Yoga philosophy and practice. Yoga as a doctrine of spiritual self-improvement of a person

Many of us do not have a clear understanding of yoga. The image of a yogi, an old man who has the ability to step on broken glass or lie on nails without the slightest hesitation, propagated with the help of films, has long been embedded in our consciousness. But it is only a stereotype and does not reveal full essence yoga. Yoga is not just a set of physical exercises to keep fit. Yoga is a lifestyle and a way of thinking. It is not so easy to understand, but we will try to expand your understanding of yoga - about its philosophy, schools, features.

yoga philosophy

First, let's understand what the concept of "yoga" means. Yoga is one of the six orthodox darshans - the philosophical schools of India. It has a long history of existence. The main goal of yoga is to know one's soul, its own secrets, to find answers to questions that arise in the mind of each person, questions relating to one's own consciousness, to gain enlightenment. This is how the human soul is freed.

Philosophically, yoga is the unification of the individual "I" (soul) and the universal "I" (Oversoul), resulting in an enlightened and pure consciousness. Yoga is an experience that unifies the body, mind, mind and senses with your inner self.

The main concepts that a person who is interested in yoga encounters include:

  • Asanas (postures)- help to keep the body healthy, beautiful, flexible;
  • Pranayama (breathing exercises)- regulate breathing and control emotions;
  • Meditation (relaxation, relaxation)- gives you the opportunity to hear yourself and know your "I".

The basic principles and theories of yoga are set forth in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, the philosopher of the religious school of India. He was not the person who came up with this teaching. He became rather a systematizer of knowledge received from sacred texts.

Yoga is believed to work with all aspects of life:

  • mental;
  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • spiritual;
  • mental.

It is necessary to complete the journey of life. Yoga is a science that affects not only the consciousness, but also the subconscious.

One of the fundamental postulates that includes yoga philosophy, is expressed in the fact that the boundaries of our knowledge are determined by the limitations of mental and bodily experience. Because our intellectual knowledge is only a small part of the truth, external knowledge. Therefore, the goal of yoga is to transcend the limitations of the gross physical "I" and come to an understanding of your subtle "I".

Major Schools of Yoga

1. Hatha yoga- a teaching based on gaining physical harmony, balancing the energy of yin and yang, which is carried out with the help of physical and psychological (meditation) means. This is the lowest, but, nevertheless, a very important step, which is the basis for other types of yoga. Hatha yoga is part of raja yoga, prepares the body for the spiritual side of raja yoga. This is one of the most popular varieties of yoga in the West. Includes:

  • physical exercise;
  • cleansing of internal organs;
  • breathing exercises;
  • proper nutrition;
  • the ability to relax.

2. raja yoga- literal translation of "Queen among yogas." This does not mean that it is intended only for kings, but simply emphasizes its exclusive status. The main goal is to control the mind through meditation, as well as to realize the difference between illusion and reality, to achieve liberation. To begin the practice of the higher aspects of yoga, it is necessary to achieve the highest psychological and physical health. Various habits do not allow to achieve spiritual balance. Practices that allow you to achieve this state can be attributed to raja yoga.

3. Kundalini yoga- these are mantras and meditations, physical exercises, breathing practice, relaxation. The word "kundalini" means awareness and the hidden possibilities of this very awareness. The purpose of the practice is to awaken the divine energy of Kundalini. This energy is symbolically represented by a snake coiled and sleeping at the base of the spine. Gradually, through practice, it rises up the central energy channel, opening and awakening one chakra after another. The end result is enlightenment.

Regular classes kundalina yoga will bring you:

  • improving physical fitness;
  • feeling of cheerfulness and happiness;
  • raising consciousness and expanding awareness.

4. Ashtanga yoga- a discipline consisting of eight steps (stages). We can say that this is a quick series of consecutive postures, breathing techniques and concentration. Ashtanga yoga perfect for those who have a strong body and a restless mind. The steps provide a kind of guide to how to live a life filled with happiness. The first four steps are help in perfecting the personality, finding peace over the body. This is preparation for the second stage - getting to know your feelings and mind, and as a result - achieving a higher state of consciousness.

8 limbs of Ashtanga yoga

  • Yama- observance of moral precepts;
  • Niyama– internal discipline, control, culture;
  • Asana– achieving health through physical exercises (postures);
  • Pranayama- breathing exercises to control breathing;
  • Pratyahara- management of feelings;
  • Dharana- concentration of thoughts;
  • Dyahna– meditation;
  • Samadhi- nirvana, enlightenment (merging with the spirit of the universe).

