Top blood pressure bracelets. How to choose a fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and a smart alarm clock

An increase in blood pressure can be due to a variety of reasons, including the age of a person, the characteristics of his lifestyle and the specifics of work, the psychological atmosphere in the family and at work, the level of physical activity. And these are only external factors, and list all the pathologies that increase the risk of developing hypertension internal organs, genetic disorders, complications of existing chronic diseases can be very long.

To detect the disease, regular pressure measurement is necessary, which is a rather complicated procedure for the elderly, and even more so for lonely people. In medical institutions, a mechanical tonometer is used for these purposes, which has its pros and cons. The advantages of the device, of course, include its accuracy: if the procedure is carried out correctly, results are obtained that are as close as possible to the true ones.

But even an experienced person is unlikely to be able to use a mechanical tonometer, and for most patients, its use requires special training. It greatly simplifies the task when you just need to put a cuff on your arm and press the button. But at the same time, it is also impossible to get accurate results if certain rules are not followed.

However, scientific and technological progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and every year new medical devices and devices appear on the market, with the help of which quite complex procedures can be performed by any person, and they do not bring the usual painful sensations. These devices include watches that measure blood pressure and pulse.

Modern electronic devices for monitoring vital signs

Today, the world's leading companies are developing and improving portable devices that allow an untrained person in any situation to determine the values ​​of such vital indicators as blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen concentration in the blood, and many others. The use of such devices saves the patient from the need for constant visits to the clinic, giving him the opportunity to do some procedures himself without leaving home. The devices are very easy to use, perform many functions and are offered at a very affordable price.

Some smart bracelets will not only give you the opportunity to control the level of blood pressure. With these electronic gadgets you can find out the frequency of respiration and pulse, determine the body temperature and the content of cholesterol in the blood.

Blood Pressure Wristband Satisfies People's Demands different ages. Among the youth, devoting a lot of time physical training, the device is popular as a means of constantly monitoring pressure and the body's response to stress. For hypertensive patients with experience, a smart bracelet is indispensable, since it is necessary to measure blood pressure twice a day, and the ability to do this on your own and without any problems, you see, is very attractive.

Blood pressure bracelets: what are they?

Outwardly, this device is no different from ordinary watches and looks great on the hand. It is attached to the wrist with a soft strap made of a proven non-toxic and hypoallergenic material. There are various models of the device, differing not only technical specifications, but also in design and color, so you can choose a bracelet that will match your favorite clothes.

Some smartwatches do not need to be connected to a smartphone or the mains, they run on batteries or rechargeable batteries at night. Even a person who is far from electronics and other equipment can learn how to use the device, it can be worn on the arm all the time or put on only when necessary to measure blood pressure.

As you know, conventional automatic and semi-automatic electronic blood pressure monitors can give quite distorted results, while a bracelet that measures pressure and pulse is much more accurate. Information about blood pressure readings obtained throughout the day is automatically transferred to a special application on a smartphone, and can be sent to a doctor to assess daily fluctuations in the parameter.

To measure blood pressure, it is not necessary to sit still in a state of complete rest, so you can use devices in gym or while running. The developers have provided everything so that hand movements, sweaty skin or dust do not interfere with obtaining accurate results. And the light weight, small size and tight strap guarantee that the bracelet will not even be felt.

A smart bracelet will help a person remember to measure blood pressure or take the right medication. Being synchronized with a computer or smartphone, he will transfer the obtained indicators to it, compile a report and be able to send it to the doctor, give a signal when the values ​​approach critical.

How to choose a smart bracelet

The first thing to consider when choosing a bracelet is the warranty period and the country where the device is made. The warranty for a quality gadget should be at least five years, and the best devices are made in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Chinese smart bracelets are not recommended for purchase: although they are cheaper, they rarely meet the technical requirements.

In principle, the price of the device depends on the power of its battery and the number of applications, but all of them are synchronized with mobile phones based on Android or IOS, show the date, time, have Bluetooth. You do not need to check the readings on the bracelet all the time, since it is equipped with an alert system that will automatically report abnormal blood pressure readings.

The display of the bracelet is not damaged by sunlight and water, it is protected from shock, so the device will not fail even if it is dropped. The device can be controlled using a sensor or buttons. The memory is designed for an average of two hundred measurements, from which a report is compiled in the application. Some smart bracelets are equipped with such a powerful battery that they can work without recharging for about a week.

For those who care about their health and physical form, resets overweight or simply keeps the body in good shape, the fitness tracker is an indispensable tool. The display of this device shows the number of calories burned, steps taken, heart rate, the device shows the activity and quality of sleep. We decided to introduce you to the most popular and "smart" fitness trackers.

Herzband elegance is a smart watch with many options, including a tonometer. They measure blood pressure, pulse, count calories, determine the distance traveled and the number of steps taken. Monitor activity and sleep. Synchronized via Bluetooth with Android 4.4+ and iOS 8.0+.

.wme2 - the latest device of a new generation. Determines the pulse, pressure, calories, respiratory rate, activity, shows the distance, the number of steps and other parameters. Excellent as a fitness tracker, greatly increasing the effectiveness of training.

