Triangle exercise. inverted triangle figure

The triangular-type female figure is inverted ("V") and not inverted ("A"). The owners of the "Inverted Triangle" (or "carrot") figure have massive shoulders and a narrow pelvis. They are distinguished by a rather magnificent bust, slightly pronounced waist, flat buttocks and slender legs.

The famous "carrots"

This type of figure is considered masculine, in particular, because of the massive shoulders, but, nevertheless, many of its owners look very feminine.
The photo clearly shows what such a figure looks like on the example of celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Greta Garbo, Sigourney Weaver, Demi Moore, Marlene Dietrich, Cher, Edith Piaf, Jacqueline Kennedy, Madonna and Margaret Thatcher.
When gaining weight, the “carrot” woman gets fat in the upper body, so she needs to follow a special diet and do a certain set of exercises.

Inverted Triangle Body Type: Nutrition

"Carrots" (or "Inverted Triangles") must comply correct mode nutrition. Many stars with a similar type of figure adhere to a certain diet:
We completely exclude the following products:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • salted nuts;
  • bakery;
  • fatty dairy products.

Partially delete:

  • meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • conservation.

We enrich the diet with the following products:

Inverted Triangle Figure: Exercises

In addition to proper nutrition, maintaining the beauty of the body is necessary physical activity. To lose weight or just keep fit, you need to do strength and cardio loads. Strength exercises should be aimed at lower part body (legs, buttocks) and waist:

  • make rotations of the body;
  • tilt the body to the right, left, forward and backward as low as possible (preferably with weighting);
  • taking a standing position, raise your legs in turn as high as possible;
  • rotate the hula hoop;
  • download the press;
  • do lifting the pelvis up in the supine position;
  • squat, lunge.

If you are new to the sport, you need to do the following type of cardio, gradually increasing them:

  • fast walk;
  • jogging;
  • step aerobics.

Owners of the “Inverted Triangle” figure are not recommended to go in for swimming, because in this sport the main load goes to the muscles of the belt upper limb(especially on trapezoid and deltoid muscles), visually making the upper body wider, which is highly undesirable in the case of "carrots".

Inverted Triangle body type: photo with the right wardrobe

The main criterion for choosing clothes is the balance of massive shoulders relative to narrow hips. In the photo with the “Inverted Triangle” figure, you can see that the hips need to be visually enlarged, and the shoulders should be narrowed, thereby making the waist more expressive. This goal can be achieved not only through exercise and food, but also thanks to well-chosen clothes:
The upper part should be dim, inexpressive, so as not to give extra volume:

  • dark colors;
  • V-shaped vertical cut;
  • shirts, jackets, blouses are better to choose with belts, ties around the waist;
  • tops should be fitted.

The bottom must be made voluminous, thus balancing with the top:

  • trousers and a skirt, it is desirable that they be with patch pockets or jewelry;
  • style of jeans and trousers - boot-cut (narrow at the hips, extended downwards);
  • skirts are wide, A-shaped;
  • coarse, baggy pants made of dense fabrics;
  • the skirt should not be very short;
  • on the hips, the presence of additional decor would not hurt.

Stand straight, leg apart. The wider you spread them, the more correct the pose will be. Raise your arms horizontally, palms up. Breathe two or three times with a fur coat.

Rotate your torso to the extreme right; hands at this time should remain on the line of the shoulders, at right angles to the line of the legs.

Breathe in. Then exhale and at the same time bend your torso and touch your right toes with your left hand. The right hand is still in line with the left. The head is slightly turned up (Fig. 30).

Rice. 30. "Triangle"

Through very a short time straighten up, inhaling; don't bend your arms. Take a deep breath two or three times, and then turn your body to the left, lean (with exhalation) and touch right hand toes of the left foot. Do it once. Inhaling, straighten up and gently drop your hands down.

Instead of touching your feet, you can reach the ground between your feet. It's a little more difficult.

Those who suffer from diseases of the spine and kidneys can do this exercise, but with caution I am not trying to touch the ground or toes without fail.

