Russian non-contact fight. Non-contact combat - technique

Contactless fight, the system of Cossack-sorcerers, the Russian ninja and the style of the eagle and the snake - the site found the strangest martial arts that are taught in Moscow martial arts clubs.


For the first time, contactless combat was discussed in relation to the "Russian style" - the system hand-to-hand combat by Aleksey Kadochnikov. According to official biography, in the 80s Kadochnikov worked as a teacher at the Department of Mechanics of the Krasnodar Higher Military Command Engineering School missile troops. In parallel, he was developing a system for survival in extreme conditions and created his own fighting style.

The crown of this style was non-contact combat - the ability to defeat an opponent without touching him. There is a lot of mystical veil around Kadochnikov's figure. "Russian style" is taught only to selected students and - according to the official version - to some military men. Kadochnikov himself prefers to keep a low profile. The conspiracy did not benefit the Russian Style: its schools split several times into several groups. The groups fought with each other and split up again.

The main adept of non-contact combat today is coach Vadim Starov. On the website of his school, which, by the way, is called the "Academy of Superpowers", he presents his system in the following way: "The System is a World System, since there used to be a common energy-information space and Knowledge was one, like the movement of all Systems."

On videos in Yotube, Starov smashes many rivals with one glance. But there are other videos: for example, those where Starov is in the ring against an ordinary kickboxer. The boxer will attack, give the master a slap in the face - the non-contact fight suddenly stops working.

In 2014, blogger Mikhail Lidin, who has repeatedly criticized the "contactless fight", challenged Vadim Starov. After much arguing on the Internet, the meeting nevertheless took place. However, Starov never demonstrated how contactless combat works in front of the blogger's camera.


“Professional hand-to-hand combat” - this is how the site of the master of the Chkharek system Viktor Matveev invites to himself. The author claims that the “style” was taught to him by a person who was personally acquainted with the master Myung Je Nam. According to Matveev, this master trained Gaddafi's bodyguards.

Matveev himself presents his style in this way: “The style was assembled and synthesized from a set of different styles and brought into the survival system by specialists in the intelligence school. I am not an expert, I have such a way of life, I added the style of the efa sand snake to this system, the features of the movement of which are crawling with a lag (semi-sideways).

In the video, a "professional hand-to-hand combat" deals with a pear in a very bizarre way. So bizarre that there are great doubts about his competence.


According to legend, in the Zaporizhzhya Sich, those Cossacks were called kharacterniks who had superpowers: they became invulnerable to bullets, they could destroy the enemy at a distance, they were engaged in witchcraft and fortune-telling.

The founder of the “Cossack system” Anatoly Belousov, as the announcements say, “received the legacy of the Cossack Savior from the grandfathers-plastuns, inherited the greatest Russian military traditions of Victory, blind and non-contact combat. At night he sees everything.

Belousov - the founder of the so-called. "Schools of Survival". He speaks about himself, as a person he trains representatives of the investigative committee of the Prosecutor General's Office of Moscow, the Special Rapid Response Unit (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. HE teaches to deal with an armed opponent, several opponents, to fight in water and on land. Among other things he teaches is the same old, good, proven non-contact combat.


The founder of the combat system with an exotic name in the Japanese manner - two-meter, Russian Alexei Astafiev. He himself prefers to be called Asata-sensei.

According to legend, Astafiev began his journey in martial arts when in 1979 he accidentally met a Japanese master in Moscow. In front of the astonished Astafyev, a fragile Japanese scattered a dozen aggressive hooligans near the Kolkhoznaya (now Sukharevskaya) metro station. Later, Astafiev became a student of the Japanese - and so Asata-sensei turned out of him.

According to him, the system combines a number of ancient Japanese martial arts that ninja used in their practice. Here is the technique of palm strikes (the opponent later feels unwell and sore), and the handling of weapons, and the “traditional” ninja espionage techniques - namely, intoton-jutsu, the disappearance technique.

It is difficult to say how Alexei Astafiev disappears. But in the video of sparring, he always looks to win. Perhaps this is due to the fact that his rivals are half his size, and often they are children or the elderly.


If the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich had their own battle system (see the chapter “Cossacks-character nicknames”), then why shouldn’t the ancient Slavs also have it? This is how the Russian Freestyle Fight appeared, the ideological inspirer of which is Svetoyar (aka Sergey Korukov), a long-haired man in an embroidered shirt, who on numerous videos smoothly and elegantly cracks down on a number of opponents. In the comments to the video, however, they write that the opponents play along, and Svetoyar himself is ironically called Dolboslav - but all this should not confuse the bearer of the ancient Slavic tradition.

“Russian Freestyle Fight is not only the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones, but also the spiritual and moral foundations of the Russian Warrior, which we inherited from Our Great Ancestors,” Svetoyar presents his system so pathetically. According to him, "Russian Style" has come down to us from time immemorial - despite the prohibitions and persecutions in the Middle Ages. It was passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, and was sacred knowledge, which was honed in bloody battles "of which there were enough on the Russian Land."

The fact that the researchers of the pre-Christian history of Rus' have never heard of some wonderful Slavic martial art, Svetoyar prefers not to talk. Among his followers are many long-haired youths in camouflage who came from role-playing "fantasy" games. They believe that the silence around the Russian Battle was inspired by the historians themselves - in order to hide the truth: "They also hid the Book of Veles from us."

The essence of people is very simple: while you feed them, they obey you, but if there are problems with food, they will eat you. (Tetcorax)

And at the end of a series of articles on the legendary and unique non-contact combat using the Flurry system. In general, all articles about Alexander Lavrov (or rather, even his videos) were permeated with him.

