What is grappling? grappling technique. A type of martial art

Grappling is a martial art that successfully combines techniques and techniques. various martial arts. This sports discipline is based on wrestling in the ring and includes the techniques of judo, sambo, freestyle wrestling and jujitsu.

A feature of grappling is the fact that the outcome of the battle is not decided by physical training or the weight category of a fighter, but his technique. This gives a tangible advantage in combat to those athletes who are familiar with the grappling technique. Despite the almost complete absence of restrictions on choking and painful techniques, grappling has its own characteristics, which should be followed.

This martial discipline differs from other martial arts in that victory in this case does not come as a result of applying techniques, but due to the use of painful and suffocating techniques. Much attention is paid to the athlete's uniform, which, in addition to shorts, provides for the presence of a rashguard - a special tight-fitting T-shirt.

On this moment grappling is widely known all over the world. It is often referred to as "wrestling on the ground".

Such skills can be useful not only for professional fighters. Since the majority street fights ends with a fight on the ground, then grappling techniques will allow you to successfully repel enemy attacks. Confidently applying this knowledge, you can easily take control of the situation.

A good knowledge of the features of combat allows fighters of short stature to defeat stronger and more experienced opponents. Even if you are not an athlete, grappling knowledge will allow you to keep yourself in excellent shape. physical form, if necessary, using these techniques for self-defense.

Wrestling style and rules

The arsenal of grappling (grappling) includes throws, various holds, chokes, levers on the hands, locks on the shoulder and wrist

The wrestlers themselves call this martial art "chess on the mat." This name is explained very simply - in order to carry out more successful techniques, the wrestler must take a more advantageous position. Grappling is also called “fighting to surrender”, since the purpose of this discipline is to force the opponent to surrender using competent combinations of choking and painful techniques.

Unlike professional grappling, amateur grappling has some restrictions that are intended to prevent serious injury. In particular, such dangerous practices that involve the impact on knee-joint and spine are prohibited here.

Permitted tricks

Unlike judo, sambo and other sports disciplines, grappling allows the use of most pain grips. This brings him closer to fights without rules. In particular, the following methods are allowed here:

  1. Strangulation. All types of suffocation are allowed, except for those that involve a direct effect on the respiratory tract.
  2. Locks on the wrist and shoulder, levers on the hands and the like.
  3. Painful techniques on the ankles and legs.

Prohibited techniques in grappling

In grappling, any strikes, grips by fingers, pressure on the eyes are prohibited.

Despite the freedom of action provided by this discipline, there are those techniques that fall under the category of prohibited ones:

  1. Ear grabbing and hair pulling are considered unacceptable.
  2. Full Nelson and "crucifixion".
  3. Eye gouging using fingers.
  4. Grips of the thumbs, fingers and toes.
  5. Touches and blows to the groin area.
  6. Pinching, biting, scratching.
  7. It is forbidden to touch the opponent's face with elbows, knees and hands.
  8. Slippery substances on clothing and body are a reason for disqualification of an athlete.

Regular shorts and T-shirts are not allowed during the bout.

The effectiveness of the grappling technique

Grappling is often used as effective method preparing wrestlers for competitions mixed martial arts. The basis of victory in such a tournament is often a perfectly honed skill in wrestling on the floor. Many MMA fighters are involved in grappling competitions, because they are fluent in this fighting technique.

Many athletes start their journey into martial arts with grappling, as it lays the necessary foundations for a fight. Then they successfully master those types of martial arts that involve the combination of wrestling and shock techniques.

Grappling is a great way to protect yourself, as most people feel insecure when they are on the ground. Knowing the techniques of this combat discipline, a person receives complete freedom of action and a tangible advantage when fighting both on the ground and in the stance. This type martial arts teaches the use of not only arms and legs in combat, but the whole body.


Clothing should be completely adjacent to the body so that during the fight not to give anyone an advantage

There are a number of complaints about grappling clothing. Mandatory equipment includes:

  • Rashguard. It is a compression sports T-shirt with long or short sleeves.
  • Shoes are not allowed on the sports carpet.
  • Shorts. They can use board shorts or sambo shorts. Mandatory requirements - they should be convenient and short.

Grappling clothing must be free of pockets, patches, metal and plastic inserts.

