Hungry cardio. Fasting cardio burns more fat? Pros and cons of cardio on an empty stomach

Cardio workouts are popular and effective way burning subcutaneous fat for and fitness enthusiasts. Fasting cardio remains a subject of controversy to this day, but the number of followers of the system is constantly growing.

It is important to know what happens during cardio exercise, for example, during the day, after meals. After the food has been digested, nutrients enter the cells of the body, which perform various functions. Carbohydrates from food are stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. This substance is necessary for the body to ensure vital activity - energy. In case of starvation, the body uses glycogen as an energy source.

When doing cardio, in the first place, it is glycogen that is used, and this happens within 20 minutes, and only after that, fats begin to burn. In the case of fasted cardio, this twenty-minute glycogen-burning period is automatically skipped, and immediately begins with the consumption of lipids (fats). This happens because during sleep, glycogen stores are depleted to maintain all systems and organs.

Hence, morning cardio on an empty stomach leads to instant burning of fats. This method of training significantly reduces the duration of cardio and saves time for morning training.

Disadvantages of doing cardio on an empty stomach

As much as this cardio speeds up weight loss, There are still disadvantages to training on an empty stomach.. After a night's sleep, not only glycogen stores are depleted, but also protein, which is responsible for the integrity of muscle fibers.

Therefore, during cardio, you can burn not only fat, but also own muscles, since the body will take energy and building materials from muscle protein. If the proteins do not enter the cells in time, the body knows where to get them from.

There is a big risk of losing muscle mass , especially, this is bad for those who gained weight in order to eventually remove excess fat - "". In this case, amino acids are necessarily used - or a full cycle.

  1. Before training you need to take one serving of BCAA;
  2. after- full cycle amino acids, this will save the muscles from destruction.

Another disadvantage is weakness caused by morning fasting. At this time, the body most needs nutrients, and instead it has to work. And that's a lot of stress.

How to do morning cardio

  • Training on an empty stomach should last no more than 30 minutes, although some professionals train for 40 minutes. For half an hour of cardio without energy from food, there is not much risk of losing muscle protein. And long hour-long workouts in the case of cardio on an empty stomach are dangerous.
  • Keep an average pace, regardless . should be adhered to optimal frequency pulse - 50-70% of the maximum. You can also use interval programs, the main thing is not to exceed the limits of the pulse, otherwise the load on the heart will increase, and instead of losing fat, the body will spend muscle protein.

How to eat after a morning cardio workout?

After the end of the workout don't delay breakfast, fat burning ends immediately after cardio, and the process of muscle destruction only intensifies. For this you need to quickly consume carbohydrates and proteins that are quickly digested. In the case of morning cardio, it must be “closed” with carbohydrate-rich foods, otherwise an energy deficit will cause. Protein food without carbohydrates will not be able to protect the muscles from destruction. That's why important immediately use, for example, oatmeal with berries or fruits, eggs or dairy products.


An important condition for cardio on an empty stomach is the presence of a cardio machine at home.

The sooner cardio starts after waking up, the safer such a load will be for the muscles.

Accordingly, while time is spent on getting ready and getting to the gym, the exhausted body “eats” itself. It also slows down the metabolism. Not only will the muscles burn, but the fat will go away with great difficulty. Therefore, after taking amino acids, after 20 minutes, start morning cardio on an empty stomach.

Useful fasting cardio video

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Fasted cardio training, or "hungry" cardio training, is considered almost a universal tool in the fitness community when it comes to working on muscle relief. Supporters of hungry cardio are convinced that there is no more effective method for burning fat.


In trying to trace the origins of the hunger cardio theory, we will inevitably touch on the publications of former Musclemedia owner and EAS brand owner Bill Phillips, who claimed that 20 minutes of fasting cardio is much more effective than 60 minutes of training after eating . Phillips explains his argument by the fact that in a hungry state, when the level of glycogen in the blood is low, the body is forced to receive energy for active physical activity from its own fat reserves. According to this theory, taking carbohydrate products, you provide the body with an external source of energy, as a result, the need to use stored energy reserves, such as fats, is reduced.

These arguments sound quite convincing and have scientific evidence. When you train on an empty stomach, your body will use its fat stores more actively than when training after breakfast. In other words, exercising hungry will burn more fat than exercising after a meal.

But is it worth focusing on the fats burned during the training?

Let's try to look at it differently. Getting a little energy before a training session will increase your performance, and besides, these carbohydrates enter the body just at the time when it uses them most efficiently - when the absorption of carbohydrates by muscle cells and insulin sensitivity is at its peak. And what if eating-increased training performance contributes to better efficient combustion fat throughout the next day?

