Extreme recreation. Extreme tourism

According to a study conducted by American doctors, it is the most traumatic type extreme recreation. Almost a quarter of the tourists who went to conquer the mountain peaks use their health insurance for its intended purpose. Such statistics are connected with the fact that more than half of travelers go abroad to get on a snowboard for the first time.

Of course, the mountains of Austria, Italy and France are much more interesting than the artificial slopes of the Moscow region, but it is worth taking at least a dozen lessons at home before heading to distant countries.

By the way, recently appeared among the tourists and those who are no longer interested in sliding on the snow. In pursuit of new sensations, these people created volcanoboarding, and ride on the slopes of cooled or active volcanoes on a layer of ash.


White river rafting is available in many countries, such as the popular Turkey and Montenegro. Moreover, the number of injuries among those who preferred this entertainment is growing every year.

This is due to the fact that commercial rafting is a very profitable event, and the number of companies offering this holiday is increasing every season. Talking about their professionalism is simply ridiculous: many tourists are not given helmets and life jackets, and they are not told what to do in the event of a keel (raft coup).

That is why, when going rafting, it is worth checking the issued equipment on your own, making the instructor tell and show everything in detail, and at the slightest uncertainty, refuse to raft.

Rock climbing and mountain tourism

Poems and songs are dedicated to the mountains, films are made about them, and since childhood we are all sure that "only mountains can be better than mountains ...". Of course, there is more than enough romance in mountaineering and mountain tourism.

However, in addition to knowing the songs, you also need an excellent physical form, lightning-fast reaction and professional training. Going to the mountains, you need to remember that every careless step can be the last, so you need to constantly be as focused and attentive as possible.


Tropical fish, lace coral thickets, an amazing feeling of lightness and other joys are promised to travelers by the owners of small boats, offering to dive into the ocean.

In general, diving is not too dangerous entertainment, but only if the preparation stage is completed correctly. Before going to the open sea, the instructor must tell everything on land and show it in the pool, and only then can you go. In addition, it is worth diving only with someone who has an international diver certificate.


Going on vacation, many decide to try what they denied themselves at home. One of these vacation "achievements" often becomes a parachute jump. In countries such as Turkey and Egypt, to make the first jump, both in tandem and independently, you do not need any documents, medical examinations and courses, it is enough to pay.

This makes such entertainment very dangerous, because there can be no question of any training when the instructor almost does not speak Russian, and knows a few common phrases in English.

Ethno tours

Ethnographic tourism has become another relatively young form of recreation. Its essence is that the traveler is sent to an African tribe, to a polar settlement or a Chukchi camp, in general, to a place where people live according to the way of life that developed many centuries ago. The advantages of such an informative and physically active vacation are obvious, but the disadvantages are not immediately noticeable.

The main one is that there is complete unsanitary conditions around, immunity is attacked by unfamiliar bacteria, and the food offered by local residents is far from everyday European cuisine.

Tasting exotic cuisine in unverified places

The question is whether the traveler's stomach can cope with these impressions. In order not to take risks once again, you need to try only what is beyond doubt, there is only in large restaurants, and not on the street from stalls, and get used to new kitchen gradually, without trying more than one new product a day, in order to know exactly what caused the poisoning as a last resort.

Well, for those who perceive a trip abroad as an opportunity to take risks and get a lot of new sensations, we advise you to follow five basic rules that help minimize the consequences.

  1. Do not save on medical insurance - it can be vital.
  2. When choosing an extreme type of recreation, you need to realistically assess your strengths: those who have never held a paddle in their hands and were an average swimmer in their homeland will hardly appreciate the beauty of rafting on a mountain river, but they can get scared and suffer.
  3. You should not listen to everything that the barker says about the simplicity and safety of entertainment. His task is to sell, and the tourist's task is to find out more about the organizing company in advance, get acquainted with the reviews of other travelers, and form an objective opinion about the service.
  4. There is no need to be shy about asking for certificates and permissions to organize extreme tours - their absence or unwillingness to show documents can serve as a sign that the company is not doing everything legally and it is better to choose someone else.
  5. And finally, having gone on an adventure, you need to exactly follow all the commands given by the instructor and follow all the prescribed safety measures.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

Extreme tourism is travel and active recreation, one way or another associated with risk. Modern extreme tourism began to develop at the beginning of the twentieth century, when skydiving, mountaineering, rafting and many other dangerous entertainments became widespread. However, if you look more broadly, then Magellan, Columbus, Marco Polo, James Cook and many other travelers of distant centuries were extreme tourists. Extreme tourism in its current form has existed for 2-3 decades. Despite the fact that almost the entire territory of the Earth has already been explored, lovers of romance and adrenaline find its mysterious corners or, using special equipment, master objects familiar to everyone in an unusual and exciting way.

Extreme tourism requires not only a good physical training but also courage, perseverance, purposefulness. People who have such qualities and are ready to take risks, in return receive incredibly strong sensations, vivid emotions, vivid impressions and liters of adrenaline. Almost every type of extreme recreation requires certain skills, experience and professional training. One of the features that extreme tourism has is the high cost of equipment and overalls. Usually they do not save on them, since the health, and sometimes the life of a tourist, depends on the quality of the equipment.

Extreme tourism has dozens, if not hundreds of varieties - from traditional to exotic. The most popular types include mountaineering, diving, kayaking, rafting, paragliding, industrial and mountain tourism. There are also exotic types of extreme tourism, for example, sandboarding (snowboarding down the sand dunes), spelestology (digging), mountain biking (downhill riding a motorcycle), spearfishing for sharks, and many others. etc. An ultra-modern type of extreme tourism is travel to the earth's orbit. The popularity of extratourism is growing exponentially. If some 20 years ago the number of extreme people around the world numbered in the hundreds of thousands, today it is already tens of millions.


A special increase in popularity is demonstrated by diving - diving in various reservoirs. There are at least 20 million registered divers in the world, many more dive without any official registration. Diving is considered one of the most dangerous types of extreme tourism.


Parachute jumping and paragliding are quite popular types of extreme recreation. Due to the relative cheapness (usually a parachute is provided by the flying club), traditional skydiving is especially popular in Ukraine. Those who are professional paragliders acquire personal equipment that allows them to perform difficult jumps. These include group acrobatics, skysurfing (soaring on ascending air currents), base jumping (jumping from rocks and industrial facilities), etc.

Rafting, kayaking and rafting

Rafting is a descent inflatable boats on fast rivers, the boat crew consists of 4 or 6 people. Kayaking is practically the same, only there is only one rower on the boat. In Ukraine, these types of extreme tourism are not very popular, because there are few fast water bodies for adventure rafting in the country. especially developed in Canada, Alaska, Indochina and the Himalayas.


This sport is one of the most extreme. On high altitude climbers face such dangers as glaciers, abysses, cracks, landslides, sudden temperature changes and lack of oxygen. Therefore, mountaineering requires excellent physical and psychological preparation, as well as the possession of special skills. In addition, mountaineering is unthinkable without high quality special equipment.


We all love to relax, one of the most common forms of recreation is tourism. Tourism is beautiful because everyone finds what they want in it. Someone likes mountains, someone likes rivers, someone likes to relax on the beach, and others like to test their strength. Strained nerves, too, oddly enough, can help a person relieve fatigue. This is served by the growing strength all over the world, and especially in Russia, extreme tourism. All more people seek to see the beauty of the underwater world, go down the mountain slope on skis and even jump from a parachute. In Europe, for example, this type of tourism began to develop rapidly and become more mass tourism in the late 80s and early 90s. And here, in Russia, since the mid-90s.

But, despite the fact that this type of tourism is becoming more and more popular from year to year, tourists generally prefer such still popular types of tourism as sightseeing tourism, educational tourism, beach tourism, etc. (for example, a sociological survey conducted among residents of Moscow showed that only 8% of respondents would like to have an extreme vacation). And all because most of the tourists do not know what extreme tourism includes, where you can go (and you don’t even have to leave your city) and how much it all costs. I want to talk about all this in my course work. Describe what types of extreme tourism are, consider their problems and talk about popular places among extreme people. Describing extreme tourism, I would like to mainly focus on Russia, since in our country it is not as well developed as in other parts of the world, in particular in Europe. But I, of course, will tell you about other places where this tourism is developed.

1. Extreme tourism

Active types of recreation are gaining more and more popularity among ordinary tourists. Diving, one of the most extreme types, has become especially popular. Diving is addictive. He is dangerous and exciting. He is fashionable. Skydivers and skiers have to make room - the number of divers in Russia, and throughout the world, is growing rapidly. The divers themselves are sure that it is impossible to think of a better rest than diving to a depth of 40 meters with heavy cylinders behind your back. When looking at the numbers, it becomes clear that the spread of diving is comparable only to an epidemic. Now there are almost 20 million certified recreational divers in the world, and 40 years ago there were several hundred.