The therapeutic effect of this posture is obvious: it develops the muscles of the sides and back and makes the spine and pelvis more flexible. White you do it in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed and wash yourself, it gives an excellent effect, because it helps to overcome stagnation in the bones and muscles.

Then perform "Snake" (three times), "stretched bow" (one time) and "Dolphin", but between the last two poses, insert a pause for relaxation: lower yourself to the ground and stretch your arms; relax, lay down on the rug with all your weight and rest. This version of the relaxation pose is sometimes more effective than the one above, especially between the Strung Bow and the Dolphin.

More on Exercise 28. Triangle:

  1. Pose of the Elongated Triangle with a tilt to the side and a turn of the spine PARIVRTTA PARSVAKONASANA
  4. 1. Access to the cocoon (installation of the cocoon + clearing the internal energy channels by automanual massage + pumping the energy pillar through exercises for the spine + activation of the cocoon tissue through meditative breathing exercises)
  5. 1. Access to the cocoon (installation of the cocoon + clearing the internal energy channels by automanual massage + pumping the energy pillar through exercises for the spine + activation of the cocoon tissue through meditative breathing exercises)
  6. 2. Access to the cocoon (installation of the cocoon + clearing the internal energy channels by automanual massage + pumping the energy pillar through exercises for the spine + activation of the cocoon tissue through meditative breathing exercises)

It must be understood that yoga is yogic postures and in particular breathing exercises- involuntarily releases large amounts of energy. And I'm not going to surprise you by emphasizing that this is where its danger lies. Strictly speaking, if this energy does not find an outlet, or, more precisely, if it is not spent on the development of the higher abilities of the soul and spirit, then there is a risk that it will turn into an obstacle, into a factor leading to a lack of balance; in addition, by prompting the yogi to withdraw into himself, this energy can give rise to or release undesirable complexes in him. Think of perfect chastity or perpetual virginity. These virtues have a clearly positive aspect. They release great forces in those who practice them, which must find some use in themselves, some possibility of use, on the spiritual plane (in the case of monks) or in the field of philanthropy (in the case of priests and active monks). . If these forces are not controlled and given proper direction, they can upset, disorganize the inner life of a virgin or a virgin. The same danger awaits the yogi who practices this system without the intention of ennobling his life or aspiring to spiritual and religious realities.

We must reverse the saying "If you accept the end, you accept the means" and read it thus: "If you accept the means, then you accept the end." To cut off Yoga from its spiritual goal means to forget about its origin (and, as we already know, it has religious roots), but first of all, this raises a danger - and a very serious one - that the energy, the second one will inevitably be released by yoga classes, will turn against us. themselves. From this it follows that every adept must be a mystic, aspire to the heights of contemplation.

It suffices if he has the intention of showing more generosity and manliness in his daily duty as a man, a man and, moreover, a Christian.

The duty of a Christian... the benefits of yoga seem to be pretty obvious here. Due to completely natural phenomena, yoga surrounds its adherents with an atmosphere that is extremely favorable for the manifestation of evangelical virtues. It calms the senses, subdues the passions, and softens the manners; at the same time it leads to serenity, contentment with life and self-control. It has been proven that it disposes to tolerance, kindness, respect for others. Is there a wide gulf between such a frame of mind and the ideals of Bliss? No, of course not! All the more worth the effort to throw the death over it!

I have Yoga for All by Desmond Dunn (London, 1951), Yoga for the Self and Yoga for Women by Edouard Long (Paris, 1960), Eternal youth, eternal health” by Indra Devi (London, 1955). Excellent books, but with one drawback: a pragmatic philosophy that proclaims the goal of human perfection through the action of exclusively material forces. Subtitles such as "Live Better, Live Longer," "For Health, Beauty, and Happiness," and "Get Rid of Illness" clearly indicate the mundane, almost pagan, tendencies of the proposed methods. Other books have a dubious esoteric focus.

