Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 2 weeks. What can you drink? On buckwheat balls

If you want to lose weight quickly without harming your health, you need to carefully choose a diet. Most methods for getting rid of excess weight involves a sharp restriction of the diet, which causes a chronic feeling of hunger. This can lead to a breakdown, and all your efforts will be in vain. If you can't boast of a lot of patience, but still want to lose weight, pay attention to kefir-buckwheat diet, which allows you to use permitted products in unlimited quantities.

Kefir-buckwheat diet: basic principles

By the name it is clear which products are the main ones in this mono-diet. Buckwheat is rightfully considered royal, because it contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, this product has healing properties - it prevents the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and prevents the formation of tumors. In the human body, buckwheat is digested and absorbed for a long time, which guarantees a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Kefir-buckwheat diet promotes burning excess fat and cleansing the body of toxins and harmful toxins.

The beneficial properties of kefir are very difficult to overestimate. This lactic acid drink contains lactobacilli, which promote the absorption of fiber and other useful trace elements, normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system.

The essence of the kefir-buckwheat mono-diet is as follows: the intake of rapidly digestible carbohydrates into the body is stopped. To get energy for normal life, you have to break down fat reserves, and this inevitably leads to rapid weight loss. The diet menu contains a lot of protein and few carbohydrates. The technique is designed for 7-14 days, depending on the number of extra pounds.

In the first 5 days, you will lose weight very quickly, as the body will begin to actively get rid of toxins and excess fluid. Then the process of losing weight will slow down a little, since it takes a little more time to break down fat. In just 1 week, you can get rid of 3-7 kilograms, depending on the individual characteristics of your body. To understand why this diet became so popular in 2016, visit various forums and look at photos of people who have lost weight. These results are really impressive.

Kefir-buckwheat diet: menu for 2 weeks

The first 7 days of the diet should be eaten exclusively buckwheat and kefir. Drink no more than 1 liter of fermented milk drink per day. You can eat buckwheat porridge as much as you like. However, do not forget that you need to cook it without salt. To make the taste of the dish more pleasant, you can add a little kefir to it. In addition, drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fresh purified water. Black and green tea without sugar is also allowed.

If you plan to stay on the kefir-buckwheat diet for 2 weeks, from the 8th to the 14th day you need to gradually introduce additional foods into the diet. sample menu for this period looks like this:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
8th day Herbal decoction with 1 teaspoon of honey, a portion of buckwheat porridge 2 cups of kefir, 2 pancakes Casserole, 1 tbsp. kefir
9-10 days 1 boiled egg, 3 pancakes, tea 2 tbsp. kefir, 2 cutlets 2 apples, a serving of buckwheat porridge, 1 tbsp. kefir
11-12 days Porridge with kefir Cabbage salad, 1 tbsp. kefir, 3-4 pancakes Casserole, herbal decoction with honey
13-14 days Casserole, banana, green tea 2 tbsp. kefir, 2-3 cutlets, 2 apples, porridge, tea

Kefir-buckwheat diet: recipes and weight loss results

In the second week of weight loss, additional dishes are introduced into the diet, which must be prepared according to special recipes.

  • Cutlets. For cooking, you will need boiled buckwheat and a little soy sauce. Mix these ingredients, form small patties and put in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • Pancakes. To prepare the dough, mix boiled buckwheat, 1 chicken egg, a little flour and milk in a deep bowl. Mix everything thoroughly and fry in a pan with a little vegetable oil.
  • Casserole. Put a layer of buckwheat porridge on a baking sheet, place grated carrots, chopped tomato and stewed cabbage on top. Top with a little fresh herbs. Bake the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

It is very important to stay on this diet to the very end. The risk of a breakdown occurs after the first week, but it is important not to stop here, otherwise all the lost kilograms will return very quickly. For 14 days of the diet, 5-12 kilograms of excess weight is lost. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body and initial weight. Photos "before" and "after" the kefir-buckwheat diet are two big differences. Some girls become very difficult to recognize, because after getting rid of excess fat, they become more beautiful and younger.

Kefir-buckwheat diet: reviews of doctors

Doctors are positive about, since buckwheat and kefir are considered very useful products for good health. However, do not forget that any mono-diet is a big stress for the body. A person experiences discomfort without receiving glucose, carbohydrates, fats and other useful trace elements. So that weight loss does not negatively affect the condition of your skin, hair, nails and general well-being, be sure to additionally take a complex of vitamins or dietary supplements. It is not recommended to adhere to this technique if you have high blood pressure, gastrointestinal pathologies, diabetes mellitus. Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from such weight loss.