5. Iyengar yoga- the main attention in this type of yoga is given to the position of the body, for harmonious development and gaining anatomical perfection. hallmark is the adoption of certain postures (asanas), using the necessary supports. For iyengar yoga characterized by an individual approach to each practitioner, Special attention and explanations for each pose.

6. Sahaja yoga is a method of meditation, with the aim of internal balance of the emotional, mental and physical condition person. Sahaja Yoga is based on the experience of self-realization (manifestation of one's spirit), available to everyone from birth. What gives sahaja yoga:

  • human development;
  • self-healing;
  • development of society.

7. Prana yoga- a type of yoga based on breathing exercises that allow you to control life energy Qi. Pranayama the fourth step of yoga.

8. Agni yoga or Living Ethics . Religious and philosophical doctrine of life, which is a synthesis of ancient teachings, scientific achievements, as well as the spiritual and practical experience of man. This teaching was founded by the Russian artist N. Roerich and his wife. The main force on which life is built, they consider the spiritual fire of the heart and soul energy.

  • Yoga is practiced by freedivers. After a few sessions, the time for which they can hold their breath increases to 3 minutes.
  • There is evidence that yoga was practiced not only in ancient india, but also on the sites of ancient civilizations of Latin America.
  • Yogis have discovered that many human diseases are due to improper breathing and can be dealt with with the help of pranayama yoga.
  • Movements that give relaxation in yoga help to improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the digestive tract and the respiratory system.
  • Yoga classes help to concentrate the mind and attention.

In this article, we examined the basic concepts of yoga, its principles and types. As you can see, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. But if you are really interested in this topic, then a deeper study of it will reveal a wonderful world for you. The world of enlightenment and spiritual harmony.

We wish you improvement and knowledge of your capabilities!


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The Purpose and Philosophy of Yoga

Human not satisfied modern inventions and knowledge of the countless mysteries of nature, relentlessly engaged in the search for purpose in other planes. When a person observes the wonders of nature through the prism of a mysterious atom, which is a brick of the universe, when he sees how countless stars and planets move, separate from each other and collide with each other, then it is not possible to fully comprehend all this. And on this tired mind, looking at the galaxies in outer space, in which our planet is just a small grain of sand, fatigue, disappointment and pity are piled up.

Man is not satisfied with his activity intellect, since this "thinking machine" does not answer questions such as: " What is the purpose of life?", "Who am i? ", " What awaits me in the future?", "Is physical death the end of everything?"etc. And this reason, which, as man boastfully declares, knows everything, in the end cannot comprehend where the galaxies end, and can only approximately determine the shapes of electrons - functions within these two poles of macro- and microworlds.Beyond these worlds, the human intellect cannot penetrate the thickness of laws unknown to him.It is foolish to search for truth with the help of such an imperfect and limited instrument as is human intelligence, - he is not destined to comprehend the depths of the eternal question about the purpose of life.

As long as the mind is focused on external objects, it cannot comprehend the truth or God. The answers to transcendental questions are given by seers and saints not on the basis of their rational activity or laboratory experiments. Their source is the unknown, unlimited wisdom and knowledge obtained as a result of many hours of silent contemplation, when rational activity ceases. The comprehension of God or truth occurs only when the mind and senses are silent.

Now the question arises: what gives us this kind of knowledge? Does God exist? Is there life after death? What is the purpose of life? Without setting ourselves any goal, we are unlikely to be able to answer these questions.

The few who comprehend the truth say that the truth will free us from our troubles. When man understands the truth, he encounters that which by its nature is always pure and perfect. The cause of all our troubles lies in the fear of death, disease and unfulfilled desires. When a man realizes the truth or his true nature, he will find that he is immortal. Therefore, he will understand that death is alien to him and he will not have the fear of death. When a person understands that he is perfect and unlimited, he will not be possessed by selfish desires. Thus, freed from the fear of death, knowing his true nature and discovering that the kingdom of heaven is within him, a person experiences complete bliss, even while in a physical body.

Human purpose is to achieve during one's lifetime a state in which there is no place for death, pain, sorrow, old age, disease and rebirth.

