Selection of the size of skis and sticks for height. How to choose skis: affordable tips for beginners and sports fans

If you choose skis for walking or a child for physical education, then you are on the right track. From the article you will learn how to choose the right skis for height, material and other characteristics, what to look for Special attention and what can be neglected.

  • what do you need skis for (walking, cross-country for competitions, downhill, for hunting, etc.);
  • your level of skiing (novice amateur or professional);
  • your physical parameters(weight and height).

How to choose cross-country skis

Cross-country skiing is chosen depending on the preferred style of skiing. There are three styles:

  1. classical,
  2. skating,
  3. combined.

Classic skis

Our grandparents still rode the classic style, sliding along two parallel tracks, but it has not lost its relevance. Classic style best suited for beginner skiers.


Skis for classic move in length should be 20-30 cm more than their own height. For beginners, you can choose a slightly shorter length, then it will be easier to manage them.


If you have seen skis, then you know that they are arched and if you put them on the floor, then their middle will not touch it. The more difficult it is to push the ski to the floor, the stiffer they are.

Rigidity must be selected depending on your weight. The heavier the skier, the more rigidity should be.

You can check the correct selection of skis for stiffness in the following way:

  1. put your skis on the floor;
  2. put a sheet of paper under the middle;
  3. stand with both feet on both skis, there should be a gap to the floor and a sheet of paper will walk freely;
  4. stand with both feet on one ski, it should completely touch the floor, and the sheet of paper will be pressed to the floor and you will not be able to pull it out.

Following the above example choose the stiffness of the skis. Some manufacturers indicate what weight they are designed for.

With and without notch

Skis for the classic course can be notched on sliding surface and without it.

Skis without notches are suitable for any weather, for long walks and fast rides.

They are more difficult to ride as they can slip backwards. To eliminate this deficiency, special ointments are used.

This is a new style of skiing, it is also called freestyle. The skier makes skating movements, pushing off the inner surface of the skis. With it, you can develop the highest speed.

For skating style, a compacted wide track is ideal, but you can do without it, then you won’t have to count on high speed.

Skis for skating pick up a little shorter and harder than for the classic style.


For skating, the length of the skis should be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier.


Rigidity should be about twice as much as for the classics. If you press the ski with your hand to the floor, then a gap of 1.5-2 mm should remain.

Universal skis

As the name suggests universal skis this is something between classic and skating. This applies to both ski selection parameters (average length and stiffness) and mixed skiing style.


Universal skis should be 15-20 cm larger than the height of the skier.

To summarize: cross-country skis are suitable for flat terrain, for beginners it is better to choose classic ones with a notch, and for advanced ones, universal ones.

Table how to choose the length of skis by height
Skier HeightSkis for classic skiing Skis are universal Sticks for the classic move Skating poles
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Ski material

All skis are made of wood or plastic.

Earlier plastic skis were rare and expensive. Now, on the contrary, most people ride on plastic.

Advantages of plastic skis:

  • they are stronger, respectively, more durable than wood;
  • snow sticks to them less during a thaw;
  • more speedy.

The most reputable firms producing plastic skis are Atomic and Fischer. You can buy equipment from them, both for beginners and for professional sports. You can also highlight the domestic manufacturers of skis "Karelia" and "Tisa".

How to choose the right skis

Alpine skiing is very different from cross-country skiing, both in design and in the way it is chosen. Their main purpose is to descend from the mountains, with the development of high speeds.

Remember right away, if you are new to skiing, then you cannot choose professional skiing. They are designed to develop very high speed, which you, as a beginner, may not be able to handle, which will lead to injury.


The size of skis is selected not only depending on the height of the skier, but also on his professional skills. The shorter the skis, the easier they are to manage.

If you are a beginner skier, then the length of your skis should be 20 cm less than your height.

If you have been skiing from the mountains for more than a year and have achieved good results in this, then you should have skis 10 cm smaller than your height.

For a professional, skis with a length of his own height are suitable.

For women, it is better to reduce the above length by another 5 cm, and for people with above average weight, on the contrary, increase by 5 cm.


The basic rule for choosing the stiffness of alpine skis is that the higher the professional skills and weight of the skier, the more rigid they should be.

A beginner will approach with the least rigidity, as they are easier to manage.

Hard and medium hard skis are suitable for professionals and people who have been skiing confidently from the mountains for more than a year. Since they are designed for tight turns and the development of high speeds.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing skis is their structure:

  • carving;
  • classic.