Cheapness, simplicity, efficiency - these advantages have a buckwheat diet for weight loss, known since ancient times. However, many are confused by its disadvantages - fatigue, headaches, sudden mood swings, pressure reduction, monotony. In each case, the consequences are purely individual, but in general terms, it is these features that should be taken into account.

Slimming mechanism

Buckwheat differs from other diets in that you have to eat very high-calorie product. 100 g of cereal contains about 300 kcal, which give a full feeling of fullness and eliminate exhaustion.

How weight loss happens:

  • carbohydrates and alimentary fiber contained in cereals are broken down very slowly;
  • a lot of energy is spent on their digestion;
  • the feeling of hunger after eating is not felt for a long time;
  • all this time, glucose enters the bloodstream, which is necessary for normal performance;
  • dietary fiber cleanses the walls of the stomach from organic debris, improving digestion and dissolving visceral fat, - therefore, the buckwheat diet is advised to be used, first of all, for losing weight in the abdomen;
  • the intestines freed from harmful substances contribute to a rapid metabolism, on which weight loss depends.

Due to these features, the buckwheat diet is recommended by many nutritionists for fast weight loss. It allows you to lose up to 1 kg per day, so it is well suited to put the figure in order shortly before an important event.

This is interesting. Buckwheat is called the queen of cereals. This is the most environmentally friendly product that does not require fertilizer for cultivation. So do not be afraid of toxins and nitrates in its composition.


Prolonged or incorrect dieting can lead to health problems. Lack of sugar provokes hypoglycemia, the main symptoms of which are dizziness and slow mental activity. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to contraindications.


  • diabetes;
  • ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • metabolic problems;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • oncology;
  • renal/liver failure.

Physiological states:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • menstruation.

Situational contraindications:

  • exams;
  • competitions;
  • work associated with heavy loads (physical and intellectual).

Situational contraindications are life circumstances that require increased concentration of attention, intensive brain work, forced physical activity. During such periods, the body needs good nutrition, the supply of useful substances, carbohydrates. All this diet based on buckwheat deprives.

On a note. According to studies, buckwheat (with moderate use) improves mood, improves the psycho-emotional state, and brain function. But as part of losing weight, you should not count on such a positive effect, because the body will have to refuse many useful substances.


Exist different variants buckwheat diet, which facilitates the choice of methodology. For example, to lose weight by 10 kg or more, you will have to sit on it for at least 2 weeks, diluting the cereal with other foods. If you need to lose weight quickly, a hard 3 daily diet or unloading day.

By deadline

  • Three-day

Diet for 3 days is presented in several versions:

1. Classical - involves the use of cereals brewed with boiling water. Menu for the day: five fractional servings of the main product (in the palm of your hand), 2 apples / pears / grapefruit / green salad, a glass of kefir at night. According to nutritionists, this is the right buckwheat diet for weight loss without a variety of additional foods and spices.

2. Raw food on green buckwheat - this is nutrition with germinated grains. On the eve of the hunger strike, before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir and prunes cocktail / laxative tea. The cereal is poured with water, sprinkled with lemon juice and eat this "porridge" for 3 days. Additional products during the day: smoothie cocktail of 3 apples, 2 pears, 300 g of any berries in between meals. Before going to bed - a tablespoon.

Losses - up to 4 kg.

If you cannot eat either steamed or sprouted cereals, there is a boiled buckwheat diet. It does not give such powerful results, but you can still put the figure in order with it.

  • Weekly

This can be a strict diet that allows you to eat buckwheat porridge steamed with boiling water, drink a liter of 1.5% kefir and one and a half liters of any other liquid per day - without gas, smoothies,.

The usual 7-day weight loss scheme allows you to eat as much cereal as you want (but not to the point of overeating, of course). There is a technique of Pierre Dukan, which recommends no more than 200 grams of porridge per day.

You can choose a sparing option when the main product is diluted with additional ones. For example, one of the most balanced and effective diets it is considered one in which only buckwheat and chicken breast are present.

Result in a week up to 8 kg.

  • Fortnightly

Buckwheat diet for 14 days is very difficult to tolerate, as the monotony of the diet is annoying and affects the well-being. This option can only be recommended to the most persistent. Although for some, on the contrary, it is preferable, as it allows you to include other products in the menu.

It involves the use of 500 grams of steamed buckwheat daily + unsweetened fruits + kefir + vegetable light salads in a small amount.

The result is 10-14 kg.

