What are rollers with big wheels called? How to choose rollers (roller skates)? How to choose children's roller skates

Which rollers to choose!?

The first and most important criteria are quality and convenience.
In our Shop there is a large selection of models of the leading manufacturers of roller skates from Seba "SEBA" and Rollerblade "ROLLERBLADE". In my experience, they are more likely to suit most buyers on both counts.
In the Shop section (in the "Children's rollers" tab) there are models of roller skates designed specifically for beginners, young skaters.

How to choose the right one!?

During the fitting, it is best to use special moisture-wicking socks, they can almost always be found in specialized stores, skating will be more comfortable in them, and most importantly, the foot will remain dry.
If your toes barely touch the front edge with a tight heel, then this is most likely your size. To understand how the block fits the leg, you need to ride for 10 minutes or at least stand, your knees should be slightly bent. It is worth remembering that over time, felt boots break in a little and take the shape of a leg.
Usually the first thing we pay attention to is the price. The average price for high-quality fitness videos today is on average six thousand or more, the year of release can also affect the price. Very often, and in my opinion quite justifiably, our students take a model, seba frx Excellent value for money, great for both quiet riding in the park and active around the city, with jumps and braking.
The diameter of the wheels affects the speed. Large diameter wheels develop more speed and support it better, but maneuverability is lost, it becomes more difficult to turn
When choosing children's skates, one should proceed from the convenience for the child in the first place, and from the level of the child's skating, for example: a child seeking to participate in competitions is unlikely to succeed in ordinary sliding rollers, which can be indispensable at the beginning of the journey for most, for they are more likely to fit more professional Seba Junior, by the way, the size in them is also regulated, but with the help of an insole. And the last advice, it’s better not to waste time, but immediately sign up with a professional instructor of the Rekil roller school. Rekil
Interview with Roman Gordin Head of the Rekil Roller School in St. Petersburg and Skate town Rollerdrome, President of the St. Petersburg Roller Sports Federation, multiple participant and winner of World and National level competitions.

The choice of videos becomes much easier when we understand what we want to do and in what direction we plan to move after gaining basic skills: just ride along the paths in the park or participate in long-distance roller skates, jump from high altitude twisting degrees or nicely circling cones, sliding on railings or driving at high speeds.

What are videos and what are they for?

1) Fitness videos

The most common and popular view rollers it is fitness skates.

A characteristic feature of fitness rollers is a soft boot, usually providing a greater degree of comfort and softness for the foot. Fitness rollers are good for recreation, riding along paths and alleys in parks and along embankments, but no more. Do not try to jump or perform complex balance tricks on fitness rollers: you risk not only damaging the rollers, but also injuring yourself, because such rollers are not designed for stress. The frame can be either composite (suppresses bumps on the road) or metal (better transfers force, bumps are felt better) wheel diameters are usually from 76 to 90 mm.

"Fitness" is for you if you have never tried skating and do not know for sure if this wonderful sport will draw you in. When choosing, you should pay attention to the company, the best manufacturers of fitness rollers, Rollerblade and K2, have recommended themselves. The boot should fit snugly on the leg, without pain, at first the leg may numb or rub a little, but this quickly passes after a short rolling)

Some companies make shoes a little narrower, others a little wider by the same size: for example, usually Rollerblade shoes are much narrower than K2, it’s better to try on several pairs and drive around the store for about ten minutes to make the right choice.

2) Freeskate rollers

Classic freeskating skates are recognizable by their hard, plastic boot, with a distinctive long tongue, puffy soft liner and metal frame, high hard plastic cuff and hockey-like lacing.

Freeskating skates are universal: they are great for fitness and simple city skating, many even skate on them, at the initial and intermediate levels, but their main and main purpose is freeskating, that is, active city skating with jumps, slides, sharp turns and braking, in short - free skating)) Such rollers are perfect for those who have already tried to ride on fitness or rolling rollers and want to progress, developing and mastering the endless expanses of roller sports further.

When choosing freeskate rollers, you need to remember that the boot tends to wear out a lot under serious loads, many free skaters take rollers a size smaller, so if the rollers are a little pressure, it’s even good, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The best freeskate rollers today are made by Seba, and models such as the Seba FR and Seba FRX are especially popular in the roller community, by the way, the second model has gained popularity due to its low price and high quality.