Results? Mirage! Twentieth century man, overwhelmed by the hectic pace modern life, often, too often seeks refuge from reality in yoga. He wants the various yoga poses to give him a few moments of peace, when he can be himself, without the pressure of advertising, ideology and other negative influences that he is exposed to at work. And thus, daily half-hour yoga classes are for him nothing more than a respite during the usual worldly bustle. In such cases, the student most often requires painful efforts, first to escape from reality, and then, when it is possible to isolate himself from the outside world, in order to re-adjust to everyday life.

Others desire more: they hope, under the reliable guidance of esoteric textbooks, to acquire the supernatural powers which are attributed to Indian yogis. These also end up in disappointment, as simply breathing properly and performing unusual postures does not result in the magical transformation they were hoping for.

There is no doubt that all these adepts - and among them, unfortunately, there are Christians - are on the wrong path and they are in danger of perishing. For followers of Christ who wish to practice yoga, only one path is acceptable - in the direction of the gospel virtues. “I do yoga not as an amateur,” writes a young African, “but very seriously. I think of all the things it can add to my life, all the changes it can bring. I want to achieve greater focus, depth of thought and self-control, and above all, to acquire the following qualities on which I would like to base my life:

1. Absolute directness, sincerity and honesty.

2. Piety based on devotion to the Lord and free from any extraneous motives.

3. Great simplicity, in the spirit of Scripture.

4. Iron will.

5. Absolute purity.

Yoga gives all this to its adepts. That's why she interested me.

It's all about orientation. It is clear that if a person devotes himself to yoga as an ascetic way of existence, then the most diverse “mystical” virtues begin to bloom and develop in him, in accordance with his zeal and inclinations. Yogic exercises and rules of life, so to speak, prepare his soul for grace, make him capable of receiving divine grace.

Limiting irritability, subduing impatience, relieving many psychological defects, which are often the result of overwork or any imbalance of the body, yoga instills in the adept kindness, a certain peace, which makes him more receptive, prepares him to understand and accept the goodness of the ego of the world, coming from Christ. “Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the merciful. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness." Yoga will help you understand the meaning and, moreover, the practical value of these gospel sayings. "Satisfaction with life", the ability to look at things from the good side, the optimism bestowed by yoga, are not quite identical with obedience to Providence. And yet yoga opens up inexhaustible possibilities in this respect for a heart prepared in advance. A yogi who is generous to nature will be more receptive to the call from above. In many ways, freed from the chains, the liberated yogi will be more pliable, more open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Having learned patience and perseverance, he will more clearly hear the call to repentance.

Yoga can also help in a special way during prayer, to promote prayerful grace.

Note first of all that yoga prepares for participation in church ritual. The Christian yogi, who knows more than others about the unity of the human composition, surrenders to God with all his being (body, soul and spirit). He accepts and feels how the postures of the body affect the state of the soul. Having the experience of silent solitary prayer, the yogi knows better than others; how to behave during common prayers and doxologies, when it is required to use all the expressive abilities of the flesh. The kneeling, the prostrate posture, the body movements of everyone gathered in the church - a Catholic yoga practitioner will strive to ensure that all this is performed in a proper way. The yogi instinctively understands what "the right kneeling of a free man" (to use Peguy's phrase) is. He will better, more fully repeat the gestures of the priest at the altar or, if necessary, of the monks in the choir stalls. Being alone or practicing on the mat, the yogi will spontaneously take the position that fully reflects the movements of the soul.

"Silence? Perhaps you think that silence is the absence of sounds, the emptiness of sound? But isn’t it, on the other hand, spiritual fulfillment?” One yogi, commenting on these words of Father Pusel, writes: “I myself felt it one morning when I was indulging in very deep meditation, wordlessly, silently and without the slightest noise. However, the soul found a way of expression for itself. Uncontrolled, involuntary gestures fully reflected the fullness of my soul.