The most famous video on the non-contact combat of Alexander Lavrov - shown on TV in the program "Warriors of the World" - is almost forty minutes long, and almost completely dedicated to Alexander Lavrov and his system, also built on excerpts from Alexander Lavrov's seminars. (All the time, someone who is interested falls into different sides and then he is surprised - that's actually how you can briefly talk about the "non-contact battle" according to the SHKVAL system. Nothing more can be found there. No techniques are shown and nothing is explained - just showing how people fall and lengthy discussions about the work of the brain. (Here’s another strange passage there that Alexander Lavrov worked at one time for eight years with Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva - eight years! Well, what can I have in common between an Academician and a former officer, and how they met, it’s interesting to know. And it’s also interesting to see how Alexander Leonidovich talks about his "work" with academician Bekhtereva (14:25) - suddenly he starts to turn his head, move his eyes, crumple and be embarrassed. And Shipova, Akimov, academicians are mentioned in his interview - "they gave me knowledge". as far as I understand, they are engaged in a completely different level of knowledge than Alexander Leonidovich imagines.)

Watch - Non-contact fight SQUAL Alexander Lavrov (Transmission WARRIORS OF THE WORLD)

And accordingly, as far as Lavrov understood, the whole “contactless battle” is based on “violation of the integrity of the perception of the surrounding reality” (16:20) and “the channel of peripheral vision breaks” - this is how it turns out. And accordingly - to suddenly divert the attention of the enemy with some kind of unexpected movement so that he slips. (It seems to be like the idea of ​​“non-contact combat” - deceitful movements are simply called, to take it so that a person thinks that something completely different has been done, and suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, he took it and fell.)

The most striking demonstration is a story about a contactless battle shown on the STS TV channel - I repeat - I don’t believe in such “miracles” at all, but thanks to such stories you start to doubt - they show on TV and the paratroopers fall and are still surprised - “how is this possible - That. (But then the next step is to believe magicians - after all, they fly and saw people, and pull hares out of cylinders, and scarves - you can’t dig through either. Or the famous “Holy Fire” - many believe in it precisely because of this break in patterns: a believer After all, a person (and even more so a clergyman) cannot grab matches with him and set fire on the sly - and then say that “some divine power” did it. It is on this that trust is sometimes built - on the impossibility of “breaking the template.” And just like that but religion - built on such "breaks" - a decent person cannot lie so impudently, but practice shows that he can both lie, and do dirty tricks on the sly and smile.)

Hidden text

And, accordingly, videos in which Alexander Lavrov constantly shows his abilities in a “non-contact battle”. But it’s also interesting - that’s how long Alexander Lavrov doesn’t show his “non-contact combat” techniques - but for some reason (unlike, for example, the founder of the EKAM system (see article) - who, to be fair, still had the courage and reason to test his system - at least once with critical opponents - and on their territory. But for some reason, Alexander Isaevich did not carry out such experiments, either with his own or even more so with "non-contact combat". (And it is clear for what reasons - all this will not work with critical people.)

Watch - Russian style SHKVAL, Alexander Lavrov, Old recordings

And a small cut of videos - on the demonstration by Alexander Lavrov of his "non-contact combat" techniques - everyone also falls down and is surprised. (Well, it’s all the same as usual - it even shows a “non-contact fight” with a blindfold. But there are scenes of Alexander Leonidovich showing a “non-contact fight” to US Army servicemen - how did he manage to persuade them? Or is everything really - that's what incomprehensible.Although for such a level of hoax, and the Americans, you can try and find it.)

Watch - SHKVAL, Operation Special Forces Alexander Lavrov

Demonstration by Alexander Lavrov of "non-contact combat" techniques at one of his seminars. (For more information about the seminars of A.L. Lavrov, see the article) The same thing - people “fall down” and are surprised, surprised and again “fall down”

Watch - Seminar of Alexander Lavrov Part 4

And very old videos where Alexander Lavrov shows a "non-contact fight."

The first one was with Aleksey Alekseevich Kadochnikov - who was also fond of non-contact combat at one time - but then for some reason he suddenly took and abandoned his development in such a promising direction of martial arts. And he completely stopped demonstrating his abilities for "contactless combat" from some time.

Watch - GRU Lieutenant Colonel Lavrov A.L. - old footage

But in the 90s, many people were very fond of all sorts of esotericism, and they believed in Kashpirovsky, and in Allan Chumak, many studied poltergeists, I remember astrology was very popular then - especially Pavel Globa - still echoes have come, everyone publishes these weekly predictions. Yoga was popular, the Hare Krishnas tried - just a boom was some kind of "wonderful little things." And in martial arts - the same thing happened - a bunch of new and interesting things. And a bunch of all sorts of secret schools with all sorts of ancient history. Now, somehow, there is no such thing as going and showing a “non-contact fight” like that without any twinges of conscience. And again - where did this very "contactless battle" come from - who first came up with it. Here I suspect that again in America.

So, briefly, the main ideas of "non-contact combat":

  1. To make such an unexpected movement that a person loses coordination and falls down from such surprise. (Yes, there are such cases - that somehow you suddenly "slip" from such an unexpected movement. It rarely happens. But this is more an exception to the rule than the rule itself - a person can, of course, "slip" from an unexpected movement. But next time there will be no such mistake - the person will be grouped. (And I repeat, I probably tried it - even a child does not react at all to such unexpected movements and laughs. Only staged can do this.)
  2. "Secret energy techniques" based on the use of "human energy fields", about which Alexander Lavrov says little. A certain, completely incomprehensible "work with the biofield", which is already being affected in the "non-contact battle".
  3. "Scientific developments" - also in general and about nothing - but with a conscious emphasis on recognized authorities in this field. (About reasoning neurons, cerebellum and peripheral vision- how this knowledge can help is not clear.)
  4. The use of the “frame” famous in esoteric circles is also not clear why.

That's actually all the ideas of "non-contact combat" according to the SHKVAL system.

Reading the pages of Russian chronicles, it is impossible not to be surprised at the courage and bravery of our ancestors when they decided to clash with an enemy that greatly outnumbered them. The battle of the 10,000-strong army of Svyatoslav Igorevich with the 100,000-strong regular army of the Byzantine Empire has already been mentioned above, which is unique even in the context of world history. There are many other examples.
The battle between Svyatoslav's troops and the Byzantines took place in 971 near the walls of Dorostol. On April 23, the Byzantines attacked the soldiers of Svyatoslav twelve times, and only in the evening the Russian prince withdrew his troops outside the walls of the city. On April 26, Russian troops left the city and defeated the Byzantines in a fierce slaughter, leaving the field behind them. However, the Greeks brought reinforcements and the siege of Dorostol continued.