SC11- shows the frequency of myocardial contractions, has a built-in sensor heart rate and a pedometer, performs dynamic and static pressure measurement.

V07 - determines the heart rate, blood pressure (moreover, if an arrhythmia occurs or the pressure indicators deviate from the norm, the device starts to vibrate), indicates the number of steps taken, the distance traveled, the number of calories burned and other parameters.

Withings pulse02 (orpulse OX) - Shows the distance walked or run, the number of steps taken and calories burned. Determines the heart rate, pulse, oxygen content in the blood. Analyzes the duration and phases of sleep.

Blood pressure (BP) - the degree of pressure of blood on the vessels as a result of heart contractions. It is measured by two indicators - systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The normative level is 120 mm Hg. Art. at 80 mm Hg. Art. Deviation up or down leads to a deterioration in well-being. In modern society, problems with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure) occur, according to statistics, in every tenth inhabitant of the planet. The disease progresses every year. Blood pressure monitors are used to measure blood pressure. The device is not always at hand. How to solve the problem with determining the value of blood pressure, if it is not possible to use the device. A unique solution is fitness bracelets.

Smart bracelets with pressure measurement, definition

Hypertension involves the need to measure blood pressure two to five times a day. To determine the time of use of drugs, it is necessary to control the value of blood pressure.

A modern gadget called a fitness bracelet is very popular among athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

A great helper is a fitness device. It is a device that:

  • pulse;
  • pressure;
  • calories
  • distance traveled in steps and meters.

The device is a device in the form of a bracelet that is worn on the arm. Consists of high quality materials. It has built-in Bluetooth, which allows you to synchronize data with your smartphone. The display shows data on the state of the body in the active period and in the sleep phase. Manufacturers produce waterproof fitness equipment designed for use in the pool. The device helps patients with blood pressure disorders or pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The module, consisting of two poles, measures the pulses. Upper and lower blood pressure values ​​are derived from measurements in two parts of the body. The device is indispensable for patients suffering from arterial hypertension.

Fitness bracelet that measures pressure - advantages and disadvantages

Smart bracelets have a number of advantages:

  • to measure blood pressure, there is no need to occupy a certain position;
  • no effort required to use;
  • made of high quality materials with a hypoallergenic composition;

A bracelet with a built-in tonometer allows you to measure blood pressure anytime, anywhere

  • have a different color and design;
  • are charged from a network, work at the accumulator or batteries;
  • readings are displayed on the screen, it is easy to understand for older users;
  • can be used intermittently;
  • allows the correct distribution of physical activity;
  • manufacturers produce the lineup showing cholesterol in the blood;
  • external factors do not affect performance;
  • display readings on the screen with an accuracy of up to 97%.

The device is convenient to use, useful in the treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies.

Blood pressure bracelets have a number of disadvantages:

  • each manufacturer releases its own application;
  • not all devices have sound alerts;
  • fitness bracelets increase the number of steps (sometimes takes sweeping gestures for a step);
  • expensive device;
  • Not all appliances are waterproof.

But positive aspects when buying a fitness device more than negative. Recommended for patients with abnormal heart rhythm or normal blood pressure.

The variety of colors and designs allows you to choose a stylish bracelet for every taste, which attracts the attention of buyers.

A bracelet that measures pressure, heartbeat and pulse - how to use

Fitness device in the form of a small, convenient. Worn on the wrist. Designed for all categories of the population from athletes to the elderly. Of course, it does not show the cardiogram on the screen, but it allows you to see the frequency of heart beats. Fitness device medical device. Shows the value of blood pressure. During production, such devices must undergo a large number of tests, as a rule, they are certified. The main condition is that it is recommended to purchase from an official manufacturer. It has a huge number of low-quality fakes. The operation of the device is carried out due to the sensor and special software. Synchronized with smartphone, personal computer. Data on the pulse, calories, pressure value are displayed on the screen. Reports changes in indicators with the help of sound or vibration.

Some models allow you to determine the quality of sleep, the level of fatigue. Assess daily physical activity. They help to eat right, stick to a diet due to the calorie indicator. In a state of continuous operation is up to three days without additional recharging.

Fitness bracelet pressure - varieties of devices

The price varies depending on the manufacturer. Fitness devices have differences among themselves:

  • design;
  • the quality of the material used for manufacturing;
  • additional functions;

Fitness bracelets have wide functionality

  • availability of software;
  • water resistance;
  • the presence of Bluetooth;
  • the presence of a tonometer.

Before choosing a device, remember, pay attention to the official manufacturers. Their product is certified.

Fans of jogging accompanied by sound will like the ability to control the player on their mobile device using a bracelet

  1. Fitness device with Herzband Active blood pressure monitor. Shows time, day of the week, heart rate, pressure indicator, number of steps taken, calories, notifies smartphone calls. The software is updated automatically. It has the function of searching for a phone, automatically turning off favorite functions to save battery. In appearance it is a black belt with a screen. Has a charger included.
  2. Sony Smart Band. The advantage is water resistance. Has standard features. The battery lasts for five days. Synchronized with smartphone.
  3. Fitness tracker - pressure measurement - Garmin Vivofit. Distinctive feature- does not have a charger, on batteries. Of the main functions - a timer, a sleep phase sensor, a tonometer, displays incoming letters, messages.
  4. Fitness bracelet with pressure measurement tonometr Eastor CK 11. Works on the basis of the Android platform. It is based on the main functions - measuring steps, sleep, pressure, heart rate. Sometimes there are failures, the data is displayed incorrectly. Advantage - rich functionality, low price.

