Ski preparation - how to do it right. Proper preparation of skis for competitions Preparation of cross-country skis for classic skiing

In order to enjoy skiing in any terrain and in any weather, it is necessary to provide appropriate, high-quality training. sports equipment to operation.

For this, special lubricants are used: waxes, paraffins, which ensure the skis glide and keep them on the snow. The quality of the ski glide and the amount of pleasant emotions from skiing depend on how carefully and thoughtfully all related accessories are selected and applied.

How to choose wax for different types of skis

Sliding lubricants are necessary to improve the sliding qualities of inventory. It is important to consider the features of applying such ointments:

  • skiing classic move substances should be applied only to the heel and nasal zones;
  • on skating skis, substances are applied to the entire surface of the equipment.

As far as grip lubrication is concerned, its main function is to ensure minimal kickback during classic style runs. The substance is applied to the central zone of the ski.

The holding wax allows the skier to push, while pressure arises in the central zone of the block, as a result of which the ski seems to stick to the snow layer. The connecting link between the ski and the snow is precisely the holding ointment, into which the ice crystals penetrate. After repulsion, the ski should easily free itself from the snow, which will ensure good glide.

Before you purchase a specific product for lubricating the surface of the skis, you need to understand what result you need to achieve.

For short ski trips or rest on ski resort once a year, the process of preparing sports equipment is not so complicated. Those wishing to take part in competitions and climb the podiums should pay special attention to the preparation of skis.

Hydrocarbon waxes

The main component of such materials is paraffin. Among skiers, this category of waxes is the most common, as they have excellent water-repellent qualities and are easy to use. The method of applying to skis is used, both hot and dry.

You can buy such waxes in the form of paraffin briquettes, powders, pencils or pastes.

The range of hydrocarbon waxes includes universal and temperature-oriented product options.

Universal hydrocarbon waxes

This category of goods is the most budgetary and easy to use. Paraffins of this type can be used in cases where you have to spend a long time on skis, but there is no need to show high results skating. Paraffin wax is perfect for ski instructors or guides.

Advantages of waxes: excellent water repellency, which provides a fairly easy ski glide; protection against dirt sticking to sports equipment.

Disadvantages: wax must be applied frequently to the surface of the ski, as it wears off quickly due to its soft structure.

Temperature oriented hydrocarbon waxes

Used by athletes in specific temperature conditions. The composition of paraffins includes special additives that, at a certain snow temperature, activate the action of wax and provide better ski glide.

  • Cold (hard) waxes - used for skiing when the snow is very cold and its temperature on the ski slope is -12 degrees and below. In conditions where the snow layer is cold and has low humidity, it is important that the paraffin has increased wear resistance. It is hard paraffin that is resistant to the effects of sharp ice crystals. However, as soon as the temperature of the snow rises and its moisture increases, the skis lose their ability to slide, as the snow simply sticks to the surface of the equipment.
  • Medium (semi-hard) waxes are used for skiing at snow temperatures from -12 degrees to -2 degrees. They have a slightly lower hardness, but they repel moisture well, which is necessary in such weather conditions when the moisture content of the snow is high.
  • Warm (liquid) waxes are paraffins with a soft consistency, which contain silicone or substances similar in action and characteristics, which provide excellent water repellency to skis. Waxes are used at snow temperatures from -2 degrees and above.

Fluorocarbon Waxes

This type paraffin provides high water-repellent properties to skis and guarantees their excellent sliding on snow.

  • low fluoride - used at low snow moisture levels (less than 60%);
  • medium fluoride - used in cases where the snow moisture is at an average level (from 60% to 80%);
  • high fluoride - suitable for high level snow moisture (more than 80%).

Which paraffin is better

If we talk about the quality of the waxes presented on store shelves, then, first of all, it is necessary to take into account their cost.

Some of the cheapest waxes are fluorine-free waxes. If funds are limited, then you can purchase the entire the lineup such waxes, namely: CH4 (-10…-32), CH6 (-6…-12), LF7 (-2…-8), LF8 (+4…-1), HF10 (+10…0). Thus, skis can be prepared for skiing at any snow temperature.

