Barbell training fingerless gloves. Sport gloves

You have probably noticed that most athletes in the gym train with gloves on their hands. Naturally, this is not at all because of the desire to somehow look special. Weightlifting gloves help athletes lift heavy weights and protect their hands fromcalluses.

It is very important to choose the right equipment for your hands. Gloves that are the right size and fit for your purposes are your friend. Incorrect gloves are the cause of poor results and injuries. Consider the most popular models and determine the selection criteria.

What are gloves for?

During training with heavy weights on small plot palms account for a truly huge load. Of course, this affects the state and appearance your hands.
Constantly subjected to stress and friction, blisters and calluses appear on the palms. But you don't want your hands to look like those of a plantation slave, do you?
There is another important factor - safety. The fact is that during exercise your hands, which is quite natural, will sweat. Grabbing the bar with sweaty palms, you, firstly, provide yourself with blisters, and secondly, you run a big risk if the bar slips out of your hands, you won’t have to wait for anything good.It is with these two problems that they are recognized to fight sport gloves for the hall. They provide a strong grip, save from pain and discomfort and, importantly, from accidents.

Choosing a material

Gloves play the role of a "cushion" between the skin and the simulator, which prevents blisters and calluses. All this will help you train without being distracted by pain and discomfort.Gloves for gym are made from:

Cotton . Neoprene. Skin . leatherette

The choice of material depends mainly on what goals you set for yourself.

Cotton gloves are the cheapest, but they will be less useful. Still, even in cotton gloves for a hundred rubles from the market, it is much more pleasant to work out than with bare hands. But their problem is that cotton is poorly ventilated, which means that after a while after starting a workout, your hands will still become wet.

If you want to keep your hands from sweating, use neoprene (synthetic) gloves. This fabric has good ventilation keeping your palms dry and providing a good grip on the equipment.

Leather gloves are needed in a slightly different situation. When you take a barbell in gloves made of leather or leatherette, they seem to roll into a heap under the influence of a load. From this, the neck in the hands is fixed much more clearly and it will be easier for you to train with it. So, gloves allow you to increase the working weight.

How to choose the right gloves?

Have you decided on the material? Now let's choose a model.

Gym gloves should cover your palms from the knuckles to the wrists, that is, only the areas of the hands subject to mechanical interaction. It's just that the smaller the gloves cover, the better the skin breathes. However, if you take very large weights, it is better to play it safe and get gloves with locks on the wrists. They will protect you from unwanted injuries.

If you are in a sporting goods store, first put on your favorite gloves. You should feel comfortable with the equipment on your hands. Wearing gloves should not squeeze the palms, but should not hang out in different sides. After choosing a few models you like, try different sizes. Sometimes, instead of the usual S, M, L or XL, a number is indicated, for example 9 ½. It refers to the size of your palm in inches. Size matching for men: 8 - XS, 8 ½ - S, 9 - M, 9 ½ - L.
In our online store for the convenience of buying on the product page - attached " size chart", according to which you can easily pick up your size.

Someone will say that gloves are not serious, that "real men" are proud of their calluses from the barbell, or whatever real life pampered skin is not adapted to physical labor. But tell me, how often do you bench press 100 kg outside the gym? But at work and in relationships, neat hands are much more important.

The cost of gloves for fitness ranges from a couple of hundred to two to three thousand rubles. When choosing, always focus on the material first, and only then look at the price. As a rule, they serve two or three years, so the costs will not be very serious.
You can buy high-quality ones in our website, just choose the right model.

© Kirill Zhuravlev -

    For many, crossfit, fitness and the gym are just a way to get yourself in shape. better shape. For this category of people, it is important not only to gain greater muscle volume and functional strength, but also to preserve the tenderness of the palms, for example, if their work is related to fine motor skills(music, writing, sorting something, working on a PC). So, in this case, you will have to work in such uniforms as training gloves.

    What are they needed for?

