How to prepare new skis for skating. Proper preparation of skis for competitions

Professionals winter sports, and some also know that skis and snowboards require special preparation before use. For high-quality gliding and grip on the snow, there are a large number of different types and types of lubricants: waxes, ointments, gels and sprays, paraffins (including accelerator tablets, etc.). Their choice depends on the purpose of use, the type of terrain, and weather conditions (temperature and humidity, snow consistency). The amount of money you want to invest in preparing winter equipment and accessories also plays a significant role.

Processing skis and snowboards can be done either at home with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Before you go to the store to buy special lubricants, you should think in advance about what exactly you want to purchase. If you plan to make regular ski trips or relax on ski resort, then preparation sports equipment will not require much effort. If you play sports professionally, then you will need some knowledge on how to choose products for high-quality care of your winter sports equipment.

Classification of lubricants and principles of their use for skiing and snowboarding

As mentioned above, lubricants are distinguished according to the following parameters:

  • by type of action;
  • method of application depending on the composition of the lubricant;
  • on the principles of use in different temperature conditions;
  • by purpose for a specific material (wood, plastic) of winter equipment.

Type of action: sliding and clutch lubrication (holding)

Based on the type of action of lubricants, they are distinguished: means for sliding and for adhesion (holding).

For better gliding of the ski surface, a sliding lubricant is used. It would be useful to note that skis for classics should be properly lubricated, distributing the lubricant over the surface of two sections of the ski material, the heel and toe, and for skating- it is necessary to smear, covering the entire surface area of ​​​​the skis.

The main function of clutch or retainer lubrication is to reduce kickback as much as possible during the run. classic move. In this case, the ski wax is correctly applied in such a way that, as a result of the distribution of the substance, the lubricant is located in the center (block) of the ski surface. With the help of this interaction of the holding device and the skis, a successful push can be made, as a result of which a certain pressure will appear in the central area of ​​​​the skis. It is often used, providing excellent rental safety for skiers entry level preparation. This lubricant tenaciously binds the surface of skis and snow.

Methods of applying lubricants depending on their composition and temperature conditions

Sliding and clutch lubricants also differ in their composition, which also determines how they are applied to sports equipment.

Under various types sliding/adhesion means mean different compositions and types of paraffin (wax) with microcrystallins:

  • Solid lubricants.

Solid lubricants (wax, paraffin) for sliding are applied by melting with an iron (special or general use). The troublesomeness of this process is often one of the disadvantages of such ointments, but over time it is just a matter of habit.

This lubricant (paraffin) should be applied to the surface of the skis or snowboard that has been previously cleaned of the previous layer of paraffin. Typically, cleaning is carried out using special washes and a dry cloth. Then, gradually increasing the degree of turning on the iron, we bring and press the paraffin to its sole in anticipation of melting. Flowing drops of such wax merge onto the surface of the necessary sports equipment, be it a snowboard or skis. Then we run the iron over the surface of the sports equipment, evenly distributing drops of lubricant, and let it cool. Next, you should remove excess paraffin by scraping using a cycle. Finally, we polish the surface of the coating using a thick cloth. More detailed instructions application is included with each package of purchased paraffin lubricant.

Solid traction ointment is packaged in jars or pellets and is usually applied over in a simple way. Having opened any container with a similar lubricant coating, we turn it over and apply it (with a can or briquette) by rubbing it over the surface of winter sports equipment (a ski block or a snowboard board). Then we rub the lubricant again using a special grinding plug to a uniform, smooth layer.

  • Liquid lubricants.

Liquid lubricants for grip and glide are available in tubes (klisters with universal ski ointment) and in jars (with an applicator and solvent, “lazy” quick ointments). Apply to the surface and grind using a special scraper-spatula or grinding plug. The peculiarity of such lubricants is that the air temperature should be strictly taken into account when applying them. Each temperature gradation corresponds to a different color of the lubricant package.

  1. 0… −2 (purple ski wax);
  2. −2… −8 (blue ski wax);
  3. −5… −12 (light green ski wax);
  4. −10… −25 (dark green ski wax);
  5. −15… −30 (black ski wax).

Liquid lubricants can be applied cross-apply by mixing two substances. In this case, they alternate with each other (applying a drop of one type, after 2 cm a drop of another, etc.), then rub the sliding surface of the ski or snowboard to a uniform shiny layer.

During the off-season professional athletes It is advised to have several types of lubricant with you, for different temperature schedules and in case of unpredictable changes in weather and snow consistency.

As in the case of solid lubricants, before applying liquid products, the skis or board must also be first cleaned of the old layer of paraffin and only then begin to apply a new one.

If you are concerned about the variety of colors and the number of jars (or klisters), you will be pleased with universal (“lazy”) liquid lubricants for cross-country skis, as they are excellent at both +3 and −5 (for example, universal ski wax from manufacturer Swix).

  • Sprays.

They are usually used as a kind of accelerator. They differ from other lubricants in their high cost and their composition (fluorine-containing aerosol), as well as in their simple application method (do not require a scraper), which is why they got their name - “quick application ointments”. An excellent choice for cross-country skiing.

  • Pastes, emulsions, gels, etc.

Pastes are also an expensive product. Based on latest technologies and also refer to quick application ointments. They became widely popular among snowboarding enthusiasts and professional ski racers. An unpretentious alternative to waxy solid lubricants. This also includes other types of lubricants, such as emulsions or gels.

Wood or plastic - differences and features of caring for winter sports equipment

As for plastic sports products for skating, care and treatment with lubricants will require financial investments, time and a little skill, which was indicated in more detail in the previous description of the types of lubricant classifications. Therefore, we will focus on the second point of the material for making skis or snowboards - “wood”.

