". The unofficial motto of the Strategic Missile Forces is "no one after us." Missile troops after us silence

On December 17, the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) celebrated the 55th anniversary of its formation by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. For more than half a century, the country's missile forces, in a state of constant combat readiness, have been carrying out the mission of nuclear deterrence. The Strategic Missile Forces is the land part of the Russian nuclear forces, which makes up the strategic nuclear triad along with sea- and air-based missiles. Today, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with all land-based silo-based missiles and ground-based mobile rocket launchers of the country. In addition to the Strategic Missile Forces, the navy (Navy) and the air force (Air Force) of Russia have strategic nuclear weapons.

Map of deployment of objects of the Strategic Missile Forces in the territory of the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that 1959 is considered the official date of formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, in fact the first missile units in Soviet army were created 13 years before. In August 1946, as part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the 72nd Special Purpose Engineer Brigade was formed, which belonged to the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK), which was armed with rocket weapons. In 1950, the second missile brigade was created, and within five years - five more such brigades. Until 1955, inclusive, these units belonged to artillery, were subordinate to the commander of artillery and were armed with R-1 and R-2 short-range ballistic missiles with a non-nuclear warhead. These missiles were the developments of the design bureau of Sergei Korolev, made on the basis of a thorough study of the achievements of German rocket technologies (V-1 and V-2 missiles) with improvements made to the design of the rocket, dictated by their own design developments and technical shortcomings of German prototypes.

Rockets V-2 (left) and R-1 (right)

For several decades, rocket technology has been actively developed, as the Soviet Union, in order to maintain proper defense capability, sought to have ballistic missiles capable of reaching the territory of the United States of America (the most likely adversary) in order to guarantee hitting strategically important targets or inflict unacceptable damage to the enemy in the event of his attacks. Today, about 400 rocket launchers out of six are on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces. various types ballistic missiles of the fourth and fifth generations (3 of them are stationary and 3 are mobile). Modern Russian missiles are capable of covering a distance of up to 12,000 kilometers and delivering more than 1,300 nuclear warheads to the target in just 20-30 minutes.

Manhole cover of the ICBM mine

During its existence, the Strategic Missile Forces conducted more than five thousand launches of ballistic missiles (an average of almost a hundred launches annually) in order to test technical solutions and increase the combat readiness of missile units. Since 1959, 24 types of ballistic missiles have been developed, produced and mastered, the most famous of which are the Angara, Topol and Yars intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles. About 6,000 officers and ensigns are constantly on duty at the combat duty posts of rocket launchers. In 2014, all the main types of missile weapons and equipment participated in the exercises in the Strategic Missile Forces units, and an unprecedented level of inspections ensured the maintenance and further development of the professional skills of military personnel, for whom conditions were simulated that were as close as possible to real combat missions. In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces are constantly replacing and updating missile technology. By the end of 2014, another 29 units of missile weapons, military and special equipment are expected to be delivered to the Strategic Missile Forces.

Throughout its history, the Strategic Rocket Forces have never been used as a military force, but their presence, enormous power, constant combat readiness and the ability to deliver a “retaliation strike” in automatic mode, having already been attacked by an aggressor, have always served as a real political deterrent and reliable shield for the state. To maintain the parity of forces, many countries of the world are investing heavily in their defense, as well as the development of nuclear weapons and missile technologies. Despite attempts by the international community to control and contain the growth of nuclear weapons, new countries appear on the world map that possess such weapons against the will of the world community. To meet the ever-increasing level of threats, Russia is also funding permanent Scientific research and technical developments in the field of armaments and rocket science.

Illustration of a powerful thermonuclear explosion with the formation of the so-called. Wilson's annular cloud

In 2015, the Strategic Missile Forces plans to conduct about 15 training launches of ballistic missiles. At the same time, parameters will be tested that allow extending the service life of certain types of ICBMs, as well as testing of new and promising developments in rocket technology. The process of updating rocket technology in some parts of the Strategic Missile Forces will also continue - in particular, work will continue on the rearmament of the Novosibirsk, Tagil and Kozelsk formations. The Strategic Missile Forces are faced with the task of bringing the share of new missiles to 60% by 2016, and to 100% of the total number of all rocketry by 2021. The commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, told media representatives at a press conference that soon a new element in the structure of the Russian troops, in addition to the mine and soil mobile systems currently available, will be rail-based missile systems.