The presence of fluorine in paraffin indicates that the wax can be used at high snow temperatures, in addition, the skis are reliably protected from dirt on the track and glide perfectly on the snow. The cost of such waxes is much higher and the purchase of such products is not always justified and possible.

If the funds are minimal, then you can get by with basic paraffin (there is no marking on it) and treat the surface of the skis only with it.

Where to buy and how much paraffin for skis costs

You can buy waxes in specialized sports stores. As for the cost of goods, several factors influence it: the composition of the wax, the volume of packaging, the manufacturer.

The price of the most budget brands of domestic waxes does not exceed 100 rubles. Paraffins of foreign manufacturers with a high fluorine content can cost in the range from 1,700 rubles to 7,000 rubles.

Some manufacturers offer products for skiing directly in Russia. In addition, you can find products designed for use in artificial snow. The range includes waxes specifically for training athletes.

How to apply wax on skis

In this matter, the main thing to remember is that any ski lubricant is better than its absence. This is especially true for skis made of wood.

To prepare sports equipment for skiing, you will need two types of waxes: for sliding and for holding.

The procedure requires: an iron (if there is no special one, you can use an ordinary household one, but without holes on the sole), a damp cloth, a plastic scraper, a nylon brush, a dry soft cloth.

The first treatment of the ski surface is carried out at a temperature of 65-70 degrees with soft paraffins (without fluorine).

With a warm iron, it is necessary to heat the entire surface of the sports equipment, or only the heel or toe areas, taking into account what course the skis are intended for.

Touch the prepared paraffin with a heated iron and drip a little onto the surface of the ski.

Using an iron, fuse the wax into the surface of the inventory, while constantly monitoring that a layer of paraffin remains between the skis and the iron. Leave the ski for 10-15 minutes until the wax has completely hardened.

Then it is necessary to remove the paraffin with a scraper and polish with a prepared dry cloth.

The rest of the sliding surfaces of sports equipment should be treated in a similar way and paraffin corresponding to the temperature of the snow should be applied to the base layer of wax. The weather wax application method is similar to the method described.

How to remove wax from skis

As soon as the skis began to lose speed and glide poorly on the snow, you need to think about the time to pay attention to the surface treatment of the inventory.

In order to clean the surface of the ski from paraffin, you should use a special wash or scraper.

Washing removes the base layer of paraffin, in which case you will have to apply the wax starting from scratch. If the base layer of wax remains on the surface of the ski, then paraffin can be applied to it, corresponding to any weather conditions.

To clean the skis, you need: a special machine for attaching inventory, a scraper made of organic glass or plastic.

First you need to fix the ski in the machine.

The movements of the scraper are carried out from the bow of the ski to the heel. Work with a scraper should be even, without changing the pressing force. This will avoid deformation of the ski.

Note: it is important to clean the scraper from excess paraffin and monitor the sharpness of the object. If necessary, process it with sandpaper.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the processing of the edge of the skis and the groove. To do this, you need scrapers of the required shape.

The remaining parts of the paraffin must be removed with a stiff brush. Movements should be short.

In order to clean the sliding surface of the ski from adhering dirt or remove all layers of paraffin, including the base, a hot method is needed. To do this, you need a special iron or household iron without holes on the sole.

Using an iron, it is necessary to apply paraffin to the ski, and until it has hardened, scrape the surface with a scraper. If the action is performed correctly, a roller of paraffin, mud and other applied substances should form.

Sport is an integral, important part of a healthy and fulfilling life for every person. And the sport associated with skiing is doubly useful, as it allows a person to breathe. fresh air and enjoy nature. Rest actively, relax with the whole family, friendly companies and live brightly.

How to choose skis for skating and not make a mistake? Choosing skis is not an easy task, especially for beginners. The purchase of this sports equipment requires the use of a competent, responsible and balanced approach.

How to choose skis for skating for a beginner?

