How to practice self defense techniques at home alone. Knife fighting with applied hand-to-hand combat techniques

Knowledge is such a precious thing

that it is not shameful to extract it from any source

Very often, “students” (in Nippon Kempo it is customary to call trainees “students”) can conduct classes at “home” conditions, but do not understand how?

So, self-training in hand-to-hand combat involves independent work of the trainee at home.

Self-training in hand-to-hand combat solves a number of tasks:
  • consolidation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities through homework, practical work, control tasks, etc.
  • development of rational methods and techniques for understanding technology;
  • training in skills, skills of independent work with “oneself”, that is, self-improvement;
  • development of will, ability to overcome difficulties;
  • formation of character, spirit;
  • such positive qualities like perseverance, diligence, organization, etc.;
  • improving the development of motor memory, thinking, and other abilities.
  • by repeating the technique on their own, the “students” learn the material faster, which allows the group of Nippon Kempo students to progress faster and receive more information.

Self-training is one of the most important stages of all training. The student independently remembering and passing the technique through himself, more begins to understand and realize the very principles of the exercise.

In turn, the skills and abilities acquired in the process of self-training continue to develop when consolidated in the classroom.

Whether conducting classes at home or on rough terrain, or on a business trip, the trainee must understand the fundamental principles of exercise safety:

  • try not to try (when they try without a teacher, they often learn the wrong skill);
  • not to leave health, but to acquire it (trying to do more and sharper, many get injured);
  • focus more on the process rather than the end result;
  • remember: what is better is less, but more often (the habit of constantly improving yourself is more important than the impulse of “one day”).

We will look at how to do training work the main muscle groups for the formation of striking techniques in hand-to-hand combat.

Any kick is formed from pushing off the leg and transferring energy to the hips. Therefore, they often say "kick with your feet."

First exercise

One of the exercises for the development of the legs begins with "explosive" exercises for the muscles of the foot, these are all kinds of "jumps", jumps, "jumps". You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 sets of 30 seconds.

Second exercise

Other, very useful exercise, these are all kinds of twists in the hips, while behind your back you can hold not only the neck from the bar, but also an ordinary stick or mop. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 sets for 30 seconds.

Third exercise

This exercise is aimed at combining the work of pushing off the leg and simultaneously throwing the bar or stick with both hands forward. Before performing the exercise, you need to stretch your knee joints well. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 sets for 30 seconds.

Fourth exercise

Push-ups standing on a hill. Exercise serves to develop the muscles of the back, arms. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 sets for 30 seconds.

Fifth exercise

The exercise is called “rolling”. Rolling from the base of the joint of the index finger of the fist, to the elbow and back. You can watch one of these exercises on the Yotube channel (Lessons from Vyacheslav Zhuravlev). Usually you need to perform 4-5 sets for 30 seconds.

Hand-to-hand combat exercises with a simple trainer

After physical work with the muscles, we move on to practicing striking techniques on a simple simulator.

For the manufacture of such a simulator, neither money nor a fashionable gym is required. This simulator is always with you and at hand. To do this, you only need a small rope or string and an ordinary towel, or any other cloth item (shirt, t-shirt, etc.).

We fix the cloth thing in the center and hang it on a hanger or other hook.

On this simulator, you can develop the trajectories of punches, arms, legs, elbows, knees. Practice combinational percussion techniques. The main thing to remember is that there would be a desire, but we will tell you how to make a simulator. And yet, it is important to communicate and practice under the guidance of an experienced person or instructor, we do not treat teeth ourselves, we go to the doctor. And self-medication leads to bad consequences. Do not be ill!

“The fight that never happened is good,” says the famous proverb. However, this is not always the case - and sometimes the unshakable truth has to be put aside. Today you can become a participant in a brawl almost anywhere and at any time, but how to get out of it as a winner? We decided to give brief instructions and important tips to help you upgrade your combat skills for a short time. Let’s make a reservation right away: if you are trying to learn how to learn how to fight in 5 minutes, then this article is not for you. But 5 minutes will be enough for you to read the article and find out what to do next for your physical development.

Not every parent, and especially mothers, agrees that their child is trained in a real fighting section or school from childhood. Everyone is afraid of injuries, bruises and other injuries, and a child who dreams of a career as a wrestler, boxer or athlete of a different kind has to go dancing or drawing. In this case, you have to master the technique yourself, which is many times more difficult than under the supervision of a master. Let's see how to learn to fight at home, what you need for this and make up small plan activities for beginners.