July 22, 971 took place decisive battle. The Byzantines had heavy infantry in the center, cavalry on the flanks, archers and slingers were located behind the infantry and fired at the Russian troops from there. There was no cavalry in Svyatoslav's army, the soldiers were built in a "wall" up to 20 ranks deep.

"Wall", when approaching the enemy, went on the run, intensifying the blow. In hand-to-hand combat, the Russians turned out to be stronger, by noon the Byzantines faltered and began to retreat. The retreat of the Byzantines was stopped only thanks to the counterattack of the "immortal", selected warriors, who were led into battle by the commander John Tzimisces himself.

Reinforcements continued to approach the Byzantines, and Svyatoslav's forces dwindled with each battle. Despite a significant numerical advantage, the Byzantines willingly negotiated and gave Svyatoslav's soldiers food, if only they left the empire.

An interesting and heroic battle between the troops of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich and the Polovtsians near Snovsk in 1068 (November 1) belongs to a later era. In this battle, during the most powerful onslaught of the Polovtsian hordes on Russian lands, Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, with 3 thousand horsemen, completely defeated the 12,000 Polovtsian army, capturing their prince.

In March 1111 (on the 24th and 27th), the Russian united army withstood two battles in the depths of the Polovtsian steppes with significantly superior enemy forces: describing the battle on March 27 (on the Salnitsa River), the chronicler says that the Polovtsian army numbered "thousands of thousands." It is not surprising that the Russian regiments fought, being completely surrounded by the Polovtsy: “And the Russian regiments overlaid. ... And the Polovtsian regiments and the Russian regiments moved, and the regiment collided with the regiment, and, like thunder, there was a crackling of the colliding ranks. And a fierce battle ensued between them, and people fell from both sides. Another unique battle - the battle of four hundred Novgorodians with a 7,000-strong Suzdal army - is described in the Novgorod chronicle: “Ide Danslav Lazutinits for Volok tributary with a squad; And Andriy sent her pulk to n, and was with them, and more Novgorod 400, and judgment 7000; and God help the Novgorodians, and fall them 300 and 1000, and Novgorod 15 men.

In the summer of 1249, the knightly Hungarian army, led by the son-in-law of the king, Rostislav Mikhailovich of Chernigov, accompanied by Polish squads, moved to Galicia, captured Przemysl and moved to Yaroslavl. Daniil Galitsky, "soon gathering his howls" sent forward reconnaissance and went to Yaroslavl. On August 17, 1249, the enemy troops met. A small detachment of infantry was posted ahead of Daniel's army. On the left flank was a cavalry regiment under the command of the prince himself. On the right is a cavalry regiment led by his brother Vasilko Romanovich.

In the Hungarian army, the center was cavalry detachments under the command of Rostislav Mikhailovich. The Polish squads were located on the right flank, and behind them stood a knightly regiment, which was supposed to complete the rout of the Russian troops.

The horsemen of Rostislav were the first to start the battle. They were met by spears of the infantry: "the spear was broken, as if from thunder there was a crack." At the same time, the Polish army rushed to Vasilko's regiment. When Daniel of Galicia saw that the Hungarians and Poles were finally drawn into the battle, he led the main forces of the cavalry in a deep ravine to the rear of the regiment of knights standing in reserve. Daniel's horsemen suddenly fell upon the Hungarians and crushed them. The prince himself broke through to the governor's banner, tore it from the shaft and tore it to shreds. Following the knights, the Poles also ran.

The battle showed the high fighting qualities of Russian infantrymen and cavalry squads. The steadfastness of Russian soldiers traditionally before the battle was supposed to strengthen the speech of the prince-commander. The chroniclers preserved the memory of the words of Daniel, which resonated in the hearts of the soldiers: “If a warrior is killed, then what is the miracle? Other houses die without glory, but these died with glory. Strengthen your hearts and go forward."

The military art of ancient Russian warriors was subjected to severe tests. A Russian warrior had to have combat skills at any time of the year and day, in any weather. Even the opponents of the Slavs specifically emphasized their habit of harsh living conditions and the ability to fight in any conditions. For example, the Byzantine military writer Mauritius Strategist spoke of our ancestors in the following way: “they are brave, mainly in their own land, and hardy, they easily endure heat, cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food ... They do not keep those in captivity in slavery, like other tribes ... ". Specific examples confirming this characterization can be found in the annals, where, for example, descriptions of bloody internecine battles between Yaroslav and Svyatopolk Vladimirovich on the river. The summer of 1019 and between Yaroslav and Mstislav Vladimirovich under Listven in 1024, while the first lasted throughout the day from sunrise to sunset, and the second, on the contrary, took place at night, in a heavy thunderstorm, under heavy rain, that is, in conditions when even the light of the moon did not allow to see the battlefield. Under the year 1116, the battle of Vladimir Monomakh with the Polovtsians, Torks and Pechenegs near the Don is mentioned, which lasted two days and two nights. No less harsh living conditions, which contributed to the hardening of both the body and the spirit, were not only among ordinary combatants, but also among the princes. The teaching of Vladimir Monomakh is also interesting because it provides a vivid sketch of the life of an ancient Russian prince, full of wars, diplomatic and political labors, and other dangers. Describing the dangers to which he was exposed, Monomakh notes: “... I don’t praise myself or my courage, but I praise God and glorify his mercy because he protected me, a sinner and bad, for so many years from the hour of death and not lazy he created me, poor, fit for all kinds of human deeds. Even a cursory acquaintance with the dangers that the prince was exposed to while hunting makes one think about how serious both physical and mental preparation ancient Russian warrior: “... I tied wild horses with my own hands in forests 10 and 20 alive, in addition to the fact that, driving around the steppe, I caught the same wild horses with my own hands. Two tours lifted me on the horns, along with the horse. One deer gored me, and of the two elks, one trampled me with his feet, the other gored me with his horns. The boar tore off my sword on my thigh, the bear bit my sweatshirt at my knee, the fierce beast jumped on my hips and knocked down the horse along with me.