Map of nuclear powers (red), presumed nuclear (blue), illegal nuclear (orange), non-nuclear states (magenta)

Despite the constant development of non-nuclear types of weapons of mass destruction, in the foreseeable future, nuclear weapons will not lose their leading role as a deterrent and the main factor of deterrence. Today, the development of nuclear and missile technologies lies in the way of creating new delivery vehicles with hypersonic speed. Due to the enormous speed, such ultra-fast carriers will be able to penetrate the protective domes of anti-missile defense and air defense systems, bringing nuclear charges to the target. It is also possible that nuclear weapons will soon appear in Earth's orbit, which means that the flight time of missiles (from the moment of launch to the target) is reduced to a matter of minutes. It is very difficult to respond to such a threat in a timely manner, and its neutralization becomes an almost impossible task.

The first models of a hypersonic missile are already being tested in the United States

O. USATENKO: Progress in the national rocket industry not only does not stop, today the strategic missile troops are being actively re-equipped with the latest complexes both mobile and stationary. This year, the next regiments of the Yars mobile ground-based missile systems in the Irkutsk, Bologovsk and Yoshkar-Ola missile divisions will be re-equipped. Work is coming to an end in the Novosibirsk and Tagil divisions. The rearmament of the Teikovsky missile formation has been completed. "Yars" has properties that make it as difficult as possible to solve the problem of counteraction: a reduced booster section of the missile flight, which is much shorter in duration than ballistic missiles of previous generations, a new coating of the hull and other elements, a durable and lightweight design, powerful propulsion systems and control devices that able to work under significant overloads. In the near future, together with the ballistic missiles of the Topol missile system already put into service, the Yars will form the basis of the group of missile forces. This is the future of the missile forces. Also, within the framework of the plan for the rearmament of troops until 2020, it is planned to supply such simulators to the Rubezh, Sarmat, Barguzin and some other missile systems.

Read the full version of the General Staff program below and listen to the audio recording.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In the studio next to me, Major General Oleg Vladimirovich Usatenko, Deputy Head of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great for academic and scientific work.


I.K.: Let's talk today about the Strategic Missile Forces and the academy, which trains command and engineering personnel for the Strategic Missile Forces. Let's start with the history of the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces. When were they created and what was their significance?

O.U.: The Strategic Missile Forces were created on December 17, 1959 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. 56 years is not such a significant period for the armed forces, however, given the pace at which the strategic missile forces have developed and the importance that they have acquired today in the country's national security system, it should be noted that in such a short period of time the youngest the troops firmly took the leading place in the fulfillment of the tasks of the country's defense capability.

The fact that today our country lives in peace is one of the main results of the existence of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Oleg Usatenko

The merit of both the scientists and the designers of our nuclear missile technology, the many bows of the rocketmen, who are constantly on combat duty and ensure the irreducible readiness of the troops to carry out the assigned combat missions, high level reliability and controllability of missile systems, security of strategic nuclear missile weapons. Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces is a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed in peacetime to deter aggression against the Russian Federation and its allies, and during the war - to defeat or destroy enemy military and economic potential objects by delivering nuclear missile strikes. At present, the Strategic Missile Forces play a significant role in ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Their combat composition includes approximately two-thirds of carriers and more than half of the charges of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. The leading role of the missile forces in the nuclear triad is determined not only by quantitative, but also by qualitative characteristics, such as operational readiness, stability of combat command and control, survivability of facilities, and many others. The grouping of missile forces today includes three missile armies with headquarters in the cities of Vladimir, Omsk, Orenburg, which include 12 missile formations, four of which are stationary-based with silo launchers and eight mobile-based with mobile ground-based missile systems. In addition to the missile armies, the strategic missile forces include the 4th central interspecific training ground in Kapustin Yar, on the basis of which not only strategic missile forces are tested, but also air defense of all types of missile forces and artillery of the ground forces. Our troops, in addition, include the 10th test site, located in Kazakhstan in the Sary Shagan region, a unique base has been deployed at the site today for testing complexes and anti-missile defense systems, both strike and information and reconnaissance systems. In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces have arsenals, training centers training of junior specialists and, of course, scientific and educational organizations, which are the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy with its branch in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow Region. To date, the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with 6 types of stationary and mobile missile systems, which make it possible to solve nuclear deterrence tasks.

About new missiles to protect the Russian Federation

I.K.: Will the key role of the Strategic Missile Forces in ensuring the security of our country continue in the coming years and in the more distant future, and in general, what are the prospects for the development of troops?

