How to speed up metabolism: what affects metabolism? how to speed up metabolism for weight loss at home how to speed up metabolism for weight loss

Diets, the exclusion of tasty and unhealthy food, hunger strikes - this is what a woman is ready for for the sake of a beautiful, desirable and attractive body. She tries, suffers, but for some reason she can not achieve a result. What's the matter? Why is this happening? There is only one answer. A woman who wants to lose weight has a slow metabolism.

Metabolism is the rate at which life-sustaining reactions occur in human body. In other words, it is the process of converting food eaten into energy. With a normal metabolism, a person remains at the correct weight (corresponding to height and age) at all times.

In this article, we will try to answer the question of how to improve the metabolism in the body in order to lose weight.

The approach to accelerating metabolism should be comprehensive. It includes the following effective methods:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. The use of herbs.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Taking vitamins.
  6. The use of drinks.
  7. Healthy sleep.
  8. Visiting a sauna or bath.

None of these methods alone will give a good and quick result. They only work together. So, about each in more detail.

Proper nutrition to normalize metabolism

Trite, but true: you have to give up harmful products (chips, carbonated drinks, white bread, dough products, cakes, cakes and alcohol). Dishes of the daily menu will need to be prepared with a minimum amount of oil. Do not fry the products for these dishes, but boil or cook using a slow cooker.

It would be nice to switch to a raw food diet. The food system completely eliminates the heat treatment of food. But a raw food diet is more a way of life than a temporary change in nutrition in order to speed up the metabolism. In our case, it will be enough just to eat vegetables and fruits.

The following rules will help to disperse the metabolism for weight loss:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Morning food kicks off the metabolism.
  • Do not starve, but stick to a strict calorie bar - at least 1200 kcal. If the value is less, then the human body will turn on the mechanism of "preservation subcutaneous fat". A low-calorie diet will give a temporary effect. After its termination, the weight will double.
  • Eat small meals. You need to eat at least five times. Focus your meals on vegetables and protein (such as eggs, chicken, and nuts). Vegetables contain beneficial to the body cellulose, for the splitting of which a lot of energy is needed. The body spends it, which means that calories and excess fat are burned. To lose weight, you need to eat foods that improve the metabolism in the body: tomatoes, fish, dark green vegetables, fruits and blueberries.
  • Drink water. If there is not enough fluid in the body, then the rate of chemical reactions decreases. Body temperature drops slightly below normal. Fat in the body begins to accumulate in order to raise it. It speeds up the metabolism in the body cold water. In order to heat it up, the body needs energy. The amount of water per day - 2 liters, not less.

Nutritionists distinguish the following foods that improve human metabolism:

  1. Green tea. This type of tea consists of catechin and caffeine. These components provoke the burning of calories. In 2011, scientists conducted a study. The result was amazing. It turns out that if you drink 3 cups of green tea a day, you can increase your metabolic rate by 4.8%.
  2. Honey. With daily use of honey, metabolic processes are restored. However, it should be remembered that this "sweet medicine" is very high in calories, so you need to monitor the amount consumed.
  3. Grapefruit. According to an experiment conducted by doctors, people who drink grapefruit juice lose weight faster. The experiment was carried out on two groups of women. One group drank grapefruit juice and the other group drank apple juice. The Grapefruit Group has lost a lot more weight than its rivals.
  4. Coffee. Everyone knows that coffee contains a component called caffeine. The use of this component (3 cups per day) increases the metabolic rate by about 5%.
  5. Mustard. It has also been used in Indian medicine. Mustard is not only a tasty, spicy and fragrant seasoning, but also a “medicine for a therapist”. It promotes good digestibility of vitamins and elements and speeds up metabolism. Recipe: mix mustard seeds (1 teaspoon) with a glass of water (200 grams). Insist. Drink constantly.
  6. Turkey. The product is a representative of protein food. To break down proteins, the body loses a lot of energy and burns calories. In addition to turkey, fish, eggs and meat have the same properties.
  7. Red pepper. Pepper is not high-calorie product. It contains the substance capsaicin, which helps fight obesity.
  8. Beans. The product is a type of legume. It contains the highest amount of fiber, iron and potassium. These elements not only accelerate the process of fat burning, but also support the proper functioning of the whole organism. Peas and lentils have the same properties.
  9. Coconut milk. The substances included in this milk provide the body with energy reserves for a long time.
  10. Apple vinegar. Japanese scientists conducted an interesting experiment: they fed mice fatty foods and malic acid (the main ingredient in vinegar). At the end of the experiment, the Japanese found that the mice did not gain weight at all, despite the high-calorie diet. Therefore, nutritionists advise drinking 1 tablespoon (dissolved in a glass of water) of vinegar before meals.
  11. Cinnamon. The product has the ability to lower glucose levels. As a result of this action, the rate of metabolic processes increases, fats break down to obtain the necessary energy.
  12. Ginger. It contains in its composition an enzyme that increases metabolism, helps food to be digested more easily and promotes the rapid absorption of oxygen by the muscles. In general, thanks to ginger, the body absorbs nutrients very efficiently.
  13. Ginseng. The herb extract helps in the fight against high appetite. It reduces the percentage of glucose in the blood to a hormonal level and improves insulin production. However, from the use of ginseng often occurs: headache, high pressure, chest pain, insomnia, nervousness, diarrhea, gag reflexes.
  14. Soy milk. Milk causes the body to stop the process of deposition of fats and stimulates it to transport these same fats into energy. You need to drink skim milk in order to achieve desired results.
  15. Oatmeal. IN oatmeal contains a large amount of fat-soluble fiber, which is difficult to digest. Oatmeal well improves metabolic processes and normalizes insulin levels.
  16. Yogurt. Any milk product contains calcium. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes. In addition, these products contain calcitriol, which stimulates the processing of fats.
  17. Almond. In addition to metabolism, almonds have a positive effect on the heart system, human vision and vascular system. The benefits of almonds for the body are great.
  18. Apple. This fruit speeds up metabolism and burns fat.
  19. Spinach. The juice of this product contains a large amount of an element such as manganese. It is vital for bones, blood, thyroid, nerves and sexual activity.
  20. Jalapeno. Peppers contain capsaicin, which is known for its long-lasting effects. Even after a long time after eating jalapenos, calories are actively burned in the body. The process occurs due to an increase in the metabolic rate and acceleration of the rhythms of the heartbeat.
  21. Broccoli. Broccoli contains vitamin C and calcium, which stimulates metabolism.
  22. Curry. Due to its composition, curry allows the body to burn a large number of calories.

Be aware of foods that slow down metabolic processes. These include:

  • alcoholic products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • butter;
  • pasta;
  • any pastry.

Physical exercise to increase metabolic rate

Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss is possible with the help of physical activity. Strength training increases muscle mass person. Muscle burns calories 8 times faster than fat.

It is not necessary to visit expensive gyms and Sport halls. It is enough to perform the simplest exercises at home: push-ups, squats, lifting the torso and working with dumbbells with your hands.

When performing exercises that will stimulate metabolism, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Do not perform heavy loads at once. The body needs to be loaded gradually.
  • You can't starve. One and a half hours before the start of the exercise, you must definitely eat.
  • You need to breathe through your nose. Such breathing saturates with oxygen.
  • Don't do the same exercises. It is better to perform a variety of complexes on different muscles.
  • First, start exercising 3 times a week. Then bring it up to daily exercise.