In Russia, the passion for diving has become massive after perestroika. It was then that Russian submariners began to study according to international standards. In 1994-1996, the first dive clubs appeared, and the number of divers began to grow exponentially: in 1997, about 2,000 Russian citizens were certified, and in 2001, the number of certified divers exceeded 15,000. And all for diving, Russian divers mainly go to other countries - for many, the first dives took place in the Red Sea, in the Canary Islands or in other resort places.

But how dangerous is diving? If a diver adheres to the safety rules that he was taught on the course, it is unlikely that anything will happen to him. According to American statistics, diving ranks 22nd in terms of the number of accidents per 10,000 people involved. 21st place, by the way, is bowling.

Also, now all over the world skydiving is very popular. They started jumping with a parachute more than half a century ago, but it turned into a mass type of recreation only 15 years ago. Now there are many options for skydiving. This is skysurfing and group acrobatics, but B.A.S.E. is gaining more and more popularity. jumping. It is not only a thrill, but also a magnificent sight. Many people specially come to various competitions to watch people jump from skyscrapers, TV towers, bridges, rocks.

If someone does not like diving under water or jumping from great heights, then you can try windsurfing, which is also a popular form of recreation. But here it is worth considering that this pleasure is associated with constant falls into the water, and the real possibility of drowning in the sea waves, as well as the inevitable calluses on the hands. Or try yourself in rafting on stormy mountain rivers, which, for sure, will be remembered for a long time.

Hiking tours are suitable for those who are afraid of water. This is also extreme tourism, which is associated with considerable difficulties and dangers. Hiking routes are usually laid through the virgin territories of the planet, so that a person has the opportunity to literally fit into nature, but at the same time be cut off from the civilized world. And even if such a tour group has modern means of satellite communications, it may take several hours or days for help to arrive. Therefore, any emergency can lead to serious consequences.

The most extreme recreation can be safely called mountaineering, where both the physical and psychological endurance of a person is tested. An alternative to mountaineering can be a hike through the caves. Impressions from such a trip are usually enough for a long time.

But, despite all its attractiveness, it should be noted that extreme tourism is an expensive form of recreation. And such a type of tourism as space tourism exists in general for a few, since only very wealthy tourists are able to pay millions of dollars for it. But only this type of extreme tourism is expensive due to economic factors. And almost all other types are expensive, mainly because of not cheap paraphernalia. Of course, novice extreme tourists mostly rent all the necessary paraphernalia, and this, of course, is much cheaper. But, as a rule, extreme tourism attracts many beginners so much that they would like to buy all the necessary paraphernalia and have an extreme vacation more often. But not everyone can afford this.

In general, extreme tourism is one of the most promising types of tourism, which attracts more and more people. New places for outdoor activities appear, both artificial, such as ski resorts, and places created by nature that people did not know about before, such as caves. And the fact that this type of tourism is actively developing can be seen at least from the fact that more and more of its types appear.

But I would like to dwell on the types of extreme tourism in more detail, since there are quite a lot of them and they all deserve to be mentioned.

2. Types of extreme tourism

2.1 water sports extreme tourism

Diving very popular all over the world, as I wrote above. Well, this pleasure is not cheap. General training and equipment will cost a beginner up to $ 1000, but then it will be spent only on tickets and hotels. If you do not buy equipment, then the cost of preparing for the first round is reduced to $250. True, then you will have to pay $ 30-40 for renting a suit, scuba gear and other things needed at depth. Well, really good equipment costs from $ 1500 for full set.

Russian divers are mostly young - their average age is 30 years (in the US - 36). These are intelligent urban youth: in Russia, the vast majority (77%) of divers have a higher education (in the USA - 50%).

In general, diving is very poorly developed in our country, and by our standards it is very expensive. And there are few travel agencies in Russia offering this type of holiday directly in our country. The Black Sea, of course, cannot be compared with the beauty of the underwater world with the Red Sea, but we also have something to see.

Therefore, many of our fellow citizens prefer to travel to Sharm el-Sheikh or Southeast Asia than to Sochi. For a slightly higher price, they will get much more pleasure.

Wakeboarding - is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat is towing a raider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at a speed of 30-40 km / h with additional ballast on board, the boat leaves behind a wave that the raider uses as a springboard. In the jump, you can perform many different tricks.

Wakeboarding began to develop especially dynamically in the early 90s. He revolutionized water sports just like at one time snowboarding in alpine skiing. From a hobby of a small group of enthusiasts, it has become a popular sport with its own philosophy and culture. A lot of tricks came to wakeboarding from related "board" sports - snowboarding, skateboarding. And it gives the wakeboarder the opportunity to progress. all year round. All you need to do is just change the board!

The cost of a complete set of wakeboard equipment starts from $400. Wakeboarding requires a specialized boat, but such boats are expensive, which is why they rarely appear in Russia. Consequently, in our country this type of recreation is almost not developed because of its very high cost.

Water skiing - one of the most famous outdoor activities. This is a worthy replacement for mountain and cross-country skiing.

Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American, a resident of Minnesota, Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with conventional winter skiing decided to try them out on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After that, the inventor successfully tested skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City. Then this sport constantly progressed. Today it has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Greek Olympic Committee recommended that water skiing be included in the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. True, the IOC has not yet made a final decision on this issue.

Well, for water skiing, you will need four things: the actual water skis, a life jacket, gloves and a wetsuit.

The cost of skis varies from $120 to $1000, plus the rest of the equipment (wetsuit, gloves, life jacket) costs about $150.

Water skiing is currently actively practiced on the Black Sea coast. But they ride there for a rather short period of time, for which you will have to pay a lot of money. Therefore, in Russia it is really difficult for an ordinary tourist to enjoy water skiing, and to be more precise, it is very expensive.

Windsurfing- it is an oval carbon fiber board with a roughened surface for stability and with stabilizer fins on the underside and a small sail attached to the board. Surfing is the same but without the sail. Windsurfing actually evolved from surfing. With a good wind, you can reach speeds of more than 10-12 m / s. Well, the record for today is more than 70 km / h.

And all the equipment is also not cheap. Windsurfer set $1000, spare sail set (mast, boom, sail) $500, wetsuit $200, total $1700.

Kayaking- insanely popular abroad, gaining more and more popularity in Russia. This sport of singles, although devoid of team spirit, but gives the opportunity to challenge the elements and stay with her one on one.

In modern kayaking, three main directions are developing - rowing slalom, rodeo and rafting.

Slalom kayaking is the ability to maneuver a kayak by feeling the boat and the water.

Rodeo, unlike slalom, is not only a virtuoso technique, but also an element of the game. Freestyle kayak is the performance of various tricks on a boat due to the peculiarities of the river relief.

And finally, alloy. On a kayak, you can go on a water trip along the river of any complexity, or play rafting on a small stretch of a mountain river, choosing individual obstacles in the form of barrels, ramparts and waterfalls and passing them lightly. Naturally, in order to feel confident during rafting, you need to master the basic technique of slalom and rodeo.

Equipment. The composition of the kayaker's equipment includes: a boat, a helmet, a life jacket, a skirt (prevents water from entering the boat), rubber slippers and an oar.

Rafting- this is a fascinating descent along a mountain river in a canoe or special rafts. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, absolutely safe even for the youngest tourists. In recent years, it has attracted such great interest from fans of extreme recreation that most of the mountain rivers suitable for this tourism have been mastered by professionals who now offer rafting tours to almost anywhere in the world.

Raft tours are generally as follows: day trips (from $60 to $150) or half-day trips (around $25-75), and multi-day trips. During the latter, tourists enter the remote corners of the mountains, with untouched nature, set up camp as they pass the river and explore the wild surroundings around the campsites. The minimum cost of such raft tours is from $1000-1500.

2.2 Terrestrial adventure tourism

mountain biking– is becoming more and more popular, despite its high cost. You have to spend a lot of money to seriously engage in mountainbucking. So a bike for a beginner costs from $300 to $500, and there are mountain bikes with a rear shock absorber for up to $10,000. And of course, you will need to spend money on ammunition and various spare parts, which is more than $800. And then such an amount is focused on a beginner, and a professional biker spends much more money.

But even though this is an expensive form of recreation, dozens of international mountain biking competitions take place every weekend in the world - from the stages of the World Cup and championships of national mountain bike associations to festivals in a Scottish town or on a Polynesian atoll. Among all this competitive diversity there are starts that are arranged for non-professional mountain bikers from all over the world. Such events become for them both a real test, and a holiday, and the discovery of a new place and new friends.

Speleology. Judging by the fact that speleologists are people who go to the mountains with huge backpacks in their free time, then this is tourism. But, at the same time, speleology is a science. Literally "science of caves".

Branch of geology, namely karstology and hydrogeology. And most importantly, the caves are the last white spots on the world map, the last opportunity to go where not only a human foot has not set foot, but also where the eyes of his eyes or cameras have not fallen. Speleologists are engaged in the study of this mysterious underground world.

Of course, not everyone is engaged in serious, scientific speleology. Beginners participate in educational and training expeditions. There are "teams" that go only on recreational or "sport" trips.

