translated into dozens of languages, including Japanese.

According to some reports, the real name of the writer is Getel Leibovna Volova. At the age of 18, she married a descendant of the Scottish nobleman Pavel Barto and forever retained the name of her first husband - from that moment she was called nothing more than Agnia Barto.

One meeting that changed everything

A girl named Agnia was born in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian and dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She studied at the ballet school. But at the same time, experiencing, as they say, the creative influence of Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Mayakovsky, she wrote poems. There is even a story about her love for Mayakovsky's work: while still studying at a choreographic school, she somehow walked in one of the Moscow parks, where she sat on a bench, on which she found a volume of Mayakovsky's poems forgotten by someone. This day was a turning point in her fate - he brought her love for poetry in general and for the genius Mayakovsky in particular. She admired Mayakovsky so much that at the first meeting with him she could not even open her mouth. But the conversation about children's poetry at Barto and Mayakovsky later still took place. She began to write more and more often, although she sometimes had to listen to her father's not always flattering reviews. The gymnasium where she studied was once visited by the People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky. He heard one of the schoolgirls reciting a poem of her own composition, "The Funeral March." He expressed confidence that the vocation of this girl is to write funny poems. Lunacharsky advised her to start doing professional literary work. By the end of the school, nineteen-year-old Agnia was already sure that she wanted to become a poet, and it was for children. But, having completed her studies at the choreographic school in 1924, Agnia Lvovna successfully entered the ballet troupe. She failed to build a career on stage - the troupe emigrated, and Agnia's father did not agree to let her go from Moscow. She entered the service in the children's editorial office of the State Publishing House.


In 1925, her children's poems "Thief Bear" and "Chinese Wang Li" were published. Following - "The First of May" (1926) and "Brothers" (1928) - after the release of which Korney Chukovsky noted her outstanding talent as a children's poet. Interestingly, when Korney Chukovsky read one of Agnia Barto's early poems, she stated that a five-year-old boy had written it.

In the 1930s, collections of her children's poems were published one after another: "The Boy on the contrary" (1934), "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939). After the release of a cycle of poetic miniatures for the smallest "Toys" and poems "Flashlight", "Mashenka" and others, Agnia Barto became one of the most famous and beloved children's poets by readers - the rhythm, images and plots, rhymes of her poems turned out to be understandable and close to millions of children and adults.

"Hot" Spain

In 1937, Agnia Barto was in Spain as a delegate of the International Congress for the Defense of Culture and visited the besieged Madrid, where the party sent Soviet writers as its most faithful and ardent friends. In the vicinity of Valencia, a curious incident happened to her. At a stop at a gas station, Agnia Lvovna saw a shop where castanets were sold among souvenirs and clothes. For her, as for a person who once practiced dancing, real Spanish castanets meant a lot. While she was talking to the saleswoman, a characteristic rumble was heard and planes with crosses appeared in the sky. And the bus with Soviet writers stood during the bombing and waited for Agniya Barto, who was buying castanets. In the evening, Alexei Tolstoy, talking about the heat in Spain, casually asked Barto if she had also bought a fan to fan herself during the next raid.

War years

During the Second World War, Agniya Barto was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. Barto did not want quiet life. She broke through to front-line Moscow - to record programs on the All-Union Radio - and rushed to the front. At this time, she worked a lot as a journalist, spoke on the radio, went to the front with the reading of her poems, and wrote for newspapers. In 1942 she was a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda on the Western Front. Her poems of the war years - the collection Teenagers (1943), the poem "Nikita" (1945) and others - are mostly journalistic in nature. And in May 1945, when all the people rejoiced and rejoiced at the Victory, Agniya Barto suffered great grief - her 18-year-old son Garik, who was riding a bicycle, was hit by a truck. Poems left the house of the poetess, and she herself plunged into herself.

"Find a person"

However, in 1947 (according to some sources in 1948), she wrote the poem "Zvenigorod", where she described the life of orphans in an orphanage. With this poem, a new serious stage of her life began. So, there is a well-known story when a cleaner from Karaganda, after reading a poem, wrote to the writer and told about her daughter lost during the war. Agniya Barto turned to a special police department, and a few months later the girl was found. The story of the family reunion was published in the Ogonyok magazine. After that, Barto received 70-100 letters daily with requests to find children, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At this time, she was invited to speak on the radio, and she decided to use the chance - so the program “Find a Person” began to appear on the Mayak radio. Thanks to this program, which aired regularly for almost nine years, and the responsiveness of Agnia Barto, about a thousand families separated by the war were reunited. In 1974, after the program had finished airing, Agniya Barto wrote that she was having a hard time getting used to the fact that the 13th of every month was now her usual day.

