Walking trainer. Pro stepper - Nordic walking simulator for home

The stepper is called Sports Equipment for walking, which is perfect for home use. The popularity of the walking simulator is explained by the fact that it allows not only to reset overweight but also keeps the muscles of the body in good shape.

Such a cardio simulator completely imitates the rise of a step when walking. The stepper provides the most natural movements that are aimed at working out the muscles of the lower leg, buttocks and hips.

The benefits of the simulator

Stepper helps:

  • stabilize weight, as it helps to burn excess body fat;
  • strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs;
  • train back and press;
  • adjust the figure
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • develop coordination.

Regular workouts on the mini-trainer for home will provide you with a slim and toned body. Such workouts can be prescribed as therapeutic. This happens in the case of rehabilitation after the main course of treatment of an injury or with degenerative diseases of the spine and limbs.

The main advantage of such a device is its ease of use. The mini-trainer is inexpensive and does not take up much space.

Varieties of walking simulators

Types of steppers by size

Exist different types such simulators. Depending on their size, they are divided into:

  • stair steppers;
  • conventional walking simulators;
  • mini steppers.

The ladder simulator is not entirely suitable for placement at home, only if you have a special training room. The main advantage of ladders is the low impact on the joints. This is the safest training option for people who have back problems.

Mini stepper trainer - a small platform with pedals. This version of the simulator is perfect for an apartment. Some modifications are equipped with special sticks with side rotation.

By type of movement

Depending on the type of step movements, fixtures can be as follows:

  • classic;
  • rotary;
  • balancing.

The classical model assumes an apparatus that will simulate walking up the stairs both anatomically and physiologically.

Balancing devices involve the development of coordination, as well as strengthening the muscles of the press. During movement, the platform begins to shift the center of gravity of the body in different sides. At first glance, it may seem that it will be difficult to practice on such a device, but over time you will acquire the skill, it will be easy to do. Sometimes such a model is called a "rock and roll stepper", since the movements are very reminiscent of a dance.

Rotary models are distinguished by the fact that during walking there is a load on the back, since it is necessary to make turns with the body. Classes on such a device are quite intense. If you constantly practice for 10 minutes, then the result will be on your face.

By nature of work

The stepper can be:

  • professional;
  • autonomous;
  • electromagnetic;
  • mechanical.

Professional simulators at home can be found very rarely, as they are expensive and take up a lot of space. The main advantage of this variety is that they are quiet and have high wear resistance.

Autonomous type of devices can be powered by batteries or a built-in generator. This model can be used where it is difficult to get to electricity.

Mechanical models work due to the fact that a person presses on the pedal - the cylinder decreases, and when the second pedal is pressed, the cylinder expands. These types of steppers do not require external power sources, as they are powered by hydraulics.

Electromagnetic varieties work due to the fact that magnetic resistance arises. Using the control console, you can independently adjust the load on walking simulator. You can use ready training program or create your own. Due to sensors attached to the body, vital signs are read: pulse, walking speed, as well as the number of calories burned. At home, such devices can rarely be found, as they are large and expensive.

Training features

The key to success is constant practice. It is advisable to train three times a week. Please note that walking should not be too intense, especially in the first lessons. Do not overload the body, do not overstrain the muscles.

Monitor your heart rate while exercising. First, you should determine the heart rate in the normal state, and then during exercise. If the number of heartbeats becomes too high, you should rest and restore breathing. If you feel that your breathing is difficult, it means that you are overloading the body. Loads should be increased gradually.

Another condition for success is the correct execution technique. You should walk at an average rhythm, that is, without straining.

There are several movement options. which can be performed by both beginners and experienced athletes.

The first workout should be short. For starters, 10 minutes 3 times a week is enough. Gradually, the duration of classes can be increased to 30 minutes.

Proper imitation of walking is to follow the following rules:

Before training, you should check the operation of the walking simulator. Check if all components are fixed and in place.

Contraindications to exercise

Before starting such a cardio workout, you should consult with your doctor. Otherwise, you can get an injury to the spine or provoke the development of diseases. internal organs.

