Sports autumn leisure in the preparatory group. Sports entertainment on the street in the preparatory school group "Autumn Marathon

Autumn Olympics in preparatory group. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Target: Raise children's interest in physical education and sports. Preservation and promotion of children's health.
- To cultivate friendly relations between children, to form the skills of interaction of children with each other.
- In a playful way, improve motor skills and abilities, develop strength, agility, coordination.
To grow and mature
Let's play sports.
Get hot, kid
In a good hour - Fizkult-hurray !!!
Leading: Guys, today we will have a competition between two preparatory groups. I ask our teams to introduce themselves.
First team: "Wait for it".
Our motto: Well, wait, the team is what you need,
Maximum knowledge, maximum laughter,
That way we can be successful faster.
Second command: "White bears".
Our motto:“We are guys anywhere,
We always win."

Leading: Amazing. I propose to start our autumn Olympiad with a small musical warm-up.
Warm-up to the song of V. Vysotsky " morning exercises».
Today we got up early, and began to do exercises,
Hands up! Hands down! Left, right, turn around!
They sat down together, stood up together, and began to bend over.
They began to jump and jump, and then walk again.

Child: circled above the earth,
Autumn is a round dance again.
May health, joy, strength
Autumn sports will bring.
Child: Let not everything be given at once -
We'll have to work!
Let's run fast, together -
We really need to win!
Leading: And now I propose to begin our competition. Our teams are ready.
Children: Yes.
Leading: I announce the first competition. I invite the teams to take their places. You need to pass the ball to a friend, reach the landmark and back, and not lose the ball. Then pass the ball to the next pair, the game continues until all players play once.
Contest: "Passing the ball".

Leading: Our next contest. I invite 6 people, you need to go through like turtles, carry a bag of sand on your tummy, try not to drop or lose the bag.
Game: "We are turtles."

Leading: Now, a moment of rest - a musical pause. The girls from the “Well, wait a minute” team will perform in front of us, and we will support them with thunderous applause.
Musical pause.

Leading: Well, we rested a little, the competitions continue. For the next competition, we will need a bench and participants. You need to jump over the bench, legs together to the end of the bench and back and pass the baton to another player.

Leading: Now I invite both teams to me, we line up in a snake, when you hear the words “streams”, we walk, and you need to form a circle on the words “river”. We walk, we walk...

Leading: Our autumn starts come to an end, I propose to sum up.
Team awards.

We wish everyone good luck, victories and many, many medals.

Children love to go on excursions. I combined an autumn excursion to the forest with sports games. This leisure does not require much preparation and can be done by any teacher.

Integration educational areas : physical development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative.

Activities: game, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, musical, motor.

Target: the formation of a healthy, cheerful, physically developed child, who owns knowledge available to his age about physical culture and a desire to exercise.



- to develop in children an interest in tourism, to sports competitions contributing physical development, hardening and endurance of the child's body;

To develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, the ability for self-control and self-esteem when performing movements;

- develop physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity;

- to promote the development of psychophysical qualities.


To form the desire of children to actively communicate with others;

- develop a sense of satisfaction physical activity;

- to cultivate activity and goodwill in relationships with peers and adults during physical activity.


- to consolidate the ability to participate in various outdoor games, including games with elements of competition

Health saving:

Update children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature and during outdoor games

Equipment: 2 baskets, 3 ropes, hoops, balls.

Implementation plan

  1. Warm up
  2. game exercise"Crossing"
  3. Game exercise "Running up the hill"
  4. Game "Get in the basket"
  5. forest relay
  6. The game "The wind is blowing"
  7. Tug of war game
  8. Mobile game "Catch-up"

Leisure course


Summer is followed by autumn

The wind sings yellow songs to her,

Leaves fall red underfoot,

A white snowflake flies high.

Children sing the song "Autumn has knocked on us with a golden rain."


