Skiing history. See what "Skiing" is in other dictionaries

They made a Russian invention ... They have wooden rims about seven feet long and one span wide, but the bottom is flat and smooth. They tie them under their feet and run with them through the snow, never sinking into it, and with such speed that one can be surprised at it.

Mons Palm, secretary of the Swedish embassy in Moscow, 1617.

The history of cross-country skiing dates back several millennia, which is confirmed by rock paintings in the caves of Norway, made around 7000 years ago . It all started from the moment when a person discovered that by tying two pieces of wood of a special shape to his feet, he could move faster through snowy fields and forests while hunting. Many centuries later, approximately in the middle 16th century , skis began to be used by the armies of the Scandinavian countries, a little later the military was put on skis in Russia. The first similar competition was held in Norway in 1767 , however, there was no further development of cross-country skiing as a sport until the middle of the 19th century. In 1843 in Norway, and then in 1865 in Finland, official cross-country skiing competitions took place. In 1862, the first ever result was recorded in Sweden - Lars Tuorda from Lapland won the two-part 220 km race in a time of 22 hours 22 minutes. In Russia, the first competition dates back only 1894 when a ski race for a quarter of a mile took place in St. Petersburg.

Nothing refreshes the will and refreshes the mind like skis.

One of the most important events in the development of cross-country skiing in the 19th century is objectively considered the feat of the famous Norwegian traveler, explorer of the Arctic.Fridtjof Nansen, who in 1889 was the first in the world to make more than five hundred kilometers crossing Greenland alone. Three years later, a book was published about this transition, translated into several languages, thanks to which people around the world learned a lot about skiing and became inspired by the love of skiing. It was from the end of the 19th century that sports societies and skiing clubs began to actively appear in all countries.

“Nothing strengthens the muscles and makes the body so strong and elastic, nothing gives reaction and speed, nothing refreshes the will and refreshes the mind like skis” - these are the words of Fridtjof Nansen.

Over the entire period of the evolution of ski equipment, and this is several thousand years, there were very different variants skis, boots and poles. The first snow walking aids were more like modern snowshoes, but over time they transformed, became longer and narrower to increase speed, they could already slide on the snow and their appearance looked like our usual skis. It is known from archaeological data that already in XIII century in Russia, skis about 190 cm long and about 8 cm wide with curved ends were used, but at the beginning of the 20th century, skis up to 3 m long were common.

The first ski shoes did not have a hard sole and were simply tied to the skis, since there were no special bindings. So it was up to up to 30s XX century, when welt boots appeared, which were actively used by skiers until the 70s.

They have an interesting history running poles. It turns out that until the end of the 19th century, skiers used only one stick. This is due to the fact that skis were used mainly for hunting and in the army. The first sticks were wooden or bamboo, about the height of a person. Only in our time, sticks have become a high-tech product, made from lightweight aluminum or composite materials.

The rapid development of ski equipment began in the 70s of the XX century. In 1971 the Norwegian company Rottefella developed a well-known fastening standard NN75 (Nordic Norm 75 mm ) with three pins for welt boots. This standard immediately gained immense popularity all over the world, and in our country, due to its low cost and ease of production, until recently it was the most common. Over the past few years, the situation has changed dramatically, NN75 mounts have lost their positions and are used only by those who have not yet made progress.

In 1974 there was a revolution in the production of cross-country skis - the first plastic skis appeared. Soon the tracks began to be prepared by machine, they became wider and stiffer, which in the early 80s led to the appearance of skating, whose founder is considered the famous Swedish skier Gunde Swan . At the same time, boots and bindings began to be actively improved. The welted boots were replaced by narrower ones - “sock boots”, and the NN75 bindings - by Adidas “frogs”, then by the system SDS , but the reliability of these new developments left much to be desired. There was a division of boots into classic and skating. Finally, in the mid-80s, two truly functional, modern fastening standards appeared - SNS (Salomon Nordic System) and NNN (New Nordic Norm, Rottefella ). Boots and bindings have formed a system that ensures the efficient transfer of energy from the skier to the ski.

