Jogging in the park. How is the average speed of a person when walking and running determined?

What to do, if overweight literally poison life, and the dream to get perfect figure not out of your head? Run! After all, you will not want to sit at home when you find out how many calories are burned while running. And most importantly, you can improve your appearance at any time. free minute(better of course in a few tens of free minutes).

The heavier a person, the more calories he will burn while jogging and vice versa. A simple table will help you understand this arithmetic, which indicates the ratio of weight, running speed and calories burned.

On average, with a normal run at a speed of 6 km / h, 5.5 kcal is lost for every kg of weight. If you increase your speed to 10 km / h, you can lose 10 kcal from each kg.

For example, at a speed of 7 km / h, a person weighing 50 kg will burn 350 kcal. With a similar pace of running and a weight of 90 kg, about 630 kcal will be burned.

Remember that despite increased calorie loss, weight fat people will decrease more slowly, and the risk of various joint injuries will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to treat training with extreme caution and choose for yourself less traumatic and more effective exercises. For example, take a look at .

It is unlikely that you will be able to tear yourself away from the sofa and immediately run. To begin with, you will have to take into account a number of conditions in order to correctly calculate the number of calories burned while running. These include:

  • metabolic rate;
  • training intensity;
  • running distance;
  • running duration.


You must have already worn running shoes and spotted some cute leggings at the sports store, but wait. Any physical exercise, including running, must be approached wisely. First, take a look at your metabolism. It will help you choose the right time and load during training.

If, for example, you are able to eat a whole boar without any visible consequences for the figure, and skipping one meal makes the scale arrow fall furiously down - congratulations, you have a fast metabolism. You are unlikely to have to exhaust yourself with exhausting workouts in order to lose a couple of kg in a month. In your case, running will help create relief for the muscles and tighten the skin.

If, on the contrary, you swell up from every candy you eat, and pies and fast food are taboo for you, then your metabolism is slow. It will be difficult to burn calories, and for a visible result you will have to spend more than one hour.

If the metabolism is too slow, the help of a specialist is required. The problem can be “buried” much deeper and not only intensive training will be required, but also a change in hormonal levels.

With a normal metabolism, extra pounds will go away as easily as they come. This does not mean that you can relax and set aside a couple of minutes for running in order to be in great shape. But you can make yourself a little indulgence. For example, experts recommend jogging every other day or about four times a week. You can reduce this condition to twice a week or adjust the duration of the workout.

Workout Intensity

Intensity refers to the type and speed of running.

There are 6 running options aimed at burning calories. In the table you will see their classification and the expected result, and below - explanations for each type.

    Jogging. One hour of such a run will help you get rid of an average of 500 kcal. It differs from ordinary running in the technique of execution, including a narrowed range of motion. Speed ​​is not important here. You can sometimes switch to walking, recover your breath and start running again.

    Amateur. This is a normal run at an average speed, about 7-9 km / h. It allows you to lose up to 450 kcal per hour. Suitable for those who do not intend to lose weight too much, but do not mind dropping a couple of kg to the ideal.

    Sprint or fast run on short distances accompanied by a release of energy, and therefore an increased expenditure of calories. The speed of running can reach 30 km / h, so do not overdo it in the struggle to burn extra pounds. 10 minutes of such a run is the limit. During this time, you can lose up to 200 kcal.

    Interval. Suitable for those who resolutely undertook the burning of calories. An hour of training will take up to 800 kcal. This result is achieved by alternating a step, jogging and sprinting. Simply put, you will have to gradually increase the pace throughout the workout.

    Over rough terrain. When overcoming obstacles, calories are always burned twice as much. Despite the fact that you won’t be able to take a big pace, on average you will spend 750 kcal per hour of running. Great option for those who like to run in the park and want to pump up their leg muscles at the same time.

    On the spot. Compared to other types of running, exercises in place allow you to lose only 400 kcal. But you can train at home without being distracted from watching your favorite series.

Distance and duration of the run

Any instructor will tell you that calories will begin to be consumed more intensively after a half-hour run. Why is that?

A feature of the human body is the ability to quickly restore the expended energy. So carbs come first. They will be spent in the first 30 minutes.

Next in line after carbohydrates are fats. You will have to spend at least an hour running to double the number of calories burned and move the arrow on the scale off the dead center.