Differences from other disciplines

Grappling has significant differences in comparison with other types of wrestling. They are as follows:

  1. If in judo the victory is ensured by throwing the opponent with his subsequent landing on his back, then in grappling such a throw will only bring extra points. Victory is possible only when one of the opponents surrenders.
  2. In sambo and many martial arts schools, it is strictly forbidden to use chokeholds. In grappling, such techniques are one of the foundations of the fight.
  3. Unlike Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, grappling allows the opponent to be strangled while lying on his back. If you turn your back to the enemy, you can get a chokehold. In freestyle wrestling, opponents often turn their backs to each other, not being afraid of a surprise attack.

How to choose a coach?

When choosing your first hall, you need to pay attention Special attention on the head coach, do not be lazy, look for information about him on the Internet, check if he really is who he claims to be

Many novice athletes ask themselves the question: where can you learn grappling skills? When choosing a place for training, you should be guided by the following tips:

  1. Trainer. Experienced trainer- the main condition for the further growth of a fighter. Therefore, you should look for information on the Internet regarding the chosen coach - there can be both positive and negative reviews.
  2. Hall. Since grappling is related to wrestling, the cleanliness of the hall and mats is a very important indicator.
  3. Atmosphere. It is advisable not to be too lazy and go to the gym during classes. The atmosphere that reigns in the room means a lot.

Proficiency in grappling is useful not only for professional fighters, but also for people who want to improve their sportswear and feel confident on the street. If you want to master effective art self-defense, then this is exactly what you need.

Grappling- is one of the types that combines the technique of many wrestling sports with the most minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques. In this fight there is no striking and no weapons are used. A feature of grappling is the desire of the wrestler to end the fight as quickly as possible, using painful or suffocating techniques. The second feature of grappling is the form of athletes, consisting of shorts and T-shirts or, alternatively, wrestlers' tights. The sportsman's clothing must fit the body tightly so that the opponent does not receive any advantage during the fight, the fights are held barefoot.

Technically, a fairly large number of different methods are used in grappling, such as throwing, takedown, positional wrestling, painful reception and suffocation, slipping, clinch, coup.

A throw is a technique performed when a wrestler unbalances his opponent, picks him up and throws him to the ground, which looks very spectacular. The purpose of the throw is to take the opponent out of the fight with a powerful blow to the ground or to take a comfortable position.

A takedown, unlike a throw, is carried out without lifting the opponent off the ground and without the special amplitude that throws differ in. That is, a takedown is knocking an opponent to the floor in order to continue the fight there.

Positional wrestling is used to change the position of the opponent to one from which he could not go on the attack. There are several options for the positions used: guard, half-guard, holding from the side and from the back, “crucifixion”, “knee on the stomach”, etc.

Submissions are used to damage the opponent's joints or other body parts in order to cause pain to the opponent, which should result in the end of the fight due to the opponent's submission. There are such types of pain techniques:

- leverage - with this technique, the wrestler moves the opponent's joint in a straight line, violating his normal area of ​​\u200b\u200bmovement;

- knots - with this technique, the opponent's joint is rotated along the axis outside the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits normal movement;

- infringement - with this painful technique, the opponent's muscle is clamped by his bones - usually used on the opponent's lower leg or forearm.

Choking is a technique used to render an opponent unconscious. There are two types of strangulation:

blood suffocation - used to stop the flow of blood into the opponent's brain,

air choke - used to stop the flow of air into the opponent's lungs.

Escape - this technique is used by a wrestler to move from a disadvantageous position to an advantageous one: from a prone position to a standing position, etc.

A clinch is a standing fight using the upper body. This technique is used to defend against a throw, or vice versa - to prepare for it.

Coup - used to change a disadvantageous position into an advantageous one by coupping the opponent.

To date, there are several organizations involved in grappling.

FILA (Wrestling World Championships) is the oldest organization, the first competitions of which took place at the beginning of the last century, now it is official Federation grappling.

ADCC (Submission Wrestling World Championship) is the most famous organization that has been holding competitions since 1998. Male wrestlers compete in five different weight categories and women in two weight categories.

North American Grappling Association - NAGA - the most mass association, which consists of more than 45 thousand wrestlers. In addition to grappling, the organization holds MMA competitions.

Grapplers Quest is an organization that has been in the US since 1999.

Grappling is a kind of wrestling, the sports component of which is focused on wrestling on the ground.

The main goal of this type of wrestling is to win the opponent with the help of special techniques.

History of formation and development

Grappling has become a unification of styles. One side of the sports community considers the father of the founder of grappling to be the Arab Sheikh Takhnun bin Zayed al Nakhiyan, who practiced Brazilian jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling and judo.

The second side believes that it unified and formed American grappling professional wrestler, US judo champion Gene LeBell.