In the 90s, ski production appeared cap -technology, "sandwich" skis are a thing of the past. Now all modern cross-country skis consist of a core covered with a “box” on top, the surface of which can have a 3-dimensional shape. The geometry of the skis has also changed - it has ceased to be parallel. Manufacturing companies are still in constant search of the optimal ski profile, and the calculations of the characteristics of new models are increasingly closer to aerospace and "formula" technologies.

In the late 90s, a new technological breakthrough occurred - a system of bindings and boots appeared. SNS Pilot - biaxial fastening of the boot, which significantly improved the technique of skating. And in 2005, a new revolutionary development was announced - an integrated system of skis and bindings - NIS ( Nordic Integrated System Rottefella), now you do not need to drill skis to install mounts.

Modern skiing is 39 ski disciplines at the Olympic Games, 26 competitive ski events awaiting "Olympic registration", as well as more than 20 events approved in the status of a "sport" of events.

Athletics is rightly called the "queen of sports", and the rapidly developing skiing in the retinue of winter Olympic disciplines is the uncontested "king of sports".

The peoples who lived in the northern regions of the planet have long thought about creating a means of transportation in deep snow. The boundless expanses of snow made it difficult to walk, did not allow to quickly overcome the distances between the villages. Yes, and on the hunt, snowdrifts interfered with the pursuit of game. Ancient people were in dire need of comfortable devices that would help them feel confident on the snow cover.

The very first skis were primitive snowshoes. They were oval-shaped wooden frames covered with animal skin straps. Sometimes such devices were woven from flexible rods. It was impossible to slide on such skis, but it was relatively easy to step into them in deep snow. It is assumed that the first snowshoes were used by the Indians and Eskimos of North America as far back as the Paleolithic. In Europe they were not widespread.

In the caves of Norway, rock carvings of skiers made about four thousand years ago were discovered. In the drawings, you can see pieces of wood tied to people's feet. Archaeological finds made in Scandinavia suggest that sliding skis first appeared in this region. Ancient skis had different lengths - the right one was a little shorter and served to repel. The sliding surface of skis was trimmed by ancient craftsmen with leather or animal fur.

From the history of skis

Skis were also used in the everyday life of the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Russia. This is evidenced by rock paintings discovered at the beginning of the last century on the shores of the White Sea and Lake Onega. Massive boulders have preserved images of Paleolithic hunters and fishermen, to whose feet skis of a sliding type were attached. In the Pskov region, archaeologists have found fragments of ancient skis that are more than three thousand years old.

Skis that are very reminiscent of modern Sports Equipment, researchers discovered during excavations of ancient Novgorod. These devices were about two meters long; the front ends of the skis are slightly raised and slightly pointed. In the place where the skier's leg should be located, there is a thickening and a through hole through which, obviously, a leather belt was passed.

The art of skiing was very much appreciated by the northern peoples. Evidence of this can be found in the epic of the Finns, Karelians, Nenets, Ostyaks. Describing the exploits of heroes, folk narrators often mention their ability to ski. There are also references to skiing competitions, during which the most dexterous and fastest hunters were selected. Skiing was of great importance for the ancient peoples, because such skills largely determined the success in hunting and the prosperity of the tribe.

“Skiing may not be happiness, but it may well replace it,” one of the great French skiers once said. In the midst of the ski season and before the main period of trips to ski resorts we offer you a photo story about how the skis themselves have changed and their role in the lives of our compatriots from time immemorial to the present day.

1. The first mention of skis was found in rock art thousands of years before our era. For northern peoples, including our distant ancestors, this invention was simply vital in order to be able to move through the snow and get food in the winter.

2. Many centuries later, namely, from about the middle of the 16th century, skis began to be used by the military. In the photo: a painting by Ivanov S.V. "The campaign of the Muscovites. XVI century". The painting itself dates from 1903.