The main contraindications include:

During a cold or infectious disease, inflammation and high temperature, training should be abandoned. Elderly people should definitely consult a doctor.

As a result, it should be noted that when choosing a stepper simulator for walking at home, you should pay attention to the rating of the most popular. It doesn't matter if you choose a stilted machine or a full-fledged treadmill, the main thing is that your workouts are stable.

Attention, only TODAY!

The stepper is one of the most popular and functional cardio equipment.

It consists of a platform with pedals, which are actuated by a simple mechanism and, based on the movements made on it, imitates steps up the stairs.

Its undoubted advantages as a home simulator include small dimensions, low cost and ease of operation. At the same time, it can quite effectively cope with many tasks of improving the body.

What muscles are involved?

Aerobic load when working on this simulator, as well as when climbing stairs, is mainly directed to the lower limbs.

On steppers, when turning on the hands with the help of levers or expanders, The load is given to the following muscle groups:

  • front and rear surface hips;
  • shins and feet;
  • knee and hip straighteners;
  • gluteal muscles (large, medium and small);
  • iliac-lumbar and intercostal;
  • press and oblique abdomen;
  • arms, shoulders and latissimus dorsi back.

Is it possible to pump up the buttocks?

The gluteal muscles are worked out when walking on the simulator in any case. But if you want to give this part of the body Special attention, stick to a few rules.

  • Follow right position body: the knees and toes of the legs standing on the pedals are slightly turned outward (the “heels together, toes apart” pose), the body is tilted forward, the support is on the hands, the lower back is in a slight deflection; pressure on the platforms when walking - heels.
  • Should be done 3-4 times a week every other day for 20 minutes if the muscles are already warmed up after strength training, and about 1 hour if the step session is an independent workout.

The scheme of cardio training on the leg machine:

  1. a warm-up for a smooth entry into the workout with a gradual 5-minute increase in intensity and a hitch to exit it at the end with a 5-minute decrease in load;
  2. the main 10 minutes with a 20-minute workout - movement at working speed (breathing does not go astray and talk coherently);
  3. with an hourly lesson, entrance and exit - 10 minutes each.

Attention! The fat burning mechanism does not start if the body perceives training as physical stress. This happens without preliminary preparation and warming up of the muscles and ligaments. Therefore, you should not immediately jump onto the step and walk at a high pace.

These simple rules will help you give your buttocks elasticity and relief, get rid of or reduce the appearance of cellulite.

How effective is the stepper for weight loss?

Cardio workouts are extremely important for weight loss. Why? Everything is simple. The main fat burner in the body is oxygen. And the greater the volume of blood pumped through the heart muscle, the more it enters our body and the faster the subcutaneous fat “melts”.

The intensity of the heart depends on cardio loads, and the stepper is quite capable of providing them in the required volume.

It is also a unique chance to walk up the stairs without leaving your home. But the result before and after training for burning extra pounds can only be obtained subject to three conditions:

  1. constancy,
  2. correct exercise technique.

How many calories are burned during exercise?

For half an hour of medium-intensive walking on a stepper burns about 300 calories. Minus another 100 calories if you put your hands to work and upper part body using levers, expanders or dumbbells.

Useful properties and contraindications

In addition to the fact that the stepper will help you strengthen the desired muscles and correct your figure, it also will have a general healing effect on the body and will contribute to:

  • normalization of the respiratory system;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and vascular walls;
  • improving coordination, increasing indicators of strength and endurance;
  • strengthening immunity and stimulating metabolic processes (including reducing the appearance of cellulite due to increased blood circulation in the lower body);
  • ensuring a full physiological load, including at the stage of recovery after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications classes on the stepper are:

  • injuries (dislocations, sprains, etc.);
  • serious chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • the last stages of pregnancy;
  • arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus in the acute stage;
  • colds with high fever.

Photos of results before and after

Many women have achieved quite tangible results by practicing on various models of steppers. Below you can see their before and after photos:

How to practice?