In order to get rid of these troubles, different religions use different teachings. Many believers blindly obey the clergy, not knowing either the purpose of life or the purpose of religion. Such people are content with just one faith, just as the representatives of the top of various creeds require people to blindly obey them. If the blind show the way to the blind, then this leads to the fact that many righteous people go astray from their true path, because they lack faith in theoretical knowledge.

Today's believers and preachers are busy preaching rather than practicing. They argue that the states described above can only be experienced by the creators of religion, since no one can acquire true spirituality until he reaches their level of perception. Each person needs to comprehend the truth himself, since only after that all his sorrows and sorrows will disappear. Christ said: " If you follow my teachings then you will be my true disciples and you will comprehend the truth and it will set you free.". (St. John 8:31,32).

Science Yoga gives a practical and scientifically based method of comprehending the truth in religion. Like any science that has its own method of research, yoga also has its own method and claims that the comprehension of truth is possible. Truth is revealed only when we go beyond the limits of sensory sensations and rational activity.

There are various varieties of yoga, with the help of which one can achieve unity with the higher principle. Yoga is a science through which a person comprehends the truth. The goal of yoga practice is to achieve truth, that is, such a state when the individual soul identifies itself with the higher soul or god. To achieve such a state, it is necessary to overcome the boundaries of individual consciousness.

In fact, spirit or pure consciousness is by its nature whole, indivisible, motionless and unchangeable, the same spirit we find everywhere, from the mineral to the human being. For mind and matter are reflections of spirit or pure consciousness, and their creative power forms the medium that masks consciousness and forms forms from the formless spirit, turning the infinite into the finite in the form of self-consciousness or personality. Spirit or pure consciousness never changes.

Although the spirit in man is not so fettered in mind and body, there is still a barrier that prevents the spirit from reaching its full self-expression. Man has self-awareness. Animals exist on a subconscious level and do not possess it. Self-consciousness is a higher degree of development compared to the subconscious. Universal Consciousness- above self-consciousness and is the highest level of knowledge. Possessing it, a person identifies himself with his true essence or God himself.

As the intellect develops, the veil covering the spirit becomes thinner and finally disappears altogether. When this happens, the soul realizes that it is immortal and identifies itself with God. Achieving such a state is the goal of yoga, as well as the goal of all religions. Yoga is the scientific method of achieving a state in which there is no duality, no subject, no object, when the knower, knowledge and the known merge into a single whole.

Such a state can be achieved only if a person completely goes beyond the boundaries of the physical body and mind, which are an obstacle to pure consciousness or divine essence. In order to overcome the limitations of the body and mind and use them as a means to achieve the goal of yoga, the yoga follower subjects the body and mind to severe training. He studies in detail the environments in which the soul or pure consciousness is enclosed. The study and knowledge of the bodies and media through which the spirit expresses itself is very important at the stage preceding the study of the spirit.

Human much more difficult than is usually imagined. Man is not only a physical body and mind. In total, there are three bodies in a person. And each is a shell of the soul. The casual body is the thinnest of all three bodies. Although man has all three bodies, he usually deals with the physical body. Only to a very slight extent does he deal with the astral body, especially during dreams and yogic meditation. After carefully examining and establishing control over the three bodies, a person comes to introspection, trying to answer the question: who am I?

Modern psychology says nothing about this process of introspection, by which one can discover the truth and comprehend God, that is, such a state when a person feels neither pain, nor grief, nor superiority, nor inferiority, nor his own Self, nor disunity.

Such knowledge gives a feeling of unity with the whole world, and a person no longer perceives himself as a separate person, he merges with God. Such a state gives a person peace, which, as it is said in bible, is beyond comprehension. This knowledge is the pinnacle of all knowledge or Vedanta. Upon reaching such a state, the distinction between the knower, knowledge and cognition disappears, since the spirit or true I is knowledge itself, and the outer world is no longer the source of knowledge.

If you know how long it takes to master the theoretical heritage Vedanta which puzzles even educated people, you can imagine how difficult it is to comprehend the great truth " man is god"," I am God "," I am in everything "and" Everything in me ". The whole philosophy of yoga and Vedanta based on unity theory, it can be achieved through gradual improvement through reincarnation.

