Khabib Nurmagomedov - biography, information, personal life. Khabib Nurmagomedov - Biography, personal life, when the fight, UFC Khabib Nurmagomedov in good quality

Over the years of performances at a professional level, the name Khabiba Nurmagomedova became one of the most popular MMA in the world. The fighter, nicknamed the Eagle, gained a whole army of fans and received wide recognition not only in his homeland, but also far beyond its borders. Today, holding the most impressive record in mixed martial arts ah (24-0), Nurmagomedov is ranked best fighters regardless of weight class.

For six years now, Khabib has been fighting under the auspices of the UFC, step by step approaching his goal - the champion title. In every fight, he did not leave a chance for his opponents, but the path in American promotion is by no means easy. Successful fights were replaced by serious injuries, which in turn gave the story of Nurmagomedov a special character.

- Kamal Shalorus, UFC on FX: Guillard vs. Miller, January 20, 2012
Nurmagomedov was the first Russian of that wave to sign a contract with the strongest league in the world at the end of 2011, and made his debut early next year. The opponent of the young Orel was the Iranian Kamal Shalorus, who by that time had experience playing in the UFC and WEC. Then, being the first representative of Russia for a long time, Khabib undertook to demonstrate the level of a new generation of our fighters. It is obvious that the native of Dagestan did an excellent job with this task. Nurmagomedov was able to impose his game on the Persian - the fight ended with a strangulation of Shalorus from behind in the middle of the third round. With this, Khabib showed that he should never be doubted, much less considered an underdog.

- Gleison Tibau, UFC 148, July 7, 2012
The duel with Gleison Tibau remains to this day the most difficult test in his career for Khabib. Nurmagomedov's whole strategy was to perform takedowns, which he failed that evening.
The Brazilian skillfully defended himself from any attempt by the Russian to transfer the fight to the ground, which forced Orel to radically change his game plan along the distance. Switching to aggressive standing pressure, Nurmagomedov did not stop pushing Tibau until the very final gong. 15 minutes of tense and nervous battle showed the true will of the Eagle. The judges were impressed by the constant pressure and onslaught performed by Khabib - Nurmagomedov was given the victory by unanimous decision. After a joyful speech by Bruce Buffer, Nurmagomedov leaned into the arms of his comrades in tears.

– Thiago Tavares, UFC UFC on FX: Belfort vs. Bisping, January 19, 2013
The confrontation with Thiago Tavares has its own backstory. Khabib, having come to fight at home to his counterpart, distinguished himself by outrageous behavior. At the weigh-in ceremony, the Russian put on a T-shirt with the inscription "If SAMBO was easy, it would be called jiu-jitsu." Brazilian fans offended by Nurmagomedov's impudence were truly furious.

With double security and shouting “you will die,” Khabib entered the octagon. The hall buzzed and roared from the very start of the fight, but very soon everything was replaced by deathly silence. A weighty left uppercut by Nurmagomedov “folded” Tavares to the floor, and the subsequent series of hard elbows made the Brazilian feel unconscious. This memorable triumph allowed Nurmagomedov to make himself known around the world and move one step closer to the top of the division.

Khabib-Nurmagomedov vs. Abel Trujillo, UFC 160, May 25, 2013
Khabib's preparation for the fight with Trujillo was accompanied by numerous problems. At the beginning of the training camp, the fighter received a leg injury, which is why part of the training was forced to recover. The result was a failed weigh-in, as well as a brawl with an opponent at a ceremony witnessed by Mike Tyson himself. But directly in the fight it was impossible to believe that Khabib entered the cage with an injury. And yes, she did not prevent Nurmagomedov from writing out a ticket for an evening flight for Trujillo.
21 - The number of times Khabib has thrown Abel to the ground, setting the UFC's all-time record for most takedowns in a single fight. Trujillo looked like he had learned yesterday about the existence of wrestling, and Nurmagomedov's pressure, in turn, deprived him of the chance to try his luck in the rack. Such an unconditional victory placed the Russian in the rank of a potential contender for the title.