By products

  • vegetable

A diet on buckwheat and vegetables is observed for no more than a week. Allowed: steamed cereals; any boiled, baked, raw vegetables, except for corn and potatoes; , linseed oil; kefir, . Salt, spices, sugar are prohibited.

  • chicken

A diet on buckwheat and chicken breast allows you to eat any amount of steamed cereals per day, 2 boiled pieces of meat without skin, drink a liter of 1.5% kefir and one and a half liters of water. Duration - no more than 2 weeks.

  • Apple

You can try the method of losing weight on buckwheat and. Groats - steamed, no more than 500 grams per day. Fruits can be alternated with porridge every other day, you can combine. There are no restrictions on color and varieties. Portions - up to 1 kg per day. Form of preparation: raw, baked. Salt, sugar, oils are prohibited. Duration - 2 weeks.

  • Dairy

To make the diet easier to tolerate and there is no deficiency of calcium and protein, buckwheat with milk is used for weight loss. There are two options: add a little milk to the steamed cereals or use them separately. For example, in the main meals you eat buckwheat porridge, and in between them you drink a glass of milk. Duration - 2 weeks.

  • Rice

There can be several options for losing weight on buckwheat and rice:

1. Cook buckwheat porridge with the addition of rice in water, consume it throughout the day without oil and sugar in any amount. An amateur diet because of the specific taste of the dish.
2. In the morning and at lunch, eat steamed buckwheat porridge, boil a little rice for dinner (it is allowed to flavor it with soy sauce or lemon juice).
3. One day to eat exclusively steamed buckwheat porridge, the second - boiled rice.

Duration - no more than a week.

  • On the water

No one will last long on buckwheat and water. Therefore, such weight loss is recommended for unloading day, during which you eat a glass of steamed buckwheat porridge in small portions and drink 2.5 liters of water.

  • cabbage

Buckwheat with sauerkraut will help diversify the menu. Duration - a week.

  • With kefir

It involves the use of a glass of steamed porridge and one and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day. Like other hunger strikes with additional foods, it will help you lose up to 5 kg in a week.

Curious fact. Buckwheat, according to Chinese and Indian teachings fills a person life energy. It is able to influence the bioactive points of the body. Therefore, in the countries of the East, for the prevention of many diseases, they walk on groats scattered on the rug.

For effective weight loss you need not only to be able to cook buckwheat according to special recipes, but also to follow the basics healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, several useful advice from nutritionists are mandatory throughout the diet.

  1. Get permission from a doctor, make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. Get enough sleep.
  3. Take care of the lungs sports.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. Don't reward yourself with "goodies". A few pieces of chocolate can spoil the whole performance.
  6. Eat at the same time.
  7. Prepare the body for a diet: gradually reduce the amount of fat and sugar in the diet over 2-3 days.
  8. The exit should be just as smooth: include new products in the menu in small portions.
  9. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  10. If hunger becomes unbearable, eat between meals green apples, citrus, kiwi or drink a glass.

Answering the most common questions will help you do everything right and achieve maximum results.

What can you eat buckwheat with on a diet?

According to nutritionists, in addition to buckwheat, you can eat: fruits (except watermelon, persimmons, mangoes, bananas, grapes), vegetables (except potatoes and corn), chicken breast, rice, low-fat dairy products, dried fruits.

How to cook?

Steam with boiling water - the most the best recipe(more details below).

How much can you eat?

If it is difficult to withstand the scarcity of the diet - eat as much as you want (due to the calorie content of cereals, you still won’t get much). If there is willpower and a desire to achieve best results- no more than 500 gr.

Is it possible to salt?

No: Sugar and salt are strictly prohibited. Oil (olive or linseed), soy sauce, lemon juice, honey may be added in extreme cases.


To compose correct menu for each day, you can take an indicative table, depending on the option chosen and adjust it to suit your needs.

For 3 days: classic option

For 3 days: raw food option

For 7 days: strict option

For 14 days: combined option

Coordinate the compiled menu with a nutritionist. This will allow you to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and physique.

Keep in mind. Do not mix buckwheat with sugar. The latter neutralizes all beneficial features. In extreme cases, you can use honey - and that is very undesirable.


If you decide to lose weight in this way, learn how to properly cook buckwheat at home while maintaining its beneficial properties.

  • brewed with boiling water

In order for buckwheat to become dietary, it must be properly steamed. To do this, boil 200 g of cereals with boiling water (300 ml), leave overnight in a thermos or saucepan, wrapped in a warm towel.