Find reserves in yourself!

  1. The first thing you need to start self-development is motivation and a goal. Without this, every second workout will end in failure. Anything can serve as a motive: a bully at school or college, bullies in the yard, the presence of a lady of the heart who needs to be protected, and so on. Goals should be small but lead to big things.
  2. Do your best to achieve results. Now every day is a battle, but not with an external enemy, but with an internal one. You should not interfere with fear, laziness and other ailments.
  3. Despite your best efforts, you will not succeed if you train without a professional. By the way, a training video can also become a trainer - but do not grab everything in a row, trying to master different techniques. Choose a specific direction: karate, boxing, UFC fights and train.

Where to begin?

Preparing for any fight begins with a morale, because you won’t be able to learn how to fight well without it. A person who is afraid of a fight will lose in it. The psychological factor is decisive, it takes away self-confidence, thoughts start to get confused in your head, you forget everything you learned in training. That is why it is necessary to practice more in order to work out blows to automaticity - you can be in a trance because of fear, but your subconscious mind will cause the right reaction in the body when attacked.

  1. Do not be afraid of physical pain, it passes much faster than moral.
  2. If you don't defend yourself, you may be killed or maimed.
  3. If you are afraid of the opinions of others, remember that it doesn’t matter at all what they think of you if your health or, even more so, life is at stake.

These three theses are the main thing to remember in every training session and in every fight.

Since it is almost impossible to learn how to fight quickly, you will have to make a training plan. A fighter must have a strong developed body, which he knows how to control well. A pile of muscle is of little help if it is immobilized. Strict discipline is a must, you can’t deviate from the lesson plan. In addition to studying the shock technique itself, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Cardio. Running, biking, jumping, jumping out of a squat - all this perfectly loads the cardiovascular system and develops endurance in a person.
  2. Cor. Any strike starts from twisting the body. Accordingly, a trained fighter must have strong abs and back extensors. Great exercise for pumping, you can call a static bar on the elbows and socks, lifting the legs in the hang on the horizontal bar, hyperesthesia and double-support bridges.
  3. Weightlifting. Cardio will help you run away from the enemy, a strong body will help you dodge in time, but only a strong person can deliver a strong blow. You should not buy barbells and dumbbells, your own body is enough for training. The base consists of six exercises: push-ups, upside-down push-ups, squats, pull-ups, bridges, hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar. They develop everything muscle groups. For those who find it easy to squat on two legs, it is recommended to do it on one, the same goes for other exercises.

Suppose you are in excellent physical shape - but how exactly to repel the enemy? Since you are unlikely to succeed in learning how to fight like special forces without a coach, let's go the other way.

How to learn to fight: step by step instructions

  1. Choose a specific view martial art and find in it a few (4-5) tricks that are most effective in your opinion.
  2. Concentrate on their study, further study basic hits. There are only three of them: hook, jab and uppercut.
  3. Strengthen your knuckles with fist push-ups - there will be no tape or gloves on the street.
  4. Constantly practice on , pears and live sparring partners.

Models that are great for practicing strikes are:

  1. - the advantage of the equipment is that it completely repeats the anatomical composition of the human body. Not the cheapest (from 24,590 rubles), but a very convenient simulator for those who set the goal of exercising every day.
  2. are significantly cheaper - from 13,650 rubles. The simulator allows you to work at different levels and develop faster.
  3. Punching bags, punching bags, floor reactor bags (very inexpensive - from 8,990 rubles) are the most popular equipment. Good for their mobility, train reaction and agility. A huge number of options, so choosing a model for material, weight and size is not difficult.

And remember - only long workouts will make you strong man who can take care of himself.

How to master the techniques of self-defense, Learn to fight back. (10+)

Physical self-defense against attack and aggression. How to learn

I myself used the mastered techniques only twice, and the second time was more than 10 years after training. But everything turned out great. So I still have a formidable weapon with me.