The first difficulties may arise directly in the definition of products that are included in the category of cross-country. Often this type includes models that differ in structure from skiing. At the same time, a beginner absolutely does not need professional skis for skating, at least based on their high cost.

A person who is just starting to ski, first of all, needs to decide on an affordable price category. The cost of individual models of skis for skating can range from $30 to $350. And even with a special wallet size, the most expensive models from reputable world manufacturers are not always the ideal solution.

What are the best skis for skating? The best solution for beginners can be cross-country skis for skating of domestic production. Firstly, the average quality of such models allows you to feel the whole complex positive emotions from skiing, and secondly, their cost is so affordable that it will be possible to use such skis without sparing, in almost any conditions.

Another important issue for a beginner is the selection of cross-country skis based on technical parameters: length, stiffness level, structural strength. It is these characteristics that are decisive when choosing any models.

The optimal length of skis for skating can be determined according to the classical calculation formula. To do this, you need to add 25-30 cm to the height of the skier, which will become an indicator of a suitable length.

As for the stiffness of skis, here it is necessary to focus on the weight of the skier. Under too heavy a rider, soft models will certainly sag, delivering a whole lot of inconvenience. With a low skier weight, too rigid equipment will slip with rather unpleasant feedback. To determine the optimal level of rigidity, it is enough to stand on the skis with full weight, after placing a thick sheet of paper under the binding area. A sufficient rigidity indicator is considered if the sheet can be moved under the sliding surface without much difficulty at a distance of about 30-40 cm in both directions.

The majority of buyers prefer to immediately purchase for riding entry level expensive skis for skating, hoping for a comfortable riding experience based on the authority of a recognizable manufacturer. However, the reliability and high quality of expensive skis are justified by the need to achieve maximum speeds on the ski track. It is unlikely that a novice amateur will immediately be able to ride at such speeds using correct technique ride. Therefore, it makes no sense to spend money on buying a professional ski model for a person without much experience.

Manufacturing materials

When carrying out such a procedure as choosing skis for skating, choosing the right material remains an important issue for most beginners. Many of us have not yet forgotten the good old wooden models of Soviet-made cross-country skis, which at one time had practically no alternative. Therefore, some sports fans are extremely difficult to accept the need to switch to the use of modern plastic models. The main reason here is far from the rigidity of perception, but rather the lack of information about the features of the operation of such equipment.

Plastic skis for skating are not as simple as they might seem at first glance. Using such a model without proper preparation and maintenance, you can feel discomfort, convincing yourself of an unsuccessful purchase already on the first meters of the track.

In fact, plastic has improved sliding qualities compared to wood. Therefore, when choosing plastic cross-country skis, you need to be prepared for the need for regular lubrication. sliding surface products, selecting suitable compositions and based on weather conditions and the nature of the area.

Plastic models of cross-country skis are much stronger than wooden ones and, accordingly, have an increased level of reliability. And if the owners of the former begin to cover their favorite inventory with the appearance of positive indicators on the thermometer, then the happy owners of plastic counterparts usually please themselves for some time with the continuation of the season.

How to choose skis for skating according to your riding style?

One of the defining moments in the selection of skis is the compliance of the chosen model with the style of skiing. It is recommended to consider individual features and configuration of skis, based on the nature of the future use of the purchased pair.

The selection of skis for skating should be carried out, focusing on the features of the riding style itself, which is characterized by the need to perform sweeping movements, the so-called "herringbone".

The main difference between classic skis and models for skating are the features of their lubrication. To achieve the most uniform glide, the surface skating they are treated with primers in the form of holding ointments, lubricated with paraffin along the entire length, additionally treated with special sliding lubricants. At the same time, such processing is unacceptable for classic ski models, the sliding surface of which, on the contrary, is skinned to achieve greater grip, after which it is covered with a holding lubricant.

To choose skis for skating that will be used for cross-country riding, you need to pay attention to the most durable products that can withstand significant loads.