The position of the body during classes must be technically correct. For this avoid common mistakes:

  • foot placement on the pedals in parallel or with the knees approaching each other (this not only has no effect, but is also traumatic);
  • body weight transfer on the hands - the legs almost hang in the air and do not receive the necessary load;
  • platform pressure socks with heels separated from them.

Contribute efficient combustion fat and muscle building.

Warm up and stretch

Be sure to need a 5-10 minute warm-up to warm up the muscles. The warm-up includes any simple exercises (walking, light running, jumping rope, rotation of various joints, simple moves school physical education).

At the end of the session, the pace slows down, and you should complete the cardio session with a 10-minute stretch of the worked muscles. The movements should be smooth, in one position it is necessary to linger for about 10 seconds - until a slight tension, but not until pain.

How much to walk on the stepper for a visible result?

Starting with 10-15 minutes of low-intensity sessions, work up to an hour over the course of a month. When losing weight, the optimal time is 40-60 minutes at low intensity. Works here "25 minute rule"- during this period of training, blood sugar and carbohydrate glycogen from tissue cells are consumed, and only after 25 minutes the fat burning process starts.

Optimal heart rate for weight loss

100-110 beats per minute for beginners and 120-130 for intermediate people sports training- exactly what is needed. You can track the readings using a heart rate monitor or sensors built into the simulator.

Try not to exceed your average age: interval 130-160 if you are 20-25 years old, 123-152 (30-35), 117-144 (40-45), 110-136 (50-55), 104-128 ( 60-65), 97-120 (70 and older).

How many times a week to practice?

Rhythm 3-4 times a week alternates days of stress and days of essential recovery and is ideal for beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts alike.

What time of day is best?

For those who want to get rid of excess weight, morning should be chosen. A sharp transition from a lazy state to an active state will help the body burn fat more intensively to compensate for the energy expended.

Power correction

Exhausting yourself with strict diets is unacceptable - just Eat healthy, natural foods. Eat less carbohydrates, more protein - the building material of muscle tissue.

How to choose a walking machine on site?

When choosing this type of cardio machine, you should consider, in addition to your financial capabilities and the availability of free space for installation, a few more moments:

  • according to the main parameters they are divided for mechanical and electromagnetic(according to the type of loading system), and can also have interdependent and; electromagnetic models are more modern, better equipped, have independent pedal travel, but are more expensive;
  • simplicity and affordability does not mean that the model is ineffective - with regular classes, you can achieve your goals on a mini-stepper;
  • for small housing it would be better to purchase a mini or balancing option - their functions are similar to more expensive models, and the price and dimensions are much less and are often supplemented with a digital module;
  • the presence of handrails or expanders helps not only to maintain balance, but also develops the muscles of the press and upper body;
  • Your weight must not exceed the maximum user weight specified in the technical specifications;
  • pay attention to training programs, their number and how seriously you are determined to practice - perhaps, if you have the finances, you should stop at a multifunctional magnetic model with a choice of programs, independent pedal travel and the ability to adjust the load.

It should be noted that walking simulators also differ according to the type of movements performed:

  1. The basic version of the stepper, imitates the most common walking up the stairs. It can be equipped with various devices for stability and inclusion in the work of the muscles of the upper part of the body: racks, levers, expanders.
  2. Smaller version for tight spaces and easy transport. The design is very suitable for beginners who cannot immediately switch to heavy loads (overloading the heart abruptly and without preparation can adversely affect its health).
  3. . Such models are equipped with a handle that rotates from side to side, thanks to which, in unison with the steps, the upper part of the body rotates from side to side. Such movements help to pump the press, back and waist along with the legs.
  4. In this version, elastic cords with expanders are attached to the platform with pedals. With their help, during training, in addition to the legs, the arms, back and shoulders are also worked out.
  5. This model is designed on the principle of a tumbler and resembles a small leg swing with an invisible horizontal axis in the middle. Steps on such a simulator are rolling from side to side while maintaining body balance in the center. The balancer loads the whole body, develops balance and coordination, while taking up very little space.
  6. The electromagnetic loading system allows you to increase the amplitude and smoothness of the step, and also, thanks to moving levers, to connect your hands. Almost the entire body is involved in the work, the steps resemble the pedaling of a huge bicycle, the work of the hands is the movement of a skier. This is the most careful of the steppers in relation to the joints.
  7. The peculiarity of this option is that, while performing the same functions as a stepper for adults, it is designed specifically for kids from 4 years old. Such simulators are bright, colorful, very durable and safe. They are designed to interest the child in sports and to start his physical development from an early age.

