Tom brady scandal. Love Story: Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady: "We're just the male and female versions of each other..."

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Today she will gather a large company of her closest friends and relatives to wish him a happy birthday ...
He always wanted big family. And slowly realizing his dream ...
Fate gave them the opportunity to sort out their feelings in the shortest possible time and make a choice ...


Hot Brazilian temperament and "steady Nordic character" merged in it - the ancestors of Gisele Caroline Nonnenmacher Bundchen arrived to the warm shores of Brazil from Germany back in the 19th century. And until now, the model's family is fluent in German (although Giselle herself is not distinguished by these abilities).

She has five sisters, and some of them also tried their hand at modeling, but ... it didn’t go beyond second-rate commercials.

Giselle herself has been preparing for a sports career since childhood - by the age of 13 her height was already about 180 cm, it is no wonder that the girl took up volleyball (besides, the unflattering reviews of her classmates about her height greatly contributed to this).

At the age of 14, at McDonald's, where they sat with classmates, she was noticed by a representative of a modeling agency and offered a job. The offer was very tempting, but Giselle refused - dad was categorically against it. But ... in the end, the arguments "for" outweighed, and Giselle's modeling career quickly rushed up.

She was hot: Vogue, Ralph Lauren, Dolce&Gabbana, Versace, Valentino, Celine, Gianfranco Ferré, Chloé, Marie Clair, Harper's Bazaar, Rolling Stone, Victoria's Secret... Big names did their job - the name Giselle was registered in all kinds of lists of the "most-most", and celebrities of various calibers appeared among the fans, among whom was Leonardo DiCaprio. But Giselle cannot call all relationships with men frivolous, they were all deep, difficult, serious.

She loves sweet popcorn and ice cream with different toppings. It's a paradox, but this predilection does not affect her figure (and, consequently, her work) in any way.

On her wrist is a small tattoo - an asterisk: " My grandmother told me and my sister that everyone has their own star. Every day, before going to bed, I looked up at my star in the sky. It was as natural to me as brushing my teeth every day. When I moved to New York and opened the window in my apartment on the 35th floor, because of the smog and fog, I did not see my star. So I drew a star on my wrist with a ballpoint pen. But she kept fading away. Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue, where I got a tattoo. And now, wherever I am - my star is always with me".

And then 2006 came and she met Him…


Thomas Edward Brady turns 34 today. Irish blood flows in his veins, but he implements his explosive component on the football field - Tom is the team's quarterback New England Patriots.

In 2000 his sports career made a serious step forward - Tom became a player in the National football league, has achieved great success (various publications have repeatedly called him the best of the best), and is considered one of the best players in the history of American football. Today, Brady still holds the record for the most touchdown passes in a single season.

His name lit up not only in the sports chronicle. The question "And you, by any chance, did not act in cartoons?" - it's about just about Tom. In animated series The Simpsons And The Griffins there are episodes in which the character Brady appears.

But she didn't love him for that...


They met almost on the night before Christmas in 2006 thanks to a mutual friend: he told both that he had met them "an exact copy of only the opposite sex."

They say it was love at first sight. " At the moment when our eyes met, - Giselle later recalled in an interview, - he smiled, and I realized that this was the most charming smile that I had ever met! We talked for 3 hours. I had to go home for Christmas, but I didn't want to go. Do you know that feeling when you can't tear yourself away from a person?.."

They met for only two and a half months and were in the midst of a candy-bouquet period, when suddenly - like a thunder in the middle clear sky- Tom's ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynaham appeared on the horizon ... with the news that Brady would soon become a father. " This situation was a kind of challenge for us. Obviously, this is not the most beautiful thing that can happen at the very beginning of a relationship, Giselle later recalled. “But on the other hand, I think it was something akin to a blessing from above, because otherwise I don’t think we would have been able to understand so quickly which of us is who. I would not see integrity in him, I would not see that he really good man. This situation made me love him even more, understand what he is. Our relationship has become much stronger. This situation has shown that I can fully rely on him and trust him.".

Their wedding became the anthem of the victory of private life over the "yellow press" - despite numerous rumors about the engagement, wedding, pregnancy, not a single source could boast of exclusive pictures (or at least just accurate information!) When Tom proposed to Giselle and for what date wedding of lovers is planned.

Brady asked for Giselle's hand long before the wedding - she simply did not wear his ring in public, so as not to embarrass journalists and not to attract special attention. As for the wedding itself... I don't like parties, preferring something more private. I'm much more comfortable being around close people.", - Giselle described her ideal wedding. And if you really want something, you will certainly get it ...