  • sprouted

In the shop healthy eating or the vegetarian department to buy live buckwheat or green buckwheat. Put a glass of cereal in a thin layer on a baking sheet, pour a glass of water. The grains should be moist, but not drown in liquid. Cover with gauze, which must always be moist.

  • Boiled in water

Pour 200 g of cereal with 300 ml of water. Boil. Cook for 15 minutes.

  • Boiled in milk

Pour 200 g of cereal with 400 ml of water. Boil. Cook for 15 minutes. Drain the water, add 100 ml of low-fat milk. Boil. Boil 5 minutes.

Buckwheat diet, despite all its shortcomings and negative feedback, allows you to lose a sufficient number of kilograms with the right attitude to a hunger strike. Hope for a quick and hassle-free weight loss? This method is clearly not for you. Still, you have to seriously limit yourself in nutrition, be patient and go in for sports. Without following these principles, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve results even with such a useful product.

How much can you lose in a month? If you stick to the buckwheat diet, the results will be amazing.

A buckwheat diet for weight loss for a month is because the severity and tastelessness of the diet can incline almost anyone to temptations or sausages. At the same time, if losing weight still withstands this technique for 30 days, then he can count on pleasant results - up to minus 20 kg.

Despite its effectiveness, the buckwheat diet still poses some health risks, so it cannot be followed by everyone without exception. First you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the method, and only then try it on yourself.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat

Buckwheat is one of the popular low-calorie foods that is found in the vast majority of various diets. The thing is that this porridge has a low calorie content, therefore, eating it, a person creates an energy deficit in the body.

So that mental and physical work does not undergo negative changes, calories are sought out in their own reserve reserves - body fat. Gradually, they are burned, and the person loses weight.

Due to the content of slow carbohydrates, buckwheat quickly saturates and digests for a long time, as a result of which the feeling of hunger does not manifest itself for a long time. The porridge also contains a sufficient amount of vegetable protein. It cannot completely make up for the lack of an animal component, but still allows you to do without meat and fish on the menu for some time.

With moderate use of porridge, it does not cause any problems with well-being, however, during the diet, you will have to eat buckwheat all the time. Since it cannot provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, after a while, a person who is losing weight may experience anemia, weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and other symptoms of exhaustion.

Features of thirty-day weight loss

All varieties of buckwheat diet can be divided into strict and gentle. A rigid diet is only fresh porridge and water or green tea, while it is possible to lose up to 1 kg per day, which can be seen not only by weight, but also externally.

Nutritionists do not recommend continuing such a diet for more than 3 days, and there can be no question of eating one buckwheat for a whole month. In order not to harm your own health, you should not arrange such experiments.

To survive 30 days on a buckwheat diet, you need to add other low-calorie foods to your diet. The effect of losing weight will not be so obvious, but the body will not suffer either. In any case, during the buckwheat diet, the following principles should be followed:

  1. The cereal is not boiled, but steamed, as this allows you to keep the useful components in it to the maximum. In the evening, buckwheat is poured with boiling water, and preferably with warm water, and left under the lid until morning. Each time before eating, a portion is heated in the microwave.
  2. Salt, spices, oil or sauces are not added to the porridge. The taste will be bland and tasteless, but it must be endured in order to achieve the desired result.
  3. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. If you stick to this principle for a long time, you will be able to unload the digestive system, reduce the size of the stomach and reduce appetite.
  4. Since the diet provides for a complete ban on salt, excess fluid will gradually be removed from the body. To replenish the balance, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gas per day.
  5. It is advisable to arrange meals at regular intervals, and the last meal should be at least 4 hours before bedtime.

Not everyone can lose weight on a buckwheat diet for a month. Prolonged consumption of porridge can lead to a decrease blood pressure, so the method is contraindicated in hypotensive patients.

In addition, cereals can adversely affect the digestive system if there are any diseases or predispositions to them. In general, you need to listen to your condition and cancel the diet for any ailments.

Diet options

If you need to get rid of a large number of extra pounds, it is best to go on a thirty-day diet. A strict diet option in this case is unacceptable, so the porridge must be diluted with additional products, but it is necessary to count calories so as not to overeat.

The most common option for a buckwheat diet menu for a month is. A fermented milk drink satisfies hunger well, has a low calorie content and additionally cleanses the intestines, normalizing digestion. Since the diet will drag on for a month, you should not drink too much kefir - it can lead to stool disorders, and this will negatively affect not only weight loss, but also the general condition.