Attention! A simple formula will help you decide on the type of stepper: goal + price + availability of space for installation.

Comparison with other cardio equipment

In addition to the stepper, the group of cardio machines includes a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical and rowing machines.

What are their similarities and differences and which is more effective if you set a goal to lose weight?

  • Treadmill. It can, like a stepping machine, be used to lose weight and burn extra calories, strengthen the same muscles of the lower body, especially the calves. However, it is more suitable for the development of cardio endurance, and also, due to the strong shock load on the vertebrae and joints, it is contraindicated for people with osteochondrosis, flat feet and problems with the ligaments and joints of the legs.
  • Exercise bike. Not the best choice for weight loss - during work, almost half of the muscles of the body are inactive, almost the entire upper part. Especially if the modification is horizontal, although this same feature makes such cardio indispensable for people who have back problems. Much more than for those who are losing weight, it is suitable for those who return to sports after a long break or injury - for example, an ankle. We have carried out a detailed
  • Rowing machine. It can be a good helper in getting rid of extra pounds. Combines two types of load - aerobic and power. Includes almost all the muscles of the lower and upper body. However, unlike the stepper, who fights with female problem areas, such cardio is considered masculine - women avoid active classes rowing for fear of "pumping" the shoulders.
  • Ellipsoid. Practically designed for weight loss. It includes the whole body in the workout, while sparing the joints and is shown, unlike the stepper, even very fat people. If your goal is to become slimmer, there is no better option. However, the snag, as opposed to the stepper, can be the high price of cardio and its impressive dimensions. Therefore, most often the ellipsoid is available for training only in fitness rooms.

Everything that you learned today about steppers will allow you to answer the question - is this your cardio machine? To buy a home, weigh your financial capabilities and dimensions of housing, analyze your health status and, if in doubt, consult a doctor.

And also - define the goals of the classes and weigh your resolve adherence to the schedule and consistency of training. If everything was decided positively, start stepping towards your health and monitor your results after training.


Yandex Market data from 02/15/2020 00:00


Elliptical trainer VE-201 Millennium, electromagnetic strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, muscles of the thigh, buttocks, press, arms and back. The main advantage of ellipsoids is that even with intense training, they give a minimum load on the joints and evenly distribute it, which allows people to train even with spinal problems. This is achieved by moving along an elliptical trajectory, which, without harmful loading, most accurately simulates running and walking.


Lose weight without heavy loads nordic walking– without leaving your home With the help of the simulator, you can completely simulate Nordic walking. Thanks to the two pedals, which have a large range of motion, you can strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The handles are not interconnected with each other, making walking even more realistic. Turning the pedals and interacting with the handlebars will help strengthen your upper body. The stable frame and anti-slip pedals ensure the safety of training.


Innovation In StepTo Treadmills StepTo Smart Quick Start Technology starts the treadmill with 3 steps on the Infra-ray walking belt Built-in Infra-ray technology monitors 3 zones of foot position on the treadmill and automatically adjusts your workout pace: run/walk/stop EngineRACE EngineRACE technology provides high engine power in a small motor size 2-Frost Thanks to the two-stage cooling system of the 2-Frost motor



Compact and simple treadmill for low to moderate intensity walking and running. measurement physical activity The forward and backward countdown of the main training parameters is possible: speed, calories burned, distance traveled and training time. ease of control Russified console and a large LCD display with a large indication for easy training management. quick start SmartStart technology allows you to quickly resume your workout after a pause.


