Athletics relay race dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Athletics relay race dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War Relay races by May 9 at school

The history of the track and field relay race for the prize of the Miass Rabochy newspaper dates back to 1938. The initiator and organizer was the editorial office of the newspaper "Miass Worker". The relay race was also held during the Great Patriotic War, it was dedicated to the Day of the Press and the opening of the summer sports season. The race was held in the old part of the city, on Labor Square. The parade of the relay participants during these years turned into a vivid demonstration of the strength and vigor of the youth.

In the 60s and 70s, the start and finish were moved to the city center, and was located at the Miass Geological Exploration College (now MGRK) for 30 years, the relay route has changed many times. Traditionally, the relay race was held on May 9 and was dedicated to the Victory Day. Among production teams the strongest teams were: Zarya, Tresturalavtostroy, Miasselektroapparat, Kristall, Spartak and, of course, the Avtozavod team. Among the schools, the leaders in the 60-70s were school No. 30 (coach Zaitsev P.P.), school No. 4 (coach Pshenichnikov N.M.) in the 80s, school No. 44 was in the lead (coach Polev S.A. ), in the 90s school number 27 (coach Oreshin A.I.). Among the secondary specialized educational institutions are MEMT and MAMT.

Today, the start and finish are located at Mira Boulevard. The relay is a continuation of the festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day. Participants sports festival are schoolchildren, students and production teams.

In Nyazepetrovsk on May 9, a traditional track and field relay race for the prize of the administration of the Nyazepetrovsky district and the newspaper "Nyazepetrovsky Vesti" will be held. At least our prizes are always not cheap and good. So...

1. Goals and objectives

The relay race is held to check the readiness of physical culture groups of the city and the region for the summer sports season and is dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

2. Time and place of behavior.

The relay race is held on May 9, 2015 in Nyazepetrovsk. Gathering of participants at the sports ground of MKOU "Secondary School No. 1" at 11.00 local time.

3. Competition management

The organization and holding of the competition is carried out by the Committee for physical education and sports, the editorial office of the district newspaper "Nyazepetrovkie vesti".

The direct conduct of the relay is assigned to the Main Jury.

Main judge competitions: Borisova M.K.

4. Participants and composition of teams.

All sports teams of industrial enterprises, institutions, primary and secondary specialized educational institutions, secondary, basic and primary schools cities and districts, kindergartens.

Persons who have passed a medical examination and preliminary training are allowed to participate in the relay race.

Each team must have a single sportswear, and each team member - bib number. The relay is held in five groups.

Group I - teams of physical culture teams of industrial enterprises, JSCs and LLCs, institutions. Each team consists of 7 men and 5 women (family members of employees are allowed, no more than 3 people).

Group II - teams of students in grades 10 - 11 of secondary schools, primary and secondary specialized educational institutions born in 1996 - 1998. Each team has 6 boys and 5 girls.

Group III - teams of students in grades 5 - 9 of basic schools. Each team has 6 boys and 5 girls.

Group IV - a team of students primary school(grades 1 - 4). Each team has 5 boys and 5 girls; Grade 1 - 2 girls, 2 boys; Grade 2 - 1 girl, 1 boy; Grade 3 - 1 girl, 1 boy; Grade 4 - 1 girl, 1 boy.

Group V - teams of kindergarten students. Each team has 5 boys and 5 girls.

All sports teams have the right to field an unlimited number of teams.

In group I, it is allowed to unite up to 3 enterprises in one team

5. The order of the relay race

11.00 - building teams on the sports ground of MKOU secondary school No. 1

12.00 - start of the teams of the V group

12.10 - start of the teams of the IV group

12.30 - start of the teams of the 1st group

12.50 - start of teams of the II group

13.10 - start of the teams of the III group

13.20 - formation of the participants of the relay race for rewarding the winners on the Revolution Square.

6. Determining the winners

The winner in the relay race is determined by the shortest time at the finish line for each group. An unlimited number of teams nominated by teams counts.

7. Rewarding

Teams that take first place in each group are awarded the challenge cup of the KFiS, diplomas.

Teams that take 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded with certificates.

Team members who take first place in each group are awarded with diplomas and medals.

Participants of the relay race of the 1st group, who showed best time at the first stage and at the stage of courage, as well as all participants of the relay race of the V group are awarded with special prizes from the editorial office of the Nyazepetrovsk Vesti newspaper.

8. Design of stages and distances

Stages are drawn up by 10.00 local time on May 9, 2015 on the right side along the relay.

9. Applications

Nominal applications for teams are submitted to the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports on May 7, 2015 for the panel of judges. Applications must be certified by a doctor, head of organizations and a coach.

Meeting panel of judges will be held on May 7 at 15.00 local time at the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports. Representatives of all teams are invited to the meeting of the panel of judges.

relay route

Routes for teams of groups II and III - 11 stages

Stage 1 - 500 m (girls) - from the administration (Sverdlov St., 6) along the embankment to the descent.

Stage 2 - 900 m (boys) - from the descent, over the bridge to the street. Gorshenina to the forestry, along the embankment to roundabout(place of start of the former relay races).

Stage 3 - 250 m (girls) - from the roundabout along the street. Lenin to ROSTODSAF.