“For nearly nine years, it has been a special day for me. On the 13th, I approached the microphone in the radio studio to tell thousands, no, millions of people over Mayak that another mother had found her son, lost as a child during the war years, and maybe at that very moment somewhere then, on the station platform or at the airport, she hugs him, who has long become an adult. Or tell about the fact that in some house the doors opened and rushed towards each other - also now adults - brothers or sisters. There were transmissions when I could report that several families were connected, and there was a lull. Joy does not come according to a schedule. But from the first broadcasts of "Find a Person" I felt that many people listening to "Mayak" are full of ardent readiness to help every search, every difficult fate. There was also joy in the feeling of community. And although the search - almost nine years - dominated my thoughts, all my time, along with the last transmission, something precious left my life, ”wrote Barto.

In 1969, based on the stories she met while working at the Mayak, Barto published her first book of prose, which was also called Find a Man. This book was later made into a film that won a prize at the Locarno International Film Festival.

And after the war, Agniya Barto continued to compose children's poems. Her new collections are published: "First Grader", "Funny Poems", "Poems for Children". For the collection "Poems for Children" (1949), she was awarded the State Prize in 1950.

"Mulya, don't annoy me!"

Thus, in The Foundling, pre-war Moscow is shown and the story is told that in a Soviet country a lost child will be accepted into any family. Humor, piquant situations and acting talent - all this attracts the attention of the viewer today. The film was restored in the 2000s. Once you have looked at “The Foundling”, you remember it forever, and the phrases: “Mulya, don’t make me nervous!”, “Lalya, this can’t be done! You will be arrested!”, “Comrade policeman! What is it! They run into absolutely living people! .. ”- so bright and memorable that even if you forget the true name of the picture, then you certainly won’t forget “Mulya”. It is interesting that the script of the film was written by Agnia Barto and Rina Zelena, two neighbors in the dacha, girlfriends whose husbands played chess while their wives sat over their lines. By the way, "Mulya, don't make me nervous!" was invented by Barto specifically for Faina Ranevskaya, who played one of the main roles. The actress subsequently recalled: “Wherever I go, everyone considers it their duty to say: “Look, here“ mulyannervime me ”is coming!”

“Children need the whole gamut of feelings that give birth to humanity”
In "Notes of a Children's Poet" (1976), Agniya Barto formulated her poetic and human credo: "Children need the whole gamut of feelings that give rise to humanity." Trips to different countries prompted her to think about the wealth of the inner world of a child of any nationality - this was confirmed by the poetry collection "Translations from Children".

For many years, Agniya Barto headed the Association of Literature and Art for Children, was a member of the international Andersen jury. In 1976, she was awarded the International Prize. H. K. Andersen. But she was shy all her life, and fame did not make her bolder. Some researchers of her work note that, perhaps, it was precisely because of her shyness that she had no enemies and, unlike the few, she managed to survive even the difficult Stalinist times without loss. True, some reproach her for this, saying that she conscientiously wrote opportunistic works, noting that her second husband, the scientist Andrey Shcheglyaev, was a well-known heat power engineer in the Union, the largest specialist in steam and gas turbines, and behind him Barto was “like behind a stone wall. However, her work was loved and continues to be loved by millions of children and their parents around the world.

“I love you and I wrap you in paper. When you broke, I glued you together, ”children's letters with similar content often came to her. She was on an equal footing with children, although she did not miss the opportunity to teach a lesson to sneaks, sluts, talkers and fighters. She read a lot to her children and grandchildren (many of her poems are dedicated to her grandson Vladimir and granddaughter Natasha).

But on April 1, 1981, for a moment, children's laughter and voices ceased - the children's poetess was gone. Many admirers of Agnia Barto's work subsequently recalled her phrase "Almost every person has moments in his life when he does more than he can" and noted that for the poetess such minutes stretched out for whole years. And today we can say with confidence that for decades and even centuries ...

“Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river ...”

In the interpretation of various poets.


In this world

Not forever,

Here and now

Curse or cry:

Straight from the shore

Fell into the river

Girls Tanya

Tears are gushing

From Tanya's eyes.

Crying maiden!

Let's go for water -

And we'll get the ball.

Tatyana sobs loudly, her grief is inconsolable;

Down from the pink-flaming cheeks, tears flow like a river;

She indulged in girlish games in the garden -

The mischievous ball could not be kept in thin fingers;

Jumped out frisky horse rushed down the slope,

Sliding off the edge of the cliff, he fell into a turbulent stream.