Our life on this planet can last a hundred years, of which 50 are spent sleeping and dreaming. Part falls on infancy, when a person lives on a subconscious level. When diseases appear and old age comes, the mental state of a person deteriorates and, torn apart by fear and hope, he practically lives in a world of dreams. A person has very little time to understand God the Father and rise to a higher level of being. Before most people can even believe in God they will die. Should we suppose that since they cannot reach more high level existence during their short life, they are forever doomed to suffer in hell. Is it possible for them to achieve eternal bliss?

Of course, it would be too easy to assume that God is an enterprise for the production of people, releasing new souls every day, which he sends to Earth, condemning them to pain and suffering, and in the end, sends them to heaven or hell. If there is no rebirth, what is the purpose of knowledge and its institutions such as libraries, laboratories, churches and temples? Why can't we live like animals or Bushmen outside of modern civilization? Why do we want to bring peace to our planet and eliminate suffering through our efforts, will, opportunities, compassion, worship? If there is no metempsychosis (transmigration of souls) on earth after the death of the physical body, then why don't we destroy all of humanity with the help of new terrible bombs? If it wasn't metempsychosis, a person would not lose anything if World War led to the destruction of the world. New souls would not have appeared on earth, and God could have rested from his labors, since he could not send new souls to the Earth polluted with radiation, which would make the existence of man, animals and plants impossible.

In order to answer these questions, we must recognize the law of karma, or action and reaction, as well as the law of the transmigration of souls, if, of course, we are rational beings. Each individual soul learns by trial and error and corrects the mistakes made as they progress along the path. Every action, good or bad, has a result, and a person's future life depends on what he does in this moment. Through suffering he learns more and more with every birth in every life cycle. As knowledge expands, man wants to know more about his existence, about God and purpose of your life. But such thoughts come to him only as he gradually develops, moving to a higher level of philosophy of life from a lower level, limited by thoughts of food, drink and entertainment.

yoga philosophy not only gives answers to all questions of a person, but also provides a scientific way to overcome his problems and suffering. Moreover, the philosophy of yoga does not contradict any religion or faith, and anyone who sincerely wants to embark on the path of searching for truth can practice it.

yoga philosophy This is not some vague doctrine at all. Even relatively small efforts will lead to a significant expansion of knowledge, strengthening strength and tranquility.

    Other articles on similar topics:
  • The concept of God in the philosophy of Yoga in the article: God in the Yoga system.
  • The point of destruction of Religion is partially displayed in the article:.
  • The development of mankind in the article: .
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Yoga Philosophy


Yoga is nothing but a method of uniting the body with the spirit. This is a subject that needs to be dealt with practically, it must be experienced by oneself, only theoretical knowledge is not suitable for evolution. Experience is direct knowledge, it acts as an impetus for the further ardent and energetic pursuit of this art and science. Yoga it is a universal culture, as it suits anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality.

Basic principles Yogi - Yama and Niyama

The sage Patanjali in ancient times formed eight fundamental principles on which self-knowledge should be based through yoga. He also called it soul searching. Most people first begin their acquaintance with Yoga with Asanas- the third step, which is incorrect from the point of view of the sage. Before exposing your body and mind to Asanas, future yogis should understand and accept the principles of the first two steps.

The most famous in the world was the school of Indian philosophy Yoga, aimed at understanding the spirit. The very word " yoga” from Sanskrit is translated as “connection”. The philosophy of yoga comes from the connection of the soul with the Absolute. In yoga, the spirit is seen as an independent principle, free from the limitations of the mind, emotions and body.

The yoga system is a set of spiritual and physical practices that work for the comprehensive development of the individual in the spiritual, physical and mental aspects. Yoga intellectual: it involves the harmonious inclusion of the forces of the mind, its provisions are based on philosophical texts. The philosophy of yoga is aimed at comprehending the secrets of being through the acceptance and awareness of the personal spirit. Yoga teaches kindness and love. In particular, the idea of ​​non-violence came out of yoga philosophy. However, yoga is very practical as it offers body control techniques.

Interestingly, we can meet the ideas of yoga not only in the teachings of other orthodox philosophical schools, but also in such religious and ethical teachings as Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc.

Basic Principles of Classical Yoga Philosophy(it is commonly called Raja Yoga) were formulated by Patanjali in the work "Yoga Sutra" in the 2nd century BC. However, it is wrong to consider Patanjali the author of yoga philosophy. He systematized ideas that can be found both in the Vedas and other sacred texts of ancient India.