Traditional medicine is also wondering how to speed up metabolism for weight loss at home. There are several fees, the reception of which stimulates the metabolism well:

  • First collection. Yarrow (1 tablespoon), nettle (1 tablespoon), wormwood (3 tablespoons) chop and mix. Take only 2 teaspoons of a mixture of herbs, pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain and take before meals.
  • Second collection. Take 100 grams of the following herbs: birch buds, St. John's wort, chamomile and immortelle. Brew 2 small spoons with two cups of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Add a dessert spoon of honey to a glass of infusion. Drink before bed.
  • Third collection. Take the following herbs: immortelle (15 grams), chamomile (15 grams) and watch leaves (20 grams). Brew with boiling water in the amount of 5 cups. Drink after meals instead of tea.
  • Fourth collection. Mix herbs: calamus root (3 parts), wormwood (2 parts), yarrow (2 parts), dandelion (1 part). Pour a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water. This should be done in the evening and insisted during the night. Boil the infusion in the morning and strain. Take within one month.
  • Fifth collection. Collection of herbs from St. John's wort (4 teaspoons), three-leaf watch (4 teaspoons), centaury umbrella (4 teaspoons), wormwood (half a glass) and licorice root (1.5 teaspoons) mix. Pour two tablespoons of water (600 ml) and boil for 5 minutes. Strain. Can be used.

Taking medications

The pharmaceutical market presents a considerable number of drugs that stimulate metabolic processes. They are released by companies that want to help women solve their constant question of how to normalize the metabolism in the body in order to lose weight. It should be noted that choosing effective drug you can, but it will harm the body. Today, the following biologically active additives are most popular: "Lida" and "Turboslim".

BAA "Lida" is manufactured in the country of China. The drug is rich in plant extracts of many herbs, fruits and roots, thanks to which weight is easily reduced. The substances included in it (sweet potato, fiber, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin powder) give satiety to the body.

"Lida" consists of the following plant extracts:

  • garcinia cambogia (fruits) - well reduces the feeling of appetite;
  • coleus - effectively breaks down fats;
  • coconut poria - has a diuretic and sedative effect;
  • guarana fruits - nourishes the body with caffeine;
  • cola fruits - their effect is characterized by a tonic effect.

The contraindications of the drug "Lida" include age up to 16, lactation, pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

TO side effects The drug "Lida" includes nausea, dry mouth and insomnia.

The drug "Turboslim" has a similar effect. It speeds up metabolism. The medication includes the following components:

  • L-carnitine (breaks down fats well);
  • Vitamins B (enhances the action of vitamins L-carnitine and lipoic acid);
  • Thioctic acid (increases the rate of breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats).

Turboslim is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy, lactation and intolerance to the components of the drug.

Taking vitamins

Doctors often prescribe vitamins to increase metabolism. Usually these are complexes. Each of the vitamins has a certain effect on the body.

  • Vitamin C. With a lack of this vitamin in the body, metabolism is carried out with a slow rhythm. As a result, a disease such as vitamin deficiency begins to develop. For proper functioning, the body needs 100 mg of vitamin C per day. Vitamin C is found in lemon, sauerkraut, rose hips and black currant.
  • Vitamins B2. Vitamin deficiency causes anemia and slow metabolism. B2 affects the oxidative and reduction reactions in the body and the digestive tract. B2 is found in buckwheat, kidneys, liver and eggs.
  • Vitamin B12. The named vitamin is responsible for the creation and formation of new blood cells in the bone marrow, and also accelerates a slow metabolism. The vitamin is found in dairy products, egg yolks and liver.
  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A is involved in the proper functioning of enzymes. Its deficiency causes eye diseases and slow metabolism. This vitamin is rich in foods: cheese, liver, butter.
  • Vitamin D. At any age of a person, this vitamin helps to form muscle tissue. The source of vitamin D is the sun or a drug purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Vitamin B6. Vitamin regulates fat metabolism in an organ such as the liver. The vitamin is found in chicken meat, fish, liver and dairy products.
  • Vitamin E. The highest content of this vitamin in the following oils: sunflower, corn and cottonseed. Vitamin is involved in the exchange between carbohydrates and proteins, helps to digest fats.
  • Folic acid. Acid can be obtained from eggs, yeast, wheat bran, carrots, and green vegetables. It cleanses the body. Acid has a positive effect on strengthening immunity.
  • Chromium. The element helps to process carbohydrates. In addition, it copes well with the feeling of hunger. Chromium is found in cereals, vegetables and wholemeal flour.
  • Omega 3. Fatty acids regulate the level of leptin in the body. Foods rich in these fatty acids include nuts, broccoli, beans, and oily fish.