Silence is not identical with prayer, but does prayer, especially contemplative prayer, need silence? In some sense is separated silence sent down from above or emanating from the heart of a person who is at rest. If a person can distract himself from the stream of vain thoughts, from the cycle of worldly worries and anxieties; if he manages to cleanse his inner being of unnecessary deposits left by conscious and unconscious activity, then he will experience "a world beyond understanding." This world is imbued with the thought, not expressed in slots, that we live, move and have our being in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ, that “we are His children” (Acts of the Apostles, 17:29) , that He is everything and we are nothing until He fills us, until we give ourselves to Him. In essence, the grace that dwells in us and makes the deepest of our selves God is eloquent and active. If we are pure and independent of purely human values, including thoughts (logical thinking), if we can avoid the flow of ideas that carries us away, which force us to live in any particular environment, if we can isolate ourselves from the world, for a moment go a few moments to live on their own, then the hidden reality that makes us who we are, that is, Christians, will certainly manifest its presence and speak in us.

And therefore, although it is not given to you to evoke manifestations of supernatural, divine forces in yourself and around you and control their actions, we can use some methods available to mere mortals, such as yoga postures and breath control, as effective (though, probably, only in limited degree) as a means to open the way to pure prayer, contemplative prayer. They're clearing a space for us. They turn our inner life into the wilderness of which the prophet speaks (“I will carry her away, I will bring her into the wilderness ", Hosea 2:14). They submerge the soul in silence until it hears – cannot but hear – the still voice of God, or even the mournful “groanings” of nature (Romans 8:22) crying out to the Lord. This nature (that is, the flesh with which: Christ took on), similar to a branch overflowing with divine juices, blossoms under the influence of a yogi and yogic exercises; yoga puts the flesh in order, calms it and gives it rest, so that the forces sent down from above begin to circulate in it more freely and the active presence of the God of Love acquires, so to speak, greater power.

With this lesson, my brief exploration of the aims of Christian yoga comes to an end. In conclusion, it would be best to quote again the statements of one of the adepts, who was convinced that yogic science is able to bring great benefit pure, perfect and whole Christian. Father Lambert, a Carmelite from Brkate, in response to the assertions that “yoga cannot be separated from its non-Christian (Buddhist, Hindu, etc.) roots”, says, in particular, the following:

“Yoga belongs to humanity and exists for man. It has inherent value, independent of terms, concepts and procedures that may be erroneous or insignificant.

"Eternal" yoga (that is, cleansed of all superstitions and esoteric framing) contains, as we already know, very valuable elements. But we also know that yoga is useful and reveals itself truly and completely only if it is perceived and transformed within the framework of Christianity, guided and animated by eternal Love and Truth. The exceptional virtues of yoga flourish only in the atmosphere of Light and Love emanating from God.

Shouldn't we as Christians take on the task of transforming all those cultural values ​​that are now like lost sheep? They need the Word of God, they are waiting for it, and our mission is to bring them the Word of God. But this cannot be done in the cozy silence of offices, where we console ourselves with the role of critics or benevolent observers. Yogi practitioners are what Christ needs!”



Repeat the exercises from the previous lesson. Inhale (through the left nostril), count 6. Hold the breath (both nostrils closed), count 6. Exhale (through the right nostril), count 6. Inhale (through the right nostril), count 6. Hold the breath (both nostrils closed), count 6. Exhale (through the left nostril), count 6.

Do this exercise ten times. This will be a big step forward for the eighth lesson.


Do the "Deep bow" and "Tree" and attach the following pose to them.

Exercise 28Triangle

Stand straight, leg apart. The wider you spread them, the more correct the pose will be. Raise your arms horizontally, palms up. Take two or three deep breaths.

Rotate your body to the limit right; hands at this time should remain on the line of the shoulders, at right angles to the line of the legs. Breathe in. After exhale and at the same time tilt your torso and left touch your fingers with your hand right legs. The right hand is still in line with the left. The head is slightly turned up (Fig. 30).

9 (obviously, those who have weak restus abdominis [rectus abdominis], great care is required).