Your goal is to protect yourself and loved ones

Having decided to start training, you need to clearly formulate a goal for yourself. Do you want to learn how to defend or do you want to improve physical form, exercise cardiovascular and respiratory system, lose weight. Most sections teach martial arts. Possession of them at a professional level allows you to effectively defend yourself, but for professional skills you need many years of training. Amateurish possession of techniques can only do harm. So in such sections you need to either do professional career athlete, or pull up OFP (general physical training). But you should not expect that the acquired skills will quickly protect you from hooligans.

Criteria for choosing a teacher of self-defense, self-defense

Effective self-defense techniques do not require special physical strength, flexibility, dexterity, etc. Where they actually teach to defend themselves, strength, agility and flexibility are not trained. For self-defense, you need a clear execution of the technique and confidence in what you are doing.

My training took a month. Classes were for 3 hours, every two days. This time is enough to master the basic skills sufficient for defense in ordinary life. The schedule is very important, since it is in this mode that the necessary skills are best developed.

Techniques are practiced on specially trained people. These techniques are really very effective. They cannot be worked on each other. You will just get hurt. In addition, an ordinary, unprepared person will not be able to naturally portray a bully. Faced with real aggression, you will be afraid if during training the opponent behaved differently.

You need to master a very small number of tricks. I know 7. But it is important to hone the techniques to perfection.

Such training cannot be cheap. Only two professionals will work with you for three hours every two days: a coach and a stuntman. The hour of such specialists is very expensive.

No tricks and skills will protect with a guarantee

Having mastered the necessary techniques, you will be able to cope with one person of any size and strength who does not have special training. But a few people or a trained person (and there are also many of them wandering in search of easy prey) will still be a danger.

I'll give you an example. My good friend was in the special forces. Was well prepared. Once a group of drug addicts stuck to him. And while he was teaching them good manners, one standing at a distance shot him and shot through the abdomen. Doctors saved him, but there was little pleasure.

So the main advice is to avoid dangerous situations. There is no point in tempting fate. Even if you are well prepared, there is absolutely no reason to walk dangerous dark paths or deliberately provoke people. Analyze your routes, make sure they are safe or change them to make them safe. Neither weapons nor self-defense techniques will save you, for example, from sniper rifle or grenades.

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In this lesson we will talk about self-defense without the use of specialized tools, some techniques hand-to-hand combat, methods of attack and defense, and the ability to get out of a fight with an attacker with minimal losses. The information is mostly intended for beginners, but for those who already have certain knowledge and skills, it will also be useful.

Below we will look at:

  • Most Effective Hits
  • Basic protection techniques
  • How to free yourself from suffocation and capture
  • Tricks for girls and women
  • Receptions for girls and women

Where possible, we will provide the material with pictures or links to videos.

Features of self-defense on the street

The street is not a gym, and the observance of sports and moral rules is not provided here. Almost always any Street fight This is a fight without rules. Also on the street there is a surprise factor: a criminal can attack at any time and from anywhere. The stake here is on fear and a state of shock, in which it is difficult to take any adequate actions. When walking or going somewhere, you should always keep in mind that an unforeseen extreme situation may arise in which you will have to defend yourself. Of course, you don’t need to be paranoid, but you should always and everywhere. The advantage is that when attacking on the street, the defender has many options for action: from escaping to using a very different arsenal of techniques.

Features of self-defense in a confined space

Attacks in entrances, on landings, in bars, etc. far from uncommon. Protecting yourself in a confined space is more difficult than on the street, because. there is no room for sweeping movements, turns, etc. Here the beats must be different maximum speed, accuracy and efficiency. The distance from the enemy also matters: the closer he is to you, the more likely it is that he can quietly use some kind of weapon. It is necessary to strive to attack as early as possible and stronger in order to quickly retreat.

Most Effective Hits

To work out the blows, it is advisable to set aside time and practice with a partner. We will consider not only classical, but also strikes prohibited in sports, based on the impact on pain points person. There are many such points on the body:

The blows described below hit the most vulnerable spots on the attacker's body:

  • Direct hit. Apply to the nose, jaw, eyes, neck, throat. Able to "knock out" the attacker, knocking him out, and knock him down. Tip for beginners: in order to avoid injury to the hand and knuckles, you should beat not with your fist, but with the base of the palm:

  • Uppercut. It is applied with a fist to the opponent's jaw from the bottom up. Instantly neutralizes the attacker. When striking, it is recommended to slightly turn your fist towards you - this way the blow will be stronger (training is needed to practice the blow, because unprepared knuckles and fingers can be knocked out):