How to choose the right smart bracelets for measuring blood pressure

Before purchasing a device, determine for what purpose you need a bracelet. To measure pressure, there should be a tonometer, and to adjust nutrition - a measurement of calories. Read the information provided on the manufacturer's website. Pay attention to the quality certificate. For pool activities, it is recommended to choose a waterproof bracelet. The device must determine the set indicators with an accuracy of 98%. If you lead an active lifestyle, pay attention to battery power.

The main criteria for choosing a bracelet with a tonometer:

  • the presence of synchronization with a PC or smartphone (optional);
  • sensor for measuring the level of blood pressure;
  • convenient display;
  • exact data;
  • calorie counting to keep track of your diet;
  • reminder function to perform certain actions;
  • reflection on the screen of auxiliary factors affecting blood pressure;
  • sound notification when blood pressure deviates from the norm.

How do fitness bracelets measure blood pressure? The accuracy of the readings depends on the model and manufacturer. The measurement time is 30 seconds. The indicator can vary within seven divisions.

The device is an indispensable thing, especially for patients suffering from hypertension. At any time you are aware of your pressure.

The market has long been asking for smart watches with a tonometer, but manufacturers are in no hurry to send them into mass production. There are only a few good models that could measure arterial pressure. In this review, we will analyze the most popular blood pressure watches available for purchase in 2019. Looking ahead, we can say that there are very few watch models in the classical form, and there are even fewer of those that would measure pressure with extreme accuracy, therefore, to complete the picture, we recommend paying attention to fitness bracelets with a tonometer, some of which we recommend using.

Herzband Elegance 2 - a classic in fashion

The manufacturer decided to remove the popular Herzband Elegance from the assembly line and offer the market an improved model. Herzband Elegance 2 is very similar to its predecessor, the same classic with a round display and a leather strap. But this is only at first glance.

The first difference that we can observe is the absence of a button on the side, now the screen has become touch-sensitive, or rather, a touch button has appeared on it, with the help of which all control is carried out. For better or worse, it’s hard to judge, for an amateur, but in our opinion the button still gave a little classic to watches, now they are more modern and immediately associated with “smart” gadgets.

The second difference concerns the display itself, it has become colored, which made it possible to increase the readability of the sun data by an order of magnitude, still far from ideal, but already acceptable.

The third difference, imperceptibly to others, but noticeably perceptibly noticeable to the owner of the gadget, the battery capacity has increased from 100 mAh to 170mAh, coupled with an energy-efficient display, it was possible to extend the autonomous life of the watch up to 10-12 days, which is 2-3 times higher than the readings of its predecessor.

Other differences. In addition to the main three differences, there are a few more points worth dwelling on. First, the function of measuring oxygen in the blood has been added, the principle of operation of such devices can be read. Secondly, a mini-game has been added, a very primitive one, but it will help to pass 5 minutes of time. The third difference can be called a fly in the ointment in the overall range of improvements to the device, the price remained the same and we had to save money for this. Unfortunately, now the watch cannot boast of Gorilla Glass, there is an ordinary knee glass, which, by the way, still protects the watch quite well, but without a loud brand. The innovations of the model can also include new colors, so in addition to the classic black and silver, blue was added, which looks very nice.

Of chagrin, the principle of measuring pressure remained the same, which sometimes leads to errors in the readings.
In general, the device turned out to be solid, retaining almost all positive properties the first generation, while some points have been noticeably improved.

Price Herzband Elegance 2 on average $55

Advantages: design, build quality, color display, energy-intensive battery

Flaws: errors in blood pressure measurement

Asus Vivowatch BP

Asus Vivowatch BP- New for 2019. This is, in fact, the first watch with a tonometer created by an eminent brand that was actually put on sale not in words, but in deeds. Our editors have already received the first sample of this device and the first tests show good pressure measurement results, but more on that later.

Watch design turned out to be very controversial, not like any other analogues and you can’t confuse them with anything. The elongated horizontal shape with a bright metal circle creates a very unusual feeling. The design seems to tell us that this is not just another smart watch, but a medical device capable of measuring pressure very accurately. By the way, it is still not a medical device and it is impossible to focus on these readings with 100% accuracy, so you don’t have to throw out the usual cuff tonometer.

Now oh gadget functions, although main function is to measure blood pressure and pulse. The watch provides classic fitness tracker features as it allows you to track:

  • sleep quality (based on heart rate data);
  • calculation of the distance traveled (based on GPS data and the number of steps);
  • determining the level of stress;
  • calories burned.

In addition to activity tracking, the watch notifies you of incoming calls and gives personalized recommendations to normalize blood pressure. An interesting feature is an aerobic heart rate indicator that allows you to evaluate how successfully aerobic exercises are performed.