To engage in speleology, one must have serious training, not only physical, but also technical, as well as psychological. After all, a cave is a completely different world, where a person is deprived of the usual landmarks: the sky above his head, the horizon line ... It can only be compared with underwater or outer space.

So... Caves are different: small and dry, where even a beginner can get; heavy, where you have to make your way to the bottom for several days through deep wells, cold water, narrow skins. In any case, the extraordinary beauty of the caves is fascinating. Lakes, bizarre curves, unusual light. If you are lucky, you can also find cave pearls (it is formed in baths with running water, but is very rare).

Spelestology is a fascinating mixture of tourism and science, exploring artificial cavities. In the broadest sense of the word, spelestology is the science of artificial underground structures. Spelestology is closely related to speleology, only speleologists are not interested in caves. They are interested in penetrating into any underground urban structures that are inaccessible or uninteresting to the rest.

In order for any dungeon to be of interest to cavers, it must be unused at the present time, and of some historical interest. These include abandoned quarries, mines, conduits, wells, underground passages, underground temples and monasteries, and so on.

X-racing- this is when the same people are so well and universally prepared that they can climb rocks, ride a horse, raft in a kayak or raft along the rapids, rush through the mountains on a bicycle and go down the ropes under a waterfall ... These people unite in teams, and participate in competitions where their goal is to cover a distance of 3-4 hundreds of kilometers as quickly as possible using their skills. This is called "multisport", or "extreme" (and more often even "adventure") racing.

More than 200 extreme races are held annually in the West. For example, the largest races in Great Britain, organized by the "Extreme Racing Association of the United Kingdom and Ireland".

2.3 mountain views extreme tourism

Mountaineering- is considered the most extreme vacation. Today, mountaineering is a whole industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses. However, lovers of the most thrilling sensations do not stop even in winter. And difficult weather conditions and avalanches only add to the spice of the trip. People go to the mountains to test themselves, take risks, overcome everything and get to the top. The taste of victory is sweet, even if the climber did not conquer Elbrus, but only a wall at the local climbing wall. To do this, you need to be well physically prepared, it is desirable to have strong forearms, good "stretching" and a little weight that you have to hold on to your fingers alone. When lifting, you will have to work not only with your muscles, but also with your head in order to correctly choose which holds to grab onto.

Climbing gear is expensive, a complete set of high-quality equipment will cost an extreme person $1500-2000. However, if you just want to climb Elbrus once in your life, then you can rent equipment. Such a 10-day tour will cost about $200.

The main problem of mountaineering in Russia, in addition to its high cost, is the small number of experienced instructors. But they are necessary for climbing amateur climbers. Basically, there are few instructors because of the low salary. By the way, it is not uncommon to meet a Russian instructor abroad.

Alpine skiing and snowboarding. Alpine skiing is one of the oldest types of outdoor activities. Over the years, the number of people wishing to go skiing has not decreased, but rather increased. In addition, now the ski service is much better and more diverse than 10 years ago, not to mention the 80s and 70s. Almost every ski resort has slopes for both professionals and beginners. Which can always be taught to ride correctly by local instructors. Equipment: a set of skis, bindings, poles, boots, suit, helmet, mask, gloves will cost an average of $700-800. And the rent is about $30-40 per day.

snowboarding - descent through the snow from the mountain slopes on a specially equipped board. This is a more aggressive, active and extreme sport than skiing. Snowboarding as a separate sport appeared in America in the 60s of the XX century. Furious fans of the newfangled hobby were mostly surfers who did not want to sit around waiting for the summer days. In our country, snowboarding received mass recognition only in the mid-90s. However, now in Russia you can buy a variety of equipment from the world's leading manufacturers and get skating lessons from experienced instructors.

Now many special tracks have been made with jumps and all kinds of other obstacles, on which snowboarders can do various acrobatic stunts. But recently, the half-pipe (from the English half-pipe "half-pipe") has become especially popular among snowboarders - a structure made of snow, similar to a roller ramp.

In general, extreme hobbies associated with skiing and snowboarding, can be divided into several groups: freeskiing or freeride is a descent along steep unprepared slopes with difficult terrain; heliskiing - the same, but using a helicopter as a means of delivery to the mountain; ski-touring (randonee ski) - ski tour, mountain tourism using skis and special mounts for climbing uphill;
ski-mountaineering (ski mountaineering) - climbing a mountain with the aim of descending from the top on skis or a snowboard (the use of insurance, or any additional equipment other than skis, on the descent violates the "purity" of such an ascent); in recent years, a new school has appeared - something like a snowboard freestyle.

Ski tourism is perhaps the most developed of all types of extreme tourism in Russia. We have fairly high-level ski resorts. And although they are significantly inferior to their counterparts, for example, in European countries, our tourists with an average income visit Russian resorts with pleasure. And the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort is also popular among foreigners, mostly from Eastern Europe. And this resort is still actively developing.

2.4 Airborne extreme tourism

Parachuting is a serious matter, and all the disciplines listed below imply serious preparation. But first, it’s worth understanding what each of them is.

Classic skydiving - includes two exercises: the first is jumping for accuracy of landing. The challenge is to hit a 3 cm target. Previously, with round domes, the target was large (circle, 100 meters in diameter), and a deflection of 80 meters was a good enough result. With the improvement of technology, the target decreased in size. After the appearance of the UT-15 slotted dome, the target began to have a size of 10 cm, and after the invention of the "planning shell" domes, the target assumed the dimensions that exist today. At the moment, to win the competition, it is necessary to show a series of results with a deviation of 0 centimeters.
The second exercise is a complex of figures in free fall. The competition is on time. A fairly conservative sport: the complex of figures itself has not changed for many years. Requires honed skill and constancy in the results.

group acrobatics. This discipline pursues the goal of building the maximum number different figures a team of several paratroopers. The classic number of skydivers in a team is 4 and 8. There are also teams of 16 athletes. And the record jump, listed in the Guinness Book, was made by a team of 296 paratroopers (Russia, Anapa, 1996). The main figures for construction are usually announced in advance, but the names of these figures give some idea of ​​how they will look like: "glass", "star", etc. A team of four can build about 30 figures in free fall time.

Dome acrobatics -h It consists in building formations from canopies of opened parachutes. In this it is fundamentally different from other types of parachuting, where work on the result goes on before the parachute opens (except for jumps for precision landing).

When performing figures of dome acrobatics, paratroopers come into direct contact with the parachutes of other athletes, and blockages often occur. Therefore, skydivers involved in dome acrobatics need special equipment. Canopies must be stable, well loaded, and capable of precise speed control.

After all the figures are built, there comes a stage when the paratroopers must separate from each other and make a landing approach. This is the most difficult and dangerous part of the exercise. If the canopies are caught on each other, then even actuating the canopy release locks may not help, and the canopy will not move away. Opening the reserve parachute in such a situation is quite dangerous. This makes dome acrobatics one of the most risky types of skydiving.

Freestyle- a relatively young type of parachuting, arose about 10 years ago. It consists in showing the athlete various figures in free fall. The beauty, the complexity of the elements performed by the skydiver, as well as the skill of the air operator, who shoots the athlete in the air, are evaluated here.

Working out figures on the ground requires special equipment, which is not available at every drop zone, and this, as well as the lack of sufficient information about freestyle, hinders the development of this discipline in Russia.

skysurfing- this is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall. Having appeared in Russia recently, skysurfing immediately became very popular.

The aerodynamics of a skier is very different from a simple free fall, so ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all elements are performed in a free fall state, an air operator is needed to evaluate the jump, so that based on the video recording made by this operator, the jury members can give their marks. Thus, the team consists of two members - a skier and a sports operator. Only the first 50 seconds of the jump video will count. The skill and artistry of the performance of the figures, as well as the quality of the operator's work, are evaluated.

B.A.S.E. jumping. The base jumper does not need an airplane or other flying equipment to do what it loves - skydiving. He manages with an ordinary elevator, and often with his own hands and feet, plus climbing equipment.

An athlete-baser climbs onto the roof of some building, preferably a higher skyscraper, some TV tower, mountain or rock, and jumps down.

Even enthusiasts of this sport say that this is one of the most dangerous sports, even against the backdrop of extreme ones.

In Russia, jumping from tall buildings and structures is considered petty hooliganism and is punishable in full accordance with the Criminal Code. Again, we have few firms specializing in this type of outdoor activity.

Such types of outdoor activities as ballooning and hang-gliding are also popular.

Flights to balloons, an ordinary person, are available at various festivals that take place in our region. The flight range in a balloon depends on the strength of the wind (of course, no one will fly into a hurricane), with an average wind strength it is 20-30 km. At festivals, balloons rise to a height of up to 1000 m. The landing site depends entirely on weather conditions.

hang gliding is one of the fastest growing world famous sports. Today, there are about 90,000 hang gliders around the world, plus about a thousand new hang glider pilots take to the skies every year. Today's aircraft are incredibly stable, durable, and flying on them can only be limited by weather conditions and the experience of the pilot himself.