  • A blow to the groin. A sneaky, but trouble-free blow that can seriously harm the offender. You can hit with your knee or foot, as well as with your backhand. For greater efficiency when hitting the opponent's knee, you can take the breasts and pull it towards you. It is better to beat with the feet when it is impossible to reach with the knee:

  • Hit under the kneecap. Painful and effective hit. Apply sideways or straight. If you hit from the side, the enemy can be unbalanced, and if you hit him directly, you can break his bone or joint:

  • Hitting the Sun. applied to the area solar plexus. You can beat with a fist or the base of the palm, but as sharply as possible. When attacking from behind, it is convenient to beat with the elbow. The blow knocks out the breath and neutralizes the offender (a strong blow deprives consciousness):

  • A blow to the shin. Causes severe sharp pain in the opponent, as well as temporary paralysis of the limb or bone fracture. It is recommended to beat inside soles. You can hit with a toe only if you are wearing strong shoes with a hard toe or a massive tread:

  • A blow to the ears. Belongs to the category of prohibited. Quickly throws an opponent off balance, stunning them. Can damage eardrums and cause ear bleeding:

  • A blow to the toes or the instep of the foot. It is better to apply with the whole heel. Can cause temporary paralysis of the limb and fracture of the fingers:

Basic protection techniques

Self-defense techniques are very diverse, and defense techniques occupy a separate place among them. Considering that the course information is more intended for beginners, we will describe just a couple of them:

  • Block. Universal element of protection against blows by hands. To perform the simplest block with your hands, you can intercept the opponent’s hands, knock them to the side, or simply cover your face with your forearms:

  • Brush grip. Used to protect against punches. When performing, you need to capture exactly the hand with which the opponent beats:

Defense elements are always more complex than attack elements. For professional mastery, you need to contact sports section or a school in some kind of martial art (we will look at martial arts in the next lesson). Successful defense requires fast reaction And .

However, for protection, you can use not only blocks and grips of the brush, but also special techniques. In most situations, they show greater efficiency, because. their execution does not require well-established movements and such skill as for blocks and grips. We continue our self-defense lessons.

How to free yourself from suffocation or capture

Self-defense techniques are a good opportunity to free yourself from captures and suffocations. One of effective ways consists in the following: if the criminal grabbed you by the throat with one hand, you need to hit him in the face to loosen his grip. Then you should lean on the opponent’s arm with your forearm or shoulder from top to bottom with all your body weight.

In the case when they grabbed your hand, you need to turn it to the side thumb opponent, then transfer the center of gravity through the front leg to the captured arm and hang on it. The unloaded leg can be used to strike the offender in the thigh or groin. In addition, it is useful to use the energy of a turn to hit the offender in the face with a backhand.

What to do if clothes are grabbed

If the offender grabs you by the clothes, you need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders for greater stability, put your palm on the attacker's arm and press it as hard as possible. Then you should hit him in the shin to divert attention. After that, without letting go of the scoundrel's hand, you need to turn around to face him and, raising your other hand, free yourself from the grip.

It is important not to spin in the direction of the opponent, otherwise he will be able to easily hit you with his free hand, but to spin in the other direction to make it harder to reach you. If the kick went past the shin, you need to take a step back and hit the enemy again, but not with your foot, but with your hand - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower ribs. You need to hit with all your might in order to influence for sure.

What to do if grabbed by the neck

Let's say the criminal grabbed your neck with both hands. You need to raise your hands to confuse him - he will think that you are giving up. Then you need to hold his hands, step back slightly and turn around, while removing the attacker's hands from his neck. After that, it is important to quickly turn to face the enemy and sharply hit him in the nose or throat with one hand, and with the other - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower ribs.

You should not kick the scoundrel in the groin when grabbing the neck, because. men instinctively protect it, and the attacker can simply squeeze the hips, thereby stopping your leg. Also remember that your neck is only under the control of the criminal's two thumbs, and if you manage to grab just one of them, you can easily twist it.

What if they try to push

If the attacker wants to push you, it's best to simply shrug it off: raise your arms and hold them at shoulder level with your opponent, then step to the side and slam one hand down the opponent's arms as if you were brushing off mosquitoes. After that, you can hit the offender with the base of the palm of the other hand in the nose.