Carving skis differ from classic ones in that they look like fitted ones, i.e. the ends are wider than the central part. They are more stable than classic ones, so they are recommended for beginners.

  1. Outwardly, both skis must be exactly the same and not differ in width, length and weight.
  2. Look at the skis from the side, the curve of the sliding surface should be smooth.
  3. The longitudinal groove on the sliding surface should be straight, without any wobbles.
  4. The sliding surface should not have any scratches, cracks or other defects.
  5. Put the skis with the sliding surface to each other and squeeze them as hard as possible with your hands. The hardness should be the same. The toes must remain closed.
  6. Find the center of gravity of the skis, it must match, a deviation of no more than 1.5 cm is allowed.

How to choose ski poles

After choosing skis, you may be faced with the question of choosing ski poles. This is an important part of the ski equipment, which you can not do without.

Ski poles must be:

  • durable;
  • hard;
  • lungs.

Sticks as well as skis are selected depending on the height of the athlete. For lovers of skating, the sticks should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the owner, and for the classics, 25-30 cm less than the height.

You can not buy sticks for a child "for growth", as he will get confused in them and it will be inconvenient to ride.

For an amateur, aluminum ski poles are quite suitable.

Handles are best chosen from non-slip material, such as cork or leather with anatomical recesses for the fingers.

It is better to choose a support for sticks with a reverse cone (the safest), and not with paws (the most uncomfortable when riding).

For children under 7 years old, choose the length of the sticks to the armpits, with a blunt tip.

How to choose hunting skis

Hunting skis are designed to move hunters or fishermen with additional cargo on loose snow. Therefore, unlike running shoes, they should not be long and narrow, but short and wide.

The average length of hunting skis, regardless of the height of the skier, should be about 175 cm.

Best hunting skis made of maple or birch, they are more wear-resistant than spruce.

Ski preparation before use

Once you've bought your skis from the store, you'll need to prepare them before using them for the first time.


  1. Wipe the treated surface with a cloth soaked in turpentine.
  2. Apply melted paraffin in toe-to-heel movements, just under the boot.
  3. Warm up with an iron heated to 200 degrees. And let it dry for a few hours.
  4. Excess cooled paraffin must be carefully removed.
  5. At the end of all processes, wipe the sliding surface with a synthetic cloth.

The above procedure must be carried out at least once a year.


  1. Sand the sliding surface with fine sandpaper.
  2. Apply a special resin from a sports store to a sliding surface and heat it with a blowtorch or a special burner.
  3. Wait until the resin is absorbed and repeat the previous paragraph 3-4 more times. The skis should darken, but do not overheat so that the wood does not begin to char.

An athlete's height is one of the main factors to consider when choosing skis. This parameter determines the ideal length of this sports equipment as well as ski poles.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that modern models, which are made from new materials, are shorter than those used in previous decades.

Therefore, in that case if you want to buy skis for yourself or your child, you should not focus on numbers that were previously considered generally accepted.

  • Ski types
  • For the classic move
  • For skating
  • Mountain
  • Cross-country
  • For a child

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How to choose the right skis and poles for height

Usually, classic skis must exceed the height of the athlete by 20-30 cm. Skate models much shorter, here the excess is no more than 15 cm.

The ideal ski length for two different skiers of the same height can vary considerably- it depends on the weight, stiffness of the material and riding style.

The higher the weight, the longer and stiffer the skis should be.

Ski types

In order for skiing to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right size skis and poles.

The first step is to decide which skis to choose, what type of this sports equipment you need, and for this you need to know where and how are you going to ride.

For the classic move

Skis for classic skiing - the best choice for those who often ski. In the middle part of such models, special notches are made that provide excellent grip on snow.

For skating

These skis are designed to move in skating style. when an athlete walks along a wide snowy road, and the technique of his movement is similar to the movements of a skater.

Skating this way is somewhat more difficult than the classic style.

Uludag, Palandoken and others - ski resorts Turkey on the map and their features.


Alpine skis are designed for downhill skiing from slopes and for mountain skiing. They come in several types, each of which is designed for a specific style of riding:

  • skis for carving;
  • for freeride;
  • freestyle;
  • ski touring and ski mountaineering.


Cross-country skis are perfect for country walks and easy hikes over short distances.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that they are intended primarily for moving on already trampled snow, while tourist models are better suited for virgin lands.

For a child

If you would like to join ski touring children, the choice of children's skis and sticks needs to be approached even more carefully.