As you can see, contrary to popular belief among many bodybuilders, this scenario is not so simple and unambiguous.

What do the studies say?

Numerous studies show that carbohydrate intake before exercise during exercise 25-50% from maximum aerobic performance (VO2 max) reduces the intensity of fat burning. This is quite an expected result, although it should be noted that these data were obtained from the study of untrained people. However, experiments in which subjects received carbohydrates before more intense exercise yielded mixed results. Coyle's study found that trained men who did cardio while exerting 65-70% from VO2 max carbohydrate intake did not reduce fat burning in the first 120 minutes of training.

Horowitz et al. compared the effect of high glycemic carbohydrates on the performance of moderately trained men with low exercise ( 25% of VO2max) or moderate ( 68% of VO2 max) intensity. The data obtained were similar to Coyle's. In the group receiving low-intensity exercise, in the first 80 minutes of training, the level of fat burning was not lower than in the control "hungry" group. When loaded at level 68% From VO2 max, there was no difference in the intensity of fat burning between the "hungry" and "satiated" groups.

Turns out, in untrained people, cardio training on an empty stomach causes more intense fat burning , whereas in trained individuals there is no difference in the level of fat burning. However, things are not as simple as we would like. A study by Coyle et al. in 1997 showed that trained athletes, when loaded at the level 50% from VO2 max, the intake of carbohydrates reduces the intensity of fat burning. Could the lack of difference between the "hungry" and "full" groups in Coyle's other work be explained by the higher intensity of exercise? 65-75% against 50% in this case?

A more recent study by Wallis et al. further confuses the facts. In their analysis, the researchers compared the results of moderately trained people receiving water or glucose at a dose of 1.5 g/min under load 67% of VO2max. In contrast to Coyle's findings, Wallis found that carbohydrate intake during training suppressed fat burning.

Thus, the effectiveness of "hungry cardio" remains an open question, since different experiments give different results when comparing fasting training and training after carbohydrate intake.

However, all of these experiments take into account fat burning directly during training. And here the question arises: what happens after the training session?

Should we strive to burn more fat in a training session if we get the same result in a 24-hour period? In other words, it will depend on the ratio of the amount of fat accumulated and burned within the daily cycle whether you become slimmer or not. It is pointless to consider the effectiveness of fat burning within a single training session, since it depends on too many determining factors - hormonal, enzymatic, transcriptional influences and many other conditions. Considering only one source of energy is an overly simplistic approach.

Analytical review published by Schoenfeld in Strength and Conditioning Journal, deals with the topic of hungry cardio training. In addition to considering the importance of balancing stored and burned fat, Schoenfeld makes the following points.

#1 . As a rule, if you burn more fat during a training session, you will burn more carbohydrates after it. Conversely, if you burn more carbohydrates during a training session, then you will burn more fat in the post-workout period.

#2 . Schoenfeld claims that high-intensity training inhibits the body's ability to burn fat during exercise due to obstructed blood flow. This is an argument in favor of fat burning advocates who believe that cardio training should be done at a low intensity for optimal results.

#3 . Contrary to the previous statement, multiple studies show that high-intensity cardio training is more effective than low-intensity cardio, which is promoted by fitness professionals.

#4 . Schoenfeld reiterates an earlier conclusion: while low-intensity cardio is more effective at burning fat in untrained individuals, this difference disappears when studied in individuals with significant training experience.

#5 . Fat burning, NOT lipolysis, is the deciding factor when it comes to fat loss. That is, even if the body releases fatty acids, what matters is its ability to burn them. According to Schoenfeld, although during fasted cardio training, lipolysis can occur more intensely, the amount of fat burned remains the same. This means that unused fats will again be deposited in the energy depots of the body.

#6 . Schoenfeld points out another interesting fact: eating before training leads to an increase in post-workout oxygen consumption. In other words, if you eat before a training session, more calories are burned after the session. But in reality, this increase is negligible and amounts to about 23 additional calories in two hours post-workout. A review by Laforgia et al. showed that the spike in post-workout oxygen consumption is negligible, accounting for 6-15% of the total oxygen expenditure of an entire training session.

#7 . Schoenfeld points out that during uniform cardio loads 40-60% of the total energy costs is provided by the processing of body fats. Although it sounds promising, more than half of this is intramuscular triglycerides, not free fatty acids. If we want to get leaner, we need to burn free fatty acids, but in untrained subjects, this consumes mainly intramuscular triglycerides. Triglycerides are burned within the muscle in the same way as glycogen, and in trained individuals, the proportion of triglycerides used as an energy source is even greater. In subjects with trained endurance, this energy source is up to 80% .