In general, experts recommend purchasing several sets of skis for traditional, skating and cross-country skiing. It is this solution that will allow you to avoid difficulties and discomfort, having the opportunity to switch from one move to another.

ski boots

The most important process, along with the direct selection of cross-country skis, is the selection of a whole range of necessary accessories: bindings, boots, poles, etc. Innovative Models ski boots are not just special shoes for comfortable connection with skis, but also products that can protect the feet from certain loads and maintain a balance of heat.

In the production of modern ski boots, the anatomical features of the foot of skiers and the natural requirements of hygiene are taken into account. The selection of high-quality, reliable boots is the key to a comfortable, successful ride. A responsible approach to the selection of shoes eliminates the need to be distracted by all sorts of inconveniences in the form of squeezed fingers or wet feet.

Currently, there are several main categories of ski boots:

  1. Classic models - traditionally used on ski models that are used for classic skiing.
  2. Skating boots - the structure and functionality of this equipment corresponds to the features of skating.
  3. Combined models - can be used for riding in various styles, thanks to the presence of a convenient removable cuff.


When choosing skis for skating, you need to think about the selection of suitable bindings. To date, there are standard and profile types of fasteners.

Standard bindings involve connection with boots using holes for which there are connectors on the soles of special boots. Such bindings also have ledges, due to which, in fact, the ski boots are securely fixed.

The profile systems have rubber elements of different stiffness, which ensures high efficiency of repulsion when running. Under the profile boots, there are several separate mounting options - NNN and SNS. The difference between these types of profile fasteners lies in the number of recesses. There are two in NNN format mounts, and only one in SNS mounts.

ski poles

picking up best skis for skating, you should pay attention to the choice of the most convenient, effective sticks. In many ways, the choice of sticks depends on the style of riding. Classic style Riding most appropriate choice of sticks, the length of which reaches the armpits, and for the "horse" it is recommended to pick up sticks up to the shoulder.

The ideal solution can be considered the selection of sticks with an anatomically adjusted lanyard and large paws. The presence of these characteristics makes it possible to ride for a long time, practically without feeling tired or uncomfortable in the hands.

How to prepare skis for skating?

The preparation of skis for skating involves, first of all, the creation of a sliding surface structure that best matches the nature of the snow. For this, the outer plane of the skis is treated with special substances in the form of ointments and paraffin, which are selected based on weather conditions.

First of all, a solid holding ointment is applied to the sliding surface of the skis. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • the outer plane of the skis is processed with sandpaper, which helps to improve grip due to raising the pile;
  • a ground heated ointment is applied with a consistency that is most appropriate for weather conditions;
  • the ointment is leveled with an iron of medium temperature;
  • after solidification, subsequent layers of ointment are applied in the holding area and leveled with a synthetic stopper.

Applying paraffin to the surface of the skis

Lubrication of skis for skating in the presence of sufficiently soft paraffin can be done by applying it to a sliding surface in a cold form. If ski processing occurs with the use of hard paraffin, in this case, they resort to heating the lubricant with an iron. Alternatively, lubrication of skis for skating can be done by briefly heating a bar of hard paraffin, followed by smooth strokes of the skis.

Such an amount of paraffin should be applied to the ski so that, in the molten form, the lubricant spreads evenly over the entire sliding surface, and the layer of the substance should be no more than 1 mm. It is leveled with the same hot iron.

Preparing skis for skating by applying lubricant in the form of paraffin heated with an iron is the most dangerous procedure. With a careless approach to the operation, there is a high probability of overheating, deformation and burning of high-molecular plastic. Therefore, when applying paraffin, it is strongly recommended to set the minimum possible temperature of the iron, at which the existing paraffin can be melted.

It is necessary to run the iron along the sliding surface of the skis smoothly and without delay. At the same time, there must be a layer of paraffin between the plastic and the sole of the iron, because the plastic quickly burns in the presence of direct contact with the heated surface of the iron. Based on this, it is not worth saving on paraffin consumption, as this often leads to more serious material losses in the form of damage to equipment.