- Guys, today I received a letter (reads):

I invite kindergarten

Take a walk in the autumn forest.

And the signature - Old man-forester.

Let's go on a hike

How many discoveries are waiting for us!

Children go for a walk in the autumn forest.

  1. Warm up

On the way to the forest, the children slowly jog along with the teacher for 3 segments of 60-150m. In between runs, free walking.

On the way, the children collect bouquets of autumn leaves.

  1. Game exercise "Crossing"

Children are invited to cross the bridge over the stream (imitation). The teacher draws two parallel lines on the road - a bridge and carefully looks so that the children do not "wet" their feet.

  1. Game exercise "Running up the hill"

Children, at the signal of the teacher, run into the slides that come across on the way to the forest. Arriving at the forest clearing, the children make a halt.


- Hello, forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

The teacher talks about the rules of safe behavior in the forest.

Children admire the beauty of autumn nature, recognize the names of trees by their leaves. Suddenly, Lesovichok comes out of the forest (a teacher in Lesovik's costume).


Did you receive my letter? Children's answers.

I've been waiting for guests for a long time,

I will play with the children now.

Everyone knows for sure

Physical education strengthens

Our muscles, body,

Physical education helps

Be strong and brave.

Lesovik invites the children to split into two teams. Gives the task to collect maple and oak leaves. The leaves are attached to the chest of children. One team is named the Maple Leaves, the other the Oak Leaves.


- If you want to become skilled,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Never be sad

Hurry up and get in the basket!

  1. Game "Get in the basket"

For each team, two baskets are hung on trees, which are located at the same distance from the teams. At Lesovik's signal, the children of both teams must throw as many cones as possible into their basket. The team with the most cones in the basket wins.

  1. forest relay


- And now our main competition is the Forest Relay.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

So that your results

Everyone was good.

Building teams, preparing obstacle courses.

obstacle course

  1. Run to the tree.

Children run to the indicated tree, run around it and overcome the obstacle course on the way back.

  1. Jump over the lying tree.

A rope is stretched between two trees to a height of 40 cm, the children must jump over it.

  1. Get into the hoop

There are 3 hoops for each team on the grass.

  1. Snake running between objects

The winner is the team whose members, having correctly completed the tasks, are the first to finish the relay race.

  1. The game "The wind is blowing"

Lesovichok conducts the game "The wind blows, the wind blows."


Attention! Attention!

We continue the competition.

We must deal

Everything is strengthened by sports,

After all, our country needs

Bold and strong.

  1. Tug of war game

Teams stand opposite each other and pull the rope.


“Now it’s time for us to play, kids.” Into a difficult game, into a mushroom game.

The Lesovik makes riddles about mushrooms to one or the other team.

  1. I grow up in a red cap

Among the roots of aspens,

You will recognize me from a mile away

My name is ... (boletus)

  1. Yegorka hid under a green tree,

On crane clothes white peas (fly agaric)

  1. Pink girlfriends grow on the edge,

And their name is ... (waves)

  1. Sisters grow up in the forest

Redheads ... (chanterelles)

  1. Among young pines

In a shiny dark hat

A fungus is growing ... (oil can)

  1. On a thick white leg, a brown hat,

Surely any mushroom picker dreams of finding ... (boletus)


- Well done boys!

All riddles solved.

Who will go to the woods?

Who will find the fungus?

Children sing the song "Where are you hiding, fungus?"


- How wonderful, guys, you sing, just listen!


We are funny guys

We love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

  1. Mobile game "Catch-up"

The Lesovik runs after the children, catches up with them, salit. Praised for speed and agility.

Summing up sports games. The winners are presented with beautiful bouquets of autumn leaves, which the children picked up along the way.

The Lesovik says goodbye to the children, gives them an autumn treat - apples and pears.


To grow and mature

Let's play sports.


Rock on, kid

good time-


Physical training!

They return from the forest to the kindergarten.