Now the couple is raising two sons - Benjamin Rain and Jack (son of Tom and Bridget Monaham).

Thinking out loud . It's probably right when fate allows you to check what kind of test you and the one who is next to you are from. Of course, it is not entirely correct to call the appearance of a child a test, an extreme situation for another couple, but on the other hand, if both are already far from 18 years old, and the “teenage period” has been somewhat delayed ... It's time for decisive action.

Extraordinary, extreme situations - how important is their role in a relationship, in your opinion?

Many show business stars find their family happiness in marriage with sports stars. And top model Gisele Bundchen is no exception - she married football player Tom Brady in 2009. During this time, the couple managed to achieve great success together, for example, they became one of the richest couples in the world, according to Forbes, losing the palm only to Beyoncé and Jay Z. But, as you know, happiness is not in money - Giselle and Tom have a wonderful family, two kids and, apparently, complete mutual understanding. Today "Lady" will tell the love story of this bright couple.

Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen

Life after Leo

Prior to meeting Tom Brady, model Gisele Bundchen had a long and protracted romance with the well-known ladies' man and lover beautiful women Leonardo DiCaprio. They started dating in 2000, and it seemed that things were moving fast towards the wedding. People magazine called DiCaprio and Bundchen the most beautiful star couple, and fans did not get tired of being touched by their romantic pictures. This idyll lasted for five whole years, but Bundchen never managed to get to the crown along with the inveterate bachelor Leo. It was rumored that Giselle was the first to leave her Hollywood lover.

DiCaprio went to seek his fortune in the company of other models, and Bundchen decided that the best remedy for mental wounds is work. For several years, the model was not seen in a serious relationship, but did not leave the covers of glossy magazines. Bundchen was also snapped up by leading fashion brands - she collaborated with Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Valentino, Celine, Gianfranco Ferre and many others.

Gisele Bundchen had a vivid romance with Leonardo DiCaprio

Today, Giselle recalls this novel with warmth and gratitude: “Leo is really an amazing person. We still talk sometimes, his mom and I are friends. He still has one of my dogs. He has done a lot for the environment and I admire what he has done. We know what we had. We were very young. They just weren't made to be together as a couple, but I have the utmost respect for him and wish him nothing but the best."

Christmas tale

In 2007, Gisele Bundchen, already one of the leading models of the Victoria's Secret brand, met her fate - the handsome football player Tom Brady, quarterback for the New-England Patriots. Today, the model does not hide the fact that passion flared up instantly - it was love at first sight.

Tom and Giselle met on Christmas Eve

By the way, the story of their acquaintance was like a fairy tale - they met at a party on the night before Christmas, the future spouses were introduced to each other by their mutual friend. Bundchen once said about it: “The moment our eyes met, he smiled, and I realized that this is the most charming smile that I have ever met! We talked for three hours. I had to go home for Christmas, but I didn't want to go. Do you know that feeling when you can't tear yourself away from a person?

But it was not necessary to “break away” for a long time - Tom Brady himself realized that he had met a special girl. Relations began rapidly, but any great love must pass the test - it happened with Giselle and Tom. Suddenly, the ex-girlfriend of the football player, Bridget Moynaham, showed up, announcing that he would soon become a dad!

A girl like Bundchen is impossible to miss

Of course, such news, and even at the height of the candy-bouquet period, did not please Giselle, but she reacted to the situation philosophically. Today, the model calmly recalls this: “This situation was a kind of challenge for us. Obviously, this is not the most beautiful thing that can happen at the very beginning of a relationship, but, on the other hand, I think it was something akin to a blessing from above, because otherwise I don’t think that we would have been able to so quickly understand which of us is who.

Family idyll

Despite the unexpected paternity of Tom Brady and rumors about his breakup with Gisele Bundchen, having met for two years, the lovers decided on a crucial step - they set a wedding date.

The model herself hates parties and noisy gatherings, so she decided to make the wedding intimate - only for the closest people. On the eve of the wedding, Bundchen did not even wear the engagement ring given by the groom, so as not to attract undue attention to herself.

Gisele Bundchen is a very gentle mother (pictured with her son Benjamin)

That same year, the couple had their first child, son Benjamin. At the same time, Giselle was never against Tom communicating with his son from a previous relationship, so the half-brothers actually grow up together. And in 2012, Bundchen, in fact, “without breaking away from production”, that is, without going on a long maternity leave, gave birth to a girl - daughter Vivian.

