Classical physical culture lesson in the middle group. Synopsis of a plot physical education lesson for children of the middle group "At the edge of the forest"

tatiana safonova
Synopsis of the plot physical education for children of the middle group "On the edge of the forest."

Synopsis of a plot physical education lesson for children of the middle group

"On forest edge» .

Program content: Develop at children physical qualities and interest in physical education, improve motor skills and skills of performing corrective exercises, lying on the floor, exercise in walking and running different ways, in jumping, balance, climbing.

Benefits: Arches, massage mats, small hoops, swedish wall, recording a children's song.

Course progress.

I. Introduction. Walking in a column one at a time.

Let's go hiking

Many discoveries await us.

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow.

The bridge swayed to the sides. Walking on toes, arms to the sides.

And beneath him the stream laughed.

We'll walk on toes

Let's go to the other side.

Put your hands behind your head. Walking on your heels, hands behind your head.

And we walk on heels.

It’s not scary to climb a log Climbing on all fours under arcs

And under the tree is not dangerous.

succeed each other

Just don't break branches.

Here are cones and needles by the Christmas tree. Walking on massage rugs.

Boldly we walk on them

We stretch our legs.

Wings colorful flicker Easy run with waved hands.

Butterflies fly in the field

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, - turned Run with a change of direction.

Mosquitoes have flown. And below the knees.

Hands up - clap over head

Hands down - cotton is different.

We'll kill all the mosquitoes and go to the swamp

Let's go.

The waterman meets us here. Walking with exercises on

Invites you to exercise. breath.

So that the back does not hurt Children are built in a circle

Let's get down to business. Take a starting position

Sitting on heels, hands on knees.

II. Main part.

1. Musical and rhythmic warm-up "Water".

From i. n. sitting on the heels, bending over, go to point-blank lying, bend and unbend the legs at the knees (4 times).


1) Perform 3 rolls to the right, arms and legs straightened.

2) Lying on your stomach, raise straightened legs up,

waving your arms (4 times).

Lying on your back, straight arms extended behind your head.

Pull your knees up to your chest (8 times).

Goodbye, Water. The instructor lays out

We enjoyed being with you. Circle hoops.

We see them jumping edge of the forest, Children become around them.

Two funny frogs

Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump fun

2. An outdoor game is being played "The Frogs and the Heron"(2 times).

And again we walk, walking in all directions with slopes,

Forest, field, meadow. Performing respiratory

We are looking for flowers, exercises.

to weave wreaths.

Here is a huge bouquet soon

we collected the carpet

smartly woven on the grass.

Silence stands around The children are built in two lines and

The cubs went out into the meadow. lay down on the floor.

Lie down in the meadow

done charging.

3. Corrective exercises "Bears in the meadow".

1. “The bears raised their nose, strengthened their neck”.

I. p. lying on the back, arms bent in front of the chest, the head lies on the hands.

1 - raise your head and chest up, bend.

2 - touch the forehead with the right, then the left elbow (4 - 5 times).

2. “They exercised the back, the back is like a picture”.

I. p. too.

1 - 2 - springy jerks back, straighten your elbows, raise your head, bend.

3 - 4 - and. P. (5 times).

3. “And now they turned on their backs and reached for the raspberry”.

I. p. lying on his back, arms extended behind his head.

1 - pull right hand Push.

3 - the same with the left hand (5 times each).

4. “The midges have arrived on sweet palms, we will turn around now and drive the midges away right away.”

I. p. lying on your back, arms to the sides.

1 - turn to the right, connect the palms.

3 - 4 - the same to the left, heels off the floor, heels off the floor do not tear off (5 times).

5. “Our cubs are nimble guys, the bears rode together on a bicycle”.

I. p. the same.

Exercise "bike"- 2 times 10 times.

6. “The bears got on their knees, pushed the bushes apart with their paws”.

I. p. kneeling, hands on the belt.

1 - sit on the right thigh, hands to the left.

3 - sit on the left thigh, hands to the right.

4 - i. P. (5 times each).

7. “And now we all get up and reach the sky”

1- rise on your toes, stretch your arms up.

2 - i. P. (6 times).

“Bears love honey very much, only bees fly here and guard their honey.”

It is carried out p. and. climbing "Bears and bees".

III. Final part.

“A snake trail under our feet, we will return home ourselves”.

Walking in a column one by one "snake", exit children from the hall.