With all the modern variety of sports equipment for winter walks, wooden skis and boards are still “in price”. And although “plastic” has a number of its advantages, “wood” deserves no less attention than products made from more modern materials.

If we talk about caring for such equipment, it should be clarified that for wooden skis or a board, a high-quality and inexpensive domestic lubricant for clutch (holding) is quite enough.

Of course, the days of “rosin-coated” skis are over and modern wooden skis often have a plastic sliding surface, which means there are no significant differences in care. But it is worth remembering that if you have an old-style wooden covering, then before applying lubricant, you should tar the surface in advance.

Also take into account the location of the block of wooden skis; as a rule, this is the “deflection” of the middle part of the ski. Professional athletes apply a warmer temperature ointment to the surface of this middle area, while the rest of the surface is treated with a lower temperature ointment.

This type of covering for wooden skis is enough for an average of 10–15 km of travel. If your distance is longer, you should take care of the presence of lubricant on the road in advance.

Features of impurities of paraffin lubricants

Among the large number of impurities and elements of wax lubricants, the most famous are lubricants containing hydrocarbon elements or the presence of fluorine.

Waxes with hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbon waxes are more common than others. They have excellent water-repellent properties, and are also quite simple to use (hot and dry method).

Among this type of lubricants, there are universal and temperature-oriented lubricants.

This universal type of wax is an inexpensive and easy-to-use option for any category of winter sports enthusiast. These lubricants work great for long walks, but are completely unsuitable for competition riding.

Hydrocarbon lubricants have excellent water-repellent properties

They have the following advantages:

  • easy sliding due to excellent water-repellent ability;
  • protection from dirt.

One should not forget about the downside - such a coating is quickly erased from the surface of the equipment, and therefore, it must be reapplied often.

As for temperature-oriented waxes, they are used by professionals in certain temperature situations. This lubricant contains special substances that work at specific temperatures and provide good gliding.

There is the following classification of such substances:

  • cold. It is necessary to smear at snow temperatures of −12 and below;
  • average. It is necessary to smear at a temperature from −12 to −3;
  • warm. It is necessary to smear at a temperature of −2 and above.

Fluorocarbon waxes

Fluorocarbon waxes have remarkable water-repellent properties, which gives the best gliding on snow.

There are several types of such waxes:

  • low fluoride - use at snow moisture levels less than 60%;
  • medium fluoride - from 60 to 80%;
  • high fluoride - more than 80%.

Fluorocarbon substances are more expensive than waxes, which mainly contain paraffin. Such a lubricant is considered more quality choice, it should be smeared less often and fairly easily evenly distributed over the surface of the equipment.

Removing wax from skis or snowboards

Re-waxing is required when your winter riding gear begins to slip unsatisfactorily. In this case, you need to free it from the old layer of paraffin.

Place the ski or board in a special mounting machine. Move the scraper from toe to heel. Use a stiff brush to remove any remaining residue. You can also use a special solvent to remove old grease.

You can use a hot method, which can clean all layers of lubricant, as well as dirt. Take an iron, apply paraffin and immediately remove the resulting mass with a scraper.

Purchasing lubricants for skiing and snowboarding

Ski wax, which is equally used for snowboards, is sold in sports stores. The price of your choice will depend on the composition, volume and manufacturer. Accordingly, the cost varies from 100 to 7,000 rubles. Remember that it is better to use lubricants than to do without them. You can also take basic paraffin for skis. This lubricant is quite suitable if your funds are limited and your goals are low. In any case, in the vastness of modern marketing, there is a huge variety from our and foreign manufacturers of skating lubricants (Visty, Luch, Star, Swix, Rex, etc.)

Let us draw your attention to several products from Holmenkol. This brand offers a universal spray lubricant for skis and snowboards, Wax Spray Ski & Board. You don’t even need to smear this kind of lubricant, just spray it, let it dry and polish it. Also available for selection is the universal Wax Paste XXL Ski & Board. It provides good glide, long-term use, good savings and is easy to use. Such products help you easily care for your products and apply a lubricating coating without much effort at home with your own hands.

We hope our article helped you decide how to choose the right lubricant for your winter sports equipment. Let us remind you that in the absence of a specialist, it is permissible to lubricate skis and snowboards at home with your own hands, but if you decide to conquer winter views sports and qualify for high places pedestal sports competitions, then the process of careful maintenance and care of equipment is best left to specialists.

Every athlete, amateur or professional, will tell you that victory in any competition is forged in the workshops where the equipment is prepared. In it main role plays and cleans them. Because their preparation includes many stages and features. And if you start preparing the colog for the start in time, this may be the decisive moment at the finish line.

If you ski no worse than Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and are about to compete at a level no lower than the World Championship, this means that you have serious bearded guys on your team who know everything inside and out when it comes to preparing ski equipment and equipment. Each of them is responsible for their own stage. One calculates the time on a distance, knowing your physical training. Another takes into account the weather forecast for the day of the start, its possible changes, temperature and knows what type of lubricant to use and what style of passing the route to focus on. The third one offers this or that type of ski, and he knows for sure and will tell you that if you bought new skis, they need to be prepared for the start in the same way as those that have already been run in more than once. If not more carefully. All trained people work together and are interconnected, like a single conveyor mechanism. Of course, the leader in this training team is the specialist responsible for gliding.

Let's take a look at their workshop. What will a specialist in equipment categories tell us? There are two main types.