- Pat Healy, UFC 165, September 21, 2013
The opposition in the person of Pat Healy was supposed to be a serious test for Nurmagomedov on his way to the top 15 in the lightweight division. However, there was no place for intrigue in the duel. Khabib dominated throughout all three rounds, skillfully mixing spectacular takedowns with competent work in the rack.

Healy's attempts to oppose something to the opponent ended in failure. In this battle, the progress of the Russian was especially obvious. Having become a more complete fighter, Nurmagomedov became more and more terrible and more dangerous for his rivals. Having won another victory by unanimous decision of the judges, Oryol flew into the top 10 of the rating, where he soon received the next call.

– Rafael dos Anjos, UFC on FOX: Werdum vs. Browne, April 19, 2014
The seventh number - Khabib - met with the fifth - Rafael dos Anjos. The Brazilian, capable of fighting both in the standing and on the ground, on paper looked like a stylistically uncomfortable opponent for the Russian. And yet, Nurmagomedov again smashed all kinds of forecasts and analytics to pieces, cracking down on another opponent in a casual manner. For 15 minutes, the Eagle held his victim in a strong hug, literally dragging him around the octagon. Dos Anjos was smashed to smithereens, and Khabib got another important victory. It is noteworthy that after this fight, the Brazilian won four fights in a row, including the championship confrontation with Anthony Pettis.

– Darrell Horcher, UFC on Fox: Teixeira vs. Evans, April 16, 2016
Having earned a series of six victories in a row, Khabib was closer than ever to the coveted title shot. But then came the black streak. For two years, Nurmagomedov did not go into the cage due to a series of severe injuries, missing a couple of important and high-profile fights.

It seemed that the Eagle was in danger of not returning to the octagon at all. But even this obstacle was overcome with honor. In April 2016, Khabib got his second fight with Tony Ferguson. A great opportunity to return to candidate positions.

Unfortunately, the injury again did not allow the fighters to resolve a long-standing dispute in the cage. True, this time Ferguson received damage. Tony was replaced by UFC debutant Darrell Horcher. The fight turned out to be a cakewalk for Nurmagomedov, who won technical knockout in the second round. The return succeeded.

– Michael Johnson, UFC 205, November 12, 2016
It was Khabib who was considered as the next contender for the title in the fight against Eddie Alvers, but this did not happen according to the decision of the UFC management. Conor McGregor, without a single victory in the UFC lightweight division, managed to get ahead of the Russian in the title race. Then Michael Johnson volunteered to be Khabib's 24th counterpart. The fight took place at the grand New York tournament at number 205, later receiving the Beating of the Year award. The duel turned out to be nervous only at first, when the American managed to seriously hit the Russian a couple of times. But then Khabib took the fight to the ground and started beating Johnson relentlessly. The same thing happened in the second segment, where Michael was simply helpless. In the middle of the third five-minute period, Orel, in order to put an end to the torment of his opponent, built a “kimura”, which brought him an early victory.

Four months later, Khabib still received title fight with Tony Ferguson. However, health problems and weight loss did not allow this fight to take place. Nurmagomedov was accused of unprofessionalism, and was simply written off by many.

A. Nurmagomedov: Khabib's fight with Barboza will be similar to the duel with Johnson

The father of our lightweight told why he would not be allowed to visit his son in America, how things are going with Khabib's weight this time and why Barbosa is dangerous.

About 10 months have passed since those bad times, and now the Eagle is ready to enter the game with renewed vigor. His next target is Edson Barbosa, who also wants a title shot. Behind Khabib Nurmagomedov is a whole country, as well as an army of fans, and you can be sure that he will do everything to please them all on New Year's Eve.

Spectacular and successful fights that became fateful in the biography of Khabib Nurmagomedov


Physical data:

Height - 177 cm;

Weight - 70 kg;

Hand span - 178 cm.

Battle stats: 22 fights - 22 wins.

Fighting style: combat sambo, pankration, judo.

