Volunteering in Russia. Sports volunteer: a vocation for a person of any profession Definition of a sports volunteer

Kogut I. A., Goncharenko E. V., Ulan A.

National University physical education and sports of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Introduction. The socialization of persons with special needs is one of the highest priority tasks of any democratic state. Providing conditions for effective social integration of people with disabilities today is practically impossible without the development of a sports movement in the country for people with special needs.

Adaptive sport, having reached such a large scale in its development, is hard to imagine today without a volunteer movement. First of all, this applies to such major competitions in adaptive sports as the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games, World Games Special Olympics.

IN scientific papers specialists (Solomahin L. A., Kuznetsova Z. M., 2009) revealed the features of the functioning of the volunteer movement in the world, analyzed the main problems of training volunteers in Olympic and adaptive sports (Makhov A. S., 2011; Matveev S. F., Kogut I. A., 2011). Lack of in-depth study and definition of the specifics and distinctive features volunteering in various types of adaptive sports determined the relevance of this work.

Purpose of the study - revealing the role of the volunteer movement in adaptive sports.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the features of the functioning of volunteering in adaptive sports.

2. To identify the features of the volunteer movement in the Paralympic, Deaflympic sports and Special Olympics.

Research methods: analysis and generalization scientific and methodological literature and Internet materials, a method of synthesis and analysis.

Results of the study and their discussion. IN last years there is a gradual change in the attitude of society towards the problems of people with various types deviations (sonor, physical, intellectual, which is characterized by the manifestation special attention to their social inclusion. An important role in this was played by the involvement of people with special needs in physical education and sports.

Usage mentions exercise for medicinal purposes can be found as early as 3000 BC. in China. However, the idea of ​​using funds physical education and sports to meet the personal needs of people with disabilities emerged not so long ago. At the end of the 19th century, the focus of physical exercises gradually began to shift from therapeutic to sports, which marked the beginning of the development of adaptive sports in the world. Adaptive sport is sports movement, modified or created to meet the special needs of persons with disabilities. Today, this phenomenon is mainly developing in three directions: Paralympic, Deaflympic sports and the Special Olympics movement.

International competitions, such as the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games, the Special Olympics World Games, are hard to imagine without a clear organizational structure, where a special role is assigned to the volunteer movement. Volunteer initiatives extend to various areas of activity. After the sport gained immense popularity, volunteering was introduced into its structure.

The very phenomenon of volunteering has been known for a long time, but volunteering in adaptive sports is just beginning to develop. On present stage Volunteering is activities that include traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, formal service provision and other forms of civic participation, which are carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public, in particular people with disabilities, without relying on cash reward.

Thanks to the organized volunteer movement, the following is achieved:

Creation of an active life position in persons with deviations in the state of health;

Rehabilitation of persons with special needs and organization of their leisure time through the implementation of training sessions And sports competitions;

· increasing the motivation for physical culture and sports in people with special needs;

the tolerant attitude of society towards persons with handicapped and overcoming barriers in communicating with them.

The number of involved volunteers in relation to the participants themselves is striking in its scale, which tends to increase every year. In 2008, the Paralympic Games in Beijing provided 30 thousand volunteers (with 4 thousand athletes participating), the 2009 Deaflympic Games served 8600 volunteers (3965 athletes), and organize International Games The 2011 Special Olympics were assisted by 25,000 volunteers (7,500 athletes).

With regard to the functions that are the responsibility of volunteers working in the field of adaptive sports, it is necessary to highlight several differences between the activities of volunteers at the Paralympic, Deaflympic Games and their work during the conduct and organization of the Special Olympics Games. The main task of the volunteers involved in organizing and holding the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games is to organize competitions and provide direct assistance to athletes, as well as to popularize the Paralympic and Deaflympic movements outside the Games (Table 1).

Table 1 - Characteristics of the activities of volunteers in adaptive sports

Hello! My name is Masha and I am a volunteer.

Participation in volunteer activities today is difficult to surprise anyone. Volunteers are everywhere now: they do face painting in parks, help animal shelters, arrange educational events, care for the elderly and organize holidays in orphanages. To engage in social projects, such as helping nursing homes, you need a huge inner strength, desire and understanding - for what and why. I haven't "grown up" yet. I am a sports volunteer.