O. W.: I think that the key role of the Strategic Missile Forces in ensuring the security of the country will remain until, as a result of either scientific and technological progress or a change in the nature of international relations, nuclear weapons lose their holding role. On present stage, as well as in the future, the strategic nuclear forces of Russia, which are armed with nuclear missile weapons, will mark the position of our country to the greatest extent, having a global reach and enormous destructive power, without requiring unbearable maintenance costs, they will significantly complement the capabilities of the forces general purpose, regardless of the direction of the threat and the composition of the opposing states. The military-political leadership of the country today pays great attention to the issues of the long-term construction of strategic missile forces. All the necessary decisions have been taken to ensure flexibility and versatility in the development of a group of missile systems. Progress in domestic rocket building not only does not stop, on the contrary, it is stimulated by the state, today the strategic missile forces are being actively re-equipped with the latest complexes, both mobile and stationary. The creation of next-generation intercontinental ballistic missiles with qualitatively new characteristics, equipping them with complexes of means to overcome anti-missile and air defenses of a new generation will make it possible to neutralize new potential threats with a guarantee.

This year, the next regiments of Yars mobile ground-based missile systems will be re-equipped in three missile divisions

Oleg Usatenko

Work is coming to an end in the Novosibirsk and Tagil divisions. To date, the re-equipment of the Teikovsky missile formation has been completed. Such a high rate of re-equipment of the missile forces was achieved thanks to the use of the ready-made infrastructure of positional areas, which made it possible to significantly reduce costs and commission the new Yars missile system into the grouping of strategic forces. Despite the preservation of deployment areas, the features and technical capabilities of the new missile systems allow them to be used more efficiently. "Yars" has properties that make it as difficult as possible to solve the problem of counteraction: a reduced booster section of the missile flight, which is much shorter in duration than ballistic missiles of previous generations, a new coating of the hull and other elements, a durable and lightweight design, powerful propulsion systems and control devices that able to work under significant overloads. In the near future, together with the ballistic missiles of the Topol missile system already put into service, the Yars will form the basis of the group of missile forces. This is the future of the missile forces.

I.K .: What is the process of combat duty of officers of the Strategic Missile Forces, how is it organized and what does it include?

O. U.: Combat duty is a complex set of measures, it is the basis of the life of the strategic missile forces. It begins with the training of personnel, primarily with their selection. Today, a well-organized system of training and selection of personnel has developed in the Missile Forces. The training process itself is important here, which begins with a medical examination and examination of all military personnel who are involved in the service. First, health will be checked, then psychologists will join the work. It is far from easy to carry out combat duty in a closed space. Not everyone is able to withstand those emerging psychological stresses that affect both the service itself and the person.

For a group of military personnel performing joint actions on combat duty, psychological compatibility is very important.

Oleg Usatenko

First, the health of shifts and crews is checked, then psychologists are included in the work, after the work of doctors and psychologists, theoretical and practical preparation for combat duty is carried out. All this ends with a serious acceptance of the test, which determines whether the officer is able to carry out combat duty in the given conditions, at the given time, or there are some deviations. After that, they go on combat duty, which can be divided into several tasks. This is a formation that performs a combat mission, that is, those that ensure its fulfillment, there are those that provide communications, security, and the operation of all life support systems. In a word, combat duty is carried out in groups, crews, officers are carried out for 3-4 days, as a rule, the shift takes place on Tuesday and Friday. During the set of readiness for taking up combat duty, with the calculations, quite a lot of tasks are lost, which may be in the course of combat duty. At the same time, to date, the missile forces have accumulated vast experience and almost all situations that may arise are described in various documents. They are seriously regulated, and all officers are preparing to perform these tasks. Accordingly, the officers of the Strategic Missile Forces must be highly professional, highly educated and stress-resistant. In a word, they are able to develop and make the right decisions in any conditions. In such conditions, the military academy of the missile forces requires fundamentally different approaches to the training of officer personnel capable of operating new modern equipment based on modern training and material base using promising models of rocket technology and weapons.

About the training of future fighters of the missile forces

I.K.: Let's go directly as academies. On September 1, as you know, a new academic year, new cadets, new listeners, what, in fact, awaits them this year at the Strategic Missile Forces Academy?

O. U.: From September 1, in the universities of the missile forces, as, in principle, in other universities of the Ministry of Defense, a new innovative project, an electronic university, begins to be implemented. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the command of the Strategic Missile Forces have high hopes for this project.