3) Aggressive rollers

Similar to freeskate, but a little more massive, heavier and wider. Designed for jumping, aggressive riding at skate parks, ramps and dedicated sports grounds, with sliding along the edges and railings. If you are not confident in your skills and do not dream of becoming an agEssive star, it is better to take care of your health and buy free skate skates.

The small wheel diameter and low frame provide good stability during landings and departures. The disadvantage of such rollers is a severe limitation in capabilities - heaviness and small wheels will not let you enjoy riding around the city, although there are no better rollers for a skate park)

4) Rollers for slalom

Slalom skates are more like skates for figure skating than freeskate boots, although they have a lot in common: hard cuffs, metal frames and a relatively high price, tight foot fixation (usually much stiffer than in freeskate boot soft liner). Rigid fixation allows you to perform balance tricks on one wheel, with high control, provides greater maneuverability and mobility of the foot.

Slalom skates are not worth jumping on, and generally actively skating around the city, although many athletes - free skaters slide on top slalom models. If the rollers rub or press on you - do not despair! this will soon pass when the boot is a little slipped under the foot, or the foot under the boot)

5) Rollers for speed skating

Almost complete analogue of boots designed for speed skating, long frames, large diameter wheels. If speed is your element, then go ahead))) For starters, you should try advanced fitness on large wheels with a long frame so as not to break firewood. Such videos really allow you to gain more speed, but you need experience and good technique to make full use of them.

6) Hockey rollers

At first glance, they are similar to slalom, but the setting of the wheels and the shape of the boot are slightly different. Rigid fixation, tight lacing, increased maneuverability and tightness around the foot, and most importantly, lightness - that's it. distinctive features hockey rollers.

Literally - hockey skates on a metal roller frame. When choosing videos, you should pay attention to the company and how comfortable you feel after 10 minutes spent in them. An important help in choosing videos is an experienced prompter, which can be played by the seller.

All sellers in Rollerclub and Skatetown stores pass special training and training, all have great experience roller skating and have knowledge of the intricacies of the manufacture of parts and their applications. many of them are well-known competitors.

If you don't want to overpay and value quality, buy videos from Rollerclub or Skatetown.

Tags: how to choose videos, which videos to choose, which videos to choose, how to choose good videos, which rollers are better to choose, professional roller skates, freeskate rollers, rollers for speed skating, fitness rollers, hockey rollers, rollers for slalom, aggressive rollers, buy roller skates, buy roller skates for children, buy sliding roller skates for children, roller skates shop, buy seba rollers, buy rollerblade rollers

It is quite easy if you follow the generally accepted rules for making purchases, namely, answer two questions: firstly, what exactly are the rollers for, and, secondly, to find exactly "Your" model of skates among all manufacturers that you like by all signs: quality, design, comfort, performance. Answering these two questions, we will divide our article into two parts, namely: how, where, and in what style you will ride and the second part - which model will best satisfy your wishes.

The article was written by a pro rider from the Rollerpower video store, so the slang present is a special style of the author. If you were riding at an advanced or at least an amateur level, you would probably bypass this article, but since you are reading it, it means that you still do not understand videos or buy as a gift, well, or something else: o) So, we will bypass professional terms and focus on the philistine approach.

Note! If your weight is more than 85-90 kg, then the only option for you is roller skates with a plastic boot, complete with a milled metal frame. Remember that even the strongest models of fitness rollers can withstand up to 85 kg of dynamic load, and will quickly become unusable if your weight is greater.