Debut in mixed martial arts: September 2008

Trophies and Achievements:

European champion in pankration;

World champion in grappling;

· Double champion world by combat sambo in light weight.

Fighting technique. Dagestan MMA fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov has a very versatile fighting style, which allowed him to break into the top five lightweight fighters according to the UFC. Impressive footwork, it's not so much about punching technique, but about speed of reaction and movement around the ring. In most of his fights, as a representative of the combat sambo school, Nurmagomedov prefers to act in a stance rather than on the ground. Fortunately, in light weight it is much easier to avoid the stalls than in heavy weight. But, the main advantage of Khabib is his speed and ability to beat, cutting down arrogance from his rivals. Well, the famous warlike spirit of the Chechen people in Nurmagomedov's blood should not be underestimated.

Career development. Khabib Nurmagomedov's MMA career can be safely called impressive. The guy for some 5-6 years got out of a little-known Russian fighter, to one of the best fighters on the planet in his weight class. Moreover, Nurmagomedov still does not know the bitterness of defeat, although he met with quite serious opponents from the top ten of the lightweight rating.

Khabib started in mixed martial arts very briskly, having won, already in the fourth fight, the Cup of Russia in pankration. Such agility of the Dagestan fighter of the mixed style continued in his further career. Numerous victories in tournaments in Russia and in the countries of the former CIS made Nurmagomedov a rather prominent fighter in the MMA world. And participation in ProFC tournaments, and his victories over Armenian fighters and the Brazilian Arimarcel Santos, allowed Khabib to sign a contract to participate in fights under the auspices of the UFC organization.

Already in the first fight, Nurmagomedov met with an experienced Iranian fighter Shalorus, who, due to experience, did not give Khabib a chance on the ground for a long time and withstood blows in the standing position. But, in the third round Russian fighter brilliantly performed a choke hold and won the debut fight. Two subsequent meetings with Brazilian jiu-jitsu masters brought Khabib two confident victories, one of which, over Thiago Tavares, was spectacular and brutal.

Against Abel Trujillo, Nurmagomedov impressed and set a new organization record with 21 shots per fight. Victories over another American Pat Healy and Brazilian fighter Dos Anjos allowed Khabib Nurmagomedov to enter the top five lightweight fighters. Thus, already as of 2015, Nurmagomedov may well count on a title fight in his weight category.

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov is a mixed martial arts fighter originally from Dagestan, who received the nickname "Eagle" among athletes. He competes in the UFC as a lightweight. After the fight with Al Iaquinta in April 2018, the athlete became the first Russian in UFC history with a champion title.

Childhood and youth

Khabib was born on September 20, 1988 in a traditional Avar family from the small Dagestan mountain village of Sildi. Almost all local men were hereditary wrestlers, and Khabib's relatives were no exception. His father Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling, his father's brother is a world champion in sambo in 1992, and his maternal uncle is a titled freestyle wrestler.

It is not surprising that both Khabib and his younger brother Abubakar followed in the footsteps of eminent relatives and early years engrossed in wrestling. Their first coach was their father, who almost from the cradle prepared his sons for the fighting ring. From the age of three, Khabib began to master the elementary wrestling elements, and at the age of five he already entered the carpet.

When the boy was ten, the family moved to Makhachkala. There, the father had the opportunity to recruit his own group of young talented athletes, including Khabib.

Until the age of fifteen, he did not differ much from other boys: he went to school, regularly attended training, often fought with the yard guys. At some point, Khabib wanted to get a job as a security guard to earn money, but the whole family was against it.

Sport, his father said, is also work, and hard work, and a professional athlete should not think about how to earn a living, otherwise he will never reach the top.

Getting older and stronger, the guy began to stand out from his rivals, and the father-coach realized that his eldest son is a unique nugget who can make the whole world talk about himself. If before that Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov relied more on judo and saw his son as a future champion on the tatami, then he realized that Khabib was a potential leader in mixed martial arts. In addition, the guy himself was more inclined towards combat sambo.