As for the amount of buckwheat that is needed per day, opinions are divided. Some believe that this porridge cannot damage the figure in any quantity, so it can be eaten until the hunger is completely satisfied. Others offer limited portions - 250 g of cereal is prepared for each day, and the finished dish is divided into 5-6 equal parts. In addition to porridge, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of fermented milk product.

There are several options for the buckwheat-kefir diet:

  1. Porridge and drink are consumed in turn at regular intervals, the day ends with kefir.
  2. Each reception of buckwheat is washed down with kefir.
  3. The cereal is not filled with water, but with kefir, after which it is put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Instead of kefir, you can alternate with fruits, only bananas and dates are undesirable. For every day, not only porridge is prepared, but also 0.5-1 kg of selected fruits. Fruits can be consumed whole or as a salad or smoothie with low-fat kefir or yogurt. Vegetables are eaten raw, boiled or baked.

You can also add dried fruits and nuts to the porridge, but not more than 50 g per day. Dried apricots and prunes are most preferred in this regard. To make up for the protein deficiency, you can eat boiled eggs, boiled chicken without skin, fat, salt and spices, as well as cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat content. It can be replaced with a couple of slices of hard cheese.

Most often, a thirty-day diet is organized in such a way that the menu is repeated every week. For example, a diet might look like this:

  • 1 day - buckwheat with vegetables;
  • Day 2 - buckwheat with chicken;
  • Day 3 - buckwheat with fruit;
  • Day 4 - buckwheat with cottage cheese and eggs;
  • Day 5 - buckwheat with dried fruits and nuts;
  • Day 6 - buckwheat with lean fish;
  • Day 7 - buckwheat with kefir.

If you wish, you can replace some products or arrange two identical days in a row. It is a nutritionally balanced diet that will cause minimal harm to the body. You can enter into the menu and one-component days, that is, 1-2 per week, eat only buckwheat.

Exit Restrictive Power Mode

After a diet that lasted for a month, the body got used to a modest diet, and the stomach decreased in size. For this reason, you should not immediately return to your usual diet with an abundance of fried, salty and fatty foods. If you neglect this recommendation, the results of the month on the buckwheat diet will be lost and the lost kilograms will return again, and even more.

You need to leave the thirty-day buckwheat diet for at least a month. This is done as follows:

  1. In the first week after the completion of the diet, the diet remains approximately the same, you can only add more variety to the menu. For example, you can eat the same buckwheat for breakfast, cook for lunch, and make vegetable stew for dinner.
  2. In the second week, protein foods are gradually introduced. Once a day, for example, for lunch, you can eat a piece of lean meat, chicken or fish. Buckwheat can already be replaced with potatoes, rice and other side dishes.
  3. In the third and fourth weeks, high-calorie foods can be gradually introduced into the diet, but fried, smoked and salty foods should be discarded.

To consolidate the achieved result, after leaving the diet, it is advisable to adhere to the principles proper nutrition. At a minimum, eat small fractional portions and include more vegetables and fruits in your diet in all forms.

In order to get rid of extra pounds faster and more efficiently, you need to introduce permanent physical exercise.

During a thirty-day buckwheat diet, it is better to give up heavy sports, because the body will be exhausted. It's better to prioritize daily exercise or light evening walks.

  1. It is better to choose cereals with whole, rather than crushed kernels. It has more useful ingredients.
  2. Before pouring buckwheat with water or kefir, you need to rinse it several times in cold water.
  3. Buckwheat can be eaten not only in the form of porridge, but also in the form of cutlets, pancakes, casseroles or lean soup. This is especially helpful.
  4. For breakfast, you can drink buckwheat with unsweetened green tea to better satisfy your hunger and further cleanse the body.
  5. Half an hour before the first breakfast, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water with honey and lemon.

Since the 30-day buckwheat diet is not suitable for everyone, you should consult your doctor before using this technique, especially if you have chronic diseases in the field of cardiovascular or digestive system.

Results and reviews

The effect of a buckwheat diet lasting 30 days can be different. It depends not only on the severity of the diet and the chosen menu option, but also on the individual characteristics of the body and the initial state of the figure.

The more was the initial weight, the more you can lose. On average, you can count on getting rid of 10-20 kg per month provided that all the rules of the diet will be followed without disruption to temptations.

Since mixed results are often obtained, reviews of the buckwheat diet for a month can also be different.

For example, a girl Daria writes: “I sat on a buckwheat diet for a month, the result was not too impressive - minus 7 kg. Although after that, the desire to eat something fatty or too salty disappeared altogether, so there is still a certain benefit.

