The best sport for an adult man. Which sport is only for men? Sports but not sports

Regular exercise, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general are one of the best trends of our time. Everyone wants to have good health, and for this it is simply necessary to play sports. In addition, a normal man strives to be attractive in the eyes of women, which involves constant self-care.

All people are different, so one to maintain an excellent physical form and raising the mood is enough basic exercises at the gym or at home, while others require Various types street workouts, including games and extreme views sports. Moreover, much depends on the interests, goals, daily routine and even the age of the person. Next, we will figure out what kind of sport is better for a man to do at 30, 35 and 40 years old.


Most professional athletes start their careers at a very young age. However, not everyone achieves success. In addition to diligent daily training, you must have natural talent and genetic predisposition. All this indicates that if you start doing any kind of sport after 30 years, most likely, you can not count on outstanding results.

For general health promotion and a good physique, men should pay attention to the following sports:

    Football . Most popular view sport in the world trains endurance, strength and flexibility. Continuous running and jumping during the game strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases muscle tone and promotes fat burning. Team actions and victory over an opponent bring pleasure and excitement.

    Swimming . Unlike football, amateur swimming in the pool does not take so much strength and does not burden the joints, and the benefits of this sport are no less. Great way to reset excess weight, pump muscles (biceps, triceps, press), get rid of arthritis, problems with the spine and many other ailments.

    Tennis . Systematic tennis lessons develop not only the body, but also the mind, as this sport requires maximum concentration and attention. During the game, all muscle groups work, reaction and flexibility are trained. No wonder many famous politicians and businessmen prefer to play tennis.

Important. According to scientists and doctors, the best views sports for male potency are running and swimming, and cycling and rowing have the most negative impact. Volleyball and basketball are most suitable for building bone tissue.

Almost any physical activity and sports in moderation are exceptionally beneficial for health and quality of life. Therefore, it is rather difficult to determine which sport is better for a man to do. Everything is individual. In any case, consider the recommendations presented above and get up from the couch more often.

What sport is honored by modern men? What do representatives of the strong half of humanity like to do, and what do they prefer to just watch on TV, sitting at home or in a sports bar?

It is one of the oldest and most beautiful kinds of not only sports, but also martial arts! You can talk endlessly about the versatility and practicality of boxing. But most importantly, you can master the basics of this craft quite quickly. It is not necessary to become a world champion, but everyone should be able to protect themselves and their loved ones. Boxing is a sport for everyone. We will not popularize the opinion that this sport is only for "really tough, tough guys." A “nerd” can also engage in boxing and even reach a certain level. Everyone can choose an individual load and training program, it all depends on the goal that a person sets for himself, and, of course, on his capabilities.

American football
Dynamic, bright, tough, not at all taken root in Europe, but gathering thousands of stadiums in the United States is a sport. The fight for the ball and brutal guys in shoulder pads and helmets are a spectacular sight! This is something transitional - sometimes from football to boxing, sometimes in the opposite direction. The qualities are demonstrated the same as in boxing. Plus speed, the presence of a "pack" and again a fight. But now not one on one, but wall to wall.

Almost football, but on ice, with hockey sticks. A cruel and dangerous sport in its own way. Having received a flying puck in the forehead, you will understand why. Extreme. Sometimes it's like boxing, sometimes it's like figure skating. But it is always clear: a coward does not play hockey. Even frostbitten.

Ordinary. Classical. But it has masses of spectators, of whom practically no one will be able to run across the field for 90 minutes. At least in circles, at least in eights, at least along any other trajectory. Football is the most popular sport. Although some believe that in our time the most popular male sports It's football on TV.

Intelligent. Relatively calm. But still - for real men who can not only satisfy their thirst during the game, but also remember 19 holes, talk and make the most complex calculations in their minds (taking into account wind, weather, ocean level and much more). Handsome.

This is one of the types of motorcycle sports, a style of riding a motorcycle on off-road or special looped tracks. In motocross, a closed track has a dirt surface, usually with additional obstacles in the form of natural or artificial slides, jumps, and turns. In general, tough guys do motocross. They literally fly on the ground. So you can not talk about speed - although not personal, but technical. For it is possible to miss the moment when the flight moves from a horizontal plane to a vertical one. Esoteric. Risk boys. And so they are real.