His idols were also sambists - Fedor Emelianenko, Rustam Khabilov, Rustam Mukhtarov, whose skill he never ceases to admire until now. A talented fighter was able to learn something from each of them, and thanks to the efforts of his father, who gave him an excellent initial training and gave me confidence, sports career Khabiba confidently rushed up.

Sports achievements and fights

At 23, Nurmagomedov became the youngest Russian fighter in UFC history. The Americans immediately appreciated Khabib's skill and invited a promising athlete to their organization. From that moment on, the worthy son of the Avar people, nicknamed "Eagle", held many fights in the main rings of the world, each of which ended in his triumph. The shepherd's hat became the symbol of the fighter - this is how he expresses pride in his people and devotion to the traditions of the Avars.

The strongest opponents, such as Gleyson Tibau (July 2012), Kamal Shalorus (January 2012), Thiago Tavares (January 2013), Khabib was able to confidently knock out and defeat with his "signature" choke.

Fight Khabib Nurmagomedov and Gleison Tibau

The years 2014-15 were not easy for the athlete: he received several complex injuries and was out of action, although he retained his undefeated status. In 2016, he triumphantly returned to the ring, confidently defeating Darrell Horcher.

Fight with Michael Johnson finally confirmed high level preparation of the Russian wrestler: the American underestimated the opponent and was defeated in the third round. The referee was forced to stop the fight, as Khabib used a painful hold - Johnson could not even ask to stop the fight.

The fight between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson was broken several times. They were supposed to meet in the ring in the summer of 2014, but the plans were thwarted by the injury of the Russian. In April 2016, the meeting did not take place due to Ferguson's injury. The fight was postponed to March 2017 - and again a failure: before weighing, Habib was hospitalized with suspected kidney stones.

A lot of hype has risen around the fight between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Conor McGregor, the cocky Irishman, nicknamed "unreal". Immediately after the victory over Michael Johnson, not yet leaving the ring, Nurmagomedov challenged him to a duel, calling him an "Irish chicken." McGregor did not practice trash talk, but hinted that Nurmagomedov still had to earn a fight with him. However, in the summer of 2017, he changed his mind. In full preparation for the fight against boxer Floyd Mayweather (and according to the rules of boxing), he nevertheless expressed his desire with the offender in Russia. Khabib later said in an interview that the likelihood of their meeting in December 2017 is very high.

However, on December 30, 2017, Nurmagomedov met in the ring not with McGregor, but with Edson Barboza, a wrestler from Rio de Janeiro. Father Russian athlete noted that Barbosa is a great drummer, but by the second round "everything will fall into place." And so it happened, and Khabib's advantage was obvious already in the first round. In the third round, the Brazilian, who bravely stood to the end, fell, and Nurmagomedov was credited with the 9th victory in the UFC and the 25th in his entire sports career.

Battle of Narmagomedov and Barboza. Best Moments

The fight with McGregor, which nevertheless took place on October 6, 2018, ended with the victory of the Dagestan. In the first round, the advantage was with Khabib, who used a signature fighting grip. The Irishman lay on the floor for almost all 5 minutes. The second round was also led by Nurmagomedov. In the third round, the fighters met in a standing position, McGregor delivered several blows to the opponent, but it was clear that he was exhausted.

The fourth round was the final: Khabib applied a choke, and Conor gave up.

But the fight didn't end there. Without waiting for the verdict of the judges, Nurmagomedov left the octagon and rushed into the hall. There was a skirmish with Dillon Danis, the jiu-jitsu coach from McGregor's team. At this time, two people from the Dagestan team attacked Conor. The police rushed to the ring. Nurmagomedov's victory was credited, but three of his comrades were taken to the police. The Irishman did not write a statement against them; he later tweeted that he wanted a rematch.