Other girl, Vladislava was pleased with the results: “In 30 days I managed to lose 18 kg, for me this is a great achievement. I don’t want to stop there, so I will bring the figure to perfection, and the beginning has already been laid, and not a bad one. ”.


Both nutritionists and users in their reviews of the buckwheat diet for a month do not hide the fact that this is a difficult test not only for willpower, but also for health. That is why you need to choose a balanced diet that will not harm the body. If everything is done correctly, then you can achieve impressive results, fixing them later by constant work on your own body.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
All my life I was fat, suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores, I chose size L, which turned into XL by the age of 25 and continued to grow. I can talk for a long time about how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strikes, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or non-existent. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation with its enormous weight. But one day I came across ... a chocolate bar that helps to lose weight! It cost me nothing to try it - I love chocolates. Ordered and ate. And the weight went down!! It looks like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue, and understood how it all works. Girls try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

The buckwheat diet for weight loss, the reviews and results of which cannot but please those who used it, is today one of the simplest and most effective options for quick weight loss. Like all other mono-diets, it seriously affects the body, so it should be used carefully and without fanaticism.

Buckwheat diet at home is recommended for no more than 14 days.

The essence of the buckwheat diet

If you decide to use this diet, be prepared for the fact that within 2 weeks it will become almost the only food on your table. Buckwheat It has a low calorie content, so you can eat it as much as you want. In the absence of carbohydrates and fats in food, the body is forced to burn its own reserves. This is what causes weight loss.

The higher your weight, the more kilograms the buckwheat diet will allow you to lose. This product contains a balanced complex of useful substances. Among them: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, protein, B vitamins. This minimizes harm to the body and allows those who are losing weight to easily exclude meat and fish from the diet (which are necessary to saturate the body with protein).

It is extremely important to observe the following rules: completely discard all seasonings, spices, sauces, sugar, and salt. Take Special attention drinking regime: it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid. Give preference to clean water, rosehip broth and green tea. The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before bedtime.

The recipe for the right buckwheat porridge

To make your diet effective, pay special attention to the preparation of buckwheat. Properly cook dietary buckwheat porridge. It can be cooked as we usually do, but we offer a different way of cooking:

Place a glass of buckwheat in a bowl and pour boiling water over it (2 cups). Wrap the dishes in a towel or blanket and leave overnight. If there is water left in the vessel in the morning, simply drain it and use a little less in the future.

Such a recipe is necessary so that buckwheat porridge retains all its beneficial properties, which can be lost if it is cooked. Every day you need to make a new portion of porridge the next day. The amount of porridge can be reduced, it all depends on your appetite, which should decrease over time.

Buckwheat diet for 7 days

If the buckwheat diet is the most popular, then there are a lot of options for its use. Buckwheat diet for three days is the toughest. During this time, only buckwheat and clean water can be consumed. It is very difficult to maintain a mono-diet, and nutritionists do not recommend a long-term restriction in food. To soften the diet and increase the duration of the diet, you can use additional certain products:

  • Kefir is a source of calcium, protein and B vitamins. It will help maintain the intestinal microflora in order during the diet, help cleanse the liver.

It can be consumed within 1 liter per day. Fat content should not exceed 1%. Can be mixed with buckwheat or drunk separately. The presence of kefir in this type of diet helps to diversify it and avoid feelings of hunger. The recommended diet time is 7 days, but with a strong desire to see a significant result, you can even take two weeks.

  • In the diet with a buckwheat diet, you can enter and apples . They themselves are an excellent product for a fasting day. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. But with all this, it is not recommended to sit on it for more than a week (apples are still a rather aggressive product for the stomach with prolonged use).

The diet of the apple-buckwheat diet will consist of 200 g of buckwheat porridge and a kilogram of apples. Don't forget to drink enough fluids. It is allowed to drink green tea, rosehip broth and clean non-carbonated water.

  • Dried fruits and honey. Despite the fact that buckwheat contains many useful substances, it does not contain sugar. Because of this, you may feel very tired or tired. In this case, add some dried fruits to the porridge: raisins, prunes, apples or dried apricots, but no more than 5-6 pieces. You can also add a teaspoon of honey. As in the previous versions, the diet time is 7 days.

Buckwheat diet menu for 14 days

It is quite difficult to follow a mono-diet. The feeling of dissatisfaction with taste preferences sharply makes itself felt. In this case, you can resort to a more sparing (varied) buckwheat diet and safely use it for 2 weeks without special problems for health, but you must understand that the result will not be so impressive.