Today it is necessary to create conditions for self-education of servicemen. This problem can be solved only in a single information space

Oleg Usatenko

At the Peter the Great Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces, work was organized and carried out to develop electronic textbooks and digitize basic literature. The development was carried out in accordance with the requirements of a single standard for electronic textbooks. All electronic literature today was transferred to the data processing center in the main computer center of the Ministry of Defense, where they were uploaded to the servers of the single information resource of electronic textbooks. In addition, within the framework of the "electronic university" program, we will be able to quickly disseminate advanced pedagogical experience, conduct interactive conferences, seminars and master classes by leading university professors both from the Ministry of Defense and in general. Russian Federation, including the academy and the branch. To date, the Academy has concluded agreements with electronic library systems, which make it possible to work with textbooks and teaching aids, collections of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and other periodicals. Students-cadets received access to the resources of the Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin Presidential Library, each student and teacher was given a personal card that allows them to work with these systems. Users, using an electronic key, access a single information resource of electronic textbooks, at the same time form requests to the source of information, receive this necessary information, which they can download to electronic media or read on the spot. The work is organized accordingly.

I.K.: What higher military educational institutions do we have in the Strategic Missile Forces?

O.U.: Today, there is one higher military educational institution in the Rocket Forces – the Military Academy of Rocket Forces named after Peter the Great. It is located in the city of Balashikha, Moscow Region, it is the head university. In addition, the academy includes three faculties, a scientific and technical center, a branch in the city of Serpukhov, as well as educational bases in the city of Balabanovo, Kaluga region and Noginsk district. At the same time, today we do not stop in our development, in fact, from November 1, the Academy will already include five faculties, that is, there is a constant development. These are the command faculty, the faculty of missile weapons, automated control systems and robotic complexes, and the faculty of special weapons.

I.K.: You mentioned the term "research center", is there something fundamentally new behind this term, important in the training of missile officers?

O. W.: I would not say that there is something fundamentally new here. But there have been some personnel changes in the academy. A research center was established, which includes several departments dealing with scientific work. Accordingly, each department includes research departments in the areas of scientific activity.

During 2015-2016, the Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces took part in the implementation of more than 130 research projects

Oleg Usatenko

About 70 scientific papers are a complex work on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense, about 40 - on the order of the departments and services of the Strategic Missile Forces Command, the rest are assigned by the heads of the academy. More than a hundred operational tasks were completed. All received scientific results fully meet the requirements of the customer, are characterized by completeness and thoroughness. As part of planned measures and operational tasks, the academy participated in the development of documents for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Strategic Missile Forces. As part of these research works on the problems of military education, doctoral and candidate dissertations were defended. In addition, individual issues of the problems of military education were developed in more than 50 research papers. The result obtained is focused on improving as a system of military education, including adaptation to modern conditions, its legal framework, introduction into the educational process innovative technologies and the creation of appropriate methodological support. Now, in accordance with the requirements of the governing documents based on federal state educational standards, each cadet and listener is obliged to engage in scientific work. This is a separate element of each curriculum, specialty, training. If earlier only the best of the best, whom we specifically identified as part of scientific activities, in military scientific circles, were engaged in this, now each trainee is engaged in scientific work during the hours of training allotted for this. This is a requirement of time, which ultimately has a positive effect on determining the results of their activities.

I.K.: At the forum "Army-2016" - the academy took part, what did you show?

O.W.: Yes, we took part in Army-2015 and this year in Army-2016. The Academy presented many innovative developments, each of which is confirmed by a patent for an invention. Here, for example, is a new way of processing non-metal plates, which allows you to make a hole in solid and other materials, such as ceramics, glass, semiconductors. The academy also developed a metal detector based on a heterogeneous receiver using a system of increased discrimination. This device has the ability to distinguish not just ferrous metal from non-ferrous, but also specify them, for example, aluminum, silver, gold. This receiver was awarded a separate forum award.

I.K.: We are talking about how the training of specialists for the strategic missile forces is going.

O. U.: This year, about a thousand cadets joined the universities of the missile forces, of which about 800 for higher education, that is, for training in the form of a specialist, and more than 100 for secondary vocational education under the military special training program. This year the competition for the academy amounted to about three people in place. For a university that implements complex engineering and technical educational programs, that's a good number. The largest number of applicants came to us from the Central Military District, the Southern Military District and the Western Military District. And, of course, the main contingent is the Western Military District, that is, where we are deployed.

About 30% of those who come to us are guys who come from military camps, these are the children of officers

Oleg Usatenko

But I won't say that these are the children of missilemen, but these are the children of officers who understand where they are going. They are socially adapted, oriented and feel good in a military educational institution. Quite a lot of graduates from Suvorov military schools came to us this year. If the previous years, the Suvorovites somehow did not connect their future fate with armed forces However, this year the situation has changed dramatically. We have received more than 20 people, by the way, for the second year the Perm Suvorov military school, which is also part of the Strategic Missile Forces. Of course, the competition is growing, the level of applicants. However, this cannot be directly related to the results of the Unified State Examination, because we have additional tests, like in other military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Applicants who come to us pass more entrance tests By physical training, we check the level of physical readiness, they undergo professional and psychological selection. So it's a very tough test.