How to choose children's roller skates

It is difficult to find such a child who at least once would not want to ride on roller skates. Roller skating is not only a lot of fun, but also a great physical training, which teaches you to keep balance, developing the vestibular apparatus, and also maintains overall tone. Many parents start teaching their kids to roller skate as early as 3 years old. Children play tag with pleasure, and begin to master the first trick elements. You can also go rollerblading with the whole family. However, when a child is just taking the “first steps” in roller skating, falls cannot be avoided. It is important to protect the child as much as possible, so children's videos must certainly have the following characteristics:

1. Safe fixation of the foot

When choosing children's skates, it is important to remember that the foot and ankle need support and protection while skating. We advise you to choose inline skates from trusted manufacturers who carry out numerous tests before offering skates to consumers. The safety of fixation is achieved with the help of a rigid cuff of the correct anatomical shape, and also depends on the fastening system: for example, laces, heel strap, buckle. It is better to choose children's rollers that are equipped with several fixation elements: for example, the load during skating is distributed more evenly, and the fixation is more reliable.

2. Comfort fit

Comfort is one of the most important characteristics of children's roller skates. If the child is uncomfortable, then there can be no question of any love for roller skates. The child, most likely, will be capricious, and you run the risk of completely discouraging the child from the desire to ride. Therefore, when choosing videos, be sure to ask the child if he is comfortable. If it is not possible to try on skates, then choose models that adapt to the child’s foot, for example, with Memory Form technology: after a few rides, the liner will imprint the shape of the leg and sit as comfortably as possible.

3. Convenient and reliable fastening mechanism

So that the child can quickly put on and take off roller skates, pay attention to the system of fastening the roller: laces, heel strap, buckle and boa, in some models - the most common options. Make sure that all the details are strong enough, and that they fasten and unfasten without effort: so that the child can cope with the mechanism on his own.

4. Multiple extension system

In order not to buy roller skates for a growing child every year, take a closer look at retractable roller skates. Despite the fact that most children's roller skates are sliding, there are only a few truly reliable ones. The best sliding systems are made on a metal basis. Rollerblade children's skates are equipped with this system.

5. Right material

Roller skates will not be comfortable if they are made from the “wrong” material. The boot of a children's roller should maintain the optimum temperature in both cold and hot weather. This is possible thanks to a special membrane fabric, for example with Thinsulate or Bio Dynamic technology. Membrane fabric not only has the ability to thermoregulate, but also removes moisture from the boot.
If you stick to these 5 simple tips, then be sure to buy your child videos that are pleasant to ride.

How to choose videos for adults

If, when choosing children's videos, it is enough to adhere to several basic principles, which are mentioned above, then the choice of adult videos is not so simple. This is because among adult rollers there is a clearer division into skating styles. And the characteristics of roller skates depend on the style of skating. In this article, we will consider only the basic selection rules, without going into details. If you have already decided on the style of riding, then read about the features of the choice in the article corresponding to the style.
If you approach the issue as simply as possible, then you can conditionally divide all roller skates for adults into two categories: roller skates for skating in specialized places on a flat surface (rollerdromes, bike paths) and roller skates for skating in an urban environment.

Most often, for such skating, videos are chosen from fitness models or amateur rollers for skating in the speed skate style. If you're going to be riding in specialized areas, riding at a steady pace or maintaining the intense speed needed for cardio training, then fitness rollers are what you need. The main characteristic of this variety is comfort. As a rule, their boot is soft, follows the shape of the foot and has a uniform comfortable support. Such characteristics allow you to ride for a long time without discomfort, if the model is chosen correctly. In addition, the soft wheels of the fitness rollers have good grip on the road surface and also absorb vibrations, ensuring a smooth ride.

By the way, about coasting: amateur speedskate models are designed in such a way that with minimal effort (fewer pushes are required), they accelerate faster and hold coasting longer. However, fitness models are not suitable for riding in an unprepared urban environment: the leg is not protected enough, fitness wheels quickly become unusable. What rollers are needed for unhindered skiing around the city?
When riding in unsuitable areas, the foot must be better protected and the wheels must be more wear resistant so that the service life is longer. To summarize all of the above:

For the park

  • Low boot position to the pavement for greater stability (low balance)
  • Clasp: buckle, heel strap and lacing for security and easier customization
  • Rollers with a molded liner, i.e. the boot takes the shape of the foot for more comfort when riding
  • Composite frame (not plastic) for beginners - it absorbs vibrations more, or metal for an advanced level - for better rolling