What is sports volunteering? The Olympic Games in Sochi made it popular. Any competition is a mobilization of forces and resources in one place, and assistants here are not superfluous at all. You can help at the stadium, prepare the track, meet teams at the airport, communicate with tourists in the city and much more.

At first glance, it seems that a volunteer at a sporting event is about sports. This is not entirely true, help is needed in a variety of areas - from translation to first aid.

© Maria Tatsenko

© Maria Tatsenko

I was a translator for Olympic Games ah in Sochi and the attache of the Swedish team ski activities sport at the Paralympic Games. Before that, there was a stage of the Biathlon World Cup in 2013. Volunteers - in interviews and in life - are often asked the question: why did you decide to do this? I was embarrassed to answer it for a long time and listed everything that is usually said in such situations: I want to attend a grandiose event, make my own contribution to it, see with my own eyes.

I managed to formulate quite recently: for people of my age who are already working, have some experience, this is a great free chance to try something new in life. We are limited by the scope of the profession and sometimes we want to radically change the field of activity. As a volunteer, you can apply your skills and knowledge, gain new ones, and no one will say that you need work experience in this specialty. There are requirements: the volunteer must perform the functions assigned to him, but no one will entrust the volunteer with an impossible task.

But you need to be ready for anything. Once, during the Paralympic Games, the coaches of the Swedish team asked me where to buy ... sandpaper.

To be honest, I, a girl, was somewhat puzzled by this question. I vaguely imagined what she looked like, but I didn’t even know that she had different grain sizes. Having run around all the utility and technical premises of the stadium, I did not find the paper. And then there was the real challenge. Two coaches and I traveled in ordinary buses around Krasnaya Polyana and the surrounding villages in search of the notorious sandpaper, which was not available in ski shops or supermarkets. When it was already dark and no one believed in the success of the operation, the desired product was found in one of the shops for repair. We rejoiced like children.

Volunteering is a story about emotions and friendship. This is an acquaintance with the most diverse, the most interesting, the most unusual people. I know cases when volunteers met their soul mates at competitions, there are "volunteer" families.

© Maria Tatsenko

© Maria Tatsenko

Now I am a volunteer for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup TM . At general trainings you meet the most different ages. Most of them are students, but there are also "silver" volunteers - elderly people. I think this is a great opportunity for the latter to apply their knowledge and experience. There is an important psychological aspect - the ability to show that they are needed and important to society, that they are useful. These people are very responsive, caring - after all, the youth around them are like grandchildren.

Student years are the most best time to participate in the volunteer movement, and I regret a little that I myself became a volunteer later.

Why is this needed when there are already enough worries - sessions, term papers? No matter how pathetic it may sound, but volunteering is an experience of real work. Yes, this work is not paid, but this is the very opportunity to sniff gunpowder. After university, specialists often come out "sterile": they have a huge amount of theoretical knowledge, but no practical skills.

While studying at the university, I periodically worked at exhibitions and festivals. There are plenty of possibilities. International forums, film festivals, exhibitions, round tables, sports events are held annually. If you search, and here is Google to help, volunteers are needed everywhere. After the Sochi Games, I applied for the World Ski Championships in Falun, Sweden. I couldn’t go to the championship then, but my data is still in the Swedish databases, and every year I receive invitations to Open Championship Sweden tennis (Sweden Open) and other events. Now I'm going to Stockholm for the UEFA Europa League final.

© Maria Tatsenko

© Maria Tatsenko

Of course, volunteering abroad is not always suitable for students - organizations usually do not pay for accommodation and flights. But if you want to dive into sports holiday, to feel his drive and excitement, then it’s not a pity to spend a vacation on it, especially since you never know what you can get in return. And this is not about memorable souvenirs or photographs with eminent athletes (although you will show pictures with Anton Shipulin or Martin Fourcade to friends, children and grandchildren), but about new acquaintances. These are like-minded friends with whom you will stand together in shifts, and sports managers, and members of foreign delegations. This is exactly the moment when you can be noticed, when you can show your human qualities, do not be shy to help, because in life we ​​are often embarrassed to be indifferent.

Is it for everyone? I think not, and that's okay. You can't force someone to volunteer. This is not something that can be done under pressure.

Also, don't get involved if you think it's a way to watch competitions for free. A volunteer can stand for the entire match in a room under the stands or in the parking lot. This must be understood.