Title: Abstract of sports and recreational leisure for children 6-7 years old "Let's go camping - autumn is calling us to visit"

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "CRR No. 34"
Location: Strunino Vladimir region

Alena Nasnikova
Synopsis of sports entertainment "Hello autumn"

Abstract of sports entertainment« Hello, autumn

Target: involve children in healthy lifestyle life through sports entertainment.


Develop motor skills.

Encourage children to participate in sports games.

Cultivate team spirit.

Enrich children with new experiences, knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Involve children in the preparation process entertainment.


A large basket with models of vegetables and fruits; small baskets and wooden spoons according to the number of teams; potatoes, one per participant, 10 hoops, 2 buckets, 2 watering cans, two carts, cubes, one per participant, autumn leaves, drawings of children about autumn, music on autumn theme.

Division into teams. Teams are divided in advance, come up with a name and emblems.

Grading system. For each victory in the competition, the team is awarded one point, at the end of the competition they add up. The winning team will be rewarded with sweet gifts.

The course of the holiday

IN sports hall includes teams of participants.

Leading: Hello guys, today we gathered for a holiday autumn to thank her for the gifts she brought us.

How I put on a hundred shirts,

Crunched on the teeth. (Cabbage).

Red girl

Sitting in the dark

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

I will get round, ruddy from a tree,

I'll put it on a plate "Eat, mommy"- I will say. (Apple)

Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take out a hundred days,

And dig under autumn steel

Not one was found, but ten. (Potato)

And now we will plant potatoes, water them and dig them up. I participate in five people from the team.

1 relay- "Harvesting". (Five hoops per team in one line.)

Participants one at a time, take one potato at a time and throw it into a hoop (plant, take a watering can and water each hole (hoop, run with wooden spoons, dig up potatoes, carry them into a bucket in a spoon. The ball gets the team that completed the task faster.

Leading: Well, potatoes were planted, grown, dug up.

Guys, let's remember the signs autumn.

1. What do you know autumn months?

2. What natural phenomena occur autumn?

3. What animals change their color autumn?

4. Which animals fall asleep autumn and wake up only in the spring?

5. What is collected autumn people?

Right, harvest in autumn.

2 relay - "Transportation of crops to vegetable bases". (shuttle run. Transfer one by one subject: vegetables fruits).

We transport vegetables and fruits in wheelbarrows. The team that collects the most fruits and vegetables wins.

(Song of the evil cloud). Children, what is it? (Clouds came up and it started to rain)-Look how many puddles have appeared on the street. Guys, can you walk in the puddles? Of course not, but according to ours it is possible.

3 relay - "Puddles". (Hoops are laid out throughout the hall, one less than the participants.)

Music plays, as soon as it ends, the children stand in a puddle (in a hoop, who didn’t have enough, sits down on a bench "dries up", then one hoop is removed, and so on until one hoop remains. The ball is given to the team whose player wins.

Leading: Guys, have we transported fruits and vegetables? (Yes)

Have you dug up potatoes? (Yes)

This year's harvest has been excellent, only vegetable bases are missing to preserve them.

What to do? ... It is right to build new ones.

4 relay - "Builders". (Dice).

Children stand one after another in two columns. Near each column - a chair, opposite each column there is also a chair - with cubes (according to the number of children playing). At the signal of the host, the first players run to the chair, take one cube at a time, carry it to their chair and stand behind the last player, the next player goes. All players, starting from the second, must place die on die in order to "tower" didn't fall. The team that moves all the dice and whose building does not fall wins.

Well done boys! Vegetable bases have been built. The harvested vegetables will last us all winter. But how are we going to buy these vegetables and fruits? For this we need them go shopping. We have two stores "Vegetables" And "Fruits".

5 relay - "Take groceries to the store". (carts).

Children select the necessary products for themselves and take them to the store on trolleys. The team that completes the task correctly wins.

