Prokopiev Kirill Sergeevich gymnast. Vladimir gymnasts are preparing for the Summer Olympics

After the Sochi Olympics, athletes winter views sports handed over baton in preparation for competitions - athletes of the next summer games that will take place in Brazil. Get on the team Olympic team from Russia, the Vladimir gymnasts have every chance. Tatyana Danilova will tell you what mode they are currently training in.

Ilya Kybartas has been practicing gymnastics since the age of 5. This year, the young man is finishing the 11th grade and at the same time preparing for the May European Championship. His signature projectiles are the horse, bars and rings. If he successfully performs at the championship of the continent, he will be able to qualify for getting into the Olympic team of the country in two years. There is still time before the games in Rio de Janeiro.


To complicate the program and hone your skills, to show beautiful gymnastics for the audience is all. We ourselves think and decide, compose, plan combinations - what we will do for the Olympics. And we will get - we will not get - this is another question.

To do gymnastics in the regional center, Ilya left his native Kovrov 4 years ago. But Nikolai Kuksenkov, because of his desire to play for the Russian national team, even changed his Ukrainian citizenship. Behind him are three gold medals of the Universiade in Kazan. Now the athlete lives in Vladimir, but Nikolai is training in Moscow.


in an intense form. We go through combinations, the load is high. Now the task is to prepare and show my new combinations that I have been preparing throughout this time.

Kirill Prokopiev is also not a native of Vladimir, he comes from Cheboksary, and has been playing for our city for the last 5 years. He says that he is going to take an example from Nikolai Andrianov. Kirill trains three times a day. Getting to the Olympics will depend on their quality, the gymnast is sure.


The number of approaches, the number of workouts. - Maybe a psychological mood? - Well, mood, it goes without saying. But the most important thing is how you spend time in the gym, in training.

By the way, all three gymnasts followed the Winter Olympics in Sochi and cheered for our skaters. In their opinion, this is also a beautiful and at the same time traumatic sport. Therefore, the coach of the Vladimir guys now has the task of avoiding injuries before the games in Brazil.


Physical training we are going. Well, of course, when we train, the most important thing is to feel good. When you feel unwell, we don’t do complex elements.

When will the control selection of Russian gymnasts for the Summer Olympics take place? Next year there will be a struggle for getting into the team, and in the sixteenth, in the spring, at the Russian Championship, we will finally find out the names of those who will go to Rio de Janeiro.

Tatyana Danilova, Ilya Fomin

On high!


Gold medal and the title of master of sports international class. These are the trophies of the Vladimir gymnast Kirill Prokopiev. He brought them from the European Championship. Competitions were held in France at the end of May. Athletes from 32 countries of the world competed for gold. But our fellow countryman was awarded the highest award. Ekaterina Dronova will tell what Kirill conquered the European judges.

Kirill performs a 180-degree flip on uneven bars with the help of a trainer. The exercise is new, difficult, but it is necessary to master it.

Another projectile that Cyril is just going to conquer is the rings. The first step has already been taken: the athlete, although not without difficulty, performs one of the most difficult elements - the so-called cross. The exercise requires incredible physical effort, but any self-respecting gymnast should cope with it. But perhaps only Cyril can do this. Thomas circles and r-twist - our athlete was the only one who showed them during the competition in France. Eventually - Golden medal and the title of "Master of Sports of International Class".

Kirill Prokopiev, gymnast: “Well, I thought that I could get to the final, but I didn’t think that I could take the gold. At first, I couldn't believe that I had won."

At first, no one believed in the youngest athlete from Cheboksary. 3 years ago he was noticed by coach Alexei Matveev. We moved to Vladimir. Already here the task number 1 arose: to get into the Russian national team. And so it happened after the performance at the national championship, from where Cyril returned as a winner. Already at European competitions in France, he helped our team win silver. Although, the coach recalls, the athlete literally had to be persuaded to go to the European Championship.

Aleksey Matveev, trainer-teacher of the men's department of gymnastics: “Yes, I won’t succeed, I won’t be able to!” I had to say all the time that you must believe in yourself, everything will work out, everything will be fine.

So Kirill is skeptical about his participation in the 2016 Olympics. But the coach has far-reaching plans. There is no doubt here: Kirill will definitely go to Rio de Janeiro. Indeed, at 18, he is already so reminiscent of another, famous, but unfortunately, untimely deceased athlete.

Vitaliy Ivanchuk Director of Artistic Gymnastics School Olympic reserve named after Tolkachev: “In terms of character, of course, he reminds Yurka Ryazanov. I also finalized, never ran away from training, conscientiously finalized everything, set goals for myself.

Winner of XXIX World Summer Universiade 2017 in Taipei, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Kirill Prokopiev - on August 23, a gymnast representing the Vladimir Region won gold in floor exercises.

Congratulations to the winner of the 29th World Summer Universiade 2017 in Taipei in artistic gymnastics in floor exercise, 23-year-old Kirill Prokopiev, has been published on the official website of the Kremlin. “Dear Kirill Sergeevich! I congratulate you on the honorary title of champion of the XXIX World Summer Universiade. In competitions with strong, worthy opponents, you showed character and will, confidently completed the most difficult elements and rightfully won a medal of the highest standard. I wish you continued success and all the best.” In competitions often referred to as student competitions Olympic Games, Russia on this moment 3rd place in the medal standings total won awards slightly behind Japan and South Korea. On August 23, the Vladimir gymnast Kirill Prokopyev also contributed to the Russian medal treasury, taking gold in floor exercises - Kirill received 14,800 points and beat the representative by one tenth of a point South Korea. The official website of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation speaks of Prokopyev as a native of the city of Cheboksary and a pupil of the Republican sports school Olympic reserve No. 6 in artistic gymnastics. But at the same time, it is indicated that at the moment he represents the Vladimir region in the national team. Well, the Nikolai Tolkachev Vladimir Gymnastics School clarifies that at the Universiade in Taipei, the Russian men's gymnastics team was represented by three Vladimir gymnasts at once: Kirill Prokopiev, Ilya Kibartas and Alexei Rostov. As part of the Russian national team, the guys won bronze medals, leaving behind only the teams of Japan and Ukraine. In the individual all-around, Alexei Rostov was just a little short of a bronze medal, in a bitter struggle, following the results of performances in six shells, he took fourth place. Ilya Kybartas finished fourth in the exercises on the rings. Alexei Rostov on the crossbar was just a little short of the Universiade podium. Gold winner of the Universiade-2017 Kirill Prokopyev was born on January 30, 1994, he is an international master of sports, being a representative of the Vladimir gymnastic school, in 2012 Kirill became the European champion in floor exercises, in 2013 - the champion of Russia as part of the Vladimir Region team. This spring, Kirill Prokopiev won the World Cup stage in Croatian Ozhek.

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