The more kilometers you run, the more calories you will burn. For example, when passing a distance of 12 km, a person weighing 50 kg will consume 520 kcal per hour.

It should be remembered that it will not work out of habit to run such a long distance, and the run is unlikely to last more than 15 minutes. Despite the recommendations to spend more than half an hour on training, this result should be approached gradually.

For example, average speed running will be 8 km / h. So in 15 minutes you will be able to run no more than 2 km and burn 100-200 kcal (calculated for a weight of 60 kg). Compared to an hourly run, this number is negligible. However, if you rush to train until you lose your pulse on the first day, this run will be your first and last.

Start with 2-3 km per day and gradually increase the distance to 10-15 km. So you will not only fight extra pounds, but also develop endurance, strengthen blood vessels and tone your muscles.

How to speed up the process of burning calories

The average daily calorie intake for women is equal to 2000 kcal. If your goal is to lose weight, then the energy value will have to be reduced to 1300 kcal. Thus, you will have to spend at least 700 kcal per day so that fat is gradually burned. To achieve this result, you need to either increase your running time to two hours a day, or run faster. You won't have to do either if you use a few helpful tips:

    Alternate loads. Your body will very quickly get used to the same workout and simply refuse to burn calories. Therefore, it is best to start and end classes with a step. And between it, use jogging, sprinting and cross country.

    Don't let yourself get tired. What do you think, under what conditions will more calories be burned? If you give your best in 15 minutes or will you run continuously for an hour? Even if running periodically switches to walking, it will still be more effective than sprinting for a short distance. Only after 10 minutes, the calories will slowly begin to disappear. Don't miss this opportunity. For half an hour of easy running, you will burn 200 kcal.

    Don't forget to drink. Water helps burn fat. Therefore, the more you drink it, the more actively it is excreted from the body, taking extra pounds with it. Another +30 kcal to your piggy bank.

    Systematic. Don't worry if you can't run for more than half an hour a day. It is important to do this systematically, for example every other day. Calculate if you lose 1200 kcal per week, then in a month you will lose 4800 kcal or half a kilo of fat.

    Execution technique. Even running has rules and techniques. Only by observing it, you can get a visible result. Watch the instructional video before putting on your running shoes:

Hello my dear readers! Many do not have enough time for sports. And not everyone is physically capable of jogging on the street or pulling pieces of iron in the gym. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then extra pounds will not leave you alone. Just don't despair. Better go for a walk! How many calories are lost when walking? Let's tell.

Turns out walking is a great sport. Yes, walking is a sport. Its benefits are special. After all, she trains all the same muscles as running. It does not adversely affect knee joints. Plus, it improves heart function, saturates our cells with oxygen. Everyone can walk: full and thin, old and young.

Many people are not indifferent to the topic of weight loss. Fighting hated kilograms while sitting is very difficult. Getting yourself to exercise is even harder. But going for a walk in the evening after work is as easy as shelling pears!

Of course, for weight loss it is not enough to go shopping. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • the presence / absence of additional equipment (walking sticks, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level physical training;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it’s harder to go uphill);
  • hand movement intensity.

It is clear that if you walk fast, calories will be spent more than if you walk at a slow pace. Plus, classes are best done in a park or in a forest. The load will immediately increase due to bumps in the road.

For 1 hour of walking, you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will burn.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends within an hour when walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km / h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km / h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost running (8 km / h) 10 kcal;

There is also a handy table where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

Speed ​​/
Body mass
50 kg55 kg60 kg65 kg70 kg75 kg80 kg85 kg90 kg
3 km/h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km/h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km/h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km/h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km/h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km/h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km/h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, with a weight of 55 kg and walking at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal per hour.

Considering all this is quite inconvenient. After all, you still need to correctly evaluate the speed. If you know exactly the distance traveled, it is not difficult to calculate the speed. And if not? Count steps per minute? You will get more tired from this than from the very walking!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he considers how much has passed. For me, it is so convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Although there are, of course, many applications on a smartphone - download it for free, install it and use it. They write that they consider the distance traveled, the speed and the number of calories lost. But is it really that convenient? No matter how much I tried the programs, they gave out a huge error. I walk 10 steps, and he counts 7 or does not understand at all that I am walking. So you have to choose - toil with a free program, or purchase a specialized device.

