Panzhinsky Alexander skier where now. Alexander panzhinsky - biography, personal life and sports career of a skier

Alexander Panzhinsky was born on March 16, 1989 in the city of Khabarovsk. He grew up in a family of athletes: his parents are masters of sports in cross-country skiing. It was with his family that he won his first award in sports, a medal in the competition "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family." He started skiing at the age of four. For 12 years he trained under the supervision of his father in the children's ski section at the Economic Gymnasium No. 22. At the age of 15, he won the Russian Children's Ski Championship.

Some time later, ski section, where Panzhinsky studied, was transferred to the balance of the regional children's sports school, supervised by the Ministry of Education. This period was characterized by regular trips to regional and all-Russian competitions. There Alexander won his first awards.

In 2008, he unsuccessfully performed at the main competitions, the Student Spartakiad: he took eighth place. The athlete was recognized as unpromising and funding for his training was stopped. But his talent did not go unnoticed by the capital's coaches, Alexander was invited to 81 Moscow youth sports school"Grandmother". After much deliberation, his parents sent their son to the city of Moscow, first for the summer, then for another year.

The first serious victories came to the skier in 2009. Won "gold" in the junior sprint at the World Youth and Junior Championships in Praz de Luz, France. Then he won the Russian Championship among juniors. The second on the "Krasnogorsk ski track" was on December 26 of the same year.

In 2009, he received an invitation to the "adult" Russian team. He made his debut on March 12 at the World Cup in Trondheim. In the overall standings of the Cup took 136th place. Before the 2010 Olympics the best result in his career was the fifth place in the sprint at the World Cup stage in the Estonian city of Otepää.

In the semi-finals of the World Cup stage in Kuusamo on November 28, 2009, the athlete was confidently in the lead. A few meters before the finish line, he lost his balance on level ground and fell, depriving himself of a place in the final, casting doubt on his participation in the Winter Olympics.

Alexander won the silver medal of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver on February 17, 2010. In the dramatic final, he lost to compatriot Nikita Kryukov: the winner was only revealed with the help of a photo finish.

In favor of the All-Russian physical culture and sports society "Dynamo", the Sports School Olympic reserve No. 81 "Babushkino" of the city of Moscow. Trains under the guidance of M. Kramer, N.F. Roskova, E.N. Panzhinsky, I.I. Panzhinskaya.

For merit in sports activities was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Master of Sports of Russia". He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.

Panzhinsky Alexander Eduardovich burst into the world of big sport unexpectedly. No less enchanting, he won at the Olympics in Vancouver. The sports career of this purposeful young man was predetermined long before his debut, and all thanks to his father. Eduard Panzhinsky introduced his sons - Alexander and Eugene - to skiing With early childhood and his efforts were not in vain!

Athlete's childhood

Alexander Panzhinsky was born on March 16, 1989. Such a joyful event for the family took place in Khabarovsk. Sasha's parents are athletes, masters of sports in cross-country skiing, so it is not at all surprising that at the age of four the boy won his first medal. Having matured a little, Alexander Panzhinsky seriously took up his future. In this he was helped by his father, who acted as a coach for the children's ski section, which was located at the local school at number 22. Today, the institution is called the Economic Gymnasium, and its walls remember the star guy.

Youth and the first confident steps in sports

At the age of fifteen, when he already had certain skills and a desire to strive for more, Sasha won the title of winner of the Russian children's championship in cross-country skiing. Soon school number 22, where the guy still continued to train, lost the opportunity to support sports section, and it was decided to transfer the latter to the balance of the regional sports institution. This moment was for Alexander a new step into a brighter future. Since the institution was under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, the pupils of the section got the opportunity to attend regional and all-Russian competitions. It was in the youth team that Sasha won the awards dear to him and managed to declare himself as a talented athlete.

A few years after the start of the trips, the section of Father Alexander went to the sports committee, which is why the number of trips for awards has sharply decreased. No matter how hard Panzhinsky tried to break into the All-Russian competitions, the result remained unchanged - the financial situation did not allow him to come close to the dream. Probably, having relaxed a little, in 2008 Alexander Panzhinsky knew the bitter taste of defeat. Participation in the Spartakiad among students brought him a shameful eighth place.