Never step back or you may fall on your back. In addition, by stepping back, you give the criminal space to continue the attack. And shifting to the side will change the trajectory of the attacker's movements, which will give you some time.

While doing this, keep your arms relaxed and do not spread them wide. When they push you right hand, fight back with your left, and vice versa. When pushing with both hands, fight back with your left (if you are right-handed) so that you can strike with your right (for left-handers, the sequence is reversed).

What to do if they want to punch

If you have fixed that the opponent is going to perform a blow in a straight line, take a step to the side, knock off the blow that has begun with one hand, and with the other hit the attacker in the nose.

If you understand that the blow will be from the side, you can either duck or block with the hand that is being struck. After parrying the attack, use the opposite hand to strike back at the offender - direct or side.

Keep in mind that if the attacker manages to knock you down, you will be in a vulnerable position - you can just be pinned down from above and start beating, etc. It is very difficult to get out of this situation. And if you lie on your stomach, then the chances of repelling attacks and getting back on your feet are reduced to zero.

Tip: if you are lying on your back and the enemy has sat on top of you, in any way try to free at least one hand in order to poke your fingers into the eyes of the offender with all your might or hit him with the edge of your palm in the neck or nose.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the body

Self-defense techniques give a person many advantages. If you were taken into a “bear” grip (grabbed with both hands behind the body), you will only have your hands at your disposal. Try to find the attacker's little finger and pull it sharply in the direction of the wrist - believe me: it will be very unpleasant for him.

You can do otherwise: sit down, slightly shifting the pelvis, try to get your hands to the attacker’s inner thigh and squeeze with all your might soft tissues or scrotum. The pain will cause the attacker to loosen his grip, and you can free yourself.

By the way, when grabbing the neck from behind (not with your hands, but with your forearm), you don’t need to waste time trying to hit in the groin. It is much more effective to press the chin to the chest and sharply hit the back of the head in the opponent's face. Even if he is taller than you, you have a chance to damage his jaw.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the neck

If you are grabbed by the neck, there is no need to panic, because. if you wanted to kill, you would not be able to think. You have to grab it with both hands upper hand attacker and bring your chin to his elbow to make it easier to breathe. Then you should sit down, continue to hold the offender's hand with one hand, and squeeze the inner surface of his thigh with all your might.

As soon as you feel that the grip is weakening, quickly free yourself, turn around and hit the attacker sharply in the nose or throat. The enemy will be disoriented, and you will have time to escape or continue the attack.

What to do if they grab the elbow

When you are grabbed by the elbow, turn to face the opponent and take a stable position. Then, with your free hand, press the attacker's hand to yourself with maximum force, and lift the other hand a little up and make it Roundabout Circulation around the attacker's forearm. This will allow you to free yourself from the grip.

What to do if attacked with a knife

If the criminal put a knife to your neck, you can only resist if you are sure that there is no other option and to protect yourself from the knife. Then wrap your hands around the attacker's hand, firmly fix it, sit down, tilt the body forward and point the blade towards the attacker.

If the attacker is at a distance from you, it is best to move away from him by increasing the distance and amplitude of the movement of the weapon. You can also use special brush grips, but this is much more dangerous, and only trained people can perform them. But remember the trick: the longer the knife, the easier it is to knock it out - with your foot or with some object, so short and small knives are more dangerous.

For a more visual representation of the techniques discussed above (as well as some others), we suggest you watch some useful training videos:

Now we are moving on to the second big part of the lesson - self-defense for the fair sex.

Safety rules for girls and women

It is wrong to believe that criminals only attack frivolous girls walking around in the middle of the night in miniskirts. The results of studies conducted by the UN have shown that around the world, every third girl becomes a victim of street violence. Statistics is a stubborn thing, and therefore we recommend that ladies first familiarize themselves with the safety rules for girls and women:

  • If you notice that someone is following you, change your route several times to confuse the perpetrator. You should not allow persecution to the house, especially if you have to pass through a deserted courtyard or if there is no one at home. In such a situation, it is best to call someone close or friends and ask to be met.
  • When returning home at night, prepare the keys to the entrance in advance so as not to stand in front of the door, looking for them in your purse. The same goes for car keys.
  • Try not to go into the entrance with someone you don't know. It is better to quickly enter and immediately close the door behind you. A person going to visit someone will call the intercom without any problems to open the door for him.
  • Try to walk mainly on crowded and lit streets.
  • If suddenly there are signs of breaking on the door to the apartment, you should not go inside. It is likely that someone is in the apartment, and it is better to immediately call the police and call for help.
  • When you go to work or school and return home, from time to time pay attention to places where, if necessary, you can be helped. Such places include private homes, convenience stores, offices, etc.
  • Who is forewarned is forearmed. Just in case, get yourself a shocker or gas cartridge and put it in your purse.
  • If suddenly, while you are waiting for the elevator, an unfamiliar man appeared at the entrance, it is better to let him into the elevator, and wait for him to go up to the desired floor. It is not recommended to ride in elevators with strangers.
  • If you spent the evening at a party or just visiting someone, if you are wearing a bright and provocative outfit, in case there is no one to take you home, be sure to call a taxi.
  • Always and everywhere remain vigilant so that in case of a potential threat, in time to pay attention to it.

In addition to the safety rules, there are a few more tricks for girls that are very easy to use. True, they already relate to situations when the attack occurred.

Tricks for girls and women

  • If you are attacked, you need to buy time. To do this, no matter how strange it may sound, you can offer the attacker to go to a more suitable place where he can accomplish his plan. You can also offer something to drink "for courage" or a snack. Sometimes it is effective to talk about your poor health, pregnancy, menstruation, venereal disease or some other dangerous and contagious disease.
  • If an attack on you is carried out in a deserted place or a confined space, and the attacker is armed and is determined to carry out his plan, you can not offend and irritate him. Of the two evils, choose the lesser. The main thing is to stay alive.
  • An effective trick is to pretend to faint or have a heart attack, an epileptic seizure or an attack of vomiting. If you become a "vegetable" for a while, the criminal will most likely lose interest in you. If not, you will have an advantage - at a moment unexpected for the villain, you can strike him in the groin or jaw, cling to his eyes with your nails, or start scratching your face with all your might.
  • If the attack occurs in the entrance or courtyard of your house, start calling someone you know by name. You can shout anything: “Vasya, help!”, “Sveta, we are on fire!”, “Sasha, they are killing! Help!”, “Vitya, save! Robbery!” etc. It is highly likely that one of your friends or neighbors will pay attention to your cries and take the necessary measures.
  • Rapists most often think that by frightening the victim, they will plunge her into shock and stupor. But a different scenario can disrupt all their plans. If you have enough determination, start attacking the aggressor as fiercely as possible so that he himself feels like a victim. But here you should be careful: if the maniac has a weapon or looks like a hardened criminal, such tactics can provoke him to more decisive actions.

When tricks do not work, and preventive measures do not work and there is no one to wait for help, it is time to use self-defense techniques.

Receptions for girls and women

If it is necessary to engage in a fight, you need to attack the offender in such a way as to neutralize him for sure. Otherwise, you can only anger the attacker and provoke him to attack without regard to belonging to the weaker sex. Here are self-defense techniques that work almost flawlessly:

  • A blow to the groin or a seizure of the scrotum. very painful and effective reception. It must be performed as strongly and quickly as possible so as not to enrage the attacker. To hit hard, you need to fold your palm with a “boat” and hit with the side surface of your fist from the side of your thumb (approximately like they hit with a knife from the bottom up).

When the enemy is behind your back and holds you by the hair or throat, you need to hit the groin in a backhand direction down and back with the base of the fist, or with the edge and the base of the palm. If the opponent is much taller than you, you can strike with your elbow. You can also kick in the groin - as we described in the first block of the lesson.

You can also “play along” with the rapist: pretend that you don’t mind granting his “request” and enjoy it yourself. When he loses vigilance and exposes his “device”, squeeze his scrotum with all his strength, pull it towards you or twist it to the side.