3. In general, until the very end of the 19th century, skis were used mainly for hunting and in the army, so skiers all this time used only one stick - the second hand had to remain free. As a sport, skiing in Russia received official recognition in 1895, when the first ski races took place. Photo: Getty Images

4. At first, skis did not have special shoes and were simply tied to the existing one. And given the famous Russian frosts, felt boots were most often the first ski shoes. So it was until the 30s of the twentieth century, when welt boots and bindings appeared, which were actively used by skiers until the 70s, and sometimes continue to be used today. In the photo: Russian soldier on skis and in felt boots, 1900-1919.

5. In the Soviet Union, as is known, physical culture and sports occupied a very honorable place in the life of every citizen. And skiing - first of all, cross-country skiing - has become one of the most common and popular winter views sports. Millions of fans of a sports and healthy lifestyle annually took part in mass ski races.

6. They began to get involved in skiing from childhood - in the long winter months, without exception, all Soviet schoolchildren went in for physical education on cross-country skis. In the photo: Moscow State University, Moscow, 1959.

7. And this is a physical education lesson in Ulyanovsk in 1967. Photo: Sergey Yuriev

8. For adults, skiing was also considered a great way to spend winter leisure and often even replaced romantic dates. It's time to remember the famous Soviet ski wax with its specific smell, far from any romance. However, without it, wooden skis, for which there was no alternative then, did not go. Photo: Sergey Yuriev

9. As for alpine skiing, they began to develop in Russia much later than cross-country skiing, and at first they were mainly part of the training of climbers. In the photo: Dombay, 1937

10. The first "breakthrough" in Soviet skiing occurred in 1956, when Evgenia Sidorova (pictured) won the first Olympic medal at the Winter Olympics in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. The athlete took third place, despite a shoulder injury.

11. After that, in the 60s, skiing began to gain unprecedented popularity in the country. And Dombay began to turn from a climbing camp into the country's main ski resort. In 1964, the construction of a recreation and sports complex began here, including a network of hotels, bases, huts and cable cars. In the photo: modern Dombay

12. Another remarkable period in the history of Russian alpine skiing is the era of the "golden team", the time of our triumph in the late 70s - early 80s, when skiers led by Alexander Zhirov literally broke into the pedestals of the World Cup stages. The headlines of sports newspapers were impressive: “Akhtung! The Russians are coming”, “Russians are striving to become leaders”, “24 days of the Russian miracle”. The period of the "golden team" was the time of the flourishing of talents and the long-awaited victories of domestic sports. Photo: Roman Denisov

13. In 1974 there was a real revolution in ski world- the first plastic skis appeared. At the same time, boots and bindings began to be actively improved. As a result, ski equipment acquired quite modern look, although the skis themselves, and the bindings and boots continue to be constantly improved even now. Photo: Roman Denisov

14. Modern skiing enthusiasts have plenty to choose from: shops provide a wide range of ski products, among which not only an amateur, but also a professional can find suitable equipment.

15. Nowadays, schoolchildren are still supposed to learn the basics of cross-country skiing.

16. Alpine skiing and trips to ski resorts are gaining more and more popularity among compatriots every year. Photo: Roman Denisov

17. Some parents begin to introduce kids to their favorite sport from the very beginning. early ageski schools accept students from three years old.

18. And for those who can’t live without skis even in summer, covered ski resorts with artificial snow.

From time immemorial, northern peoples have used skis not only as a means of transportation, but also as one of the means of subsistence. On the Zalavruga rock (Karelia), near the mouth of the Vyg River, there is an image of Neolithic skiers, and in the Pskov region a ski was found that is about 4000 years old. Quite primitive skis were used by the ancient Siberian tribes, the Chinese, and the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic regions of America. In the Nikon chronicle of 1444 there is a miniature that tells about the battles of Russian troops with the Tatars. There is a mention of such rats in chronicles starting from the 16th century. From the records of the Swedish archbishop Otto Magnus, it is known how people went skiing three centuries ago. At the beginning of the 16th century, skis from Scandinavia came to Europe. At the same time, the Polish commander Stefan Batory created teams of skiers in his army.