Cleaning the ski surface with special brushes

In cases where the entire length of skis for skating is machined on special grinding machines, it becomes possible to form a complex large or small surface microstructure. Such processing contributes to the optimal removal of liquid and air when the ski comes into contact with snow, which ensures the best glide.

After removing the remnants of the old paraffin with the help of scrapers, with the advent of the new season, there are enough small grooves filled with grease. To restore the original structure of the ski surface, wax residues should be removed with rotary or manual brushes. The most effective may be the use of hard metal or nylon brushes, which are distinguished by a thin pile.

When cleaning the sliding surface from paraffin with brushes, it is not recommended to be too zealous, making sudden movements or excessive pressure, so as not to damage the plastic structure. Most effectively, the bristles of metal and nylon brushes clean off paraffin residues when they are placed at right angles to the surface to be treated.

  1. To apply the base layer in the form of a primer, it is better to use a special iron, since most irons for ironing linen do not allow you to set the optimum temperature.
  2. The delay of the heated sole of the iron at one point on the ski surface often, unfortunately, leads to burning and deformation of the plastic.
  3. Before applying a slip wax when preparing skis for skiing, you should activate the surface by once again treating it with a brush.
  4. When preparing skis for skiing in frosts, it is better to resort to creating a fine structure of the sliding surface, and in warm weather - to use a large surface texture.
  5. Of great importance in the preparation of a sliding surface is the use of trial and error. In other words, worth a try personal experience different combinations of lubricants for different weather conditions.
  6. Before the need for long-term storage of skis, you should not clean off the old paraffin, which will act as protection for the sliding surface in the off-season.
  7. It is recommended that you initially take extreme care of your skis, because only in this case you can hope for their long service life and getting maximum pleasure in the process of skiing.

Almost any athlete will confidently say that 50% of success depends on the quality of ski preparation for the race. Very often, due to poor lubrication or improper cleaning, reaching desired results does not work, especially when skating. How do athletes prepare their main equipment, and how should they select everything they need?

Lubrication of skis at home

At professional athletes, the whole team is engaged in preparing the equipment, but in fact, each person can master this technique on their own.

To begin with, it is necessary to deal with what tools will be needed for processing skis.
  • paraffin;
  • special iron for applying paraffin;
  • sliding brush for surface cleaning (steel or brass);
  • scraper to clean the surface.

newbie in skiing it is difficult to understand all these tools, therefore, to select special equipment, you need to go to a professional store. Here, a person will be prompted what exactly he should buy to prepare skis for skating.

So that there are no problems with applying special substances and preparing skis for skating at home, you need to understand each issue separately.

Information about lubricants for skating

Needed for skating only lubricants. They must be applied over the entire surface of the ski.

There is currently on the market two types of lubricants:

  • hydrocarbon;
  • fluorocarbon.

Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, hydrocarbon lubricants for skis are very quickly erased, so they have to be applied often. In addition, special substances in the composition of such paraffin are activated only at a certain temperature, and then the lubricant begins to work. That is why, it will not be possible to apply it under all weather conditions.

Fluorocarbon lubricants are divided into three types:

  • low fluoride;
  • medium fluoride;
  • high-fluorine.

Everybody is here depends on humidity level. If the moisture level of the snow is low, low fluoro waxes must be used. If the humidity level is high, then high-fluorine options are suitable.

Sami lubricants for skating skis are inexpensive. Now on the market you can find options from domestic manufacturers, costing from 100 rubles.

Ski preparation

1 So, the first stage of ski preparation is their cleaning. To begin with, it is necessary to treat the surface with a steel or brass brush, cutting off the burrs, thus opening the pores on the sliding surface. 2 After that a layer of paraffin is applied, which should be leveled with an iron heated at a sufficiently low temperature.

This is a process that is dangerous for skis in the preparation of equipment - this is the application of paraffin. The thing is that paraffin is mainly applied with a special heated iron. If a person puts in too much effort, then there will be no wax layer between the skis and the iron, and the equipment itself will be damaged.