How to walk

No need to immediately start walking fast for 3 hours a day. Especially if you are no longer 20 years old and you weigh more than 50 kg. Start with an hour-long walk at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes and so on. Gradually, you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then again increase the pace and add time.

The main rule is to walk at least an hour. Fat when walking begins to be burned no earlier than after forty minutes. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends the available carbohydrates.

Also, do not forget that you can not play sports immediately after eating. The optimal time for training is an hour after eating. And when you're done, don't go for food. Drink a glass of water. You can afford an apple or.

Remember to breathe while walking. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to stop smoking. It negatively affects breathing and the cardiovascular system. There will be shortness of breath and even dizziness.

Give yourself a nice present. Buy a beautiful sportswear and comfortable shoes. Better yet, buy special clothing to help burn fat. For example, . They create the effect of a sauna and help to lose weight many times faster.

How to Increase Calorie Expenditure

There are several ways to increase the load. Classes race walking will make you sweat. But this is a super-effective way to get rid of extra centimeters. The tummy will be flat, and the buttocks will become a feast for the eyes.

Mahi hands

To work through upper part body, swing your arms. This will increase the load and speed of walking.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 ° and do amplitude swings with your arms back and forth.

Add weight

Is it easy for you to walk and you don't get tired? Try adding weight. This will increase the intensity and challenge your muscles. Avoid wearing weights on your wrists and legs. They can change the way you walk, your posture, and increase your risk of injury.

Instead, take a backpack or a weighted vest. If you decide to carry a backpack, then fill it with water, sand, or simple cat litter. This will distribute the weight evenly.

If the weather does not allow you to go outside, take the stairs or at home on site. Do a little warm up first. How many calories are spent with these types of training, read the article "workout options for weight loss."

Walking with sticks

Is one of better ways increase the number of calories burned. It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. However, the result is incredible. Nordic walking uses 90% of the muscles in our body and up to 46% more calories burned than normal walking. Sticks help to reduce the load on the ankle, knee and hip joints.

She recently bought sticks. I noticed that the load on the legs doubled and the muscles of the arms and upper back were connected.

We walk on a treadmill

If it is not possible to walk on the street, then. On average, a person walks at a speed of 4-5 km per hour. To lose weight and get good physical form you need to increase the pace and walk from 5.5 to 6.5 km per hour. Increasing the pace, spend about a third more calories. It’s just not worth increasing the topics more, because. It's not going to be walking, it's running. And this is another story about which I wrote in the article 😉

Terrain unevenness

Walk on uneven ground such as grass, trails, gravel, sand, or snow. For example, walking in the snow increases calorie consumption by 2-3 times.

And in flippers, even more effective training 🙂

You can also walk up the stairs or just up the hill. You can walk backwards. Or change the pace. Maybe you know some other ways? Be sure to write comments. And to my blog. Bye bye!

We all walk a lot during the day. Even if we have a sedentary lifestyle, we still walk - because we have neither wings nor wheels, we crawl so-so, so walking is the only way of transportation available to us without the use of vehicles and aids. An ordinary person walks from 1 to 10 km per day. Walking helps to strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, improves lung function, and trains endurance. Walking on fresh air contribute to the saturation of cells with oxygen, improve mood. Also, walking helps you lose weight.

Yes, without noticing it, we burn calories when walking - and the more we walk, the more calories we spend. And the saturation of cells with oxygen promotes the oxidation of fats, which contributes to their breakdown. Therefore, in a month you can imperceptibly lose weight by a couple of kilograms by walking on foot.

However, walking is different, which means that the calorie consumption when walking will also be different. If you are just walking in the park, then you will spend much less calories walking than a person who is walking quickly somewhere or an athlete involved in race walking. Calorie burning during brisk walking can be several times higher than when walking at a walking pace. Significantly increases calorie burn when walking up stairs, walking uphill or walking fast over rough terrain.

If you want to lose weight while walking, do not be lazy, try to walk as much as possible. Avoid short trips to the store or a visit by car or short trips by public transport - walk. Do not use elevators and escalators, because walking on stairs not only burns calories, but also strengthens leg muscles very well. Walk outdoors as much as possible. If you walk for 2 hours every day, you will burn an additional 2,000 kilocalories per week, which is about 200 g of subcutaneous fat.