There are still many championships and Olympic Games ahead. It's great that today you can open the Internet, find competitions in any sport and apply. By the way, in 2019 we, in Krasnoyarsk, will host the Winter Universiade, and I know for sure that volunteers will be needed there.

If you love sports enough to make this holiday better for others, even to the detriment of your personal desires, then go for it.

Volunteering as an idea of ​​serving the community is as old a concept as “society”. In all ages who realized themselves in communication and helping their community. What do volunteers do today - we will consider in this article.

What is volunteering?

Volunteering is an activity that is aimed at providing gratuitous services to a person or group of people who are not relatives of a volunteer, without the expectation of a monetary reward. This wording most accurately defines the meaning of volunteering.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no legal definition of the term “volunteer”. And very often this word is used in a variety of situations. For example, volunteers are people who participate in government projects and receive monetary rewards for this. Many argue that it is not voluntary, but has the form of ordinary wage labor. According to the above wording, volunteers can be called workers who work in well-known enterprises without pay for the sake of gaining experience. However, such people are not considered volunteers.

Volunteering in Russia

IN Russian Federation originated in the late 1980s. Historians argue that the volunteer movement has always existed, it simply did not have an official name.

In Russia, volunteering is controlled by the highest authorities and regulated by legislative acts. So, in 1995, the State Duma adopted a law on volunteering, which is called "On Public Associations." It defines the rights and opportunities of voluntary groups. In the same year, the law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" was adopted, which also regulates the activities of volunteers.

On this moment The Russian government provides state support to volunteers. Thus, tax and other benefits are provided for voluntary organizations.

Now volunteering is very popular and even fashionable. Volunteer organizations existing in Russia are mainly focused on young people who are not busy with family responsibilities and are permanent. Volunteer groups are most often organized at universities. Thus, volunteers of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge.

Problems of volunteering in Russia

Recently, volunteering in the Russian Federation is gaining new momentum. But, despite the positive trends, there are problems that hinder the development of volunteering. Thus, the current economic situation of the country makes it difficult to use unpaid labor. Even in Soviet times, volunteering had a voluntary-compulsory form. Participation in public works was compulsory for all. This approach violated the principle of voluntariness. For this reason, the majority of Russians have a negative attitude towards such activities and are in no hurry to sign up for volunteers in the Russian Federation.

Today it rests on young initiative people, in whose minds thoughts about support and assistance to those in need appear.

Areas of volunteer activity

Volunteers play an important role in the life of society. There are many problems in the modern world that cannot be solved without the help of volunteers. So, volunteering can be manifested in such main areas as:

  • AIDS prevention;
  • protection of nature and preservation of the purity of the environment;
  • prevention and control of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction;
  • assistance to the elderly, the disabled, orphans, the poor, migrants, refugees, the homeless and other people who need material and moral support;
  • improvement of streets, houses, green areas;
  • assistance to animals, maintenance of nature reserves and zoos;
  • conducting educational conversations with young people in order to prevent free sexual relations and teenage prostitution;
  • Internet volunteering, of which Wikipedia is an example;
  • assistance in organizing charity concerts and various festivals;
  • assistance to law enforcement agencies, doctors, rescuers; for example, conducting a survey of the population or searching for a person who got lost in an unfamiliar area;
  • technical support.

Principles of volunteering

Any volunteer activity is based on ideology. Various promotions, programs and all kinds of events are often accompanied by entourage. Usually volunteers wear clothes, hats with the symbols of a volunteer organization. You can also recognize a volunteer by badges. Such an ideology and adherence to principles makes the members of the organization feel their importance. Thus, volunteers must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Always respect the rights, dignity, national and cultural characteristics of other people.
  2. Propaganda healthy lifestyle life. Volunteers do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  3. Always show kindness. Do not use words and expressions that can offend or harm another person.
  4. Volunteering is a legitimate way to participate in society.
  5. A volunteer always has the right to choose.

Types of volunteering

There is a classification according to which the following types of volunteer activities are distinguished:

  1. In the direction of sports, virtual, environmental, construction, agricultural, concert, cultural, educational, office volunteering.
  2. At the location of the participant of the voluntary organization: city, non-resident and international volunteers.
  3. By types of services rendered and work performed: escort, transportation, communication with the blind and deaf and dumb, care for bedridden patients, meeting at the railway station or at the airport, servicing spectators, telephone duty.
  4. By event name: festival, Olympic and Paralympic volunteers.
  5. By the number of people involved: individual, joint or group volunteering.
  6. According to the volunteer's affiliation to the organization: school, church, corporate, university, organizing committee volunteers.
  7. Depending on the type of financing: self-sustaining and subsidized.