2.5 Exotic types of extreme tourism

space tourism- the most expensive and, perhaps, the most exotic type of extreme tourism - a trip to the Earth's orbit. While space tourists can be counted on the fingers - this is the American millionaire Denis Tito and South African citizen Mark Shuttleworth. The first week's stay on the International Space Station cost $12 million, the second - $14 million. Later, the soloist of the N "Sync group Lance Bass was preparing for the launch on the ISS, but due to lack of funding, his launch did not take place. However, Rosaviakosmos claims that in the future they will be able to reduce the cost of tours and will gladly accept applications for space travel from any citizen of the Earth.

But after the well-known crash of the Shuttle, sending tourists into space stopped indefinitely.

Kitesurfing. Its essence lies in the fact that a person standing on a board accelerates with the help of a kite, the rope from which is in his hands. Kitesurfing is possible both in the mountains and on flat terrain, the only prerequisite is the wind. You can even ride on any field, arbitrarily flat or bumpy. But it is considered a special chic to ride a board on ponds covered with ice crust and covered with snow. In addition, the channels of rivers or lakes, as a rule, are the most windy places. Amazing all-weather versatility allows you to use kites in winter and summer. And some professionals make jumps up to 100 meters in length and 30 in height. The kite allows you to reach speeds that are more than twice the speed of the wind. The really achievable speed of movement is 60-70 km/h, and the highest speed was recorded on September 22, 1990 in Ocean City, USA - Pete Giaconno, driving an aerobatic kite, developed a speed of over 193 km/h.

Kiting is more popular in Europe, namely in France, than in Russia. In our open spaces there were even cases when an unfortunate kite rider crawling out of the water was mistaken for an alien. Once an extreme rider rode a kitesurfer near Yeysk. As usual, I was carried away by the process and did not notice how I moved away from the starting point at a decent distance. He got out of the water onto the nearest highway, and he looked appropriate: a wetsuit and a board in his hands and something else with a bright coloring. The rider had to catch a ride for several hours to get to the right place. Then it turned out that he was carried into the wilderness more than 100 km from the launch site. An adventurous person may face other troubles while riding. The chamber may deflate if the kite is inflatable. A complete calm may come, and you will find yourself on the high seas.

jailoo tourism- this is one of the types of exotic extreme recreation - life in a primitive tribe with all the delights of nomadic life. This fascinating type of tourism is successfully developing in the high mountain pastures of Kyrgyzstan. It is offered to sleep right on the floor of the shepherd's yurt, next to the smoky hearth, fresh lamb and koumiss, as well as horseback riding in the mountains and pastures. A great opportunity to take a break from the big city.

Tourism to the North and South Poles. Relatively recently, cruises to the Arctic and Antarctic have been launched. And more and more people want to visit extreme climatic conditions and see exotic animals such as penguins. In addition, the North and South Poles are the most environmentally friendly places on Earth.

There are also such exotic tours as trip to Chernobyl or jungle trip.

For obvious reasons, there are not many people who want to go to Chernobyl. Indeed, even after 16 years, the ecological situation in this area is far from optimal. Of course, thrill-seekers are sent there in special suits, accompanied by specialists with dosimeters. However, access to the forbidden 30-kilometer zone is closed to pregnant women and minors, since the radiation directly at the power plant exceeds the permissible limits many times over.

For $105 you can see a breathtaking picture: an extinct city, tall grass everywhere and wild nature. Without human intervention, the zone has turned into a unique natural park. New species of plants appeared here, populations of endangered animals revived. White-tailed eagles, lynxes, gray wolves, feral horses have captured the area.

When hiking in the jungle, the tourist has the opportunity to literally fit into nature, but at the same time be cut off from the civilized world. And even if such a tour group has modern means of satellite communications, it may take several hours or days for help to arrive. Therefore, any emergency can lead to serious consequences.

3. Most popular extreme places

One of the most popular types of extreme tourism is diving, which is most popular in Southeast Asia. In countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, high-class diving is offered at almost any resort. Also great diving in Cuba, Hawaii and naturally in Egypt. Such a resort as Sharm el-Sheikh is very popular among fans of this type of outdoor activity, who cannot afford trips to more luxurious resorts. The underwater flora and fauna of the Red Sea is so rich that you can stay underwater for hours and always find something new and interesting. The country has a well-developed infrastructure of diving schools, where you can master this wisdom in a week, as well as make as many dives as you like under the strict guidance of an experienced instructor. At the request of tourists, underwater photographs can be taken as a keepsake.

Surfing is popular in America, Australia, but not here. We do not have the necessary weather conditions for this sport. And in Sydney or Florida, the weather conditions are perfect for surfing. Therefore, most fans of cutting huge waves on the board go to these countries, which also host various competitions. And in Egypt, as well as diving, windsurfing is popular. Each resort town has at least one school, which employs instructors from around the world. Often our compatriots earn their daily bread in this way, so the chance of meeting a countryman in such a school is quite high.

The best rafting in North America is on the rivers of Canada, Alaska and Colorado. But for such a raft tour you will have to pay at least $2500-3500. But we also have many places for rafting in Russia. In particular, r. Belaya, in Adygea, is a great place not only for rafting but also for kayaking. There are also competitions in these sports. In general, there are a lot of places on Earth for rafting and kayaking. Almost any mountain river is suitable for this.

Ski tourism has existed for a long time, and therefore ski resorts have also appeared for a long time, which are now very numerous and which are still actively developing.

In Russia, there are now quite a lot of ski resorts, among which, of course, there are popular ones and not:

Kirovsk. This is the northernmost and one of the most inexpensive and environmentally friendly Russian ski resorts. This reserved place is located on the Kola Peninsula, in the Leningrad Region. The city spread its quarters among the steep slopes of the Khibiny.

Khibiny mountains, rocky and treeless. You can not compare the Khibiny with the Alps, the Caucasus, the Pamirs or the Himalayas - not the same scale. But the unique natural conditions make it possible to engage in winter sports from October to May.

Since the Khibiny are practically treeless, you can roll wherever you want. In this sense, they have no competitors in Russia, and since the width of the slopes is unlimited, there are no bottlenecks on the slopes that threaten pandemonium.

This resort is suitable for both beginners and advanced skiers. The length of the trails is about 30 kilometers, the height difference is 550 meters, 8 drag lifts, a chairlift. Organized skiing under artificial lighting. The season lasts from November to mid-May, but in April-May it is better not to ride here without an instructor, the probability of avalanches is high.

Elbrus region. Elbrus is one of the largest ski areas in Russia. This is not only a unique natural region, but also a great place for outdoor activities. In the depths of the Baksan valley is the Elbrus national park - the heart of the Caucasus. Tranquility, friendliness and hospitality - this is a distinctive feature of the Elbrus region.

The main ski areas of the famous Baksan Valley are Cheget and Elbrus. The elevation difference on Cheget is from 2100 to 3040 meters, on Elbrus - from 2300 to 3800 meters. On Cheget, the active ski season lasts from early December to May, on Elbrus you can ride all year round. The highest accessible point of Elbrus is Gara-Bashi, 3780 m above sea level. Mount Cheget is one of the most difficult slopes in the world's ski resorts, with a total of 15 slopes.

The length of the descents from Cheget and Elbrus, depending on the chosen route, can be 5-7 kilometers. The total number of lifts is 11. The longest routes are: Azau - Stary krugozor - 2.5 km, Stary krugozor - Mir - 2 km, Cheget - 1.6 km.

Skiers who are tired on the slopes will be given health by non-freezing springs of narzan. Every year, the leadership of the Elbrus region makes new steps for the development of this wonderful region, the lifts are updated - cables and chairs are changed on them, hotels are reconstructed and modified.

Dombay. This is one of the most popular ski areas in the Caucasus. The Teberda region is located at an altitude of 1300 - 1630 meters above sea level and is part of the Teberda State Reserve. In winter there is always a lot of snow. The southwestern slopes of Mount Mussa-Achitara (3012 m) are considered to be the best place for skiing. For skiers, a 2-kilometer pendulum cable car, 5 chair lifts and 3 large ski tows have been built here. The length of the descent route is 3.5 km, the width of the slope is about 500 meters. The relief of the descent is so diverse that you can find a track for every taste and training.

To the west, 3.6 km away, there is the Alibek alpine base, where skiing is organized just above the base on the slopes of the Semenov-Bashi peak, as well as on the glacier under the Dzhalovchat pass, where several short ski lifts operate.

In total, this resort has 15 lifts, the total length of the slopes is 20.5 kilometers, the ski area is 1650 - 3005 meters, the skiing season is from November to April.

Krasnaya Polyana. There is a place in Russia where you can swim in the Black Sea, soak up the subtropics, and after 2 hours go skiing, using not only lifts, but also a helicopter, and play snowballs. This is a unique, ecologically clean place in the spurs of the Main Caucasian Range, located just 75 kilometers from Sochi.

