Horoscope key dates virgo horse man. Horoscope Virgo Horse

The Horse Maiden gave the world a lot middle class politicians and military. The fact is that the Horse is a politicized, courageous nature, can become a leader, but the Virgo is pedantic and purposeless. It is with their, perhaps, invisibility that they make their way to the very top: the leader of the Libyan revolution, Muammar Gaddafi; President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko; French Prime Minister Michel Rocard; the founder of the Black Hundreds, the organizer of the murder of Grigory Rasputin, Vladimir Purishkevich; Armenian President Robert Kocharyan; Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski; Minister of Education and President of the Academy of Sciences, ideologist of the policy of Nicholas I Sergei Uvarov; King of Bavaria Ludwig I; King Baudouin I of Belgium; the initiator of the Balkan wars, General Mitra Martinovich; astronaut Thomas Stafford; Field Marshal, Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Keitel, who signed the German surrender document; general, commander in chief, leader of the White movement Lavr Kornilov, he rebelled against the Bolsheviks, but died in 1918 - a stray bullet; Victor Talalikhin - the pilot who was the first to use the night ram; the terrorist Eric Rudolf and the talkative deputy Vladimir Ryzhkov.

There are wonderful writers in the astrological group Virgo-Horse: the largest representative of the realistic trend in Russian literature, Alexander Kuprin, with a whole galaxy of literary heroes (“Moloch”, “Duel”, “Pit”, “Olesya”, “Gambrinus”, “Garnet Bracelet”); poet, translator, children's writer Boris Zakhoder; writer and playwright, essayist and literary critic John Priestley ("July 31", "Green Room"); poet Semyon Kirsanov; children's writer Boris Zhitkov ("Sea Stories"); poet Julian Tuwim ("Seventh Autumn").

In music, this is polystylistics, dances and rhythm dynamics: composer, conductor, pianist Leonard Bernstein is the most versatile and fashionable musician of the 20th century, he is the author of the famous West Side Story and many operas and musicals (The horse is mobile and optimistic); Francois Philidor, creator of the French comic opera (The Gardener and His Master); composer, author of songs and music for films Andrey Petrov; rock musician Elvis Costello (polystylistics from classical to cabaret); singer Yuri Gulyaev.

Artists: philosopher Caspar Friedrich ("Two contemplating the moon"); folklorist Konstantin Vasiliev; battle-player Mikhail Avilov ("Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey").
In cinema, this is Oscar-winning film director Jean Renoir (The Great Illusion, French Cancan); film director and screenwriter Georgy Danelia ("Mimino", "Afonya", " Autumn marathon»); actor Raymond Massey ("Gold of Makena").

In the glorious company of Maiden-Horses there are football coaches and football players Pavel Sadyrin, Alexander Tarkhanov and Ramos de Oliveira.

Curiously, there are practically no famous scientists among the Virgin-Horses.

Horoscope woman Virgo-Horse

In October 1866, Anna Snitkina, a young girl who had completed shorthand courses, was invited by Fyodor Dostoevsky to do urgent shorthand work. “This name has been familiar to me since childhood: he was my father's favorite writer. I myself admired his works and wept over Notes from the House of the Dead. “My stenographer ..., a young and rather handsome girl ... with an extremely kind and clear character. Our work went great.” Thanks to Anna, The Gambler was written on time.

Before meeting with his savior, the writer managed to go through a lot: he was sentenced to "the death penalty by shooting", hard labor, marriage to Isaeva, who was alien to him in his views, and a dramatic relationship with Apollinaria Suslova, an unrestrained game of roulette. There was also the death of his wife and brother and huge debts.) In November 1866, the writer proposed to Snitkina. They got married the following year. He is 45, she is 20. For Dostoevsky, this was the acquisition of such a desired family happiness.’

For Anna, marriage became an asceticism. The spouses were not lucky with children: in 1868 there was an addition to the family - the birth of their daughter Sophia, and soon her sudden death. In 1869, a daughter, Lyubov, was born. In 1871 - a son who died at the age of 3 from a fit of epilepsy. But Anna became an assistant to her husband: she took shorthand, rewrote and corrected works, conducted publishing and financial affairs, and from 1872 organized the book trade, which significantly improved the financial situation of the family.