    Men's fingerless workout gloves are very often considered bad manners when used in basement gyms. However, despite the dismissive attitude towards them, this is one of the useful accessories for an athlete:

    • Firstly, such gloves allow you to avoid the appearance of corns on your hands. This is a very important cosmetic factor. Although calluses are considered masculine, for women they are optional and even spoil the texture of the palm.
    • Secondly, gloves reduce the pressure of the barbell or dumbbell on the fingers. At the same time, the discomfort that can be caused by the pressure of the projectile on bare hand, decrease or disappear altogether.
    • Thirdly, perforation on the back of the glove, as well as a special coating on some models, can reduce the possibility of slipping from the horizontal bar or other projectile. This is useful primarily for workout athletes, but for crossfit athletes who often have to perform exercises on the bar, such a bonus will not hurt.
    • Fourth, wrist protection. Some gloves allow you to hold your hand in a natural position while exercising. It saves wrist joint from injury.

    Women most often use gloves only for the purpose of protection from corns. How to choose the right women's training gloves? By exactly the same principles as men. The difference will be only in the dimensional grid.

    © Dmytro Panchenko -

    For crossfit

    CrossFit gloves are different from regular sports gloves. They are produced mainly by sponsors of crossfit competitions, namely Reebok. What is their main difference?

  1. The presence of special clamps. Such clamps are used in and allow you not to worry about the position of the bar, especially when working with an open grip.
  2. Another important factor is ultimate strength. CrossFit workouts involve jerking exercises with high amplitude, which creates a lot of friction and, as a result, easily frays classic gym gloves.
  3. Lining thickness. Since each muscle group is important in competitions and preparation for them, despite all their strength, gloves have a reduced lining thickness. This allows you to better feel the projectile in your hands and partially relieve the load from the carpal muscles, allowing you to fully control the main muscle groups in exercise.
  4. Uncircumcised fingers. As a rule, CrossFit gloves are made with closed fingers for better protection.

An interesting fact: many CrossFit athletes do not like to use gloves during training and competition. At the same time, CrossFit champions and top 10 athletes always use them in competitions, as this allows them not to be distracted by additional pain sensations. So, for example, (a famous CrossFit athlete and military man) used CrossFit gloves even during his run on the China Wall. In his message to the fans, he mentions the importance of having all the equipment in training, as he believes that one should not expose one's body to unnecessary injury outside of competition.

Criterias of choice

How to choose the right training gloves? To do this, you need to take into account some features of your strength sport. However, the selection criteria are approximately the same:

  1. Size. It doesn’t matter what you do - bodybuilding, crossfit, workout - gloves should be taken in size, not for growth and no less. They should tightly fix the wrist, not fall off or hang out. This will help prevent some injury.
  2. Lining thickness. Despite the fact that the thicker the lining, the less comfortable it is to perform the exercise, it is still worth choosing with a thick one. It is a factor that allows you to passively increase grip strength. In addition, a thick lining indirectly affects safety, as it allows you to safely throw a heavy projectile without fear of tearing your hands into blood.
  3. Material. Traditionally, they are made from leather, leatherette, cotton or neoprene (synthetics). Leather gloves look spectacular and allow you to clearly fix the projectile in your hands. Their disadvantage is that the hand can sweat a lot. Leatherette is a similar material, but less durable. Cotton gloves are the cheapest, but only suitable for light fitness, since there is almost no sense in strength exercises from them. The neoprene provides a good grip on barbells or dumbbells, while the perforations keep your hands sweat-free.
  4. Presence/absence of fingers. In the absence of fingers, the palms will be protected from overheating, sweat and, accordingly, an unpleasant odor. If the fingers are perforated, this disadvantage can be avoided.