#8 . Schoenfeld emphasizes the important fact that the burning of intramuscular triglycerides does not affect the condition of your figure. Your appearance depends on the amount of visceral and subcutaneous fat. However, Van Loon's research showed that intramuscular triglycerides make up about 50% of expendable fat reserves. So while Schoenfeld argues that intramuscular triglyceride oxidation does not improve your figure, this is true only if all the fat burned during training comes from this source. But in this case it is not.

#9 . Bodybuilders should pay attention to how fasted cardio training affects nitrogen stores in the body. Schoenfeld cites a study by Lemon and Mullin that showed that training when depleted of glycogen stores (as on an empty stomach) doubles the loss of nitrogen in the body compared to training after carbohydrate intake. After an hour of cycling under load 61% from VO2 max, the loss of body proteins left about 10,4% from the total energy costs. This is especially important for bodybuilders who are looking to retain as much muscle mass as possible. Although this does not mean that only muscle protein was consumed, it is nevertheless disturbing news. To make up for these losses, it would be wise to take an essential amino acid supplement before the "hungry cardio". While technically it won't be a hunger workout anymore, research shows that amino acid supplementation can stimulate fat burning and increase performance, with the former likely related to the latter.

#10 . Schoenfeld argues that "hungry training" reduces performance. While this argument holds true for long endurance training, it does not apply to more intense and shorter sessions such as strength training. In this case, the results of the studies are also very ambiguous. Moreover, those who regularly exercise fasted endurance demonstrate positive metabolic adaptations to such a regimen, which ultimately increases the intensity of burning fatty acids.

#11 . In conclusion, Schoenfeld reports that fasting not only does not stimulate fat burning, but may even worsen the results compared to training after a meal. In addition, he emphasizes that fast training can cause muscle loss.


So, what conclusions can we draw from the currently available data on hungry cardio-turning? On the one hand, an analysis of recent work shows that all methods can work if the main goal is to burn excess fat. If you are using "hunger cardio" to release and burn body fat, there is nothing wrong with that. If you prefer to do cardio after meals, this method also has proven effects, such as a slight increase in oxygen consumption.

For bodybuilders concerned about their figure, it will be appropriate to take BCAAs before "hungry cardio" to compensate for the possible loss of muscle proteins. Whatever the case, the biggest determinant of the success or failure of your plan comes down not to 1-2 hours of cardio, but to your ability to stick to your diet and diet. It should not be forgotten that the results of short-term studies may differ from real practical results, where the synchronization of nutrition with the training regimen turns out to be a secondary condition in relation to the volume of loads and the amount of loop substances entering the body.

In support of those who engage in "hungry cardio" for performance development, scientific evidence suggests that the body makes favorable metabolic adaptations in response to hunger training, although performance may decline in the short term. On this moment there is no evidence of whether fasting improves outcomes in subjects who then perform the same exercises after a meal.

In our opinion, now the myth about the effectiveness of fasting cardio for burning fat can be debunked, although incurable fanatics of the method can use it without harm to themselves if they wish. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference. But now you know that everyone who advises you to "hungry cardio" for relief and weight loss is mistaken, and you will not lose anything if you do not listen to these tips.

In getting rid of excess fat, a stable daily calorie deficit is important, the rest is secondary.



  • Scientific explanations and disputes
  • Additional points
  • Who is suitable for cardio in the morning
  • Practical recommendations

Today, there are many opinions about cardio on an empty stomach. In particular, such disputes are especially relevant in recent times. In other words, you can describe the following: a person wakes up, drinks quite a bit of water and goes for a run. It is also interesting that the process of active running should not last 40 minutes, or even a whole hour - 20 minutes is enough. But is it true? After all, if the truth is nearby, then athletes will be able to lose weight much faster.

There is an assumption that doing cardio on an empty stomach is more useful, since the metabolic process is accelerated, and thanks to this, fats are burned more intensively. To begin with, it is worth noting some positive sides workout in the morning:

  1. In the morning, glycogen in the body is present in small quantities, and this suggests that running in the morning will burn human fat.
  2. After a person has eaten food, the body releases insulin, which prevents fats from being mobilized. In the morning, insulin is at a lower level, so fat burning activity is increased.
  3. At the end of a fasted workout, the process of burning fat in the human body is still ongoing.
  4. At the end of the morning workout, endorphins are released, which can improve mood.
  5. Habitual workouts in the morning will help lead correct mode sleep.