Forms of volunteering

There are the following forms of volunteering:

  1. Individual volunteer activity.
  2. Volunteering as part of a group of volunteers.
  3. Volunteering through a volunteer organization.

Why do people become volunteers?

People volunteer for different reasons. The main ones are:

  1. A noble idea - it reflects the principles and importance of the activity.
  2. Psychological need - many people want to do something useful for society. While participating in volunteer programs, they gain self-esteem and job satisfaction.
  3. The need for communication - for this reason, very often people look for work in voluntary organizations.
  4. Search for new opportunities and interests - volunteering is often associated with non-standard approaches and new areas of activity.
  5. Opportunity to earn - a lot of volunteers for the sake of financial enrichment. Although volunteering is considered gratuitous, the volunteer still receives something, whether it be moral pleasure or material reward, if provided by the organization.
  6. Self-realization is an opportunity to improve your career. As a volunteer, you can make new connections and gain respect in the community. Also, during volunteering, you can develop new
  7. The desire to share their own experience - people who survived the financial crisis, alcoholism, drug addiction, can predict and help prevent situations that happened to them.
  8. Access to resources - as a rule, volunteers have the opportunity to travel a lot, use the Internet, books, etc.

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National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine


Boyko I.

Formulation of the problem. The volunteer movement today is one of the main forms of manifestation of the social activity of citizens around the world. Volunteer organizations officially exist in more than 175 countries. Volunteers take an active part in various social projects, including sports and the Olympic movement.

Research suggests that holding the modern Olympic Games is impossible without the help of volunteers. In 1992, the seventh president of the IOC, H.A. Samaranch, speaking with a report during the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​officially recognized by the IOC the importance of the work of volunteers at the Games, and also noted their role in the development of the modern Olympic movement.

The volunteer movement is becoming an integral part of activities in the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine as well. This is due to the regular holding of major international events, including the European Football Championship 2012, the World Fencing Championship 2012, the World rhythmic gymnastics 2013, the 2015 European Basketball Championship (postponed), the 2017 Ice Hockey World Championship, etc. Our country filed an official application to host the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

An analysis of the specialized literature allows us to judge that today there are a significant number of publications devoted to the history of the volunteer movement and the social significance of volunteering. There are separate articles related to the description of the work of the volunteers of the Olympic Games. In particular, Brettell D., analyzes the role and importance of volunteers during the Games of the XXVII Olympiad. In the publications Lanzonil., Lykogianni D. , on the basis of theoretical data and practical analysis, the features of preparing young people for volunteering during the Olympic Games are considered. Rogge J. proposes to consider the development of volunteering as a strategy that is due to the spread Olympic movement in the world and its globalization. However, despite the availability of publications related to the development of volunteering in Olympic sports, its role and place in the system of the Olympic movement remains a topical issue of scientific research.

Communication of work with scientific plans, topics. The study was carried out in accordance with the Consolidated plan of research work in the field of physical culture and sports for 2015-2017. Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on the topic "Olympic education in the system of educational process of the younger generation."

The purpose of the study is to study the features of the formation of volunteering in modern Olympic sports as an integral part of its development.

1. Conduct an analysis of the literature data on the development of volunteering as a social phenomenon.

2. Study in historical aspect the dynamics of attracting volunteers to the organization and holding of the Olympic Games.

3. Highlight the main functions of the volunteers of the Olympic Games.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, documentary materials, Internet materials, historical, analysis, synthesis and generalization.