In the 18th century, the Scandinavians used skis of various lengths: the short, right-handed one was used for repulsion, while the long, left-handed one was used for gliding. About one hundred and sixty years ago, the Norwegians held the first skiing competition, in which the future head of government won. In 1856, the Norwegian Ion Thorsteinson crossed the mountains of the Siera Nevada on skis three meters long, carrying a cargo of American mail. For this he was nicknamed "Snow Thompson". Skis sometimes had a bend both in front and behind. The sliding surface of the skis was lined with fur so that they would not slide back on the slopes. For repulsion, as before, they used one stick. When descending, for balance and braking, they sat astride a stick.

The polar explorer Nansen crossed Greenland on oak skis at the end of the 19th century, which served to popularize skiing.

Early 20th century Russian skiers organized competitions at a distance of one hundred meters. In 1911, a 724 km long route was laid between Moscow and the northern capital. The winner completed it in 294 hours and 22 minutes. Marathon runs up to two hundred kilometers long were popular in Sweden. Women took to the track in long skirts and big hats. In 1896, at the Winter Olympics, athletes competed in white trousers and black boots.

For a long time, skis were made from one piece of wood. Birch was the best material. Then the skis began to be made glued, from several layers. From the bottom, along the edges, a piping was made of hard wood.

Since 1974, plastic skis have been manufactured. They quickly replaced wooden skis. Plastic skis had less weight, greater strength and excellent speed qualities. Plastic skis hold lubrication well and have good grip on snow. With the advent of plastic skis, there have been changes in running technique. In the manufacture of ski poles, fiberglass is also used, which is reinforced with carbon fibers. For their lightness and high strength, they began to be called "coal feather".

Cross-country skiing is extremely popular in the world. World Cups are held in cross-country skiing, biathlon and alpine skiing. Various ski disciplines are included in the program of the Winter Olympics.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 18"

Pervomaisky district, Izhevsk


"History of skis"

Completed by: 3rd grade students

Fadeev Nikita

Nelyubin Igor

Head: Agapova D.A.

Izhevsk 2016


    The history of skis……………………………………………….4

    History of skiing……………………………………………………6

    Types of skis…………………………………………………………………….7

    The benefits of skiing……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Sociological research………………………………………………………………12

    1. The attitude of schoolchildren to skiing





Real skiers know
What is comfort in the soul,
If the choice in life is made honestly,
If part of which is skiing.

We really enjoy skiing.In winter we spend a lot of time riding them.And we were interested: where and when skis were invented.In our work, we will talk about the history of skiing and skiing, about the types of skiing and how it is good for health.

Relevance research is to form in our peers the desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Our goal research work - learn as much as you can about skiing.

To do this, you need to solve the followingtasks:

1. Find out where and when the first skis appeared

2. Determine what skis are and what they are used for

3. Find out what materials skis are made of.

4. Conduct a survey in the class "Attitude towards skiing in our class"

Object of study: skis and their history.

Subject of study: improvement of skis in history.

Research methods : studying information from the Internet, conversation, questioning.


The history of skisstarted with snowshoes. Snowshoes are devices invented by the inhabitants of the polar regions to move through the snow while hunting. They were planes tied to the legs, which reduced the pressure on the snow. They were made by stretching animal skins on a wooden frame or twisting flexible rods.

One of the options for such a snowshoe was wooden planks. They, in particular, gave the hunter the opportunity not only to walk in deep snow, but also to glide. Gradually, these boards began to acquire an oblong shape. They began to be specially adapted to slip, for which they arched the nose and smeared the lower surface with animal fat. To attach them to the legs, thin and strong straps made of animal skins were used. The history of skiing dates back several millennia, which is confirmed by rock paintings in the caves of Norway, made about 7000 years ago. It all started from the moment when a person discovered that by tying two pieces of wood of a special shape to his feet, he could move faster through snowy fields and forests while hunting. Many centuries later, approximately in the middle of the 16th century, skis began to be used by the armies of the Scandinavian countries, a little later the military was put on skis in Russia. The exact date, place, name of the inventor of the device for feet to fight snow have not been established. The first devices that man used for easier movement in deep snow were undoubtedly snowshoes or stepping skis.