Scientific explanations and disputes

It is important to mention that even studies and experiments in America have confirmed some of the above points of benefits. The results of studies have shown that a kilogram of fat will be burned faster on an empty stomach than if the athlete were training at a different time of the day. After cardio in the morning, the athlete managed to burn about 70% of the fat from the total energy expenditure throughout the day.

This subject of controversy about morning cardio training has repeatedly arisen in similar studies. And in the end, almost all had the following conclusions: training with cardio on an empty stomach in the morning stimulates a more active process of fat oxidation. However, some experts who have conducted experiments say that such training in the morning does not have such a crazy effect on burning fat.

The main controversy becomes the question: does training on an empty stomach affect overall fat burning in the future in any way? That is, scientists do not argue that cardio burns fat more actively in the morning, because the fact remains. They believe that it does not matter what is burned: carbohydrates or fat consumed during the day; it is only important that there is a shortage of calories. To do this, it is important to consume fewer calories than to spend, which will contribute to weight loss.

It is worth saying that a large number of athletes are accustomed to believing that if the time has come to dry the body, then it is important to include cardio exercises in the morning and on an empty stomach in the training regimen. Appearance such people speaks about the result.

Professional athletes will also say that the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed, and not the calorie content itself, plays a big role.

It follows that you can eat the wrong foods (chocolate, chips, soda, etc.) and still lose weight, which is not true.

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Additional points

It has already been said that at the end of the morning workout with a cardio load, calories will be spent for some more time throughout the day. However, the number of such calories is negligible. If it is important to increase the amount of fat burned after training, then it is worth adding to the training program interval training. Its essence is to alternately perform a short-term load with increased intensity (from 85% of heart rate or more) with a short-term load with a lower intensity. Due to this training, more calories will be consumed per day.

It is important to engage in strength training, as they can burn up to 170 kilocalories in one session. That is, even with quiet work, sitting in the office, you can actively burn fat.

However, it is worth returning to cardio on an empty stomach. Often involved in cardio, they also ask such a question as: is muscle mass burned during training? So that the muscles are not destroyed during morning workouts, you need to follow these rules:

  1. The duration of the morning workout on an empty stomach should not be more than half an hour.
  2. Throughout the day, you should not eat less: in the diet and daily menu a normal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present. Otherwise, the body will simply use muscle mass for energy.
  3. In the training program, do not forget about power loads.

For those who are afraid of burning muscle mass, it is recommended to use BCAA or protein isolate half an hour before the start of the workout. Such methods will help prevent muscle damage.

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Who is suitable for cardio in the morning

Deciding whether to go in for sports in the morning should be based solely on your individual characteristics. This is because each person has their own norms, training programs, types of load, intensity and duration of the lesson. The same can be said about morning classes.

You can deal with such people in the morning:

  1. who have some experience regular workouts at least 2 years.
  2. Which are not in the period during which body weight is gained. It is recommended to forget about periodic training, as regularity is important.
  3. Who can feel cheerful after waking up early. You should also control the heart: the rhythm should be normal.

In addition, it is important to consider that early training on an empty stomach is a temporary type of training that will last at least three months.

Throughout the entire period of training, it is worth listening to your inner feelings, since even a healthy person can seriously harm the condition.

Such “hungry” workouts in the morning are suitable for about 30% of people. If, at the end of classes, there is no strength to recover throughout the day, the sensations are bad, then it is important to stop this type of training and try something more suitable.

Views on morning cardio are fundamentally different for many, but most fitness trainers and athletes still tend to think about its effectiveness in the fight against excess fat. Starting the fat burning process is the main problem for people with overweight. In addition, deposits of subcutaneous fat in certain areas deprive the figure of aesthetics and visually spoil the impression of body contours in those who do not have weight deviations from the norm.

Morning aerobic exercise is an active fat-burning agent for such accumulations and accelerates the process of lipolysis, making the figure slimmer and more beautiful. Therefore, even practicing fitness and healthy lifestyles, morning aerobic exercises are used as a means of working out the relief of the muscle corset and visually improving body contours. Indeed, for weight loss, it is important not only to work out the muscle structure in order to acquire the required parameters, you also need to remove the places of point accumulation of fat.

From important points morning exercises can be noted beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole, and not just on weight. The active supply of oxygen awakens the brain, and the production of positive endorphin hormones improves a person's mood. The body adapts to the rhythm of daylight hours, which helps to increase stress resistance. Nervous tension is relieved and, as a result, the need to seize neurosis is reduced.