After all, the child does not have so much strength, and if the model is chosen incorrectly, he will probably not like skating.

Choosing ski boots and bindings

For newbies systems with automatic fastening of boots are well suited. Advanced skiers Prefer to use manual fixing.

First you need to find comfortable shoes, and then choose bindings that fit them. In order not to be mistaken with the size, you need to purchase thermal socks for skiing in advance and measure the shoes already in them.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that there are boots for classics, boots for skating and combined shoes that will suit both styles of skating.

Choosing skis is not such an easy task at all as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you arm yourself with knowledge in advance and approach the matter with all seriousness, making the right decision will not be difficult.

Zermatt, St. Moritz and other ski resorts in Switzerland: for everyone!

With well-chosen skis by type and length your skiing or your children's skiing will be held with maximum comfort and safety and will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions.

The choice of the length (height) of skis depends on several factors: the height of the person, the goal pursued by the person involved, weight, age, the way of skiing. Consider all these criteria for a more correct choice.

How to choose skis for a child. We choose the size of the skis according to the height of the children, the table.

The health of the child depends on the correct selection of children's skis, their length and material! Therefore, this part of the article is given special attention.

How to choose skis for a child based on the material of the skis.

Determining the length (size) of skis for a child, you can start with the fact that skis are wooden, semi-plastic and plastic. So what is the best choice for a child? Skis of the first two types are now rare, even among children's ski options, but in vain, these are the skis that are suitable for beginners, especially for young children who even learned to walk a few years ago.

Many parents underestimate the importance of choosing the right skis for their children. They strive to immediately make a champion out of their child, thereby harming his health. And meanwhile, the most correct would be to choose wooden skis for your child. The thing is that the children's body has not yet been properly formed, the necessary muscle groups are not developed in children, the bones and ligaments are vulnerable. And only by choosing wooden skis for a child can you protect him.
Let the young athlete first gain confidence, develop balance, his ligaments will get stronger. This may take several months or years. After that, you can already pick up plastic skis for the child.

When choosing children's plastic skis for a child, it must be remembered that these skis are light - this is a plus, but at the same time they are "slippery", which in turn often causes injuries among children. Such skis can develop not correct technique movement.

Children's health is in your hands!

How to choose skis for the height of the child. The size of children's skis.

If your child is just taking his first steps in skiing, choosing skis for him, do not forget that this must be done taking into account the growth of children. If you do not seek to force the success of your child, first choose skis for him, the size of which is 20-40 centimeters higher than the height of the child. Skis of this length will give stability and confidence to the baby, especially on the descents.

For more prepared children, for those who are already mastering skating, it is necessary to choose shorter skis, where the length (height) of the skis is slightly more than the height of the child, by 5-10 centimeters. This will allow him to confidently skate on loose and deep snow, as well as on slopes, where often excessive length leads to the fact that the backs of the skis begin to cling to each other, and the children fall.

Another point that I want to focus on is the noses of the skis. When choosing skis for a child, opt for those skis that have sharp, long, well-curved toes. Choosing such children's skis, the child will not encounter the problem of “stumbling” when moving in deep snow, when the nose of the ski is in a snowdrift and scoops up snow when the leg is lifted. Skis with small rounded noses are only suitable for well-trodden slopes.

How to choose skis for the height of the child table.

This table clearly demonstrates how to choose the right skis for the height of the child:

Table for choosing the length of skis for children.

We select the correct length of skis for an adult or how to choose skis by height and weight using the table.

Ski size sizing is the most popular way to choose ski length. At the same time, you can choose the required length of skis yourself, without anyone's help. To do this, you only need to know your height.

Table of selection of skis by height.

If there is a need to select skis by weight, usually starting from a more advanced level ski training, you need to know your weight, and choose skis according to the markings indicated on the skis yourself, or by contacting the seller.

Further in the choice of skis depends on how you are going to move on skis, skating or classic. We will talk about this further.

How to choose skis for skating.

When choosing skis for skating, in other words, for a skate, you should pay attention to the length of the skis, the material and the manufacturer.

Height and size of skate skis.

Length selection skating comes down to a simple formula: a person's height plus 5-25 cm. Why such a large variation in height? And how to accurately determine your ski size? The fact is that the selection of the length of skating skis depends both on the individual characteristics of the skier, and on the terrain on which the person will ski (plain, mountains), on the conditions (rolled track or not), on the weather.