She “skillfully and with loving attentiveness took care of the fragile health of her husband, keeping him, in her own words, constantly “in cotton”, like a dear child, and in dealing with him she showed soft compliance, combined with great enlightened tact ... ". Until the death of the writer, she was an assistant in work, a secretary, a guardian angel. Further, her activities were connected with his literary heritage. She left "Memoirs", in which she paid attention not to the spiritual depths of Dostoevsky, but to family and private life. Anna wrote about herself: “I gave myself to F.M. when I was 20 years old. Now I am over 70, and still only belong to him, with every thought, every deed ... "

Margarita Terekhova was born on August 25, 1942, graduated from the university, but entered the theater studio. Since 1964, she has become an actress at the Mossovet Theatre. Her film career began in 1965, and fame came after the film "Running on the Waves", where she played Freezy Grant. Then there was Mirror. After the epic tapes, Terekhova was captivated by romance and adventure: “The Dog in the Manger” (capricious Diana), “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (insidious Milady). She is "smart, refined, wayward, brawler, amorous, sensual." Terekhova is called a complex, subtle, multifaceted actress.

The creator of the gallery of female images admires Tarkovsky, calling him a "root" person. Work and friendship with the director influenced her whole life. She likes to think about life, about people, about the high destiny of a person. Interested in politics, social life and religion.

Here are the actresses Nadezhda Rumyantseva ("Unyielding", "Girls", "Balzaminov's Marriage"), the athletic Selma Hayek ("The Beach"); partisan Liza Chaikina; Napoleon's mother Letizia Buonaparte; singer Lada Dance, who strove to dance in videos while pregnant.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The character of men Horses - Virgo: These men have absorbed the most best qualities- it is the mind, talents and diligence. They think well about their every action and word in order to become more successful. They take risks only after a thorough analysis of the situation. They are independent, have original thinking, which allows them to see reality in other tones than other men. And this often makes them incomprehensible to society, but this does not deprive them of their attractiveness.

By nature, these are thoughtful and unhurried men, they are characterized by constancy. However, they easily make changes if they see a rational grain in them. They often live in their own world, where the thought process is the most important and strong criterion. Pragmatists by nature, they never do something without careful calculations. Having judged and made a decision, they do not deviate from it. Such constancy distinguishes them among the representatives of this sign.

Horse Men - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Romantic relationships will help them better reveal their talents. If they learn to laugh or just smile, other men will be drawn to them. They can also become successful from simple communication. Love for them is a real salvation to become themselves. If they can choose a partner to their liking, they will have an exciting journey not only through the labyrinths of their minds, but also of their hearts. And they will definitely love it.

Horse Men - Virgo in Finance and Career: Career for these men may not mean anything. However, they try to choose for themselves a field of activity that would correspond to their wishes. If this happens, they are fully realized. With finances, they are extremely careful, they never waste money in vain. They themselves are ascetics by nature, therefore they have solid savings. These men can help others and very significantly, but they do it most often anonymously.

Horse men - Virgo in family and marriage: The family is a balanced and considered decision for them. They carefully choose a partner, as they believe that marriage is possible one day. Such constancy is commendable and most often they are not mistaken. In the family they draw strength and inspiration. For the sake of the family, they are ready to work hard, reach unprecedented heights, as their goal is truly thought out. These are smart individuals who will take care of their household without overwhelming them at all.

Advice for men Horses - Virgos: These men need to relax more often, as too much work can lead them to nervous strain. You need to control your thoughts so that they become simple, clothed in words. Only the expressed thoughts in their case will have force. It is impossible to forget about relatives at work, since such a zeal for work leads them to an irreversible situation in the family. You have to be more careful and vigilant.

The characteristic of the Virgin-Horse indicates its advantages and disadvantages. The main thing that such people can boast of is an incomprehensible desire to develop, burning eyes, an endless charge of energy, their resourcefulness, enterprise, thirst for life and hobbies.

Characteristics of the sign

Those born in 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 from August 24 to September 23 belong to the Virgo and Horse signs.

The patron planet of Virgo - Mercury - affects the sign, giving it a well-developed erudition, curiosity, the ability to take control of many situations. Due to the influence of Mercury, these people are characterized by excessive talkativeness, a tendency to gossip and discussion.

People born in 1966 are also influenced by Jupiter. This planet gives people great luck and luck in different life circumstances.

Virgo-Horses of 1978 is helped by the Moon. Her energy message portends frequent changes in life. This means that people will constantly change their living conditions or their activities, possibly their close environment.

Venus ruled in 1990. She endowed people with a rich imagination. They are hedonists - they find pluses in everything and enjoy life.