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Plot game lesson in physical education in middle group using health-saving technologies

Subject: "Animals, prick up your ears!"

Target: continue to improve children's motor skills. Ability to maintain balance and correct posture when walking in a limited area, consolidate the ability to crawl on the bench, leaning on the palms and knees, repeat the jumps moving forward. Learn to walk and run rhythmically. To form the correct posture, to prevent flat feet. In movements imitate the habits of animals. Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall. To cultivate independence, interest in physical education, friendly relations, love for the animal world.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, 6 pins, 5 hoops, 8 dice, health path, wolf mask, drawings of a hare according to the number of children, massage balls.

Bilingual component: sәlemetsіz be - hello, koyan - a hare, kaskyr - a wolf, ayu - a bear, saubolinyz - goodbye.

Regional component: wild animals of the forests of the Kokpektinsky district.

Health saving technologies : game plastics, breathing exercises, self-massage, yoga exercises.

Parts of the lesson. Activities


children action

Organizing time.

Introductory Meditation.

Music sounds, children enter the hall, line up.

Hello guys!Salemetsiz be.

Guys, you are awake. Let's do a self-massage now, wake yourself up and cheer yourself up.

Meditation and self-massage "Good morning"

Good morning, eyes!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning ears!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, nose!

Are you awake? Yes!

Good morning, cheeks!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, mouth!

Are you awake? Yes! (pulls out lips with a tube, then smiles broadly)

Good morning kids!

You woke up? Yes!

Today we will be funny little animals. What animals do you know? Who live in the forests of our Kokpektinsky district? And what are these animals called in Kazakh?


Salemetsiz be.

stroking the eyes

sipping auricles up and down, rubbing stroking the nose with the thumbs of the palms

fingertips lightly tap on the cheeks

clap their hands

koyan - a hare, kaskyr - a wolf, ayu - a bear.

Introductory part:

Different types walk

One by one in a column

On the path of health

walking around the hall


- "The wolf is trotting" - running in a column one at a time

- "The snake is crawling" - snake running between objects.

- "The fox is sneaking "- walking on toes, hands on the belt.

- "Bears go to waddling" - walking on outside feet.

"Bunnies are jumping" - forward jumping.

perform tasks

Breathing exercises


Hedgehog is kind, not prickly,

Take a good look around.

1 - turning the head to the right - a short noisy breath through the nose

2 - turning the head to the left - exhale through slightly open lips.

restore breathing

Main part

1.ORU without items

yoga exercises

Game dancer

"Are you ready for the earth?"

Through the rubble, through the ravines

The bear walked with a master's step.

Answer, beasts to me:

Are you ready for winter?

Well, then the little animals prick up your ears, listen carefully to what you will do.

1 "Fox Mittens". I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1 - move your hands forward, 2.3 twist with your hands, 4 - lower

(5-6 times).

- Yes, the foxes answered

We knitted gloves

new gloves,

Warm, fluffy.

2 "Squirrel in the hollow." ". I.p. feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. 1- rise on toes, up, 2- sp. (5-6 times.)

- Looks squirrel from the hollow:

I saved nuts.

My hollow is high

In not m and dry and warm.

3 "Beavers are chopping wood" . I.p. feet shoulder width apart, hands in the castle. 1- raise your arms up above your head, 2- torso forward. (5-7 times.)

- The beaver shouted to the bear from the river:

I chop wood for the stove

Give me. Bear, only time

Smoke comes out of the chimney

4 "And the hedgehog has mushrooms." I.p. legs together, arms along the body. Squat, on the floor, stand up I.p. (5-6 times)

The hedgehog came out of the foliage:

Have you forgotten about me?

Here in the bushes is my hut,

And in the hut there is a tub of mushrooms.

5 "Dance with me." I.p. legs together, arms along the body; rise on toes, hands up; circling on toes, spring. 5-6 times

All the animals dance together in the clearing.

6 "Boots for a hare" I.p. standing, hands on the belt. Jumping in place alternating with walking in place 2 times.

doing exercises


1 Walking on the bench, stepping over the cubes, hands on the belt. 2-3 times.

The fox is walking along the bridge

He wags his red tail.

Walked very nice

And the item didn't drop.

2 Crawling on the bench on all fours.

Bear clumsy walks in the forest,

He deftly crawls along the log.