Naturally, such a result did not suit sports officials, and they hurried to declare Panzhinsky's unsatisfactory performance. Moreover, all material support for the young athlete was discontinued. Perhaps it was this case that allowed Alexander to discover new frontiers of sports. Some time later, he was noticed by the capital's coaches, thanks to the efforts of which Panzhinsky was invited to the Moscow school at number 81, which specialized in the training of athletes for children and youth.

At first, Sasha's parents considered the invitation too soon, but realizing their son's desire for big sport, decided to let him go to Moscow. 2009 was an extremely successful year for Sasha. First, the young talent managed to win gold medal on Youth Championship world, which took place in France, and after him the Russian Championship also submitted.

Getting to know the team

After Panzhinsky took second place at the Krasnogorsk Ski Track in 2009, the Russian team became interested in him. In the same year, the athlete received an invitation to join the team. The debut was gone, and in March of the same year, Sasha performed as part of the national team at the World Cup, which was held in Trondheim. Then Alexander Panzhinsky was awarded 136th place, and a year later he became fifth at the World Cup in Otepa. The last victory was the best result in his sports career that had begun.

Selection for the Olympic team

Sasha managed to be part of the Olympic team "automatically". This event was preceded by a win against a serious opponent - Mikhail Devyatyarov - at the competitions in Krasnogorsk. The entry of an athlete into the Olympic team could not do without a scandal. The press insistently called Sasha a Muscovite, which immediately offended the Khabarovsk coaches. However, this state of affairs turned out to be normal: when the Khabarovsk officials refused to finance the guy’s further sports career, he was accepted by the capital, which made the guy a real star. In any case, today Panzhinsky considers himself a true Muscovite, he is happy to represent his hometown in competitions.

Panjinsky's coaches

Despite such a young age and the ascent to the sports Olympus that had just begun, Alexander Panzhinsky, a very talented skier, managed to change three coaches. As already noted, his own father was his first mentors.

Thanks to Eduard Panzhinsky, Alexander managed to overcome the doubts that arose more than once in his young soul, and did not stop believing in himself after an unfortunate loss. Another teacher of the promising skier is Nikolai Roskov, who is the coach of the youth team. Panzhinsky's third coach is Yuri Kaminsky. The latter acted as Sasha's mentor on the eve of the 2010 Olympic Games. Perhaps it was thanks to the hard work of Kaminsky that the young athlete managed to take the “silver” and make his own name sound all over the world.

Alexander's personal life

Perhaps he is more interested in the sports career of Sasha's fans. personal life. Printed publications have repeatedly tried to find out what Alexander Panzhinsky and his girlfriend do in their free time. And every time the paparazzi expected failure - the young athlete does not have a permanent passion. In his interviews, Sasha has repeatedly admitted that he prefers to relax in the company of friends and pretty girlfriends, but so far he has not decided on his own choice.

No less friendly meetings attract a guy foreign languages, literature and music. The skier's leisure is saturated, which further emphasizes that Alexander Panzhinsky, whose biography is extremely fascinating, is a popular person in modern sports circles. Surely we will hear the name of this purposeful guy!

Surname: Panzhinsky
Date of Birth: 16.03.1989
Citizenship: Russia

He was included in the national team at the last moment, already knowing, of course: the guy is very promising. Then they began to cook according to an experimental method - they used the not yet forgotten Soviet old in a new way. The experiment, multiplied by talent, gave a fantastic result, so many will now remember the name Panzhinsky. The same Norwegian Petter Nortug, who did not understand, it seems to me, who and for what punished him in the Olympic sprint.

Our silver hero is a Khabarovsk guy with a familiar sports fate. I ran in the region, in the district, no one gave a lot of money for training, but there weren’t enough small ones. Moscow called, father did not let go. A year later, I realized that I was wrong. And the boy Sanya went through seven time zones into adulthood in order to win the first silver of the 2010 Olympics for Russia in a couple of years.

