What exercises to remove the inner ears on the hips. How to remove the ears on the hips: all the ways to deal with the female "riding breeches"

"Ears" on the hips give many women a lot of trouble. We try different workouts, different diets. But, despite our efforts, the unloved riding breeches remain. It even happens that everything is losing weight, but not! Why is this happening? Let's figure it out!

Usually fat "loves" most of all that part of the body, the muscles of which load less. In this part of the body, blood flow and lymph flow are disturbed, excessive body fat.

Learn more from the video:

Note! Squats can be done with dumbbells or bottles filled with water.

4. Lunges to the side

The movement involves a large gluteal muscle and internal and side surface frog. The lunge forms a beautiful relief of the legs, removes the "breeches".


  1. We put the legs wider than the shoulders, hands on the belt.
  2. We take a step to the side with one leg and bend it at the knee, slightly bending in the lower back. We load the leg bent at the knee, and use the other straightened leg as a support.
  3. We perform the exercise in the same way, changing legs.

We perform two to three sets of fifteen exercises.

For detailed technique, see the video:

5. Lunge walking

With such walking, the lateral and inner surfaces of the thigh and the gluteal muscles are very effectively loaded.

The back is straight, the thigh of the leg with which we take a step is parallel to the floor. The knee of the leg behind is almost touching the floor. To do the exercise need a lot of space, since walking is carried out in a circle. Therefore, not everyone can find the opportunity to perform it at home.

We perform two to three sets of ten exercises.

More on video:

Note! Lunges can be performed with dumbbells or 1.5 liter bottles filled with water.

"Ears" are formed by adipose tissue, as well as weak muscles of the hips and priests. Raising the buttocks with your hands, you notice how the "breeches" are significantly reduced. Therefore, our efforts should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the front and side of the thigh. It is important to start burning body fat in the "riding breeches" area.

In the first case special exercises will help us to remove the ears on the hips and make the muscles elastic. A in the second- a calorie-restricted diet. Try to avoid sugary sodas, pastries, fatty and fried foods. Give preference to dairy products, cottage cheese, vegetable dishes.

  • Clothing for training should be loose and not restrict movement;
  • Start your workout with a warm-up and warm-up - this way you will protect yourself from injuries and sprains;
  • Trainers recommend walking in place and jumping for one to two minutes as a warm-up. These simple exercises prepare and warm up the muscles;
  • When starting to perform a direct set of exercises, remember that the maximum tension should be on exhalation, relaxation on inspiration;
  • After doing the exercises, for a more lasting effect, massage the lateral surfaces of the thighs. You can use a special mitt and vegetable oil (peach, linseed, etc.) Works well cold and hot shower: It speeds up the fat burning process. Dousing should begin with the feet and end with the hips;
  • Don't try to complete each exercise faster. Feel the muscles in your thighs and buttocks tighten. Hold for twenty seconds in a position where the muscles are most tense, note a slight burning sensation in the muscles. This suggests that you are doing everything right;

two months classes will be enough for you to see the first results. In the future, you need to continue to perform a set of exercises constantly. If you do not exercise regularly, there will be no effect. In order for you to have slender legs and toned hips, you need to do the exercises with pleasure! Good luck and perseverance in achieving your goal!

The so-called “ears” on the hips are one of the most common problems for many. modern women. Fat deposits do not just spoil the silhouette of the body, but often cause complexes regarding their own figure. And if the riding breeches have already appeared, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. How to remove the ears on the hips at home, we will tell in this article.

What are "ears" and why do they appear?

Of course, it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it. However, due to the modern pace of life, not many people can keep track of their body condition in time. Like any excess weight, ears appear for a reason, but as a result of problems in the body that appear, most often, due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Why did fat deposits appear in the thigh area:

  1. Low physical activity and sedentary lifestyle: If your job involves sitting at a computer and little mobility, then this can provoke the appearance excess weight.
  2. High-calorie diet: people who are fond of fast food and fatty unhealthy foods sooner or later face extra pounds.
  3. Genetic predisposition: very often a woman has a generally slender silhouette, but one detail spoils it - an ugly riding breeches in the hips. Most likely it is genetically determined. Have you noticed the same problems with relatives?
  4. Problems with internal organs or hormonal disorders: we advise you to be examined if you play sports and eat right, but the "ears" do not go away.