Dear maiden, do not cry, your loss is healed;

There is a command to the slaves - to bring fresh water;

Racks, they are brave, accustomed to any work -

Feel free to swim, and the ball will return to you.

Tatyana sobs inconsolably,

And a tear, like blood, is hot;

She had a heart attack

From the ball that fell into the river.

It sighs intermittently, then groans,

Remembering the past game.

Do not worry. Your ball will not sink -

We'll get it tonight.

A certain girl named Tatyana,

A fair mind and a flawless body,

In the village, dragging days

I could not imagine leisure without a ball.

Then he gives in with his foot, then he pushes with his hand,

And, having played with him, he does not even hear with half an ear.

The Lord did not save, there was a hole -

The playful ball fell into the abyss of water.

The unfortunate Tatyana is crying, shedding tears;

And the water carrier Kuzma - the one that is always half drunk -

Kartuz soslek

And taco rivers:

“Come on, lady! This trouble is not grief.

I'll harness Sivka, and soon for water

I'll jump up.

My gaff is sharp, my bucket is spacious -

From the river I skillfully and quickly

I'll get the ball."

Moral: simple water carriers are not so simple.

Who knows a lot about water, he calms tears.

Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village,

Red ruffle on white sundress on the hem.

At the ravine, Tanya walks for wattle fences in the evening,

And he kicks the ball with his foot - he loves a strange game.

A guy came out, bowed his curly head:

"Allow me, soul-Tatyana, to kick him too?"

Pale as a shroud, cold as dew.

Her scythe developed like a soul-snake.

"Oh you, blue-eyed guy, I'll say no offense,

I kicked him with my foot, but now I can’t find it.”

"Don't be sad, my Tanyusha, apparently the ball went to the bottom,

If you love me, I will immediately dive after him.


White ball lonely

in the fog of the blue river -

fled from Tanya not far away,

left his native shore...

Waves play - the wind whistles,

and Tanya cries and screams,

she is stubbornly looking for her ball,

follows him along the shore.

Under it, a stream of lighter azure,

above him a golden ray of sun...

And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,

as if there is peace in the storms!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears:

the river is deep and foggy,

your wonderful toy

I accidentally dropped it off a bridge...

Oh, how you loved this ball!

You cry bitterly and call...

Do not Cry! You will find your ball

he will not drown in a stormy river,

because the ball is not a stone, not a log,

he will not sink to the bottom,

his seething stream drives,

flowing through the meadow, through the forest

to a nearby hydroelectric dam.

Japanese version:

Tanya-chan lost her face

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Get a grip, daughter of the samurai.

A poem about Tanya, who cries loudly, is a "hit", an "action movie" of children's poetry. Without exception, all real and former Russian children know it, and all future children will know it, because in just four lines there is the pain of loss, and resentment at the imperfection of this world, and human sympathy, and hope, and even initial knowledge in physics and the world order. In general, everyone will find something for themselves.
Agniya Barto, the author of this imperishable book, considered writing poetry for children the most responsible job in the world. Unknown poets also responsibly approached this issue and posted remakes of "Tanya" "written" by other famous authors on the Internet.

1. Vladimir Mayakovsky

In this world
Not forever,
Here and now
Curse or cry:
Straight from the shore
Fell into the river
Girls Tanya
Tears are gushing
From Tanya's eyes.
Do not Cry!
Do not be
Crying maiden!
Let's go for water -
And we'll get the ball.

2. Alexander Blok

Tatyana sobs inconsolably,
And a tear, like blood, is hot;
She had a heart attack
From the ball that fell into the river.
It sighs intermittently, then groans,
Remembering the past game.
Do not worry. Your ball will not sink -
We'll get it tonight.

3. Ivan Krylov

A certain girl named Tatyana,
A fair mind and a flawless body,
In the village, dragging days
I could not imagine leisure without a ball.
Then he gives in with his foot, then he pushes with his hand,
And, having played with him, he does not even hear with half an ear.
The Lord did not save, there was a hole -
The playful ball fell into the abyss of water.
The unfortunate Tatyana is crying, shedding tears;
And the water carrier Kuzma - the one that is always half drunk -
Kartuz soslek
And taco rivers:
“Come on, lady! This trouble is not grief.
I'll harness Sivka, and soon for water
I'll jump up.
My gaff is sharp, my bucket is spacious -
From the river I skillfully and quickly
I'll get the ball."
Moral: simple water carriers are not so simple.
Who knows a lot about water, he calms tears.