Correct glove size

A standard mesh is used to determine the glove size. Of course, it does not take into account the length of the athlete's fingers, but if you choose gloves for sports without fingers, then they do not count. It is enough to know exactly your palm size in girth. We present you a table of values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will help you choose the right gloves if you purchase them on the Internet:

Your palm width (cm)GirthLetter designation
7 18,5 S-ka (small size)
7 19 S-ka (small size)
7 19,5 S-ka (small size)
7,5 20 S-ka (small size)
7,5 20,5 S-ka (small size)
8 21 M-ka (medium size)
8 21,5 M-ka (medium size)
8 22 M-ka (medium size)
8 22,5 M-ka (medium size)
8,5 23 M-ka (medium size)
8,5 23,5 M-ka (medium size)
9 24 L-ka (large size)
10 26,5 XL (large size)
10 27 XL (large size)

Note: despite the size chart provided, if you really want to get the right glove size, you need to measure them in the store, because sometimes the sizes are incorrectly indicated on the Internet, or they use some other metric system. For example, Chinese, in the case of working with AliExpress, where you need to make an adjustment for one size up.

Sports gloves are always required in the gym. And for many reasons. With them, the hands are reliably protected from damage, calluses and dryness, and the carpal joint from pain. Wearing them, you can be sure that the quality of training will improve significantly.

After all, gloves most often have a special surface in the grip area to enhance the grip of hands with sports equipment and don't let them slip. And the better the projectile sits in your hand, the more confidently you do the exercise, enjoying their performance and increasing the number of repetitions.

The gloves are breathable so your palms don't get sweaty during workouts.

Technology does not stand still, therefore, in the manufacture of fitness gloves, only the most modern and safe materials are used, which are well breathable so that the palms do not sweat during training.

It is also important that the materials are also durable. This prolongs the life of the gloves, and with each contact with the projectile, you will not worry that due to friction the material will quickly wear out and a hole will appear.

Many fitness and sports gloves are equipped with a special loop for easy removal, as well as a mahair insert in the area thumb to wipe sweat from the forehead. So you can not interrupt the training process in search of a towel. Some types of gloves are equipped with a double clasp for a secure fit and protection of the wrist joint.

Women's fitness gloves

The design of the gloves also does not leave indifferent, especially for the fair sex. Moreover, the design concerns not only the external design of the gloves, but also their fit on the hand. Thanks to adjustable clasps, they sit on the hand as tightly as you need, which is a plus not only for their use, but also for their effectiveness in terms of a beautiful sports accessory.

Sports gloves are now not only a beautiful fitness accessory, but an absolutely necessary thing for sports. They can improve the quality training process, as well as protect yourself from sprains and injuries. I'm not talking about the fact that training gloves are the most effective protection against calluses on your hands. However, you still need to be able to choose gloves for sports, because fitness gloves are different from bodybuilding gloves, just like crossfit gloves are from horizontal bar gloves. About what you need to find out when deciding to buy training gloves, and will be discussed in this article. The most interesting thing about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel

If you look at the photos of the athletes of the Golden Era of Bodybuilding, you can immediately understand that they did not recognize sports gloves. Weightlifting belts, weightlifters, straps (and even then not always) were used, but they did not fall before the use of gloves in the gym. They rubbed their hands with chalk or magnesia so that they would not slip, and to put on gloves, this was not even a question. For this is not masculine, not Kachkovsky, not cool!

I myself, to be honest, at first trained without such equipment, but one day, returning the barbell to the racks during the bench press, I badly damaged the back of my hand, and spitting on mossy stereotypes, I went and bought athletic gloves. If we bring together the advantages of using them, five weighty arguments come out:

  • No calluses. Calluses can be considered a purely masculine attribute, but only until they are plucked and the palm starts to bleed. In such a case, you will have to forget about the gym for a while. As for women, calluses are a terrible thing for them, so I will not convince them that sports gloves are needed.
  • Less pressure on the palm and fingers. Such discomfort may seem like a small thing, but if it interferes with the performance of the exercises, what kind of return on training can we talk about? In addition, the use of gloves prevents deformation of the palms and fingers.
  • Hands don't sweat. Of course, you can, as in the old days, rub your hands with chalk or magnesia, leaving white marks around the hall, but, firstly, you will not find them in every sports club, and secondly, the grip of the surface of the glove with the bar of the bar will still more desirable.
  • Reverse grip without injury. There is a range great exercise performed reverse grip(bench press, etc.), which put a lot of stress on the wrist joint. This increases the risk of injury. Training gloves equipped with a wrist lock reduce this possibility to a minimum.
  • Infection protection. When working without gloves, microcracks appear on the surface of the palm. Pathogenic bacteria can penetrate through them into the blood (because the gym is far from the cleanest place in this regard). Gloves are in this case the front line of defense, protecting us from various viruses.