Work cardio loads in the morning

It would not be superfluous to recall that the main rule of aerobic exercise, due to which the active process of fat burning occurs, is the activation of the myocardium and respiratory system. An increased pulse and a massive supply of oxygen molecules due to respiration activate metabolic processes to the maximum. Oxidation and splitting of fat cells occurs, as a result - crushing and removing them from the body.

Morning cardio workout, performed on an empty stomach, will allow this process to go more aggressively and give results faster than other types of activities, including evening ones, when nutrients enter the bloodstream. After a long night in the body, the supply of carbohydrates is negligible - the activation of energy-burning by cardio exercises causes the subcutaneous accumulations to be destroyed for compensatory replenishment.

The main advantages of morning cardio training:

  • the structure of adipose tissue is crushed faster;
  • fat deposits are more actively split and removed;
  • insulin deficiency on an empty stomach accelerates energy loss;
  • fat breakdown continues for many hours after training;
  • a massive attack of the body with oxygen activates the regeneration of body tissues;
  • improves overall tone;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated.

One of the beneficial effects is considered to be a prolonged energy loss for the whole day, and even a decrease physical activity does not lead to loss of fat burning rates. What can provide morning work-out, can not give a different kind of fitness. You should remember the main rule of morning cardio - aerobic exercise should not be long, but it must be intense.

Advice! Don't do morning cardio for more than 30 minutes. Low glycogen levels allow catabolic processes to start breaking down muscles very quickly. Deficiency of nutrients in the body adversely affects muscle tissue.

To lose weight and start an aggressive breakdown of the fat layer, early morning cardio is performed on an empty stomach, when nutrients have not yet entered the body. But such a load is usually not possible for everyone - there are restrictions if a person has problems with the hormonal, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to abandon this idea and conduct an aerobic exercise after a light breakfast. Also, do not be zealous if fat mass does not have critical reserves.

  • Be sure to drink water - 1 glass after waking up improves tissue metabolism, thins the blood and promotes oxygen circulation in the blood, making it easier for the heart muscle.
  • Strong coffee is considered a good dope for burning fat - it enhances energy metabolism.
  • A light protein breakfast with minimal fat content and no carbohydrates can speed up protein synthesis and breakdown of fat cells.
  • If the training was carried out on an empty stomach, then after that it is imperative to have breakfast with food with a maximum protein content.

Important! Cardio on an empty stomach can be used when there is a stagnation or "plateau" in the process of weight loss. In other cases, when you need a smooth decline with biologically correct indicators, it is better to do the session after a light breakfast.

A set of exercises for morning classes

As already noted, the total time for cardio in the morning should not exceed 30 minutes, so more often such a complex is carried out at home. For the correct launch of the biological process, it is necessary to accelerate the work of the myocardium to the calculated parameters. Aerobic exercise will not be in vain if your heart rate reaches the interval of 75-85% of the number obtained by subtracting your age from the constant 220. This is the main condition for an effective workout. The figures below do not include the biological process, excess is fraught with heart problems.

Low glycogen content does not allow you to work on muscle tissue in the morning, weight training is best done in the evening. Therefore, for the morning lesson, it is better to choose more intense ones in the complex, but not strength exercises. Optimally suited are those that can be performed at home or in nature next to it. Gym often does not fit into the schedule of morning classes, it is better to plan for a later time. Incoming food during the day will be the key to protein synthesis after evening exercise. It is more correct if strength training is shifted to the evening, like the entire block of anaerobic loads and interval radio. This does not mean that the process of losing weight in the evening is impossible, it will simply take place with a less aggressive push moment in terms of a specific effect on subcutaneous fat deposits.

For morning cardio, intensive exercises with a high pace of execution are planned:

  • jumping and jumping rope;
  • running, fast walking;
  • swimming;
  • bike;
  • work on speed trainers.

For a small home space, you can choose the appropriate exercises in the complex:

  1. Imitation of combat kicks and hands.
  2. Jump squat
  3. Jumping in place with an overlap.
  4. Jumping in place with a kick of the leg forward and a simultaneous clap above the head.
  5. Step forward and deep squat with a quick exit to the starting position.
  6. Plank with alternating arm swing.
  7. Plank with alternating leg raises.
  8. Work in the prone position - raising the legs to a vertical position.
  9. Twisting from a prone position with simultaneous lifting thoracic, hands are closed behind the head.

Each exercise in the complex takes place at a high pace of execution, the same number of times (10-15) in two sets with a short (several seconds) break to restore breathing. It would not be superfluous to recall that for better and rhythmic exercise, you need to monitor the correct breathing - inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Morning cardio training is done no more than 3 times a week, so that the body has the opportunity to restore the synthesis process in tissues and have time to remove split fats.