Art. No. 105300 There are contraindications, before use, carefully read the instructions for use and consult a doctor. Bradex Cardio Twister SF 0033 is a multifunctional trainer that offers you a simple and enjoyable workout for your body. During training, even those muscles that you do not often use are involved, thus making it possible to lose weight incredibly quickly.


Exercise machine "2 in 1": stepper + Nordic walking. Trains the heart and blood vessels. Low stress on the joints. Adjustment of turn, height, resistance. Computer with large display. Stepper GymBit"Nordic Walking" is designed specifically for home use. It will provide a 2 in 1 workout: Cardio loading and working out the muscles of the legs, like a standard stepper. Imitation of Nordic walking classes, which allows you to work out the muscles of the upper body.


Treadmills trademark UNIXFIT ST series _ is reliability and compactness. They combine all the essential features you need for a successful workout. ; ; This model is lightweight and compact. Comfortable for walking and running, the width of the running belt, a durable frame, as well as heart rate sensors built into the handrails. ; ; Characteristics: Appointment: home Type: electric Frame: extra strong with two-layer painting Carpet under the track: yes, noise-absorbing Rug size: 190 x 74 cm


Treadmill Type: Electric; Use of the simulator: Home; Maximum allowable weight user: 136 kg; Type: Walking Trainer; Multimedia/integration: no; Canvas width: 52 cm



Children's simulator Kids Air Walker LEM-KAW001 is an excellent model that will attract the attention of any child and is used for walking. It will help improve the musculoskeletal system of the body. You can use it at home, and in places intended for the entertainment of children.


The VictoryFit VF-612 treadmill is a compact model without handrails. Designed for jogging or brisk walking. The web speed is controlled from the control panel. Max Speed limited to 6 km/h. The speed can be adjusted in increments of 0.5 km/h. The treadmill can be stored as horizontal position, as well as vertically. ; ; Specifications Level of use: Home Working size: 135x58x15 cm Folded size: 135x58x17 cm Engine power: 1.5L


Kids Air Walker is a children's "air walker" that delights children. Multi-colored coloring book will attract children's attention and make sports activities fun and exciting. Made from child-safe materials (PVC, nylon, frame: steel). The model is designed only for children 4-8 years old. Rugged, stable construction. The simulator can be successfully used both at home and in any children's institutions, rest rooms. Dimensions: 68 x 40 x 86 cm. Weight Limit child 50 kg.


Elliptical trainer VE-107 Century New, magnetic strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, muscles of the thigh, buttocks, abs, arms and back. The main advantage of ellipsoids, even with intensive training, is to give a minimum load on the joints and evenly distribute it, which allows people to train even with spinal problems. This is achieved by moving along an elliptical trajectory, which, without harmful loading, most accurately simulates running and walking.


Specifications DFC Stella T-1000 is a budget running cardio machine aimed at users weighing no more than 110 kg. The engine power is not great, only 1.25 liters. with., however, this is enough for the development of high speeds - up to 12 km / h. The width of the running belt is 36 cm, the length is 100 cm. Such dimensions are suitable for people of short stature of medium build.


Dfit Atlantica HRC Treadmill Made in Taiwan, the electric treadmill can accelerate the treadmill up to 14 kilometers per hour. The engine power in this simulator is two horsepower. The speed of its lowering and lifting is adjustable gas shock absorber, and its dimensions are 400 * 1260 millimeters. The Dfit Atlantica HRC treadmill adjusts the running belt angle mechanically. The pulse is measured using a Polar belt.


Treadmill with massage effect from Torneo. To achieve a massage effect, it is recommended to walk on the treadmill without shoes or barefoot at a speed of 0.8 to 6 km/h. For running at a speed of 7 km/h, it is recommended to wear running shoes. massage effect The special design of the running surface provides a massage effect that improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue and heaviness in the legs. ease of management Russified console with large, well-read inscriptions.