If you do not have health problems or a genetic predisposition, then the reason for the appearance of "ears" or, as they are also called, "riding breeches" is a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition.

Need to lose weight? Start with nutritional adjustments!

Being overweight is almost always the result of an excess of calories in your diet. Therefore, people who love to eat need to learn how to control the amount of food. Eating right does not mean starving, as many people think. You just need to understand what, when and how much you can eat.

How to eat right in order to lose weight?

  1. Drink enough water: we all know the norm of 1.5-2 liters per day, but few adhere to it. But water is involved in all metabolic processes in the body. Its lack can slow them down, which leads to the appearance of extra pounds. It is especially important to drink plenty of water during exercise.
  2. Reduce portions. It is important to control how much you eat. Cut your portions in half, but eat more often - 5-6 times a day. This rule will help reduce the number of calories and not starve. In addition, this way of eating will help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, as a result of which you will feel better.
  3. Load up on vegetables and fruits, as they contain fiber, which makes you feel full and also improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In addition, they are usually low in calories. Avoid bananas, dates, peaches and grapes.
  4. Slow carbohydrates will help to lose weight, they are useful for our body, because they are absorbed gradually, without drastically increasing the level of glucose in the blood. Such carbohydrates can be found in durum pasta and cereals (except semolina).
  5. Switch to lean meats and fish. This rule will also allow you to significantly reduce the calorie content of dishes, without denying yourself the pleasure of eating meat.
  6. Drink and eat dairy products, but don't go for low-fat items. They often add a lot of sugar to make them tastier for the consumer. It is better to choose milk with low fat content.

And, of course, another rule is to exclude fast food, sweets, pastries, as well as useless food like chips and crackers from the diet. Snacks should be healthy: it is better to eat an apple or low-fat yogurt between meals. Those people who cannot imagine life without sweets can eat dark chocolate, but several slices a day, and not a whole bar at a time.

Massage against the ears on the thighs

"Riding breeches" are fatty deposits with the so-called "orange peel". It turns out that you are also dealing with cellulite. It will be better if massage is added to a balanced diet.

Massage can be done at home. For this purpose, you can watch several video tutorials, which are available in abundance on the Internet. The basic principle of such a massage is intensive rubbing, tingling and heating of the problem area. A massage performed in this way allows you to speed up metabolic processes in the “breeches” area due to a rush of blood. It literally "melts" body fat.


The massage itself is done either on dry skin or after applying a small amount of massage oil.

Wraps are also effective. cling film. Before this, the body must be rubbed with coffee grounds, orange or lemon essential oil, and ginger. The result is a noticeable warming effect.

Sports to remove the "ears" on the hips

No way to lose weight is based only on nutrition and massage. It is also important to move a lot so that the body expends calories. Physical activity will help you burn more calories than you consume.

Training not only “burns” fat, but also strengthens and tightens muscles. All this will create a beautiful and feminine silhouette of the hips.

How and when to train? You need to exercise regularly - three times a week. The training itself should last at least an hour in order for the fat burning processes to start in the body. The training time is whatever is convenient for you. The main thing is that they occur 1.5-2 hours before or after a meal.

What sports will help you lose weight?

The gym would be ideal. Weight training will not only help you get your body back faster. nice shape but also strengthen the body as a whole. Of course, few people like such activities, but the first positive results are a powerful motivation for further work.

In addition, you can go horseback riding. During riding, the muscles of the outer and inner thighs, as well as the back of the thigh, are actively worked. And this has a positive effect on weight loss. In addition, this way to lose weight will give you a mass positive emotions, and the new ability to stay in the saddle will give self-confidence.

Also, classes in fitness groups would be a good option, as this is an active load on the body, during which there is an intensive consumption of calories. You can also go to .

In general, there are several training options to choose from. For example, combine the gym and fitness, if, of course, you have time for this.

How to remove riding breeches on the hips in a week with the help of exercises?

Many people have no time to go to the gym, and often they cannot afford expensive memberships. But not to refuse because of this from training? Classes can be at home - in a comfortable and familiar environment for you.