Many in the team - and you yourself, by the way - did not hesitate to say on the eve of the Games that Alexander Panzhinsky was not going to Vancouver to win. Why then?

Gain experience, smell the Olympic snow, feel the intensity of the struggle of the highest standard. But then I suddenly realized that there would not be many Olympic chances in my life. Therefore, you need to use the one that is.

And at what point did you realize it?

A few days before the race. I realized that I was starting to feel better and better after the loads that were offered to us during the preparatory period. Well, on the day of the launch, I felt just great. And the servers worked perfectly. When such important conditions come together, one must try to take everything from fate. Or at least try to do so.

After the finish, Nikita Kryukov was jumping for joy, and you were lying on the snow, covering your face. From weariness or from annoyance?

Mixed feelings at that moment, I guess. The first - lost! Second - I'm the silver medalist of the Olympics, I don't believe it! And there was more joy than disappointment. Only a little bitterness remained. But there is something to strive for. I think, after all, I have more than one Olympics ahead of me.

Remember again your last meters. What were you thinking?

About the fact that Kryukov is riding behind, who very often wins precisely in the last meters. I ran with all my might, but Nikita was still faster. I don't think I was wrong. It just happened.

Did you remember your fall at the World Cup stage in Kuusamo today?

It was very embarrassing then. I still don't understand why this happened. Probably not enough experience. Then for a long time thoughts tormented: how not to fall at the Olympics. Worked on technology. And it helped!

You had a very bold tactic - to lead from start to finish.

It was due to the fact that there were two dangerous turns on the sprint track, which are better to enter alone. Better yet, be the first. When you ride behind, there is a danger that someone will fall and in one second you will lose everything even through no fault of your own.

Could the loss to Kryukov in the last meters be due to the fact that you did not have enough strength?

I wouldn't say there were forces. Therefore, he tried to break away from everyone at a distance. I knew that Kryukov and the Norwegians had better finishing acceleration than mine. But I'm stronger on the climbs. And the qualification was given to me quite easily.

Are your parents involved in sports?

Father trains student in Khabarovsk ski team. And me too - advice. Huge congratulations to him and mom!

Do you have a good relationship with Kryukov in your life?

We have been training together for several years and we live in the same room here. Olympic village. So today's success belongs not only to the two of us, but also to our common coach Yuri Kaminsky, the 81st Moscow Babushkin Sports School, the Schelkovo Olympic Reserve School ... Nikita and I dreamed of climbing the podium of the Games together, but it seemed so incredible!

You often look back on the track. Not a pity to waste energy on it?

For the sake of saving strength, I look back. It is important for me to know if I need to rush headlong or if the breakaway will save energy for the next stages of the sprint. And in the final - no looking back, no savings. Only forward!

What kind of collision did you have with the Canadian in the quarterfinals?

Was there something? I don't remember. Normal situation, in the sprint this often happens. I don't think I broke any rules.

What has been your highest career achievement so far?

Fifth place at the World Cup stage. And then suddenly - immediately the Olympic podium! On the other hand, nothing really incredible happened. I progressed quite noticeably in the season, Nikita even got into prizes three times.

What can you say about your last season?

That's when not everything was smooth. The results were not going well, and I could well have been reduced funding, deprived of several preparatory fees. Thanks to the director of our SDUSHOR Alexander Metelsky. He stood up for me, supported me, found money.

Admit it, if you knew that you would become second, could you run faster in the final?

Surely all fans of cross-country skiing remember the dramatic sprint final at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Then two Russian skier, Alexander Panzhinsky and Nikita Kryukov, stretching out in half splits, almost simultaneously crossed the finish line. The victory was awarded to Kryukov, and Panzhinsky became the silver medalist of the Games. How did it develop after that? sports career Alexander and where he is now, we will tell in the article.