April 7, 2018 Khabib was supposed to finally meet in the ring with Tony Ferguson, but the fight was canceled again. This time, through the fault of Tony, he was injured. The fact that instead of Ferguson, Al Iaquinta would enter the ring against him, Nurmagomedov found out the day before the fight. The fight ended with the victory of Nurmagomedov (although Al survived all 5 rounds, and Khabib failed to finish the fight ahead of schedule) and the athlete was awarded the lightweight champion belt. Thus he became the first Russian MMA fighter who won the UFC title.

Personal life of Khabib Nurmagomedov

Habib professes Islam, does not drink, does not smoke, regularly makes a pilgrimage to Mecca with his brother and strictly observes all the basic commandments of the Koran, including not fighting during Ramadan.

For me, fasting in Ramadan is more important than any fight

He tries not to let anyone into his personal life, so until now those around him have not seen the face of his wife Patimat, carefully hidden behind a thick veil.

Khabib met Patimat in his school years. Even then, feelings arose between the young people, but the circumstances did not develop in the most favorable way. By the age of 23, Khabib, then a novice UFC fighter, figured out his feelings and asked Patimat's hand in marriage from her older relatives. In 2013, the lovers got married. She spends all her time at home, raising her daughter (b. 2015) and two sons (2017 and 2019) and praying to Allah for the success and prosperity of her famous husband.

Khabib Nurmagomedov and Patimat: a love story

Many famous personalities are friends with the wrestler, including the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. In the spring of 2017, Nurmagomedov visited famous boxer Mike Tyson. The athletes exchanged gifts: Tyson presented the guest with an autographed glove, and Khabib presented that hat, similar to his own.

Khabib Nurmagomedov now

September 7, 2019 Nurmagomedov met in the ring with American Dustin Poirier. Khabib's opponent fell in the third round - the Dagestani applied a signature choke hold, and Poirier asked to stop the fight.

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Who is Khabib Nurmagomedov?

Real name— Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov

Hometown— Sildi, Dagestan

Nickname- Eagle

Activity- Mixed martial artist

Family status- Married

Nationality– Avar

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov is a mixed martial arts fighter. Born on September 20, 1988 in Sildi, Dagestan.

Khabib Nurmagomedov in childhood

How many years has Khabib been involved in sports? Khabib started training at the age of 5 along with his brother. Trainings were held on sports grounds, where many guys from Sildi gathered. As personal trainers his relatives - father, uncle - spoke. They were wrestling themselves. His uncle is a sambo champion. Some of the relatives on the mother's side were also masters of sports, took part in the battles, and Khabib's brother is a professional athlete.

Khabib's family moved to Makhachkala when he was 12. There his father became an organizer sports camp in which teenagers were engaged. Since that time, the guy's coach has become Magomedov Saidakhmed.

Khabib, as a teenager, watched a video of fights that was recorded on a cassette. After, he wanted to master the technique of strikes. But his father stopped him. He sent him to study judo for 1.5 years Jafar Jafarov. After, Khabib continued training in combat sambo.

Early career / Khabib's first fights

When Khabib was 20 years old, he entered the big ring for the first time. He competed with the Ukrainian Vusal Bayramov, won.

For three years, the fighter participated in competitions and he had no defeats, won many awards during this time. He received the titles of the champion of the Russian Federation, Europe and the world, and in a very short career.

Khabib Nurmagomedov UFC

First fight in the UFC

In 2012, Nurmagomedov began to collaborate with UFC, and performed in the ring under this promotion. He competed with an Iranian Kamal Shalorus, and won. It was his debut.

In the same year, he performed at UFC on FOX 7" against Gleison Tibau and defeated him.

In 2013, he competed with Tavaris. At the beginning of the first round, the Brazilian was broken and defeated. After, Nurmagomedov said he would like to fight Diaz, who is the best fighter on the planet. He was so confident in his abilities. The fight did not take place because Diaz appointed as a rival Thompson, A Khabib - Trujillo. As a result, the American lost, as he dominated Nurmagomedov in all rounds.