To all other advantages of the device, you can attributed 28 days of continuous work on a single charge!

It is too early to talk about accuracy, but the first tests show a very small discrepancy from reality, just a couple of points, but there are still few reviews on the network for this watch, if you are the owner of the device, please write your feedback on the operation of this watch.

Price: starts from 200$

Advantage: long battery life, accurate heart rate data.

Flaws: controversial design, high price.

Watch Eastor CK11

The Eastor CK11 watch has a slightly futuristic design with a display rounded to look like a brush, the strap is made of silicone, but with all this, the watch looks quite elegant, although it falls short of Herzband Elegance in this respect. It turned out something between a fitness bracelet and a classic watch.

According to the declared functions, they are identical to Herzband Elegance and are able to measure heart rate, sleep duration, steps, etc. The pulse is measured very accurately, but there are problems with the data on the duration of sleep, they do not always show correctly. Pressure is determined noticeably worse from Herzband, but at the same time, a tendency to increase or decrease pressure can be determined. They compensate for the shortcomings in design and functionality with their low price, which is noticeably lower.

Protected according to the same IP67 standard. Data on the protective glass was not found, so it is better to be careful in handling them.

Working hours 4-7 days

Price starts from 30$

Advantages: rich functionality, low price

Flaws: strong errors in measuring pressure and sleep duration

The iNew H-One watch has a classic conventional dial design. From a distance it will be very difficult to determine that you have a smart watch and not just smart, but also capable of measuring a number of physiological indicators of the body, among which the pressure measurement function stands out clearly.

The case is made of 304 stainless steel, the strap is made of artificial leather. Safety glass data not found.

Charging takes place through a specialized docking station. The large and bright display makes itself felt, so the maximum battery life will not exceed 3 days.

The functions of the watch are identical to their counterparts, which were described above. Watch iNew H-One can measure the pulse, count steps, sleep, physical activity. With regards to the most interesting function of measuring pressure, unfortunately the watch has not yet fallen into our hands and we have not found any reviews on this gadget. Therefore, from this side you will have to buy a pig in a poke.
The watch is protected according to the IP65 standard, which means it is dustproof and protected from direct water jets, in fact, you can wash your hands with it and walk in the rain.

Working hours 2-3 days

Price starts from 100$

Casio BP-100 tonometer watch

The Casio BP-100 tonometer watch comes from the early 90s. This was probably one of the very first attempts to make a wrist gadget that could measure pressure. On the front side of the watch are sensors where you need to put your fingers so that the device can give readings about heart rate and pressure.

This is what their box looks like:

And here you can take a closer look at them:

As a result of measuring the pulse and pressure, you can see the following data:

On this moment watches are no longer made by the manufacturer, but if you are a vintage lover, used models can still be found on the Internet.

Price Casio BP-100 starts at $60

The principle of operation of smart watches with a tonometer

In conclusion of the review, we will consider how they work and how reliable their data is. Smart watch with blood pressure measurement do not read it in the classical form, as the same blood pressure monitors with a cuff do, everything is done more cunningly by workarounds.

First, the watch reads your heart rate, pulse wave velocity, ECG, and other data, and then begins software analysis of the received data. As a result of the calculations, you receive data on your pressure on your watch display or on your smartphone. Often, you will first need to set your physiological characteristics: age, gender, weight, etc.

In order for the data obtained to be as accurate as possible, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Measurement is best done on the left hand, although some manufacturers make it possible to measure on the right
  2. It is best to sit down and place your hand at heart level.
  3. It is not advisable to measure after eating
  4. Before measurements, exclude from the diet all pacemakers (coffee, tea, energy drinks)
  5. Try not to move or talk while taking your blood pressure.
  6. Enter all the required parameters about yourself in the application: age, weight, height, your usual pressure
  7. More accurate measurements you can get measurements through the app, not through the watch itself.

If it is not possible to follow these recommendations, just stop, press the sensor to your hand or finger, depending on the modification, and wait until the device reads the data. In real time, when you are exercising, the accuracy of the pressure measurement may be noticeably reduced.

Pressure measurement time similar clock is from 30 to 120 seconds.

The accuracy of the readings varies depending on the rules followed and the model of the device. On average, devices show correct result in 80% of cases, deviations average 7-9 units.

Fitness bracelets with blood pressure monitor

Fitness bracelets with a tonometer are also deprived of attention from famous brands, and in order to find a working option, you need to sweat a lot. At the moment we can recommend the following models: Corband Fit , W/me2, H2, more you will find in our next review of tonometer bracelets.


Let's summarize our review of watches with a pressure measurement function. In general, such devices have a number of undeniable advantages over classic cuff-mounted blood pressure monitors.

Thus, the following can be distinguished:

1. Blood pressure monitor is always with you
2. Multifunctionality of such devices
3. Affordable price, which is below the market average smart watch
4. Detailed health analytics in the app that will be useful to your doctor
5. Fast and comfortable pressure measurement, practically on the go

Nevertheless, watches with a tonometer have one noticeable disadvantage, this is the fact that they do not measure pressure directly, but act with the help of workarounds that are strongly associated with the software, because a fair amount of reliability depends on the correctness of the miscalculations. Also, the reliability of the results can be affected by heart diseases, such as tachycardia, arrhythmia. If the manufacturer has not taken this into account in the software part, the data will not be completely accurate.
Despite this drawback, watches with a tonometer have the right to life and will suit many people who suffer from diseases with pressure. Also, such a gadget is useful for athletes who need to keep their pressure in a given interval in order to ensure the maximum result from a workout.