He will not dwell on tourists and teenagers, because not a single athlete in the world has yet managed to smile on the Olympic podium with the number “1”, holding a medal in one hand and children’s skis in the other. We learn from the master that there is a huge selection of mountain ones, depending on the specificity of their application.

Skycross skis are used by professionals who cannot imagine themselves without extreme skiing.

There are skis that taper towards the center. An athlete can masterfully take turns at angles that professionals using other equipment could never even dream of.

Snowboarders love to go freestyle skiing. They have a curved shape on the toe and heel sides. And if the athlete lands with his back to the track, he will not fall or tip over.

Freerider skis are very thin and their area of ​​application overlaps with skycross skis. Emphasis is on development maximum speed, they are also very difficult to control, but the fundamental difference between the former and the latter is in their maneuverability. For freeride equipment this figure is significantly lower.

Skis with a wide middle, tip and tail are needed by athletes for riding in the spring. They have high maneuverability qualities, and they are needed when passing the route with areas of loose snow.

Cross-country skis are represented by a narrower selection, only two varieties.

The first is equipment for the track, where the classic riding style will be used. These skis are very long and have a smooth surface. A special layer is applied to it, which prevents it from sliding backward when the athlete moves along the track. This is the move.

The second is represented by shortened skis, in which it will be convenient for a professional (or amateur) to cross areas of terrain where skating is indispensable. By reducing the length of the ski track, it will be convenient for you to climb the mountain. The stability indicator with this equipment will be significantly higher than that of the classic one.

As we can see, there are many types of skis. And each one requires a special approach; they all have a number of features and small nuances. Let's focus our attention on cross-country skiing. Let's turn to a sliding expert.

Surface cleaning

He will tell us that first we need to clean the surface, which must be waxed with a steel-coated brush. The direction in which this is done is one - from toe to heel.

Applying paraffin to skis

Next we select a primer. She is needed. In this case, it is necessary to apply the primer carefully; you must not allow even a millimeter of uncovered area to remain on the surface of the ski track. The further operation of the sports equipment depends on how you act here. A high-quality primer is the base, the foundation for further successful actions.

Then we stock up on the following tools:

  • special scraper;
  • ski iron;
  • paraffin.

The process of applying paraffin itself is quite labor-intensive. And in some places it can be compared to the work of a jeweler. You may have two types of paraffin in use: soft and hard. With the first, everything is somewhat simpler than with the second. You don't need a ski iron here. This type can easily be applied to the surface of the ski track when cold. Another thing is that with such paraffin you can hardly count on 100% unlocking of the equipment's potential.

Everything is different with the hard type of paraffin. There are several techniques for applying it. You can slightly heat the bar on a hot iron. After it melts slightly, begin applying paraffin to the surface with light movements. Just as with the primer, you should not leave “bare” areas.

Most effective method application - one in which paraffin is applied in direct contact of the iron with the ski area.

This procedure is the most dangerous and requires experience and skills from a specialist. He must literally feel the process itself. Paraffin is applied from an iron or ski track. In this case, its layer should range from 0.4 to 1 mm. The iron is heated not to the point of heat, but to a temperature that will ensure melting and distribution of parts of the bar along the ski track. The specialist must drive it with uniform effort and monotonous speed. Required condition here - between both surfaces there should be a layer of paraffin. If it is not followed, you risk losing the equipment. The plastic it is made from is too sensitive. And no matter how low the temperature is set on the iron, if you overdo it with pressure and see characteristic matte-colored swellings on its surface, you can safely go to the store for new skis. Therefore, do not save paraffin - it will cost more.

Preparing and cleaning the sliding surface

After this has been done, clean the surface of the kolga from excess paraffin. A special scraper will help you with this. However, they cannot do it alone, because removing excess paraffin is a labor-intensive task. Work it without any extra effort, pressing it equally. Otherwise, you will remove the layer necessary for uniform coverage. This means that you will have to work with an iron again.

After removing the excess, use short, rhythmic movements to remove it from the ski.

You have prepared the sliding surface of the inventory for the start. Applying one layer to the surface was described, but up to 3 can be applied in total.

Applying SWIX Lubricant

There is another method to unlock your potential. skating skis— application of special quick sliding lubricants. To understand what they are, you need to know that there are two types of them on the market.

Such quick lubricants are budget-friendly pastes and creams. You will not properly saturate the sliding surface of the ski track with them, so the effect of their use will last no more than 8 minutes. Such pastes are classified as carbon pastes, and they are mainly suitable for amateurs. The likelihood of achieving with such creams at a professional level high results small.

High fluoride lubricants are much more expensive, but they justify their price with greater performance. Some lubricants should be applied to a waxed ski track. For the most part, they are accelerators and are compatible with paraffin. Such pastes include cream, and it has the following application principle:

  1. Swix lubricant is applied to the cleaned plastic area in a non-greasy and even layer. Its thickness should not be more than 2 mm.
  2. Wait until it is absorbed into the surface of the ski. Typically this time is 3-4 minutes. With newly purchased equipment, this time can increase to 6-7 minutes.
  3. Then vigorously rub the lubricant with felt or natural cork.

But it's worth warning you. No matter how quickly the lubricant is applied to sports equipment (which is one of its main advantages), it also comes off quickly. And not all quick application gels can be combined with paraffin.

Preparing classic style skis

The process is very similar to the principle of action when preparing equipment for skating style.

The difference between them is that paraffin is not applied to the pad area. It is only needed on the sliding surface of the toe and heel area.