Menu for every day

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Snack Dinner
Day 1 Steamed buckwheat porridge, green tea with a teaspoon of honey Tomato soup Green apple or pear Buckwheat with stewed mushrooms and onions
Day 2 Buckwheat porridge and fresh cucumber, tomato and bell pepper salad flavored with lemon juice and olive oil, tea Chicken broth with fresh herbs A glass of fat-free kefir Buckwheat with fresh herbs and boiled egg
Day 3, 4 and 5
Day 6 Buckwheat porridge with milk, black brewed coffee without sugar Easy vegetable soup without potatoes handful of dried fruits Cauliflower cooked to your taste with buckwheat porridge
Day 7 Buckwheat porridge, fresh tomato, a cup of tea without sugar Mushroom broth with herbs A glass of kefir or yogurt Seaweed salad, buckwheat porridge
Day 8 Fat-free cottage cheese, a cup of coffee without sugar Boiled turkey with cabbage salad handful of dried fruit Buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables
Day 9, 10, 11 During these three days, it is recommended to consume only buckwheat porridge and clean drinking water. If you experience a strong feeling of hunger - eat a handful of dried fruits.
Day 12 Buckwheat porridge with butter, a cup of green tea with a teaspoon of honey Chicken broth with chicken pieces and fresh herbs A glass of kefir Mushrooms stewed with vegetables, buckwheat porridge
Day 13 Buckwheat porridge baked with cottage cheese, black coffee without sugar Tomato soup Any unsweetened fruit Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms
Day 14 Buckwheat meatballs, green tea Chicken broth with boiled egg and herbs A glass of kefir Oven-baked turkey breast, stewed zucchini

If you really want to lose weight, and oh, how hard it is to follow a strict diet, you can alternate weekly courses of various diets at your discretion.

What is delicious to eat buckwheat with: 10 Video recipes

Getting out of the diet

Many are faced with the fact that after the end of the diet, the weight begins to return very quickly. Most often, this is caused by the fact that a person returns to the wrong diet. The menu after the buckwheat diet can, of course, be diversified, but you need to understand that the more unwanted foods you start consuming, the faster your previous weight will return.

After the end of the diet, your appetite should be much less due to a decrease in the volume of the stomach. So it's important to keep it the same. Try to eat in moderation, in small portions, do not overeat. If this could not be avoided, it is better to arrange one fasting day on buckwheat porridge. Cut down on sweets, drink more water and tea.

Pros and cons of buckwheat diet

The use of one product for a long time, in any case, is stressful for the body. Before starting a diet, you should weigh the pros and cons.



Suitable not for everyone. Some people may suffer from severe fatigue, lethargy. Before deciding on a full-fledged two-week course, try to spend one day with such a diet, observe your condition.

Hard limits

  • Not everyone is able to hold out for 2 weeks, using only buckwheat and kefir.
  • You can not immediately repeat the course. If you have not yet achieved the desired result at the end of the diet, you can start it again only after a month, preferably two.
  • May cause pressure drop.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Important! In order to provide the body with a sufficient amount of useful elements, it is better to take vitamins and supplements during the diet.


Mono-diets, as a tough method of influencing the body, can not be used by everyone. It is better to refrain from a buckwheat diet in such cases:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, hypertension, if you have regular physical activity, there are disorders in the digestive system, heart, kidney failure, severe depression, if abdominal surgery was performed.
  • If you are not sure about your health, the ability of the body to endure stress, it is better to first consult with your therapist. Such a drastic change in diet can negatively affect your health, so it's worth doing everything possible to avoid it.

Subject to correct mode nutrition after the end of the diet, weight loss may continue, but already in more slow pace. The result of weight loss on average can be 12 kilograms!

How to lose weight on buckwheat? Buckwheat is a low-calorie product, does not contain a lot of fat, and is often used in various diets. In addition, buckwheat contains a large number of microelements necessary for the body. Thanks to such dietary qualities, a mono-diet based on buckwheat porridge is one of the most sparing.

The composition of buckwheat includes such trace elements as: zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium and manganese. Compared with other cereals, the content of vitamins in it is quite high, there are vitamins E, C and PP.

One hundred grams of buckwheat porridge contains:

  • Calories - 132 kcal;
  • Proteins - 4.5 g;
  • Fats - 2.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 25 g.

How to cook diet porridge


  • Buckwheat - 1.5 cups;
  • Water - 450 ml.

Cooking method:

Porridge the next day, prepared in the evening. Rinse 1.5 cups of buckwheat, pour it into a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a terry towel, leave it to infuse until morning.

You can not add salt, sugar or oil to porridge, buckwheat should not contain any fats or spices.