We are primarily interested in smart, literate guys who, respectively, have a high USE score in mathematics and physics

Oleg Usatenko

In general, what is needed in order to enter the university of the Strategic Missile Forces is to pass three state exams: in fact, the Russian language, mathematics and physics, and mathematics is a specialized one.

I.K.: You mentioned the Unified State Examination, your opinion about the Unified State Examination, how does it affect or not the process of selecting applicants for the academy?

O. W.: I believe that the USE can be criticized, this test system has a large number of shortcomings. They are obvious to anyone who works in the field of education. But nevertheless, since we have established the rules of the game, I think that they must be followed. There is nothing worse when the decision starts to change. Therefore, now it would be completely wrong to leave the Unified State Examination system at this time. This is likely to lead us again to a lot of problems that we do not need. We have the opportunity, along with the form of taking exams for the Unified State Examination, to establish our own, as I have already said, profile tests. If the applicant has a very high results Unified State Examination, we work with everyone individually. These guys are immediately interested in the selection committee of the academy, they have a special approach, Special attention. And in order to weed out fake excellent students, we have a system of professional psychological selection, which is not in a civilian university, that is, we can, in principle, understand the intellectual level of a candidate's development based on the results of these tests. This system has been operating successfully so far.

I.K.: In what specialties are officers trained at the Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces?

O. W.: At the academy, that is, at the head university, this is the training of officers with the highest military operational-tactical training. That is, these are students, this is the training of personnel in the magistracy. In addition, it implements the training of a specialist, that is, cadets with full military special training. These are the guys who come to us after the army or after school and study as part of the educational program of the specialist. But here, too, there are features. We teach them in small specialties. As we call them "science-intensive specialties." That is, we train such narrowly focused specialists in the field of testing aircraft, special monitoring equipment, automated systems of special significance, and others. In addition, we are implementing educational programs for the professional retraining of retired military personnel and are trying to retrain people for the new kind activities in the broad sense of educational programs. As a rule, this helps them to realize themselves later in civil society.

I.K.: After all, you still have secondary vocational education programs. What is it for? What specialists are trained?

O. W.: We conduct such training on the basis of our branch, which is carried out according to the programs of secondary vocational education.

I.K.: This is in Serpukhov, right?

O. W.: This is directly in Serpukhov. We train technicians who have been awarded the military rank of "ensign" by graduation. Training is carried out in two and a half years, there are training programs with a training period of two years and 10 months. They are also conducted in accordance with federal state educational standards. Those who graduate from higher educational institutions under secondary vocational education programs are assigned to formations and military units of the missile forces and are already serving directly in the positions of technicians, shift supervisors, calculations in the field of communications and security systems, and energy. We have been in this business since 2013. The final certification showed that the experiment was a success and the university is successfully coping with the task. They have their own aptitude tests, this is a very good path for those guys who are hard on the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics, but they are good guys and can and are able to work with their hands. Enrollment in secondary vocational education is carried out according to the rules that the academy itself currently approves. How to enroll this or that candidate - we also conduct tests with him physical fitness, we conduct psychological tests for professional suitability with him, and from the very beginning we do not set any restrictions on admission to anyone. We say that if you want, go to higher education, if you want - go to secondary, the choice is yours; you will see, if in higher education there is a competition of 3-4 people per place, then with your USE scores that you received at the end of school, there are very few chances to enter.

We talk with everyone, interest him in certain specialties of training, if he has not made his choice at the time of admission

Oleg Usatenko

In a word, we are interested in each of those entering the university. If a guy makes a choice and says that he will go to secondary education, then, firstly, he is in the same conditions as those who study at higher professional education. It is provided with all kinds of allowances, scholarships, in principle, if during the training he feels that he is able to move on and enter higher education, then we provide such an attempt. And the next year they enter, but at the same time, maybe they lose one year of study.

On the intricacies of training in the missile forces

I.K .: Tell me, is there still a difference in the training of specialist officers for the operation of mobile ground-based missile systems and individual launches, in this case mine launchers? Is there any difference in training, selection of specialists for training in these two profiles?

O. W.: Of course, there is a specific training for both. The educational programs and curricula are somewhat different, elements of the educational and training base for the training of certain specialists are included. I mean - for mobile and stationary missile systems. But there is no original orientation. Moreover, officers, as a rule, have to serve both on mobile complexes and on stationary ones. And in the process of service, he can start at one complex, continue it at another. Of course, taking into account this specificity, we build training programs accordingly.