Of course, when walking, you can lose weight only if you follow a diet, do not eat fatty foods, do not lean on sweets and do not overeat. In a word, walking is a great helper in losing weight for those who eat right and lead healthy lifestyle life.

How many calories does walking burn

We come to one of the most important questions that arise for those who want to lose weight with the help of walking: how many calories does walking burn, and also how much to walk to lose weight.

There are many factors that affect how many calories you burn while walking – your weight, age, your fitness level and your metabolism, as well as how fast you walk, how often you walk, how long you walk, the surface you walk on, the slope, the temperature outside when you walk, and many other factors. As mentioned above, calorie burning during fast walking is more intense than when walking slowly. If you walk on asphalt or pavement, you will spend fewer calories than when walking through the forest, associated with overcoming hills and depressions, fallen trees, tall grass. Walking your dog increases your calorie burn, because sometimes your dog will pull you forward and you have to resist, and sometimes you may have to go for a run. Your weight also affects your calorie expenditure when walking - the more you weigh, the more energy your body needs to move your body through space.

On average, a person spends from 200 to 300 kilocalories while walking fast for an hour.

If your weight is 60 kg, then in an hour walking at a speed of 4 km / h you will burn 200 kilocalories, and 315 kilocalories when walking fast at a speed of 6 km / h. Climbing up the stairs, you spend 5 kilocalories per minute, and going down - 3 kilocalories per minute.

A person weighing 70 kg burns 192 kilocalories per hour when walking at a speed of 3 km / h, 288 kilocalories at an average walking speed of 5 km / h and as many as 336 kilocalories at a speed of 6 km / h. When walking up the stairs, you will spend 6 kilocalories per minute if you go up the stairs, and 4 kilocalories if you go down. You can also calculate how many calories you have spent, based on the following data on calorie consumption when walking per 1 kg of a person's weight for 1 hour:

  • on a flat road at a speed of 4 km / h - 3.2 kcal;
  • on a flat road at a speed of 6 km / h - 4.5 kcal;
  • on a flat road at a speed of 8 km / h - 10 kcal;
  • uphill at a speed of 2 km / h - 6.4 kcal;
  • walks in nature - 6.4 kcal;
  • race walking - 6.8 kcal.

How much to walk to lose weight

If you decide to lose weight by walking, you must follow some rules. Firstly, the duration of your walks should be at least 1 hour. At the same time, during the first 40-50 minutes, calories when walking will be consumed not from fat, but from the body's own carbohydrate reserves. Fat will begin to break down only when the body runs out of glucose. After a walk, you will still have a high metabolism for some time.

Walking on a full stomach will not be very comfortable for you - colic may appear in your side, and your breathing will go astray. Therefore, it is better to arrange walks 1-2 hours after eating. And after a walk, do not pounce on food, even if you have “worked up an appetite” and are very hungry - if you are very hungry, it is better to eat something light, for example, an apple or pear, a banana, a cup of yogurt or kefir. You will replenish the supply of carbohydrates in the body, which will give you energy and satisfy your hunger a little. You can eat a full meal 1.5-2 hours after the walk.

If you decide to walk regularly, try to stop smoking - it reduces your stamina, impairs the functioning of the heart and lungs, and generally negatively affects the body.

Try to walk at least 7-10 km a day, while trying to walk in any weather (except, perhaps, a hurricane or heavy rain) - daily walking will strengthen not only your legs, but also your immune system. Ideally, if you walk 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening, then you can lose 2.5 kg per month. If walking is combined with a diet and other physical exercises, then weight loss will be much more noticeable.

The average walking speed should not be too high, so that you do not get tired, but not too low, otherwise there will be no sense in walking. Try to take even steps, do not swing your arms when walking. Responsibly approach the choice of walking shoes - they should be light and comfortable, should not squeeze or rub the foot, should not restrict the access of air to the feet. Breathe properly while walking - inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth in the rhythm of steps, do not talk, do not lose your breath. If you walk for more than 1 hour, bring a bottle of water with you because you can lose a lot of fluid while walking, especially during the hot season. To increase the number of calories burned while walking, you can use weights for arms and legs or a backpack as a weighting agent.

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We all walk a lot during the day. Even if we have a sedentary lifestyle, we still walk - because we don't have...

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We are often amazed at the speed of a kangaroo, ostrich or cheetah. And how fast are we, what is the average speed of a person when walking and running? All these indicators depend on various factors and require an individual approach to determine.