Stage 4 - 300 m (boys) - from ROSTODSAF on the street. Gagarin to house number 1 (five-story house).

Stage 5 - 200 m (boys) - from house number 1 (five-story house) on the street. Gagarin on the street. Gagarin to house number 30

Stage 6 - 100 m (girls) - from house number 30 on the street. Gagarin on the street. Gagarin to house number 42

Stage 7 - 300 m (boys) - from house number 42 on the street. Gagarin on the street. Gagarin to house number 76

Stage 8 - 150 m (girls) - from house number 76 on the street. Gagarin for 30 years of the Komsomol to house number 23

Stage 9 - 200 m (boys) - from house number 23 on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol to house number 3

Stage 10 - 200 m (girls) - from house number 3 on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol to Sverdlov street (museum)

Stage 11 - 250 m (boys) - from Sverdlov street (museum) along the street. Sverdlov to the administration (street Sverdlov 6)

relay route

Routes for teams of group I - 12 stages,

Stage 1 - 500 m (girls) - from the administration (Sverdlov St. 6) along the embankment to the descent.

Stage 2 - 300 m (boys) - from the descent, along the bridge to the street. Gorshenin to the forestry.

Stage 3 - 600 m (boys) - from the street. Gorshenin (leshoz) along the embankment to the roundabout (stage of courage)

Stage 4 - 250 m (girls) - from the roundabout along the street. Lenin to ROSTODSAF.

Stage 5 - 300 m (boys) - from ROSTODSAF on the street. Gagarin to house number 1 (five-story building).

Stage 6 - 200 m (boys) - from house No. 1 (five-story house) on Gagarin St. on the street. Gagarin to house number 30

Stage 7 - 100 m (girls) - from house number 30 on the street. Gagarin on the street. Gagarin to house number 42

Stage 8 - 300 m (boys) - from house number 42 on the street. Gagarin on the street. Gagarin to house number 76

Stage 9 - 150 m (girls) - from house number 76 on the street. Gagarin on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol to house number 23

Stage 10 - 200 m (boys) - from house number 23 on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol to house number 3

Stage 11 - 200 m (girls) - from house number 3 on the street. 30 years of the Komsomol to Sverdlov street (museum)

Stage 12 - 250 m (boys) - from Sverdlov street (museum) along the street. Sverdlov to the administration (street Sverdlov 6)

For teams of pupils of kindergartens - Group V is carried out head relay (with the transfer of the stick).

Distance: 50 meters. The relay is held on the square. The competition is attended by (5 girls and 5 boys).

The participants of each team line up in two oncoming columns (a column of boys and a column of girls) at a distance of 50 meters from each other. The baton is passed from the right hand to the right. The boy starts first.

For teams of primary classes - IV group, a counter relay race is held(with the transfer of the stick).

Distance: 50 meters. The relay is held on the square. The competition is attended by (5 girls and 5 boys). Grade 1 - 2 girls, 2 small. 2nd grade - 1 girl, 1 small, 3rd grade - 1 girl, 1 small 4th grade - 1 girl, 1 small

The members of each team line up in two opposite columns (column of boys and column of girls) in the following order:

in a column of boys

Stage 1 - boy 1st grade

Stage 2 - boy 2nd grade

Stage 3 - boy grade 3

Stage 4 - boy grade 4

Stage 5 - boy 1st grade

in a column of girls

Stage 1 - girl 1st grade

Stage 2 - girl 2nd grade

Stage 3 - girl 3rd grade

Stage 4 - girl 4th grade

Stage 5 - girl 1st grade

at a distance of 50 meters from each other. The baton is passed from the right hand to the right. The boy starts first.

At the signal of the starter, the first numbers begin to move. Having reached the line of the second half of the team, the participant passes baton next participant. The running participant stands at the end of the column. The relay race continues until the boys' column changes places with the girls' column. The result is recorded using a stopwatch when the last team member crosses the finish line. For untimely running out of the relay participant ahead, the team is punished with a penalty time of 3 seconds.

Chairman of the KFiS A. S. Patalov

Polyakova Alexandra Abduvalievna, educator of MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Center - Kindergarten No. 23".
Material Description: This scenario will be of interest to the musical directors of the preschool educational institution, instructors in physical education, educators of the preschool educational institution. The content of the holiday includes relay races corresponding to age opportunities middle and older children preschool age, poems and songs about the Second World War, dance. The holiday is held in gym, dedicated to the holiday of May 9 "Victory Day"
Target: To intensify the rest of children, bring joy, cultivate respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions available to children and evoke strong emotions in them, love for the Motherland, consolidate knowledge about the May 9 holiday, cultivate a sense of pride in their people, the army, the desire to defend their country .
1. Continue to acquaint children with the historical past of our country (the Great Patriotic War).
2. Continue to form a sense of patriotism in children through familiarization with songs and poems about the Great Patriotic War.
3. Arouse in children a sense of empathy, compassion for those who did not return from the war; a sense of pride for the soldiers, the people who steadfastly endured the hardships of the war, for the unity of the whole people, for courage and courage.
4. Consolidation of children's knowledge about military professions.
5. To consolidate motor skills in children in conditions of emotional communication with peers.
6. Develop endurance, dexterity, orientation in space.
7. Cultivate attention, purposefulness, a sense of camaraderie.
Attributes: 2 postman bags, 2 toy trucks and product models (milk, bread, canned food), 2 toy machines, 2 children's bathrobes, bandages, skittles, gymnastic benches, hoops, limiters, 2 tunnels, 2 rudders.
Preliminary work:
- Reading stories, poems about the war;
- Listening and learning military songs.