The first thing to do is preheat the iron to about 60 degrees. With a warm iron, lightly touch the paraffin and apply a few drops to the entire surface of the skis. Next, the lubricant must be melted with an iron into the surface of the skis. Experts recommend applying one to three layers. After this process, you can leave the lubricant on the skis for 10 or 15 minutes.

3 After that, the surface must be carefully scraper removing all excess grease.

Despite the fact that a person processes skis with a scraper, a decent amount of paraffin still remains on the surface. It usually accumulates in scratches and plastic structures. That is why, after working with a scraper, it is necessary to process the surface with a brush.

Removing paraffin from skis is a very difficult task, and here too there is a system of actions.

  • Using a special scraper, you need to start removing the paraffin from the surface.
  • It is necessary to work with a scraper with the same pressure, not too zealous in individual parts, otherwise the surface will be cleaned in different ways.
  • The remaining parts of the grease should be removed with a special brush, and the movements should be short and fast.
  • If even the base layer of paraffin needs to be removed, the iron should be used again.
  • After applying one layer of paraffin, you should immediately remove it with a scraper, along with grease residues and dirt from the surface of the skis.
  • Such removal of excess or complete removal of lubricant is required if the ski does not ride well. Perhaps, during the initial application of the substance, the person made some mistake, and the paraffin was applied incorrectly. This should be corrected immediately using the above technique.
  • It is very difficult to apply lubricant on your own for the first time, so if you have any difficulties, it is better to contact a professional or watch thematic videos. You should also be careful when working with a hot iron, trying not to hurt yourself or damage your skis.
  • It is very important to never forget about the preparatory stage of work. Often the success of all subsequent operations depends on the ski cleaning process.
  • It is also worth working with skis only if they are securely fastened to flat surface. Every little thing is important here, because it can affect the quality of work.

Skating preparation - video

It is very important to watch a training video before your first preparation of skis for skating. It will help you master the technique of the process.

Ski preparation is a separate science, which requires the consideration of a number of factors and variables. The weather, the quality of the coating, the material used to make the ski are taken into account. Beginners often prepare their own inventory, so they must take into account a number of points personally. for it requires no small skills, but many consider this to be the same as skating.

Before preparing for a classic move, you should take into account its features.

The classic move is considered more accessible to beginners. It requires less effort, but does not allow you to reach the same speeds as a skate. Skating is technically and physically more difficult and cannot always be used. Everything will depend on the distance.

Despite the relative simplicity of the classic move, you will also have to diligently prepare your inventory, otherwise the race will not bring results. The same steps will be required, including processing, cleaning, lubrication, applying various ointments.

The procedure for preparing classic type skis

Cooking is different. The number of "steps" of training will depend on financial capabilities, models, availability of certain tools. There is no exact preparation scheme. It is worth being guided by personal feelings when driving, and they are individual. The type of selected ointments, processing depends on this.

It makes no sense for beginners to buy expensive drugs; it will be enough to buy an inexpensive domestic or imported kit.

The order will be as follows:

  • The surface is being prepared. Old coatings are removed, the surface is polished.
  • Ointments are applied depending on weather conditions and purpose.

A professional approach requires more steps, but initial stage it will be enough to understand the basics. At first, you will need tools: a scraper and a special “iron”.

Sliding surface preparation

First you need to prepare the surface for the appropriate ointments. If the inventory is new, then you don’t have to prepare anything special. If the inventory was used before, then you must first clean the surface.

Surface cleaning

Cleaning can be done in two ways. The first is called hot and includes several stages:

  • Bronze brushed to remove old dirty grease.
  • It is applied and immediately removed with a scraper.
  • Next, the ski cools down to ambient temperature.
  • The surface is rubbed with a nylon brush, without pressure.
  • Paraffin is applied and ironed out.

In this state, inventory can be stored between uses, including during transportation.

Old lubricants can be removed with a special washer. It is applied to the surface, brushed, and then allowed to dry. After the surface is processed first with a steel brush, then with nylon. Next, you need to apply new lubricants or treat the surface with a hot method.