Buckwheat diet

There are many options for buckwheat-based diets, not only their duration varies, but also additional foods that are allowed to be eaten. How many days to diet and which meal plan to choose depends on how much you want to lose weight and which foods are more to your taste. The main thing is to stick to the chosen diet and at the end of it, do not overeat, but eat a balanced diet. After all, losing weight is not difficult, it is difficult to maintain the achieved result.

The benefits of the buckwheat diet:

  • Buckwheat burns fat, allowing you to effectively reduce weight for a long time;
  • Contains a large number of trace elements, which allows you to eat only buckwheat without harm to the body;
  • Sitting on a buckwheat diet, there is no need to starve, the amount of porridge eaten is not limited;
  • Availability and low price of products used in the diet;
  • Stimulates bowel function due to high fiber content.

3 days

The essence of the buckwheat diet for 3 days: every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner - porridge, eat until satiated. Drink at least 2 liters per day. liquids, you can also afford up to three cups of green tea or one liter of mineral water without gas.

On a three-day buckwheat diet, you can, depending on the initial weight and metabolic rate.

5 days

The diet of the five-day diet includes specially prepared buckwheat and. Buckwheat can be eaten in unlimited quantities. There is a restriction on kefir: the product must be one percent, you can drink no more than one liter per day.

There are also no restrictions on the number of meals, during the day you can eat as many times as you like, but no later than three hours before bedtime. Be sure to drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day, green tea and non-carbonated mineral water are also allowed.

7 days

The rules and diet of the seven-day diet are the same as in the five-day version. However, you can add variety and add honey and dried fruits to breakfast. To do this, steam dried fruits - apples, prunes, dried apricots or raisins, add to porridge, then put a teaspoon of honey and mix everything. The number of dried fruits should not exceed seven pieces.

You can lose weight on a seven-day buckwheat diet by 5-7 kilograms.

12 days

The diet is designed for almost two weeks. For a long time, eating only buckwheat is not safe for health, so additional foods are introduced into the diet.

Sample menu number 1

From the first to the third day:

  • Only buckwheat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

From the fourth to the sixth day:

  • Breakfast: (kefir can be added to porridge for taste).
  • Dinner: buckwheat.
  • afternoon tea: kefir.
  • Dinner: .

Seventh to twelfth:

  • First breakfast: buckwheat and a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: 1 egg or 100 g chicken breast (boiled) and white cabbage salad (fill with 1 dessert spoon).
  • Dinner: buckwheat and a glass of kefir.
  • afternoon tea: a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge and floor.

Do not worry that added foods can interfere with weight loss. Eggs and chicken breast will not be processed into fat, but will be used to maintain muscle mass. Cabbage and grapefruit have a “negative calorie content”, the body will have to spend more calories to process them than they contain, as a result, the body will receive the necessary vitamins and burn some fat.

Sample menu number 2

On odd days:

Drink a cocktail on an empty stomach (mix 1 apple + 2 carrots in a blender), after half an hour you can have breakfast.

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat and half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge, coleslaw (can be seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil) and a boiled egg.
  • afternoon tea. A glass of kefir (one percent) with a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with kefir.

On even days:

Drink a cocktail on an empty stomach: cabbage + carrots, ratio 1:1:3 or cucumbers + tomatoes, ratio 2:1, depending on the season. Mix vegetables in a blender until smooth, breakfast in half an hour.

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat and green apple.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge, coleslaw (can be seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil) and 100 g of boiled white meat (chicken or turkey).
  • afternoon tea. A glass of kefir (one percent) with a pinch.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with kefir.

On a twelve-day diet, you can lose 8-10 kilograms.

In order not to gain the lost kilograms, at the end it is necessary to adhere to the rules of nutrition.

Nutrition after the diet

Turning gray on a buckwheat diet and dropping overweight the main thing is to keep the achieved result. To do this, for the first week, refrain from sweets (you can use fruits and honey), exclude fatty foods, do not abuse flour products and do not overeat. In the future, you can return sweet and fatty foods to your diet, but in moderation, and if you feel that you have eaten too much, arrange, for example.

If you tortured yourself with diets, but if at the end you pounce on cakes and pastries, the lost fat will be restored within one to two weeks.


No matter how many wonderful and laudatory reviews have been written, no matter how safe the buckwheat diet may seem, it also has contraindications.

  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Oncology;
  • Depression.

Important! Even without contraindications, if you feel weak, feel unwell or exacerbate any diseases, you must immediately stop the diet.

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