For the city

  • Rollers with increased fixation, shorter frame and shock absorber in the heel. These three differences from fitness rollers make urban rollers more maneuverable. Such rollers allow you to brake sharper, turn and jump onto the curb. After all, while riding in the park, you do not meet unexpectedly appeared cars, sidewalks, bad asphalt, which means that you do not need such parameters.
  • For riding around the city, it is recommended to buy skates with a hard boot (the outer boot is plastic), in addition to all the advantages described above, it has an even longer service life and greater impact protection. Considering all this, it is possible to single out rollers for skating around the city in a separate category, namely, freeskate rollers.
  • They feature a milled frame and advanced bearings (like the SG series)
  • plastic boot
  • Shock absorber under the heel to absorb vibration and shock when driving off curbs
  • Instead of a heel strap - a heel buckle with pumping, because a plastic boot cannot be tightened with a strap!

For starters, you should look at a rollerblade store where rollerblades work, that is, those who rollerblade themselves - only they can choose the right rollers for you, unlike sellers in chain stores who only select the size.

Roller skates must be tried on, even if you have already ridden a similar model and want to purchase the same one from the new collection - it is not a fact that it will fit the same way!

It is worth measuring the rollers on a thin toe, since when molding the boot (shrinkage on the leg), the boot spreads.

When trying on, it is important to choose the size in the correct stance: fully dressed and fastening the rollers, sit down so that the knee is tilted over the front wheel. It is in this position that you can already judge the size, and in the sitting position, the same rollers that were comfortable for you in this position will seem small.

You can not take rollers for growth of more than 1 cm, the boot will be worn incorrectly and will constantly rub. The service life of the liner in this case is also small. 1 cm in front is also not the best option, but it can be removed by placing the insole between the liner and the outer boot, and then the insole can be removed as needed.

You need to wear shoes on a straight leg so that only touches the floor rear wheel. Thus, you will drive the heel into the back of the boot, and this is the only way to properly fix the foot.

In order to choose the right block, it is worth trying on rollers of different brands and models. For example, Rollerblade and K2 rollers. Italians and Americans have completely different pads.


All the nuances of choosing videos cannot be written on 15 pages, and even more so for children's videos: every year the technique for choosing videos changes, as well as the technologies that are used in their production.
In order not to bother and waste time reading such articles, the Rollerpower roller skate store was opened in Sokolniki, where avid roller skaters work. They will help you choose the right rollers and skates. 80% of customers become our regular customers and friends: such statistics say a lot. So, we are waiting for you in our store!

So you've decided to learn how to rollerblade. And before you reasonably there is a question of a choice of model of rollers. In this article, we will try to figure out what criteria are important when buying roller skates, what questions you will have to find answers to before going to the store and, finally, what should be your first skates.
So, let's begin.

Part 1. Preparing for a trip to the store.

1. Foot size
The first thing the seller will ask when you come to choose rollers is the size of the foot. Therefore, if you want to speed up the selection process somewhat, you should already find the answer to this simple question at home. You can go one of 2 ways:
- remember what size shoes you usually wear
- Accurately measure the size of the foot in centimeters.
For the last option, you just need to take a regular sheet of paper that fits the entire foot, stand on it and put two marks: at the end thumb and on the heel. And then just measure this distance, which is the size of your foot in centimeters.

2. Your wishes for videos
I think it is obvious that all people differ from each other in character and temperament. And that is why someone is going to calmly ride in the park with a loved one or put on headphones, enjoy the feeling of speed to their favorite music, and someone knows that having mastered the basic skills of skating, they can’t resist and try to jump and ride down stairs. This information is just as important for the seller. After all, you need to choose from the whole variety of models offered the model of rollers that is right for your style of skating.

3. Socks
Which socks are suitable for skiing: firstly, it is worth abandoning nylon, thin cotton and woolen socks. The fact is that, unfortunately, there is not a single model of roller skates that has good boot ventilation. This means that first the leg, and then the socks inside the roller will become wet. In socks made of nylon, wool, and especially cotton, you will immediately have a feeling of "squishing" and slipping. It won't add positive emotions to skiing, and besides, after a while, it can lead to chafing of the leg.