After defeating Trujillo, Khabib asked the president UFC organize a fight with him BJ Pennom- the legendary personality of the UFC. But, this the fighter refused to compete with Nurmagomedov. Therefore, he organized a competition with Patrick Healy, which was in the top 10 in the UFC. After winning the tournament, he gave an interview. Dana White (UFC President) noted that he likes Khabib's fights and he has prospects.

A memorable fight took place between Khabib and Rafael Dos Anjos in 2014. Few people won this athlete, but Nurmagomedov managed to do it. After that, a competition was to be held with Ferguson. But, Khabib injured his knee, was out of action for a year. The following year, he broke a rib and returned to the ring a couple of years later.

Since the fight with Ferguson was postponed, he decided to withdraw from the tournament. Instead of him, Khabib organized a competition with Horcher in 2016. Despite previous injuries, Nurmagomedov not only returned to the ring, but was able to win after a long sick leave.

Dana White confirmed on Twitter, on the official UFC profile, that the fight should take place soon Khabib and Alvarez. Then the scene changed and it was announced that Alvarez had to defend his title against McGregor. Khabib did not like these changes, and he expressed his indignation in the social. networks.

Conflict between Khabib and McGregor

In 2016, Nurmagomedov defeated Johnson using the kimura technique. Before the start of the competition, a weigh-in was held. During it, Khabib got into a fight with McGregor(on that day he was supposed to defend his title). The guards of the institution did not let the quarrel turn into a fight, and the fighters wanted to oppose each other in the future.

Together with Ziyavudin Magomedov, Khabib created the team " Eagles MMA» in 2016.

Khabib Nurmagomedov now

Tony Ferguson

A third was planned fight against Ferguson as of April 2017. Khabib could not even pass the weigh-in. The doctor assessed his health, the fight was canceled, and the athlete was sent to the hospital.

In the same year, a tournament was held against the Brazilian barbosa. Khabib won.

Khabib Nurmagomedov Tony Ferguson fight date 2018

April 2018, scheduled again fight against Ferguson. They were supposed to fight for the title of interim champion in UFC. The competition was not held again, as Tony injured his knee. That's why Khabib had to oppose a new fighter - Max Holloway. And this fight did not take place: Max was suspended on the recommendation of doctors, as he abruptly began to lose weight. Khabib's new opponents were named Pettis And Iaquinta. He ended up fighting a second fighter in April 2018 for the championship belt. Khabib became the UFC champion.

By 2018, Nurmagomedov had already managed to work under contracts with ProFC, M-1, TFC, UFC. He has 26 fights to his credit. In all of them he won. He has not yet had a single defeat, as the statistics of fights show.

khabib nurmagomedov el iaquinta pictures

Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Conor McGregor

A new competition has been scheduled for October 2018. This time, Nurmagomedov vs Conor McGregor. This fight is necessary for both of them and everyone is waiting for what the outcome will be. Khabib will be able to further increase his importance and price as a fighter, and Conor will fight for the belt. When the fight was already scheduled, it could break due to funding, the promoter stated this " Fight Nights". It is known that in order to interest Conor and he performed in the ring, it is necessary to provide him with a fee of at least $ 5 million. He has a very high bar and requirements, and Khabib himself would also not agree to play for a penny. But it is worth noting that in addition to fees, fighters are also motivated to fight by their skirmish in the past during the weigh-in. The UFC President has already announced that the competition will not be held in Moscow, as it is difficult to sell broadcasts of fights in the Russian Federation, thus they will lose millions of dollars on this. It was decided that the fight will be in Las Vegas on 10/6/2018. Khabib himself said in an interview about how confident he is in his abilities and will deal with this opponent in the first round, eventually becoming the winner.

Khabib Nurmagomedov and Conor McGregor when is the 2018 fight?

How does Khabib Nurmagomedov live?

Nurmagomedov is a Muslim. He takes faith seriously: he does not have bad habits, he does not go to clubs and other places of entertainment.

He is married, his wife's name has not been released. A photo was taken during the wedding ceremony. On it, the bride's face is hidden under the veil. This is due to Muslim traditions that no pictures and images should show the face of the bride.