Solid ointments

To apply this to the surface, first heat the primer ointment. After which it is leveled with a ski iron. Once, based on weather conditions, you have decided which solid ointment When you use it, apply it to the fastening area in 3-5 thin layers. After each use, rub the surface with a cork.

Klister ointment

When preparing, in the same way as with solid ointment, clean the fastening area thoroughly. Klister is best applied at room temperature in a thin layer. The ointment should be warmed up, but at the same time avoid contact of the ski track with an open fire. A hairdryer is suitable for warming up. Finally, they should cool down in a cool room or in the fresh air.

Ski scraping

During the ride, the athlete's skis wear out. This happens through mechanical action and temperature resonance. A scraper is a ski upgrade.

Manual processing can be done by professionals with many years of experience. In their factory form, skis are placed on a machine and processed with a special scraper for sports equipment. With a thin layer, all roughness and scratches on the surface obtained during use are cut off.

It is better to cycle your inventory two weeks before the start. During this time you will have time to properly wax them and break them in. And ultimately, to bring them to maximum combat readiness before the day of the competition.

Effect of temperature

It was the turn of the temperature specialist. It is he who monitors the weather and its slightest changes. It also measures the temperature of the snow on the ski track in advance. Why does the master do this?

On the packages of ointments two indicators are indicated - snow and air. Knowing these parameters, you can use one or another accelerator very effectively, and most importantly, at the right time. Thus, at elevated temperatures and coarse snow grains, a lubricant with water-repellent properties should be used. Because when using it (as with everyone else), water is not allowed to penetrate into the paraffin structure.

Do not expose the sliding surface of skis to high temperatures (150 degrees). The plastic of the ski can easily become deformed, and in this case no ointment will be able to adhere to it. And you'll have to cycle your inventory.

Also, be as careful as possible when working with the iron in the toe and heel areas. There the thickness of the plastic is minimal.

If this is your first time applying lubricant, it is better to seek professional help. Or at worst, watch a training video. Remember that this is very difficult process, from the beginning to the end.

Important! Clean your skis thoroughly to remove previous lubricants. Often the success of your further actions depends on this element.

And remember that for convenient work you will definitely need a fastening machine. If there is none, then try to ensure that when preparing the skis they are rigidly fixed and motionless.


Every little detail is important. Treat your ski equipment with care from the first days of purchase. Use the best materials, consider the factors. At some points, tense up, and at others, imagine that you, like Lefty, are shoeing a flea. And then first place and Golden medal- not far away!

Have fun!

The most popular is skiing. To avoid problems while skiing and to make the movement comfortable, you need to take care of your equipment in advance. There are several options for special ski lubricants that need to be selected individually.

Why lubricate your skis?

This question arises among beginner skiers, since many consider this procedure unnecessary. During driving, a frictional force is created, which depends on the quality of the equipment and the condition of the snow. To reduce it, lubrication is carried out. There is another reason why wooden skis and equipment made from other materials should be lubricated, since the use of ointment prevents slipping back during the push. Thanks to the application of a special product, the middle part of the ski sticks well to the snow. With constant use of lubricants, the service life of equipment can be extended.

Which skis don't need lubrication?

There are different opinions regarding whether preparing equipment is mandatory. If we turn to the competent opinion of specialists, they, discussing whether it is necessary to lubricate skis, say that if you want to enjoy perfect gliding, then it is recommended to carry out a simple lubrication procedure before each walk. In addition, this will allow you to preserve the equipment for a long time.

How can you lubricate skis at home?

In stores and other points of sale you can find many different products designed for ski fans. If a person does not plan to engage in it seriously, then there will be no need to spend money on expensive formulations presented in the form of aerosols or branded paraffins. For those who are interested in how to lubricate their skis for better glide, a wide range of different ointments are offered.

Such products are presented in two types: for better glide and grip. Beginning athletes can use universal kits from well-known brands: Visti, Swix or Briko. All products are color coded according to the temperature at which they must be used. If the temperature is above zero, then liquid formulations are used. For negative values, the following classification applies:

  • 0 to -2 – purple color;
  • -2 to -8 – blue;
  • -5 to -12 – light green;
  • -10 to -25 – dark green;
  • -15 to -30 – black.

When figuring out how to lubricate skis, you need to pay attention to common paraffins, which, according to their properties, are divided into options for sliding and securing. It is worth knowing how to lubricate your skis so that the snow does not stick in the absence of other means, you can use wax and paraffin from candles, but medical grade is better. There is a widespread belief among people that you can use soap, but in reality it will not do any good.

How to lubricate skis at home?

To care for your own equipment, you don’t need to turn to specialists, because, knowing some of the subtleties, you can carry out all the procedures yourself at home. For those interested in how to properly lubricate skis, you should know that it is important to consider not only the material from which the equipment is made, but also the style of intended riding.

How to lubricate plastic skis?

If such equipment was purchased, then it is necessary to apply lubricant to a clean and dry surface at room temperature. When understanding this, it is worth considering the basic rules:

  1. When using a solid ointment, apply it in several layers, rubbing each of them. After this, leave everything to cool and apply the last layer outdoors.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the test after walking a couple of kilometers, and if necessary, the product should be changed. Those who are interested in why it is necessary to lubricate plastic skis, you should know that without this the glide will not be as good.
  3. For classic skating, it is customary to apply paraffin or gliding ointments, but only to the back or front, but the central area is lubricated with holding agents.
  4. When using paraffin, it is applied in drops, leveling them with an iron. After this, it is cooled and removed with a scraper. Finally, treatment is carried out with a nylon brush.
  5. There is another important topic - how to lubricate plastic skis with notches. Such equipment does not require lubrication, but over time the notches wear off and then paraffin should be applied.