Results of the study and their discussion. Analysis and generalization of data from specialized literature allows us to judge that the history of Olympic volunteering is as old as the Olympic movement itself. The first volunteers are considered to be the sponsors of the Athens Games of 1896, revived after a break of almost one and a half thousand years. According to experts, if, at the call of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, numerous representatives of the Greek diaspora had not sent voluntary donations in the name of the resurrection of the ancient tradition, perhaps modern world would have been left without the Olympics. But the detachment of Olympic volunteers was replenished not only at the expense of patrons. Since the beginning of modern

Games, a person's personal contribution to the development of the Olympic movement is the most diverse: selling tickets for a sports competition, participating in a solemn procession, working with athletes and spectators, etc. . At the beginning of the XX century. the military and scouts became the pioneers of Olympic volunteering - after in 1907 the British colonel R.S. Baden-Powell founded this worldwide Youth Scouting movement. The first volunteers were responsible for disseminating information about the Games, ensuring order at the stadium and helping to hold competitions. At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, scouts took part for the first time in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games - they were entrusted with the honorary role of flag bearers.

After the Second World War, the work of sports volunteers became more diverse. New specialties of volunteers have appeared, for example: assistance in preparing for competitions, providing information to athletes and spectators, putting things in order on the field after competitions, assisting the police, working as translators, etc. Thus, the work of volunteers is closely intertwined with all the work of holding the Olympic Games .

Research shows that on Winter Games In 1952, in Oslo, new responsibilities appeared in the work of volunteers: volunteers began to take part in checking tickets, monitoring the situation during competitions, and in technical work in various fields. Changes in the functional duties of volunteers can also be noted at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne. 250 female scouts accompanied and provided services to female athletes, volunteers appeared - couriers, security guards and drivers.

At the 1960 Olympics

in Rome for the first time there were volunteers - radio announcers. Volunteers were engaged in the work of translators. The choice of translators was very strict. Only young people who were fluent in French, English and other languages ​​were selected. 155 volunteers assisted media workers. At the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico, in addition to receiving guests and disseminating information, the duties of a number of volunteers also included other functions: firstly, the provision of personal service on a one-to-one basis: IOC members, leaders of the Mexican Olympic Organizing Committee, members international sports organizations, heads of sports and cultural delegations, also important guests; second, providing services to members of the media and others in need of assistance.

The 1980 Lake Placid Olympic Games were an important period in the history of the sports volunteer movement. The official report on the Games noted: "If there were not 6,700 volunteers, the XIII Winter Olympic Games would not have ended." Volunteers were people of various specialties, not only from all states of America, but also from other countries of the world. At the 1980 Winter Games, volunteers worked as couriers, postmen, clerks, proofreaders, secretaries, and timekeepers. Their working hours were regulated. They received a uniform, they were provided with food and accommodation. After the end of the Olympic Games, the volunteers received certificates confirming their participation in the preparation and holding of the Games. It should be noted that the volunteers, who were fluent in foreign languages, played an important role as translators.

An analysis of the development of sports volunteering suggests that the model of volunteer work at the 1980 Lake Placid Olympics has become widely used over time, especially after it was repeated at the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo.

At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, there were about 30 thousand volunteers. Their work was carried out in various areas: medical care, the media, public relations, transport, food, finance, etc. The 1984 Olympic Games were largely dependent on volunteers - due to economic factors. These Games were an important stage in the history of the development of the volunteer movement in determining their number and the types of work they performed. volunteer olympic game

Olympic Games



Olympic Games



Los Angeles,

Sarajevo, 1984

Calgary, 1988

Barcelona, ​​1992

Albertville, 1992

Atlanta, 1996

Lillehammer, 1994

Sydney, 2000

Nagano, 1998

Athens, 2004

Salt Lake City, 2002

Beijing, 2008

Turin, 2006

London, 2012

Vancouver, 2010

Rio de Janeiro, 2016

Research suggests that the international experience of Olympic volunteering is becoming an indispensable part of the formula for success, which the organizers of the Olympic Games are trying to bring out every time with the same persistence. Thus, the organizers of the Games held in Beijing (2008) consider the work of the “volunteer team” brought to perfection to their unconditional achievements.

The Beijing Olympics broke the record for the number of volunteers: 70 thousand of them worked at the Olympic and 30 thousand at the Paralympic Games. Almost the entire population of the Chinese capital was involved in the programs accompanying the Games. The largest was the “Smiling Beijing” campaign, whose participants were supposed to demonstrate the “humanitarian nature” of the XXIX Summer Olympic Games and the friendliness of the Celestial Empire towards foreigners with the width and duration of a smile. Realizing the large-scale plan of their government, a million Chinese people smiled at foreign guests.

