Infant and children's swimming. Swimming for babies and children

C We are pleased to invite all children and their parents to the Aquafamily Infant and Children's Swimming School!

Everyone needs to learn how to swim, and the sooner this happens, the better. The beneficial effect of swimming on the body has been known since ancient times. no view physical activity for children can not be compared with classes in the water. Water, like no other environment, can effectively improve the functioning of the entire human body and become the key to health for life!

Our classes are a great opportunity to give your child good health, to ensure harmonious, rapid physical and intellectual development. Water environment successfully removes unnecessary loads from the spine, forms correct posture; active movements are a good prevention of flat feet, strengthen bones, nervous system, improve appetite, sleep, increase the overall tone of the body and endurance.

The Aquafamily Infant and Children's Swimming School is a Russian-Finnish project created, developed and adapted for the people of Russia.

The concept behind the project is one of the best practices recognized in the world and well-proven.

Our goal is to teach a child and an adult how to behave in the pool and what to do so that the child gets used to the water and makes friends with it. We work with families, giving children and adults the opportunity to have fun and enjoy spending time together with the help of baby swimming.

Toddlers and children under 4 years old are still dependent on their parents, they constantly want to feel the physical closeness of mother and father. Tactile contact is of great importance for them. Parents not only support and exercise in the water, ensuring the comfort and safety of their child, but also play with him, getting used to a joint, healthy and active lifestyle. During the classes there is a unique atmosphere of family unity. After all, adults and a child do one thing, learning new games, exercises and elements of swimming together.

Each class is held in warm and clear water under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Classes are held in groups of different levels and according to a specially developed progressive plan. The program includes group and individual exercises, games. The safety and correctness of the exercise is monitored by the trainer, who is in the water with the parents.

Methodology for conducting classes

School instructors conduct classes in infant swimming according to the developed methodology. The program of classes includes: games in the water and individual exercises according to a progressive plan. Thus, it is possible to ensure the improvement of the child's skills in the water; while the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Classes according to the methodology of the school diversify common development child.

The program of the School is designed for classes from 3 months of age to 9 years of age. In the learning process there are intermediate stages, overcoming which, the child moves to the next level group. Do not worry if you came to the pool for the first time when the baby was already 6 months old, or a year old - we will definitely select the right group for you. Many begin to learn to swim at the age of 2 or 3.

Our instructors make sure that in the course of each lesson the child acquires his own small, but always positive experience. In addition, for the timely development of certain skills in the water, we try to use the natural sensitive periods of each child.

Education takes place in a playful way until the child learns to swim. We recommend that both parents act as the child's helper in the classroom and play with the child. All this contributes to a more comfortable and natural development and forms a good relationship with water in the baby.

You can start studying at our school without special training. As the child masters certain skills and reaches a certain age, the child moves to the next level group.
Classes at the school are held in 4 programs:
Babyswim - age up to 2 years,
Kidsswim - age from 2 to 4 years,
Swimmers - age from 4 to 6 years,
Proswim - age from 7 to 9 years.

Goals that are achieved in the lessons of the school of infants and children's swimming.

  • Building a good relationship with water
  • Formation of social skills
  • Formation of the habit of joint, healthy and active pastime in the whole family
  • Development of coordination of movements
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Improving baby's head and body control
  • Development of interaction between eyes and hands, finding the midline of the body
  • Development of coordination of movements of the upper and lower extremities- the skill necessary for mastering crawling and walking
  • Development of flexibility and ability to relax
  • Improving the performance of the respiratory and circulatory systems

Useful information for parents:

To attend classes you will need:

  • Sign up for a group by phone (see below)
  • Prepare the necessary certificates for the child and all adults accompanying the child to the water
  • Download payment receipt
  • Pay a receipt at any of the branches of Sberbank, another bank or via the Internet
  • At the first lesson, take the rules of the School and the rules for visiting the pool from the coach, read them carefully, sign both documents and hand them over to the coach.

For swimming in the pool you need:

  1. Help for the child: from a pediatrician, including the result of tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs.
  2. Help for parents accompanying into the water: from a therapist, tests for enterobiosis and worm eggs, dermatovenereologist or (dermatologist and gynecologist for mom)
  3. Swimming trunks - diapers from the following companies: "Miracle Panties", "Splash About", "KairaSport" and a hat for children under 3 years old.
  4. Swimsuit / swimming trunks and hat for parents / family members.
  5. Towel, diaper, bathrobe, rubber shoes and soap accessories.

Lesson cost:
For Babyswim, Kidsswim, Swimmers programs:

3800 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (2 visits per week)7000 rubles

Single visit1400 rubles(only by appointment and agreement with the coach)

- For those who came for the first time at the end of the training cycle.

— For those who have a subscription and wish to visit additionally.

- Only by appointment and agreement with the coach.

For Proswim

Subscription for 4 weeks (1 visit per week)2400 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (2 visits per week)4400 rubles

Subscription for 4 weeks (3 visits per week)6000 rubles

D Additional information and registration for classes by phone:

multichannel number 8-916-588-28-38 (all coaches of the school)

Anastasia 8-909-994-88-54

Daria 8-926-208-99-81

Tatiana 8-495-740-09-38

You can send a paid receipt or ask a question to our

email address: [email protected]

We are waiting for you and your kids in our classes!

We look forward to seeing you and your children in our classes!

Cost: from 500 rubles/subscription lesson, from 600 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 1.5 months to 5 years

The Second Birth Family Health Center specializes in preparing families for gentle natural childbirth in maternity hospitals, and also teaches parents hardening methods and conducts swimming classes for babies. There are groups for babies up to 1.5 years old and baby groups. Children swim with their mothers in specially equipped pools. For example, in the pool Timiryazev classes are held in a special mini-pool for babies. And in general, they tried to take into account the needs of young swimmers to the maximum: in the locker rooms there are pots and changing tables; a multi-level water purification system is used, the temperature regime necessary for babies is observed (32-34 degrees Celsius).

2. Brightfamily Positive Lifestyle Center

m. Polyanka, Tretyakovskaya
Cost: 1,000 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,100 rubles/one-time lesson
Age: from 1.5 months

The main direction of the center's work is the soft parental practices of Birthlight (Bertlight), developed by the anthropologist and mother of 4 children, Francoise Friedman. Practices include yoga classes, as well as early swimming training and aqua yoga for pregnant women using the Birthlight method. Children go swimming with their mothers. The program offers a gentle approach and special movement and relaxation techniques that aim to strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child. Classes are held in a pool designed specifically for children. The water temperature is maintained at 32-34 degrees. All instructors of the center have been trained in the UK and are holders of Birthlight diplomas.

3. Child Center"Dolphin"

6. Children's sports and health club "Semitsvetik"

m. Strogino, SC "Yantar"
m. Yugo-Zapadnaya, Olympic village, 2
Cost: 775 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,200 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 3 months

In the children's pool of the Yantar sports complex, kids are gently and gradually accustomed to water. Coaches use the Russian-Finnish method of training: games in the water, counting rhymes, songs and individual exercises according to a progressive plan. At the School, I believe that this is the most effective way to achieve the improvement of the skills of finding a child in the water; while the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Interest in classes is stimulated by various floating devices - rollers, boards and toys. Each group has no more than 8 families. Both parents are encouraged to attend.
A branch of the School operates in the "Sports Complex Olympic Village - 80".