How and with what to lubricate semi-plastic skis?

This type of equipment is made of wood, but a plastic plate is applied on top of the sliding surface, which protects against wear. In operation it is the same as for products made of plastic. For those who want to know how to lubricate skis so that there is no kickback, then you should use the recommendations described above for the plastic version.

How to properly lubricate wooden skis?

If you have equipment made of wood, it will be impossible to do without lubricating it, which is applied to a dry and clean surface. First you need to carry out priming, for which paraffin is used and it is better to take a candle-tablet. You need to rub harder, and then run a hot iron on top. Remove any excess that is not absorbed. This procedure should be carried out before each trip to the snow. Instructions on how to wax skis are as follows:

  1. Lay the equipment downside down on a flat surface and clean them with a rag.
  2. Hold the heated iron 2.5 cm above the skis and start processing from the edge. Apply a little wax to the iron itself until it melts and drips. Walk it over the entire surface.
  3. At the bottom, perform back-and-forth movements with light pressure. The resulting layer of wax should harden, and then, using a scraper, remove it, moving from the highest point to the bottom.
  4. An important step in the instructions on how to lubricate wooden skis is to treat the entire surface with a special brush, making only translational movements and applying slight pressure on the tool.
  5. Skis should be taken out into the cold for several hours, and then left overnight at room temperature.

How to lubricate combination skis?

Some manufacturers have created special combination equipment that is suitable for both classic and free style. It is worth noting that you can find them on the market less and less often. To choose an easy way to lubricate your skis, you need to consider what running style will be used in a particular case. Processing schemes will be described below.

How to properly lubricate cross-country skis?

For amateur skiing, you can simply use special ointments that are selected depending on weather conditions. They should be 2-3 degrees higher than the outside temperature. Lubricate the pad area with ointment, applying 2-3 layers, rubbing each layer with light movements. Finally, it is recommended to leave the equipment for 10-15 minutes. cool down. After riding, using a scraper and rinsing, the remaining product must be removed. Scheme on how to lubricate cross-country skiing paraffin is more complex.

  1. First they need to be mounted on a table or machine. At the first stage, the process of “hot” cleaning is carried out.
  2. Using an iron heated to the minimum melting temperature of paraffin, smooth out the melted lubricant. It is important to avoid delays.
  3. Without letting the paraffin harden, clean it using a scraper and a stiff brush. The final layer should be 0.5-1 mm.
  4. After this, paraffin is applied taking into account weather conditions. The procedure is similar to the steps described above, and after removing the residue, the skis should cool for half an hour.
  5. Using a scraper or nylon brush, remove remaining paraffin, bringing the surface to a shine.

How to lubricate skis for classic skiing?

Fans of this kind of skating should use slip and grip ointments. The first is usually applied to the sliding surface, and the second to the last (the area in the middle, which is determined from the heel of the shoe plus 15-20 cm). For those interested in how to lubricate skis, you should know the following information:

  1. At the first stages of treatment, cleaning is carried out, and then a gliding ointment is applied.
  2. After this, treat the block with a holder ointment, which must be selected based on the temperature and humidity of the snow.
  3. If it’s warm, then use liquid products, and if it’s cold, then use solid ones. In the second case, a grinding plug is used.
  4. It is important to consider that grip and glide ointments should not be mixed.
  5. After applying the first layer, the product must be given time to set, and only then re-lubrication is carried out.
  6. The preparation is completed by polishing with a nylon brush.
  7. Another important point is how to lubricate skis with paraffin; it is applied only to the ends of the equipment.

How to lubricate skating skis?

Processing equipment for such riding is simpler, since only gliding ointments are used. Not for professionals, one layer of ointment, selected according to air temperature, will be enough. As in the previously described treatment schemes, the surface is cleaned. After this, you can proceed to the instructions, which concern how to properly lubricate skis at home:

  1. First, heat the iron to the temperature indicated on the paraffin wax.
  2. Place the block on the surface of the iron and move it so that the drops of paraffin are evenly distributed.
  3. After this, run the iron from heel to toe to completely melt the wax. A uniform shine will indicate that everything was done correctly.
  4. An important step in the instructions regarding how to lubricate skis with paraffin at home is to remove excess with a scraper after the layer has hardened. Move against the direction of the ride. Finish the procedure with polishing.

How to lubricate skis?

Before going out into the snow, it is necessary to hot-treat the equipment, which will help fill the pores. The procedure for lubricating skis is similar to the options described above. First, dirt and existing unevenness are removed. Be sure to lubricate everything with a degreasing compound. On next stage apply the blue ointment hot, and then, after it hardens, remove excess with a scraper. You can also use liquid ointments that are spread with a sponge.

…I rode in Bitsa on the first snow this year. On one of the climbs I was stopped by a man who admitted that he had just bought himself plastic skis.
- Why do you easily climb the mountain, but my skis roll the same way both forward and backward?
- What did you smear them with?
- What, they also need to be smeared?!

This dialogue, for all its apparent implausibility, is nevertheless very characteristic. Do I need to lubricate plastic skis, and what should I use?

Master of Sports of the USSR in cross-country skiing,
Chief Editor magazine "Skiing".

I. Should I buy skis with notches?

This is a question to which, unfortunately, there is no clear answer. I can only tell you quite definitely - it is notched skis that are used by more than half of the skiing population of our planet, and this figure, you see, says a lot. The advantages of using skis with notches are more than obvious - you will never have to bother yourself with the question of how to wax skis. Agree, this way of putting the question is captivating - I took my skis, got up and went.