For an amateur. Because not every man recognizes this heavyweight (two opponents, each 300 kilos) real Japanese wrestling. Sumo is a type of martial arts in which two wrestlers reveal the strongest on a round platform. The origin of this sport is Japan. The tradition of sumo has been going on since ancient times, so each fight is accompanied by numerous rituals. By the way, Japan is a recognized sumo center and the only country where professional competitions are held. In the rest of the world, only amateur sumo exists. Modern professional sumo combines elements of sports, martial arts, shows, traditions and business.

auto racing
For a simple layman, auto racing at first glance seems inaccessible, since participation in big competitions costs money, sometimes significant. But if you look at this dilemma from the other side and follow the path of a race car driver from the very beginning, you can achieve considerable results. For participation in racing competitions you just need to have your own serviceable car with a technical inspection mark and a motorcycle helmet. In various countries, numerous off-road rallies are very popular in many cities. More and more people want to participate in them.

Tromsø International Film Festival

Presented with the support of the BarentsKult Foundation, Kultur i Troms and the Norwegian Embassy in Russia: Concert film VARIETE (Variety). The best work of the German silent film classic Ewald André Dupont with live musical accompaniment will be shown in Moscow.


The International Automobile Festival Moscow Classic Grand Prix `2017 is coming soon! On June 12, we are waiting for everyone at the Moscow Raceway. On this day, within the framework of the festival, the 1st stage of the annual circuit championship on classic cars of the same name starts. The organizer of the festival is the company "Staroe Vremya".

At first glance, there can be no questions here, and if they do, then the answer for most men is unequivocal: sports are good for potency and for health in general. However, everything is not so clear. And first of all, it is necessary to divide the general concept of sports into professional and amateur.

Professional sports

The conclusions of doctors are disappointing: any professional look sport has a negative effect on male potency. We are talking about classes, the purpose of which is to win competitions, set a record, etc. This requires such serious training that the body's strength is greatly depleted, and the very desire for intimacy arises only after a few hours, or even the next day. As a result, erection problems occur due to excessive loads, which the body experiences constantly, and is thus in a state of continuous stress. In addition, after such intense training, the level of testosterone in the blood decreases by an average of 30-35%.

According to statistics, almost all professional athletes have serious problems in the intimate sphere. In half of the cases, problems are solved within 2-3 years, in the rest, more time is required. in men, they also appear on the background of taking steroids and other sports drugs. In this case, the restoration of men's health requires even more time and effort.

amateur sports

It is sports for the sake of pleasure or for the purpose of maintaining health that have a positive effect on male potency. However, there are some nuances here: not all sports are beneficial.

Beneficial sports. Most active sports are useful. This is running, football, basketball and others. sport games, swimming, wrestling and martial arts(no injury). It is also useful to visit a fitness club, including strength exercises with weighting. During classes, the cardiovascular system works more actively, blood rushes to the pelvic organs. Also after exercise, especially power, the production of testosterone is activated, therefore, immediately after the average intensity of training, physical attraction may occur.

Harmful sports. Sports that negatively affect men's health include all "sitting": cycling, rowing, chess and others. It is especially not recommended to engage in cycling because of the constant pressure on the perineal area. At the same time, for example, an hour of driving once a week does not affect potency in any way, and more serious exercises can cause erection problems, premature ejaculation and other unpleasant consequences.

Moderate physical exercise useful for men's health and sexual viability. Undoubtedly, sport and potency coexist in close relationship. Excessive activity, as well as some sports, have the opposite effect. That is, lead to sexual weakness. IMPORTANT: before starting active pursuits, it is necessary to figure out what will benefit and what will harm.

The most harmful sports for men's health

It would seem that sport has an undoubted positive effect on male viability, but there are types that negatively affect sexual strength.

It has been proven that one motor activity not enough to guarantee the maintenance of sexual function at the proper level. Some directions can harm the body by pinching the vessels of the perineum or injury.


According to many doctors, cycling is the most harmful sport for potency.