We have already discussed with you, now we will discuss the burning question “well, when do cardio?”. There are many options: on an empty stomach in the morning, in the evening, before or after strength training, on the same day as strength training, and so on.

By the way, let's say right away: cardio means continuous training for 30-60 minutes or more. A 10-minute run before or after strength training is a warm-up and cool-down, respectively, and not a full-fledged cardio. So the answer to such a frequent female question “is it not harmful to run 10 minutes at the beginning and at the end of a workout” the answer is “if you want and there are no problems of varicose, articular or other nature, then yes, to your health.”

Let's agree that we are discussing long-term cardio training and how to properly combine it with strength training.

Up to strength for fat burning


many coaches advise doing cardio AT THE BEGINNING of a workout in order to use up glycogen and use fat as the main source of energy during subsequent strength training. In theory, everything is very complicated.


1) Are you really using up glycogen? For some reason, this postulate is not questioned by anyone, although the method of its distribution is the famous “one grandmother said”, no scientific evidence it is not (and cannot be).
In the article we will answer all your questions about him so that you no longer believe in the myth that “Glycogen depletion occurs in 20 minutes of running, and then fat burning begins”. Intrigued? For the lazy, we’ll write right away: this is nonsense and nothing will be spent on you, so you will achieve only one result during your cardio session .. (see point 2)

2) in fact, you spend on cardio (and it should be quite intense, otherwise there is little sense from it) a lot of energy and it no longer remains for effective power. As a result, you crawl around the gym like a sweaty fly and you simply don’t have the strength to train with the right weight.

Even if you deplete all the glycogen in the body (which we highly doubt), the body will mainly receive energy from protein (which is taken from your muscles), and fat will be used insofar as (we remember that). Because it takes a lot of oxygen to burn fat, so the pulse must be at the level 60-70% (up to 85% in some sources) of maximum heart rate. Imagine how exhausting and long workout should you be burning fat? In fact, it usually turns out: the muscles are not worked out, the protein from them is mostly used up, the fat is minimal.

In addition, you are killing your joints (knees, hips, etc.) Imagine: they are stretched, warmed up by cardio and already tired (remember, we are talking about long cardio, nothing will happen to you from 10 minutes), and you on top of this fatigue, add strength exercises. DO NOT do serious weights for you after cardio, i.e. there is no talk of progress in strength training. In addition, almost everyone runs incorrectly, which sooner or later injures your joints. Especially for you articles and. We recommend to study.

essence: Time is practically wasted.

You can combine cardio and strength in one day in many ways, but the only correct one is interval training which is NOT suitable for beginners. I do not argue, there are cases when, after a 30-minute run, a person is engaged in high-quality strength training without problems, but these are exceptions! If you immediately grab the barbell after an intense cardio load, there is a real chance of losing consciousness. Therefore, the option “First cardio - then strength” can be tried only after 2-3 years of regular training in gym.

3) For fat people strictly contraindicated impact loads on the spine and major joints, including running and jumping. Since the body weight is more than the musculoskeletal system is designed for, high-intensity impact exercises - step aerobics, interval training, running, etc. - lead to injury!

fat women perfect fit walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, Pilates, various programs to strengthen the muscular corset, and also be sure individual sessions With personal trainer. No group ones - this is complete nonsense, even for thin people (this was discussed in the article).

4) A lot of people just don't know how to run., so there is no benefit from cardio for them at all. By the way, doctors, especially cardiologists, advise people to strengthen the cardiovascular system not by running, but by brisk walking, cycling or swimming. Orthopedists constantly talk about the harmful effects of running (especially inept running) on ​​the joints. They note that running is dangerous for those who already have a pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Whatever it was, Not recommended start running without a heart examination and a visit to an orthopedist. First you need to go through the so-called functional tests, when the capabilities of the cardiovascular system are clarified under a certain load. It is also necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the knee and other procedures that will determine the condition of your joints. Who does it? Yes, units all over the world. And then: “oh, my heart hurts”, “knee falls out”, “bones ache” and all that. Draw your own conclusions.

After strength training


also, many advise doing cardio AFTER training, because. it is supposedly easy, because you used up glycogen during strength training, which means that with cardio the body will take on fat reserves. And again, as in that proverb: "they drew on paper, but forgot about the ravines, and walk along them."


1) Indeed, as a source of energy for strength training(anaerobic exercise) only glycogen is used, and fats are not consumed during exercise. However, there is one interesting fact that no one knows about: oxygen debt.