Who invented the first pedometer? There is no consensus, but mechanical devices for measuring the distance traveled were invented back in ancient rome, Egypt and China.

A modern fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and pressure is not just an electronic watch with a pedometer that can measure heart rate and blood pressure. They are able to perform many other support functions, except to do a blood test, and that, for now.

Who needs a heart rate monitor pedometer bracelet and why? How to choose a fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor? The information, photos and videos in this article will help you figure it out.

The main marketing efforts of smart bracelet manufacturers are aimed at young and mature people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Advertising imposes a fashion on wearing such devices, and the watch pedometer heart rate monitor in the form of a bracelet received stylish names: a smart bracelet with a heart rate monitor and fitness trackers with a heart rate monitor.

Comparing the best is quite problematic:

  1. Price? The higher the better? No, it's not easy here. Even a simple heart rate monitor for running, without unnecessary “bells and whistles”, but produced by well-known brands, and especially under the order for sports brands, is quite, and often unjustifiably, expensive.
  2. Design? However, no one has yet canceled the saying - The taste and color ... Moreover, these devices are not intended to decorate the hand. Here, first of all, the reliability of the indicators taken from the hand is of interest.
  3. Functional content? Nevertheless, how can one compare in one TOP fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor, which is often done by sellers of these products, for example, a “regular” bracelet pressure pulse tonometr, a heart rate monitor with gps for running, a fitness bracelet for iphone with a heart rate monitor and a fitness tracker for swimming with a heart rate monitor ?
  4. Quality? It's clear here. Buying a promoted brand, you are kind of guaranteed it. But this is if you do not take into account that Chinese masters of fakes can make them not only with their “legs”. But, unfortunately, the technology is not yet perfect. Even the branded and “best of the best” smart bracelet heart rate monitor will shamelessly lie at high physical exertion or if it is not properly fixed on the arm.

On a note. The only criterion in which "everything is clear" would be the duration of the work. Everything, not just best heart rate monitors for running and swimming with blood pressure detection and GPS positioning, equipped with built-in rechargeable batteries. But they have different potential. Before buying, be sure to check the duration of one charge when working in the modes you are interested in.

When choosing the right model of a companion device, it is worth remembering that, in most cases, they only work in tandem with smartphones equipped with Android, Apple or iOS operating systems, and also pay attention to these two important characteristics:

  • availability of software updates;
  • manufacturer's warranty support.

Possibilities of modern smart bracelets and selection rules

Of course, no heart rate monitor bracelet can boast a complete additional functionality, even one that comes close to a smart watch. Each device has its own unique combination.

However, for those who want to purchase a bracelet with a pedometer and a heart rate monitor, but do not understand this yet, we list what functions are available today:

  • clock, calendar, smart alarm clock, reminders, alarms, notifications of incoming calls and SMS messages;
  • "clean" bracelet without a screen - the data is output to the smartphone;
  • the presence of a touch screen (monochrome, color) or a screen with a special button in the case that allows you to set the desired modes and view information without using a smartphone;
  • automatic rotation of the image, depending on the position of the hand;
  • protection against shock, dust, sweat, water;
  • "ability" to swim, the ability to "dive" to the depth;
  • 2-axis or 3-axis (more precisely) accelerometer for counting the number of steps while walking and running, arm movements (cardio boxer, cardio rower) and legs (cardio cyclist), as well as recognition of 4 swimming styles, walking up the stairs or working with a step platform;
  • identification physical activity, including the selection of a game of tennis or basketball, and its further conversion into kilocalories;
  • monitoring tracking of sleep phases;
  • heart rate monitor;
  • tonometer.

And that is not all. A bracelet with a tonometer and a heart rate monitor can have:

  • GPS, including with the study or analysis of the route traveled;
  • environmental and skin thermometers;
  • skin bioelectrical response sensor that evaluates the activity of the vegetative nervous system and stress level
  • a program that allows you to calculate the body's oxygen consumption;
  • altimeter;
  • compass;
  • function "voice trainer";
  • motivational applications;
  • light sensor (day / night) and ultraviolet level;
  • own music player with Bluetooth headphone connection.

There are a lot of temptations and "chips". Therefore, in order to simplify the choice, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly place motivating accents and the real need for such a device.

You don’t need a bracelet to measure pressure and pulse, but will it be enough to receive “the old fashioned way” only pedometer information? Expensive, but super reliable and very truthful!

The Japanese "revolutionaries" Casio - the creators of the world-famous multi-functional sports watch, not afraid to fall from 10 m, dive to 10 m and work for 10 years without changing the battery, just recently released 2 G-Shock models, in which, finally, STEP appeared TRACKER or daily activity function.