4. Sergei Yesenin

Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village,
Red ruffle on white sundress on the hem.
At the ravine, Tanya walks for wattle fences in the evening,
And he kicks the ball with his foot - he loves a strange game.
A guy came out, bowed his curly head:
“Allow me, soul-Tatyana, to kick him too?”
Pale as a shroud, cold as dew.
Her scythe developed like a soul-snake.
“Oh you, blue-eyed guy, I’ll say no offense,
I kicked him with my foot, but now I can’t find it.”
“Don’t be sad, my Tanyusha, it’s clear that the ball went to the bottom,
if you love me, I will immediately dive after him.

5. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

White ball lonely
in the fog of the blue river -
fled from Tanya not far away,
left his native shore...
Waves are playing - the wind is whistling,
and Tanya cries and screams,
she is stubbornly looking for her ball,
follows him along the shore.
Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
above him a golden ray of sun...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
as if there is peace in the storms!

6. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears:
the river is deep and foggy,
your wonderful toy
I accidentally dropped it off a bridge...
Oh, how you loved this ball!
You cry bitterly and call...
Do not Cry! You will find your ball
he will not drown in a stormy river,
because the ball is not a stone, not a log,
he will not sink to the bottom,
his seething stream drives,
flowing through the meadow, through the forest
to a nearby hydroelectric dam.

7. Horace

Tatyana sobs loudly, her grief is inconsolable;
Down from the pink-flaming cheeks, tears flow like a river;
She indulged in girlish games in the garden -
The mischievous ball could not be kept in thin fingers;
A frisky horse jumped out, rushed down the slope,
Sliding off the edge of the cliff, he fell into a turbulent stream.
Dear maiden, do not cry, your loss is healed;
There is a command to the slaves - to bring fresh water;
Racks, they are brave, accustomed to any work -
Feel free to swim, and the ball will return to you.

8. Classical Japanese poet. For example, Matsu Basho

Tanya-chan lost her face
Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.
Get a grip, daughter of the samurai.

Tatyana sobs loudly, her grief is inconsolable;
Down from the pink-flaming cheeks, tears flow like a river;
She indulged in girlish games in the garden -
The mischievous ball could not be kept in thin fingers;
A frisky horse jumped out, rushed down the slope,
Sliding off the edge of the cliff, he fell into a turbulent stream.
Dear maiden, do not cry, your loss is healed;
There is a command to the slaves - to bring fresh water;
Racks, they are brave, accustomed to any work -
Feel free to swim, and the ball will return to you.

Tatyana sobs inconsolably,
And a tear, like blood, is hot;
She had a heart attack
From the ball that fell into the river.

It sighs intermittently, then groans,
Remembering the past game.
Do not worry. Your ball will not sink -
We'll get it tonight.


In this world
Not forever,
Here and now
Curse or cry:
Straight from the shore
Fell into the river
Girls Tanya
Tears are gushing
From Tanya's eyes.
Do not Cry!
Do not be
Crying maiden!
Let's go for water -
And we'll get the ball.

A certain girl named Tatyana,
A fair mind and a flawless body,
In the village, dragging days
I could not imagine leisure without a ball.
Then he gives in with his foot, then he pushes with his hand,
And, having played with him, he does not even hear with half an ear.
The Lord did not save, there was a hole -
The playful ball fell into the abyss of water.
The unfortunate Tatyana is crying, shedding tears;
And the water carrier Kuzma - the one that is always half drunk -
Kartuz soslek
And taco rivers:
“Come on, lady! This trouble is not grief.
I'll harness Sivka, and soon for water
I'll jump up.
My gaff is sharp, my bucket is spacious -
From the river I skillfully and quickly
I'll get the ball."
Moral: simple water carriers are not so simple.
Who knows a lot about water, he calms tears.

Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village,
Red ruffle on white sundress on the hem.
At the ravine, Tanya walks for wattle fences in the evening,
And he kicks the ball with his foot - he loves a strange game.

A guy came out, bowed his curly head:
"Allow me, soul-Tatyana, to kick him too?"
Pale as a shroud, cold as dew.
Her scythe developed like a soul-snake.

"Oh you, blue-eyed guy, I'll say no offense,
I kicked him with my foot, but now I can’t find it.”
"Don't be sad, my Tanyusha, apparently the ball went to the bottom,
If you love me, I will immediately dive after him.


White ball lonely
in the fog of the blue river -
fled from Tanya not far away,
left his native shore...