  • A poke in the chest cavity. To perform the technique, place all fingers together as if you were taking a pinch of salt with them, and then poke them as hard as possible into the opponent's chest cavity. The blow is applied at an angle of 45 ° either from the bottom up or from the top down, based on the growth of the attacker. If everything is done correctly, the villain will cough, his eyes will begin to water. Swipe causes fainting. By the way, you can beat not only in the chest cavity, but also in the throat and any part of the face (preferably in the eyes).
  • A blow to the nose or upper lip. It is applied with the edge of the palm from the side of the little finger. To disguise an attack, you need to fold your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm in a "begging" gesture. Ask the criminal for mercy to embarrass him. At the right moment, slightly pull your right palm (if you are right-handed) towards you and sharply hit the attacker on the upper lip (under the nose) or on the nose.
  • Ear blow. Disguised in the same way as the previous one. At the time of the attack, the hands are sharply, but not strongly spread apart, after which a blow is made to the ears of the attacker. A strong blow causes rupture of the eardrums, pain shock and ear bleeding. Having stunned the rapist, you can continue the attack: grab him by the ears and start twisting his head sideways and down in a helical movement.
  • Leg kick. There are two variations of the kick. Both are performed at a distance close to the attacker. First, if you're wearing heels, pull your toe slightly towards you, lift your leg, and drop your heel sharply onto the instep or toes of the attacker. Second: put one foot back a little, and then sharply kick the toe into the shin of the criminal.
  • Eye gouging. The thumbs of the hands must be stuck with force into the eyes of the villain, and with the rest of the fingers, grab on both sides into the corners of his mandible to create pressure. You need to press with your thumbs until the offender loosens his grip and steps back. If there is a wall behind the attacker, at the moment when he is disoriented, you can hit him with the back of the head against it.
  • Female strike. At a moment unexpected for the offender, you need to slightly press the leading (or free) hand to yourself, and then bitingly hit the attacker in the face with the edge of the palm or knuckles, as if you are whipping him in the face with a glove. Remember that at the beginning of the strike, the elbow is brought forward, and then the forearm and hand are “thrown out”.

It is very important not to turn your back to the enemy lying on the floor or covering his face with his hands, because. this mistake can cost a life. If you managed to buy time, you need to leave the scene of the incident as soon as possible, finish off the enemy (remember the limits of the necessary defense), call for help or call the police.

But there is another scenario: attackers can attack when a guy walks with a girl. In general, according to the laws of the street, this cannot be done, because. this is "not in a kid's way", but still such cases are far from uncommon. In most situations, the man comes into conflict, and the lady just looks, gasps and sighs, sympathetically pressing her hands to her chest. Shyness, fear, shock - all this is understandable, but you can’t stand still, and your companion needs help.

How can you help a companion in a street brawl

There are several options here. Firstly, you can start screaming with all your might and call for help, attract attention, etc. But it can work when the attacking amateurs themselves are tense and afraid of unnecessary witnesses. If experienced criminals attack, it is better not to go on the rampage and use cunning at the right moment.

Secondly, if the offender put, for example, a knife to the throat of your missus or friend, you can play on surprise and stun the attacker with a blow to the head from behind. As a rule, the attention of the villain is riveted to the victim, and he forgets about the woman who is nearby. At this point, you just need to quietly sneak up behind and hit the villain on the back of the head, which is urine.

Thirdly, if a fight broke out, the offenders will most likely forget about you, and an attack from a woman is a phenomenon that does not fit into the standard bandit scenario. You can throw a strap from your bag around the neck of one of the attackers and start choking him, hit him with a bag or some improvised object in your field of vision, get a pepper spray or even hairspray from your bag and direct the jet at the attackers.

Of course, all self-defense techniques need to be worked out. You can practice with a friend or other half in their performance. By repeating each technique 10-20 times, you will already know approximately what to do in an emergency situation.

And in addition, some videos on the topic of self-defense for beautiful ladies:

  • Rape protection for girls

    Canadian self-defense specialist Richard Dimitri, who has studied the factors affecting the outcome of a street fight, says that 60% of self-defense success depends on how ready a person is for critical situation psychologically. 25% depend on emotions and only 15% depend on physical training and ability to defend. That is why one must always keep in mind that everywhere there is a potential threat of attack.

    Naturally, and physical strength no one has canceled yet. Based on this, it is advisable to lead, engage in at least some kind of sport and pay attention to the development of your body. If you are seriously interested in the topic of self-defense, you can enroll in the combat section, where you will be taught how to effectively defend and attack.

    And we will talk about which sport to choose in the final lesson of our course. We will cover the basics of two popular and powerful martial arts, Krav Maga and Sambo, as well as introduce you to many other martial arts that you can look into.

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