Leading: So our holiday is coming to an end, the harvest has been harvested, vegetable bases have been built, fresh vegetables and fruits are on the shelves in stores. Today, the winning team completed tasks faster and more correctly and receives sweet gifts for the victory. Thank you all for your active participation in our autumn competitions and see you soon!

Target: creating a positive emotional mood, introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.
- to cultivate team qualities, friendliness, a sense of rivalry;
- foster team spirit, cohesion;
- to bring joy to children;
- to consolidate ideas about autumn, to know signs, riddles, poems, natural phenomena;
- to generalize the children's idea of ​​​​autumn as a season;
- to expand children's knowledge about the world around them;
- develop fantasy, imagination, improve motor abilities children;
- develop dexterity, coordination of movements, speed, ability to act on a signal, tactile sensations;

Emblems are sewn on for children in advance: leaves, droplets, suns.

Music is playing, children are standing on the street. Three girls come out dressed in costumes of autumn motifs - they are autumn's girlfriends.

Hello boys and girls,
Why are they not happy, why are they hung heads,
Guys solve the riddle

September:“Here is an artist, so an artist, he gilded all the scaffolding.
October: Even the saddest rain did not wash this paint off.
November: We ask you to guess the riddle, who is this artist?
That's right, this is autumn, and we are autumn girlfriends, girlfriends are fun. They introduce themselves and talk about the features of their outfit, linking it to the weather features of the month.
“I am an autumn girlfriend - “September”, my suit is covered with autumn still green leaves and sunshine, because I am the warmest month of autumn.
“I am an autumn girlfriend - Oktyabrina, my costume is in raindrops and colorful leaves falling from trees.
“And I am an autumn girlfriend -“ November, ”my costume is covered with ice and snowflakes.
September: I think I know why kids are so sad. Only Autumn had time to come, as dissatisfied voices are heard. People say: - Oh, what a pity, the red summer is over ... Birds flock together: - Again we will fly to a foreign land.
October: The forest animals grumble: The free life is over... And no one rejoices at the arrival of Autumn. I thought to myself: Why would that be? What's wrong with autumn? What's not nice? And rich, and generous, and beautiful - just live and rejoice! During the summer, rivers and lakes became shallow, and autumn poured them up to the banks.
November: In the fields, in the meadows, the grass burned out during the summer, and autumn covered them with glassy dew and silver hoarfrost. There were dark forests, and autumn painted them with different colors. Why does no one rejoice at the arrival of autumn?
Leading: Why are people not very happy about the arrival of Autumn? (referring to children)
Children: Because it gets cold, you need to dress warmly, the sun heats little, the days are shorter, it often rains.
Girlfriends:(turning to each other) And let's - let's cheer up the autumn girlfriends of the children, play games and autumn fun. Do you agree? (referring to children)
Leading: Gather people in the autumn round dance - children and adults join hands and walk to the music in a chain one after another, in a circle, performing movements:
- walking with arms raised high,
- high knee walking
- walking in a half squat,
- walking with small - mincing steps,
- running holding hands
- running with jumps from foot to foot,
- walking one after another with a snake: "Thread - needle"
Leading: Autumn is the time of colds and illnesses. In order not to get sick, let's do a massage of biologically active zones "Charging for Nebolek"
So that the throat does not hurt,
We will stroke him boldly (stroke neck with palms from top to bottom)
Not to cough, not to sneeze,
I need to rub my nose. (rubbing the wings of the nose with index fingers)
We will also rub the forehead,
We hold the palm with a visor. (attach palms with a “visor”. Rub itside to side movement)
Make a "fork" with your fingers (points are rubbed with index and middle fingersMassage your ears skillfully. in front of and behind the ears)
We know, we know, yes - yes - yes! (rubbing palms together)
We are not afraid of a cold! (clapping)
M. Kartushina

Leading: Did you know that in autumn the harvest time ended, and the peasants allowed themselves to rest after several months of hard work. Today we will also have fun, we will spend autumn competitions, you will show your strength, agility and endurance, and we will see how close-knit, friendly and cheerful guys you are.