So that the back does not hurt,

Here comes the bear

(straighten up, raise arms)

3 Jumping from hoop to hoop.

For carrots in the garden

Bunny jumps forward

(hands on the belt, jumping on two legs moving forward)

Children doing exercises together

Musical rhythm game

"Hares and the wolf"

play the game

Final part

Self massage

- Children, you have been training, playing, a little tired, sit down in a circle soon, let's make a smallmassage.

The boys gather in a circle

And hedgehogs climb into the hands.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, you are prickly,

Roll between the handles.

The ball rolls, the palm smiles.

The children are trying, the hedgehog is slowly rolling. Suddenly he quickly ran, ran, ran.

He pressed his palm.

Look, the pits have become

And the palms are not tired.

1 Hand massage.

2. Right and left hand massage .

We roll the ball up and down, first on one hand, then on the other, slightly pressing on the ball (from the hand to the shoulder and back).

3. Foot massage.

Children again sit on the floor facing in a circle, stretch their legs. Massage first the right leg, then the left.

4. Back massage.

Children turn in a circle, kneel and move closer to each other so that each child reaches the neighbor's back. Children give back massage to each other - roll the ball up and down, then in a circle. On a signal, the children turn to the other side and again do a back massage.

Children take massage balls and sit on the floor in a circle. Quiet music plays in the background.


exercise "Hedgehog"

The hedgehog curled up into a ball and turned around again.

It's good for us to rest, but it's time to get up.

lying on the floor doing exercises

Summary of the lesson

Guys, how are you? That's great. The animals from the forest gave you presents.

Program content of physical education classes:

Practice walking on gymnastic bench, crawling right and left side under the arcs.

Jumping on both legs, moving forward, from hoop to hoop, stepping from bump to bump - plane geometric shapes - circle, rectangle, triangle, square.

Fix the score within 5, the name of the geometric shapes; exercise in running during an outdoor game.

To develop dexterity, observation, ingenuity, the ability to perform the tasks of the educator for the appropriate words, quick orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal.

Correct the correct posture, carry out gymnastics for the eyes, gymnastics for breathing; correct flat feet, and correct posture; to develop a desire to engage in physical education together in a team of peers, to take care of their health.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, 2 arches 50 cm high, 6 hoops, "health path", planar geometric shapes - circle, rectangle, triangle, square, mouse masks, cats.

The course of physical education in kindergarten:

Alignment. Checking alignment and posture.

Our mother has mice

Very beautiful kids

These are so small

Here are some pretty ones.

(Building in a column.)

All lined up right next to each other.

Let's walk in a circle with our feet (normal walking)

You look at the sun

And touch with your hand ... (walking on toes) (prevention of flat feet)

Mice, on the road!

Let's start jogging ... (running at an average pace)

Our legs are already tired

We will rest a little ... (normal walking)

And the mouse was strong

Rebuilding in 3 columns.

A set of general developmental exercises

(no items)

1. Eyes also do exercises,

Right, left in order.

I.p - feet on the width of the foot, hands freely

1- turn your eyes to the right;

2 return to I.p.;

3-turn your eyes to the left;

4-return to I.p. (4 times in each direction).

2. The mice began to grow up

Raise your hands up

I.p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms lowered.

1- raise your arms through the sides up;

2 return to I.p. (8 rubles)

3. Turn left-right

Do the exercise right.

I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1-turn the body to the right;

2-return to I.p.;

3-turn the body to the left;

4-return to I.p (4 times in each direction).

4. Bend over so many times

How many fingers do we have

I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1- tilt the torso forward, spread your arms to the sides;

2 return to I.p. (10 times).

5.I.p - feet shoulder width apart, hands free.

1-raise your hands through the sides, wave;

2 return to I.p. (3 sets of 8 s).

6. Get up fast

And how to jump balls

I.p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt.

1-10 - jumping in place; 1-10 - walking in place (2 sets).

7. Breathing exercise

Inhale - raise your hands.

Exhale - slowly lower.

Basic movements:

1. Here is the bridge in front of us, (walking on the gymnastic bench)

We need to go through it.

Spread your arms to the sides

Keep your head straight.

2. Well, quickly count. How many hoops are there? (jumping from hoop to hoop)

3. Here is the swamp in front of us.

We need to go through it (stepping over from bump to bump - plane geometric shapes - circle, rectangular, triangle, square)

4. Oh, the hedgehog is following us, (crawling right and left side under the arc)

He doesn't take his eyes off the mice.