Entertainment progress

Leading: May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.
The road calls them in the morning
To the parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Grandmothers are watching after them. (“Victory Day” by T. Belozerov)
Roll call of children:
1 child: What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and rockets are coming
Soldiers are marching.
2 child: What is Victory Day?
This is the fireworks display:
Fireworks take to the sky
Falling apart here and there.
3 child: What is Victory Day?
These are the songs at the table
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.
4 child: These are fruits and sweets,
These are the scents of spring...
What is Victory Day
This means no war. ("What is Victory Day?")
Performance of the song "Great-grandfather"(Muses. A. Ermolova, sl. M. Zagota)
Leading: The war brought severe trials to children. Thousands of children showed immortal heroism and courage. Many of them did not spare their lives for the sake of victory.
Roll call:
1 child: Frozen ate in the guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming roar
The war is far away.
2 child: But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing his head in silence
We hear the rumble of tanks close
And tearing the soul of the bombs gap.
3 child: We see them - soldiers of Russia,
That in that distant terrible hour
Paid with their lives
For happiness is bright for us ... ("At the obelisk")
Leading: Many people in the war worked to bring the "Victory Day" closer, while they were not military men, did not participate in the battles. But their work was also very important for the victory.
Child: Postmen carry news
On the roads of the front,
And lie in their bags together
Letters to the fallen and the living.
With each of our victories,
With each new day of war
Letters go on, go on -
To the borders of the native country. ( Excerpt "Military Post" S. Ya Marshak)
Relay race senior group"Postman with a bag over obstacles."
Children are divided into two teams. Captains are given bags of postmen.
Relay rules: each child takes turns overcoming obstacles. Having passed all the obstacles, he returns to his team, passing the baton and the bag to the next child. As obstacles: go through the swamp (jumping from hoop to hoop), bypass the minefield (run between pins), cross the river (walking the gymnastic ladder) and others.
The team that first passes all the tests and does not break the rules wins.
Leading: well done postmen coped well with the tests.
Child: We need to deliver products to the front.
Let's help the soldiers together.
Relay race middle group"Transportation of products on a truck."
The guys are divided into two teams. Each team is given a large truck toy. Product mock-ups are stacked in a large container: milk, bread, canned food and others.
Relay rules: Each child takes one product and transports it while passing between obstacles (pins), puts it in his basket.
The team that finishes the relay first and has more "products" wins.
Leading: The drivers did an excellent job, did not leave people hungry.
During the war, people not only bravely fought and worked. But they also rested. Even in the war, people watched the performances of dancers.
Dance of the choreographer "Apple".
Leading: Thanks to the dancers for entertaining us.
During the war years, orderlies and doctors worked bravely at the front. It was they who provided medical assistance to the wounded soldiers.
Child: Soldier at enemy heights
Was wounded early in the morning.
A brave military doctor will save
He will bandage the wounds!
The doctor will extract from the wounds of a soldier
Two small pieces
And he will say: "There is no need to lose heart! Live, brother, for a long time!"
(N. Ivanova “Military professions)
Relay race of the senior group "Nurses apply bandages to the wounded."
Children are divided into two teams. The captains choose the team nurse, she puts on a dressing gown, takes bandages. Team members take turns running up to the nurse, she bandages them different parts of the body (head, leg, arm). The team wins, in which the nurse bandages all the "fighters" faster.
Leading: Well done to our nurses, they helped everyone, cured everyone.
Child: The winds blew in the chimneys.
The rain was drumming.
Guys heroes went to reconnaissance,
Through the thicket of forests and swampy swamp.
(excerpt "Red Pathfinders" N. Dobronravov)
Relay race of the senior group "Climbing through the tunnel with a machine gun."
The guys are divided into two teams. The captains pick up a toy machine and climb through the tunnel in turn, come back, pass the machine and the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first and does not break the rules wins.
Leading: Well done scouts did a good job.
Child: On the ninth day of jubilant May.
When silence fell on the ground.
The news rushed from end to end:
The world has won! The war is over!
The driver has no time to take a nap
He hurries with all his might.
Deliver soldiers from the front.
Where the home is loved.
(excerpt from "The Ninth of May" by Yone Lee)
Relay race of the middle group "The driver transports soldiers."
The guys are divided into two teams. The captains take the rudders. The captains are joined by two more people. The "troika" must run around the obstacles and stay on the other side, the captain returns for the next participants. The team that gets to the other side faster and does not break the rules wins.
Leading: The drivers did a great job, they brought everyone home.
Child: Nowhere else dimmed the light
In smoky Europe cities.
Victory was bought at the price of blood,
May the world remember this forever.
And all over the big planet,
Children laugh happily.
(excerpt from "The Ninth of May" by Yone Lee)
Performance of the song: "Let there always be sunshine!"(lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky).
Leading: For happiness and life in the world.
For the sake of the soldiers who fell then.
Let there be no war on the planet.
Children in chorus: Never! Never! Never! (author unknown)
Children leave the hall to the music.