The main participants of the volunteer army are students of Beijing universities and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan aged 18-25 years. 100,000 "very best" were selected from 1.2 million applicants, among whom were 13 veterans of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, many elderly patriots and 22,000 foreigners. The main requirement for volunteers was good knowledge foreign language, especially English, which has always been a big problem for China.

The Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee (VANOC) has attracted 25,000 volunteers from all Canadian provinces to partner work. Exactly two years before the start of the Games in Canada, the CallforVolunteers online campaign was launched - this is how the country implemented a national program to search for volunteers to service the Olympic facilities and guests of the Olympic Games. Volunteer positions were opened on two government job search sites. Special recruiters from the Organizing Committee conducted thousands of interviews in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg, Calgary, Whistler, Vancouver and Swamish. The main requirements for Vancouver volunteers are "flexibility", diligence and enthusiasm, corresponding to the slogan of these Olympic Games: "With flaming hearts". It was mandatory to reach the age of 19 by September 1, 2008. The majority of candidates were residents of British Columbia, more than 18% of volunteers were from other Canadian provinces, about 1% came to winter Vancouver from other countries.

Olympic Volunteers Recruited to Serve sports facilities and sale of tickets for competitions, they provided a service in Olympic Village, worked as guides for guests of the country. Volunteers from special training turned out to be useful as translators and technical staff of the press center of the Olympic Games. The potential of the volunteer corps was tested while working on olympic ice rink Richmond Oval (the arena made its international debut in March 2009 during the World Cup speed skating) .

The organizers of the London Games called for more than 70 thousand volunteers under the Olympic banners - experienced volunteers and beginners. Recruitment to the volunteer team began in July 2010. The basic principle of volunteer recruiting is “from 18 and older”, and the upper bar did not matter. LOCOG management stated that the composition of the Olympic volunteers fundamentally reflected all the social and age diversity of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom. An exception was not made even for people with disabilities. The minimum set of requirements for all applicants was knowledge of the computer at a confident user level, good oral and written skills and teamwork experience. Far from the last place, the organizers assigned the internal motivation of each volunteer, who embodied "the passion, enthusiasm and energy of the Games."

On the official website of the London Olympic Games, it was emphasized that volunteers of two directions were in demand at the Games - specialists and general workers. The latter did not require special professional skills or qualifications - they worked in the service sector and were engaged in distributing uniforms for fans. At the same time, the areas of work of London 2012 volunteers were quite diverse; these are: medicine, sports, service, modern technologies, work in the press center, transport and accreditation.

At the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014, held in Sochi, volunteers were trained in 11 areas, and for the first time the OCOG provided accommodation and food for volunteers working at the Games.

Research suggests that the work of volunteers has gradually been integrated into the work of holding the Olympic Games. The number of volunteers involved in large-scale sporting events, such as the Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games, has constantly increased (Table 1). On the other hand, the growing popularity of the Olympic Games also attracts volunteers from all over the world to help organize and run them. The organizers of the Olympic Games are trying to impress spectators and participants more and more, and the sports volunteer movement plays an important role in this.

Since 1992 (Barcelona Olympics, Albertville Winter Olympics) the model of modern volunteers based on goodwill has been further developed. At the Winter Games in Albertville (1992), Lillehammer (1994), Nagano (1998), Salt Lake City (2002), Turin (2006), Sochi (2014) and at the Olympic Games in Barcelona (1992), Atlanta (1996), Sydney (2000), Athens (2004), Beijing (2008), London (2012), Rio de Janeiro (2016) volunteers made a huge contribution to the Olympic movement and worked for free.

Research suggests that today the work of volunteers is an important component in the organization and holding of the Olympic Games. Host cities recruit volunteers for a variety of functions, with Olympic Games volunteer training programs being an issue that needs to be further explored and developed.


1. An analysis of the literature data suggests that today there are a significant number of publications devoted to the history of the volunteer movement, highlighted key dates, describes the basic principles of the work of volunteer organizations. At the same time, social significance, organizational aspects, and peculiarities of volunteer training are an important aspect of scientific research.

2. Study in the historical aspect key points in attracting volunteers to the organization and holding of the Olympic Games will allow us to assert that "Olympic volunteering" originated as early as 1896 - during the 1st Modern Games, in Athens. An important date is 1907, when volunteers were first officially involved in the preparation of the Olympic Games. 1980 - The significance of volunteer work is first described in the host city's report on the hosting of the Olympic Games (XIII Olympic Winter Games). 1992 - H.A. Samaranch officially, from the IOC, recognized the importance of the work of volunteers at the Olympic Games.