3) breathe normally (at first, the person is breathtaking and it seems that the exercise is impossible; over time, this difficulty, like others, is overcome).

Stay in this position for no more than a few seconds. Then lift up with your hands. Later, you will learn to rise at the expense of the spine, as well as to fall.

This posture is very important. It is very effective in internal organs(including the liver), stretching them, on spinal cord and nerve centers, especially on solar plexus(at the level of the epigastric fossa), on the chest, which at the same time straightens as much as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to perform the “Full Back Bend” correctly.

After this difficult exercise, the Folded Leaf (Exercise 12) provides a very pleasant opportunity to relax. Take your time, breathe deeply and slowly.

You can complete the classes with the "Candle", "Plow" and, finally, the "Relaxation Pose".

If your body type is an “inverted triangle”, then you probably want to look more feminine. And this can be achieved if you choose proper diet and physical activity.

Characteristic features of the figure

The main features of the inverted triangle body type are narrow hips and pelvis and broad shoulders. That is, the upper part is noticeably larger than the lower part, which makes the body look like a V or an inverted triangle. Because of this, it looks athletic and taut, like professional athletes but not feminine enough.

It is worth noting that women with the considered type of figure are often not inclined to be overweight and have problems with overweight do not have if they lead a fairly active lifestyle. When the mass begins to increase, then body fat localized in the upper body, namely in the chest, arms and shoulders. Further, the waist enters the process, and the type of figure can change and turn into the so-called "apple". Legs always remain slender, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.

Celebrities with this body type

Do not think that you are the only one with this problem. In fact, many women have a similar type of figure, and among them there are famous and successful ones, and this once again proves that if you believe in yourself and present yourself favorably, then everyone will think that you are magnificent. For example, wide upper part Cameron Diaz, Madonna, Elena Isinbayeva, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sienna Miller, Shogurney Weaver, Demi Moore and many others have bodies.

What are the tasks before you?

Your main task is to make the figure more feminine. This can be achieved, first of all, by increasing the lower part of the body. But it should not be carried out by increasing the amount of fats consumed, because in any case they will not be deposited where necessary, namely at the top. Therefore, the only true way is in a specially selected physical activity.

As for the upper body, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce it, because it is wide not so much because of fat deposits, but because of the peculiarities of the constitution. And even volumes muscle tissue in this area may be quite normal.

It's just the way your skeleton is arranged, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if you do not increase the loads that fall on this part, it will not increase, that is problem areas become almost invisible (subject to the development of other areas).

Proper weight loss

How to lose weight if the figure is of the "inverted triangle" type? Features of losing weight are due to the fact that almost all owners of this type have a good metabolism, that is, their body quickly processes incoming fats, and if their intake is controlled, then the weight will not increase. In addition, all girls and women are quite athletic and athletic, so they have very prominent muscles.

But this is what can turn against them if you do not follow some rules. If you act deliberately and comprehensively, then the shortcomings will become invisible, and the advantages will favorably emphasize your appearance.

How to eat?

The first thing to start with is to perfect figure- This proper nutrition. And it should be based on the following principles:

  1. Fats can be included in the diet, but only healthy and in moderation. They are found in fatty varieties of sea fish, as well as in vegetable oils. But use the latter fresh, it is not recommended to fry on them.
  2. The amount of protein should be sufficient, but not excessive. Your diet may include fermented milk products (for example, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese), low-fat varieties of fish and poultry (turkey, chicken).
  3. You just need carbohydrates, which are easiest to get from cereal products. So your menu should certainly include various cereals, and you can and even need to add fruits or berries to them. Also prepare side dishes from cereals, for example, rice (brown is better), buckwheat, bulgur, and so on.
  4. Focus on vegetables. Firstly, they are low in calories, and secondly, they contain a certain amount of carbohydrates.
  5. Fruits and berries are also very useful for you, because they are a source of carbohydrates, and also contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  6. Drink about 1.5-2 liters of water, but no more. With a decrease in the amount, the metabolism may slow down, and exceeding the norm threatens the appearance of edema.
  7. Control the use of salt, because its excess will inevitably lead to fluid retention, and in your case it will be localized in the upper body: on the hands, face.
  8. Spicy spices are also undesirable for you, so replace them with aromatic seasonings, but add them to dishes in moderation.
  9. Exclude from the menu smoked meats, spicy, salty, pickled, carbonated drinks, high-calorie confectionery and bakery products (marshmallows, bran bread, marshmallows are allowed), as well as convenience foods and fast food.