This conclusion is based on the following postulates:

  • The bicycle seat is distinguished by a narrow and uncomfortable shape; prolonged stay on it disrupts the general blood circulation in the pelvic area; also in the process of riding, the artery responsible for the blood filling of the penis is subjected to compression;
  • Trips are fraught with hypothermia, which provokes prostatitis and cystitis. Specially designed clothing for cyclists does not prevent overexposure to the cold. Prostate dysfunction and Bladder– frequent preconditions for ;
  • The emergence of " greenhouse effect» happens when cycling in ordinary clothing, especially if it is made from synthetic materials. Overheating is no less harmful than regular exposure to cold.

In 1998, Boston scientists conducted studies, the results of which upset many cyclists. According to the test subjects, long trips led to a feeling of numbness in the groin area. During the tests, it was proved that regular cycling for long distances leads to an irreversible disruption of blood flow, resulting in impaired sexual function.

Horseback riding also added to the list, which includes sports that are harmful to potency.

Despite the fact that for a long time riding horses did not belong to, but was a necessity in the absence of other transport, it has been proven that it has a negative effect on sexual function.

  • Sitting in the saddle negatively affects the work of blood vessels in the groin area;
  • In the presence of thrombosis, horse riding at times increases the likelihood of a blood clot detachment;
  • Increased heart rate causes additional harm, which so often suffer from;
  • Urological diseases and kidney dysfunctions are exacerbated by the choice of this sport;
  • Horseback riding is a traumatic sport, a fall can lead to various injuries, including the genitals and spine.

A sport such as rowing is harmful due to the fact that it is a sedentary sport. In the process of motor activity, only shoulder muscles and torso.

The pelvic area is practically not used, so the mechanism of a negative effect on potency is similar to a normal sedentary lifestyle, when nothing activates blood flow in the genital area.

What sport is good for potency?

Among the useful sports, it is advisable to single out those that have a direct impact on the blood supply to the genitals. It is this effect that enhances potency and helps prevent erectile dysfunction.


With the help of Eastern practices, although not everyone will consider that these are full-fledged sports, potency increases due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic area. It also has a positive effect on energy flows that increase the sexual capabilities of a man. A number of exercises strengthen the muscles necessary for a full and varied intimacy.

Performing certain exercises helps stretch the spine and develop hip joints. This prevents infringement of the nerve endings that provide a normal level of potency. Work aimed at deflecting the spine is useful for the full and normal functioning of the adrenal glands.

Yoga is impossible without achieving a certain emotional state. To fully follow the practices, you need to learn how to relax and balance the emotional state. Thus, not only a positive physical effect on the body is achieved, but also a powerful psychotherapeutic effect.

A man becomes much more balanced, and susceptibility to bouts of irritability decreases. Oriental practices effectively protect against depression and psychological disorders of various kinds.


Such a sport is useful for potency due to many positive effects:

  • Replacing body fat with muscle mass;
  • Normalization of weight;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Improving the functioning of the prostate;
  • Activation of ejaculate synthesis;
  • Stabilization of hormonal balance;
  • Decreased cholesterol levels;
  • Reducing the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Stimulation of blood supply in the genital area;
  • Prevention of urological pathologies;
  • Prevention of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Prevention of the development of heart failure and deterioration of the functioning of the vascular system;
  • Maintaining the necessary physical form;
  • Quality normalization;
  • Increased endurance;
  • Improvement psychological state and ability to cope with stress;
  • Normalization of self-esteem.


Regular exercises in the pool, and in the warm season in the river or the sea, have a positive effect on all body systems.

This sport affects potency in several ways:

  • Activation of muscle tone, which is necessary for the ability to conduct a full and;
  • Strengthening of the joints, including the hip;
  • Improving the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels, on which sexual function directly depends;
  • Work stabilization nervous system, which avoids ;
  • Increasing the protective functions of the body, necessary to prevent the development of ailments;
  • Weight control - it has been proven that extra pounds are negative and the ability to achieve;
  • "Massage" of the genital organs - the special structure and density of water allows you to completely replace massage sessions for stimulation.

How does sport affect potency in general?

The general effect of sports on potency has been confirmed by men and clinical specialists, it has been proven that people who do not neglect physical activity are 30% less likely to suffer from impotence. This is due to the fact that such activity activates the production of the sex hormone necessary to achieve a stable erection.