We announce the beginning of fun competitions, but for this we need to split into teams. And autumn riddles will help us - guess the names of the autumn months (Girlfriends read)

September: This riddle is about me
August comes after
Dances with leaf fall
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!
Yes, of course, September and my name is “Sentyabrina”, children whose emblem is the suns will come up to me.
October: And this riddle about me:
All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?
That's right, October, and my name is Oktyabrina, and children with emblems - leaves will come up to me.
November: And I'm the third girlfriend of autumn:
The field became black and white:
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What a month, tell me!
That's right, November and my name is "Noyabrina", and children with an emblem - droplets will come up to me.

Children stand next to their "guess" - autumn's girlfriend in a column next to the marked start line and cone. Heroes - girlfriends of autumn are team captains and perform tasks together with the children.

Leading: Today we have unusual competitions, and like all real competitions, the jury will evaluate the results.
Jury presentation.
Leading: Relay races will be evaluated on a three-point system, that is, if the team completes the task first, they receive 3 tokens, the second one comes - two tokens, and the third one comes - one token. At the end of the competition, the jury will count all the tokens and the team with the most tokens will win. And we will have tokens - guess what?

The branches in the park rustle,
Throw off their outfit.
He is at the oak and birch
Multi-colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

So today we will have leaf fall. Tokens are autumn leaves of trees. (can be natural)

We wish you success!
Leading: Attention, attention, we begin our autumn competitions!

And the first task - "Warm-up":

1. "Whose team will line up first?" (Let's check the reaction and organization of the guys.) To the sound of music, the children walk around the playground, with the last chord, the teams should quickly line up. The jury evaluates
Leading: As you know, the harvest is in autumn. Not only people and a lot of equipment work in the fields. What equipment is used for harvesting? (children's answers) There is a lot of work, but not enough hands. Can we help rural workers? Let's take care of harvesting potatoes - and in what month are potatoes harvested? The fastest and most dexterous will cope with harvesting.

2. Potato Harvesting - rings are laid out in front of the teams - "holes" of 6 pcs. in which they put bags for throwing - "potatoes are planted." On a signal, the first participant collects the “potatoes” in a bucket, the next lays out.
The jury announces the results of the two relay races.
Leading: And now let's rest a little. We will hold a contest, "Guess the fairy tale" in which you need to think, and you can also earn a token. I read an excerpt from the fairy tale to each team, do not tell the rest of the teams, but you must say what the fairy tale is called.

3. "Guess the tale."
“I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...” Kolobok.
"Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie..." Masha and the Bear.
“Apple tree, apple tree, hide us ...” Geese are swans.
“Sleep, peephole, sleep, another ...” Khavroshechka.
“Frog, frog, give me back my arrow…” The princess is a frog.
"What do you need old man" Tale of the goldfish.
“According to the command of the pike, according to my desire ...” By the command of the pike.
“Kids, kids, open up, open up ...” A wolf and seven kids.
“Sivka is a cloak, a prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass” Sivka is a burka.
Leading: Well done, you know fairy tales well. Outside the window, puddles, slush are a common thing for autumn. Let's imagine that we are caught in the rain, and walking along the path does not really want to get our feet wet.

4. Relay "Dry feet - go along the path"
Relay participants must cross the “big puddle” with the help of circles cut out of linoleum without stepping on the puddle. Players move forward alternately changing two circles under their feet, to a landmark. They return back running, passing the circles to the next player.
The jury announces the results of the competition.