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A person moves mainly by walking or running. Their types depend on factors such as dynamics and pace. Based on this, the following main types of walking can be defined:

  • Walking. We carry out such walking during a walk. It is characterized by imposing, slow pace, short step at low speed, the average speed of a pedestrian does not exceed 4 km/h. The number of steps in one minute is from 50 to 70. The pulse of a pedestrian varies about 70-0 bpm. Walking can hardly be called wellness, because it does not carry any special physical or cardio load. The exception is people with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system or the elderly. Their movement at a slow pace is already an achievement. Most often, a person with such a gait rests during a leisurely walk.
  • Walking at an average pace is characterized by more broad tread. 70 to 90 steps are performed per minute. The average walking speed is 4–6 km/h.
  • Wellness. Has a faster pace. Human walking speed can reach 7 km/h. The frequency of steps in this case is from 70 to 120 per minute. The name of this species suggests that it has a healing effect. When moving at such a pace, the heart rate increases, due to which the work of all organs improves throughout the body. At the pace of wellness walking, a person hurries to the appointed place.
  • Sports. Its principle is to strive for the maximum speed of movement, observing the principles and technique of walking, i.e. without going over to run. Necessary exclude flight phase when moving. One of the feet must be in constant contact with the surface. This option requires good physical health because you can walk faster than you can run. A professional "walker" can reach speeds of up to 16 km / h. During the competition, the pulse rises to 180 beats / min. WITH Brisk walking is especially useful for women, because it helps to improve the figure.

Important! During movement, the stability of the body increases compared to the standing position. This explains why standing is more difficult than walking.

How many pedestrians walk per day

The distance that a pedestrian walks in one day depends on the circumstances and lifestyle of the individual. Some work is sedentary, while others are dynamic. Doctors recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day.

If there is no time or opportunity to travel long distances, you can try walking to work or, for example, getting up one stop earlier, then walking to work, in the same way on the way home. Now becoming very popular nordic walking ". It consists in moving at an accelerated pace with the help of special sticks.

Human stride length

The average stride length depends on factors such as gender, height, race, weight, gait (manner), and can range from 30 cm to 1 meter. But the average length has been determined, for a man it is 0.76 m, and the average step length for a woman is 0.67 m.

The gait of each person has approximately the same size. There is a formula for determining the average stride length depending on growth.

L.W = P: 4 + 0.37

where: Dl.Sh - stride length (m);

Thus, the average step of a person with a height of 1.79 m is:

L.W = 1.79: 4 + 0.37 = 0.82 m

Almost human stride length can be measured empirically. To do this, you need to measure a section 10 meters long, walk along it, counting the number of steps. Then 10 m divided by this amount, and we get the length of one.

Let's say a pedestrian has done 13 steps in 10 meters. We get:

L.W = 10: 13 = 0.77 m

Important! In the Soviet Union, the average step length was determined. It was 1.5 meters in two, or 3 meters in four steps.


In the process of running, almost the same body movements are performed as when walking, but there is a flight phase here (moments when the legs do not rest on the surface), in addition, leaning on two legs at the same time is excluded.

During running, the gravity of the earth is rhythmically overcome, and the blood flow enters into resonance with running.

This allows you to fill all the capillaries with blood as much as possible, due to which improves the functioning of the whole body A.

Based on the distance, running is divided into the following varieties:

  • Run in place. Its effectiveness is much lower than classic running, but the clear advantage is the ability to perform under any conditions. You don't need rugged terrain or a stadium, one square meter is enough.
  • Running short distances does not require much endurance, but is important maximum dedication of an athlete to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
  • The average distance is from 600 meters to 3 km. It is impossible to run a long distance at top speed. Therefore, the pace is chosen slightly above average.
  • Long distance is defined from 2 miles to marathon 42 km. For such a distance, it is better to jog.

Human running speed:

  • Light running is a little different from walking. Movement speed 5–6 km/h. This pace is suitable for people with a musculoskeletal disorder, overweight and the elderly.
  • The average running pace is most often used for morning run non-professional athletes. Its speed is 7–8 km/h.
  • Jogging is used to improve the body. The speed reaches 12 kilometers per hour. At this pace, you can run on medium or long distances. During movement, it distills a large volume of blood, which helps to strengthen the heart muscle and saturate the whole body with blood. Jogging has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and immune systems.
  • Sprinting involves maximum speed development with complete dedication. Of course, it is impossible to run at a fast pace for a long time, therefore it is used only for short distances up to 200 meters.