Starter model in the VictoryFit treadmill line. ; ; Its compact size allows you to place the simulator in a very limited space, and the folding system makes the treadmill completely invisible even in a small apartment or studio apartment. Optimal blade length, light weight and nice interface make this track the best option for those who have not yet decided whether to connect their lives with running.


Starter model in the VictoryFit treadmill line. Its compact size allows you to place the simulator in a very limited space, and the folding system makes the treadmill completely invisible even in a small apartment or studio apartment. The optimal length of the canvas, light weight and pleasant interface make this track the best option for those who have not yet decided whether to connect their lives with running.


UNIXFIT™ ST series treadmills are reliable and compact. They combine all the essential features you need for a successful workout. This model is lightweight and compact. Comfortable for walking and running, the width of the running belt, a durable frame, as well as heart rate sensors built into the handrails.

Getting rid of numerous pathologies, strengthening the heart, blood vessels, joints, bones and just good mood- here is the result regular workouts in Scandinavian.

In simple and effective form sport has only one drawback: dependence on bad weather. Fresh air, which is an addition to the "wellness" program, is not always available when it is raining, snowing or strong winds outside. To give athletes a “walk at home”, a special simulator was developed. It's called a stepper.

What is a stepper simulator at home, how to do it correctly, you will learn from our article.

Work specifics

Stepper simulator -. "Natural" walking with sticks is replaced by training on the platform. It consists of 2 pedals with a simple mechanism built into them. 2 sticks connected to the simulator allow you to fully simulate walking, equivalent to "Scandinavian" outdoor activities.

This has a relatively small size, so it will take up a minimum of space in the house. It is easy to set it up "for yourself", since it has the position of handles, pedals, their amplitude, the degree of resistance to movement. Thanks to the large LCD display, all the achieved indicators can be seen right during the workout.

Such features of the home stepper allow you to make classes “individual”, adjusting the capabilities of the simulator to the athlete as much as possible. You no longer need to "carve out" time after a hard day's work to get to the gym. And bad weather is no excuse for spending the evening on the couch.

For whom is it intended

The Nordic Walking stepper is a cardio machine. This means that with its help the heart, the vessels related to it, are strengthened. The tasks of "cardio machines" also include the regulation of lung function. Such equipment allows you to increase the functionality of internal organs, systems of a person who regularly trains.

Steppers, regulating the load on the cardiovascular system, train the muscles of the whole body. At the same time, the joints and spine are minimally “loaded”, evenly distributing the impact of the equipment. Therefore, you work out on the simulator not only muscle tissue but internal systems.

The person involved in it, there are such improvements in health:

  • Stabilization of blood pressure indicators;
  • Reducing the risk of heart failure;
  • Increased ventilation capacity of the lungs and their volume;
  • Improvement of metabolic processes, metabolism in the body, blood flow;
  • Acceleration of fat burning;
  • Strengthening muscle, bone tissue, joints;
  • Lowering "bad" cholesterol;
  • Development of strong immunity;
  • Practicing coordinated movements and balance.

Also, training on a stepper can “eliminate” unnecessary kilograms. The number of calories burned is tracked on the display even during classes, which gives an additional incentive to study. They will help strengthen the muscle layer of the buttocks, calves, back, abdomen, arms and chest.

Given the regular and stable blood flow to organs, tissues, skin, cellulite disappears after regular training. Rejuvenation of the skin on the body, giving it smoothness occurs due to the removal of toxins.

Given the ability to regulate different intensity of training, the simulator is successfully used by people of all ages: classes are equally effective for the elderly and young people.

Fixture Benefits

The main advantage of the stepper is the ability to organize 2 in 1 muscle training:

  • Lower body with pedals;
  • upper body .

The frame with pedals is steady, has an antiskid covering. Therefore, the athlete will not fall during training. Handles, the length of which can be adjusted, are movable. This feature allows you to constantly control the intensity of movement, perform movements confidently and correctly, without damaging the articular tissue.