The following set of exercises can be done at home, there is nothing super complicated in it. The complex consists of five exercises:

Such a program is suitable for those who do not have time to go to the gym, but want to get rid of the annoying "ears". If the problem for you is motivation, then be inspired by the examples of ordinary people who were able to put their body in order. There are a lot of such “before and after” photo examples on the Internet, for example:

Also, the motivation may be the desire to appear on the beach in the summer in the same swimsuit that had previously been gathering dust in the chest of drawers. The main thing is not to give up training halfway, but to confidently go towards your goal!

One of the most problematic parts on the body, which lends itself to losing weight with great difficulty, is the “ears” in the hips. This problem occurs not only in obese women but even the thin ones. How to remove hips at home in order to make a slim figure is a very relevant issue, because getting rid of riding breeches and removing ears is not so easy. To do this, you need not just to lose weight, because here it is important to target a specific problem area.

How to lose weight in the thighs

Finding an effective solution to the problem of how to lose fat from the thighs is not easy. To reduce the volume in the hips and buttocks, you need to remember the three unities that will help you cope with the problem and get rid of excess weight. These include diet or just a balanced diet, exercise, etc. local actions. In this case, the exercises should be specifically aimed at the work of the press, legs and hips, and local actions mean the use of massage, body wraps, anti-cellulite creams, gels.

Proper nutrition

Removing the ears on the hips will not require much effort, if you take it responsibly. It is unlikely to achieve a quick result, but if you do not “jump off” from proper nutrition, then you will slowly but surely move towards improving your body. You can remove fat from the inner and outer thighs by eating exclusively low-calorie foods. Provide for your body full range minerals and vitamins that should come from food and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.

The main products in your diet should be not only fruits and vegetables, but also cereals, lean meat, fish. Try to stick to fractional nutrition - eat at least 4 times a day. To remove fatty areas on the legs, resort to fasting days - thanks to them, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins. Designate one day, for example, kefir, and the next week - apple. This approach normalizes the metabolism, improves the functioning of the intestines, and allows you to remove the ears from the hips.


To solve this problem, resort to special exercises that act specifically on the thigh area. For the action to be more effective, and weight loss fast, do not forget to stick to a healthy and fractional diet. This is the only way to make your body fit and slender. Instead of passive recreation, choose a suitable activity:

  • swimming;
  • gymnastics;
  • dancing;
  • roller skating;
  • cycling;
  • martial arts;
  • use of the hula hoop;
  • long walks with frequent ascents and descents;
  • Pilates;
  • yoga, etc.


In addition to diet and physical activity, it is necessary to do a massage of the problem area at home. For this purpose, use a scrub / gel, special massagers, the ribbed surface of which perfectly kneads the hips, sides and helps restore blood flow. For self-massage, you can knead problem areas with the edge of your hand, after lubricating them with special oil. No less effective are rubbing, patting, pinching and regular smoothing.


To become the owner of a figure as in the photo of celebrity magazines without visiting gym use wraps. This method is available not only in salons, but also at home. Before wrapping, you will need to apply a warming ointment or a special mixture to the problem area, which you can make yourself from honey, chocolate, coffee, blue clay:

  • After applying the composition, wrap the thighs with cling film.
  • Put on pants for better efficiency or just lay under the covers.
  • After the end of the procedure, which lasts 1-3 hours, take a contrast shower.
  • At the end, apply cream to tighten and moisturize the skin.

How to remove the ears on the hips

Get rid of overweight, which begins to appear intensely in stressful situations, bad mood, and make beautiful body, it is possible by excluding certain products. The girl who has wide hips and a fat ass should change her diet. The reason for the appearance of the ears is the low physical activity and malnutrition. Try to minimize your sugar intake and stop eating meat frequently. Exclude the following foods from the menu:

  • fatty and high-calorie foods:
  • fast food;
  • sweet carbonated water, sweetened juices;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweets;
  • white flour products;
  • muffins.

How to remove fat from the inside of the thigh

Getting rid of fat deposits in the thigh area with ordinary fasting will not work, because. an integrated approach is important here. On the contrary, eat as much as you need in accordance with your lifestyle. For example, if he is sedentary, then be sure to give up buns, chocolate bars. It is very important to combine physical activity, cosmetic procedures, proper nutrition and special exercises - this will solve the problem and keep the muscles in good shape.