The pearl of the Krasnodar Territory - Krasnaya Polyana - is gradually reaching the world level of tourist services. This is a relatively small resort, which, nevertheless, is very popular not only among Russian skiers and snowboarders, but also among foreigners. It is very convenient to get there from Adler airport: the journey to the village itself takes no more than forty minutes.

Recently, Krasnaya Polyana has been steadily turning into a center of active recreation. Over the past few years, many hotels of various categories have been built in the village, which meet European quality standards, and construction continues. The tourist only has to choose the appropriate option between the Radisson Peak Hotel SAS Lazurnaya and many comfortable cottages scattered around the popular Russian resort.

In 2004 a new road leading from Adler to Polyana will open. The one that is available now causes genuine horror among many tourists. This road will have a large capacity of the resort. Skiers will be able to safely accommodate themselves in Adler and travel to the slopes on special buses.

But, despite the proximity of the sea and the mild climate, the realm of snow is here from mid-December to early April. The total length of the tracks is 25 kilometers. Altitude difference skiing from 200 to 1000 meters. During the winter months, temperatures range from -5 to -20C. There are 5 drag lifts, 4 double-seat cable cars. The snowboard stadium is open. Krasnaya Polyana is known in the world of lovers of virgin skiing. There are stunning untouched slopes, soft and fluffy snow.

Ural. In total, there are about two dozen ski centers and resorts in the Urals. Among the main bestsellers is a ski resort on Mount Ezhovaya, 100 km from Yekaterinburg. There are 5 tracks more than 1 km long, 6 lifts, snow cannons. The Zavyalikha resort in the Chelyabinsk region offers 5 ski slopes (these slopes are treated with special snow-compacting equipment, which ensures maximum comfort for skiers) with a total length of 15 km, a half-pipe for snowboarders, a six-seater chairlift 2.2 km long, equipped with special domes protecting the skies. snow, snow cannons.

But the best ski resorts are located, of course, in Europe:

Switzerland. It is in Switzerland that the most famous Alpine peaks and glaciers are located.

There are resorts for every taste and budget. The most expensive and prestigious are Zermatt, St. Moritz, Davos. There are resorts with lower prices - Crans-Montana, Grindelwald, Saas Fee, Gstaad / Zweisimmen, Champery. The most reasonable prices in the ski resorts of Engelberg, Flims and Andermatt.

To the delight of skiers, Switzerland has a huge number of slopes and steep, almost vertical descents, all against the backdrop of amazing, breathtaking landscapes. At any winter resort, you can go cross-country skiing, skating, and sledding.

All the necessary equipment - skis, boots, snowboards, sleds, skates, etc. - can be rented for a reasonable fee. Lift passes, for one day or for a week, are sold at each resort. You can also ski in the summer, in the area of ​​the glaciers. The most famous resorts are Zermatt, St. Moritz and Crans-Montana.

The average temperature in winter is 0 +2 degrees.

Resort Zermatt is one of the most prestigious year-round resorts in the world. Its symbol is the proud peak of the Matterhorn (Klein Matterhorn is the highest lift station in Europe - 3883 m), known to many generations of climbers and skiers. Zermatt is a holiday paradise, car-free to keep it clean, and the only means of transport are electric cars and horse-drawn sleighs. The resort is protected from the penetration of winds and the snow cover lasts for a long time.

In total, the resort has 256 km of slopes, a special pride is a 17-kilometer track with a height difference of 1800 meters, as well as a snowboard park and 2 toboggan runs. Zermatt is a resort where there are practically no queues for lifts (there are 74 in total), including 2 funiculars, 15 cabins, 7 gondola, 17 tows.

Zermatt is especially proud of its well-developed infrastructure and not very expensive service.

Another world famous Swiss resort is St. Moritz. It is the venue for major international sporting events. It is located in the Alps at an altitude of 1850 meters in the center of the Swiss canton of Grisons.

An excellent network of lifts and slopes, an excellent infrastructure for the resort industry of recreation and entertainment, an abundance of sunny days attract many tourists from all over the world to St. Moritz.

There are 322 sunny days a year - the sun has become a symbol of St. Moritz. In the vicinity of the resort, there are many villas owned by billionaires who love to celebrate Christmas here. The high cost scares away many from St. Moritz, but it also attracts with the opportunity to ride shoulder to shoulder with famous personalities.

Ski area: from 1720 to 3303 meters. A total of 350 kilometers of trails, 35 kilometers - difficult, 245 kilometers - medium difficulty, simple - 70 kilometers. The resort has 60 ski lifts.

The face of the town is defined by the most luxurious hotel in all the mountainous regions of the world, Badrutt`s Palace, built in the form of a modernized castle.

Crans Montana enjoys worldwide fame as a mountain-climatic year-round resort. It also hosts major international congresses and prestigious sporting events. The resort is located at an altitude of 1500 meters on the southern slope of the Bernese Alps above the Rhone Valley. Crans-Montana is known as the birthplace of downhill racing.

Crans Montana is good for both beginners and intermediate skiers. It is also one of the best places for snowboarders - there are several half-pipes and snow parks for them. There are few difficult routes. There are 50 kilometers of flat skiing.

There are 57 hotels and a large number of boarding houses and apartments. One of the best mountain hotels in the world can be called the Ambassador - a well-known and prestigious hotel located on a forest slope right above the center of Montana, 50 meters from the ski lift.

Austria. In the very west of Austria, the provinces of Arlberg and Vorarlberg are located, uniting the best ski resorts in this country, such as Lech, Oberlech and St. Anton.

Art. Anton. The history of St. Anton is part of the history of modern skiing. On January 3, 1901, the first Alpine ski school was organized here.

Ski area St. Antona is 122 km of tracks, of which 36 km are difficult, 50 km are medium and 36 km are easy. It is united by a single ski pass and a constantly functioning shuttle bus with the Lech ski area. The whole region has a single Arlberg ski pass. Its cost for 6 days of skiing in high season is 175 EUR. True, these zones are separated by the ridge of Mount Vallugi, and you can get from one to another only by shuttle bus. In addition, if you are a professional skier and feel confident in your abilities, you can try to go down towards Lech from the top of Mount Vallugi, which can be reached from St. Anton on the lift. It's a descent off-piste, a descent allowed only with an instructor and a descent you will never forget.

Lech And Oberlech. Lech-Oberlech is the most prestigious Austrian ski resort due not only to comfortable hotels and the highest service, but also to a peculiar microclimate that allows you to maintain excellent snow conditions on the slopes throughout the season. And it is also worth mentioning the special atmosphere of this resort, where members of royal families and many high-ranking officials come to relax.

Here they care a lot about the environment and the general appearance of the resort. There is no satellite TV here, as satellite dishes spoil the appearance of the buildings. All electrical communications are also carried out underground. And Oberlech calls itself the only resort in the world where there really is no transport. Tunnels have been dug to each hotel, through which luggage is delivered to the hotels, garbage is taken out, etc.

Lech is located at an altitude of 1450 m, and Oberlech is located about 350 m above Lech and is connected to it by a lift. And the highest lift station in this area is at an altitude of 2444 m. Thus, the elevation difference is 994 m. And it can be mastered by overcoming the most difficult descent in the area - the 5 km long descent from Mount Madloch. The ski season starts at the beginning of December and ends only at the end of April. The actual ski area in Leh is 110 km of slopes, of which 22 km are difficult, 44 km are medium and 44 km are easy. It is also one of the best places in Austria for off-piste skiing.

Ggermany. The territory of Germany barely captures the northern part of the Alps, so there are fewer resorts here than in neighboring Alpine countries, but ski holidays in Germany are not only fashionable, but also accessible to many.

Winter holidays in Germany are, first of all, southern Bavaria. In the southeast lies the Alpine resort of Berchtesgaden. 150 km to the west - the famous Garmisch-Partenkirchen, even further - at Lake Bodensee - Oberstdorf. Many international competitions have been held here. Therefore, these centers are considered the "calling card" of ski Germany.

The most popular among Russian tourists in winter Garmisch-Partenkirchen. This is the most popular and fashionable resort of the Bavarian Alps.

Ski slopes with a total length of about 120 kilometers are laid at altitudes from 720 to 2966 meters. In the most popular areas "Zugspitze" and "Garmisch-Classic" there are 38 pistes: 7 medium (10.5 km), 27 less difficult (51.1 km), 4 difficult (9.5 km). About 10 kilometers of slopes are equipped with 20 snow cannons. For lovers of virgin lands, separate sections are specially marked. Snow steadily lies from December 10 to April 1. You can ride on the glaciers from November 10 to May 15.

The main charm Berchtesgaden creates an amazing Royal Lake - Königssee, surrounded by spiky mountain peaks. Here is the Watzmann mountain range with the second highest peak in Germany of the same name (2713 m).

The main skiing region, Jenner (1874 m) - international level tracks have been created here. The local descents are considered "pistes of average difficulty for experts". The maximum length of trails is 2.5 km. The total length is 8.5 km, of which 8 km. complex, the rest are easy. There are 6 lifts for skiers.