Many models of steppers have the function of turns, twisting. This feature will allow you to train your buttocks, hips and back while walking. The device has a convenient function with which you can accurately track your workout parameters.

The fastening of the stepper handles has nothing to do with the pedals, so the upper body is also trained intensively. To control the level of resistance at the base of the handle there is a regulator. It can be loosened or tightened in any way that is comfortable for the athlete, which will allow you to control the load throughout the entire training process.

Using the monitor attached to the stepper, you can control the following parameters:

  • "Spent" calories;
  • Number of steps taken;
  • How many "passed" steps per minute;
  • The duration of the lessons.

Device types

When choosing a Nordic walking simulator for your home, keep in mind that it has 4 varieties.

  • "Normal" steppers.

The simulator is large, takes up a lot of space in the house. The mandatory equipment includes levers (handles) that help maintain balance and give additional load to the upper body and arms. The simulator is effectively used for the prevention, treatment of diseases, weight loss.

  • Mini steppers.

There are no handles in this sports equipment. It consists of a single platform that is powered by pedals.

They are small in size, ideally "fit" even in the smallest room. Some models have hand holders, but in this case the machine will be slightly larger. A simple and convenient device that allows you to work out all muscle groups.

  • Stair steppers.

It is problematic to place such a simulator in an apartment: it will need a separate room, since the device is large. Great option for sports halls.

The device consists of steps that imitate stairwells. With their help, the athlete constantly "steps" only up, bypassing the descents.

  • Walking track.

Such a Nordic walking path has 2 types of devices that differ in mechanism:

  1. Mechanical. Hydraulics actuate the pedals under the influence of muscle power.
  2. electromagnetic. The work of the simulator is carried out with the help of electric current and magnets. Requires a network connection.

It is best to consult your doctor before purchasing a Scandinavian indoor walker.

Useful video - Stepper "Nordic walking" 2 in 1

Usage restrictions

like anyone sports equipment, the stepper has some limitations for use. We list the main contraindications for training on simulators that imitate Nordic walking:

  • Untreated bone and joint tissue injuries;
  • Pathological, articular tissue in the acute stage;
  • Chronic, liver, lungs;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • Fever, accompanied by high body temperature;
  • Complicated by other pathologies.

People who have reached retirement age are required to undergo a medical examination before training. After it, the doctor will make a conclusion about the possibility of classes and their intensity.

Training technique

Before you start exercising, do a short warm-up consisting of 3-5 exercises.

Despite the apparent simplicity of movements, to achieve maximum effect During training, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Keep your back and head straight;
  • Straighten your shoulders and slightly bend your lower back;
  • During the movement, “throw out” one hand as much as possible forward, and press the other, laid back, with your elbow to the body;
  • Make sure that the foot is firmly on the surface of the pedal;
  • While walking, focus on the middle part of the foot;
  • Regulate breathing: inhale - 2 steps, inhale - 2 more steps.

For weight loss

To eliminate unnecessary kilograms of excess weight for the body, do homework every other day, exercising for 20 minutes.

In lesson 1, note how many steps you managed to "pass". Add 5-10 steps to the results obtained at each subsequent workout. So you can control the increase in the intensity of the load. Total month regular classes you will need in order to see a thinner and toned body.

To give elasticity to the hips and buttocks, while walking, without changing the position of the lower back, tilt the body slightly forward, leaning on the handles of the device. This technique will emphasize the load on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Video - Nordic walking simulator in the apartment

be careful

Before you start exercising, please read the following safety precautions when using the equipment:

  • Read the instructions carefully;
  • Install the device only on a perfectly flat surface;
  • Do not start classes until you are sure that the device is working properly;
  • Start your workout with slow movements, gradually increasing the pace;
  • Make sure that the knees do not connect with each other: this can lead to joint injury;
  • While moving, tighten the muscles of the buttocks.

Remember that daily physical activity to maintain good health and mood is 10,000 steps. Therefore, if your life lacks movement, practice on the stepper every day.