Special "roller" socks are ideal.
They fix the leg well, tightly fitting it, taking into account the anatomy (which is why some models of socks differ in “right” and “left”). These socks do not feel as uneven inside the boot, and importantly, they are equipped with inserts of more durable material, located in such a way as to reduce the risk of damage to the foot.

However, their most valuable property is keeping your foot dry, since the sock material does not absorb moisture, but brings it out into the boot. Thanks to this, even after a long ride you will not leave the feeling of comfort in your legs. But, as you know, you have to pay for all the pleasure. In this case, about $10-15.

However, if you are limited in finances or simply not ready to give such an amount of money for socks, then ordinary terry ones are also suitable for skiing. Oh yeah, and don't forget to bring one pair of socks to try on.

Part 2. Introduction to videos.

So, you are ready to buy roller skates and come to the store. The sheer variety of models on offer can be a little confusing at first. What is the difference between different models and why do some cost 3500 and others 6700 rubles?

Here are the main characteristics of roller skates that affect the price, speed and style of skating in general:

1. Year of issue models. As a rule, commercials from past seasons are sold at a discount, which is why they are cheaper than similar models released this season.

2. The part of the rollers to which the wheels are attached is frame. It can be composite (or, more simply, plastic) and aluminum. Rollers with an aluminum frame are more expensive. It is characterized by greater rigidity compared to the composite, due to which the push force is better transmitted. This allows you to accelerate faster and maintain speed. The composite frame, in turn, does not transmit vibration from asphalt bumps when riding and is slightly heavier than aluminum.

It is widely believed that the plastic frame is less strong, and therefore less durable, so you should only choose rollers with an aluminum frame. This is not always the case! The composite frame holds up well to a medium-weight skater that rides calmly without jumping or climbing stairs. Aluminum should be chosen if you have big weight, well, or if you don’t like the park, but you want to jump from the steps and high curbs.

3. wheels. Surely you saw on them the inscription 80mm / 82A or 78mm / 80A, etc. The first number indicates the diameter of the wheel in millimeters, the second - the stiffness in conventional units A.

What is the diameter of the wheels? Wheels with a larger diameter develop more speed and support it better. At the same time, maneuverability is lost: for example, it is more difficult to turn. But the unevenness of the asphalt will be felt less on such wheels. The average diameter, which is usually set on fitness rollers, is 76-80 mm.

What affects wheel stiffness? The greater the stiffness, the better the wheel rolls on the surface (because there is less grip of the wheel on the asphalt), and the better the vibration is transmitted when riding on uneven surfaces. But harder wheels wear out more slowly than soft ones. The average hardness of wheels on rollers for a beginner roller skater is 78-82A. Well, the larger the diameter and stiffness of the wheel, the higher the price for them.

4. Bearings. They are hidden from the eyes of the roller in the wheel, a pair in each. Bearings affect how easily and smoothly the rollers roll, as well as slightly on the speed of skating. Their main manufacturers are TwinCam, SKF, BSB, Black Hole, Powerslide, Nautilus.

If you carefully look at what is written on it, you will see the following: ABEC 5 or ABEC 7, or maybe ILQ 7 or ILQ 9. What are these letters and numbers and what do they mean?
ABEC and ILQ are the 2 main engineering standards for the manufacture of bearings. And the numbers 3,5,7,9 mean the accuracy of polishing bearing parts. The larger the number, the less friction in the bearing and the easier and smoother the wheel spins. Usually ABEC 5 or ABEC 7 and ILQ7 or ILQ 9 are put in the wheels.

5. Lacing presented in two versions: the so-called "fast" and regular (classic laces). The first option allows you to lace up the rollers, just pulling on the ends of the laces. It saves a few seconds from riding, and does not pose a danger to women's manicure. This is definitely a plus. However, there is a downside: the quick lacing tightens evenly across the entire instep of the foot. While conventional laces allow you to lace up, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of your legs, tightening the rollers somewhere tighter, somewhere weaker.

6. Design. Some manufacturers offer customers so-called designer models. Such rollers are brighter, in different colors, sometimes with patterns on the boot. This appearance certainly attracts novice skaters and often becomes the determining factor in choosing rollers. However, it is worth remembering that no matter how beautiful they are, only the convenience of the boot determines the comfort of your skiing.