The relief of the slopes is quite dissected, the ski slopes do not form a single whole.

Ski area from 480 to 2713 meters. 58 kilometers of tracks have been processed, of which 25 kilometers are of medium difficulty and 33 kilometers of easy ones. There are few difficult routes here. The longest descent is 5.6 kilometers, the height difference on it is 1170 meters. Tourists are served by 32 lifts capable of delivering 17,000 people to the mountains every hour.

If you want peace and quiet, then you need to visit oberstdorf. This resort is little known in Russia, in 2001 only 142 tourists from Russia visited it. Here is the purest mountain air. Everything is aimed at making guests forget about the stress and bustle of the city, even the speed of cars is limited to 30 km / h, and sometimes even to the speed of a pedestrian.

The region has 44 km of ski slopes, 24 ski lifts and 4 cable cars. There are 14 "blue" descents, 21 "red" and 3 "black" ones.

In addition to skiing, there are 85 kilometers of trails for lovers of cross-country skiing, snowboarding, horseback riding, skating, sleighing, and a swimming pool.

One of the most prestigious resorts France counts Courchevel, which annually gathers wealthy tourists from all over the world. Depending on the hotel, room type and check-in time, the price for a week-long vacation in this paradise can range from $700 to several thousand. Like the Swiss Zermatt, Courchevel is surrounded by coniferous forests, creating a microclimate that is most beneficial to health. Courchevel is a resort for all snow sports. Fans of classic alpine skiing will be pleasantly surprised by the abundance of all kinds of tracks, from green to black, which are serviced by high-speed lifts (200 pieces). For snowboarders in Courchevel, a whole stadium was built with a half-pipe and jumps. People who prefer cross-country skiing will find here specially laid trails on rough terrain, and for children there are schools teaching winter sports.

Italian resort Sestrier has become known to Russian skiing enthusiasts relatively recently, and mainly due to the fact that skiing competitions are held annually in this picturesque place. The cost of an inexpensive weekly tour to a three-star hotel starts from 700 - 800 US dollars.

Geographically, the resort is located in a narrow mountain gorge in the immediate vicinity of the French border at an altitude of 2035 meters. However, the ski slopes are somewhat lower - in the altitude range of 1400 - 2823 meters due to the neighboring areas of Sestriere - Sansicario and Clavieri. In fact, Sestriere, Sansicario and Clavieri are one resort, since these areas are closely interconnected - and not only by proximity, but also by cable cars. Thus, tourists who come to Sestriere can ski on the slopes of Sansicario and Clavieri, which vary in difficulty. Several main lifts depart from Sestriere to the top of Monte Motta (2823 meters), known for the variety of red and black slopes. Long black slopes to the resort go from the neighboring peak Monte Sises (2600 meters). The cabana lift Col Basset (2424 meters) connects Sestriere with the Sansicario area, where the abundance of red and black slopes is combined with a developed system of modern lifts, which allows you to make the so-called ski safari. A system of lifts connects Sansicario with the third ski area - Clavieri (Colle Bercia 2290 meters). In this vast area, black, red and light blue pistes coexist.

There are also objects in mountaineering that beckon. In Russia, the most popular peak for climbing, of course, is Elbrus. But, despite its super popularity, Elbrus is far from the only peak in the Caucasus worthy of conquest. There is Kazbek, whose height is 5033 meters, and the second highest Caucasian peak, Dykhtau. In Altai, climbing to Ak-Kem is popular, and in Kamchatka, climbing the active volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka. In the post-Soviet space, the most popular places are, of course, the Tien Shan in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and the Pamirs in Tajikistan.

Of course, for every climber, the most desirable is the conquest of the legendary Everest. The spooky peaks of Alaska are also popular.

These and other mountains serve as the standard of mountaineering skills, challenging new generations with their inaccessibility.

Among skydivers, it is difficult to single out any popular places. And what popular places can be in the sky. But B.A.S.E. jumpers certainly have popular places. For example, the world's largest legal BASE event is the Bridge Festival on the Georges Bridge in the USA. As well as many famous skyscrapers, television towers and bridges.


So, summarizing all of the above, it is clear that extreme tourism is a very interesting, exciting form of recreation, and people like it more and more, despite its high cost. The most interesting thing is that Russians are one of the biggest fans of extreme sports, despite the fact that in Russia the average income of the population is not high. Russian extreme athletes participate in many international competitions, and often we are one of the strongest.

Extreme tourism is constantly in development, both in the world and in Russia. New types and varieties are emerging all the time. This is how space tourism appeared relatively recently, and it is quite possible that in 10-15 years it will be more accessible than it is now. And what types of extreme tourism will appear in 20-30 years is even hard to imagine.

Compared to Russia, extreme tourism in other parts of the world - in East Asia, in Europe, in North America is very strong. And directly among the inhabitants of Europe and especially North America, extreme tourism is the most popular form of recreation. In addition, the incomes of the population of these parts of the world are much higher than ours, so almost everyone who wants to go in for extreme sports there.

But, despite the fact that extreme tourism in Russia is not developed in the best way, it has great prospects. After all, basically all the problems are related to poor funding, but in recent years the state has begun to allocate more and more money for the development of sports tourism. And rightly so, because Russia has an incredible number of places for outdoor activities.

And the most promising places for extreme tourism are Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Altai. After all, here nature itself is created for extreme sports. Here you can build many high-class ski resorts. There are also many places for mountaineering, speleology, mountain biking, kayaking, rafting. If these areas are seriously taken up with the development of tourism, then not only Russians will come here, but also residents near lying countries, such as Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan. And if everything goes well, then these regions may be of interest to tourists from far abroad.

But, of course, the Krasnodar Territory remains the most promising place for extreme tourism. Here you can engage in almost any kind of extreme tourism. And if our region is competently developed in this direction, then tourists will visit our region in even greater numbers.

I hope that in the near future all our huge potential will find its application. And our country will become one of the most popular places on Earth among lovers of outdoor activities.

From all this it can be seen that extreme tourism has room to develop and thereby attract more and more new tourists. Extreme is a sport, and it's great that more and more people want to play sports.


1. Pirozhnik I. I., "International tourism in the world economy", Mn., 1996.

2. Alexandrova A. Yu., "International tourism", M., 2001.

3. Tourist terminological dictionary / Ed. I. V. Zorin, - M .: Soviet sport, 1999.

4. Rodionov D. A., "Encyclopedia of Sports": Eksmo-Press, 2002.

5. Dmitrievsky Yu. D. “Tourist regions of the world: a textbook. - Smolensk: SGU, 2000

6. Remizov L.P., "Skiing Rest" - M .: Profizdat, 1989

7. Romanov A. A., “Foreign tourist regional studies: study guide” - M .: Soviet sport, 2001

8. www.x-team.ru

10. www.rbc.ru/reviews/tourism

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Department of International Tourism and Management


"Types of extreme tourism"

The work was done by student ___________ O. V. Vorobyov

3rd year 2nd group of the Faculty of Geography

specialty 061100

Scientific supervisor teacher

Department of International Tourism _________________ D. V. Zhavoronkov

Krasnodar, 2003

Introduction ………………………….………………………………………….………3

1. Extreme tourism…………..……………….……………………….………4

2. Types of extreme tourism………………………………………….……..…7

2.1 Water types of extreme tourism…………………………………….…..7

2.2 Terrestrial types of extreme tourism……………………………………..10

2.3 Mountain types of extreme tourism………………………………………. 12

2.4 Air types of extreme tourism…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

2.5 Exotic types of extreme tourism………………………………...17

3. The most popular extreme places……………………………………...20



We spend our days in constant hustle and bustle. After all, this is the only way we can survive, trying to keep up with the quickly escaping time. And the long-awaited vacation seems just a fabulous dream, which may not come true if another collapse at work suddenly happens.

So rest with such a rhythm should be worthwhile. Relaxing on the beach or active and expressive, the choice is yours. But the main thing to remember is that you need to restore all the forces spent during the year. So think over your holiday with special care.

If you want to get away from everyday life, forget about all the problems, in general, get into another world. How about extreme tourism? Yes, it was his: with a storm of emotions, risk and unforgettable impressions. You just look at the familiar world with different eyes, as you would not dare before.

An ordinary vacation will not open up so many new and unrealistic things for you. Learn to overcome difficult obstacles, discover hidden abilities in yourself that you didn’t know about before. Alas, living in urban reality, we lose our knack, turning into robots, repeating the same work every day.

Types of extreme tourism

Now there are many types of extreme recreation: skydiving, diving, windsurfing, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, climbing and others. In general, extreme options are varied. And every day there are more and more. But before you go on a risky journey, you need to go through a small course of preparation.

The old-timers of extreme recreation are skiing and snowboarding. Rushing down steep slopes, inhaling the frosty air with your chest and feeling a surge of strength - that's what attracts lovers ski holidays .