Those born in 2002 fall under the influence of Mars. From this they are successful and enterprising, but very restless. These people are usually willing to take risks, but this does not always benefit them.

In 2014, Virgo-Horses were born under the auspices of Saturn. They are tough and principled in nature, but at the same time they are endowed with great faith in themselves, the ability to work hard, endurance and a tempered spirit.

personality traits

Usually these people are bright natures, they are distinguished by special impulsiveness, sensitivity, energy, short temper and a little aggressive disposition. The qualities transmitted from the Virgo sign give them good self-organization, responsibility, and discipline. Therefore, despite their violent nature, they are able to behave with restraint and humility.

It is very important for these people that those around them appreciate and respect them. Only in love and harmony with the world around them can they sympathize with being happy.

There is a slight imbalance in the combination of these signs. The individual qualities of one and the other sign are fighting among themselves, which causes a certain inconsistency in a person. From this, he may seem fickle, too hot in emotional outbursts.

The owner of the Virgo-Horse sign himself is very self-critical. In difficult periods of his life, he tends to get confused in his beliefs, plans and goals, so he spends a lot of energy on things he does not need. At this moment, he is in great need of love and support from the outside, only the support of loved ones can bring him back to his rut.

1. Virgo-Horse is a talented and capable sign, but he is prevented from moving in the right direction by obsession with trifles and his own shortcomings. Emotionally unstable people suffer the most, under the influence of criticism they immediately give up, lose confidence and blame themselves a lot for failures. In order to overcome the tendency to a gloomy state in oneself, one should pay more attention to one's merits and not succumb to the opinions of strangers.

2. The Virgo-Horse is characterized by an analytical mindset. They are very inquisitive and able to cope with routine tasks, turning everyday life into an eternal search for everything new and interesting.

3. They are practical and reliable people. They have a large social circle, because the Virgo-Horse is a pleasant conversationalist. In addition, representatives of this sign have charm and sexuality, which helps to quickly win over the opposite sex.

Eastern horoscope

Eastern horoscope Virgo in the year of the Horse reflects personal individuality in leadership abilities and creative energy. They have huge ambitions, they have a passionate love for travel and driving.

But family values ​​always come first. For the sake of their relatives, they can sacrifice any hobbies. Virgo-Horse is emotionally dependent on her loved ones, which sometimes prevents her from bringing her own ideas to life if they are not approved by family members.

In work, these people grab on to almost any type of activity. They are suitable for both physical and intellectual work. They are responsible for their success, they do not know what fatigue is, but they know the word “must” well, which they constantly follow. Despite their leadership abilities, they do not set themselves ambitious career goals unless there is a person nearby who will cheer them up all the time. Authority to the boss may encourage the desire for career growth, but in general they are content with the position of an ordinary employee.

Relationships and marriage

Family life plays a huge role for them. They approach the issue of marriage or marriage very seriously and do not make hasty decisions. Astrologers advise this sign to marry in more adulthood. Virgo-Horse easily withstands the whims of loved ones and happily maintains a fervor in relationships, but at the same time it is difficult to tolerate negative statements in her direction. Too vulnerable people should not start a relationship at an early age.

The Virgo-Horse man builds his love relationship on an ongoing basis; short-term novels are not for him. He is interested in stable and strong ties. Quarrels and quarrels tries to carefully analyze and correct mistakes. Such a man becomes a strong support in the family. For the sake of loved ones, he is ready for anything if he feels support and understanding. He takes any family difficulties on his shoulders and tries to solve them on his own. In addition, this is a very economic man, he is an excellent owner and does not neglect such duties as cooking and cleaning.

This does not mean that the second half will feel relaxed and carefree in a relationship. Virgo-Horse men are demanding and strict with their partners. In return for their reliability, they will expect honesty and support from the second half in almost everything. From a gentle and affectionate man, they quickly turn into a rude and quick-tempered tyrant if the chosen one does not live up to expectations. Their attitude towards their wives is even more categorical. She will have to put up with regular demands and ultimatums.

The Virgo-Horse woman is gentle, romantic and caring. For the male sex, she chooses the image of a defenseless sweet creature that must be protected and cherished. With her partner, she is sincere and modest. Attaches great importance to fidelity in relationships. On early stages relationships, she loves to study her chosen one, relies on horoscopes and other similar sources. She loves romance and dating. Chooses strong men who seek to dominate relationships.