Lyrics of the song "Grandfather"(Music by A. Yermolov, lyrics by M. Zagota)
I recently live in the world.
And I know the story from books,
But about the big war
I hear live stories.
There is a good one
He always tells me the truth.
And a trace remains in the soul, -
My great-grandfather stays with me!
Chorus: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war,
From the Volga to Berlin itself.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country,
He protected his wife and son.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life,
So that the birds sing in the sky again,
And the sky turned blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
And to me on White light be born
And so that I could be born into the world!
He went to war so early
He was like me during the war years,
I also happened to be in captivity.
And go through fire and water.
He became the defender of the Motherland,
Even though he was just a boy,
And won the victory.
And with a victory went home!
I am very proud of my grandfather
His example for me is help in life,
But sadness cannot be thrown out of the heart -
His road became difficult.
I still have ahead
And I have to choose my path.
But I want to pass it
How did my great-grandfather go through life!
Chorus (2x)
Lyrics of the song: "Let there always be sunshine!"(lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky).
Solar circle, the sky around -
This is a drawing of a boy.
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.
Hush, soldier, do you hear, soldier, -
People are afraid of explosions.
Thousands of eyes are looking at the sky
Lips stubbornly repeat:
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.
Against trouble, against war
Let's stand up for our boys.
The sun - forever! Happiness - forever! -
So the man said.
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.
May there always be sunshine
May there always be sky
May there always be a mother
May I always be.


Roads, perhaps, all can not be counted,
Some are smooth and easy to walk on,
But there are such in our life,
Where you take a step and you are completely exhausted.

I well remember May of the post-war 1946. At the beginning of the year, the Decree of the Criminal Code of the CPSU "On the mass development of physical culture and sports in the country" was published. Five people from the city in the spring of 1946 were sent to the city of Sverdlovsk to train public trainers in athletics. Among them are I. Zauzirny and N. Pugachev from the Boksitstroy Trust, A. Radionov and V. Kasyan from SUBR.

And soon, in the same year, volunteer sports societies were created: SUBR - "Tsvetmet", Trust "Boxitstroy" - "Stroitel", geological exploration - "Geologist". We, public instructors in athletics, were engaged in organizing the passing of TRP standards at our enterprises. This is where they appeared top athletes cities, from which the teams - participants of the first track and field relay races - were later formed.

I remember her first route. The beginning of the intersection of Vatutina and Stalin streets. Your first stage of 1000 meters along Stalin Street to the turn of Oktyabrskaya Street, the second stage to the intersection of Karzhavina Street, further past the city market, where the Stella Market department is now, along Vatutina Street past the city court building down to the finish line at the intersection of Vatutina and Stalin Streets . I do not remember the length of the relay route, but I remember well that I ran my 1000 meters in 3 minutes 23 seconds, which was a good time for those times. We, the relay race participants, saw with our own eyes how thousands of city residents were rooting for our success.

Honorary citizen of the city

years (1945 - 2011) - winners

1st relay(1945) - DSO "Builder of the East".

2nd relay(1946) - School No. 1.

The winning team consisted of: Seliverstov, Saltanov, Sorokin, Chvanov, Mikhailova, Bragin. Coach - Plotnikov. The chief referee of the relay race is V. Norkin, secretary of the Civil Code of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

3rd relay(1947) - DSO "Non-ferrous metals".

In 1948-1950, the relay was not held.

The reason for this conclusion was the lack of materials about this competition in these years in the newspaper Pravda Severa - the only source of information about the track and field relay race in Severouralsk.

4th relay(1951) - School No. 1.

One of the men's stages is the longest in the history of relay races - 1,500 meters.

5th relay(1952) - School No. 1.

6th relay(1953) - sports society "Iskra" (captain - V. Sorokin).

The shortest route in the history of relay races is 2,100 m.

7th relay(1954) - sports society "Iskra".

The relay route becomes permanent - 4,250 meters, divided into 9 stages (6 men's and 3 women's).

8th relay(1955) - SUBR team.

9th relay(1956) - SUBR team.

For the first time, guests from Krasnoturinsk are participating - a team from an industrial technical school.

10th relay(1957) - School No. 1.

11th relay(1958) - SUBR team.

12th relay(1959) - SUBR team.

13th relay(1960) - School No. 1.
The first disqualification of the team for violating the rules of the competition.

14th relay(1961) - SUBR team and school No. 1.

For the first time, the relay is held in two groups - among production workers and schoolchildren. The first transfer of the relay was due to weather conditions (it snowed on May 21).

15th relay(1962) - SUBR team and school No. 1.

16th relay(1963) - Kalinsky mine and school No. 1.

17th relay(1964) - Cheremukhovsky mine and boarding school (coach - Y. Sevastyanov).

For the first time, the result of schoolchildren is higher than the result of production workers (by 24 seconds).

18th relay(1965) - mine No. 1 "Capital", school No. 7 and boarding school.

The relay starts from the Peace Square for the first time, and the winners are determined in three groups. For schoolchildren, in addition to high school students, relay race prizes are played by students in grades 7-8. From this year, the length of the first stage, where men run, becomes constant. It is equal to 1000 meters. The first winner here was V. Gabidullin (mine No. 1 Capital).