Surface preparation

The surface is prepared in different ways, it all depends on the purpose. If long-term storage is planned, for example, at the end of the ski season, then hot cleaning should be carried out. If ahead of the competition, lubrication should be applied depending on the weather, distance and other factors.

Lubricating skis for classic skiing

Lubrication for a classic course, especially if they are used by non-professionals, will not differ much from preparation for skating. The difference will be in the ointments used.

In some cases it is not possible to predict which stroke will be used throughout the course. It is necessary to use combined, that is, to combine different methods.

Improving ski glide

Glide can be improved different ways. Firstly, you need to choose the right inventory - in one case, plastic (or, for example, carbon fiber) will be appropriate, in the other - wooden.

Another option is to use the right ointments and accelerators, which will be selected for specific conditions.

Application of accelerators

Accelerators are the same ointments that can be both in the form of emulsions and in solid form (powder or “tablet”). The choice of one or another type is a matter of price and preference.

Application of fluorocarbon powders

So-called " solid ointments"should be applied in the following order:

  • The application surface is treated with sandpaper.
  • Inventory is treated with soil powder.
  • The primer ointment is heated with an iron to a temperature of ninety degrees.
  • After cooling, you need to rub with ointment.
  • A rubbing is used to ensure an even application.

After that, the skis must be taken outside to cool down to ambient temperature.

Application of emulsions

Emulsions are applied in this way:

  • A ground emulsion is applied.
  • Heated with an iron.
  • After cooling, the desired emulsion is applied in an even layer.
  • Equipment is taken outside to cool down to operating temperature.

The choice of type of lubricant depends on the athlete, on his preferences and financial capabilities.

  • At the initial stage, it makes no sense to purchase expensive lubricants; it is better to pay attention to new inventory.
  • The emulsion is applied in a thick layer, while it should not be too wide.
  • Before storage, the skis are cleaned and paraffin is applied.
  • Sometimes it is effective to use a combination lubricant, depending on the conditions.

The selection of the right lubricant should be given attention, this will significantly affect the final result.

The preparation of the course will not be much different from the preparation for the ridge course. Professional athletes are trained by special people, but amateurs or beginners should be guided by their own skills and feelings.

Wax for skis is needed to improve the sliding moment. Whatever skis we ride - classic or skating - without additional lubrication, the skis will give too good grip on the snow. But good grip is needed only when the wheels are moving on asphalt. In order to develop speed on a snowy slope, it is better to have minimal grip on the surface. In the case of flat skiing, reducing friction helps to reduce the effort exerted by a person when moving.

What are paraffins

Paraffins are hydrocarbon mixtures formed as a by-product of petroleum refining. Paraffin compositions have different degrees of viscosity. There are:

  • soft (liquid) paraffins that melt at room temperature;
  • solid - melt when heated within 70 ° C;
  • crystalline - go into a liquid state at temperatures above 70 ° C.

Functionally, paraffins are in most cases lubricating water-repellent substances. They are added to various mixtures to give the appropriate consistency and properties. For example, petroleum jelly is made on the basis of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Paraffins are used in technical lubricants. These substances have found their application in skiing as a means of improving the glide of skis and snowboards.

Ski paraffins

Ski paraffins are traditionally divided into:

  • lubricants for cold skiing at snow temperatures below -12 ° C;
  • lubricants for skiing at a snow temperature of -12 ° C…-2 ° C;
  • warm lubricants for snow temperatures above -2 ° C.

Fluorine is the key ingredient for better lubrication at high temperatures. The less fluorine, the more severe frost (and low humidity) paraffin is designed for. Conversely, high fluoride lubricants are designed for mild and wet weather.

There are universal lubricants, the composition of which provides good glide on any snow. For example, TOKO Irox Fluoro spray, although low fluoride, is designed for use in a wide temperature range 0 ° C…-30 ° C. In addition to fluorine, ski lubricants contain: silicone, various salts, oxidized metals.