Virgo-Horse men have high efficiency. They can work on several tasks at the same time, set themselves serious goals and apply all their strength to achieve them. They have a very practical approach to life, stability is the first rule they follow.

In choosing a profession, they are picky. If the workplace feels comfortable, then this is enough to carry out the same activity for many years. IN financial plan they are quite economical. Wasting on trifles is not for them, the Virgo-Horse loves to constantly save for a "rainy day".

By nature, they are characterized by slowness in statements and actions. They carefully consider the next steps before making a decision. Sometimes their actions seem strange, because they think very original.


The woman of this zodiac combination is a passionate person. She quickly arouses sympathy among people and easily makes new acquaintances. She usually has a lot of fans, but excessive emotionality can prevent her from building stable long-term relationships. In her character traits, there is excessive susceptibility, which contributes to a sharp perception of the opinions of people around her and reacts violently to them. Against the background of conflict situations, depression often occurs.

Virgo-Horse women often have more aspirations for career heights than men. They are hardworking, smart, reasonable and ambitious. Discipline helps them to easily cope with all professional tasks, and non-standard thinking to solve the most problematic tasks, which clearly elevates them in the eyes of management before other employees.


The best partners in love born under the sign of the Virgo-Horse will be representatives of the year of the Dog, Tiger, Rabbit and Goat according to Eastern calendar and under the signs of Aries, Cancer and Taurus.

In a marriage, Horses and Dogs will give each other the opportunity to open up and show their best qualities. They will easily find mutual understanding, will be honest and happy with each other.

Tiger and Horse form a stable pair. They often have plans and views on life that converge, so together they are easy and comfortable.

Rabbit (Cat) and Horse leave each other personal freedom. Their relationship is trusting and interesting. They are both sensitive and romantic and strive for harmony. Their relationship is not cloudless, but quite promising.

Horse and Goat build a harmonious union. They perfectly complement each other and feed the general plans with original ideas. In such an alliance, they will not be bored.

Personal life

The good sexual compatibility of the Virgo-Horse is more based on a strong emotional attachment. Basically, none of them jump headlong into whirlwind romances, and fleeting dates are not for them either.

Women reveal themselves in bed only with a beloved man, who is perceived as a future husband. Men also do not express their emotions clearly. In bed, they like to adapt more to their partner. They like it when a woman dominates, sometimes even being modest.

Astrological forecast for 2018

love horoscope Virgo-Horses for 2018 portends interesting acquaintances and romantic dates. But for family people this year has prepared many trials. For many, a split in a relationship can occur, but only those whose relationship was already on the verge of collapse will suffer. This year they simply will not withstand the aggravation. For Horses, this will be a turning point, but a useful moment. Despite strong emotional upheavals, they will make room for true love, which they can meet right in the same year. If the forces remained to continue, astrologers recommend stepping on the throat of their pride and showing more attention to their half.

In the professional sphere, no significant changes are expected. Although 2018 presents a good career platform, only the most determined Horses will be able to get ahead. However, you should not work hard. Everything has its time.

On the financial side, Virgo-Horses should refrain from serious purchases, it is better to engage in profitable investments, and then the financial condition will noticeably improve. There will also be many opportunities for additional earnings, it is better to use all the opportunities that appear in order to enjoy excellent profits at the end of the year.

This year it is not recommended to make large transactions, deal with real estate issues and even move. There is a risk of getting into trouble. If a move is inevitable, it is worth paying attention to even the smallest things in order to avoid problems.

Virgo-Horse man in love

  • You tend to be modest and shy;
  • Reasonableness and practicality do not allow you to plunge into the pool with your head;
  • It is difficult to distinguish a love interest from a serious feeling;
  • Jealousy can ruin your life;
  • After a failure in love, it is hard to leave, you need a lot of time to recover.

Married Virgo-Horse man

  • Marriage is very valuable and dear to you;
  • In relationships, practicality often escalates into greed;
  • Suspecting your partner of infidelity, you are capable of treason;
  • You are devoted to your wife, but sometimes you yourself complicate the relationship;
  • More often they are not able to forgive treason and deceit.

Virgo-Horse man in bed

  • Always be the first to take the initiative;
  • You know how to perfectly disguise and hide relationships, if necessary;
  • Love to romanticize and dramatize relationships;
  • You do not tolerate pressure and take the initiative in relationships.