Attention! Max Speed that a runner can develop is 44.72 kilometers per hour. This result was shown by an athlete from Jamaica, Usain Bolt.

Definition of speed

A lot has already been written about the beneficial effects of slow running on the body. Health running is the simplest and technically most accessible type of cyclic exercise. This easy way physical activity allows not only to burn calories, but also to improve health. Regular classes running and reaching a certain level of loads normalize sleep, mood, increase efficiency.

Running, a person consciously fights for his health and purposefully achieves the desired result. Running, a person not only learns self-control, but masters an active, offensive position and becomes an assistant to the doctor. Medications are taught to be passive in anticipation of the effect of taking them, and this does not always contribute to a speedy recovery.

Also, it is an excellent means of discharge and neutralization of negative emotions. Running not only improves sleep and well-being, but also reduces blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. This type of exercise is effective tool weight loss due to the activation of fat metabolism. After the end of the run, the working muscles continue to consume more oxygen for several more hours, and this leads to additional energy consumption. Evening running is especially useful. It is allowed, and even recommended, to alternate running and walking.

Body weight, kg
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
7 5,3 5,8 6,4 6,9 7,4 8,0 8,5 9,0 9,5 10,1
8 6,2 6,8 7,4 8,1 8,7 9,3 9,9 10,5 11,2 11,8
9 7,1 7,8 8,5 9,2 9,9 10,7 11,4 12,1 12,8 13,5
10 8,0 8,8 9,6 10,4 11,2 12,0 12,8 13,6 14,4 15,2
11 8,9 9,8 10,7 11,6 12,5 13,4 14,2 15,1 16,0 16,9
12 9,8 10,8 11,8 12,7 13,7 14,7 15,7 16,7 17,6 18,6

It is important to remember that it is better to start jogging after consulting a doctor or specialist teacher. Energy consumption when running at a speed of 10 km / h increases compared to the state of rest by 62 times. In order to get rid of excess weight, it is better to use a slow and long run.

You need to start training from a distance of 500-600 m (frequency 120-130 steps per minute), increasing the distance by 100-200 m every week. The optimal length of the distance for women is 2-3 km, 3-4 times a week. In winter, it is better to go skiing instead of running. It's more interesting and emotional. The distance can be gradually increased to 10-12 km or more.

Energy consumption (kcal / min) when using recreational running (running at a speed of 7-12 km / h) is presented in the table, multiplying the running time (min) by the corresponding value from the table we get the desired result.

If we use a simplified version of the calculation, it turns out that when running, it is necessary to spend 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per 1 km of distance, that is, a runner with a weight of 70 kg spends 70 kcal per kilometer of running. But it should be noted that this calculation does not take into account the terrain and other conditions (descent / ascent, running technique, etc.).

Jogging is undesirable. This is running at speeds below 6 km/h. When jogging, there is the possibility of leg injuries, and cardiovascular and respiratory system hardly strengthened.

In people who regularly go in for running, health is strengthened, working capacity increases. Also, often a person enjoys the process of running. After the end of the run, the working muscles continue to consume more oxygen for several more hours, and this leads to additional energy consumption. Evening running is especially useful. It is allowed, and even recommended, to alternate running and walking.

Of the means of improving physical education, walking and running are the most preferable, given their advantages in a number of provisions:

  • the movements that a person makes are the most natural for him, and therefore they are more simple and generally accessible;
  • walking has a minimum of contraindications, and if walking is preceded by running, then it will have almost the same minimum;
  • running and even more so walking do not require frequent medical supervision;
  • they can be practiced almost anywhere and close to home;
  • Walking and running can be done at any time that is most convenient for you. this person tea; at any time of the year, any weather;
  • these classes do not take additional time (for a trip, preparation, etc.);
  • a high health effect is achieved, and with the most productive use of the time of classes;
  • running and walking are the cheapest types of recreational physical education, as they do not require expensive shells, equipment, clothing and the purchase of subscriptions to visit sports facilities.

Walking and running can be considered as a health-improving tandem, in which walking will be the leader at the first stage, and running at the second.