Conclusion: sports gloves are needed, they really improve the quality of the training process and protect us from injuries and illnesses.

Types of sports gloves

Gloves are different, for each sport its own. But I will not talk about boxing gloves, cycling and hockey gloves, but I will talk about four types of sports gloves that, one way or another, can be used in the gym.

fitness gloves

Fitness is not what it used to be. And the stars of this sport plow in the gym no less actively than bodybuilders or crossfitters. But many fitness glove companies still think of the sport as a kind of aerobics that used to be on TV. Therefore, they make them beautiful, but almost disposable.

Probably, the owners of such companies do not watch YouTube and do not know that now fitness, in addition to light and comfortable movements to music, includes elements strength training, stretching, static and TRX. Therefore, when choosing gloves for fitness, you need to find out what exactly you are going to do in the gym.

But even if we are only talking about working on, the use of such an accessory will be very useful, it is more convenient to hold on to the handles of such machines with gloves. But if, in addition to stepping on a stepper, the training program outlines exercises performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or even in ordinary block simulators, the choice of sports gloves should be approached with even greater responsibility.

Fitness is no longer only a female sport, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are also involved in it. It is impossible to say that women's and men's fitness gloves are significantly different in some way. Women's are more often made in bright colors, and men's in more restrained colors, that's actually the whole difference. Therefore, when deciding to buy fitness gloves, in addition to design, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The thickness of the palm. The barbells and dumbbells, the handles of most simulators are made of steel, and a notch is also applied on top so that the hands do not slip. But such a notch, working on the principle of a file, simply tears thin gloves into pieces. Hence the conclusion - the thicker the lining on the palms, the longer they will last.
  • Ability to breathe. Preference should be given to models outside which have perforations. Such products do not interfere with the skin to breathe and remove excess moisture, while the grip strength is higher.

Conclusion: when deciding to buy fitness gloves, it is worth finding out if the workouts will include exercises with a barbell and dumbbells. If yes, you need to choose gloves with a thick palm part.

Gym gloves (bodybuilding gloves)

Gloves for the gym, they are also called athletic gloves, differ from similar products for fitness in two ways. In addition to the thickness of the palm part, reinforced, as a rule, with additional overlays, there is another important difference - a special tape to fix the brush. Firstly, it allows you to safely perform reverse grip exercises, and secondly, even ordinary basic movements, with a tightly fixed brush go much better.

Bodybuilding gloves are made from different materials, but the most popular of them is the good old pigskin. The presence of open areas on the back of the hand or perforation is welcome. It is because of the removal of sweat that athletic training gloves, and fitness gloves, are made with cut fingers.

Gloves for horizontal bar

This kind of gloves is not just a separate category, because the exercises on the horizontal bar have some features and differ from training with dumbbells or a barbell. Gloves for the horizontal bar should solve two main tasks:

  • Ensure a secure grip on the bar
  • Do not interfere with the hands scroll around the horizontal bar

By by and large, any other gloves can be used as such equipment - from expensive gym gloves to cheap construction gloves. But if a person trains on the horizontal bar regularly and seriously, he should definitely buy gloves for the horizontal bar.

Work on the crossbar is characterized high level friction, bringing the hands to an extremely uncomfortable state. The output will be gloves with a hook. The idea of ​​​​such equipment is simple and unpretentious - the built-in hook removes unnecessary stress from the hand and allows you to significantly increase the time spent on the horizontal bar. Thus increasing the return on such exercises.

Conclusion: gloves for the horizontal bar can be any, but gloves with a hook are best for working on the crossbar.