IMPORTANT: weight-lifting, despite active propaganda, does not have a negative effect on potency if the number of workouts is commensurate with endurance and steroid anabolics are excluded to artificially accelerate the growth of muscle mass. However, if it is possible to find an alternative, it is better to resort to it.

It just so happened that almost all men are engaged in or are passionate about some kind of sport. It is difficult to imagine today a man who would not watch football with friends or was not going to leave for the weekend basketball Add to cart. Some even go in for sports professionally and build their careers on it! But this article is focused on a completely different type of men, namely those who still cannot decide what kind of sport they like and what they would like to do in life!

First, I would like to note that no matter what sport you choose, the main thing is that you set yourself a course healthy lifestyle life! After all, health and physical development for a man plays an important role in his life, in the life of his family and in relation to friends and colleagues!

So, how to choose your sport ? The answer depends on many factors, for example: physique, reaction, strength, mobility and many other physical characteristics of a man, and in addition to this, personal sympathy for a particular sport. Let's deal with the most common sports that millions of men on our planet have chosen and are choosing!


A combat sport that is not suitable for all men. If there are flaws in health, it is better to abandon this power sport, since in different weight categories you can get serious injuries that can complicate your physical state! Therefore, it is suggested that you undergo a medical examination before training in order to make sure that you are completely healthy and fit for heavy physical exertion.

Boxing is a sport for real men who are not afraid of difficulties and pain! In training, you will not only learn how to defend properly, but also be able to maximize your muscle mass and hand strength. In the training process, sometimes, not quite at first glance, male exercises were introduced, such as jumping rope, gymnastic stretching, running, as well as harsh male combat lessons: setting the speed and accuracy of the strike, endurance, the ability to “go on the defensive” and other.

In addition, athletes spend a lot of time on physical activity, strengthening the muscles of the press, back, arms, and even do a series of breathing exercises.

By the way, boxing is a great opportunity for men to shake off unnecessary weight and ensure a decent physical shape!

Football, basketball, volleyball and other ball sports

This is probably the most popular category among men, because men love to kick the ball at any age! This can happen in the yard with friends, in gym with work colleagues or even during a picnic in nature. Moreover, almost all sports with the ball do not have a strict framework about the fact that only men should play: you can invite members of your family or girlfriends to your team.

But in the event that you decide to take up football or basketball more seriously, remember that these sports require from athletes not only the swiftness and clarity of a strike or throw, but also stamina, special physical training and dexterity! In order to become a pro in such sports, it is not enough to learn how to control your own body, you also need to learn how to perfectly manipulate the ball and be able to move very quickly with it, bypassing all obstacles. This requires more than one year of practice to achieve good result! I think that today in every city there are football or other sport sections with a ball for different age categories, where you can improve your physical shape.

Moreover, getting carried away and watching football and basketball on TV is one of the favorite activities and types of recreation for men!

A sport accessible to every man! This does not require a special room or any special training, but you only need the desire to make yourself a healthy and physically strong person. Running has a great effect not only on maintaining the tone of the body, but also trains and strengthens the heart system, immunity, develops joints and cleanses the lungs! Everyone can afford to put on sports sneakers and get out the door for a run, as far as he has the strength and desire for it. When running, do not forget to keep the same pace and monitor the frequency of your breathing!


View sports activities for men who want to have a great physique and be physically strong. In every city there is now a choice of fitness centers for classes, where experienced instructors will help you lose weight or show you how to correctly perform exercises on different groups muscles.


Excellent complex training for all muscle groups, ligaments and joints. Swimming has an excellent effect on the cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system at any time of the year. Swimming can also be combined with any kind of sports, which will only contribute to gaining the desired physical shape!

Sports but not sports

Let's not forget that there are sports that, in fact, sometimes are not sports, although one can argue, because for some reason they were given the status of a sport. And someone will say that developing, for example, brains (chess) and hitting accuracy (billiards) is also a sport. However, some sports still require you to be in good shape, for example, those who drive cars or motorcycles require constant physical training(which, by the way, can lead you to other sports too), so you can combine three in one: drive, building your own body and health. So it's up to you to choose, and pay attention to the existence of this opportunity!

In this article, we have considered only the most popular activities for men, but do not forget that there are a number of other sports hobbies, such as: sports dancing, martial arts, cycling and other activities to consider as well!

Men, go in for sports and be healthy!

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