But, unlike other smart bracelets, their 3-axis accelerometer for counting steps in Japanese is accurate and works flawlessly. For those who need only such functionality, we advise you to pay attention to the BGS-100 and GMA-S models from the undisputed leader in the world of electronic chronometers.

Target audience of consumers

In general, both existing and potential consumers can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Athletes, as well as people leading a healthy lifestyle or seeking to acquire normal physical conditions, fall into the first category.
  • In the second - people with diseases in which it is important:
    1. monitor heart rate and blood pressure around the clock;
    2. measure the daily calorie content of the diet with the resulting physical activity;
    3. monitor the pulse and pressure during exercise therapy;
    4. plan and control the length of the distances required for treatment.

On a note. Let us immediately clarify that for patients who are assigned to engage in therapeutic swimming and / or aerobics for a long time, it is economically profitable to immediately buy a waterproof fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor (see photo above).

Unfortunately, with vigorous movements, the Garmin Vivoactive HR heart rate monitor starts to give false information. Therefore, pay attention to a fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor for swimming from Lifetrak train hrm (read more about it below, in the subheading Medicine).

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Why do you need a heart rate monitor in sports?

The question is rhetorical. Of course in sports high achievements more accurate measuring instruments are used, but also from the use of modern innovations in the field of electronic devices, none of professional athletes and coaches do not refuse. Particularly popular sports heart rate monitor with protection against water and a GPS navigator is used by triathletes and "iron" people.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the main contingent of users of smart heart rate bracelets are supporters of a healthy lifestyle. It is for them that the functionality of a single gadget is being expanded, new sensors are being invented, numerous motivational programs and other applications are being written.

Run full review heart rate monitors for running is almost impossible, so we will briefly describe 3 tracker bracelets that have become leaders in online sales.

Image and model name Advantages and disadvantages

Xiaomi running heart rate monitor – best fitness tracker with a heart rate monitor for the season 2017-2018 in terms of price / quality ratio. The Xiaomi bracelet with a heart rate monitor has a pedometer, a calorie counter and monitors sleep phases. Despite the fact that the lock on the strap is very weak, and the heart rate is read only when the application on the smartphone is open, the price is slightly higher than $ 20, unconditionally makes you forget about such shortcomings.

The most unusual fitness bracelet is ideal for young people who are fluent in English language and well versed in computer applications. The price in the region of $60 is quite affordable, and the amount of functionality far exceeds expectations for it. The lack of a screen more than pays off with a lifetime without recharging

At the end of 2017, best model in the transitional class from a tracker bracelet to a smart watch - Samsung Gear Fit 2. For only $ 200-250 you can get a large number of sports and auxiliary functions, round-the-clock heart rate monitoring and 2 cores with 512 MB, which will require recharging only 1 time in 2 days . Find out about other possibilities of this almost computer on hand on the websites of sellers.


Since our site is still medical, we cannot but pay attention to devices that will greatly facilitate the treatment of patients with problems of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Of course, heart rate measurements, and especially blood pressure, will be with errors, but they will be insignificant, since devices begin to “fail” only during significant physical exertion, which sick people cannot afford. By the way, your attending physician and exercise therapy specialist, using the information that will be recorded by a fitness tracker with a heart rate monitor and a tonometer, will be able to more accurately adjust the treatment.

Fitness tracker heart rate monitor Lifetrak train hrm is ideal for medical purposes. This is one of the cheapest devices in its class. It monitors heart rate very clearly because it reads them not from the hand, but from a sensor attached with a soft strap on the chest.

The indicators are displayed in large numbers on the large screen of the wrist dial, which is very convenient for the elderly. Both devices are not afraid of water. You can shower and swim in them.

Lifetrak train hrm can also count calories burned. Has an alarm clock. There is another important difference from other popular heart rate monitors - it runs on batteries.

True, the instruction is silent about the duration of uninterrupted operation, only the possibility of setting a timer for 100 hours of training is indicated ... Plus, another drawback is that it cannot measure blood pressure.

Next, we offer a photo gallery of fitness bracelets that ON CLINIC Moscow clinic recommends using to assess the patient's condition. These smart bracelets measure heart rate and blood pressure most accurately.

Attention! During the measurement of blood pressure, try not to move, not to speak, but put your hand with the bracelet on the heart area.

And in conclusion, we would like to ask young people who might make a gift to their elderly relatives or acquaintances who need such miracle devices. Even if they know how to use smartphones, do not leave them alone with a new thing, help set up applications, teach them how to confidently use the necessary functions and explain how, when and how much they need to be recharged. Attention is one of the main components of a successful cure, even without any presents.

Today physical education goes on new level thanks to smart gadgets. In stores, you can buy sports bracelets with a tonometer, heart rate monitor and pedometer to use them to achieve best results and take care of your body.

Sports bracelet watch

What is a fitness wristband?

Modern fitness bracelet is a small and stylish miracle device. The main tasks of the gadget are the general control of health and activity. The system counts your steps, records energy expenditure and calorie intake from food. The user only has to enter some data in the application and scan the power barcodes. And also the bracelet displays the rest time.

Functions of a fitness bracelet

In most devices, the standard set of functions:

  • record of steps and distances covered in a certain time;
  • display of calories burned during training;
  • measurement of blood pressure and pulse;
  • calculation of daily calorie intake;
  • displaying the time spent sleeping.