Ancient copy sliding skis modern type was discovered (1953) in ancient Novgorod in a layer of the first half of the 13th century. Ski length

1 m 92 cm, average width 8 cm, its front end is somewhat raised, curved and pointed. The place for installing the leg is slightly more massive, here the thickness of the ski reaches 3 cm. To thread the belt that attaches the ski to the skier's shoes, it has a through horizontal hole with a diameter of 0.5 cm. Russ were often used during holidays and winter folk fun, where strength, dexterity, endurance were demonstrated in the race and down the slopes. Along with other entertainment and exercises (fisticuffs, horseback riding, various games and fun), skiing played an important role in physical development Russian people. Swedish diplomat Palm, who visited in the XVII century. in Rus', testified to the widespread use of skis in the Muscovite state. He described in detail the skis used by the locals and the ability of the Russians to move quickly on them.


History of skiingjust started in Scandinavia, where the first competitions were organized, which received the status cross-country skiing. Gradually, they began to be held wherever snow fell in winter.

True, today even residents of southern countries have "infected" this sport. Therefore, in the summer, when there is no snow, races on asphalt or other hard surfaces began to be held, for which special mechanical devices called ski rollers are used instead of skis.

Today, ski disciplines are very diverse. These are races for 5, 15, 20, 30 and even 50 kilometers ( ski marathon). Running is carried out both in classical and free style.

In addition, skiing sports include a variety of competitions associated with moving through the mountains - slalom, downhill, ski jumping,.

Most ski disciplines are included in the program of competitions such as the World Cup and Olympic Games. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, skis began to be used in the army. Around the same time, there were ski poles, significantly facilitating and accelerating the movement on skis. According to historians, the first ski competition took place in 1844 in the Norwegian city of Tremsey. At the dawn of skiing, flat skiing was not much different from mountain skiing, and competitions often, in addition to running along the plain, included descents from the slopes of the surrounding mountains and ski jumping.
Skiing is a leisure activity that involves skiing at speed or for pleasure.


For those who are just starting to build a ski track, amateur skis are suitable, they are heavy, simple in appearance and inexpensive. Touring skis are more suitable for long hikes, they are wider, heavier than other types and more rigid, with notches on the underside to prevent slipping. Similar to the previous back country and touring, but they are lighter in weight and comfortable for close skiing. Skis for children and youth are most often made of plastic, made taking into account light weight and low strength.

Hunting skis are also called commercial skis, they are wider than other types of skis and the most enduring. Even from their name it is clear for what purpose they are used, and can be used both in the winter forest and in the steppe. There are also sports skis, they are considered professional, the lightest, but they are also the most expensive. Those who stand can walk on them

skiing for a long time. Classic skis they have the same width along the entire length, but the carving ones are narrowed in the center, and wider at the ends, which is why they are also called “fitted”. Due to their stability, they are most popular with beginner skiers. There is a manufacturer that produces several types of skis, each of which is designed for a specific type of snow. On wooden skis it is more convenient for beginner skiers, especially children. Plastic skis are lighter, more comfortable and considered more stylish. They develop a fairly high speed, are more durable, because they do not get wet and do not exfoliate. These skis are good on melted snow, they just need liquid lubricant under the boot, and she sliding surface does without it. All ski models are in constant improvement. Atomic skis are the most popular of alpine skis. They consist of a combination of two freely sliding decks, which gives the skier the ability to control the movement more easily and more precisely.The inserts between the decks absorb vibration and allow the ski to glide smoothly even at high speeds. For experienced skiers, skiing is a real pleasure. Salomon skis- This is a multi-purpose alpine skiing. They are so perfect that they do not require any slope preparation. Very friendly towards skiers, light, intelligent and obedient. They are famous for their versatility, pleasant glide and the presence of comfortable boots.