How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight? In addition to the above, you need to drink drinks prepared according to the following recipes.

Recipe one. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey and a glass of warm water. You need to drink this drink 3 times a day. Preferably before meals. The drink removes toxins from the body well. A person's immunity from drinking a drink according to this recipe becomes more stable.

Recipe two. Displace half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a glass of boiling water. After cooling, add a teaspoon of honey. Place the glass in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Take the drink on an empty stomach in the morning or at night. Except accelerated metabolism drink dulls hunger.

Recipe three. Take ginger (a few pieces), lemon (1 piece) and honey (4 teaspoons). Pour in boiling water. The drink is good for tone.

Healthy sleep

Scientists in their experiment found that a person who does not get enough sleep has a low level of metabolic hormones. As a result, he is overweight. Full sleep should be 7.5 hours (minimum amount).

You need to go to bed before 11 o'clock. Between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., special hormones are released that help burn fat efficiently.

You need to sleep as soundly as possible. Thanks to deep sleep, a hormone is released in the body that speeds up metabolism and renews brain cells.


The heat of the sauna or bath accelerates the process of disintegration of fat cells, their metabolism is accelerated. In addition, the steam room increases the rate of fat metabolism.

A significant proportion of the weight lost in these rooms is water. Therefore, doctors strictly punish to drink plenty of fluids during this procedure.

In addition to the above methods, contrast showers and walks increase metabolism well. Prolonged walks on the street helps not only burn calories physical activity, but also receive oxygen supply. It is advisable to walk in a forest area or where there is no exhaust fumes from passing cars.

A contrast shower not only normalizes metabolism, but also improves immunity and, accordingly, health. You need to start with small temperature drops, gradually increasing the difference.

Another tip: in order to increase the tone of the body, you need to sign up and be like a massage.

Years pass, many tissues age, and processes slow down. This also applies to metabolism. Metabolism works at a good speed only until the age of twenty-five. Then, every subsequent 10 years, it becomes 10% slower. But this fact can be changed if you constantly engage in exercise and be on the move. Researchers have proven that if a person lives in active movements, then his metabolic rate is reduced by only 0.3%.

So, how to lose weight if the metabolism is disturbed? First, it is necessary to fight and believe in a mandatory result. Secondly, if possible, follow the above recommendations. Thirdly, to know and remember that a normal metabolism ensures the viability of all organs and systems.

Are you familiar with this problem: you eat only greens and seeds, but your body does not lose weight?

If yes, then most likely your metabolism is not sufficiently “overclocked”. What are we talking about?

Your body runs on energy synthesized from the food you eat.

Excess energy is "packed" and sent to the warehouse: every 7,000 extra calories are converted into kg of fat cells.

The metabolic rate determines how many calories are consumed per unit of time.

Of course, with more physical activity, the body tries to allocate more energy to work.

But when people talk about a slow metabolism, they are referring to the trend that is common these days to slow down the metabolism in a state of relative "rest": when the body is not subjected to serious physical tests (no marathons or long-distance swims).

Those who have a normal metabolism can eat "like elephants" and not gain weight. Do you want to join them? Then let's figure out how to speed up the metabolism.

Why does the body's metabolism slow down?

Where do the "roots of evil" come from? If you have not noticed any inborn genetic problems with metabolism, then most likely it has become “lazy” due to:

  • Frequent overeating

    With this eating behavior, a lot of extra calories enter the body. This signals the body that it can slightly slow down the metabolism, the energy will still be enough.

  • Hard diets

    Malnutrition causes the body to store fat in reserve. At the same time, all the energy costs of the body are reduced, including metabolism.

However, the metabolism is quite well adjusted.

Moreover, it can be accelerated in many ways. Just choose the option you like, and preferably several. Stick with these new rules for a while.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body

So what will help? General Tips by nutrition:

  • Eat seafood and get iodine from them

    The fact is that the thyroid gland is very sympathetic to iodine-containing products. And what activates it, it speeds up the metabolism.