I.K.: I would also like to ask you how the development of the educational and material base of the Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great is going?

O. W.: Today, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces is carrying out a planned development of the educational and material base of the academy. Already now there is a saturation with the latest training equipment, while over the past two years, more than 20 training equipment, modern weapons and weapons have been supplied to the academy. military equipment.

The latest simulators for teaching how to work with modern missile systems have been put into operation at our departments

Oleg Usatenko

There is equipment for studying the life support system of the command posts of the Yars missile systems, both a separate launch and mobile ground missile systems. Also, the preparation of combat crews for systems of specialized units that ensure combat duty. The number and condition of training facilities provide training for both students and cadets, both for modern and advanced missile systems. Today, within the framework of the plan for the rearmament of troops until 2020, it is planned to supply such simulators to the Rubezh, Sarmat, Barguzin and some other missile systems.

I.K.: Recently, the Minister of Defense of Russia, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, visited your academy. What development prospects in this regard were outlined for your higher military educational institution?

O.W.: On June 24, when visiting the academy, the Minister of Defense singled out our university and set the task of making the academy one of the most modern educational institutions in the country. After the relocation, the territory of the academy has increased almost six times, from 11 hectares to 66. This makes it possible to make a powerful educational research center for high-quality training of specialists in both command and engineering profiles. The plan, approved by the Minister of Defense, involves the construction of the newest educational and laboratory building on the territory of the academy, the improvement of dormitories for cadets and students, the construction sports complex with swimming pool and ice skating rink. In addition, objects reproducing the structure of missile formations, both stationary and mobile, will be placed on the territory. These are a technical missile base, an autodrome with a positional area, a regiment of mobile missile systems, a training ground, an extensive network of command posts and other facilities. The construction of pavilions for the latest models of weapons and military equipment will ensure the training of cadets and students for combat duty on advanced missile systems with automated control systems and security. The construction of new buildings will allow at least doubling the number of classrooms in the academy and, accordingly, increasing the intensity of practical training on educational and training facilities using computer simulation systems in almost all leading training specialties. An integrated cluster will be created at the academy, which combines samples of missile weapons from the first Soviet R-2 missiles to the latest solid-propellant missiles of the latest modifications.

I.K.: What are the special requirements for the training of officers of the Strategic Missile Forces?

O.U.: As for the training of any officer, the main thing can be singled out: officers can be trained in the conditions of a specific military environment, only in the conditions of a military university, where the guys study together, serve, live in the barracks. This imposes a certain specificity on the psyche and behavior of a person. It is in such conditions that he becomes a commander, a chief who understands the needs of his subordinates, understands the needs of his soldiers. How can a person come to the barracks if he has never lived there?

If we talk about the system of working with future officers of the strategic missile forces, then this is, first of all, the education of responsibility and accuracy

Oleg Usatenko

We rely not only on the results and data of individual conversations, we actively use hardware and software systems that allow us to assess the psychological state of the cadet, his professional suitability, including determining what risks are associated with his psychological state, the mood for study and further perspective. What is it for? Of course, in order not to be mistaken in a person. This is called the tracking system.

I.K.: Where are your graduates mainly distributed and on what basis is the distribution carried out?

O. U.: The bulk of graduates are distributed to military units and formations of strategic missile troops. In terms of connection 12 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, as well as in various power structures. Moreover, the principle of distribution is as fair as possible and depends primarily on the activities of the graduate throughout the entire period of study. After passing the exams, a list is compiled, according to the rating, in accordance with this list, the servicemen choose the place of their further service. Those who have the best performance, the highest rating, get the right to choose from the proposed list of positions and the place of service first. This, of course, is an incentive and, accordingly, motivates them in the learning process.

This year, the academy is only graduating students who studied under programs with higher military operational-tactical training.

Oleg Usatenko

The level of their preparation for implementation professional tasks according to its official purpose, today it meets the requirements of the troops. All students of the academy underwent military training in the positions planned for appointment. In addition, they took part in the meetings of the leadership of the missile forces, staff training at various levels, and candidates for appointment to the positions of commanders of missile regiments, in addition, were involved in the work complex groups command of the Strategic Missile Forces during inspections.

I.K.: Let's talk about the professionalism of the Strategic Missile Forces officers. These are the qualities that are developed, the ability to make decisions in a difficult environment, difficult conditions for combat duty, temporary time pressure. This is high professionalism. Let's talk about him.