The ancient Russian warriors had sufficient military skills to carry out military operations, the design and implementation of which could be envied by modern forces. special purpose. For example, a chronicle story from the 11th century tells us the details of the situation of freeing a hostage, which is classical for modern times: In 1095, two Polovtsian khans - Itlar and Kytan - came to Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh in Pereyaslavl to conclude peace. It was the custom of the Polovtsy to make peace with the Russian princes from year to year, violating it with the same regularity by raids on Russian lands. During the negotiations, again, the usual procedure was the exchange of hostages, while representatives of the nobility or even the children of the princes themselves became hostages. Similarly, in this case, in order to ensure the safety of Itlar and his selected soldiers for the period of their stay in Pereyaslavl, the son of Monomakh Svyatoslav was sent hostage to the Polovtsian camp. At this time, the warriors of the governor of Vladimir himself - Ratibor and the Kiev governor Slavyata convinced the prince to attack the Polovtsy: "Vladimir did not want to do this and answered:" How can I do this, having sworn an oath to them? In response, the squad said to Vladimir: “Prince! There is no sin in that for you: after all, they always, having sworn an oath to you, ruin the Russian land and shed Christian blood without ceasing. On the same night from February 23 to 24, Slavyata with a small squad stole Svyatoslav from the Polovtsian camp, passing all the lines of watchmen, after which the sleeping Kytan and his squad were killed. The next morning, Itlar and his soldiers were lured into a hut and locked there, and through a hole in the roof they shot them all with bows, while, according to the chronicle, Itlar himself was killed by Ratibor's son Olbeg. Thanks to this operation, two dangerous opponents of the Russian lands were liquidated, and from that moment on, the Russian princes, under the leadership of Vladimir Monomakh, switched to a new tactic in the fight against the Polovtsy nomads: not always reflecting unexpected raids, but delivering preemptive strikes, dispersing the forces of the nomads before they gathered for a run. In these campaigns, pursuing the Polovtsian hordes, Russian detachments had to reach the Don.

Intelligence was of great importance during the hostilities already in the early centuries of Russian history, and the chronicles preserved information that Russian scouts-watchmen, in a collision with similar enemy services, showed themselves with the most better side. So, during a campaign in the Polovtsian steppe of the combined forces of the Russian princes in 1103, sentinels walked ahead of the Russian army, and watchmen also walked ahead of the Polovtsian army, led by Altunopa: courage. Also, the Russian princes sent their guards. Already from these words it is clear that the common practice - not only among the Russians - was to send the best warriors, distinguished by their skills and personal qualities, to reconnaissance. The clash between the Russian and Polovtsian guard detachments showed the convincing superiority of the Russian soldiers: “And the Russian guards lay in wait for Altunop and, surrounding him, killed Altunop and his companions, and not one escaped, but they killed them all.” Apparently, the complete liquidation of the Altunopa detachment exerted strong psychological pressure on the Polovtsian army, which, demoralized, fled at the beginning of the battle, so that on April 4, 1103, according to the chronicler, a “great victory” took place and 20 Polovtsian khans were destroyed.

In medieval battles, where warriors fought face to face with the enemy, the psychological preparation of the warrior was of great importance. Chronicles often describe cases when the outcome of a battle was determined not by the number of opponents, not by their weapons, but by the state of their spirit. The battle on April 4, 1103 has already been mentioned above, the battle on the river is even more indicative in this respect. Sule in 1107, when the sudden appearance of a Russian army near the Polovtsian camp and their battle cry forced the Polovtsy to immediately flee: ]. The Polovtsy were horrified, they couldn’t even put up a banner for fear, but they ran, grabbing horses on the run, while others started to run on foot. It should be noted that perhaps the most famous Polovtsian commanders, Bonyak and Sharukan, were at the head of this army, which took flight.

For a long time, the martial art of Russian warriors has earned worldwide recognition. Our ancestors were strong in close combat and won even when, according to all the canons of military science, it was impossible to win. If it came to hand-to-hand combat, the invaders fled the battlefield in panic. Alexander Nevsky with a retinue of 50 people and a small militia defeated the five thousandth landing of the Swedes. Within two days, Suvorov's miraculous heroes stormed the Izmail fortress, which was considered impregnable, with a superior garrison. During the First World War, battalions of Cossack scouts showed exceptional skill in hand-to-hand combat.

The traditions of hand-to-hand combat were preserved by the Cossacks in the army and were passed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, the October Revolution of 1917 violated the centuries-old traditions of the Russian army, including the martial art (partly thanks to Russian émigré officers, it went west and formed the basis for the training of American marines, where the Russian style was adopted). And for the people it was decided to create the new kind martial arts - sambo, based on folk types of wrestling and under a slight influence best achievements foreign systems of self-defense: judo, jiu-jitsu, savate, boxing. Sambo, or self-defense without weapons, was developed by V. Spiridonov, V. Oshchepkov, A. Kharlampiev and other outstanding sportsmen-coaches.

Combat sambo, as a Russian martial art, was created at the beginning of the 20th century. The specialists were given the task of creating such a martial art that would combine the best of the world experience of martial arts, and the main principles of which would be aimed at destroying the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

Long time combat and special applied techniques, as well as methods of psychological training of sambists remained classified. They were trained only by soldiers of special units. Practiced battles well-trained special forces with prisoners on death row, with the so-called "dolls", "gladiators". In this way, combat methods were tested and polished in real conditions, without observing ethical standards.

As a result of such fights, combat reflexes, the resistance of the psyche of a fighter to stressful situations were analyzed. This was necessary at the stage of preparation for solving combat and special tasks, as well as for testing new combat techniques in action. This is how a new powerful universal combat system was created and honed.