At the same time, each brand strives to stand out by improving their fitness bracelets to infinity. For example:

  • Prestigio Smart Pedometer - allows you to compare the achievements of family members or friends;
  • Sony SmartBand SWR10 - gently vibrates to wake up the owner, notifies of calls to the Android device, takes into account the traffic in social networks, the time of listening to music, watching and recording videos, has the function of saving moments;
  • Samsung Gear Fit - has a rounded screen and allows you to control Samsung applications;
  • Acer Liquid Leap - shows information of sms and calls, allows you to control the player;
  • Garmin Vivofit - has an energy reserve for a year, shows the time, displays a graph of the growth of activity, synchronizes with other Garmin products;
  • Polar Loop - adapted for diving up to 20 meters underwater;
  • Jawbone UP24 - has a Bluetooth function, provides ideas for articles about a healthy lifestyle, contains a vibrating alarm clock.

How does a fitness bracelet work?

According to research, fitness bracelets:

  • help to instill new good habits;
  • make it easier to observe yourself and make it possible to follow changes, it is more convenient than writing everything down in a notebook;
  • thanks to the presence of a pedometer, they save people with a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to move more and lose weight more actively;
  • give out extremely accurate data about a person based on the information collected;
  • contribute to the correct setting of goals and an understanding of what parameters need to be improved or changed.

How to set up a fitness bracelet?

To make the necessary settings, you need to carefully read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer to the fitness bracelet. If something is not clear, then you should definitely look for information on the Internet. There are many videos and text materials with screenshots that explain in detail all the questions that concern users about setting up bracelets of popular brands. A properly configured gadget will work for you as accurately as possible.

How to charge a fitness bracelet?

The fitness bracelets come with a charging cable that must be connected to the adapter and the mains or plugged into the usb port on the computer. It is necessary to recharge the gadget only under the conditions prescribed by the manufacturer, with a certain power. An indicator indicates the charging process. The coolest bracelets hold a charge for a very long time, enough for several days.

Disadvantages of fitness bracelets

It turns out that gadgets have some negative sides due to the risk - the use of the bracelet can acquire the character of an obsessive action or mania. This is indicated by some clinical psychologists who study the impact of such gadgets on the psyche and behavior of people. A person begins to rely entirely on a robot that does calculations and constantly gives hints, as a result, a monitoring abuse syndrome is formed.

This is a kind of psychological trap that imperceptibly captures a person who gravitates towards healthy lifestyle life and wants to devote himself to sports. If the over-monitoring syndrome develops on a large scale, it brings significant harm to the user, and very little benefit. The fact is that sometimes people focus too much on achieving small goals, for example, to pass a certain amount of steps or consume a certain number of calories, pushing into the background more global goals - losing weight, increasing strength and endurance, a general increase in tone and quality of life.

If you focus only on the numbers that the gadget broadcasts, then you can lose sight of the objective picture and not get an understanding of the level of your physical activity. This happens when the bracelet captures a certain percentage of movements and reports that this is enough for weight loss, but in reality there was no cardio effect, since the person moved in slow pace, but the gadget did not take this into account. In other words, people often buy into incorrect data.

It also needs to be pointed out that people spend a lot of time entering data into their gadgets. Long pauses between exercises are sometimes spent on entering information into a smart bracelet or smartphone. The one who is not distracted by the use of technology will get much more effect.

By monitoring his condition through the device, a person sooner or later realizes that he earnestly wants to improve some indicators every day. But life is such that it is not always available. A person may have depression, urgent matters, hormonal disruptions, fatigue, unwillingness to go to training, periodic breakdowns in junk food. Changes in activity and various incomprehensible situations happen to everyone, but these features of life cannot be conveyed to the robot.

Choosing a fitness bracelet

We offer three ideas for choosing an innovative watch bracelet depending on your needs and capabilities:

  • Xiaomi Mi Band is a standard smart bracelet from the budget category, it is suitable for those who need a simpler device, without bells and whistles, but at an affordable price;
  • Garmin Vivosmart - combines the functions of a daily assistant and a full-fledged fitness tracker, an average-priced option, suitable for most consumers;
  • Apple Watch Sport is a super stylish expensive gadget that provides a sports assistant and a lot of useful features.

Overview of fitness bracelets

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 sports bracelet

The Xiaomi smart bracelet is equipped with a convenient 0.42-inch display with super scratch-resistant glass. The manufacturer in the popularity rating is right after leaders such as Fitbit, Apple. Last year, a huge number of people happily anticipated the release of the gadget, so it was called the most anticipated. The operation of the activity tracking tracker continues around the clock, seven days a week. Under the screen is a single physical key, with its help you can vary the screens using the functions of the heart rate monitor, time and pedometer.

The gadget does not know how to determine distances. The bracelet is made of breathable material, it is comfortable to wear without sweating. Weight - 7 g. Stylish colors are available - blue, orange, green and classic black. The gadget is waterproof, so you do not need to take it off when going to the shower. The bracelet does not attract dust. In the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 model, there is a clearly improved pedometer with a low-power accelerometer, it can optimally track walking.