O. W.: An analysis of the service of academy graduates in officer positions shows that 95% of the primary officer positions are engineering. This is an engineer, senior engineer of calculation, department, group in a missile regiment or in a technical missile base. Young officers are on combat duty at the command posts of missile regiments and divisions. They are also directly involved in the regulated maintenance of combat missile systems. The Missile Forces have developed a training system today, they are on duty, but they are absolutely identical to the tasks that officials will perform when conducting combat operations with both conventional and nuclear weapons. For these purposes, we train specialists.

It is important for us that each officer be able to complete the main task - to prepare and conduct a missile launch in any situation.

Oleg Usatenko

The Strategic Missile Forces recognize the leading role of the academy in officer training. To date, all measures are being taken to preserve and increase the personnel potential, history and achievements of one of the oldest military educational institutions in Russia.

I.K .: In general, what are the moods in officer and cadet teams, given that the rather difficult international and military-political situation, such pressure on our country and it is obvious that the army today is the only reliable guarantor of our sovereignty. In this regard, what are the moods of officers, cadets, and listeners?

O. W.: In general, the mood is positive. Cadets, students are aware of their responsibility, their role in the future for the fate of our country. Therefore, they are fully committed to study, to mastering professional knowledge, which in the future will allow them to fulfill their mission - to ensure the defense capability of our state.

serg_zagatin in Silence After Us: Nuclear Summer

And the Strategic Missile Forces have one more motto: “If we fall asleep, you won’t wake up”

This article was written as a continuation of this one. We do not think that it is necessary to explain why we publish it on the day of the RSVN. The editors, of course, run the risk of being accused of hatred moods - but this is not so. We just want to remind you that when some next bill is whining about "aggressive Rashka", "Minuteman" or "Trident" peers at you, dear reader. For the Atlantic Anglo-Saxon civilization, we are as subhuman as the Bengalis or the Chinese, whom the Anglo-Saxons destroyed by the millions. If they could, we would no longer exist.

But their cannibalistic determination is stopped by the motto of the Strategic Missile Forces - "After us, silence."

Keep calm and love Russia. And who can - translate this text into different European languages, as happened with the previous one. It is better to win a hybrid war than a nuclear one.

In relations between America and Russia, a certain thaw is predicted after Trump's victory. Speaking metaphorically, quite recently the US and the Russian Federation were close to a "nuclear winter", but now it seems to be nothing like that - it has become warmer.

Almost everyone has heard of nuclear winter. The very scientific model of a sharp cooling in the event of a global conflict with the use of atomic weapons is far from flawless, and its main provisions are based on an analogy with the consequences of volcanic eruptions, when an abundant release of dust into the atmosphere made it difficult for sunlight to get through this “dust filter”. Accordingly, the temperature dropped, which led either to the “year without summer” in 1815, or to the “Little Ice Age” in the second half of the 17th century. And when hundreds of millions of tons of soot from burning cities rise into the air, a cold snap can occur on earth for a period of several months to tens of years.

All this is very entertaining, but this theory is full of contradictions and controversial points - from the duration of the "nuclear winter" to its minimum temperatures, not to mention, in fact, the chances of its absolute probability. There is also an opinion that the theory of "nuclear winter" is an ideological sabotage against the Soviet leadership of the perestroika era, reinforcing the SDI horror story.

However, there is a good chance that in the event of a global nuclear war, the matter will end not in a “nuclear winter”, but in a “nuclear summer”.

On September 8, 2011, as part of a press tour conducted by the Ministry of Defense, a group of bloggers and journalists went to the 28th Guards Red Banner Missile Division in the city of Kozelsk.

The Red Banner Missile Division was formed in the city of Kozelsk on the basis of the 198th Engineer Missile Brigade on May 3, 1961. The basis for the formation of the 198th missile brigade was the 28th Guards Cannon-Artillery Red Banner Brigade, which was formed on the basis of the 2nd artillery regiments in October 1943. The division is armed with a missile system with UR-100N UTTKh (SS-19, Stilleto) missiles. For more than 47 years, the division's servicemen have been performing complex and responsible tasks to protect our state. Currently, the Guards Red Banner Missile Division performs the tasks of carrying out combat duty and maintaining combat readiness as part of three missile regiments.

2. The visit began from the base military camp located in the city of Kozelsk.

3. Barracks.

4. Everything is the same as everywhere else.

5. Gym.

6. Video library.



9. The shift is getting ready to go on duty.

10. Dining room.

11. The political officer invites you to dine in the soldiers' canteen.

12. Here is my lunch.

13. The outsourcing system allowed the missile unit to abandon the duty of personnel in the kitchen.
The staff in the canteen is civilian.