V. Spiridonov successfully combined the elements of Russian fisticuffs with the pickups of the Georgian wrestling chidaoba and throws from the Moldavian tyntra. After the first demonstration performances, it was decided to make sambo an obligatory discipline for studying in special forces. The new single combat was such an effective and formidable weapon that at a certain stage its “emasculation” began. Sambo technique was very quickly divided into two types: wrestling sambo and a combat section intended for special forces. The latter included NKVD workers and army intelligence officers.

The impetus for the revival of the Russian style was the Great Patriotic War. Using the "Russian style", Soviet soldiers emerged victorious from seemingly hopeless situations. An example of this is a little-known fact. In 1945, ten paratroopers, led by a captain of the second rank V. Leonov, captured a 6,000-strong unit of the Kwantung Army. But this, and many other similar facts, were silent for a long time. The reason was that after our victory, Russian martial art was hidden in special instructions labeled “top secret” behind the walls of special schools where saboteurs were trained. Aleksey Alekseevich Kadochnikov also studied at one of these schools, where the training was conducted by teachers who were experts in their field, having gone through the cruel crucible of war. In practice, this led to the complete loss of this national treasure.

Russian hand-to-hand combat became available for study as a result of the reorganization of the USSR Armed Forces in 1962, associated with the emergence of new high-tech types of weapons, new approaches and views on the organization of combat training (mass layoffs of old, experienced instructors). All this led to the fact that even in special-purpose units, hand-to-hand combat was reduced mainly to working out the RB-1, RB-2, RB-3 complexes and ostentatious exercises that are conducted according to the requirements of the NFP-1987 manual, where the widest arsenal fighting techniques is reduced to a minimum and divorced from reality, having absolutely no practical orientation.

Starov Vadim Vitalievich revived the Russian martial art Russian Style-Combat System Spetsnaz-Contactless combat, gave a second life to this property, systematizing all knowledge. He created a universal complex system of survival, self-defense, healing and self-development of a person based on the exact sciences, including physics, biomechanics, physiology, anatomy, psychology, neurophysiology, bioenergetics, computer science and spiritual practices, making it a system of life, worldview.

The system of Russian hand-to-hand combat "Russian Style" was developed in the bowels of the special services as a way of fundamental and multifaceted training of fighters of elite special units. An employee of a modern special unit is not only a physically well-trained fighter, but also an intellectual capable of predicting and instantly adapting to an ever-changing combat situation. Several closed specialized research institutes that studied the latent reserve abilities of a person worked on the creation of this technique.
The "Russian style" system is not only efficient system hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, which allows you to resist any opponent, but also an effective way to form a holistic personality based on the trinity of spiritual, intellectual and physical strength. Comprehensive human development is based on a safe, comprehensive and systematic approach based on scientific knowledge in physiology, psychology and bioenergetics.
At the core training process lies a deep understanding of each step. Why do we perform this or that technical action? What are we doing? How do we do it? Why exactly? Such an approach, provided regular classes, allows you to achieve rapid and stable progress.
Life in a modern large metropolis is due to constant psychological stress, in many respects similar to the stress of soldiers of special units, who have been under stress for a long time. In the classes at the Russian Style school, you can learn various methods of self-regulation and relieving psychological and physical stress, which will significantly increase your overall efficiency.
Among those involved in various types of martial arts, the topic of non-contact combat is widely discussed. The pinnacle of the skill of fighters trained according to the Russian hand-to-hand combat system "Russian Style" is the ability to effectively non-contact impact on the enemy. For trainees at the Russian Style school, non-contact combat is not a myth, but an absolute reality.
1. Continuity.
2.From the support.
3. A couple of forces.
4. Circles and spirals.
5. Work from the situation.
6. Any part of the body hit.
7. There are no receptions.
8. Non-resistance.
9. Incomplete movements.
10. Breathing.
11. Move.
12. Work of the strong against the weak.
13. Wave.
14. Using momentum.
15. Keep your distance.
16. All with energy.
17. Bypass the force.
19. Kick from any position.
20. Copying.
21. Economy of movements.
22. Pendulum.
23. Left for left, right for right.
24. Independence of movements.
25. Do not cross your arms and legs.
26. Folding movements.
27. Work in three planes.
The continuity of the movement allows not only to hide the beginning of the attack, to preserve the effort accumulated by previous movements, to impede the attack of the enemy and to make fuller use of the reserve of the largest number of muscles. It allows you to economically manage the resources of the body and the established psychological background, sensitively and instantly respond to changing situations, keep under control the movements of several opponents, and much more.

2.From support
Without support - a fighter is not a fighter. He cannot create force. Therefore, one should use as a support not only the soil, a hard surface, or the opponent himself, but even the movement of a part of the body directed in the opposite direction to the desired movement. bent legs, which means that a lowered stance is a source of strength. Knowledge of the elementary laws of physics allows you to more fully use the force of impact, avoid losses during its decomposition and ensure the advantage of your own effort over the enemy’s effort in right place and at the right time.

3. Power couple
Try unscrewing the nut wrench, whose one horn is broken?

4. Circles and spirals
Arc and circular trajectories are fraught with an abyss of possibilities. Many see them as a miracle. Roundabout Circulation natural to the human body. Movement in a circle and spiral allows you to decompose the vector of force directed by the enemy into components and reduce the attacking effect to a minimum. This is especially noticeable when working with weapons and items against several people.

5. Work from the situation
A person who owns a plastic manner of fighting not only feels the slightest nuances of his own movements, but is also able to squeeze the maximum possible out of the situation and from his own body. Such a person intuitively or consciously, knowing most of the secrets of movement human body and the surrounding world, is able to predict any attacks of the enemy, and make the most of what the enemy has undertaken to his advantage. A fighter of the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat, armed with a sufficient number of technical elements, uses the necessary at the right moment. The training system allows you to liberate attention and thinking, which makes it possible to instantly assess the situation, monitor the environment.

6. Any part of the body - a blow
This is possible due to a large number methods of strengthening blows used in combat plastic hand-to-hand combat systems.