Normally, the body contains approximately 2 liters of oxygen in reserve, which can be used for aerobic metabolism even without inhaling new portions of oxygen. This supply of oxygen includes: 0.5 l, located in the air of the lungs; 0.25 l dissolved in body fluids; 1 l associated with blood hemoglobin; 0.3 l, which are stored in themselves muscle fibers. During heavy physical work, almost the entire supply of oxygen is used for aerobic metabolism for about 1 minute. Then, after the end of physical activity, this reserve must be replenished by inhaling additional oxygen compared to resting needs. In addition, about 9 liters of oxygen must be used to restore the phosphagenic system and lactic acid. The extra oxygen that must be replaced is called the oxygen debt.(about 11.5 liters).

During the first 4 minutes, a person performs hard physical work, and the rate of oxygen consumption increases more than 15 times. Then, after the end of physical work, oxygen consumption still remains above the norm, and at first it is much higher, while the phosphagenic system is restored and the oxygen supply is replenished as part of the oxygen debt, and over the next 40 minutes lactic acid is removed more slowly. Oxygen debt is used to obtain the energy necessary for, including the restoration of energy reserves used up during work and the elimination of lactic acid.

Actually, we need oxygen literally for everything, and more specifically, to ensure the recovery reactions of the body, which require energy. Where will the energy come from? What burns well in oxygen with the release of a large amount of energy, and what do we usually have in abundance? Surely - fats are the main source of energy during the recovery of the body after exercise. For example, lactate oxygen debt will be replenished from 30 minutes to 1.5-2(in some sources 3) hours after the end of work (depending on the intensity of the load). Really, is it good?

Oxygen income, oxygen deficit and oxygen debt at long work different power. A - for light work, B - for heavy work, and C - for exhausting work; I - the period of production; II - stable (A, B) and false stable (C) state during operation; III - recovery period after the exercise; 1 - alactate, 2 - glycolytic components of oxygen debt (according to N. I. Volkov, 1986).

So it turns out that if, under aerobic loads and appropriate conditions, fats mainly burn during training, then with intensive strength anaerobic exercises, fats begin to burn after training. Moreover, their consumption can turn out to be much greater, of course, provided that the lesson was hard enough, and not in the style of "two stomp - three swoops." During aerobic exercise, oxygen debt is also formed, but it is much smaller due to the lower intensity and power of training.

2) think logically, if you are doing quality and full dedication strength training, then can you play for half an hour or more on a track or ellipse? If you can, then you cheated. If you can’t, then you don’t need to play out the suffering of a young phyton, there will be zero benefit. Cardio can be done after strength with light and medium weights, but in general it is not very clear why you need such a strength that is easy for you 🙂

In addition, take pity on your legs, and in particular the joints and blood vessels, with such a long and intense load, the capillary network and the beginning are provided to you.

essence: There is NO great benefit from cardio after strength training.

Best time

The wisest is divide cardio and strength. Muscles at least have time to recover a little after strength training. On rest days, you can give the body small aerobic exercise: exercise bike / ellipse / stepper. Cardio loading a day after the gym is acceptable and useful.

By the way, cardio is good for muscle growth. The main thing is without fanaticism! Cardio in this case should take place in the middle pulse zone and not lead to fatigue and overwork. Training is carried out 1-2 times a week (not instead of strength, but in addition to them), this will be the best cardio that will give the desired effect.
This amount of cardio will be quite enough, since such a training regimen will wear you out so much. Remember also that it is likely that by the day of cardio the muscles may not have time to recover, then chronic fatigue and lack of progress are provided to you.

Running is best avoided.. It overloads the knees, lower leg and requires huge energy costs. This is especially true for overweight people who dream of losing weight through jogging. As a result, they only get problems with knee joints, A excess weight stays in place.

It is better to lose weight slowly than to lose weight quickly and earn a bunch of health problems in addition.

And most importantly, remember that cardio is not the most important thing. There won't be any significant changes in your body as a result of cardio training alone. Of course, you can burn some fat, but what will be left under it when you get rid of it? Not much, as you'll find. You will continue to feel fat and flabby.

Exactly power training help a woman gain taut arms, tight buttocks, relief calf muscles and a general attractive appearance. You'll even improve bone density and make it easier to fight osteoporosis! Go ahead, madams, and let the results surprise you.

fasting hungry

Oh, but because of this issue, whole battles are unfolding. Some shout that this is the only way to do cardio, the rest doubt and argue. So, let's analyze.

First, let's discuss FOR WHAT enter a similar type of training:

  1. The classic goal fat burning.
  2. Plateau - stagnation / lack of progress in training when other types of cardio do not help reduce body fat.
  3. With muscle hypertrophy, for example, if you need to reduce their volume.
  4. And again a classic - for "".