3. Research suggests that at each Olympic Games the host cities are responsible for developing the strategy for organizing and hosting the Games. Specialists calculate the number of paid personnel, the number of volunteers and their main functions. The analysis shows that among the main functions of the volunteers of the modern Olympic Games, the following areas can be distinguished: "Transport", "Medicine", "Doping control", "Service for delegations and teams, protocol, linguistic services", "Technologies", "Ceremonies" , "Communications and press", "Administrative activity and accreditation", "Service", "Event servicing and work with spectators", "Paralympism".


1. Volunteering: a guide for the organizer of the volunteer movement in Ukraine / Style: T.L. Lyakh; Auth. Col.: O.V. Bezpalko, N.V. Zaveriko, I.D. Zvereva, N.V. Zimovets and in. - K .: VGC "Volunteer", 2001. - 176 p.

2. Levkiv V. Characteristics of sports volunteering as a variety of volunteer activities / V. Levkiv, T Makuts // Sports Science of Ukraine, 2013. - No. 5 (56). - S. 33-37.

3. Features of student youth motivation for volunteering // S. Olikh, T Matviychuk. Collection of scientific papers of the Khmelnitsky Institute of Social Technologies of the University "Ukraine". - 2013. - No. 2 (8). - S. 176-180.

4. Brettell D. The Sydney volunteers / D. Brettell // Olympic Review, December-January. - 2001. - Vol. XXVII, no. 42. - R. 37-43.

5. Rogge J. Volunteerism // Olympic Review, December-January. - 2015. - Vol. XXVII, no. 42. - P. 3.

6. Spanoudakis Y. The cultural and moral dimension of volunteering at the Olympic games of Athens 2004 // International Olympic Academy IOA forty-fourth session. - Ancient Olympia, 2004. - P. 103-107.


Meta: to remember the peculiarities of the development of volunteering in modern sports as a warehouse part of yoga development. Results: Sports volunteering originated in 1896, at the beginning of the first Olympic Games. Officially, the volunteers were trained before the preparation of the Olympic Games in 1907. Volunteering is important today for holding sports events; Organizing committees see a small part of the budget, develop special programs for the training of volunteers.

Key words: Olympic Games, volunteers, volunteering, Olympic volunteers.

Purpose: to examine the peculiarities of volunteering in modern sport, as an integral part of its development. Results: Sports volunteering was born in 1896, during the first Olympic Games of modern times. Officially, the volunteers have been involved in the preparation for the Olympic Games in 1907. Nowadays, volunteering is - an important part of sports competitions; organizing committees of which separate a certain portion of the budget, also special programs are designed to prepare volunteers.

Key words: Olympic games, volunteering, volunteers, olympic volunteers

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    presentation, added 02/04/2015

    Legends and myths of the foundation of the first Olympic Games - the largest sports competitions of that time. Their foundation as part of a religious cult in ancient Greece. The symbol of the Olympics. Main types of competitions. The frequency of holding is every four years.

    presentation, added 02/14/2011

    Olympic Games in Ancient Greece and today. Pierre de Coubertin in 1883 proposed the regular holding of world sports under the name of the Olympic Games. Adoption Olympic symbols. Chronology and heroes of the Olympic Games.

    abstract, added 12/17/2010

    Pierre de Coubertin as one of the founders of the modern Olympic Games, the history of the creation of the flag of these international sports. Logos and mascots of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Main sports objects stages of their construction.

    presentation, added 11/25/2013

    General information about the Olympic Games, the reasons and historical background for their appearance. Rules of the Olympic Games and types of competitions. Milo of Croton is the most famous and the only athlete in the history of the ancient Olympic Games who won 6 Olympiads.

The stands are packed so that the apple has nowhere to fall. Flags and streamers flicker. Under the incessant voice of the commentator, thousands of spectators are intensely watching the competition live, and even more - on TV screens. You experience a storm of emotions: you worry about the athletes, rejoice at victories and grieve at failures. And being a volunteer, you are also proud that you became a part of this grandiose event: without you and several hundred other enthusiasts of the same kind, much could not have happened. Volunteering at competitions is worth it, and we will tell you what events are worth becoming a volunteer.