Photos of the family of Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen, taken by the paparazzi, every time confirm the sincerity of the feelings of this beautiful couple - in all the pictures they look very happy and harmonious ...

“Before you have children, you need to make sure that there is a good person around. You can not settle for less - it must be someone you love, who shares your views, ”the model gives advice to all girls.

Gisele Bundchen herself, who manages to devote time not only to her family, modeling career, but also to charity, notes that she has always strived for something more. In an interview, the star said: “I would never want to become one of those 30-year-old girls who can only walk on the catwalk and pose. I want to do my best and then close the chapter on modeling and say, "This is what I did from 14 to 26," and then start new chapter of my life".

“I love being a mother,” says Gisele Bundchen. - It's difficult and very different than when everything revolves around you and your life, now there is something more important. It takes some getting used to, but it's wonderful."

By the way, Tom Brady admitted in an interview that he always dreamed of a big family - so it is possible that the couple will decide to have children again.

Ecology of life: Tom Brady is a world famous American football player, considered one of the best players in the history of American football. He won the Super Bowl multiple times, became the MVP of these matches, and participated in the Pro Bowl.

Tom Brady is a world famous American football player, considered one of the best players in the history of American football. He has repeatedly won the Super Bowl, became the best player in these matches, and participated in the Pro Bowl; was named "Sportsman of the Year" by a number of publications. Vegan.

At the same time, Brady - let's be honest - is older than all his colleagues, while he does not want to retire. Recently, several new facts about the life of this public favorite have been published, which stands out for its incredible strength and health even among other football stars. They, perhaps, will be of interest to everyone - but first of all, of course, to vegans and vegetarians. And those who do not believe that "a person can do anything," as the proverb says.

It turned out that Brady - who is now in his 37s, which is like a deep retirement for an American football player - follows a surprisingly strict dietary regimen to stay "on horseback". Even more strict than the public thought before!

Brady, who recently announced that he will play as long as he can, and has no intention of leaving big sport, devotes literally all his time only to sports and health, does not drink alcohol at all, goes to bed strictly at 8:30 every day, and even without “days off” he follows the strictest diet!

Brady revealed in an interview with Sports Illustrated that he follows a seasonal diet—ie. in the summer, in the heat, he eats one thing, and in the winter - another (warming foods) in order to "keep the balance and harmony" of the metabolism. Colleagues heard that he follows some kind of diet 80-20, but, as it turned out, this is not 80% healthy food, and 20% beer, chips and burgers. It is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic food. Team members can now and then see how Brady eats hummus with appetite, or nibbles on raw protein bar. His health, and most importantly, "longevity" in a big competitive sport - is truly amazing!

Funny details from the athlete's diet were recently announced in the New York Times. It turned out, for example, that Brady regularly eats cabbage salad for breakfast, drinks protein cocktail with electrolytes, which also adds greens. Sometimes Brady mixes in his smoothies and berries - exclusively and only blueberries, which cannot cause an inflammatory effect in the body. And his “dessert” is for those special days when he wants to treat himself to something, and he thinks he deserves it, consists of ... cold raw pasta and avocado ice cream. Perhaps even the most convinced avocado lovers will agree that such a "luxurious" dessert does credit to the willpower of a famous player!

As an observer from Sports Illustrated noted, "Given the way Brady is preparing (for the competition), it really doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon." published

In the draft in 2000, the quarterback who would become the best quarterback in the history of American football was available for selection. He was not highly rated, he was not the best athlete, he did not have perfect statistics. Of the 254 NFL picks, he was selected at number 199. Tom Brady waited until the sixth round of the draft and 6 quarterbacks were selected by the teams before him.

Six-year-old Tom Brady was asked on camera what makes an American football player an outstanding player? Embarrassed, Tom replied that he didn't know, but he knew what the experts could only say now: it's not easy to spot a talented player, it's even harder to predict the talent of an NFL quarterback.

For a future member of the NFL Hall of Famer, the beginning of the football life was a constant struggle for recognition. According to his own recollections, at school Brady was a substitute player and did not play in matches, but got a chance only because the team's main quarterback was simply tired of playing football.

University of Michigan

After graduating from high school, Tom Brady received an invitation from the University of Michigan. At that time, the university team already had 5 players for the quarterback position. During training process it became clear to the coaching staff that Brady and second-year student Brian Greasey would fight for a place in the start.