Leading: In ancient times, autumn was called "storage". Why do you think? That's right, because in autumn we harvest vegetables, fruits and forest gifts. And thanks to these supplies, people, animals and birds can survive the harsh winter without starving, but if only they are not too lazy to work hard in spring and summer.
So you, too, will collect the gifts of autumn. One team collects pictures of vegetables, the other of fruits, and the third team collects the gifts of the forest. What gifts of the forest do you know? (children call)
But in order to reach the autumn gifts, you need to pass the test - jump like a snake - girls on two legs, and boys on one leg, take a picture and run back to the column.

5. Relay "Gifts of Autumn"
At the end of the relay race, raise the pictures and the opposing teams, after examining the pictures, say whether the team coped with its task or not.
Leading: Girlfriends of autumn, you are so cheerful and mischievous, you will not get bored with you. And what game do you like to play, probably these games are funny and mischievous.
Girlfriends: Yes, yes, we know one fun game.
Get everyone in a circle, tra-ta-ta the game begins!

Game "Three balls"

Children stand in a circle, the leader distributes three balls - one small diameter - with pimples - massage, the second is of medium diameter, and the third is large. At the signal - the beginning of the music:
1. The balls are passed in a circle from hand to hand from the side, as soon as the music ends, the one who is left with the ball in his hands goes to the center and cries like a cockerel - “ka-ka-river!”
2. The children turn into a column in a circle, pass the balls over their heads, at the end of the music they complete the task - bounce on two legs and chirp like a sparrow - “chik-chirik!”
3. The children also stand, the ball is passed between the legs, at the end of the music they complete the task - they wave their hands imitating a bee and buzz - “zhzhzh!”

The jury sums up the results of all competitions. The winners of the holiday are announced.

Presentation of awards and prizes to the participants of the competitions.

Leading: Well, it's time to say goodbye. We had a lot of fun today, and as the famous song says

There is no bad weather -
Every weather is a blessing.
Rain or snow - any time of the year
We must be grateful...

Therefore, we can also rejoice and smile at the gentle autumn rays of the sun on autumn days. And now stand in a circle, sing, dance and have fun.

Music sounds.

Scenario of autumn sports activities in the preparatory group

Physical culture leisure "Golden Autumn" (preparatory group)

Description: Autumn themed entertainment for children of the preparatory group, the action takes place in an unusual garden, and a sports one where children harvest, meet the hero Scarecrow Garden, solve riddles, play relay races with him (help harvest), get acquainted with the history of Scarecrow and why it is necessary.

Target: to form motor skills and abilities in children in accordance with their individual characteristics. Develop physical qualities and the need for respect for one's health.
- educational: to teach children to run races with overcoming obstacles, to consolidate children's skills to run easily and quickly complete tasks.
- wellness: develop muscle strength and coordination abilities relieve emotional stress, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body;
- educational: to form the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully. Cultivate friendliness, organization.
Cognition: to consolidate children's knowledge about pests of crops in the garden, about vegetables, about the concept of "garden scarecrow"
Communication: cause an emotional response to a work of oral folk art (riddles).
Socialization: to enrich the active gaming experience of children with a variety of relay games, to teach them to act in concert, to follow the order.
Safety: to consolidate the skills of safe behavior in games, relay races (do not push a friend, clear the way for a running child).
Health: to form an idea about health, its value, and ways to strengthen it.
Music: use rhythmic exercises to music.
Preparation: the hall is festively decorated - autumn is depicted on one wall of the hall (leaves, an inscription), the hall is decorated with yellow and orange balls.
Previous work: have conversations with children about the garden, autumn, harvest, vegetables, riddles about autumn.
Inventory: picture with the image of a garden scarecrow, landmarks 2 pcs., 2 buckets, 2 potatoes, 6 rings (holes), 2 jump ropes, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 beets, 2 apples, 6 green rubber balls, 4 stuffed balls 2 spoons, an envelope with riddles, treats - apples, tape recorder, CD - disk.
Members: 2 teams of 10-12 people (5 girls, 5 boys or 6 + 6), presenter, jury, teacher-educator - the hero of the "Garden Scarecrow".
Gym decorated with autumn leaves, flowers, balloons (yellow-orange); the inscription "Golden Autumn" on the wall.