14. After lunch, the tour of the facilities of the missile division continued.

15. Command post.
The UR-100N UTTKh combat launch complex includes 10 missiles in silo launchers, a command post and a repair and maintenance base.

16. - But I won’t show you the button ...)))

17. Alert!

18. Soldier of the Strategic Missile Forces.

19. End of training alarm.

20. The program included moving on a lightly armored KAMAZ-43269 armored car.

21. - And my steering wheel is from SUBARU - the driver boasted.

22. It was very comfortable to drive on concrete in an armored car.

23. The territory of the silo-launcher, even without a rocket, is seriously guarded.
The structure of the automated security system includes:
- module "M-200" (sensitive underground seismic sensors);
- system of radio-beam detection "Pion-T";
- "approach and touch" system (at a distance of up to 2 m "Radian";
- dangerous for the intruder (electric shock 800, 1100, 3000 V, depending on the current operational situation) electrifying fence system, the so-called "P-100" grid, which is controlled either directly from the guardroom of the BSP position, or from the shift control panel UKP.

24. System of electrifying fence "P-100".

25. Firing point.
Citizens walking through the forest near military facilities should be extremely careful and not try to enter the protected area, as this can lead to tragic consequences.
Combat guards can be not only open, but also hidden. According to regulatory documents, the combat guard has the right to use weapons against unauthorized persons who illegally find themselves on the territory of a guarded military facility.
Be careful!

25. Mine PU is a vertical well in which load-bearing structures, mechanisms and equipment for launching a rocket are placed. From above, the silo is closed by a protective device (ZU) - a high-strength roof equipped with a quick opening mechanism before launch. The charger can open on a hinge like a door, or move in a horizontal plane.
The weight of the protective device is 150 tons.

26. Bloggers and journalists were given the opportunity to go down the rocket silo.

27. Previously, a missile was on alert here - RS-18A, according to NATO classification - SS-19 (Stiletto) - a Soviet silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile.

28. Bloggers two by two went down to the 30-meter depth of the missile silo.

29. A "bell" is installed at the bottom to distribute the exhaust during a "hot", gas-dynamic start.


31. KAMAZ-43269

32. The next point of the excursion, the repair and technical base (RTB).

33. They refused to visit the barracks in the RTB, they are the same everywhere, both in the infantry and in the Strategic Missile Forces.

34. On the third floor of the barracks, closer to God, there is a regimental church


36. In the repair and technical base, we were shown special equipment for transporting missiles.

37. Equipment is in perfect, working condition.

38. Missile officers answered questions from bloggers

This is the motto adopted by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, the main striking force our army. And, although this motto, of course, is not official, it has gained such popularity, it has taken root in the military teams of missilemen so much that it is sometimes even written on the flag of the Strategic Missile Forces. Such inscriptions, as a rule, are made on the lower, red part of the flag. And the flag of the Strategic Missile Forces itself is a blue panel with a wide bright red stripe at the bottom. In the center of the flag, on a blue field, is the emblem of this type of troops.

The golden sword raised with its tip up means a stern warning to anyone who dares to build aggressive plans against our country. Tied with the sword into a single heraldic composition, the golden round shield symbolizes the power of our defense. There is also an image of two crossed golden arrows. Arrows "look" with tips in different sides, and this means that the troops are always ready to respond to any danger, no matter where it comes from. The large emblem contains the same heraldic images - a golden sword, shield and arrows.

Buy gifts for the day of the Strategic Missile Forces in our online store

They are inscribed in a blue circle with a gold rim, which, in turn, frames a gold wreath of poplar leaves. In the upper part of the composition there is a two-headed sovereign eagle with outstretched wings, crowned with one large crown. From a heraldic point of view, both the flag and the emblem are very concise and expressive. Probably, for this reason as well, the symbols of the Strategic Missile Forces are of great interest among fans of military history, collectors of army rarities, and, in particular, military personnel. Anyone who would like to purchase products with these wonderful symbols is recommended to contact the military online store "Barracuda", where the range of products with the symbols of the Strategic Missile Forces is especially wide and varied.

These, of course, are flags of various sizes and designs, intended for a variety of purposes, ranging from use in large solemn social and political events to children's waving flags (they can also be used as table flags by purchasing a special stand). These are also various panels and plaques with the emblem of the Strategic Missile Forces, a great variety of gifts and souvenirs with the logos of the missile forces printed on them: lighters, mugs, ties, stickers, magnets, document covers and much, much more.