The individual characteristics of each skier can only be determined empirically. But with the weather and the track, everything is clear. When choosing skis for skating on a good track, you can take longer skis, especially if you have a good skating technique. This will allow you to move with a long step, the rental will be greater, respectively, and the speed.

If, however, most often you move on loose snow, on a poorly rolled or narrow track, then you should not choose very long skis, as the ski toes will constantly cling to the snow along the edges of the track. In addition, the smaller the size of the skis, the lighter they are. The same is true with the terrain, it is easier to climb uphill on shorter and lighter skis, but for flat skating you should choose longer skis.

Choosing skis for skating.

How to choose skis for skating by material.

To date, there are two types of skis, plastic and, already more rare, semi-plastic. I must say right away that semi-plastic skis are heavier, their sliding surface is worse, but they are cheaper. Beginners and children should choose such skis.

Plastic skis for skating are lighter, choosing such skis for skating you will achieve the greatest results, but they are also more expensive, the price is good skis can reach several tens of thousands, not everyone can buy such skis. On wooden skis it is almost impossible to move by skating, except perhaps on ice or crust, so you should not choose such skis for skating.

The choice of manufacturer of skis for skating.

There are quite a few ski companies. Today it is possible to purchase skis from all well-known manufacturers. The most popular of them are Fischer, Atomic, Rossignol, Madshus, Salomon, Nordway, Tisa, Elan, Sable, Karjala, Nordica, Swix. The first five ski manufacturers are the most popular among athletes, but they are also more expensive than the rest. Therefore, a beginner may not immediately choose expensive skis for himself, but hone his skating skills on cheaper options.

Only an athlete can understand the difference among the top ski manufacturers, someone likes and fits Fischer skis, and another Atomic or Rossignol. Therefore, at the moment, the choice of a manufacturer of skis for skating for a person who does not set himself serious tasks comes down more to aesthetics, appearance and color design of a specific ski model.

The length of the skis with classic moves.

When choosing the length of skis for a classic run, you must be guided by a simple formula: ski size \u003d human height + 15-40cm. As we can see, the length of the skis for the classics is slightly longer than for the skate. This is due to the fact that with classic moves, the skier, most often, moves along the knurled track.

How to choose the right skis for classic skiing.

A large ski size gives a more straightforward movement, the skis do not “walk” from side to side. Also, the length of the skis affects the speed. But you should not choose very long skis, you can “get confused” in them, and besides, such skis are more difficult to manage, especially when cornering.

Classic ski width.

When choosing classic skis, one should not forget about their width. For example, if you are skiing in snowdrifts, then the width of the ski should be larger.

The choice of the sliding surface of the skis for the movement of the classic move.

The sliding surface of skis for classics may differ from skating. In the middle of the ski, under the block, there may be a scaly volumetric pattern that will prevent the skis from sliding back.

Selection of skis by temperature.

When choosing skis, you should not drop such an important factor as the weather from the shields, especially if you want to achieve good results in skiing. The quality of sliding is influenced by factors of temperature, humidity and even the structure of the snow itself.

Now there are skis for both cold and warm weather. We will not go into technical details, just note that cold skis will “feel” worse in warm weather than special warm skis. Therefore, it is recommended that in order to achieve best results, purchase and have in your arsenal both “warm” and “cold” skis. Fortunately, buying such skis is not a problem now.

What are the differences when choosing walking and cross-country (cross-country) skis.

The choice of skis depends on the goals that you set for yourself. It can be just walks for health and relaxation, pastime with family or friends, or maybe classes in sports school and performance in competitions.

When choosing walking skis, both for skating and for classics, it is necessary to be guided by reliability and comfort. Therefore, walking skis can be heavier, stronger, longer than racing skis. It all depends on the individual characteristics and financial possibilities to buy certain skis.

Skis of which manufacturer's company is more correct to choose.

Above, in the part of the article where we talked about how to choose skis for skating, the main ski manufacturers have already been listed. It was also said that at the moment such firms as Fischer, Atomic, Madshus and Rossignol are at about the same level. The rest of the ski manufacturers are lagging behind or not yet up to the desired level.

If you are an amateur, not an athlete, a skier, or even just starting to take your first steps in skiing, then you should not immediately buy expensive skis. Start by choosing simple, inexpensive models. And then it will be seen whether it is worth buying better and more expensive skis, because often the price of skis is due to technologies and materials that you may not need, in addition, of course, well-known ski brands have a price markup simply for their fame and popularity.