7. There are no tricks
There are no techniques, since there are technical elements that are studied instead of them and from which a more complex action is composed. Each technique is born to solve a specific task and dies after its completion.

8. Non-resistance
It is foolish to resist effort; one must use it to one's advantage. Because reasonable resistance looks like "non-resistance"

9. Incomplete movements
The incompleteness of movements stems from continuity. Each movement gives birth to a new one, a new one gives birth to the previous one with or without addition, and so on ad infinitum.

10. Breath
Breathing continuously without stopping, ensures the functioning of the body. Diaphragmatic breathing is most effective.

11. Move
This is the basis of any maneuver, even if the legs are in place, the torso can move.

12. Working the strong against the weak
A fighter trained according to the system of Russian hand-to-hand combat, with the help of various actions, achieves an instant advantage, which he subsequently develops.
13. Wave
One of most effective ways manipulation and amplification of movements.

14. Using momentum
Repetition of short-term efforts or brief explosive effort.

15. Keep your distance
Kicks 0.5-2 m., punches 0.5-1.5 m. Fight with the use of grabs and blows - close, lying on the enemy and under him - close.

16. All with energy

Man is a reasonable energy-informational matter.

17. Bypass the force
Bypass, start up in the "ricochet" force impact directed by the enemy.

Achieving advantage over the enemy, spending a minimum of effort.
From any position, any blow
The blow is applied from any position of the body, both in the stance and in the stalls

20. Copying.
The enemy is on the right and you are on the left.

21. Economy of movements
In combat conditions, every grain of carelessly squandered
strength, can come out harsh sideways or cost lives.

Escape from the influence of the enemy. Swinging the enemy, changing the direction of his movement and the efforts and forces applied by him. Controlling the energy field, changing the density of space, influencing the enemy due to resonance.

23. Left for left, right for right.
More about captures.

24.Independence of movements
Developed coordination of fighters of plastic systems, allows each limb and torso to work along own programs regardless of the movements of other parts of the body.

25. Do not cross your arms and legs
Do not interfere with your own movement and do not limit your capabilities due to crossing your arms or legs. Should not be taken as a taboo.

26. Folding movements
The summation of movements, efforts, impulses, techniques is one of the principles inherent in the plastic systems of hand-to-hand combat. In them, in any stroke, a greater number of muscle groups are involved than in a similar stroke from a non-plastic system. The actions of plastic systems are also multifunctional. Defense merges with offense. a push with a push, a push with an unbalance, a throw with a painful one, and a painful one with a choke or knock down, and so on ad infinitum. A plastic fighter manages at his own discretion the entire range of movements of both his own and the enemy, movements are natural. When moving forward, backward and in a circle on bent legs, the melee, as it were, rolls on the feet from heel to toe, or from toe to heel.

27. Work in three planes
We live in three-dimensional space. The vestibular apparatus of a person is focused on maintaining the balance of the human body in three planes, respectively, and the work to bring the enemy out of balance should occur simultaneously in three planes.

1. Combat acrobatics
2. Release from grips
3. Impact protection
4.Impact technique
5. Knife fighting and combat fencing
6. Work with improvised means
7. Contactless fight

Published an article in a local magazine. I think it is interesting to my readers in LiveJournal.
In one of the previous issues, we promised to tell in more detail about non-contact combat - the biggest myth in modern martial arts. Since there are very few reliable sources, the author had to rely mostly on his own experience.

Origin of the myth

In the fact that an opponent can be hit without touching a finger, many adherents various kinds martial arts have always been believed. The grounds for this were all sorts of internal oriental styles and magical rituals. Even Fidel Castro was credited with the ability to control a person and hit him with the help of the magical passes of the African voodoo tribe. In Russia, a surge of interest in non-contact hand-to-hand combat occurred after the show on the REN-TV channel in the program "Military Secret" of frames from documentary film"Special Forces". Two people, dressed in the form of reconnaissance units of the Soviet model, scattered conditional opponents without the slightest touch.
This turned out to be enough to give rise to versions that since Soviet times, fighters of secret military units have been studying non-contact combat.

Later, witnesses appeared who, almost with their own eyes, observed how the founder of the Russian style Alexei Kadochnikov acted in a similar way .. There is even a corresponding view.

So the myth of non-contact combat acquired a Russian accent.

myth theory
The theoretical substantiation of contactless has western and eastern versions. The Western one is based on the fact that a person can be influenced remotely as a result of the concentration of mental and physical energy, which creates various voids and curvature in space, torsion fields, ultra-high frequency waves and similar things that are still incomprehensible to science. Hypnosis and a number of other psychotechniques are cited in favor of Western theory. To explain, then they explain, but no one can demonstrate, and most importantly, show the methodology for teaching such things. After all scientific approach and lies in the fact that any experiment based on proven laws can be repeated.
The eastern version, oddly enough, is more plausible. It is based on the fact that in a person in various forms circulates Vital energy and, knowing its laws, it is possible to influence the state of the organism. All oriental reflexology is built on this principle.
The martial application of the knowledge of internal energy has been embodied in numerous internal styles. Energy, along with blood, comes close to the surface of the body at different times of the day in different ways, and the fighter only needs to know the course of its circulation in order to strike at that part of the body where the blood is close to the surface. In this case, severe injury is likely to be inflicted, possibly even with subsequent death. The blow is also applied with the direction of one's own energy and not necessarily with a fist. A light touch is enough for masters to send you to the forefathers.
But if very light contact is possible, then why not contact at all? After all, masters who practice qigong therapy to treat patients in many cases do not even touch them with a finger.