For the hips, power loads are always relevant, because. they accumulate "strategic" reserves of fat. To solve this problem, swinging the legs to the side is very effective. Drink water, the minimum rate of which is 1.5 liters per day, excluding green / black tea, coffee, soups. Also, don't expect instant results.

Hip Exercises

First you need to locally stretch the hips, buttocks, stomach - use the method of rubbing, pinching. Only after that you can go directly to the load, performing the complex special exercises. You can remove fat from the back and front of the thighs with the help of exercises based on swings, squats, jumps, lunges. Additionally you can add race walking, run. Remember that the desired effect can only be achieved with regular performance exercises and combining them with proper nutrition.


Very useful exercise, which will help get rid of the ears on the hips and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, is squatting. When performing it, you need to ensure that the back remains straight and the stomach is pulled in. Later, by typing a certain physical form You can do the exercise with dumbbells. More effective option is the so-called. ballet squat:

  1. Take a starting position, placing your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, turn your heels towards each other.
  2. Holding onto the edge of a table/back of a chair to keep your balance, do about 10 slow squats.
  3. During the exercise, spread your knees to the sides, but do not tear your feet off the floor.
  4. On the last run, fix your position in the very lowest point for 20 seconds.
  5. Then bring your legs together, stretching your arms forward.
  6. Do 20 squats without lifting your heels off the ground.


How to remove hips at home with swings? To do this, you will need to lie on your side, resting one hand on the floor and resting your head with the other. Since you need to do the exercise on the floor, take care of a suitable rug in advance. After you are positioned on your side in the desired way, bend slightly lower leg and complete up to 20 upper swings. It is not necessary to raise the leg too high. Do the same on the other side, then do the following:

  1. Remaining in the same position, bend the top leg at the knee.
  2. Do 10-15 swings up.
  3. Roll over to the other side, repeat the same steps.


Doing this exercise is very simple - compared to swings, it is an order of magnitude simpler. To do this, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and then proceed to make alternate lunges in different sides. Be sure to alternately bend your knees - you need to bend the knee in the leg in which the movement is performed. The number of repetitions should be at least 10. To achieve the greatest effect, raise your arms up while bringing your shoulder blades together and keeping your posture.



To begin, lie on your back with your legs extended. Then lift them off the floor at 45 degrees, start crossing your legs. Do this as if you were opening and closing scissors. After doing a few repetitions, hold your legs above the surface for a few seconds, then repeat the scissors a few more times. The exercise may seem a little heavy, but if you do it regularly, it will be much easier for you.

Video: how to remove hips in a week at home

People who are far from the subject of fitness and weight loss may be surprised to hear the phrase "ears on the hips."

However, those who have this problem will not be surprised at all, but only upset, because they know very well how difficult it is to get rid of such ears in the thigh area.

However, it is possible if you make an effort and approach this issue responsibly and comprehensively.

Ears on the hips: causes and control measures

First of all, you need to figure out why the ears appear on the legs, how to remove which, we will figure it out. There are several main reasons for this trouble:

Excess weight. In overweight women, weight is distributed throughout the body, but the area, waist, buttocks and hips are especially susceptible to it, so you should not be surprised at the presence of ugly "ears".

Lack of physical activity. inactive lifestyle, sedentary work often lead to the accumulation of fat on the thighs, especially if movements that involve the muscles of the outer side of the thighs are absent in principle.

hereditary predisposition. Due to the features of the figure, transmitted genetically, even slender girls may not be happy with the protrusions on the hips.

physiological factor. The body of a woman is designed in such a way that the presence of fat on the hips is inherent in it by nature. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to deal with this trouble than for men.

Regardless of the reason, the same set of methods will be used to combat the ears:

  • Necessary revise the diet to reduce its calorie content, reduce the amount in it harmful products and increase - useful.
  • Important move more paying sufficient attention to both general aerobic training, and sets of exercises that are aimed directly at working out the hips. Physical activity will help to stir up the thigh muscles and wean the body from using this area as a pantry for fat.
  • Well complementing the complex to combat ears on the hips are additional procedures. At home, you can do massage, body wraps, contrast shower. This will help stir up the subcutaneous layer of fat, which makes it easier to deal with it, and metabolic processes in problem areas accelerate significantly. Also, many methods for body shaping are offered to us by beauty salons and cosmetology centers.