19th relay(1966) - mine No. 1 "Capital", school No. 1 and boarding school.

20th relay(1967) - Mine No. 1 "Capital", School No. 1 and School No. 15.
A relay race of unprecedented mass character: 52 teams came to the start. V. Gabidullin, V. Mikhailov and D. Pesterev were awarded diplomas for participating in relay races for 10 years.

21st relay(1968) - Mine No. 1 "Capital", School No. 7 and School No. 13.

22nd relay(1969) - Mine No. 1 "Capital", School No. 15 and School No. 1.

23rd relay(1970) - mine No. 1 "Capital" and two teams of school No. 1.

24th relay(1971) - SUCGRE, school number 1 and school number 3.

For the only time in the history of the relay races, the team of school No. 3 won, however, like their bosses - the SUCGRE team.

25th relay(1972) - Mine No. 16, School No. 7 and School No. 1.

The composition of teams of production workers has been increased to 15 people (the length of the route is 7,100 meters) and schoolchildren - up to 11 people.

26th relay(1973) - Mine No. 16, School No. 7 and School No. 1.

27th relay(1974) - Mine No. 16, School No. 7 and School No. 1.

28th relay(1975) - mine #16, boarding school and school #1.

29th relay(1976) - Mine No. 16, School No. 1 and School No. 13.

30th relay(1977) - Mine No. 16, two teams of School No. 1.

Among the production workers, the SUBR management team was the first to finish, but was disqualified for violating the rules for recruiting a team.

31st relay(1978) - Mine No. 16 and two teams of School No. 1.

32nd relay(1979) - Mine No. 16, two teams of School No. 1.

33rd relay(1980) - Mine No. 16, School No. 8 and School No. 1.

34th relay(1981) - mine No. 16 (1 group), VGSO (2 group), GPTU-95 (3 group) and two teams of school No. 1.

Starting this year, competitions are held in five groups: for production workers, in addition to the first, the second and third are added.

35th relay(1982) - mine No. 16 (1 group), TU-17 (2 group), VGSO (3 group), school No. 1 and school No. 7.

36th relay(1983) - mine No. 16 (1 group), SUM (2 group), VGSO (3 group), school No. 1 and school No. 7.

Another route change.

37th relay(1984) - mine No. 16 (1st group), TU-17 (2nd group), SUBR Administration (3rd group), school No. 8 and school No. 1.

38th relay(1985) - mine No. 16 (1 group), ShSU-1 (2 group), SUBR Administration (3 group), school No. 8 and school No. 13.

39th relay(1986) - mine No. 16 (1 group), SPTU-95 (2 group), SUBR Administration (3 group), YuVS ShSU-6 (4 group), school No. 1 and school No. 13.

Another group is being added to the production workers, where teams of brigades, sections, departments, as well as women's teams are arguing for awards. Unfortunately, this nomination did not last long.

40th relay(1987) - mine No. 16 (1st group), SPTU-95 (2nd group), Department of Internal Affairs (3rd group), section No. 3 of mine No. 16 (4th group), two teams of school No. 1.

41st relay(1988) - mine No. 16 (1st group), SPTU-95 (2nd group), Department of SUBR (3rd group), section No. 2 of mine No. 16 (4th group), two teams of school No. 1.

42nd relay(1989) - SPTU-95 (1st group), SPTU-76 (2nd group), VGSO (3rd group), two teams of school No. 1.

43rd relay(1990) - SPTU-95 (1 group), school number 1 and school number 8.

The relay race was marked by an error of the referee team, which sent the teams of the 3rd and 6th groups to different routes! Therefore, the winners in these groups were not determined.

44th relay(1991) - SPTU-95 and two teams of school No. 1.

45th relay(1992) - the first winners in the Russian history of the North Ural relay were the teams of mine No. 16, school No. 1 and school No. 8.

46th relay(1993) - Concrete concrete plant and three teams of school No. 8.

The prizes of the Nashe Slovo newspaper are awarded only to schoolchildren. Production workers compete for the prizes of the sports club "North" (SUBR). Schoolchildren have a new group - primary school students began to argue for relay awards.

47th relay(1994) - Mine No. 16 and three teams of School No. 8.

Since this year, athletes have been competing for the prizes of the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports. For the first time, the team of the city administration participates in the relay race (team captain - the head of Severouralsk Sergey Biryukov). For the first time, there are no women in the race of production workers.

48th relay(1995) - mine No. 16 (1 gr. and veterans), GORONO (2 gr. and women), school No. 1 (grades 1-3), school No. 8 (8-9, 10-11 grades). ).

The next anniversary of the Victory is an occasion for new products: the participation of teams preschool institutions(This tradition will resume in 2007). Production workers have two new groups: the winners are determined among veterans and women.

49th relay(1996) - mine No. 16 (1st group and veterans), Department of SUBR (2nd group), mine No. 14 (women), school No. 7 (grades 1-3), school No. 1 (10-11 class), two teams of school No. 8 (8-9 cells and a group of 5-7 cells that appeared for the first time).