Kiai-jutsu and Arkhangelsk tales
One of the real-life varieties of non-contact hand-to-hand combat can be considered the impact on the enemy by voice. In the system of Japanese martial arts, there is albeit a rare kiai-jutsu - the art of screaming. For the first time, it became known to wide circles after the publication in 1962 of John Gilbey's book "Secret martial arts". John Gilbey was a kind of American Kharlampiev, who collected around the world not techniques for fighting sambo, but methods capable of quickly and effectively, if not killing, then reliably incapacitating a person. By coincidence, Gilby met with a Japanese specialist in Tokyo and experienced the effects of kiai jutsu on himself. From the cry of the Japanese american fighter who had excellent physical form just passed out
In Japanese kiai-jutsu there is nothing unusual for Europe, for a Russian person. The Japanese simply, in their usual style, noticed the ability of a sound of a certain frequency and longitude to affect human body and developed training methods. We just scream and sing. Many cases have been recorded when Russian people, including women, met wild animals in the forest and even bears fell dead from an unexpected cry. From the voice of famous opera singers, for example, Caruso, glass glasses and goblets burst. The militant cry of "Hurrah" awed the opponents on the battlefield. Yes, and the word "panic" was born from the name of the ancient Greek god Pan, whose cries frightened people.
And remember the folklore - the Italian fairy tale about the boy Gelsamino, who had the strongest voice, or the tales of the Russian coast-dwellers. Based on one of the fairy tales, a magnificent cartoon was shot, dubbed by Evgeny Leonov, about a woman-Pilikha, who filled up a bear with her voice. So, the Japanese master of kiai-jutsu is by no means a literary fiction of John Gilbey.

I don't see, I don't believe...
Despite my almost complete religious education in martial arts, I always refrain from mysticism and therefore am guided by the principle of "if I don't see, I won't believe." And even better - until I spar, I won’t believe it. I was lucky that in the period from 1988 to 1998 I had the opportunity to see a lot of fighters, to train in various sections and schools of hand-to-hand combat, incl. and in the section of Tadeusz Kasyanov, who played the role of the boatswain in the famous film Pirates of the 20th Century. I saw different fighters and heard different tales, but I never saw the real use of non-contact combat. Neither in civilian life, nor while serving in the army.
Supporters of the version that non-contact combat exists and is practiced are appealed by numerous videos. However demonstration performances modern, incl. Russian fighters raise serious doubts about the reality of what is happening. One of the few trustworthy records are the speeches of the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. The aikido master has repeatedly demonstrated how men of different heights and different weight, karateka, judoists flew away from one of his strokes. And he never refused to demonstrate his art.

Reliable can be considered evidence of the ability to hit the enemy without making contact, the creator of modern judo Jigaro Kano, as well as Sun Lutang (Sun Fuquan) - one of the greatest masters in the history of Chinese wushu and a number of Chinese specialists whose names will say little to Stavropol to the reader.
There are several reasons to trust these masters. Firstly, they devoted their whole lives to the comprehension of martial arts. Secondly, they all emphasized the development and management of internal energy. Thirdly, each of them spent real life fights not for life, but for death.

The "Master Touchless" promised $5,000 to fight him. Here's what came out of it...

On the way to comprehension
Naturally, being interested in such things, I myself repeatedly began to study internal various internal styles, methods for controlling internal energy and the possibility of defeating the enemy at a distance. What was the concrete outcome of this? Indeed, as sparring with various partners shows, the combat technique has become softer and more economical. Opponents, even physically much stronger, get tired much faster. During the period of intensive training, the movements become an order of magnitude faster, in the palms of the hands one feels a certain warmth and heaviness, which you transmit at the moment of contact with the opponent, and he loses his balance outwardly from mild pushes. However, in a real fight, I am unlikely to trust the internal styles, and even more so the developments in non-contact combat, and I will wait until a hooligan on the street hits me in the jaw with his fist. Most likely, I myself will inflict some kind of “dirty” crown blow - for example, with a foot in the knee area or with a fist on spread fingers or on outside brushes. Or I'll try to knock out my elbow. Believe me - it is very painful and effective. If not a fracture, then a strong pain shock is provided. And most importantly - very unexpected.
Nevertheless, the exercises that the great masters did gave quite concrete results, albeit in a different plane. First, reducing the time needed for sleep to 5-6 hours. Secondly, the ability to concentrate. By exercising, you will be less distracted by various temptations. I would compare this effect with the smart work of prayer, which the monks do every second. Consciousness moves in the shortest way to the chosen goal and is not distracted by interference.
Thirdly, the ability to unconsciously predict the situation and a more holistic perception of the world. It will sometimes seem to you that you are a prophet without five minutes. But in reality it is more effective work brain. In addition, you will read information from the surrounding space, incl. and that which is not perceived by the senses. This effect will expand your creativity, whether you are in business, administrative work or journalism.
Fourth, not only improving your health, but also the ability to help other people. Management of internal energy at first requires certain knowledge of how the “chi” energy flows inside the body, but by practicing, you yourself begin to comprehend the laws of its movement. And if necessary, you can alleviate the condition of strangers in a couple of minutes and greatly reduce or remove altogether, for example, a headache or toothache. Or treat diseases. By the way, practicing martial internal styles or health-improving forms of qigong and tai chi practically guarantee getting rid of such a very common and painful nuisance as a migraine, which modern medicine has not yet learned to fully cope with.
Fifthly, it has become easier to communicate with people, to get in touch. Sometimes I caught myself thinking that I was on the verge of manipulating my interlocutor. This effect was quite successfully implemented in journalism and in one of my main activities of the recent past - I was involved in elections, developed strategies for election campaigns, created campaign materials, commercials, etc. But I hope I gave up on elections.