In 2015, a daughter was born, and in 2017, a son.

He does not take his wife as a cheerleader to competitions, as he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis family and its safety. Moreover, by sports recommendations, Khabib was given to understand that it is better not to do this. During the fight, all his attention should be focused on the enemy, and the wife can play a "distracting role" in this.

Khabib has an active account and Instagram with a large number of subscribers and an official VKontakte group.

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov (Avar. XIabib Nurmukhlamadov). Born on September 20, 1988 in Sildi, Tsumadinsky district of Dagestan. Russian mixed style fighter. Nickname: The Eagle UFC Lightweight Champion.

Khabib Nurmagomedov was born on September 20, 1988 in the small village of Sildi, Tsumadinsky district of Dagestan.

By nationality - Avar.

He comes from a family of hereditary wrestlers. His father - Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov - was the champion of Ukraine in freestyle wrestling and sambo. Father's brother - Nurmagomed Nurmagomedov - world champion in sports sambo 1992. And his maternal uncle is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling.

Father is not only a wrestler, but also a freestyle wrestling coach. It was his father who became the first coach of Habib, under whose guidance he was engaged in martial arts from the age of 5.

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve been on the mat all the time,” the fighter recalled.

He has a brother, Abubakar, who is 1.5 years younger. They trained together (Abubakar also became a professional fighter, competes in the WSOF).

In 2001, the family moved to Makhachkala. There he continued training. “Father brought us all together, about 15 relatives in Makhachkala. And we lived for seven or eight years all under the same roof. We ate together, trained together and grew up as worthy guys,” the athlete said.

Somehow, Khabib came across a cassette with fights without rules and he himself wanted to try himself in something new, namely, in martial arts related to percussion, although he continued to engage in freestyle wrestling. By that time, my father had already changed the type of martial arts and taught the guys combat sambo. "I also wanted to, but he said that you first need to learn how to wrestle in a jacket and sent me to his friend, the honored coach of Russia in judo Jafar Jafarov. I trained with him for a year and a half, and in 2005 I already switched to combat sambo," Khabib said.

For two years he studied with Jafar Jafarov, Honored Coach of Russia. After that, he began training in combat sambo, he was again trained by his father.

Khabib Nurmagomedov in childhood (left)

One of Khabib's role models was the great Russian fighter.

Nurmagomedov said: "Only when I started practicing combat sambo, he was the number one athlete in all sports. His behavior, character has always been an example. He behaved the same way when he won and when he lost. I try to take an example from him in this "Fedor Emelianenko is the man who gave impetus to our sport in Russia. I never heard anything bad said about him. I grew up on his fights. I watched him bring down, knock out, finish off. I always admired him as a fighter and as a person."

The fact that Khabib eventually became a professional fighter is a great merit of his father, not only as a coach, but also as a mentor in choosing a life path. As Khabib admitted, at the age of 19-20 he was going to leave the sport and get a job in a security agency. "But my father told me:" If you work somewhere, then you are no longer an athlete. So you have another job. But if you are an athlete, you have to live it. You have to get up early and go to train. Come home, eat and sleep And everything you need, I will give you. You only need money for water and travel. And we have food at home, "he recalled.

And Khabib continued to train hard, completely surrendering to martial arts. And the results were not long in coming.

On January 21, 2012, Khabib had his first fight under the auspices of the American UFC promotion. The fight ended with his victory over Kamal Shalorus - in the 3rd round, Khabib performed a choke that forced Kamal to surrender. The Americans immediately noted the very high level of Nurmagomedov's wrestling training.

“I was 23 then, and many said that the UFC was too high a level, and I was too young. But it only inflamed me, motivated me. I could not wait until I entered the cage and showed what I was capable of,” he recalled his debut in the UFC.

On July 7, 2012, Khabib fought his second fight under the auspices of the American UFC promotion against one of the best Brazilian lightweights Gleison Tibau, one of the TOP 15 best lightweight fighters in the world at UFC 148 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Throughout all three rounds, the Russian dominated and won by unanimous decision.