The team coach had the following position: if the players are equal in level, the advantage is given to the older one. Tom was not happy with this state of affairs, and according to the coach, Brady came to his office and said: “I don’t want to be second and I will prove that I am the best quarterback.”

As a result, in his freshman year, Brady started in every game, the University of Michigan team won 10 of 11 matches.

To remain a major player in his sophomore year, Tom would have to compete with rookie Drew Henson, who joined the team as a state star and potentially the best athlete to wear the University of Michigan jersey.

The coach distributed the playing time as follows: Brady plays the first half, Henson plays the second, and the third is who will have a better game.

With a similar quarterback rotation, Michigan won the first five games, but in the sixth game the team fell into the 17-point hole with Henson at the base and Tom Brady was given the task of trying to pull the team out of there. He showed an excellent level and almost won the victory. After his brilliant performance in next match“Quarterback duel” ended, Tom “concreted” a place in the starting lineup.

Throughout the season, Brady's bright individual performances won the team more than once, and the nickname “Comeback kid” stuck to him, which Tom will justify more than once in the future.
Best Moments Tom Brady in games for the University of Michigan:

NFL Draft

It would seem that success in the collegiate league should delight and attract the attention of professional clubs in need of a quarterback in the upcoming draft, but this did not happen. The battle for recognition continues...

Draft report on Tom Brady by professional NFL scouts:

bad physique
Lacks mobility and dexterity to get away from defenders
Weak throwing arm
Not able to run fast with the ball
Uncertain throw

According to the results of athletic tests, Brady was one of the slowest players. His throw was no surprise, there were quarterbacks in the draft who threw the ball like they were shooting a bullet.

In the end, Tom was taken 199th overall by the New England Patriots of Massachusetts, Brady was the seventh pick that night.

Team owner Robert Kraft recalls their first conversation:

This thin young guy came up to me and said, “Hello, Mr. Kraft. I want to introduce myself, my name is Tom Brady.” I told him: “Yes, I know who you are, we chose you in the sixth round.” And I remember for the rest of my life how he looked into my eyes like a laser, and answered: "That's right, and it's the best choice that your team has ever done.”

NFL career

Once in New England, Tom Brady became the fourth spare. According to the results of the preseason, he showed himself well against the background of the other three quarterbacks, and was even better than Drew Bledsoe (the team's main quarterback at that time). The only thing that kept the coaching staff from putting Tom on the bench was their lack of experience at the top level in the NFL.

But fate quickly gives our hero a chance to prove himself. In the second game of the season, Bledsoe is injured and Brady is put in the start. From that moment on, Bledsoe would never start again, and Tom would stake out the quarterback spot for years to come.

So far (he is still an active player) Tom has won:

  • 5 final games (Super Bowl) (Brady took the first championship in the second year of his professional career)
  • 4 times named the best player of the finals (Super Bowl MVP)
  • 12 times All-Star (Pro Bowl)
  • Set many statistical records

From the substitute player of the school team to best player of all time, Tom Brady's story is like a roller coaster and he will forever remember the day he was selected as number 199.

Remembering the day of the draft, Tom can't hold back his tears:

"I remember standing on the stairs during fourth round and it ended, then the fifth round went by, my name was not called, and when the sixth came, I told my parents that I wanted to leave here. I got up, took my bag, went to the exit and ended up on the street, I didn't want to just sit and see my dreams crumble, I'd better try to get away. Then I came back and said it was time to leave and at that moment my name was announced at number 199, I was chosen by the New England Patriots ... "

Six quarterbacks selected above Brady:

  • Mark Bolger was a substitute in Baltimore
  • Chad Pennington ended his career early due to multiple injuries
  • Chris Redman retired in 2012
  • Ty Martin became a wide receiver coach at the University of Kentucky
  • Spurgeon Wynn works as a trader in Houston
  • Giovanni Karmasi works as a farmer and practices yoga. He has five goats...

Volume - five-time champion and a living legend of American football, plays on the highest level still.

The story of Tom Brady is very inspiring and instructive. American football in it is only a medium, a place of action. The most important thing is that a person who fought for a dream, with unshakable faith in himself, was able to overcome the system, critics, circumstances and not only achieve non-trivial achievements, but become the best in history.

So when they tell you that you can't do something or you're not good for something, remember the draft report on Tom Brady and how the No. 1s were chosen 199th.