They quickly descended into the hole,

From the hedgehog we hid

Mobile game "Cat and mice"

Children - "mice" sit in a "mink" on one side of the site. Not far from them sits a "cat" (initially, his role is played by the educator).

But, look, at the gate,

A red cat sleeps on a bench.

The cat falls asleep. And the "mice" scatter around the site.

Then the "cat" wakes up, starts meowing and catching "mice", and they must have time to return to the "mink".

Mice, run fast

Don't fall into the cat's paws.

Then the "cat" falls asleep again.

The cat is gone and sleeping again

He does not go to catch mice.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Completion of the lesson

Building children in a column.

Everything, now it's time to go home,

Let's go home kids. (normal walking with breathing exercises).

Story lesson in the middle group
"Let's help the rooster"

Name of the lesson: "Let's help the cockerel"

NOD type: Story lesson.

Age group of children: middle group

Location: Music hall.

Lesson duration: 20 minutes.

Material and equipment: a letter from a cockerel, a gymnastic track, a cockerel and fox mask, multi-colored pillows for each child, two boards 25 cm wide, 2 m long. Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics, breathing exercise. Discussion of safety precautions in physical education classes.

Program content:

Target: involve children in physical education. Develop motor activity children.


  • To evoke a positive emotional response in children sport exercises to instill a love of physical education.
  • Cultivate a desire to exercise.
  • To form the ability to perform walking and running; without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs.
  • To form the ability to maintain a stable position of the body, correct posture.
  • Develop respiratory muscles.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall and sit in a semicircle on multi-colored cushions, opposite the instructor in physical education. The backing track of Tatyana Morozova's song "Cockerel" sounds.

Introductory part.

FC Instructor: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

FC Instructor: Guys, today an unusual letter came to our kindergarten. Come on, I'll read it to you. "Hello guys. I really need your help. The sly fox stole my chickens. I do not know what to do. Please help me rescue my chickens from the cunning fox."

FC Instructor: Guys, we must help the cockerel and his chickens. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

FC Instructor: Well then, we need to pack up and prepare well for our journey. Let's do finger exercises.

My funny round ball ( With one hand we hit an imaginary ball.)

Do not hide round cheeks! (Change of hands.)

I'll catch you, (With two hands, connecting the fingers of the same name, we show the ball.)

I'll ride in my arms! (Roll an imaginary ball between the palms.)

FC Instructor: Well done boys! To help the cockerel and chickens, we will go on a magic train. We line up in one line, occupy the wagons in our magic train.

Children are built in one line.

FC Instructor: Guys, we can meet various birds on the way. When you see a crow, you will need to stop and say: "Kar-kar-kar!" - the crow disappears, you continue walking. When you see a dragonfly, you should spread your arms to the side and run, when the dragonfly disappears, continue moving.

FC instructor: Equal! Attention! Right!

Rides, rides a locomotive,

A loud clatter of wheels is heard.

The locomotive hums, hums.

And the arrow flies forward. Step march!

Walking in a circle, as shown by the FC instructor: "Crow!" - you need to stop, say: "Kar - kar - kar!" - and keep walking. At the signal of the FC instructor: "Dragonflies!" - easy running, spreading your arms to the sides - "spread your wings."

FC Instructor: Good fellows ran well, it's time to rest. Let's do the "Cockerel" exercise with you, which will help us restore our breathing. Children are built in a circle.


Standing straight, legs apart, hands down. Raise your hands to the sides (inhale), and then slap them on your hips (exhale), say “ku-ka-re-ku”. The teacher shows correct execution exercises.

Repeat 2-3 times.

FC Instructor: Guys, look, the cockerel's house, let's call him.

Cockerel, cockerel,

Golden comb.

Come out to us soon

We've come to the rescue.

The teacher of the group in a cockerel mask comes out of the house.

Cockerel: Hello guys, how nice to see you.

FC Instructor: The guys and I received your letter and immediately went to help you.

Cockerel: I'm glad about it. Only now, the fox is very cunning and strong, I'm afraid that you can't handle it.

FC Instructor A: We will definitely do it. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

FC Instructor: Guys, before we go to the fox, we must become strong for this, we will perform several exercises. And you cockerel do them with us.

Cockerel: Certainly.