50th relay(1997) - SPL (1 group), TsTiSh (2 group), mine No. 16 (veterans), Department of Education (women), two teams of school No. 1 (grades 1-3, 10-11), school number 11 (grades 5-7), school number 8 (grades 8-9).

51st relay(1998) - mine No. 16 (1st group and veterans), TsTiSh (2nd group), Department of Education (women), school No. 6 (grades 1-3), school No. 1 (grades 10-11) ) and two teams of school No. 8 (5-7, 8-9 cells).

For the second year in a row, A. Shardakov (SPL) shows the absolute best seconds at the first stage.

52nd relay(1999) - mine No. 16 (1st group), TsTiSh (2nd group), school No. 12 (1-4 grades), school No. 11 (5-7 grades), school No. 13 (8- Grade 9), school number 1 (grades 10-11).

The best seconds in the first stage (1000 m) were taken by D. Atlasov (Kalinskaya mine). After a six-year break, the participants of the relay are again playing for the prizes of the city newspaper.

53rd relay(2000) - mine No. 16 (1 group and veterans), TsTiSh (2 groups), mine No. 14 (women), VRTs (teams of up to 200 employees), school No. 6 (grades 1-4), school number 11 (grades 5-7, 8-9), school number 8 (grades 10-11).

Another change in the route: from this year, athletes run only along Molodyozhnaya, Chkalov, Lenin and Mir streets.

54th relay(2001) - mine No. 16 (1st group and veterans), TsTiSh (2nd group), VGSO, mine No. 14 (women), No. 6 (grades 1-4), school No. 11 (5-7 , grades 8-9), school number 13 (grades 10-11).

G. Nikolaev, D. Solodanyuk, Z. Zyuzin and A. Pryakhin won the prize-winning stage. In total, more than 600 people participated in the relay.

55th relay(2002) - Mine No. 16, which won the group of the strongest, for the first time conquered the milestone of 16 minutes. Her result on the new loop is 15.55 min. Other relay winners were: TsTiSh (2nd group), Department of Internal Affairs (up to 200 employees), Mine No. 14 (veterans and women). Schoolchildren have a triple victory of school No. 11 (5-7, 8-9, 10-11 grades). The children of the primary grades are won by the Cheremukhovites from school No. 6.

German Nikolaev (mine No. 14) wins the first stage (1000 m) for the third year in a row.

56th relay(2003) - Mine No. 16 once again sets highest achievement relay - 15.37 min., which will remain the best result for this route. Veterans of this team win. No changes in other groups: TsTiSh (2 groups) and Department of Internal Affairs (up to 200 employees), mine No. 14 (women). Among schoolchildren, the team of school No. 11 (5-7 and 8-9 cells), school No. 1 (10-11 cells), school No. 6 (1-4 cells) won.

57th relay(2004) - mine No. 16 (main and veterans), TsTiSh (2nd group), mine No. 14 (women). For the first time the team of the City Administration wins. Among schoolchildren - school number 12 (grades 1-4), school number 11 (grades 5-7 and 8-9) and school number 1 (grades 10-11).

53 teams entered the start - the smallest number in the last 10 years.

58th relay(2005) - Mine No. 16, who won the strongest group, does so for the last time and "walks away" undefeated. Other winners were TsTiSh (2nd group), Stella Market, Mine No. 16 (veterans), and Kalinskaya Mine (women). Kalinskaya girls and men of "Stella-Market" become the winners of the city relay for the first time, setting records for their routes. The schoolchildren of the NOSH No. 12 and Secondary School No. 1 teams, who won among the primary and senior classes, respectively, also show top scores for the entire duration of the races on these routes. In the other two groups, the teams of secondary school No. 13 celebrate victories.

Starting this year, all winners of the first stages will receive prizes from Stella-Market LLC. Unfortunately, this good tradition will end in 2011.

59th relay(2006) - the first victory of the Kalinskaya mine in the city relay race in the group of the strongest. Your run wins them women's team. Moving to the 2nd group, the team of mine No. 16 knows no equal here. Stella Market repeats its success of a year ago. Schoolchildren have two victories in the account of secondary school No. 11 (1-4, 8-9 cells) and secondary school No. 13 (5-7, 10-11 cells).

60th relay(2007) - for the first time in the 1st group, the team of the mine "Red Riding Hood", TsTiSh (2nd group), "Stella Market", "Red Riding Hood" (veterans), "Kalinskaya" (women), secondary school No. 11 (1-4, 5-7 cells) and secondary school No. 13 (8-9, 10-11 cells).
The tradition of participation in the relay race of teams of preschool institutions of the Severouralsky urban district is being renewed. The winner is the team of preschool educational institution No. 36.

61st relay (2008) - Little Red Riding Hood, SUBR-Interagent (2nd group), Stella Market, Kalinskaya (women and veterans); Secondary School No. 11 (1-4, 5-7, 8-9 cells) and Secondary School No. 13 (10-11 cells). Among preschool children, the team of preschool educational institution No. 18 celebrated the victory.

Start of primary school teams (2008)

62nd relay(2009) - mine "Red Riding Hood" (1 group), TsTiSh (2 group), "Stella-Market", "Kalinskaya" (veterans), SPT (women); School No. 11 (grades 1-4, 5-7, 10-11) and School No. 13 (grades 8-9). Among preschoolers, the team of preschool educational institution No. 3 was the first. For the first time in the relay program, a start was given with the participation of people with disabilities. The team of MU "FKiS" celebrated the victory here.