The system of principles created by Patanjali is divided into the following parts:

  1. Samadmtada - dedicated to the forms, goals and means of achieving yoga.
  2. Sadhanapada - includes a narration about the forms of suffering, as well as methods for stopping them.
  3. Vibhutipada - describes the internal components of the yoga system, talks about supernatural powers that a student can acquire in the process of yoga.
  4. Kaivalyapada - tells about the nature and forms of the Liberation of the Spirit.

For the purpose of Liberation and Enlightenment, Patanjali proposed the eightfold path of yoga - Ashtanga Yoga:

  1. Pit (social norms).
  2. Niyama (self-discipline).
  3. Asana (meditative position, posture).
  4. Pranayama (breath control).
  5. Pratyahara (control of the senses).
  6. Dharana (concentration).
  7. Dhyana (contemplation).
  8. Samadhi (reunion with the energy of the Universe).

Comprehending life with the help of yoga practices, a person gains knowledge about the true reality, which is initially hidden from a person. He must acquire it himself. The goal of yoga can be considered a change in the consciousness of the individual, her awareness of her divine nature. The sages of antiquity, practicing yoga, came to the conclusion that reality exists not only in the Universe itself, but also within the personality (Atman). However, the many-sided world is a manifestation of only one Reality (Brahman). Living this Reality is called Samadhi, which is the highest goal of yoga.

Yoga directs a person to the liberation of Spirit from Matter (Purusha from Prakriti). In yoga philosophy, it is believed that all human suffering comes from the limitation of a person's own being by the framework of Prakriti. Because of this, a person is increasingly striving for feelings of satisfaction and attachment. But pleasures end sooner or later, and the greater the disappointment, the stronger the satisfaction. This is the reason for the existence of Karma. So we plunge into an endless whirlpool of transformations. The highest form of existence of a personality is its desire for liberation from the endless circle of rebirths. To come to this, according to the followers of yoga, is possible only by giving up desires in the material world. Thus, Karma is not created in a person and his Spirit is freed from Matter.

But I must say that this activation does not happen quickly for all people. Therefore, for many, yoga remains the same. exercise type morning exercises which simply makes the person "feel good". This is for those people who understand their physical body by the word "I" or "myself". That is, for those who think that he is "a piece of meat with bones and a brain." This is why so many people get stuck in yoga. The physical body is good - and okay.

Having been engaged in such yoga exercises for several years, a person develops flexibility and a certain dexterity in performing asanas. In the future, people often become yoga instructors (as it is now profitable and fashionable) and continue the line of “yoga without teaching”. Therefore, at the moment we have many yoga schools where the instructors do not know anything about yoga! Although they perfectly bend on the rug in different poses.

But I'm not saying it's bad! For most people, this is just what you need. Since not everyone can understand yoga as a teaching. Yoga is first and foremost a teaching.! And it was intended for the caste of warriors (rulers) and brahmins (teachers). For those who can see in this teaching a school of life on Earth. The rest of the castes can learn yoga only as exercises for the physical body.

But for me personally, magic began precisely with yoga, so I want to explain to everyone what yoga is, since this question is often asked to me. It can be said that I still do yoga, but already at its highest levels. In my understanding, magic is the so-called raja yoga (yoga of kings or yoga of the elect). At the moment, there are thousands of different variations of yoga. How to deal with them?

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The very doctrine of yoga is described in only one treatise. This treatise is called the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. What it is? There used to be such a sage Patanjali (according to various sources, it was around the second or fourth century BC). He was a wise man who long years studied the Vedic scriptures. And since the era of degradation has already begun, he took and collected his knowledge for posterity in his yoga sutra and passed it on to his students along with a set of exercises. So, all yoga there is divided into 8 steps.

Each step involves the passage of the previous steps. The first 4 steps are conditionally called hatha yoga. The next steps are raja yoga. That is, both hatha yoga and raja yoga are just subsections of the classical eight-step yoga described by Patanjali. All other varieties of yoga are also just smaller fragments of the classic 8-step yoga! Except for the already obvious gag, which has nothing to do with yoga. Therefore, in order to understand whether any direction can be called yoga, you need to read the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali itself.

yoga steps

  1. Niyama.
  2. Asana.
  3. Pranayama.
  4. Pratyahara.
  5. Dharana.
  6. Dhyana.
  7. Samadhi.

The first two stages of Yama and Niyama are philosophical life principles, without the approval of which the student was not allowed to the next stages. The very first principle of Yama is Ahimsa(not causing harm - neither in thoughts, nor in words, nor in deeds), hence vegetarianism and the corresponding perception of the world follow! This is only the first step of the first step, and there are five of them.