Summing up on the topic of how to choose the right skis for yourself.

Choose your skis and hit the road.

Skiing has long been confidently holding a leading position among popular species sports, including in Russia, thanks to our climate. The benefits of skiing cannot be underestimated. On skis, you can take walks for health and pastime, you can practice on your own or in a sports school, compete in competitions.

For walks, by and large, any skis will do, the main thing is Fresh air and company, getting the joy of walking. To achieve good results in skiing, it is necessary to choose high-quality, sometimes expensive, ski models, and preferably not one pair, but several. Athletes may have ten or twenty.

Therefore, make your choice, buy skis and get joy, health and achieve your goals.

When it comes to skiing gear, sticks are almost the last thing. Their role is great: balance control, support, guide. The entire pace of the athlete’s movement is set by them, the skis “catch up”. You can buy comfortable equipment if a person knows how to choose ski poles for height. The quality largely depends on the amount prepared for the purchase.

How to determine the length of ski poles?

The length of the sticks is determined based on growth. However, before picking up ski poles, you should find out that there are certain categories of skiers who can buy a product longer than the standard height length:

  1. Children preschool age do not need clearly adjusted proportions of inventory in relation to growth, you can take a little more authentic. Height is not important, children do not push off to the fullest possible amplitude.
  2. Flat sections of the track do not require an ideal size product.
  3. When pushing off the surface, a large load goes to the back, here the relationship is simple: the longer the inventory, the less the back muscles hurt.
  4. For those who master skiing, you can buy more authentic equipment, it is more convenient to keep balance with them.

The length should not be too long: the higher the arms, the more difficult it is to deliver oxygenated blood there. Poles that are too long have a habit of clinging to vegetation, sometimes to other skiers.

What material should the sticks be made of?

Bamboo used to be the most popular material for making ski poles, but today it is almost never used. Modern models can be:

  1. aluminum. Most often they are light weight, reliable, rigid, flexibility is noted among the pluses. Probably, all athletes know the situation when the product suddenly broke. Aluminum simply bend with any too strong impact. There is a drawback - products can bend, unbend a limited number of times, after which they break.
  2. Fiberglass. Cheap, angry - in this case, the price for the quality is fully justified. They have a bad habit of breaking, especially with the wrong length of the product in relation to height.
  3. Composite. Combination of carbon composite and plastic. The quality varies depending on the proportions - the more carbon composite, the more rigid, lighter. In terms of fragility, fiberglass catches up.
  4. Carbon composite. The ideal of every skier's dream: durable, comfortable, light. Used by professionals. They break when hit in the side or with a huge load from the side.

Practical aluminum or carbon-composite sticks - both materials are strong enough, resistant to damage. The decisive factor in how to choose is the amount of financial resources, the preferences of the future owner.

Additional details when choosing ski poles

The stick itself is made of carbon fiber, aluminum, but additional parts are required for ease of use. When buying, pay attention to the following things:

  1. The supporting element (foot) is what the stick clings to the snow with. It will be unpleasant to lose it, especially during competitions or intense training. For straight, packed tracks, you can pick up a plastic, iron foot that resembles a fork with two prongs, or a cone-shaped tip, but with a curved prong. Large paws are well suited for extreme trails, deep snow.
  2. The handle is what the inventory is held for. May be plastic or a combination of plastic and rubber. There is only one difference - the hand slips less on threaded rubber.
  3. Temlyak. The very detail that, when the stick falls out of the hands, does not allow it to be lost. There are two types: a loop or a mount. It is difficult to judge what is more convenient, it is usually selected in accordance with the preferences of the buyer.

You should choose additional components, paying attention to their compatibility with each other, it is advisable to buy spare ones. Spare parts are needed for reinsurance, it is quite difficult to find suitable ones if a breakdown occurs on the track. Having an additional set with you, you can not be distracted from your favorite activity.

How to choose ski poles for skating?

Skating equipment should be selected based on height. How to choose ski poles? They should be shorter by 10–15 cm of the skier's height. You can determine the optimal length by eye as follows: you need to stand near the product, it should be about the height of the nose.

Carbon fiber is rightfully recognized as the best material, products made from it are durable, lightweight, and do not interfere with moving quickly and swiftly. Skating is considered the most difficult, so the selection of equipment must be approached responsibly.

Table of selection of ski poles by height

You can choose the ideal stick, focusing on the data of specialized tables:

If it is not known on which track the new equipment will be used, then you should purchase one that is suitable for the classic move.