The relay race has a new route - only Molodezhnaya and Mira streets are involved, with a run to the Station Square. The length of the first stage has changed, from now on it is 650 meters.

63rd relay(2010) - "Little Red Riding Hood" (1 group), "Stella Market" (2 group) - for this team, this sixth success in a row, as it turns out in the future, will be the last, SPT (women - here at the start 14 teams came out), "Kalinskaya" (veterans), secondary school No. 11 (1-4 cells), secondary school No. 13 (5-7 cells) and secondary school No. 1 (8-9, 10-11 cells). Among preschool educational institutions, the team of preschool educational institution No. 37 won, among the disabled - MU "FKiS".

For the first time since 1975, when the relay was held on Victory Day, the sixty-third starts of the North Ural athletes were postponed to May 8.

64th relay(2011) - "Little Red Riding Hood" (1 gr.), who set the record of the Molodezhnaya - Mira loop (10.50 sec.), VGSO (2 gr.), RiK (women - this is their first victory in the city relay), "Kalinskaya "(veterans). Among schoolchildren, schoolchildren celebrated victories after a long break in school No. 6 (grades 1-4), school No. 8 (grades 10-11). In other groups, the teams of secondary school No. 11 (5-7 cells), secondary school No. 1 (8-9 cells) excelled. Among preschoolers, for the second year in a row, the team of preschool educational institution No. 37 was the first. In the race among people with disabilities, the team of the Nadezhda club won.

It is worth noting the fifth consecutive victory of Alexander Pryakhin (Cheremukhovskaya mine) in the first stage of the relay race among the teams of the strongest group.


65th relay(2012) - "Little Red Riding Hood" (1 group), "Team of Workshops" (2 group), "Severouralsky Polytechnic School" (women), school "Kalinskoye" (veterans). Among schoolchildren, educational institution No. 6 (1-4th grade), educational institution No. 13 (5-7th grade), educational institution No. 8 (8-9th grade), educational institution No. 1 (10-11th grade). Among preschoolers, Kindergarten No. 3 won. "Pension Severny" won in the group of people with disabilities.

66th relay(2013) - “Little Red Riding Hood” (1 group), school “Kalinskoye-2” (2 group), “Severouralsky Polytechnic School” (women), school “Kalinsky” (veterans). Among schoolchildren, educational institutions No. 11 (grades 1-4), educational institutions No. 11 (grades 5-7), educational institutions No. 13 (8-9 grades), and educational institutions No. 1 (10-11 grades) won. The teams of preschool institutions are divided into two subgroups with a large and a small number of kindergarten students. The team won in subgroup "A" kindergarten No. 37, in the subgroup "B" the kindergarten No. 33 won.
Among people with disabilities won the team "Pension Severny".

67th relay(2014) - school "Kalinskoye" (1st group), "Kalinskaya - 2" (2nd group), "Severouralsk Polytechnic School" (women), school "Kalinskoye" (veterans), "Team of skiers" (veterans women). Among schoolchildren, the victories of OU No. 6 (1-4th grade), OU No. 13 (5-7th grade), OU No. 1 won a victory in two groups at once (8-9 and 10-11th grade)
The youngest athletes of kindergarten No. 4 rejoiced at the victory in subgroup "A", in the second subgroup "B" kindergarten No. 37 won.
In the X group among people with disabilities, 4 teams took part. won guest team Krasnoturinsk -1.

For the first time, a group of women aged 35 years and older (female veterans) was introduced, which will disappear again in a year. This year is a record for the number of teams participating in the relay - 84.

68th relay(2015) - school "Kalinskoye" (1st group), "Severouralsk Polytechnic School" won in two groups (2nd group and among women), school "Kalinskoye-1" (veterans), "Security" RUSAL " (female veterans). In a group of people with handicapped won the guest team of Karpinsk. Among the primary classes of educational institutions, the team of school No. 11, OU No. 8 (5-7 grades), OU No. 11 (8-9 grades), OU No. 1 (10-11 grades) won. Kindergarten preschoolers win in subgroup "No. 33", in subgroup "B" No. 36. Once again, the team from Karpinsk wins in the disabled group.

69th relay(2016) - school "Kalinskoye" (1st group), school No. 1 (2nd group), school "Kalinskoye" (3rd group), "Severouralsky Polytechnic School" (women), "Little Red Riding Hood" (veterans) . Among schoolchildren, OU No. 11 (1-4th grade), OU No. 11 (5-7th grade), OU No. 8 (8-9th grade), OU No. 8 (10-11th grade) won. Among young athletes, kindergarten No. 23.

For the second year in a row, the first stage is won by Eremizin Andrey (1st group), Ibragimov A. (2nd group) Zinatullin R. (veterans), Orekhov D. The performance of the participant of the 12th stage of school No. a disqualification of the entire team. This year, the group of disabled people did not participate in the relay race.