Getting more and more popular diving. In order to indulge in this sport, you need to get a certificate from a diving school. Preparation is very important, because you may encounter critical situations, and after completing the course, you will be absolutely calm. And where do diving enthusiasts go? The most popular places today are Egypt, Thailand, because they are washed by warm seas with beautiful inhabitants and coral reefs. Mysterious and alluring water world has always attracted many travelers.

For class rafting you need to find turbulent rivers and a team of like-minded people. Many specially go in search of such rivers, not knowing the exact route. Of today's types of extreme water recreation, windsurfing and just surfing are also popular. They differ in the type of board, in windsurfing a board with a sail and stabilizer fins is used, and in surfing just an oval-shaped board. Floating on the waves, you will feel lightness and a sense of long-awaited freedom.

For those who prefer hiking or, in other words, trekking, there are many fascinating and beautiful routes, though you will have to spend a lot of effort, because crossing a river or hiking in the mountains is a difficult test. As an alternative to hiking, there are cycling, dangerous mountaineering and cave trips.

Speleotourism is a journey through natural caves. Traveling through naturally occurring caves involves a lot of risk. First of all, you need to find an experienced guide who will know the main entrances and exits of the cave.

Of the recently appeared exotic types of extreme recreation, the most famous are trips to the north and south poles. More and more people want to visit extreme climatic conditions and see northern animals.

Ethnotourism also belongs to the category of extreme - to visit the jungles of the Amazon or learn the life of African tribes - an activity not for the faint of heart. Often the guide is a local resident who knows all the nearby places, the language of the local population, customs and traditions. And travelers, taking a map and a compass with them, are laying new roads and paths, plunging further and further into tropical forests or African savannahs.

A space flight- this is the most expensive type of extreme recreation. See the human world from space, enjoy the beauties of the earth and feel the unusual weightlessness.

So, we can say that extreme tourism is an expensive type of recreation that attracts more and more people. All over the world, more and more new types of extreme sports are constantly being invented, as well as already known ones are being developed and improved. For example, well-known Skydiving from an airplane can now be done the same way from bridges, skyscrapers, rocks.

To extreme types of recreation, some include backpacking- travel light and with a minimum of money in your pocket.

On the territory of Russia, one of promising places for tourism in extreme conditions are Altai, Kamchatka, Krasnodar Krai, Sakhalin.

Remember that whatever your vacation is: passive, active, emotional, adventurous, quiet or full of adventures and unexpected meetings, always get a surge of strength, emotions, unforgettable impressions from it.

Just let yourself forget the routine Everyday life and believe me, after the rest you will immerse yourself in your work with great pleasure, because new, yet unknown journeys will await you ahead. Do not stop at one type of recreation, experiment, try the most unusual species extreme. Discover new places, traditions and customs of other nations.

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We all love to relax, one of the most common forms of recreation is tourism. Tourism is beautiful because everyone finds what they want in it. Someone likes mountains, someone likes rivers, someone likes to relax on the beach, and others like to test their strength. Strained nerves, too, oddly enough, can help a person relieve fatigue. This is served by the growing strength all over the world, and especially in Russia, extreme tourism.
But, despite the fact that this type of tourism is becoming more and more popular from year to year, tourists mostly prefer such, still, popular species tourism, like sightseeing tourism, educational tourism, beach tourism And all because most of the tourists do not know what extreme tourism includes, where you can go (and you don’t even have to leave your city) and how much it all costs

But, despite all its attractiveness, it should be noted that extreme tourism is an expensive type of recreation. Of course, beginner extreme tourists mostly rent all the necessary paraphernalia, and this is certainly much cheaper. But, as a rule, extreme tourism attracts many beginners so much that they would like to buy all the necessary paraphernalia and have an extreme vacation more often.

Diving has become especially popular, one of the most extreme species. . He is dangerous and exciting. He is fashionable. Skydivers and skiers have to make room - the number of divers in Russia, and throughout the world, is growing rapidly

2. Types of extreme tourism

2.1 Water sports of extreme tourism

Diving - very popular all over the world, as I wrote above. Well, this pleasure is not cheap. General training and equipment will cost a beginner up to $ 1000, but then it will be spent only on tickets and hotels. If you do not buy equipment, then the cost of preparing for the first round is reduced to $250. True, then you will have to pay $ 30-40 for renting a suit, scuba gear and other things needed at depth. Well, really good equipment costs from $ 1,500 for a complete set.

Russian divers are mostly young - their average age 30 years (in the USA - 36). These are intelligent urban youth: in Russia, the vast majority (77%) of divers have a higher education (in the USA - 50%).

In general, diving is very poorly developed in our country, and by our standards it is very expensive. And there are few travel agencies in Russia offering this type of holiday directly in our country. The Black Sea, of course, cannot be compared with the beauty of the underwater world with the Red Sea, but we also have something to see.

Therefore, many of our fellow citizens prefer to travel to Sharm el-Sheikh or Southeast Asia than to Sochi. For a slightly higher price, they will get much more pleasure.

Wakeboarding - is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat is towing a raider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at a speed of 30-40 km / h with additional ballast on board, the boat leaves behind a wave that the raider uses as a springboard. In the jump, you can perform many different tricks.

Wakeboarding began to develop especially dynamically in the early 90s. He revolutionized watersports in the same way as snowboarding in his time in alpine skiing. From a hobby of a small group of enthusiasts, he turned into popular sport with its own philosophy and culture. A lot of tricks came to wakeboarding from related "board" sports - snowboarding, skateboarding. And this gives the wakeboarder the opportunity to progress all year round. All you need to do is just change the board!

The cost of a complete set of wakeboard equipment starts from $400. Wakeboarding requires a specialized boat, but such boats are expensive, which is why they rarely appear in Russia. Consequently, in our country this type of recreation is almost not developed because of its very high cost.

Water skiing - one of the most famous species active rest. This is a worthy replacement for mountain and cross-country skiing.

Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American, a resident of Minnesota, Ralph Samuelson, experimenting with ordinary winter skis, decided to try them on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After that, the inventor successfully tested skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City. Then this sport constantly progressed. Today it has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 Olympic Committee Greece recommended to introduce water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. True, the IOC has not yet made a final decision on this issue.

Well, for water skiing, you will need four things: the actual water skis, a life jacket, gloves and a wetsuit.

The cost of skis varies from $120 to $1000, plus the rest of the equipment (wetsuit, gloves, life jacket) costs about $150.

Windsurfing - it is an oval carbon fiber board with a roughened surface for stability and with stabilizer fins on the underside and a small sail attached to the board. Surfing is the same but without the sail. Windsurfing actually evolved from surfing. With a good wind, you can reach speeds of more than 10-12 m / s. Well, the record for today is more than 70 km / h.

And all the equipment is also not cheap. Windsurfer set $1000, spare sail set (mast, boom, sail) $500, wetsuit $200, total $1700.

Kayaking- insanely popular abroad, is gaining more and more popularity in Russia. This sport of singles, although devoid of team spirit, but gives the opportunity to challenge the elements and stay with her one on one.

In modern kayaking, three main directions are developing - rowing slalom, rodeo and rafting.

Slalom kayaking is the ability to maneuver a kayak by feeling the boat and the water.

Rodeo, unlike slalom, is not only a virtuoso technique, but also an element of the game. Freestyle kayak is the performance of various tricks on a boat due to the features of the river relief.

And finally, alloy. On a kayak, you can go on a water trip along the river of any complexity, or play rafting on a small stretch of a mountain river, choosing individual obstacles in the form of barrels, ramparts and waterfalls and passing them lightly. Naturally, in order to feel confident during rafting, you need to know basic technique slalom and rodeo.

Equipment. The composition of the kayaker's equipment includes: a boat, a helmet, a life jacket, a skirt (prevents water from entering the boat), rubber slippers and an oar.

Rowing slalom

Freestyle kayak. Rodeo

Kayaking competition.

Rafting- this is a fascinating descent along a mountain river in a canoe or special rafts. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, absolutely safe even for the youngest tourists. IN last years it is of such great interest on the part of lovers of extreme recreation that most of the mountain rivers suitable for this tourism have been mastered by professionals who now offer rafting tours to almost anywhere in the world.

Raft tours are generally as follows: day trips (from $60 to $150) or half-day trips (around $25-75), and multi-day trips. During the latter, tourists enter the remote corners of the mountains, with untouched nature, set up camp as they pass the river and explore the wild surroundings around the campsites. The minimum cost of such raft tours is from $1000-1500.

2.2 Terrestrial adventure tourism

mountain biking - becoming more and more popular, despite its high cost. You have to spend a lot of money to seriously engage in mountainbucking. So a bike for a beginner costs from $300 to $500, and there are mountain bikes with a rear shock absorber for up to $10,000. And of course, you will need to spend money on ammunition and various spare parts, which is more than $800. And then such an amount is focused on a beginner, and a professional biker spends much more money.

But even though this is an expensive form of recreation, every weekend in the world there are dozens international competitions By mountain bike- starting from the stages of the World Cup and championships of national mountain bike associations and ending with festivals in a Scottish town or on a Polynesian atoll. Among all this competitive diversity there are starts that are arranged for non-professional mountain bikers from all over the world. Such events become for them both a real test, and a holiday, and the discovery of a new place and new friends.