7. And finally, you need to figure out which companies produce videos and is there one that represents best models. There are several leading manufacturers of roller skates. The main famous brands are K2, Rollerblade, Fila and Salomon. From professional videos, attention should be paid to Seba. Unfortunately, since 2007, Salomon has stopped producing roller skates and only produces winter skates. sport equipment. However, from time to time, remnants from the collections of past years appear on the shelves of sports stores. And there is an opportunity not only to buy these roller skates, but also to please yourself with a discount.

All good! You just have to choose! During the development of rollersport in Russia, each of these firms has earned the love of rollersports. Unfortunately, often a skater recognizes as the best only the company in whose rollers it is convenient for him to ride. In a word, we often hear the phrase “Please, let us try on only K2 / Salomon / Rollerblade skates. A friend told me that he has such, he has been riding in them for 5 years and they are the best. And other companies, in his opinion, make low-quality videos because they rubbed their legs.

Do not forget that not only the character, but also the legs of each person are unique. This means that there is no model of roller skates that would suit absolutely everyone. All of the above manufacturers produce products of good, approximately the same quality, competing with each other. And despite the fact that every season in the structure of the boot, during appearance rollers, innovations appear, what remains unchanged is that all rollers differ from each other by a block.

Below we will try to figure out what the features of the products of each of the companies are. K2 was the first company to release commercials based on softboot technology. Their boots were soft but snug around the foot of a roller skater. sports shoes. It was a revolution in the production of roller skates. The block of these rollers is rather narrow, but due to the softness of the boot, this does not cause discomfort. However, rollerbladers with a wide foot are rarely suitable for such models. K2 released several very successful models in its time and in subsequent seasons did not make any cardinal changes, but delighted buyers only with such pleasant innovations as fast lacing, design, models that allow you to master speed skating at an initial level (with big wheels) and much more.

Rollerblade rollers have a wider last and are slightly stiffer. But rigidity is not a disadvantage, because the better the boot fixes the foot, the more comfortable the ride. Their frame is slightly higher than that of the K2 rollers, and some models are also shorter, which allows you to master them. First level slalom. On rollers from other manufacturers, this is somewhat more difficult.

Salomon is known for good quality skate models, mostly with the widest block and soft boot.

Fila started releasing fitness roller skates relatively recently. And it is better known as a manufacturer of roller skates for speed skating.
It is difficult to say something about the features of the shoe: it is not narrow and not wide, the boot is not too soft and not too hard. However, these are the most affordable roller skates on the market. this moment. It remains only to choose a comfortable block

Part 3. Fitting

So, we briefly got acquainted with the presented range and begin to measure the models carefully proposed by the consultant.

About sizes: just want to clarify the issue with the size. Often the size written on the box of the rollers you have chosen does not match what you named before trying on. The fact is that each manufacturer has its own range of sizes and they can differ from each other. Do not worry: the consultant knows what size the written number actually corresponds to.

A little more about the sizes (very important!): And now I would like to say, perhaps the most important thing that a beginner who decides to get on roller skates should know! Roller skates must fit you! Because a soft boot tends to break in at least half a size during active skiing! And if the rollers are large, then the chances of rubbing your legs grow, and there will be much less pleasure from skating.

An indicator that the rollers fit you in size is the feeling of touch (namely touch!) of the toes of the front wall of the boot inside the roller. If
there is free space in front of the fingers or, on the contrary, the rollers are tight, it is better to try to measure other sizes.

We put on the rollers: So, you put on the roller. I want to make a reservation right away that it is better to measure different models on the right and left legs. So you will better understand which one is more comfortable, after which you can take off the less comfortable one and put on the next one for trying on and comparing.

The lacing of the roller consists of 3, and sometimes 2 stages:

1. Laces. It is better to start with them, and the foot must be put on the heel. Lacing the roller is tight, but not tightening too much.

2. Heel strap. Next, we tighten the heel strap (usually it is presented in the form of Velcro), not forgetting that the leg is still in the same position “on the heel”. Believe me, this part of the lacing of a roller skate is by no means for beauty, as many beginner skaters think. The heel strap performs one of the most important functions - it fixes the heel, which should be given a lot of attention for two reasons:

Firstly, just one unsuccessful movement can lead to a sprain, including the calcaneal tendon. Such injuries are very painful, heal poorly and make themselves felt throughout life.