  • Add some spicy food

    Thanks to the substance capsaicin, some spices and spices, such as pepper, contribute to a rapid heartbeat and increase body temperature, which directly affects the acceleration of metabolism.

  • Take a general vitamin complex

    The body cannot work effectively without all the necessary "cogs". But not always vitamins can be obtained in sufficient quantities from daily ration so don't forget to take your healthy vitamin granules daily.

Daily routine for a good metabolism

  • Sleep soundly for at least 6 hours a day

    Some may need more time to restore strength, up to 8 hours of good sleep. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone, the level of which directly affects the metabolic rate.

    However, remember that extra sleep will not boost metabolism above a certain set mark, which is reached even in 6 hours. So instead of basking in bed in the morning, it is better to cheer up with the help of exercises.

  • Did you recharge? Then take a contrast shower

    The successive alternation of warm and ice water will make the blood run faster. Alternate jets with different temperatures every 40-50 seconds.

  • Set aside half an hour a day for meditation

    Overeating quite often appears in response to severe stress, so you need to be able to get rid of it.

    Sit comfortably on the sofa and close your eyes, try to feel joy and muffle all thoughts. Focus on your slow breathing. Feel with every cell of the body how you "breathe" peace. Having relaxed enough, begin to increase the speed of breathing for a minute, and when you feel sufficient “saturation” with oxygen, return to a calm rhythm of alternating inhalations and exhalations.

  • "Catch" the sun

    Sunlight is also our helper. It speeds up the metabolism and synthesizes the important vitamin D.

Physical activity to speed up the metabolism in the body

Additional procedures:

  • Take a bath

    A sauna will do too. Compared to them, a single contrast shower is just a drop in the ocean. Exposure of heat to the body helps in getting rid of clogging wastes and toxins. Steam penetrates into the pores, warming the entire body, which speeds up blood circulation and boosts metabolism.

  • Enjoy a Mustard Bath

    Do not eat one hour before immersion in water. The water temperature should be hot, but not scalding. For the entire volume of the bath, it will be enough to dilute one glass of mustard. Avoid taking such a bath with frequent dizziness or during illness.

  • Try the slimming bath

    First we make a tincture: 50 grams of algae should be mixed with 15 grams of fennel, 35 grams of rosemary and 10 grams of lavender, then you need to pour it all with 2 cups of boiling water. After three hours, pour the bath to the brim and add the settled infusion.

  • Go for a massage

    If there is no desire to go to salons, then you can limit yourself to home massage or self-massage. It just needs to be "aggressive" enough. Rub your body to redness, do not hope that light strokes will give the desired effect.

Fitness trainer, instructor group lessons, nutritionist

Conducts general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for malnutrition, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and medical nutrition. He also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

If we define "metabolism" in simple human language, then this is the processing of nutrients from food and converting them into building blocks for body cells. When cells receive such building material, they give away the spent elements. Metabolic disorders can lead to serious problems. One of them is obesity.

The task of every person who watches his body is acceleration of the metabolic process. It can be done different ways. But, it is best to approach the acceleration of metabolism with the help of a set of measures described below.

The metabolic rate is determined by several factors:

  • age
  • heredity
  • physical activity
  • emotional state of a person

In addition, certain foods and drinks affect the metabolic rate.

IMPORTANT: Any soluble organic substance, getting into the body, is built into the metabolic process. At the same time, it can be used to generate energy or go "in reserve". That is, turn into fat and remain in the "warehouse" of the body until better times. Moreover, not only carbohydrates, but also proteins can turn into fat. If they have this moment no need.

slow metabolism results in a low energy requirement. That is why food, getting into it, is not used for its intended purpose, but turns into fat.
In order for the body to be slender, it is necessary increase metabolic rate.

What determines the metabolic rate?

The metabolic rate depends on three factors:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Increasing energy expenditure (training)
  3. Increasing the amount of fluid you drink

Products that speed up the metabolism in the body

The basis slim body- Proper nutrition.
Certain foods that you eat with food can help boost your metabolism. But, first of all, you need to properly build your diet. It should contain the presence of the "right" carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

IMPORTANT: The main meal should be breakfast. A cup of coffee instead of breakfast greatly slows down the metabolism.