In addition to cross-country skiing, there are skis for downhill skiing (alpine skiing), hunting skis(they are several times wider than cross-country ones), for ski jumping, for figure skating from the mountains (freestyle skiing), water skiing. Depending on the use of skis have their own characteristics.

From the beginning of the birth of skis, wood was used for their manufacture, as a more accessible material for processing.

Modern sports skis have a complex structure. This is no longer just a bent piece of wood, but a product designed using computer technology and modern composite materials.
The most popular brands are fischer, rosignol, atomic, madchus. salomon.


Skiing is not only interesting, but also good for health!

Calm ski trips and full-fledged workouts with increased load develop the human cardiovascular system, improve metabolic processes, and also improve not only the physical, but also the emotional state of a personIt is well known that ski types sports increase the body's resistance to various types diseases. As a result of classes, immunity increases, and the oxygen supply system of various human organs is trained. In the process of skiing actively train different groups muscles, including the back, which reduces the risk of arthritis and arthrosis. Another undoubted benefit of skiing is a full-fledged training of the vestibular apparatus, abs, calf and other muscles. In the course of numerous studies, it was found that skiing helps to improve the condition of people who are sick with bronchitis, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

Skiing is a great way to get rid of extra pounds

In most cases after regular classes people reduce the level of bad cholesterol, as well as excessive salts and sugar. Walking n and skiing is a great way to get rid of extra pounds at the waist, since the muscle group in the abdomen is reduced several thousand times in one hour of skiing.

Skiing can be taught to children from an early age. For example, in Scandinavia and in many northern regions of Russia, children start skiing as soon as they start walking. As a rule, children at the age of two or three quickly master skiing, and do it with great pleasure, trying to imitate adults. Naturally, skiing can be done in young and mature years, as well as in old age. Many doctors consider skiing one of the most useful activities Just right for kids and the elderly. This type physical activity It helps a lot in dealing with high blood pressure. Not so long ago, research data was published in Finland, which shows that people who regularly ski, almost never experience high or excessively low blood pressure. Usually one hour of a quiet walk is enough for the pressure to drop and normalize, and the positive effect lasts throughout the next day, which indicates the undoubted benefits of skiing for people suffering from low or high blood pressure.


    1. The attitude of schoolchildren to skiing.

And now - let's see what is happening with the development of skiing, and what is the attitude towards skiing in our class. We tried to find out what place skiing occupies in the lives of students in our class. We asked students to answer the following questions:

    Do you love skiing?

    Are you involved in ski section Or are you training on your own?

    Do you participate in ski competitions?

    How often do you ski?

A) on weekends

b) several times a week

C) only in physical education classes.

    Why are you skiing?

A) like

B) to improve health

B) because it is a mandatory part physical education.

The survey showed that the guys go in for sports with pleasure, attend the school section, skiing not only at physical education lessons. But few people participate in competitions, most likely this is due to age and little experience. Still ahead.


Skiing is a tool physical education for people of any age, health condition and level of physical fitness.

Skiing in the clear frosty air significantly increases the body's resistance to a variety of diseases, has a positive effect on mental and physical performance, deliver a positive effect on the nervous system.

During skiing, the most important moral and volitional qualities are successfully brought up: courage and perseverance, discipline and diligence, the ability to endure any difficulties, physical endurance. And the fact that after even a short run the state of health improves significantly has been proven repeatedly.

It is skiing that contributes to the strengthening of human health. Sports bring people health, joy, longevity, happiness and confidence in the future. And we encourage everyone to lead a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of my research, I found out:

    Skis appeared and were used in ancient times;

    Skis were used for moving in deep snow and were indispensable for hunting;

    The material for the manufacture of skis was wood;

    Modern skis are made of wood, plastic, composite materials.

    Skiing is popular in our class.

While working on the research topic, I was drawn to poetry, and this is what came of it:

    Magazine "Skiing"