Secondly, the better the heel is fixed in the roller, the less the foot “walks” in it, which means the more precisely you will control the movement.

To check how tightly the heel sits in the roller, it is necessary in a standing position to effortlessly lift one foot to the toe and try to determine how much the heel comes off the inside of the boot. In fitness rollers, it is usually difficult to prevent this from happening at all, but movement of the heel is allowed within 0.5 centimeters.

3. Buckle. As a rule, it is fastened last. All you need to do is slide the plastic strap through the retainer until the roller cuff fits snugly around your leg, then snap the clip on.
It is also customary to tuck the ends of the laces under the buckle so that they do not come untied while riding.

Most likely, at this stage of the fitting, you will have a question about how tightly you need to tighten the laces, heel strap and buckle in order to lace up perfectly. In this case, it is worth remembering only that the roller should tightly wrap around the leg. For the first time, try lacing the way you usually lace your shoes. After standing or rolling in rollers for 10-15 minutes, you will easily understand whether it is worth tightening it tighter or, on the contrary, it is worth loosening the lacing.

After you have laced up the rollers that have come up in size, you need to get up (to do this, move your legs as close to the bench as possible, “heels together-toes apart” and when lifting, move the body forward a little) and stay in them for a while, gently rolling around the store or just shifting from foot to foot in place. It is also helpful to tilt the foot a little to the side to check if the boot is pressing on the knuckles.

Be sure to spend at least 15 minutes (and preferably longer) standing in the videos. Sitting down is almost impossible to determine whether the model really suits you.

Rack: Pay attention to correct stance: the knees should always be strongly or very strongly bent, the body is slightly inclined forward.

Why is it more convenient that way? Yes, because this is the most stable position: on bent, springy knees, you control body movements better, you are just closer to the ground, which alleviates fear and discomfort from the first steps on the rollers. In short, bent knees act as "shock absorbers", helping to overcome severe road irregularities and significantly reducing the risk of falling.

And one more thing: try to stand on straight legs. Do you feel how the rollers that fit when you were sitting on the bench suddenly began to put pressure on your fingers? In this position, the foot in the boot is slightly shifted forward, the heel does not touch the end of the boot, and the fingers, on the contrary, began to rest. This is another reason to always bend your knees.

If you step on roller skates for the first time in your life in a store, at first, out of habit, your leg may numb a little. This will manifest itself in pain in the arch of the foot. Remove the skates, give your feet a little rest, and then put them on and ride them some more. If discomfort reappears, then either you laced the boot too tightly, or this model simply does not suit you.

So, if you spent some time in commercials in the store, and the feeling of discomfort in your legs did not appear, then this is your model. Congratulations on your purchase!

But I will give you one last important piece of advice: when you get home, do not rush to go skating in your new videos on the street. Ride them around the apartment for an hour or more. It is better not to sit, namely to move, not forgetting about bent knees. So you can once again make sure that the rollers are finally suitable for you, without spoiling their presentation.
If this time your feet are comfortable, you can safely go for a ride on the street.

And don't forget protection!

power slide

The novelty of the roller-skate world is super rollers on large wheels, high-speed, professional, with special bearings. It is better to ride such rollers on special tracks and in stadiums, in defense. Professional speed skating, competitions are held.

Produced by different manufacturers, there are differences in the boot, and in the frame-mount, and in the wheels, bearings.

The diameter of the wheels in such rollers is usually 10 or 11 cm.

Wheels can be: PU 88A - elastic material resistant to abrasion. And also 85a - ultra speed.

Competitions in speed run on rollerskates.

Holder options: 7000 Aluminum body and solid chassis, light weight, high strength. Carbon steel. 7075 aluminum alloy frame.

Ball bearings: special racing ILQ-9, Swiss speed BSB-9, as well as 608 ABEC-9, and others.

Safe and convenient removal of rollers.

The upper material of the boot is non-woven high-strength materials.

Examples of high-speed rollers on large wheels are in the photo below.