7 0th relay (2017) - sh. Kalinskaya (1 group), Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (2 group), Okhrana RUSAL LLC (3 group), sh. Kalinskaya (veterans), Severouralsk Polytechnic (women). Among schoolchildren, the winner was OU No. 8 (grades 1-4), OU No. 8 (grades 5-7), OU No. 8 (grades 8-9), among girls in grades 10-11, athletes of school No. 1 won, among boys - OU No. 13. Among preschoolers, young athletes from kindergarten No. 33 won.

At the first stage, the winners were: Andrey Eremizin (1 gr.), Dmitry Orekhov OU No. 8 (8-9 cells), Valiev Alexey OU No. 8 (5-7 cells)

71st relay (2018)

Stage 1 winners are: Eremizin Andrei (1st group) from the Novo-Kalinskaya mine, Lukhmanov Leonid (6th group) - a student of school No. 11, Vozmishchev Vladimir (7th group) - a student of school No. 8 and Zakirov Kirill (8th group) - a student of the first schools.

In the relay race of preschool educational institutions the victory was won by small athletes from kindergarten No. 33.

Competitions won by:

Among the production teams:mine "Kalinskaya" (group 1 - production teams of SUBR),SPT "2 course" (2nd group - for the first time the group of the North Ural Polytechnic School did not run with all the teams, but were singled out by a separate race), "Team of SUBR workshops" (group 3 - men of SUBR workshops and SGO institutions)

School No. 1 - (Group 4, women), "TsTiSh" - (Group 5 - male veterans).

Among schoolchildren:school number 8 (group 6 - grades 5-7), school number 9 (group 7 - grades 8-9), school number 8 (group 8 - grades 10-11), school number 8 (group 8 - grades 1-4).

⁠ 72nd relay (2019)


(until 2011 inclusive)

The number of teams that became winners of the city relay = 34.

Among the producers of this honorary title
teams of 25 teams were awarded

Mine No. 1 "Capital" - Mine No. 16 did this 47 times;
mine number 14 - "Little Red Riding Hood" - 15 times;
SPTU No. 95 - SPL - SPT - 10 times;
mine "Kalinskaya" - mine management "Kalinskoe" - 9;
SUBR, VGSO, Stella-Market team - 6 times each;
GORONO - Department of Education - 4 times,
TU No. 17, Department of Internal Affairs - 3 times;
DSO "Iskra", SUBR-interagent - 2 times each;
DSO "Builder of the East", DSO "Non-ferrous metals", DSO "Iskra", "Kalinsky mine", "Cheremukhovsky mine", SUCGRE, concrete goods, YuVS ShSU No. 6, VRTs, SUM, ShSU No. 1, City Administration, RIK - all 1 time.

Teams celebrating victory among schoolchildren
9 educational institutions

(statistics up to 2016 inclusive)

Most often, the teams of school No. 1 won the relay race -
59 times, and 5 times they won the absolute championship,
The teams of school No. 11 won 33 times,
22 times - school number 8,
18 times - school number 13
8 times - school number 7,
8 times - school number 6,
4 times - boarding school,
3 times - school number 12,
1 time - school number 3.

Record holders for the number of victories among production teams

Group 1 (since 1945) - mine No. 1 "Capital" - mine No. 16 - 34 times,
Group 2 (since 1981) - TsTiSh - 11 times,
Group 3 (since 1981) - SUBR management - 4 times,
Veterans (since 1995) - mine No. 16 - 10 times,
Women (since 1995) - mine No. 14 - 7 times,
Small teams (since 2000) - Stella Market - 6 times.

Record holders for the number of victories among schoolchildren

10-11 grades (since 1961) - school number 1 - 29 times,
Grades 8-9 (since 1965) - school number 1 - 18 times,
Grades 5-7 (since 1996) - school number 11 - 11 times,
Primary classes(since 1993) - school number 6 - 6 times.

Relay records

(statistics up to 2011 inclusive)

The longest winning streak among the teams of production teams - 17 times in a row (1972-1988) - belongs to the team of mine No. 16 (1 gr.).
For 7 years in a row (1987-1992), schoolchildren had no equal teams of high school students of school No. 1.
The record holder for the number of first stages won is Nikolay Tsit (reinforced concrete goods, CGL, mine No. 16) - 16 times.
The longest stage of the relay race is 1500 m.
The shortest stage of the relay is 60 m.
The longest relay route is 7,100 m.
The shortest relay route is 400 m.

Route records

(statistics up to 2011 inclusive)

1 group - 10 min. 50 sec. ("Little Red Riding Hood", 2011)
Group 2 - 3 min. 25 sec. ("Stella-Market", 2010)
Women - 4 min. 13 sec. (SPT, 2010)
Veterans - 3 min. 37 sec. (SHU "Kalinskoe", 2011)
10-11 grades - 10 min. 53 sec. (School № 11, 2009)
Grades 8-9 - 11 min. 03 sec. (School № 1, 2010)
Grades 5-7 - 9 min. 50 sec. (School № 11, 2009, 2011)
Grades 1-4 - 4 min. 01 sec. (School № 11, 2009)

Number of participating teams in relay races:

2007 - 58
2008 - 70
2009 - 75 (691 participants)
2010 - 70
2011 - 73
2012 - 68
2013 - 72
2014 - 84 (694 members)
2015 – 83 (711 members)
2016 - 78

2017 - 70 (548 participants)

2018 - 66 (567 participants)

2019 - 58 (___ participants)