The future skier was born on March 16, 1989 in Khabarovsk, where he spent his childhood. Alexander from sports family: his father, Eduard Nikolaevich, and mother, Irina Ivanovna, masters of sports in cross-country skiing. Panzhinsky has an older brother, Evgeny, also an amateur skier, now living in North America and doing biological research at the University of Wyoming.

When Sasha was four years old, and Zhenya was seven years old, they both began skiing under the supervision of their father, then they began to go to the section at the Khabarovsk school No. 22. Over time, the younger brother began to overtake the older, despite the three-year difference in age. They saw the potential in the young skier Alexander Panzhinsky and at the age of fifteen he was sent to children's championship Russia, which Sasha easily won. After some time, the ski section, where the athlete was engaged, was transferred to the balance of the regional sports school. Funding increased, and the guys began to travel regularly to regional and Russian competitions.

In 2008, skier Alexander Panzhinsky performed unsuccessfully at the Student Spartakiad and took only eighth place. Regional officials considered this result unsatisfactory and called the athlete unpromising. As a result, funding for his training was cut off. But the guy's talent was noticed by the capital's coaches and invited him to the Babushkino sports school. Panzhinsky's parents, after much deliberation, sent their son to Moscow, where his serious career began.

The athlete has two higher educations: he graduated from the Pacific State University with a degree in finance and credit, as well as Moscow State University. Sholokhov with a degree in social psychology.

First victories and debut in the national team

In 2009, skier Alexander Panzhinsky achieved his first big success: he won a gold medal in the sprint at the junior world championship in France. In the same year, he became the champion of Russia among juniors and took second place on the Krasnogorsk Ski Track. For these merits, the athlete was taken to the adult team. In March 2009, he made his debut at the World Cup stage in Trondheim, Norway. In the overall standings, he took 136th position.

In November, at the stage in Finnish Kuusamo in the semi-final sprint race, skier Alexander Panzhinsky was the first, but a few meters before the finish line he fell out of the blue. An unfortunate fall not only deprived him of his place in the final, but also cast doubt on participation in Olympic Games. However, in January 2010, at the cup stage in Otepää, Estonia, the athlete took fifth place in the sprint and qualified for the main four-year competition.

Olympic Games 2010 in Vancouver and further career

At the Olympics, skier Alexander Panzhinsky sensationally won the "silver" in the sprint race. He and another Russian Nikita Kryukov were significantly ahead of their rivals, and it became clear that the victory would be played at the finish line. As a result, a few centimeters brought "gold" to Kryukov.

After that, there was a decline in Panzhinsky's career. In 2011 he won a bronze medal in team sprint at the world championship in Holmenkollen, and then never got into the number of winners of the cup competitions for nine years, missed the 2014 home Olympics in Sochi. Alexander himself explained his sports failures with psychological problems, difficulties in training process and failing health.

In 2015, at the World Championships in Sweden, the skier did not qualify for the sprint, and in 2017, at the world championship in Finland, he did not join the Russian team at all. Because of such inexpressive results, Alexander Panzhinsky decided to change his coach. For ten years he worked with Yuri Kaminsky, and in 2017 he moved to Markus Kramer. According to the athlete, he watched Kramer's workouts and liked his approach.


Skier Alexander Panzhinsky would hardly have made it to the Olympics in Korea if not for the decision of the IOC to disqualify many strong Russian athletes. As a result, he was the most titled and the oldest participant in our ski team at the Pyeongchang Games. The athlete recalls that the selection for the Olympics was like Russian roulette, so he was very surprised when he saw himself on the lists.

In the classic sprint, Panzhinsky successfully overcame the qualifications and reached the quarterfinals, where he finished fourth and received a ticket to the semifinals. However, the skier did not manage to break into the final race.

Personal life

Even before the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Alexander began dating a girl named Anna, who later became his wife. On June 2, 2018, the couple had a son, Artem. The athlete is happy to share photos of the baby with fans on his Instagram account. You can also find out from the social network where the skier Alexander Panzhinsky is currently training. Recently, in mid-November, he and his team were on qualifying starts in Rovaniemi, Finland, and ahead of him are the first stages of the World Cup season 2018/2019.