Virgo-Horse man in a career

  • You reach the top of your career only with the help of long and hard work;
  • Purposefulness and assertiveness are your strengths;
  • You rarely act straightforwardly, more often you hide your intentions and life plans from others;
  • For the sake of a career, you are capable of intrigue and gossip;
  • People around you often do not trust you, but you can turn any situation to your advantage.

Virgo man in the year of the wooden horse (1904, 1954, 2014)

A creative quick-tempered man, endowed with benevolence and inner strength. He is distinguished by increased endurance and the ability to easily overcome all obstacles that hinder his advancement or love. This man is characterized by impulsiveness and passion, he is extremely rarely content with little and always sets himself high goals and knows the ways to achieve them. Jealous and may not be in control of his emotions in a fit of passion.

Virgo man in the year of the fiery horse (1906, 1966, 2026)

Passionate, strong and impulsive man. A leader who can easily overcome all obstacles. He does not tolerate objections, is distinguished by assertiveness, activity and determination, often succeeds in risky professions. Distinguished by irascibility in family life. He does not tolerate objections, resistance from others. May be overly jealous.

Virgo man in the year of the earth horse (1918, 1978, 2038)

An assertive, strong and purposeful man. The main thing in his life is a career, money, high positions. Often succeeds in unusual professions associated with risk. In family life, he values ​​​​friendship, but it is not easy to get along with him: he is quick-tempered, stubborn, often insists on his own, not taking into account the interests of loved ones. He is rarely jealous and suspicious, but does not forgive betrayal.

Virgo man in the year of the metal horse (1930, 1990, 2050)

Purposeful man, able to achieve any goal. He does not like to waste time and early reaches career heights and his success. Composure in the fight against enemies is his main advantage. He will withstand any obstacles and be able to bypass any opponent. In family life, he can be rude and a little cold. But on the other hand, he will never leave his loved ones to suffer due to poverty or lack of care.

Mutual love is possible provided that the signs of the zodiac are compatible. This is written in the horoscope, as well as the characteristics of a person, his character traits, a feature of temperament.

Characteristics of a man Virgo - Horse

Virgo man - Horse combines some of the best character traits of a person. This is a very smart guy, endowed with many talents and not afraid of hard work. Before doing something, he always thinks about the consequences of what he did. The same goes for his speech. The man of this sign is a reserved person. He never says rash things. He is responsible for his words and understands that they can seriously offend the interlocutor.

Virgo man - Horse is an independent person. He is used to doing everything without anyone's help. The ability to think in an original way always helps to get out of a difficult situation. Often people look at him for this as a strange person. But there are those who are attracted to originality.

Character male Virgo - Horse thoughtful. He does everything slowly. It is also a constant boyfriend. Thus, you can rely on him. If he was entrusted with something, then you can be sure that he will not change his promise, will not abandon the solution of the task.

The Virgo man - Horse is a pragmatic person. He tries to take advantage of everything. Just out of curiosity, he's unlikely to do anything.

The Virgo man - Horse chooses the profession in terms of achieving financial well-being. As such, he is practically not interested in a career. The main thing is that the earnings are good, and the work is at least a little liked. If he found himself a profitable business to his liking, then career growth and the full realization of abilities and talents are possible.

Horse Man - Virgo knows how to save money. He always has a reserve for some important occasion in life. If he is approached for financial assistance, he is unlikely to refuse. However, he does not like to openly show his generosity. If this guy helps, he always does it anonymously.

Compatibility in love men Virgo - Horse

Through relationships with girls, the Horse-Virgo man can fully reveal his talent. Especially if his work does not concern personal interests, and he does this only for the sake of money. However, the representative of this sign, due to the peculiarity of his character, is not popular among women. He is always very serious. If he wants to become popular, he needs to smile more often and collect his thoughts faster. That is to say, they do not like slow-witted people. Someone else will definitely get around this guy.

Because the Virgo man - the Horse is a pragmatist, then in terms of family relationships, he always acts deliberately. This person never makes spontaneous decisions. He carefully analyzes his partner, projects their relationship into the future. Only after summing up the results of this analytical analysis, he takes some steps towards a complete rapprochement. So this guy's family is once and for all. If he married, he will do everything to preserve the creation he created. He is a great husband and a good father. He cares about his loved ones.

Women who were born in the year of the Dog, Horse and Tiger have the same outlook on life. But the representatives of the opposite sex, who were born in the year of the Dragon, Monkey and Rat, will not be able to endure such thoughtfulness and slowness.

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