Technique and tactics

The grappling technique consists mainly of painful and suffocating techniques. Among the crown pain and suffocating combinations, it is worth noting:

  1. Elbow lever - crease and stretch elbow joint reversed.
  2. Heel twist.
  3. Triangle - squeezing the neck with a triangular lock of the legs.

However, techniques are the final action. Before carrying out this or that capture, preparatory technical actions are necessary. Takedown is one of these actions, designed to transfer the opponent to the ground through a throw or sweep to carry out specific techniques.

Next are tactical actions. The defender tries to defend defensive redoubts, and the attacker seeks to take a position in order to hold and further choke or painful hold.

Paying attention to the attack, the athletes are in the position of an open and closed guard. A closed guard is considered such an interaction of athletes when a fighter on the floor crosses his legs on the opponent's lower back, thereby, as it were, closing the circle.

The priority task of the submission athlete is the surrender of the opponent as a result of the technical actions. Experienced athletes are able to carry out tricks in hundredths of a second, so the fight often ends quickly.

Rules and requirements

As a sport, grappling has developed relatively recently, however, it has its own rules and requirements.

The basic rule is that fighters are not allowed to strike. Tactical wrestling, based not on physical condition, but on the technical readiness of the athlete, is what is put at the forefront.

Due to full contact with the opponent and for the purposes of personal hygiene, athletes are allowed to use a suit consisting of a rashguard-compression T-shirt and shorts. The equipment protects the athlete's body from possible injuries and discomfort.

Feedback on the use of additional equipment and clothing is only positive, since during the competition the fighter participates in several fights.

Preparation and competitive process

Competitions are held by 3-4 organizations, among which it is worth highlighting: North American Grappling Association (NAGA), Abu Dhabi Combat club (ADCC), Grapplers Quest.

In addition to international and European championships, some countries organize national tournaments in which men, women and youths participate, regardless of weight categories.

Grapplers are trained in sports clubs practicing techniques: judo, sambo, bjj. In the last 5 years, female grappling has been rapidly gaining momentum.

It is worth noting that grappling had a significant impact on the development of fights without rules. As you know, fighters are divided into drummers and wrestlers.

Each style has its advantages, but in combat there is a situation of fighting on the ground, and here special grappling moves determine the outcome of the duel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grappling as a fighting style is imperfect. The advantages are holding tricks from difficult positions and the irrepressible onslaught of a wrestler, which allows you to act effectively.

The downside is that most grapplers have a weak strike base. Experienced wrestlers relying only on skills on the ground are often beaten by "game" strikers.

New varieties of martial arts are often criticized and questioned. Is this sport necessary?

After all, they have already been unified: sambo, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling. Dozens of types of martial arts that are not inferior to grappling. The answers to these questions are difficult to find. But without a doubt, grappling has merits and has the right to exist as a sports discipline that promotes efficient work on the ground.

Grappling- is one of the types of martial arts, which combines the technique of many wrestling sports with the most minimal restrictions in the use of painful and suffocating techniques. In this fight there is no striking and no weapons are used.

A feature of grappling is the desire of the wrestler to end the fight as quickly as possible, using painful or suffocating techniques. The second feature of grappling is the form of athletes, consisting of shorts and T-shirts or, alternatively, wrestlers' tights. The sportsman's clothing must fit the body tightly so that the opponent does not receive any advantage during the fight, the fights are held barefoot.

Video: What is Grappling?

Technically, a fairly large number of different methods are used in grappling, such as throwing, takedown, positional wrestling, painful reception and suffocation, slipping, clinch, coup.

throw- This is a technique performed when a wrestler unbalances his opponent, picks him up and throws him to the ground, which looks very spectacular. The purpose of the throw is to take the opponent out of the fight with a powerful blow to the ground or to take a comfortable position.

A takedown, unlike a throw, is carried out without lifting the opponent off the ground and without the special amplitude that throws differ in. That is, a takedown is the knocking of an opponent to the floor in order to continue the fight there.

Positional wrestling is used to change the position of the opponent to one from which he could not go on the attack. There are several options for the positions used: guard, half-guard, holding from the side and from the back, “crucifixion”, “knee on the stomach”, etc.

Submissions are used to damage the opponent's joints or other body parts in order to cause pain to the opponent, which should result in the end of the fight due to the opponent's submission.

  • leverage - with this technique, the wrestler moves the opponent's joint in a straight line, violating his normal area of ​​\u200b\u200bmovement;
  • knots - with this technique, the opponent's joint is rotated along the axis outside the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits normal movement;
  • infringement - with this painful technique, the opponent’s muscle is clamped by his bones - usually used on the opponent’s lower leg or forearm.