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the hall to the music (are built in a semicircle)
They read poetry.
Leading: Hello guys!
Tell me, what time of year is it? Right.
Autumn is very beautiful time year, harvest time.
What do you think, in order to be strong, healthy, strong, what should be done? (Go in for sports, exercise, eat vitamins).
What has the most vitamins? (in fruits and vegetables).
Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden).
I suggest you visit the garden today, but the garden will not be ordinary, but sports. Today you will see that vegetables can not only be eaten, you can have fun with them. So we're off to the garden.
And who can we meet in the garden?
Listen to the clue:
Standing in the garden
Does not say anything
He does not take
And does not give to the crows
Children: Garden scarecrow!
It turns out a garden scarecrow.
That's right, guys - I, the garden watchman, scare away crows and other birds so that they do not destroy the crops and do not peck at the harvest.
The history of the appearance of a garden scarecrow is rooted in the deep past. WITH in English scarecrow translates as "to scare crows." Therefore, since the appearance of agricultural land and crows, there has been a need for an inexpensive bird repeller. Old, worn-out clothes found their last use in the manufacture of a stuffed animal, giving it a human figure. Moreover, making a garden scarecrow with your own hands is not at all difficult: the simplest materials and a little imagination.
How to make a garden scarecrow
Two poles are fastened crosswise.
The head is made of a rag, which is pulled together with a rope, stuffed with straw and mounted on a vertical pole.
Then the clothes are put on the crossbar, stuffed with straw, the sleeves and legs are sewn up with threads.
And it remains only to create a mood for your garden scarecrow with waterproof paints.
The scary will be a scarecrow or, on the contrary, cheerful - it completely depends on the creator. The chosen clothes, the painted face will convey the character of the scarecrow, expressing the mood of their creators. Each garden scarecrow is unique, especially, exists in a single copy.
Look at the pictures of the scarecrow (stuffed animal) for the garden (show the children the picture)

Scarecrow: Look guys, what a wonderful crop we have grown. (Children look at pictures of vegetables).
Scarecrow: I'm guarding the harvest, and now it's time to harvest it, can you help me harvest it?
Children: Yes!
Leading: Guys, the scarecrow has prepared some kind of surprise for us, I see an envelope with him!
Scarecrow: And this is not a simple envelope (takes out) riddles in it! Do you know how to solve riddles? Then help me solve them:
1 riddle:
Make everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow).
Leading: Onions are very healthy vegetable, it cures colds and kills germs. I suggest you work hard on the onion garden, (loose construction for a musical warm-up, the drawn onions on the floor serve as a guide)
Children line up for a musical warm-up.
(rhythmic gymnastics to the song "Radiant Sun")
Scarecrow: Thanks guys! Well done, they worked hard to collect the whole garden.
Leading: Please, scarecrow, we are always happy to help, and our participants today are unusual:
Team: "Dachniks"
Team "Gardeners"