Skiing is becoming an increasingly relevant form of recreation, and sometimes a hobby. Before the beginner, the question becomes how it is right, according to their height, they need to be chosen or otherwise. It should be noted that correctly selected equipment is already 50% of success in mastering skiing and skill growth.

When choosing, there are factors to consider.

  • materials;
  • size;
  • peculiarities.


Material - important criterion choice. On this basis, it is divided into the following categories:

  1. Wooden structures stood at the origins of this sport. From them all subsequent groups went. They are suitable for beginners, due to the fact that they are more "obedient". When choosing, the price will also be interpreted in their favor, since they are cheaper than plastic ones. By nature, wood is stiffer and less manoeuvrable. Their wear resistance is inferior to plastic, due to the fact that they are sensitive to weather conditions. Not recommended for use during snowmelt and for extreme mountain skiing. They also do not slip back in severe frosts.
  2. Plastic models are the new generation. Their specifications more advanced. The main plus is wear resistance. They are unpretentious to weather and humidity. Only in severe frosts slip back. This track is suitable for experts or at least amateurs, but not for beginners. Plastic is more flexible, soft and quirky. Such equipment is suitable for maneuvers, mountain slopes and uneven roads. According to the type of construction, they are divided into a sandwich and a cap. The caps have a foam core. Sandwiches are based on the same wood combined with plastic.

Note: Wooden equipment will be a good choice for the successful development of skating and a smooth transition to running mode.


There is no single table for calculating the size of skis regarding the physical characteristics of a person. Everyone has their own physique and features, so an individual fit is needed, but there are general rules to help you make the right choice. It is necessary to consider the pros and cons of different track lengths.

The heavier, taller and more massive the skier, the longer and wider the skis should be. These figures are directly proportional.

If the skis are used for normal walking, then, as a rule, they should be 15 cm longer than the height of the owner.

If skis will be used for skiing, then their length should be calculated according to the formula human height + 25-30 cm.

Provides for the choice of ski tracks, which will be 15-20 cm longer than the owner. Notice the increased flexibility.

Having remembered these rules, the table of the ratio of the length of the ski track will always be at hand.


The main characteristics have been considered, it remains to mention some tricks and nuances.

  1. The selection of ski tracks for a child is as follows: 20 kg = 70 cm. Further, this number grows proportionally. From 40 kg skis are selected according to the same formula as for adults.
  2. You can not build on only the height of the skier, because it is the weight that creates a load on the surface. It also needs to be taken into account.
  3. A beginner runs the risk of not mastering skiing if the equipment is not chosen correctly.
  4. For beginners, it is better to choose a wider canvas for greater stability.

Table of the correct length of skis depending on height and weight

This table shows approximate indicators of the length of skis with a person's weight proportional to his height. If the skier's physique is dense, then 5 cm are added to these figures.

Mounting types

The choice of brand, binding size depends on which skis and ski shoes the athlete uses. It's pointless to dig into this. The choice is made between the types of fastening: automatic or manual.

For beginners, it is better to choose automatic fastening. It's cheaper and easier to use. Beginner skiing does not involve sharp turns and feints, so this mount is perfect.

Professionals and experts are better off choosing a manual mount. It is more reliable, although it is more difficult to attach it.

How long should ski poles be?

No less relevant is the question of ski height. It is believed that ideal sticks should not be higher than the owner's ear, but not lower than the shoulder. Otherwise, the selection of ski poles by height is carried out according to the following table.

Height (cm)Sticks for the classic move (mm)Skating poles (mm)
150 1200 — 1300 1300-1350
155 1250-1300 1350-1400
160 1300-1350 1400-1450
165 1350-1400 1450-1500
170 1400-1450 1500-1550
175 1450-1500 1550-1600
180 1500-1550 1600-1650
185 1550-1600 1650-1700
190 1600-1650 1700-1750
195 1650 1750

Parts selection

When buying skis and poles, you need to consider not only their length, you need to pay attention to other points.


For beginners, it is advisable to choose lightweight and easy-to-use foam handles.


The best lanyards made of material. Nylon strap and Velcro for attaching to the wrist. That is the recommended choice.


Tips are divided into three types: small, medium and wide. Those with a wide diameter are considered more versatile.

notches on skis

For beginners and students, it is better to choose notched skis, they are more convenient and practical to use.

Success in the craft of skiing starts with the right choice of tracks and poles. To make riding a pleasure, the choice of equipment must be treated with special care.