Choking is a technique used to render an opponent unconscious.

There are two types of strangulation:

  • blood suffocation - used to stop the flow of blood into the opponent's brain,
  • air choke - used to stop the flow of air into the opponent's lungs.

escape- this technique is used by a wrestler to move from a disadvantageous position to an advantageous one: from a prone position to a standing position, etc.

Clinch is a standing wrestling with the use of the upper body. This technique is used to defend against a throw, or vice versa - to prepare for it.

coup- is used to change a disadvantageous position into an advantageous one with the help of an opponent's coup.

To date, there are several organizations involved in grappling.

  • FILA (Wrestling World Championships)) is the oldest organization, the first competitions of which in Greco-Roman wrestling took place at the beginning of the last century, now it is official grappling federation.
  • ADCC (Submission Wrestling World Championship)- This is the most famous organization that has been holding competitions since 1998. Male wrestlers compete in five different weight categories, while female wrestlers compete in two weight categories.
  • North American Grappling Association - NAGA- the most massive association, which consists of more than 45 thousand wrestlers. In addition to grappling, the organization holds MMA competitions.
  • Grapplers Quest is an organization that has existed in the United States since 1999.

Combining the technique of all wrestling disciplines, with minimal restrictions on the use of painful and suffocating techniques. This fight does not include striking and using weapons. The desire to end the fight ahead of schedule, with the help of a painful or suffocating technique, is distinctive feature grappling, since in some types of wrestling the main goal is either positional dominance (freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling) [ ] , or getting points for a certain amount of throws and other technical actions (judo and sambo), after which the athlete is awarded the victory. [ ] Another hallmark grappling is a form. Athlete's clothing consists of shorts and a rashguard (tight-fitting T-shirt with short and long sleeves). It is important that the clothes should fit completely to the body so that during the fight they do not give anyone an advantage.

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    ✪ Lying protection from side control. Grappling. Moscow Self-defense 100%


hello everyone, now we will work out several options for protecting from a side hold in a purely self-defense variation using grappling and brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques, first you need to understand what a side hold is


Grappling technique is represented by a wide range of methods, such as: clinch, throw and stall, painful reception and suffocation, positional wrestling, slipping, coups (sweeps)

  • Clinch.

A clinch is a wrestling of athletes in a standing position with the participation of the upper half of the body. Used to prepare a throw, or defense against it.

  • Throw (Takedown).

The throw is a technique by which one of the wrestlers unbalances the other, lifts them into the air, and slams them into the ground. Throws are characterized by their amplitude and beauty. The purpose of the throw is to incapacitate the opponent with a strong blow on the ground or take a dominant position. A takedown differs from a throw in that it is carried out without lifting the opponent into the air and without the amplitude characteristic of a throw. At its core, a takedown is a knockdown of an opponent to the ground in order to continue the fight there.

  • Pain and suffocation.

Choking is used to render an opponent unconscious. There are two types of suffocation:

    • Air choke, used to stop the flow of air into the opponent's lungs;
    • Blood choke, used to stop the flow of blood to the opponent's brain.
Painful techniques are used to damage the opponent's joints or other parts of the body, which causes severe pain to the opponent and leads to his surrender. Painful techniques are divided into:
    • Levers that move the opponent's joint in a straight line outside of their normal range of motion;
    • Knots by which the opponent's joint rotates on its axis outside of its normal range of motion;
    • A pinch that squeezes an opponent's muscle between bones (usually the lower leg and forearm), or a pinch that expands or separates a joint.

Used to bring the opponent into a position in which he is unable to attack. Position types:

  • escape.
  • Escape is used so that the wrestler can change an unfavorable wrestling position to an advantageous one. For example, when a lying athlete manages to return to a standing position, or when an athlete, to whom a painful hold or strangulation is applied, manages to slip out of him, or when the World Games martial arts SportAccord.

  • North American Grappling Association - NAGA - the most mass organization, numbering 46,000 wrestlers. In addition to grappling, it also hosts MMA tournaments. The first grappling tournaments were held by the predecessor of NAGA in 1995 in New York (USA).
  • ADCC is the most famous and prestigious organization that has been holding tournaments since 1998. Men compete in five weight categories, not counting the absolute; women - in two. Many winners and champions of ADCC successfully take part in mixed martial arts (MMA).
  • Grapplers Quest is an American organization. The first tournament of which took place in 1999, and 298 athletes took part.