The system can realize rest control, the device even distinguishes between REM sleep and deep sleep. So that you do not stay static for a long time, the bracelet will vibrate and remind you that you need to move more. It is possible to synchronize data with a smartphone. The bracelet displays calls, sms using a vibration signal. The gadget has a battery capacity of up to 70 mAh, which means that the user has a whole 20 days of work (standby mode). In general, the bracelet - a fitness tracker is attractive, multitasking, affordable. Its cost is from 1300 to 2500 rubles, depending on the variation of the model.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Samsung sports bracelet

The fashionable multi-function watch Samsung Gear Fit2 is compatible with the fourth Android and runs on Tizen OS. The price is not budgetary, but average - from 10,500 rubles. The device has a 1.5-inch AMOLED touch screen. Of the useful built-in sensors, we denote a barometer, a heart rate monitor, a GPS function, a gyroscope and an accelerometer, and moisture protection at the IP-68 level. True, there is no smart alarm clock. The user receives notifications on the watch bracelet about events marked in the calendar, news from social networks, SMS and calls.

A gadget weighing 30 g tells about the distances covered, allows you to control cycling, has a pedometer, a sleep and calorie counter, an activity controller on rowing machine and ellipsoid. The case is made in three beautiful colors, made of rubber. Battery life is only 2-3 days. The manufacturer has improved the Gear Fit2 model to the limit, it can be called good from different points of view.

Especially users are attracted by the stylish design of the watch. They are beautiful mainly because of the slightly curved large display, which takes up almost the entire front of the device. High screen resolution adds status to a person, makes him appearance more presentable. It's nice that there is 2 GB of storage space for music files, there is Wi-fi, you can see notifications from GPS, gyroscope, heart rate monitor and barometer on the screen.


Sports bracelet Garmin VIVOSMART

A successful model of a fitness tracker is one of many products from the manufacturer. There are many options for smart watches in different price categories, they have a different set of features, screen options and design. The VIVOSMART bracelet supports notifications from a smartphone. The cost is from 13200 rubles, weight 18.7 g. The possibility of autonomous operation - 1 week.

The device combines an excellent sports watch, synchronizes with a PC, can vibrate, count steps, it is possible to purchase a heart rate monitor. The history stores 3 weeks of user activity, then the data is reset. The case is waterproof. The bracelet watch shows the time of day, distances, steps, calories, it is extremely easy to manage it by moving your finger across the display. The gadget takes care of the owner and makes him get up if he does not move for a long time.

The display is invisible, it turns on whenever you touch or the system sends notifications. It is good that the automation individually calculates the desired number of steps and informs the user. The model is presented in large and small sizes and different colors.


Sports bracelet Skmei L28T

Minimalistic Skmei fitness bracelet costs from 2000 rubles, is equipped with Bluetooth and clock quartz movement. The product is unisex, that is, suitable for men and women, made in a sporty style from an acrylic body with steel and plastic parts. Black straps up to 23 cm long and 20 mm wide are made of silicone. The device is waterproof, has a white backlight on the touch screen.

The watch shows the date, alarm and pedometer data, but does not have a stopwatch. Time can take the form of 24 and 12 hours. The manufacturer gives a one-year warranty. Users claim that the charge lasts about 3 days, the battery capacity is 55 mAh, as it says on the package. Everyone loves a vibrating alarm clock. Calls and other alerts pop up on the screen, the device monitors sleep, helps you set goals, count calories, record distances.

The weight of the watch is 45 g, they are synchronized with Android over version 4, with IOS version 8 or more. The gadget differs from many others in that it can very accurately measure the user's pressure, measure the pulse, show the date, has good protection not only from moisture, but also from dust.

Skmei L28T

Jawbone UP 2.0 sports bracelet

Fitness watches without a display cost 4600 rubles, among others they have negative feedback. The gadget supports IOS and Android, you can connect a number of mobile devices to it. The bracelet can vibrate, made entirely of plastic. There are several colors on sale to choose from. Time is displayed in electronic digital format, straps come in different sizes.

IN sports watch no mobile internet, but they can monitor your physical exercise, count calories and hours of sleep. The Jawbone bracelet is equipped with a stopwatch, its battery is built into the case, that is, it is non-removable. The device can withstand 240 hours of operation, and is recharged via 2.5 mm usb in just 1 hour and 20 minutes. The bracelet can be connected to a smartphone via a 3.5 mm jack.

The indisputable advantage is the use of non-allergenic material - thermopolyurethane. The device tries to wake the owner in the light phase of sleep, this is useful. If the watch gets splashed with water, it will not suffer from this, as the case is protected from moisture. Weight may vary - 19-23 g, as the sizes of the models are different.

Jawbone UP 2.0

Fitness bracelets are useful if treated without fanaticism. To avoid danger and harmonize your life, you need to use all gadgets moderately and wisely, including smart fitness bracelets. It is necessary to try to use the widest functionality, without focusing on individual features, for example, only on accounting for steps and kcal. Do not forget to read smart books and watch videos, go to the doctors on time, carefully monitor your feelings, constantly engage in self-development and learn to draw conclusions on your own.