Well accelerates the metabolism of protein food. Fish, dairy products, lean meat, seafood are able to "disperse" the metabolism. About a third of the nutrients from such products are immediately consumed by the body. Protein food is not only healthy in itself, but can also drive away the feeling of hunger for a long time.

How does meal frequency affect metabolic rate?

IMPORTANT: Frequent meals also have a good effect on the metabolic rate. But, the main thing during such meals is not to overeat. Remember the diet ""? You can use this approach to form your diet.

Does a varied diet speed up metabolism?

Another important factor in fast metabolism is varied diet. You need to think not only about the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also about required quantity vitamins and minerals. And this can only be done with a variety of foods. For example, IMPORTANT: fats such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, which are found in large quantities in seafood, are excellent catalysts for accelerating metabolism.

The role of spices in speeding up metabolism

Various spices have a good effect on accelerating metabolism. Especially red pepper excelled in this role. According to some scientists, the beneficial substances from this spice can speed up some metabolic processes by 50%. In addition, red pepper has other positive effects. But, for people with problems and the pancreas, this spice is contraindicated.

Also, the stimulation of metabolic processes in the body is influenced by: mustard, cinnamon, ginger and ginseng.

Do coffee and green tea increase metabolism?

Caffeine can have a positive effect on metabolism. According to American nutritionists from the Florida Institute, two to three cups of coffee a day speed up metabolism by 5%. But, if you increase the amount of caffeine consumed, then its effect decreases. Besides, Too much caffeine has a negative effect on the nervous system.

Concerning green tea it also contains caffeine. But, in addition to this substance, green tea also contains catechins. They have a positive effect on thermogenesis- the process of generating heat by the body for the proper functioning of its organs. This heat generation also requires energy. Which has a positive effect on the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

The effect of apple cider vinegar on metabolic processes in the body

More recently, scientists have discovered positive properties influence apple cider vinegar on metabolism. Japanese nutritionists discovered the ability of this natural product to neutralize and remove excess fat from the body. It is believed that one spoonful of apple cider vinegar per day can greatly speed up the metabolic processes in the body. But, before using this product, be sure to consult a doctor.

Grapefruit juice and metabolism

Grapefruit juice, in fact, like this citrus fruit itself, has a positive effect on the metabolic rate. Ten years ago, a study was published in the journal Nature, according to which grapefruit juice is several times superior to apple juice in terms of its effect on metabolic rate.

Drugs that speed up the metabolism

Today there is large group medicines based on antidepressants and neuroleptics, which help to "disperse" the metabolism. Of course, you need to resort to their help in case of emergency and always under the supervision of a specialist. These drugs include:

Meridia. The main purpose of the drug is to suppress the feeling of hunger. But, in addition to this action, Meridia has a positive effect on the metabolic rate. Taking this drug leads to the normalization of the level of lipoproteins, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptides and better digestion.

One of the factors for accelerating metabolism is to ensure an increase in energy consumption by the body. You can achieve this at home regular workouts. To do this, it is not at all necessary to sign up for shaping, Pilates and other aerobics derivatives that are popular today. In the section of our site are collected the best views workouts you can do at home.

IMPORTANT: Latest Research show that the acceleration of metabolism is more influenced by power training than cardio. In addition, such training can restore muscle tone, “tighten” the body and make it more beautiful. Moreover, strength training is shown not only to the strong half of humanity, but also to women.

How does water speed up metabolism?

Proper drinking regimen is also an excellent catalyst for a fast metabolism. You need to drink at least two liters of water a day. pure water, not liquids from coffee, tea and other drinks.

IMPORTANT: Water helps better blood circulation in the body, suppresses hunger and involves fat stores in metabolic processes.

In addition, water causes the body to spend excess energy on its processing. At the same time, the water itself does not carry any calories.