Using paraffins on plastic skis

It would seem that plastic is a good sliding material and without lubricants. Unlike, for example, traditional wooden skis, which, due to the low density of the material, provided better grip and, accordingly, rode worse.

The new skis really glide very well. But as you ride on the sliding surface and the edges, microcracks appear. Particles of ice and snow spoil the plastic. And although human eye these changes are not noticeable; under a microscope, the surface of such a ski resembles a mountain landscape. Gliding properties are degraded due to such terrain.

In order to fill all these microdamages, restore the ideally slippery surface of the ski and use hydrocarbon lubricants.

Why Choose Liquid Paraffins

It should be noted right away that paraffins in liquid form do not have any advantages over solid waxes in their functionality. The purpose of all paraffin waxes is to impregnate the sliding surface of the ski. All waxes, including liquid waxes, require heat treatment after application to ensure the most efficient rolling.

Liquid paraffins are available in 2 types:

  1. liniment;
  2. aerosol.

Paraffin in the form of cream-ointment, in general, from the point of view of the user does not have any differences from solid types.

Aerosol form provides additional convenience in terms of application. True, part of the product is sprayed past, which is why the consumption of aerosol paraffins is always greater.

Application of liquid paraffins

To apply liquid paraffin, the ski must be clean and dry. Particles of dirt, water, ice, which are clogged into the micropores of the sliding layer, will not allow the paraffin to be applied correctly.

with heat treatment

Waxing of skis with heat treatment, as a rule, is carried out between skiing in home-garage conditions. This initially assumes that the skis are clean and dry.

  1. Heat up the iron to 150 ° WITH.
  2. We spray liquid paraffin on the sliding layer of the ski. We mean that different types skis, suggest a different model of lubrication. In skis for skating, the entire sliding surface is lubricated. Classic skis wax, bypassing the central part.
  3. We iron the ski in the direction from the toe to the heel.
  4. Let the ski cool down and dry at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C at least 10 min.
  5. We pass a layer with applied grease with a brush.

As a result of these manipulations, heated paraffin penetrates into the pores of the plastic, fills them, and the microscopic "landscape" of the sliding surface is leveled. The wax remaining on the surface is superfluous. We remove it with a brush.

Ideally, this cycle should be repeated up to 10 times. The fact is that brushing, in addition to removing the surface layer, also removes part of the “useful” paraffin that filled the microcracks. When we repeat waxing several times in a row, we better “tamp down” the ski bumps with paraffin, fill the bumps and microcracks with better quality.

Without heat treatment

Often we do not have the opportunity to use the iron, we are limited in time, and we need to lubricate the skis, because they do not glide well. Manufacturers of liquid paraffins offer the theoretical possibility of using their lubricants without heat treatment.

  1. We dry the ski.
  2. We clean the sliding layer with a brush to remove dust and dirt from the pores of the plastic.
  3. Wipe, let dry a little.
  4. Apply a SMALL layer of lubricant.
  5. Let stand 3-5 minutes.
  6. We rub with a cork, a pad, or whatever we are used to using.
  7. Let stand 10 min.

If you still put too much grease, then you should use a brush and remove the excess layer. However, lubricant manufacturers warn that with cold paraffin application, brushing at the final stage is not essential.

And if it does, it will last no more than 5 minutes. It takes about 1 hour for proper cold lubrication. The presence of the sun or some kind of room for drying is desirable.

You should be aware that, even if all of the above conditions are met, cold waxing is always an emergency measure, which in its effectiveness will never be compared with the classic heat treatment option.

The cost of liquid paraffins

Paraffins in the form of ointments cost about $5 for 25 g. Sprays, especially those with high fluoride, can cost up to $40 for a 50 ml can.

Types of skis do not affect the choice of one or another paraffin. However, it should be remembered that, unlike skating, the sliding surface classic skis requires lubrication with additional holding ointment. Since traditional skiing requires repulsion and, accordingly, requires better adhesion of the ski to the snow at the point of application of force, the holding ointment is applied in the center of the ski.