Main part

A set of general developmental exercises "We are strong."

1. "Strong hands"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the sides, fists at the shoulders. Stretch your arms up with force, do not unclench your fists. Return to i. n. Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.

2. "We are strong"

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, hands down. Return to i. n. Tilt - exhale. Repeat 4 times.

3. "Strong legs"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Slightly bend and straighten the legs ("spring"). After 3-4 movements rest. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. "Let's rest »

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. 3-4 times stomp with the right, then with the left foot; do 6-8 jumps. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking.

5. "We are great"

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, deep breath through the nose. Return to i. p., on the exhale, say "a-a-ah." Repeat 3-4 times.

FC Instructor: Well done, now we are ready to go for chickens to a cunning fox.

The main types of movements

Cockerel: Guys, the fox lives on the other side of a deep river, how can we cross it.

FC Instructor: It's not a problem. When we walked towards you, I saw a bridge, so we will pass through it. Children take turns crossing the bridge.

Equilibrium "Let's go over the bridge." From two parallel boards (width 25 cm, length 2 m).

An adult appears wearing a fox mask. Blocks the way.

Fox: Who are the guests in my domain? Why did you complain?

FC Instructor: Hello fox. We've come to take away the chickens you stole from the cockerel.

Fox: I won't give them to you. Until you play my favorite game with me.

FC Instructor: Guys, cockerel, let's play with the fox?

Children: Yes!

Cockerel: Certainly!

Mobile game "Fox and chickens"

The fox goes ahead, and the guys behind her. With the words: A fox went to the market, followed by chickens. Yellow, fluffy, tasty guys. Then the fox turns around sharply, having reached the end of the playground, and runs after the guys, cheerfully saying, while now I'll catch it. Repeats 2 times.

Final part

FC Instructor: Well played, ran. Now you need to restore your breath and perform the exercise "Lumberjack".

Exercise "Lumberjack"

Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. While inhaling, fold your hands with an ax and raise them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower the outstretched arms as you exhale, tilt the body, allowing the hands to “cut through” the space between the legs. Say "bang". Repeat 2-3 times.

Fox: Thanks for playing with me. I'm sorry Rooster for stealing your chickens. I promise I won't do it again.

The fox gives the basket of chickens to the cockerel and leaves.

FC Instructor: What good fellows we are guys. Now it's time to return home.

Cockerel: Thank you very much, I'm so glad you helped me. The chickens and I will get home ourselves, and I will show you a short path home.

The cockerel shows a short way. (Massage tracks lying on the floor).

After the show, the cockerel leaves.

Children with an instructor walk on massage mats.

FC Instructor: Guys, here we are at home. Let's sit on our pillows and rest a little.

Relaxation "Bubenchik".

Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby "Fluffy Clouds". "Awakening" occurs to the sound of a bell.

FC Instructor: We rested, now let's put the pillows in a box and line up in one line.

Children remove pillows and line up in one line.

FC Instructor: Did you guys like our trip? Are you glad you helped the cockerel? Was it difficult for you?

Children answer questions.

FC Instructor: Well, now you need to return to the group.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Software content.

  1. Exercise children in walking with the performance of tasks on the command of the teacher.
  2. Repeat game exercises with running.
  3. Exercise in balance while walking on the gymnastic bench.
  4. Develop children's flexibility; muscle strength; speed of reaction and dexterity of movements.
  5. form healthy lifestyle life.

Equipment: ball-bun, cubes, bars, bench.

Lesson progress:

To Russian folk music, children enter the hall in a column one at a time, line up.

A teacher comes out to the children with a kolobok (painted ball) in his hands and says: “Hello, children, do you know who this is? What fairy tale is he from? And who baked it? (Grandmother.) How did she bake it? (Children show how they baked kolobok.) And he took the bun and rolled away from his grandparents. And he rolled away from you too!

Educator: "Guys, let's go look for him together."

I main part

Children perform to cheerful, rhythmic music.

Educator:"Right! March around the hall!”

  1. Walking on toes, arms up, back straight, do not look under your feet.
  2. Normal walking.
  3. Walking on heels, hands on the belt, back straight.
  4. Normal walking.
  5. Walking with high knees, hands forward, socks pull down.
  6. Normal walking.
  7. Running.
  8. Regular walking.