A comprehensive and very serious approach will help to cope with the problem of ears, even if you are prone to them due to heredity. Now let's look at each of the points separately.

Nutrition against the ears on the hips

It is impossible to effectively remove the ears from the sides on the hips if you do not revise your diet, especially if it is far from proper nutrition.

So, to lose weight, you need to remember the main rule: you need to consume fewer calories than you spend. The approximate difference should be about 400-500 kcal. At the same time, it is important not to get carried away with strict diets, since they give a short-term result, and even harm health. It is better to achieve the correct calorie difference through physical activity, as well as replacing the usual harmful products with more healthy and low-calorie ones.

3. Deep lunges forward
You probably know how to perform lunges. One leg stands forward and the weight of the body is transferred to it, the second is behind and rests on the toe. Sit on the supporting leg, bending the knee and feeling how the muscles of the thighs and buttocks work. Important: Do not touch the floor with your knee. Repeat at least 10 times for each leg.

4. Swing your legs in a standing position
Lean against a wall or back of a chair and alternately swing your legs back. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times with each leg.

5. Leg abduction in standing position
The hands should rest on the lower back. Take your leg out, turning your heel outward and feeling how your muscles tense up. abdominals. Repeat the exercise at least 25 times with each leg.

6. Leg swings in the prone position
Lean on bent arms in a lying position on your side. Raise the straight upper leg up and swing it without bending it. Then roll over to the other side and do the exercise 20-25 times for the second leg. If desired, you can use an elastic band to enhance the effect of the exercise.

7. Exercise "Slide"
Lie on the floor with your knees bent. The feet should be shoulder-width apart and fully rest on the floor. With hands that lie freely along the body, lift the pelvis so that the body and hips are located in the same inclined plane. Wherein top part backs and arms should remain on the floor. Repeat at least 30 times.

Cosmetic procedures from the ears on the hips

To cope with the problem of the ears more quickly, you can supplement the program with various cosmetic procedures. They help improve blood circulation and cell metabolism, restore skin tone.

At home, you can do wraps, as well as massage. The same procedures are available in salons from specialists.

Be sure to develop the habit of moisturizing your skin after a shower. Find a good oil-and-water balancer that will also help with stretch marks and cellulite.

As for wraps, the following mixtures can help from the ears on the hips:

Chocolate. Mix 300 grams of cocoa powder and 0.5 liters of hot water, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Let the mixture cool, then apply it to problem areas. Wrap your thighs in cling film. It is recommended to keep for 60 minutes. Rinse off in the shower, gently massaging the thighs. Then moisturize your skin.

Honey. Take two tablespoons of honey and add a few drops of orange or peppermint essential oil to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly, apply on the buttocks and thighs. Leave the composition for an hour under the film. Rinse in the shower with warm water, then moisturize the skin with cream.

Acetic. Apple vinegar you need to dilute with water in equal proportions, add a few drops of essential oil with an anti-cellulite effect. In the resulting solution, moisten a soft natural cloth and wrap problem areas with it, wrap it with cling film on top. Leave for an hour. Rinse with warm water and moisturize your skin.
Coffee. Take natural coffee and add hot water to it to make a thick slurry. Add some ether to the mixture and let it cool down a bit. Apply to thighs. Wrap with cling film for 40-60 minutes, then rinse under the shower.

Clay. To combat the ears, white, blue, black, gray clay is suitable. Mix it with water to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to the skin and leave under the film for 45-60 minutes.
In order for the active ingredients in the composition of the mixtures to work better, it is recommended to put on top of the film warm clothes. You can lie on required time under a warm blanket or to do exercise or household chores.
Massage is recommended to be done by a specialist, however, if desired, the procedure is also available at home. For her, you will need large medical jars. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Steam the skin well in the bath, lubricate it with cream.
  • Attach the neck of the jar to the problem area to create a vacuum inside the jar.
  • Perform the massage first with straight lines, and after in a circular motion in the direction from bottom to top.
  • Particular care is needed when massaging the skin on the inner thighs, as here it is very delicate and can quickly be damaged.

With such procedures, you can supplement your struggle with the ears on the hips. Remember that both in exercise and in cosmetic measures and nutrition, consistency is important.