Only after mastering the philosophy of yoga, the student was allowed to study asanas, and only then pranayamas were shown to him. The student could reach the next fifth step only after decades. Everything depended on the ability of the student. Since yoga is white path”, assistance to the student was minimal. The white teacher's best assistant is a stick.

All steps, starting from the fifth, this is what we call magic. But we are already doing this in isolation from the body, as well as with the help of body-oriented practices. We can afford it, because we have experience and energy. For people walking on their own, this approach is not possible. Therefore, their path is longer and more difficult. However, with all this, those who follow this path develop more harmoniously and correctly, since they do not forget about their body! Therefore, I strongly recommend to all magicians and esotericists not to abandon body-oriented practices.

Yoga is often perceived as a kind of oriental fitness, or the teachings are shrouded in a halo of magic and mysticism. In fact, yoga is an ancient complex Indian system, the methods and practice of which help to find the harmony of soul and body. The philosophy of the system is based on a special perception of the Universe and the human role in its development. The global goal that yoga puts before every practitioner is liberation from the illusions of being and unification with Brahman - the eternal transcendental principle. If you decide to study yoga, we recommend that you also read our article.


Fundamentals of Yogi Philosophy

The philosophy of yoga calls for movement from illusion to reality, from the transient to the true and eternal.

According to the yogic concept, a person is a consciousness that has a form and is embodied in the visible world. The soul or atman itself is boundless and free from attachment and feeling. The body is mortal, it can live only for a while, after which it dies. Consciousness is eternal, after the death of the body it is embodied again in another, and thus, again and again comes to the physical world. Such an endless cycle of rebirths in Hindu philosophy is called samsara. Life in such a reality is just an illusion, dooming oneself to suffering in one way or another. You can completely get rid of worldly suffering only by destroying imaginary illusions and freeing yourself from identifying yourself with the body, thereby interrupting the chain of rebirths.

Supreme enlightenment, or absolute union with Bharman, is called the state of Samadhi. This is what yogis are trying to achieve through a combination of various practices.

The True Self of each of us experiences a state of eternal bliss and is inseparable from the primordial source of all things and concepts. Yoga philosophy calls for movement from illusion to reality, from the transient to the true and eternal.

Eight Stages of Achievement

Yoga Sutra - the first description of yoga by the sage Patanjali around the second century BC. e. The system includes 185 aphorisms, the common name of which is “Precious Rosary”. They reveal the philosophy of yoga, understand the obstacles on the path of the yogi to the highest goal. It was Patanjali who brought out the concept of the "eightfold path", which logically represents the sequence of all steps of complex practice. It is also called "the steps for the search for the soul."

  • The first step is Yama. Compliance with moral precepts and rules that form interpersonal relationships;
  • The second step is Niyama. Responsible for internal control and self-discipline;
  • The third step is Asana. Care about physical health through a system of exercises (poses);
  • The fourth stage is Pranayama. Breathing exercises, aimed at controlling and managing the flows of Prana;
  • The fifth step is Pratyahara. Temperance and control of the senses;
  • The sixth step is Dharana. Concentration and concentration of thoughts;
  • The seventh step is Dhyana. Meditation;
  • The eighth step is Samadhi. Merging with the Higher Mind or enlightenment.

The eight step system consists of the components of a happy and fulfilling life. They complement each other and are interdependent. All steps lead to a single, final goal - Samadhi. Any gaps in the cultivation of one of them will serve as an obstacle to true self-realization.

You don't have to be a hermit to practice yoga.

In yogic philosophy, the concept of dharma plays an important role. This is such a moral and ethical code, which consists of the following principles:

  1. Ahimsa (refraining from harming the body or mind);
  2. Article (truthfulness and honesty in thoughts and words);
  3. Asteya (refraining from stealing);
  4. Brahmacharya (chastity and control over carnal urges);
  5. Karuna (compassion);
  6. Maitri (mercy).

There is an opinion that to practice yoga you need to go into hermitage, sit in a cave and think all the time, leaving behind all the sorrows and joys of worldly existence. This path exists, but is only one of many others. Retreat for the sake of stopping the internal dialogue and achieving Samadhi is called a sannyasin. Another, more accessible practice option for modern man is yoga in action.