Turn down the music.

caregiver speaks: "Rolls kolobok further, and towards him a hare ", jump like bunnies, hands on the belt, legs together. (Children jump on two legs moving forward.)

caregiver: "Rolls kolobok further, and towards him a gray wolf ", we run like a wolf with a wide step, ordinary walking.

caregiver: "Rolls kolobok further, and a bear meets him ", accept the correct starting position, like me. Get up! Normal walking! (Children walk on their hands and feet "bearish")

caregiver: rolling, bun, rolling towards him the fox. We got up on our toes and walked like a fox. And the fox is cunning, coquettish! (Children walk on tiptoes, put their legs crosswise, move their hands in front of them, as if flirting.)

caregiver: “And here is the bun, we caught you!” ( Take the bun in hand.) “And now we’ll show you the bun that the guys and I are brave, strong, dexterous and skillful!”

(Plant a bun.)

Educator:"Right! Bypassing the hall step march! Stand in 2 columns! We continue walking, stand still once or twice! All around!"

Kolobok and the guys do exercises with a cube.

II part of the ORU

Educator:"I'm showing the exercise! And you listen and no one repeats after me!

Exercise 1: I. p - legs shoulder-width apart, a cube in both hands below! For one - the cube is forward, for two - the cube is up, for three - the cube is forward, for four - the starting position. (4-5 times.)


2. I. p - feet shoulder width apart, a cube in both hands, hands forward. For one - turn right, for two - the cube forward, for three - turn left, for four - return to the starting position. (4-5 times.)

Educator:“Take the starting position! Start the exercise!"

3. I. p - feet shoulder width apart, a cube at the chest. for one - Sit down, move the cube forward, for two - rise, return to the starting position. (5-6 times.)

Educator:“Take the starting position! Start the exercise!"

4. I. p - sitting, legs apart, a cube in bent arms in front of you. For one - Bend over and take the cube forward, for two - straighten up, return to the starting position. (4-5 times.)

Educator:“Take the starting position! Start the exercise!"

Educator:“Stand up! Next exercise!

5. I. p - legs together, hands on the belt, a cube on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the cube. Jumping - step around the cube (15 seconds) - jumping - step around the cube (15 seconds).

Educator:“Take the starting position! Start the exercise!"

(The junior teacher comes up with a basket.)

Educator:"Guys, take your cubes and put them in the basket."

The teacher puts benches and bars.

III part. Basic movements

Educator: Stand in one column. Today we will perform two main movements: walking on the gymnastic bench and jumping over the bars. We will split into two teams. The first team with blue circles stand at the bars, and the second team with red circles stay at the bench.

1. Jumping over bars. (legs together, hands on the belt).

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench.

Educator:“You need to walk along the bench, keeping your balance, keep your head and back straight, turn around in the middle and go further, get off the bench (do not jump) and return to your column.

Educator:“Well done! We have finished the main movements, we change places "

(The junior teacher removes the benches and bars.)

mobile game "Sly Fox".

Educator:“Well done! The main movements are completed. Get in a circle! Kolobok, let's play the game "Cunning Fox! Today the fox will be .... " Then the teacher invites the children to ask the question: “Cunning fox, where are you? "Sly Fox" raises his hand and says: "I'm here!"

All « koloboks» scatter around the site, and “the fox tries to touch them with his hand.

Kolobok: "Oh, I'm tired! Let `s have some rest!"

Educator:“I suggest you all lie down on the floor, close your eyes.

Relaxation (calm music is turned on).

Relaxation "Fairy Tale".

We spread our arms, we are like birds.

We close our eyes - we will dream of a fairy tale ...

The ball will dream blue ...

And Mishutka is small ...

Bright moon behind the mountain ...

And a scarlet flower...

Petals caress the wind

A little flower sways...

This is a fairy tale for children...

The kids relax...

Eyes open, muscles tense!

Immediately cheerfulness, strength in the body are felt!

(Lying on your back, under calm speech accompaniment and pleasant, quiet music, complete relaxation.)

(Turn off the music.)

Educator:“Everyone got on their feet. Let's remember guys what exercises we did today? What exercises were difficult for you? What is the right way to walk on a bench? What game did we play?

Educator:“Kolobok, did you like it with us today?

Kolobok:“Yes, I liked it very much. Thank you guys for playing with me today, showing how strong, brave and skillful you are. And it's time for me to go back. Goodbye, guys!"

Educator:"Goodbye! Come visit us again!"