So they are smart, fast, hardworking!
The guys will help you cope with the harvest today, guess riddles for us soon!
Scarecrow: Listen!
2 riddle:
And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden
Dig a little
Under the bush ... (potato).
Leading: It's time to harvest the potatoes. People say potatoes are the second bread. You can make a lot out of it. delicious meals. And what can be cooked from potatoes. (Children answer: cook soup, make mashed potatoes, fry and bake) And today we will plant and collect potatoes.
Relay "Harvesting potatoes".
Two teams are participating.
The first one runs, puts potatoes in the holes, returns to the team, passes the basket to the next one. The second runs, collects potatoes in a basket and passes them to another.
Scarecrow: What dexterous and quick you have coped with this task. Thank you for harvesting potatoes.
Listen to the following riddle:
3 riddle:
Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first messenger of warm days.
Blacker than all migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms. (Rook)
What migratory birds do you still know?
Leading: In autumn, many birds fly to warmer climes. But they do not fly one at a time, but gather in flocks, let's take the birds to warm climes.
Relay race: "Migratory birds"
The 1st participant - the captain (leader) with a gymnastic rope runs around the pin, returns to the team, the 2nd participant takes the rope, and they run together, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th.
The results of the passage of the distance by the boys are summed up.
The relay is held for the 2nd time, the role of migratory birds is played by girls.
Leading. Guys, we harvested vegetables in the garden, sent migratory birds to the south. And what other vegetables are harvested in the fall?
Children call what they harvest in the fall, (cabbage, beets, carrots, onions)
Leading. Guys, do you like puzzles?
Children. Yes!
Leading. Then try to guess my riddles:
1. All striped from showers
The tenth month has come to us,
We run home through the puddles,
Umbrella is a little wet.
So what month is it?
Did you come to visit us, my friend?
2. Without a path and without a road.
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.
3 . A mob across the sky.
Leaky bags are running,
And sometimes it happens
Water flows from the bags.
4. I'm under a colored hat.
I stand alone on my feet.
I have my habits -
I always play hide and seek.
5. Above you, above me.
Dropped a bag of water.
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared.
6. Golden coins fall from a branch.
7. Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
8. Roaring across the field
Sings and whistles
breaks trees,
Bows down to the ground.
Like guessing? Now I want to know how you make riddles.
Each team makes 1 riddle.
Scarecrow: How savvy you are, you solved all the riddles, well done!
Now listen to my next riddle
They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
Leading: The watermelons are ripe, and it's time to collect them too.
Relay race: Collecting watermelons
We will now collect watermelons, but not one at a time, but three.
The first participant has 3 rubber balls in his hands different sizes, having run around the skittle, he passes the “watermelons” to the second.

Scarecrow: In the garden - a yellow ball,
Only he does not run galloping,
He's like a full moon
Delicious seeds.
Leading: But not only watermelons grow on melons, so we will harvest pumpkins. But the pumpkin is heavy and we will not wear it, but roll it.
Relay race: "Pumpkin Harvest"
1st participant rolls medicine ball around the skittles, passes to the second.

Leading. Children, in the field, in the garden, on the melon we harvested. And where is he still left, not removed?
Children: In the country.

Leading. Right. In the country, we also need to harvest, but very quickly, because in the fall it gets dark quickly. Can you help me cope?
Children: Yes!
Relay race: "Harvesting on suburban area»
Participate in one participant from the team blindfolded. In turn, you need to transfer carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, nuts, apples, pears, etc. from hoop to hoop.
The team can advise.
Leading. Guys, while you were harvesting, someone baked the potatoes you were harvesting. It's probably the grandmother. But this potato is still very hot and in order to convey it, you need to take a spoon.
Relay: "Hot Potato"
Carrying potatoes in a spoon. 1st runs around the skittle with a spoon, passes to the second, etc.
Scarecrow: you quickly removed the entire crop from the garden, well done, and our garden scarecrow drives away not only crows, but also hares that came to our garden to feast on ....... and what can you guess now
Red girl
Sitting in the dark
And the spit is on the street.

Relay: "Take it fast"
Carrots are laid out in a circle, participants of 2 teams stand in a circle and run in one direction at a signal, and at 2 signals they take one carrot, etc. until 2 members remain. The team that stays in the game wins.
(Children stand in a circle)

Leading: we have harvested, we have worked hard, it is time to rest.

Relaxation (sounds of nature, birdsong)
“Lie down on the floor, close your eyes and remember what kind of sports garden we had today. We warmed up in the garden with onions, planted and harvested potatoes, harvested carrots, watermelons and zucchini on melons, transported crops to storage and, of course, rested. Hands pulled up, eyes opened, stood up. While you were resting, the scarecrow prepared a treat for you, these juicy, delicious apples.
Goodbye. See you again.