The disadvantages are just as obvious. Such skis will hold up well on soft, loose snow, but will not hold up on more or less hard ski tracks. And, the most annoying thing is that if the skis with notches do not hold, it is almost impossible to lubricate them.

I will say right away that I am not a fan of using these skis and from an early age I taught my children to oil their skis. This is a more complex option, which nevertheless guarantees normal skiing in any weather. However, the final choice is still yours, and the article below is addressed precisely to those who have made their choice in favor of “regular” classic skis, and are faced with the question of how to apply them to the grip (so that they do not give up or slide back ).

II. A set for lubricating skis consisting of two, three, sometimes four jars of ointment, a rubbing plug, and a scraper.

This is the bare minimum kit you'll need to lubricate your skis. To go skiing classic style, the skis must be coated under the block with holding ointment. The block is the middle part of the ski, starting from the heel of the boot and located 15-25 cm upward from the binding. It is this middle part of the ski (block) that needs to be smeared with holding ointment so that your skis do not slip when you push your foot back.

For the first steps, a set of inexpensive domestic or imported holding ointments is quite suitable for you - it usually consists of four briquettes, sometimes jars made of thick metal foil or soft plastic. You will also need a synthetic rubbing cork. It is enough to buy a set of 4 holding ointments (for example, domestic Visti, Uktus, Festa, Zet, Ray or imported ones - Swix, Toko, Briko, Start, Holmenkol, etc.). etc.) and lubricate the skis only under the block, rubbing them with a cork.

So, having smeared the ski under the block with holding ointment, it (the ointment) should be rubbed with a rubbing stopper. Ideally, after rubbing you should get an even, slightly shiny layer.

If for some reason you can’t get an even layer, don’t worry about this, it’s enough to simply smooth the ointment.

Now about one more nuance. If you go into the woods to ski, it is advisable to always take with you a warmer and cooler holding ointment than the one you just applied, as well as a cork and a scraper. Let's look at the two most typical cases of ointment failure.

1. The skis don’t hold, or, as skiers say, they “give away” that is, they do not allow you to push confidently; when you push with your foot, they slip back. In this case, it is enough to put a warmer ointment under the block on top of the old one and rub it with a cork, and the situation will be corrected - you can enjoy skating again. It will only take you a couple of minutes to correct the grease.

2. Skis, as skiers say, are “dull” that is, they don’t move at all, and sometimes they also become covered with ice or snow under the block - in the middle part of the ski where you applied too warm ointment. Skiers call this situation “sticking” if snow sticks to the wax, or icing if ice forms on the wax. There is a way out, you just need a little more time.

After this, intensively rub the ski block, first with a glove, removing the grease from the remaining snow and droplets of moisture, and then intensively with a cork, warming up and drying the ointment. You will have to exert much more effort compared to rubbing in a warm room. Now that the ointment has dried and warmed up, you can put an additional layer of cooler ointment on top of the unsuccessful lubricant. As a rule, in 99 percent of cases, this technique corrects the situation and allows you to continue your walk in the forest.

III. Let's look at a specific example: how to wax skis at minus five degrees?

For example, the temperature outside is minus five degrees. You have a set of Wisty ski waxes, consisting of five briquettes. The most logical option for lubricating skis at minus five degrees below zero would be to apply blue ointment - 2 - 8. However, remember Golden Rule: on ski trip You should always take two briquettes (cans) of borderline ointments in your pocket or pouch. In this case it will be - 0 - 2 (purple ointment) and - 5 - 12 (light green). This way, both when it warms up and when it gets colder, you can make adjustments to your lubrication and enjoy your skiing.

When you return home, remove the old ointment from the ski with any plastic scraper (a piece of a plastic ruler, an old audio cassette case, etc.). After this, you can safely apply new lubricant to the remains of the old grease. If you want to clean your skis completely (which, in general, is completely optional), you can do this with a piece of cotton wool soaked in gasoline or turpentine. If funds allow, buy a normal plastic scraper and a bottle of branded cleaner - it has almost no smell, so you won’t “offend” anyone in your household with the smell of gasoline.

IV. A set of liquid ointments, a wash, and a scraper for skiing in positive weather.

As I already said, four inexpensive jars of ointment, a scraper and a rubbing plug will be enough for almost all occasions. But there are situations when there is still a lot of snow, and the air temperature is already above zero. Sunday afternoon, sun, drops drive you out into the street with your skis, you smear yourself with the warmest briquettes of ointment you have (say, VISTI 0-2 or Swix + 1 - 0), but the skis... categorically do not hold, they “give away”. It's a shame? And how! And, nevertheless, there is a way out of this situation, and it is quite simple - buy a tube of universal liquid ski ointment (skiers sometimes call liquid ski ointments klisters) and get a bottle of wash (gasoline, kerosene, turpentine). I want to warn you right away: buying liquid ski waxes will put you in the category of slightly more advanced skiers, because handling them will require a little more fiddling and experience. But the gain in the form of comfortable skiing on the spring track will be simply incomparable.

So, you can get by with a set of two tubes of liquid ointment – ​​red (plus) and purple (zero and a slight minus). We apply red ointment at any above-zero air temperature, and purple ointment at zero or slightly below zero. It is important to understand here that spring snow is almost never soft and fluffy like in winter. As a rule, in the spring it consists of hard, large snow and ice granules. Skiers call this snow firn. For such icy snow in sub-zero weather you will need a purple klister.

How to apply liquid ski wax to skis? This should be done in a warm room, evenly squeezing fat drops of ski wax onto the last (middle part) of the ski and then rubbing this ointment with a scraper.