How to play sports?

Physical activity is also useful and necessary, but properly selected.

To make the lower body more voluminous will help the following exercises:

  • , because they allow you to work out the buttocks and hips, increasing muscle mass in these zones.
  • Cycling suits you. At home or in the gym, you can exercise on an exercise bike. Elliptical will also come in handy.
  • If you want to work out with a trainer, then sign up for step aerobics. These are dynamic workouts that will make the legs and buttocks more prominent. The upper body is minimally involved, but, for example, the press is also actively worked out.
  • Do forward lunges. Starting position: standing straight, legs together, and hands on the waist. Next, take a wide step forward with your right foot, bend your left at the knee, touch the floor with it and lower yourself as low as possible. Repeat for the second leg and do the exercise about 30 times.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill will help you. But it is better to train to achieve results daily and for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, trying to maintain an active pace.
  • For purchase beautiful waist you can twist the hoop and: ups or downs of the body.

Some useful tips girls with an inverted triangle body type:

  1. Remember that a woman who is confident in herself simply cannot have flaws. And if they are, then others know nothing about them. So if you feel like a goddess, then others will perceive you as well. Therefore, carry your become with pride.
  2. Don't slouch or roll your shoulders! At first glance, it may seem that such a technique will help narrow the upper part, but this opinion is erroneous. You will look extremely ridiculous, stiff and completely unattractive. It is better, on the contrary, to straighten your shoulders and move your chest forward.
  3. To look sexier and more feminine, review your wardrobe and start dressing right. Focus on the lower body and try to increase its volume. Wear puffy skirts and tapered trousers in bright colors. But try to transform the upper part so that it becomes more miniature. It is not recommended to open both shoulders and wear bustier models (although asymmetrical items with one sleeve are quite acceptable), it is better to choose blouses with rounded deep cuts, T-shirts with shoulder straps close to the shoulders, and pullovers with a slightly lowered shoulder line. And wear vertical prints on the top and horizontal prints on the bottom.

Remember: with any figure you can look stunning if you are confident!

Yoga in Ten Lessons Deshanet Jean-Marie

Exercise 47

Exercise 47

This method should be combined with the one given above (pp. 86-87). Turning to the right, then to the left and tilting the torso, return to the starting position: stand straight, legs apart, arms extended horizontally along the line of the shoulders. Without turning, tilt your torso to the right so that it is at a right angle to the line of the legs, and touch right hand sock right legs (Fig. 48). Straighten up again, inhale and repeat the same movements, but in left side. This method is more difficult than the first. The head is slightly turned, the face is turned to the ceiling.

Rice. 48. "Triangle" (option)

From the book Yoga in ten lessons author Deshanet Jean-Marie

Exercise 28. Triangle Stand up straight, leg apart. The wider you spread them, the more correct the pose will be. Raise your arms horizontally, palms up. Take a deep breath two or three times. Turn your torso to the extreme right; hands at this time should remain on

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Exercise 35 Perfect Pose (preparation and option one) In addition to the mat or mat you normally use, you will need (initially) a fairly large cushion and a rolled up mat. Hips

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Exercise 36. Perfect Pose (Option Two) For some, this option is easier to perform than the first. Place the right foot (or left) along the left (or right) lower leg, place the heel in the inguinal fold (the genitals will be between the lower leg and thigh, behind the heel).

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Exercise 44 Raise your arms (they should remain in the same vertical plane) with joined palms as high as possible, close to the ears. All the while, breathe deeply (which is quite natural). Then, don't

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