IMPORTANT: Lack of water in the body leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate. Water is necessary for many metabolic processes and its small amount will greatly affect the work of the whole organism. Scientists have calculated that a person should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day, distributing this volume evenly throughout the day.

Metabolism is affected not only by proper and regular nutrition, exercise and drinking regimen. You can “disperse” your metabolism by using the following tips:

Tip #1 Sleep at least eight hours a day. Scientists have proven that if you sleep less, then many metabolic processes will slow down. In addition, lack of sleep can cause other problems in the body.

Tip #2 Visit the sauna. Sauna or bath accelerates the metabolism of fats. Heat enhances the reaction of the breakdown of body fat. Separate fat cells are more easily processed by the body.

Tip #3 Stress has a great influence on the slowdown of the body's metabolic processes. Stress hormones not only suppress the processes necessary for the body, but also can increase the feeling of hunger. Which is even worse for the body.

A high metabolic rate is not only an important task in weight loss. Correct speed metabolism is the key to health and beauty.

Video. Metabolism.

Video: How to speed up the Metabolism?

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 14 minutes


Excess weight interferes with the normal existence of all women. How to speed up the metabolism in the human body and quickly get rid of excess weight? To do this, you can use various methods and means, change your diet. Olive oil, all kinds of herbs, folk recipes and physical activity can be added to the list of means to increase metabolism.

Metabolism, or metabolism - how does it work normally?

Metabolism is the exchange of substances that occurs in the human body under the influence of a variety of biochemical processes . Every day, the human body receives nutrients that are used by a person to maintain energy and vital activity of the body. If you sleep or rest, the body still spends some energy. Thus, metabolism is a continuous process that takes place in 2 stages:

  • Catabolism - the decomposition of complex substances and tissues into simple ones in order to use them to support the processes of the body.
  • Anabolism – synthesis of new structures and tissues. During this period, muscle tissue is restored.

Metabolism can be slow or fast. This fact is affected several factors:

The metabolic rate significantly affects the functioning of the body as a whole. Depending on how nutrients are absorbed in the human body, hormones are formed. The metabolic rate affects the amount of calories needed. to sustain life organism.

Test - find out the metabolic rate required for your body

To find out the metabolic rate in the human body, you must use the universal formula. The unit of measurement of metabolism will be calculated in kilocalories.

Formula for calculating metabolic rate:

  • Man:(66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) - (6.8 * age)) * 1.2
  • Woman: (655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) - (4.7 * age)) * 1.2

The result obtained is the basic metabolism. With this test, you can find out how many calories you need to consume per day for a normal existence.

Herbs for improving metabolism - herbal teas and herbal baths

To speed up the metabolism, you can use herbal teas and baths.

Treatment of metabolism with folk remedies - recipes for health and weight loss

Folk remedies are also very effective for the treatment of metabolism.

metabolism and excess weight strongly interact with each other. If you have overweight You most likely have metabolic problems. To determine this, use the test, and also be sure to visit a doctor . He will carry out the necessary procedures and prescribe the right treatment for you. Do not neglect the treatment, otherwise, serious diseases may arise in the future that cannot be cured with herbs alone.

Metabolism refers to the rate at which the body processes food. If you're trying to lose weight, boosting your metabolism will help you achieve that goal without having to constantly count calories and limit your intake. There are too many “metabolism boosters” on the market today, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction (or advertising). However, there are several simple ways that have proven to be effective. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to speed up your metabolism.


Acceleration of metabolism with diet

    Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Long breaks between meals put the body into “starvation” mode, which lowers the metabolic rate in order to conserve energy and prevent hunger. While some people may lose weight through intermittent fasting, most people still lose weight when they eat smaller, more frequent meals. If you increase the number of meals to 4-6 times a day by adding small snacks useful products you can speed up your metabolism.

    • Take some non-perishable snacks with you when you go out for a long time. You never know in advance if your train will be late or you will have to work late. When you are very hungry, you may be tempted to eat something that is not very healthy, thereby breaking your diet.
  1. Choose lean protein foods. Adding lean, protein-rich foods to your diet can speed up your metabolism, as your body needs more energy to digest proteins. Choose foods like turkey, fish, eggs, beans, and tofu.