On January 19, 2013, the fighter met with another well-known Brazilian lightweight Thiago Tavares in Brazil in the city of Sao Paulo at the grandiose UFC on FX 7 tournament. On the main card of the tournament, he, having made an uppercut, sent the Brazilian to a knockdown, after which he finished him off on the ground with his elbows at 1:55 of the first round. He also stated that he wants to fight one of the best fighters on the planet, Nate Diaz, on April 20 at UFC on FOX 7 in San Jose, California.

November 12, 2016 at UFC 205 in New York, armlock (kimura). Throughout the fight, Khabib dominated Michael and as a result, in the third round, the judge stopped the fight, as the opponent could not even knock on the floor, being in a clamped position due to a painful hold.

Before this fight, after weighing in, Khabib got into an argument with Irish fighter Conor McGregor, who also held his title fight there. The guards did not let the verbal skirmish turn into a brawl.

VIDEO: Khabib Nurmagomedov - best moments

In January 2017, it was announced that on March 4, as part of UFC show 209 in Las Vegas (USA). The winner of the fight will become the main contender for the lightweight title, in which the Irishman Conor McGregor performs.

“On March 4, I will do everything to make my dream come true, and finally I will fight for the belt and win it,” Nurmagomedov commented on the news of the fight with Ferguson.

A huge part of Nurmagomedov's fans are children and their parents who consider Khabib a role model. “If a person promotes sports, constantly says that people should do the right thing, I think this person should be emulated. Khabib presents himself as a very modest, decent guy. I would say that in the first place he has religion, as he preaches Islam. He constantly presents it with right side tells you how to do it. Such a person will be popular anyway," the fighter's father said.

Khabib Nurmagomedov. Undefeated ( documentary)

Khabib Nurmagomedov height: 177 centimeters.

Weight Khabib Nurmagomedov: 70 kilograms.

Khabib Nurmagomedov's arm span: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Khabib Nurmagomedov:

Married. Since Khabib strictly adheres to Muslim customs, he does not talk about his personal life. Also, he does not give details about his wife. Doesn't even show her face. So, in the photo from Khabib's wedding, his chosen one is hidden under a veil.

During a long stay abroad (Khabib trains in the USA), he leaves his wife at home. "She will interfere with my preparation. It will be possible to go on vacation somehow. But during the preparation period, for example, women or clubs interfere. You should not think about anything else if you want to achieve something. You should only train, sleep and eat. There should be a regime in everything, and the wife will wait at home and pray for me, "he explained.

great place Islam plays in the life of Khabib Nurmagomedov. He strictly adheres to all the rules laid down for a devout Muslim.

"I never smoked or drank. Not because I'm an athlete and lead healthy lifestyle life. Because my religion forbids it. I am a Muslim and Islam forbids drinking, smoking, going to nightclubs. And in battles, religion helps me, especially psychologically. Only she can balance me. Both defeat and victory are given only by the Almighty. And I will also rejoice in defeat. I am always calm. Maybe this is the key to success, that I always hope for the Almighty, and I am ready for any outcome," the athlete pointed out.

As Khabib said, sports and achievements high results changed his way of life.

“I fought a lot on the street, my father always punished me for this, scolded me not to do it again. But I stopped fighting only when I became world champion in 2010. There were moments when the fight was already very close. At such moments I remember that a couple of years ago I would have dragged him in, but, realizing that I am a professional, I restrain myself. Because I can hit so that a person will have a serious injury. Why do I need this? ", - he said.

“If you are an athlete, you train and live by it, you can easily hurt a passerby. But you are an athlete, you have to be careful about this. I have had many skirmishes in my life. And when I saw that a person is much weaker, I tried to avoid fights. And now I don’t go to places where this can happen at all. I sit at home, and nothing will definitely happen to me there. And an athlete should not show anyone that he can knock out or kill someone. I don’t support this . Professional sportsman- this is a cold weapon," the fighter noted.