So, why figured out, now let's list who CAN do cardio in the morning

  1. People with experience regular classes at least a year.
  2. people no heart problems vascular system .
  3. People who are overweight NOT calculated in tens of kg, otherwise you can say goodbye to your knees.

Accordingly, cardio can be FAT BURNING And MUSCLE-BURNING.

During the night, as it is believed, when nutrients are not supplied to the body, glycogen is depleted. Therefore, if we give a load in the morning without refueling breakfast, then our body will have no choice but to use its own resources for energy. It's a theory. But let's plug in some simple math and test this assumption.

As we know, in total, from 200 to 400 - 500 grams of glycogen is stored in the human body (be sure to read, otherwise the conversation goes past you). Not bad. Moreover, the more trained you are, the more it is. In addition, it is stored in a state associated with water (1 to 4), so glycogen is, so to speak, a "syrup" with a calorie content of 1-1.3 kcal / g (1 carbohydrate \u003d 4 kcal per g). So the mass of fuel with fully charged glycogen depots can reach from 1-2 kg in small and untrained people and up to 3-4 kg in large people or well-trained people.

For almost complete depletion of glycogen in the liver, you need about 40-60 hours of total fasting, and for exhaustion by half from about 16 hours of fasting. So this is clearly not a standard 7-8 hour sleep, although many sleep even shorter! By the way, keep in mind that during sleep, glycogen is spent more slowly than during wakefulness. In addition, glycogen stores are not completely depleted, unless it is a long-term complete fast. The body simply cannot allow this; without energy stores, it is very vulnerable.

But even if we somehow miraculously used up all the glycogen (aliens flew in and stole it), then the body will first of all take up muscles and not fat. Usually at rest average person burns approximately 60% fat, 35% carbohydrate and 5% protein. As soon as a person begins to show physical activity, the metabolic process in the body changes, the metabolism of fats slows down, and carbohydrates increase. We chose fat/carbs as the basis, because usually protein is almost no source of energy, with rare exceptions, for example, when you are hungry. Therefore, if your goal is not to reduce muscle volume, you should be prepared for the fact that the muscles will start to “burn” (not super intense, but still). In addition, if the body is in a state of stress after such training, it begins stockpile fast food for the future. And this is the same fat.

  • So, if your goal is to burn muscle volume:

    then after cardio, you should take a light carbohydrate breakfast. So we deceive the body, preventing its stress from developing into a hungry phobia. He worked and got food, there is no need to save reserves in fat.

  • If your goal is classical, and you strive lose weight by burning fat And while maintaining muscle, That:

    before cardio in the morning is worth taking. Having depleted energy, the body will take over them, and will not extract protein from the muscles. And, of course, after morning cardio and it is desirable, as in the first case, take a light carbohydrate breakfast.

To convince you finally, I will give an example. In 2014 in the Journal of the International Society sports nutrition(JISSN) published one of the most valuable studies comparing fasted and post-meal workouts. The scientists examined the resulting changes in body composition. The purpose of the experiment was to study changes in fat and lean mass in exercisers either on an empty stomach or after eating. For 1 month, 20 subjects did a 1-hour cardio workout. moderate intensity 3 times a week.

The participants were divided into 2 groups:

  1. Group A trained in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Group B - after a meal.

It is also important to note that both groups followed an investigator-controlled eating plan with the same energy deficit of 500 kcal and the ratio of macro- and micronutrients.

The result of the study showed that changes in body composition, which were observed due to the combination of diet with aerobic training, were the same regardless of whether the subjects exercised on an empty stomach or after a meal.

That's it, you should not torture yourself and train "on holy water."

But most importantly, remember that fasted cardio in the morning– a temporary type of training, not designed for a period of more than three months, because this is a huge burden on the heart, joints, blood vessels and your psyche.

So listen carefully to your inner feelings. If after such classes you cannot recover all day long, then quit them, do not be fanatics. In general, it is worth noting that cardio on an empty stomach has more disadvantages in my opinion. We are ADEQUATE people who do not live by losing weight alone. Can you have a normal day after such a hungry training, getting up, moreover, before dark? Provided that you need to work or study, i.e. the head should be clear, you need to go to the gym and do housework, communicate with relatives, etc. Are you ready to spend energy on morning cardio with dubious benefits instead of walking calmly in the evening, not tired and not irritated in the park with the children?
The answer is yours.

Just don't act like healthy lifestyle life is something outstanding and inaccessible. You should not forget about ordinary life and suffer constantly doing sports. Quick results are not success.