Waves play - the wind whistles,
and Tanya cries and screams,
she is stubbornly looking for her ball,
follows him along the shore.

Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
above him a golden ray of sun...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
as if there is peace in the storms!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears:
the river is deep and foggy,
your wonderful toy
I accidentally dropped it off a bridge...
Oh, how you loved this ball!
You cry bitterly and call...
Do not Cry! You will find your ball
he will not drown in a stormy river,
because the ball is not a stone, not a log,
he will not sink to the bottom,
his seething stream drives,
flowing through the meadow, through the forest
to a nearby hydroelectric dam.

A poem about Tanya, who cries loudly, is a "hit", an "action movie" of children's poetry. Without exception, all real and former Russian children know it, and all future children will know it, because in just four lines there is the pain of loss, and resentment at the imperfection of this world, and human sympathy, and hope, and even initial knowledge in physics and the world order. In general, everyone will find something for themselves.

Agniya Barto, the author of this imperishable book, considered writing poetry for children the most responsible job in the world. Unknown poets also responsibly approached this issue and posted remakes of "Tanya" "written" by other famous authors on the Internet.

1. Vladimir Mayakovsky

Nothing in this world
Not forever,
Here and now
Curse or cry:
Straight from the shore
Fell into the river
Girls Tanya
Tears are gushing
From Tanya's eyes.
Do not Cry!
Do not be
Crying maiden!
Let's go for water -
And we'll get the ball.
Left! Left!

2. Alexander Blok

Tatyana sobs inconsolably,
And a tear, like blood, is hot;
She had a heart attack
From the ball that fell into the river.
It sighs intermittently, then groans,
Remembering the past game.
Do not worry. Your ball will not sink -
We'll get it tonight.

3. Ivan Krylov

A certain girl named Tatyana,
A fair mind and a flawless body,
In the village, dragging days
I could not imagine leisure without a ball.
Then he gives in with his foot, then he pushes with his hand,
And, having played with him, he does not even hear with half an ear.
The Lord did not save, there was a hole -
The playful ball fell into the abyss of water.
The unfortunate Tatyana is crying, shedding tears;
And the water carrier Kuzma - the one that is always half drunk -
Kartuz soslek
And taco rivers:
“Come on, lady!
This trouble is not grief.
I'll harness Sivka, and soon for water
I'll jump up.
My gaff is sharp, my bucket is spacious -
From the river I skillfully and quickly
I'll get the ball."
Moral: simple water carriers are not so simple.
Who knows a lot about water, he calms tears.

4. Sergei Yesenin

Tanyusha was good, there was no more beautiful in the village,
Red ruffle on white sundress on the hem.
At the ravine, Tanya walks for wattle fences in the evening,
And he kicks the ball with his foot - he loves a strange game.
A guy came out, bowed his curly head:
“Allow me, soul-Tatyana, to kick him too?”
Pale as a shroud, cold as dew.
Her scythe developed like a soul-snake.
“Oh you, blue-eyed guy, I’ll say no offense,
I kicked him with my foot, but now I can’t find it.”
“Don’t be sad, my Tanyusha, it’s clear that the ball went to the bottom,
if you love me, I will immediately dive after him.

5. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

The lonely ball turns white in the mist of the blue river -
fled from Tanya not far away,
left his native shore...
Waves are playing - the wind is whistling,
and Tanya cries and screams,
she is stubbornly looking for her ball,
follows him along the shore.
Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
above him a golden ray of sun...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
as if there is peace in the storms!

6. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears:
the river is deep and foggy,
your wonderful toy
I accidentally dropped it off a bridge...
Oh, how you loved this ball!
You cry bitterly and call...
Do not Cry! You will find your ball
he will not drown in a stormy river,
because the ball is not a stone, not a log,
he will not sink to the bottom,
his seething stream drives,
flows through the meadow, through the woods of the dam of the nearby hydroelectric power station.

7. Horace

Tatyana sobs loudly, her grief is inconsolable;
Down from the pink-flaming cheeks, tears flow like a river;
She indulged in girlish games in the garden -
The mischievous ball could not be kept in thin fingers;
A frisky horse jumped out, rushed down the slope,
Sliding off the edge of the cliff, he fell into a turbulent stream.
Dear maiden, do not cry, your loss is healed;
There is a command to the slaves - to bring fresh water;
Racks, they are brave, accustomed to any work -
Feel free to swim, and the ball will return to you.

8. Classical Japanese poet. For example, Matsu Basho

Tanya-chan lost her face
Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.
Get a grip, daughter of the samurai.