And now about why you have to fuss a little more with liquid ski waxes compared to solid ones (jars or briquettes). The fact is that liquid ski waxes, whose consistency is very reminiscent of condensed milk, tend to stain hands and clothes, and in order to avoid these sad consequences, after training, skis should be immediately cleaned with a scraper and then with a wash. The second option is to pack your skis in a case, take them home and clean them there. Still, most skiers prefer to clean their skis immediately after finishing training - there is less soiled clothing and sticky hands, and the inside of the ski cover does not get dirty. The obligatory need to clean your skis after a walk is perhaps the only inconvenience of using liquid ointments. But the constant companions of liquid ointments are usually spring sun, wonderful skiing and a wonderful mood. So, believe me, the game is worth the candle.

V. Economy kits of ointments for lubricating skis.

As a rule, all leading manufacturers sell economy ski wax kits containing two or three cans of solid wax and a rubbing stopper.

Sometimes this kit also includes one or two tubes of liquid ointment and a scraper. It happens that this kit is packaged in an inexpensive belt bag (skiers call it a “pouch”), and sometimes it also includes a can of wash. This is very a good option in order to solve all your problems with ski lubrication for the next few years in one fell swoop, so be sure to use it if possible.

VI. Gliding ointments, or, as they are also called in Russia, paraffins for lubricating skis.

This is an area that I strongly advise you not to trespass into. Believe me, modern plastic skis glide perfectly on the snow without any special treatment. This glide will be enough for you for any, even the longest walks through the forest in any weather.

Therefore, you can forget about the ends of the skis (that is, what is located above and below relative to the block - the middle part of the ski) and do not treat them with anything.

It’s another matter if your walks in the forest brought you to such a state that you wanted to go to the start of, say, the 50-kilometer “Moscow Ski Track” or, even more so, to test yourself in a very difficult classic MVTU Race.

In this case, you need to learn how to wax skis; you need to acquire not only a set of gliding ointments (paraffins), but also an iron, a brush, a hard metal scraper, a machine for preparing skis, etc. But these are pleasant chores. This means that you are already firmly hooked on the needle. cross-country skiing This means that skiing has already become a very important part of your life. But this time we won’t talk about all the intricacies of preparing skis with gliding ointments - this is beyond the scope of our conversation today.

VII. How to improve ski glide?

I admit to you, this chapter is an insertion; I am forced to write it several years after writing the article itself. I am forced because I see that many of you, our readers, still have questions even after reading this article, and I have to answer them after receiving your letters. That is, it seems that I still failed to explain some important, basic things in this article. For example, there are a lot of questions about how to improve ski glide. Therefore, this chapter is a summary of everything that has already been said in this article and in the answers to your questions (as well as what has not been said) about ski sliding.

So, what affects ski glide??

Fork #1.

Smooth skis or knurled skis? Remember that skis with notches will always glide significantly worse than skis without notches. More details about this in the very first chapter of this article and here is my response to one of your letters:

Fork #2.

Type of sliding surface plastic . Again I direct you to my answer to Natalya Sinitsyna Skis with notches don't work - it's just terrible!- I spoke there in some detail about two types of sliding surface plastic - high molecular weight (expensive and fast) and low molecular weight (cheap and relatively slow). Please read. Look at mine car analogy. Remember that a wheelchair can be improved and modernized in some way, but making it drive like a Porsche 911 or even like a Ford Focus is unrealistic.

Fork #3.

Should I use sliding lubricants? Let me emphasize that I wrote this article with beginners in mind, people just taking their first steps on skis. Within this concept I believe that plastic skis do not need to be prepared for gliding- modern plastics glide quite well in the snow. And yet, since this question is asked constantly, I will answer. The first thing you need to do is learn to distinguish between sliding lubricants and holding lubricants, so as not to fall into the situation described in this letter, when our reader Tatyana Shalimova smeared her skis along the entire length with holding ointment and wondered why her skis weren’t moving.

So, have you already learned to distinguish holding ointments (“plasticines”) from gliding ointments (“candles,” sprays, applicators, etc.)? Then -

Fork No. 4.

Quick application gliding ointments ("lazy") or professional ones? First, you should keep in mind that there is a fairly large selection of quick-apply gliding ointments (sometimes called “lazy” ointments) at your disposal. To apply these ointments to the sliding surface of skis, you do not need to have any equipment.

And finally, the pinnacle of technology for preparing skis for gliding: the use of so-called paraffins, sprays, emulsions, powders, accelerators, etc. You will need: a strong, non-wobbly table, a ski machine, two clamps, a professional ski iron (in no case not household!), brushes, scrapers, fiberlen (special non-woven wipes for treating skis), paraffins, powders, accelerators... I’m not sure that it is advisable to describe this rather complex and expensive process of preparing skis in an article for beginners. However, if I see that within the framework of even this articles for beginners: what brushes are needed for a beginner when preparing the sliding surface of cross-country skis?


After the publication of this article, letters began to come to me from time to time with “naive” questions that readers could not find answers to in this material. At first I answered them privately, until suddenly it occurred to me that these answers might be of interest to a wider circle of our readers. So if you did not find the answer to your question in the article, write to me at my mailbox [email protected], send your questions, I will definitely answer them. In the meantime, here are the first questions and answers to them.

2. Aluminum ski poles bend. What to do?

3. Is it worth waxing skis for grip in orienteering?

Ski paraffin is necessary to improve the sliding moment. No matter what kind of skis we ski - classic or skating - without additional lubrication the skis will give too good grip on the snow. But good grip is only needed when the wheels are moving on asphalt. In order to develop speed on a snowy slope, it is better to have minimal grip on the surface. In the case of flat skiing, reducing friction helps to reduce the effort a person makes when moving.