Women's Tour of Britain, June 15-19

The women's version of the Tour of Britain turns three this year. Even without a century of history, the Tour has managed to become one of the most significant international cycling races - and all thanks to the growing popularity of the event, the participation of top athletes in it and wide publicity in the world media. In total, during the five stages of one day, cyclists cover about six hundred kilometers. This year the athletes will leave the city of Southwold in Suffolk in the east of England and head to Kettering in Northamptonshire in the central part of the country.

ABOUT The organizers are waiting for volunteers who could help maintain order at the sites in the cities that the cyclists will visit and work with the spectators - to meet and see off the guests of the events, answer their questions and resolve emerging problems.

Tour de France. France, June 25 - July 4

In 2016, the Tour de France will be held for the 103rd time since its inception in 1903, the tour has been canceled only during the First and Second World Wars. The Tour de France consists of 21 stages, each of which lasts one day. The total length of the race is from three to four thousand kilometers. Every year the route is changed; this summer the race will start from the fortress island in northern France Mont-Saint-Michel with a finish on the Champs-Elysées in Paris.

Volunteers will work directly in the cities where the cyclists will stop. What responsibilities can you take on?

  • Meeting athletes, escort, assistance with accommodation;
  • Planning the logistics of the movements of athletes;
  • Transportation (for those who have rights);
  • Maintaining order, security;
  • Participation in extras during ceremonies.

International Women's Softball Championship, Canada, July 15-24

Softball is a variation of baseball. The softball, as the name suggests, is softer and also has a different shape than a baseball. Due to these properties, it develops a lower speed in flight - injuries in softball are lower than in its "progenitor". Well, in general, this sport was coined in 1887 as "baseball, which can be played in the winter", that is, indoors.

“We don’t care where you are from. We are glad to welcome you to Canada, a country with a generous heart, where you will feel like you are among good friends,” is how the organizers of the International Women's Softball Championship in Surrey invite volunteers. Vacancies are open in the following areas:

  • Work in social networks and organization of crowdfunding events;
  • Maintenance and repair;
  • Attracting sponsors and collecting donations.

You need to work about ten hours a week. Each vacancy involves direct communication with athletes. Vacancies are already open; for the championship, the load may increase.

British Open Golf Championship 14-17 July

The Open Championship (The Open) is the oldest golf championship in the world. This year it is held for the 145th time. This is a four-day "stroke play" competition that fixes the number of strokes a player needs to complete each hole. The winner is the one who completes all the holes with the fewest attempts. In addition to the exciting process of the game, we also note the picturesque places where the championship is held.

Volunteers are needed for the period from 10 to 17 July. You have to work at the information desk, in the lost and found office and as stewards - to maintain order at the facility, check tickets and so on.

World Rowing Championships, Netherlands, August 21-28

Every year at the end of the summer, FISA, the development organization rowing in the world, holds the World Championship, the duration of which is 1 week. This year, the host country is the Netherlands; The competition will take place in the city of Rotterdam.

The main difference between rowing and kayaking or canoeing is that athletes go the distance backwards. As part of the World Championship, many sections have been formed: for example, Olympic athletes, students, teenagers under 18 and rowers with disabilities compete among themselves. Even indoor rowing has become a subspecies of rowing!

Volunteers are required in the following areas:

  • Team escort;
  • Meeting spectators and checking accreditations;
  • Work at the information desk;
  • Passenger transportation (to drive cars and mini-buses).

Tour of Britain. September 4-11

Tour of Britain - "little brother" bicycle race Tour de France. The history of the Tour of Britain began after the Second World War, but in the format that is familiar to the modern audience, the race has been held only since 2004. Like the Tour de France, the route is divided into several stages (stages); in the case of the UK, there are eight. Cyclists are taking over Scotland this year, with the race starting in Glasgow and ending in Castle Douglas eight days later.

The organizers are looking for volunteers for the vacancy of a steward - to maintain order at the facilities, meet the spectators and accompany the spectators, help them orient themselves on the spot and answer all their questions.

World Road Cycling Championships, Qatar, October 9-16

The road cycling world championship is going east: if before that the championship was hosted by European states and the United States, this year the honor of hosting the race fell to the small Middle Eastern state of Qatar. Doha, the capital of Qatar, is waiting for a thousand cyclists from 75 countries. Organizers and volunteers are waiting.