Speleology. Judging by the fact that speleologists are people who go to the mountains with huge backpacks in their free time, then this is tourism. But, at the same time, speleology is a science. Literally "science of caves".

Branch of geology, namely karstology and hydrogeology. And most importantly, the caves are the last white spots on the world map, the last opportunity to go where not only a human foot has not set foot, but also where the eyes of his eyes or cameras have not fallen. Speleologists are engaged in the study of this mysterious underground world.

Of course, not everyone is engaged in serious, scientific speleology. Beginners participate in educational and training expeditions. There are "teams" that go only on recreational or "sport" trips.

To engage in speleology, one must have serious training, not only physical, but also technical, as well as psychological. After all, a cave is a completely different world, where a person is deprived of the usual landmarks: the sky above his head, the horizon line ... It can only be compared with underwater or outer space.

So... Caves are different: small and dry, where even a beginner can get; heavy, where you have to make your way to the bottom for several days through deep wells, cold water, narrow skins. In any case, the extraordinary beauty of the caves is fascinating. Lakes, bizarre curves, unusual light. If you are lucky, you can also find cave pearls (it is formed in baths with running water, but is very rare).

Spelestology is a fascinating mixture of tourism and science, exploring artificial cavities. In the broadest sense of the word, spelestology is the science of artificial underground structures. Spelestology is closely related to speleology, only speleologists are not interested in caves. They are interested in penetrating into any underground urban structures that are inaccessible or uninteresting to the rest.

In order for any dungeon to be of interest to cavers, it must be unused at the present time, and of some historical interest. These include abandoned quarries, mines, conduits, wells, underground passages, underground temples and monasteries, and so on.

X-racing- this is when the same people are so well and universally prepared that they can climb rocks, ride a horse, raft in a kayak or raft along the rapids, rush through the mountains on a bicycle and go down the ropes under a waterfall ... These people unite in teams, and participate in competitions where their goal is to cover a distance of 3-4 hundreds of kilometers as quickly as possible using their skills. This is called "multisport", or "extreme" (and more often even "adventure") racing.

More than 200 extreme races are held annually in the West. For example, the largest races in Great Britain, organized by the "Extreme Racing Association of the United Kingdom and Ireland".

2.3 Mountain adventure tourism

Mountaineering- is considered the most extreme vacation. Today, mountaineering is a whole industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses. However, lovers of the most thrilling sensations do not stop even in winter. To do this, you need to be well physically prepared, it is desirable to have strong forearms, good "stretching" and a little weight that you have to hold on to your fingers alone. When lifting, you will have to work not only with your muscles, but also with your head in order to correctly choose which holds to grab onto.

Climbing gear is expensive, a complete set of high-quality equipment will cost an extreme person $1500-2000. However, if you just want to climb Elbrus once in your life, then you can rent equipment. Such a 10-day tour will cost about $200.

Alpine skiing and snowboarding. Alpine skiing is one of the oldest types of outdoor activities. . Equipment: a set of skis, bindings, poles, boots, suit, helmet, mask, gloves will cost an average of $700-800. And the rent is about $30-40 per day.

snowboarding - descent through the snow from the mountain slopes on a specially equipped board. This is a more aggressive, active and extreme sport than skiing. Snowboarding as a separate sport appeared in America in the 60s of the XX century. Furious fans of the newfangled hobby were mostly surfers who did not want to sit around waiting for the summer days. In our country, snowboarding received mass recognition only in the mid-90s. However, now in Russia you can buy a variety of equipment from the world's leading manufacturers and get skating lessons from experienced instructors.

Now many special tracks have been made with jumps and other all kinds of obstacles, on which snowboarders can do various things. acrobatic stunts. But recently, the half-pipe (from the English half-pipe "half-pipe") has become especially popular among snowboarders - a structure made of snow, similar to a roller ramp.

In general, extreme hobbies associated with alpine skiing and snowboarding can be divided into several groups: freeskiing or freeride is a descent along steep unprepared slopes with difficult terrain; heliskiing - the same, but using a helicopter as a means of delivery to the mountain; ski-touring (randonee ski) - ski tour, mountain tourism using skis and special mounts for climbing uphill;
ski-mountaineering (ski mountaineering) - climbing a mountain with the aim of descending from the top on skis or a snowboard (the use of insurance, or any additional equipment other than skis, on the descent violates the "purity" of such an ascent); in recent years, a new school has appeared - something like a snowboard freestyle.

2.4 Airborne extreme tourism

Parachuting is a serious matter, and all the disciplines listed below imply serious preparation. But first, it’s worth understanding what each of them is.

Classic skydiving - includes two exercises: the first is jumping for accuracy of landing. The challenge is to hit a 3 cm target. Previously, with round domes, the target was large (circle, 100 meters in diameter), and a deflection of 80 meters was a good enough result. With the improvement of technology, the target decreased in size. After the appearance of the UT-15 slotted dome, the target began to have a size of 10 cm, and after the invention of the "planning shell" domes, the target assumed the dimensions that exist today. At the moment, to win the competition, it is necessary to show a series of results with a deviation of 0 centimeters.
The second exercise is a complex of figures in free fall. The competition is on time. A fairly conservative sport: the complex of figures itself has not changed for many years. Requires honed skill and constancy in the results.

group acrobatics . This discipline aims to build the maximum number of different figures by a team of several skydivers. The classic number of skydivers in a team is 4 and 8. There are also teams of 16 athletes. A record jump, listed in the Guinness book, was made by a team of 296 paratroopers (Russia, Anapa, 1996). The main figures for construction are usually announced in advance, but the names of these figures give some idea of ​​how they will look like: "glass", "star", etc. A team of four can build about 30 pieces in free fall time.

Dome acrobatics - h It consists in building formations from canopies of opened parachutes. In this it is fundamentally different from other types of parachuting, where work on the result goes before the opening of the parachute

Freestyle- a relatively young type of parachuting, arose about 10 years ago. It consists in showing the athlete various figures in free fall. The beauty, the complexity of the elements performed by the skydiver, as well as the skill of the air operator, who shoots the athlete in the air, are evaluated here.

Working out figures on the ground requires special equipment, which is not available at every drop zone, and this, as well as the lack of sufficient information about freestyle, hinders the development of this discipline in Russia.

skysurfing - this is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall. Having appeared in Russia recently, skysurfing immediately became very popular.

The aerodynamics of a skier is very different from a simple free fall, so ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all elements are performed in a free fall state, an air operator is needed to evaluate the jump, so that based on the video recording made by this operator, the jury members can give their marks. Thus, the team consists of two members - the skier and the sports operator. Only the first 50 seconds of the jump video will count. The skill and artistry of the performance of the figures, as well as the quality of the operator's work, are evaluated.

.5 exotic species extreme tourism

Kitesurfing. Its essence lies in the fact that a person standing on a board accelerates with the help of a kite, the rope from which is in his hands. You can go kitesurfing both in the mountains and on flat terrain, the only prerequisite is the wind. You can even ride on any field, arbitrarily flat or bumpy. But it is considered a special chic to ride a board on ponds covered with ice crust and covered with snow. In addition, the channels of rivers or lakes, as a rule, are the most windy places. Amazing all-weather versatility allows you to use kites in winter and summer. And some professionals make jumps up to 100 meters in length and 30 in height. The kite allows you to reach speeds that are more than twice the speed of the wind. The really achievable speed of movement is 60-70 km/h, and the highest speed was recorded on September 22, 1990 in Ocean City, USA - Pete Giaconno, driving an aerobatic kite, developed a speed of over 193 km/h.

jailoo tourism- this is one of the types of exotic extreme recreation - life in a primitive tribe with all the delights of nomadic life. This fascinating type of tourism is successfully developing in the high mountain pastures of Kyrgyzstan. It is offered to sleep right on the floor of the shepherd's yurt, next to the smoky hearth, fresh lamb and koumiss, as well as horseback riding in the mountains and pastures. A great opportunity to get away from the big city

Tourism to the North and South Poles. Relatively recently, cruises to the Arctic and Antarctic have been launched. And more and more people want to visit extreme climatic conditions and see exotic animals such as penguins. In addition, the North and South Poles are the most environmentally friendly places on Earth.

There are also such exotic tours as trip to Chernobyl or jungle trip.

For obvious reasons, there are not many people who want to go to Chernobyl.

For $105 you can see a breathtaking picture: an extinct city, tall grass everywhere and wild nature. Without human intervention, the zone has turned into a unique natural park. New species of plants appeared here, populations of endangered animals revived. White-tailed eagles, lynxes, gray wolves, feral horses have captured the area.

When hiking in the jungle, the tourist has the opportunity to literally fit into nature, but at the same time be cut off from the civilized world. And even if such a tour group has modern facilities satellite communications, it may take several hours or days for help to arrive. Therefore, any emergency can lead to serious consequences.