What are paraffins

Paraffins are hydrocarbon mixtures formed as a by-product of petroleum refining. Paraffin compounds have different degrees of viscosity. There are:

  • soft (liquid) paraffins that melt at room temperature;
  • solid - melt when heated within 70 ° C;
  • crystalline - turn into a liquid state at temperatures above 70 ° C.

Functionally, paraffins are, in most cases, lubricating, water-repellent substances. They are added to various mixtures to give the appropriate consistency and properties. For example, Vaseline is made from petroleum hydrocarbons.

Paraffins are used in technical lubricants. These substances have found their use in skiing as a means of improving the glide of skis and snowboards.

Ski wax

Ski waxes are traditionally divided into:

  • lubricants for cold skiing at snow temperatures below -12 ° C;
  • lubricants for skiing at snow temperatures of -12 ° C…-2 ° C;
  • warm lubricants for snow temperatures above -2 ° C.

The key substance that provides better gliding at high temperatures is fluorine. The less fluorine, the more severe frost (and low humidity) the paraffin is designed for. Conversely, high fluoride greases are designed for mild and wet weather.

There are universal lubricants, the composition of which ensures good gliding on any snow. For example, TOKO Irox Fluoro spray, although low-fluoride, is designed for use in a wide temperature range 0 ° C…-30 ° C. In addition to fluorine, ski lubricants include: silicone, various salts, oxidized metals.

Using wax on plastic skis

It would seem that plastic is a well-gliding material without lubricants. Unlike, for example, traditional wooden skis, which, due to the low density of the material, provided better grip and, accordingly, rode worse.

The new skis actually glide great. But as you ride, microcracks appear on the sliding surface and edges. Ice and snow particles damage plastic. And although to the human eye these changes are not noticeable; under a microscope, the surface of such a ski resembles a mountain landscape. Sliding properties deteriorate due to such a landscape.

In order to fill all these microdamages and restore the perfectly slippery surface of the ski, hydrocarbon lubricants are used.

Why choose liquid paraffins?

It should be noted right away that paraffins in liquid form do not have any advantages over solid waxes in terms of functionality. The purpose of all paraffin waxes is to impregnate the sliding surface of the ski. To ensure the most effective rolling, all waxes, including liquid ones, require heat treatment after application.

Liquid paraffins are available in 2 types:

  1. liniment;
  2. aerosol.

Paraffin in the form of a cream-ointment, in general, from the user’s point of view does not have any differences from solid types.

The aerosol form provides additional convenience in terms of application. True, part of the product is sprayed past, which is why the consumption of paraffin aerosols is always greater.

Application of liquid paraffins

To apply liquid paraffin, the ski must be clean and dry. Particles of dirt, water, ice that become clogged in the micropores of the sliding layer will not allow you to apply paraffin correctly.

With heat treatment

Waxing of skis with heat treatment, as a rule, is carried out during periods between skiing in home-garage conditions. This initially assumes that the skis have been cleaned and dried.

  1. Heat the iron to 150 ° WITH.
  2. Spray liquid paraffin onto the sliding layer of the ski. We mean that different types skis, require a different model of lubricant application. For skating skis, the entire sliding surface is lubricated. Classic skis are waxed, bypassing the central part.
  3. Iron the ski from toe to heel.
  4. Let the ski cool and dry at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C for at least 10 min.
  5. We pass the layer with the applied lubricant with a brush.

As a result of these manipulations, heated paraffin penetrates the pores of the plastic, fills them, and the microscopic “landscape” of the sliding surface is leveled. The wax remaining on the surface is excess. We remove it with a brush.

Ideally, this cycle should be repeated up to 10 times. The fact is that brushing, in addition to removing the surface layer, also removes part of the “useful” paraffin that filled the microcracks. When we repeat waxing several times in a row, we better “compact” the uneven skis with paraffin, filling the unevenness and microcracks more efficiently.

No heat treatment

Often we do not have the opportunity to use an iron, we are limited in time, and we need to lubricate our skis because they glide poorly. Manufacturers of liquid paraffins offer the theoretical possibility of using their lubricants without heat treatment.

  1. Drying the ski.
  2. We clean the sliding layer with a brush to remove dust and dirt from the pores of the plastic.
  3. Wipe and let dry a little.
  4. Apply a SMALL layer of lubricant.
  5. Let stand for 3-5 minutes.
  6. We rub it with a cork, a pad or whatever we are used to using.
  7. Let stand for 10 minutes.

If you still put too much lubricant, you should use a brush and remove the excess layer. However, lubricant manufacturers warn that with the cold method of applying paraffin, brushing at the final stage is not significant.

And if it does, it will last no more than 5 minutes. For proper cold lubrication it takes about 1 hour. It is advisable to have sun or some room for drying.

You should be aware that, even if all of the above conditions are met, cold waxing is always an emergency measure, which in its effectiveness can never be compared with the classic heat treatment option.

Cost of liquid paraffins

Paraffins in the form of ointments cost about $5 per 25 g. Sprays, especially high-fluoride ones, can cost up to $40 per 50 ml bottle.

The types of skis do not influence the choice of one or another wax. However, it should be remembered that, unlike skating, sliding surface classic skis require lubrication with additional holding ointment. Since traditional skiing requires pushing off and, accordingly, requires better adhesion of the ski to the snow at the point of application of force, the holding ointment is applied to the center of the ski.