Where to begin? First steps
The key to mastering non-contact combat is a good state of health, the accumulation of internal energy. Only in a healthy body can internal energy accumulate and be directed to an external source. Therefore, at first, you will work on restoring health, curing diseases. Classes along with other activities (herbal medicine, taking bee products, diet, restoration of intestinal flora, etc.) will significantly improve your condition in a few months. In a strong half, including a sharp increase in male abilities.
The second stage is the possibility of the consciousness reaching the borderline state. Thanks to this, you will achieve a number of the above effects.
The third step is the ability to concentrate. In training, you should concentrate on your physical energy sensations - how your hand moves, how energy flows, what you feel around you. First at rest, then in motion.
As for the exercises themselves and the time for training. At first, any internal styles will suit you, as well as a simple complex breathing exercises and plus training in the skill of "standing a pillar." Especially effective are tai chi, bagua and some types of qigong.
Ideally, the more you do, the better. But in practice, the effect will be even from morning classes lasting an hour and a half. It is advisable to add to them evening or daily workouts. If classes are only in the morning, then 40-45 minutes should be devoted to breathing and standing in a column.
In general, standing as a pillar is one of the best exercises of the preparatory stage. Therefore, I will dwell on it in more detail. It is not necessary to stand in the classic tai chi or bagua pose. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The body is relaxed, hands in front of you, in elbow joint bent more than 90 degrees. In the wrist joint also bend. The palms are half open, the fingers are spread and look at each other. As if you are holding the ball in front of you. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper palate. Breathing is even, quiet. Wait for 10 minutes, listen to the sensations. Were you able? what about 20 minutes? Try not to think about anything else. It is concentration at rest, you master the inner consciousness. The movement requires even more concentration, because you are not only doing exercises, but also assessing the surrounding situation in terms of energy. It's much more difficult than waving your arms.
These recommendations will be enough for you for the first months, and then fate and the body will tell you where to go next. Of course, it is best to learn these things with an instructor, but people with an open mind have access to all the secrets of this world. You just have to want.

One big, small "but"
Comprehension at advanced stages of controlling one's own, as well as an opponent, energy and consciousness requires not only time and perseverance, but one very serious limitation - limiting the number of sexual contacts, especially those ending in ejaculation. Strongly without going into theory, we can say that there are two reasons for this. First, energy consumption. The Taoists who laid the foundation for internal styles believed that sexual intercourse takes away internal energy. An overly active sex life along with training will undermine your health, instead of strengthening it. Of course, there is a way out, such as practicing the Tao of Love, but this is a completely different topic. The second reason is a kind of restructuring of consciousness. A person in whose mind the sexual instincts are suppressed and consciously controlled thinks quite differently. He becomes less aggressive.
A similar position is held not only by the methods of combat use of energy and consciousness, but also by other spiritual and physical practices. For example, Christianity. It is no secret to anyone that Orthodox monks and Catholic priests adhere to a vow of celibacy. Celibacy was also adhered to by the fathers of the Christian Church, numerous saints who performed miracles much more incomprehensible than the skills of martial artists. Among the wellness practices, I will note the well-known complex Tibetan monks"Eye of rebirth", restoring youth and health. It is actively promoted by a well-known acrobatics coach in our region and a supporter of healthy lifestyle life of Vasily Skakun. However, in his classes, five exercises of the complex are given. The sixth can be performed only when sexual intercourse has ceased.
I hope that it will become clear to the reader who has mastered this text to the end - that contactless combat theoretically has the right to exist. But in modern life we are unlikely to meet people who own it at the level of practical application. Too many of them have to give up in order to later become famous and transfer their knowledge to incomprehensible hands and heads.

Many martial artists have been aware of the existence of non-contact combat since ancient times. Its essence is that opponents can hit each other without any physical contact.

The opponent becomes ill, he honors the pain, loses his balance and this is far from all that can be done. This happens due to the influence on the biofield of the enemy, the energy of the body, which cannot be seen.

Non-contact combat technique with proper assimilation - powerful weapon. The masters say that it makes no sense to learn it if you have no experience in ordinary martial arts and you do not know hand-to-hand combat, at least the basics.


What is contactless combat is understandable, but what are its advantages? The answer to this question is obvious. A fighter who owns this technique is able to fight with a dozen enemies, doing it easily and simply.

However, he does not need to touch the enemy, at all. In this case, there is an invisible influence on the human biofield, his consciousness. That's fantastic!

Fight without bruises, fractures or bruises of all kinds. If you master the technique, you can fight with the enemy, and you do not need to have huge biceps. Only willpower and strength of mind are important here.

First steps in learning

This is a whole art, you can master the technique while being healthy, having a good physical shape, having accumulated internal energy, and doing it at home.

But it can accumulate only if the body is completely healthy.

So, first of all, you need to put your body in order, heal yourself from various diseases. The education system is quite complex.

The next step is that you can reach the consciousness of the borderline state. This will allow you to achieve many beneficial effects, including those mentioned above.

The third step is learning concentration. While training, you must learn to concentrate on your own sensations, to feel how the hand moves, and energy flows through it. First learn this at rest, and then on the move.

Of course, the more time you spend on training, the better. A positive result will be, even if you practice in the morning for 30-40 minutes.

It is even better to practice in the evening. By the way, best exercise- standing upright. Try to do it as often as possible and other useful tricks.

Good to know: classes at times will increase the state of your health, men will improve potency.

Notable fighters

Morihei Ueshiba

One of the masters who laid the foundations of non-contact combat is Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of .

Even as an old man, he continued to show the lessons of his mastery of this combat technique.

He carried out the purification of his own body, as well as the spirit, every day in the morning, going out under an icy mountain waterfall.

The Japanese Sensei, Founder and Great Teacher lived to be 85 years old.

Gerard Blaise

Another example is the French master Gerard Blaise.

He had many teachers, already in 1996 he achieved the fact that he was able to get the 7th dan of aikido.

He has been engaged in martial arts for 48 years, his whole life is wrestling.

Already at a respectable age, Gerard became interested in non-contact combat.

Many great masters were able to master non-contact combat only after 30-40 years of hard training.

Perhaps it is at this age that a person begins to realize that this technique is not fiction or mysticism.

This type of combat is based on the fact that you need to interact with the enemy at the level of consciousness, share your energy with him, positive or negative.

Kadochnikov A. A.

This fighting style is a combination of the knowledge that has been gained, as well as the fortitude and thought process.

Among the Russian gurus, of course, it is necessary to note the creator of one of the most famous hand-to-hand combat systems in the world, Alexei Alekseevich Kadochnikov. Read more about his training system at.

Of course, there are people who refute this technique, considering the adherents of this movement to be sick people.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, and there is no point in trying to convince anyone that contactless combat is a reality.