Types of yoga

In the philosophy of yoga there are seven branches of practice leading to the comprehension of truths and self-improvement. Experienced practitioners choose several styles based on their own needs, skills, and preferences.

  • Raja yoga. Getting rid of samsara through meditation and prolonged concentration on one's own feelings;
  • Janana Yoga or the yoga of wisdom presupposes a gradual comprehension of the laws of the Universe;
  • Yoga of Karma or action. It is aimed at developing a person's karma with the help of correct actions leading to improvement;
  • Bhakti. Achievement of Samadhi through prayers and religious ecstasy;
  • Mantra yoga. Sound view, during the practice of which special chants and mantras are sung;
  • Tantra yoga. Internal practice work with subtle energies and biofield;
  • Hatha yoga or power yoga. Associated with the transformation of the physical body through the performance of asanas.

Treatment of diseases with asanas. Yoga as medicine

Some yogic schools have developed a whole system of wrong states of human consciousness, which are contrary to the laws of nature. These violations lead directly to disease. Modern medicine also has a similar course - psychoimmunology. The starting point of any illness is a distorted state of consciousness. For example, if a sore throat is caused by an unspoken opinion or the inability to explain anything to others, then a cold is a consequence of gossip and criticism in relation to loved ones.

Due to the fact that the disease is the cause of spiritual disorders at a subtle level, traditional medicine with the help of chemicals and surgical methods can only eliminate superficial symptoms, while the root of the disease remains in the mind.

Yoga philosophy offers practitioners a different approach to the treatment of ailments. The system of hatha yoga assumes that each asana affects in one way or another on all systems of the body, helping to eliminate the cause of the disease. Asanas help to enter that very correct state, linking physical and mental processes.

According to the scripture, asanas were given to man by the god Shiva to achieve the health of the body and thoughts. During the performance of asanas, the body enters a certain pose, performing it both in statics and in dynamics. Assanas are classified according to postures of contemplation, inverted postures, balance postures, etc. Mental processes in the practice of asanas are directly related to muscle activity. The whole practice is accompanied by controlled three-stage breathing.

Regular performance of asanas has a therapeutic and restorative effect. Hatha yoga improves the functioning of the digestive, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory and musculoskeletal systems.

One of the leading and universal postures in the practice of hatha yoga is Shavasana or corpse pose. Its implementation implies complete relaxation of the body and mind. Physiologically, properly performed Savasana can replace several hours of good sleep.

Having mastered asanas, the practitioner stands at the foot of the possibilities of regulating all processes occurring in the body. By placing his body in various postures, the yogi sends healing energy to certain organs with the help of concentration and breathing.

Yoga is a process, a series of actions, a transformation, a movement towards a goal.

Health and absolute harmony do not appear quickly - it is the result of complex work on oneself and internal transformation. Every beginner who wants to learn yoga should be prepared for self-change. When we fear change, it doesn't come. The most important thing is will, self-discipline, regular classes and a great desire to achieve a given goal.

At the moment, according to statistics, yoga is practiced by more than 20 million people around the globe. What makes it so popular and relevant?

  1. Yoga is the key to whole body health. She is able to revive the body, fill it with strength and energy;
  2. Yoga has a positive effect on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels, connecting the soul and body into a single whole. The mind becomes clear and bright, and thoughts - clear and understandable;
  3. Practitioners of yoga get rid of many diseases in a complex, contrary to what Western medicine does, curing symptoms separately and resorting to expensive drugs;
  4. Yoga teaches to get involved in the flow of everyday events, while remaining internally indifferent and free from interfering fuss;
  5. Regular practice instills good habits, the desire to live honestly and righteously, to fulfill one's duties and debts without thought of potential retribution, and to control one's own thoughts and feelings;
  6. Yoga allows you to connect with your inner nature, gain deep knowledge of the universe, understand the laws of the world and know yourself.

It should be remembered that yoga is not an end in itself. Yoga is a process, a series of actions, a transformation, a movement towards a goal. The main idea of ​​the whole philosophy is not the result for the sake of the result, but the experience of transcendent reality. For a real yogi, it doesn’t matter what he does: he washes dishes or walks on fresh air He will always be happy. Because inner happiness does not depend on the events of the illusory world. He is free, he observes, he is simple in life and therefore happy.