    • Cottage cheese is a good source of casein protein. It is especially useful to eat cottage cheese before going to bed - in this case, it is gradually digested throughout the night, maintaining the metabolism at an elevated level.
  2. Add spices to your dishes. Seasoning food with allspice, ground red or cayenne pepper, you will speed up the metabolism. The effect of spicy and spicy foods is temporary, but you can add a little spice to all meals daily to keep your metabolism going.

Other Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

    Drink more water. Studies have shown that increasing water intake can also speed up metabolism by 40%. This effect may be due to the fact that the body has to heat the water drunk, but in general, the reason for this acceleration of metabolism remains unclear. Water balance is also important to maintain for the reason that our body often confuses thirst and hunger.

    Drink coffee. Coffee has been proven to increase metabolism due to its high caffeine content. One study showed that drinking coffee can significantly speed up metabolism in both normal and overweight. However, remember that the effect of coffee is significantly lower than that of physical activity. Excessive coffee consumption can also cause increased nervousness, insomnia, and other negative effects.

    Drink green tea. Drinking green tea (even decaffeinated varieties) in combination with exercise can boost your metabolism. In one study, exercise combined with decaffeinated green tea extract was shown to provide best result compared to exercise alone. Combine your workouts and diet with decaffeinated green tea extract or a couple of cups of green tea daily.

    Eat healthy food and avoid radical diets. Radical diets aimed at achieving a quick result significantly limit the intake of calories, which can negatively affect metabolism. Despite the fact that initially the weight will decrease quickly, radical diets slow down the metabolism very much, and after them the weight is often gained again. In addition, due to restrictions on the consumption of various foods, such diets can cause a deficiency of important nutrients.

What is metabolism

    Determine what your metabolism depends on. Many factors influence metabolism. Some of them can be controlled and changed, others cannot be changed.

  1. Determine your resting metabolic rate. This indicator is very similar to the basic metabolic rate (BMR). And although these indexes are slightly different, knowing one of them is enough in cases where you need to lose weight. This indicator will help determine how many calories your body needs. The more you weigh, the higher your BMR will be. To calculate the BCM, you can use the Miffin-Jeor formula - it is considered more reliable than the Harris-Benedict formula. In addition, you can find special calculators on the Internet that will calculate everything for you:

    • BSM \u003d 9.99M + 6.25R - 4.92V + 166P - 161
      • M is your weight (body weight) in kilograms,
      • R is your height in centimeters
      • B is your age in years
      • P - sex coefficient (1 - for men, 0 - for women).
  2. Recalculate BSM if necessary. As you lose weight, your metabolism slows down. The heavier your body, the more calories it needs to burn to sustain itself, even at rest. When you begin to limit your calorie intake, you lose weight relatively easily because your body is not getting enough calories. However, along with weight loss, calorie requirements decrease and weight loss slows down, so you need to limit your calorie intake even more if you want to continue losing weight. Consider a hypothetical example:

    • You weigh 90 kg and your body needs 2500 calories daily. You reduce your calorie intake to 2000.
    • You are losing 11 kg and now your body needs only 2250 calories because your weight has decreased.
    • If you continue to eat about 2,000 calories a day (the diet that helped you lose your first 11 kg), you will continue to lose weight, but at half the rate. To continue to lose weight at the same rate, you will need to further reduce your calorie intake. However, remember that you should not consume calories less than your BMR!
    • No two people are exactly the same, so there is no “universal” recipe. Although the Harris-Benedict formula is generally accepted and fairly accurate, you may want to experiment with the number of calories to find the optimal value that works best for you. Don't cut calories until you're sure your current diet isn't causing weight loss within two weeks. Your body must adapt to new conditions.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your calorie requirement is increased. Talk to your doctor or obstetrician before changing your diet or restricting certain types of foods.
  • Don't overdo your diet and exercise. Before changing your exercise or dietary regimen, talk to your doctor or dietitian about how much weight loss or what level of exercise is right for you.