Crossfit gloves

as a separate sports discipline already won the right to life. Now, every self-respecting fitness center has either a separate crossfit zone, or simply dilutes the existing simulators with crossfit equipment. I consider this kind of sport to be the best for developing strength endurance, and the one laid down in it is ideal for losing weight.

But CrossFit, in my opinion, is suitable, and those who are suitable for it need to carefully choose their training equipment, including CrossFit gloves. How are they different from regular gym gloves? But what:

  • Increased strength. functional training replete with sharp, explosive movements, which is why high-quality CrossFit gloves are made from wear-resistant materials using Kevlar technology.
  • Clasp at the wrist. If in ordinary fitness gloves, such a latch is not always found, then in such equipment it is a prerequisite.
  • Uncircumcised fingers. This improves the traction force with the working surface of sports equipment and serves as additional protection against injury.
  • Less lining thickness. You can also perform strength exercises in thick gloves, but it is more correct to do crossfit complexes in thin ones. This allows you to better feel the barbell in your hands, and the brain-muscle connection in this case is stronger.

Note: most serious crossfitters train without gloves, but when it comes to competitions, they prefer to perform in them. As they say, if the chance of winning can be increased by wearing CrossFit gloves, it's foolish not to. Many companies produce such gloves, but the most popular (although not cheap) is Reebok's products, as a trendsetter in functional training.

Conclusion: since crossfit has a number of differences from strength training, training gloves for such activities also have a number distinctive features.

How to choose gym gloves?

Before choosing sports gloves, in addition to determining how they will be used, it is important to determine their size. You can solve the problem using a simple algorithm of actions: bend your fingers slightly, and use a centimeter tape to measure the circumference of four fingers at the base of the thumb. To make it clearer how exactly to do this, I suggest watching a short plot

How to determine the size of gloves?

After the main parameter - the circumference of the palm is measured, the result must be compared with the manufacturer's dimensional grid

Gloves size chart

Ladies gloves
Manufacturer size Size in inches Size in cm (arm circumference)
XSS6 16
XS6,5 18
S7 19
M7,5 20
L8 22
XL8,5 23
Men's gloves
Manufacturer size Size in inches Size in cm (arm circumference)
XSS7,5 20
XS8 22
S8,5 23
M9 24
L9,5 26
XL10 27

Note: each manufacturer uses its own gradation of sizes. When it comes to buying sports gloves over the Internet, you should go to the official website of the manufacturer, in the gloves size chart section ( Size chart gloves) and compare your measurements with it. It is not difficult to order fitness gloves, it is much more difficult to return them later if the size does not fit.

Glove material

Training gloves are made from such materials: leather, leatherette, cotton and synthetics (neoprene). Each of them has its pros and cons. In leather - hands sweat a lot, without perforation on the back of the hand, it is better not to buy such gloves. Leatherette products wear out faster, cotton gloves are pleasant to the body, look good, but you can’t take dumbbells in them - they will tear instantly.

Leather gloves for the hall - ideal

The ideal option is high-quality leather gloves or combined from several materials. Such equipment is usually more expensive than others, but it lasts longer.

Glove size

If you opted for leather gloves, you need to remember that they stretch over time. When choosing leather gloves for sports, preference should be given to those that cover the palm as tightly as possible.

Glove seams

Fitness gloves are always worth checking for the quality of the seams. To do this, they need to be turned inside out. The seams should be neat and wrapped so as not to create discomfort when in contact with the hands. You definitely won't be able to train in gloves that rub.

Glove design

Gloves should be liked, their design should not be ignored, because visual pleasure contributes to the growth of motivation. And this applies not only to women, but also to men.

Price of gloves

As in any other case, the price is not a parameter that 100% guarantees the durability and practicality of the product, because the more recognizable the logo is on the gloves, the more expensive they are. In addition, almost all well-known brands, they themselves do not send such accessories, they give it at the mercy of other, little-known companies. All “small things” for Adidas, for example, are sewn by Agron Inc.

However, buying training gloves, wanting to save on them, is also not necessary. The best option is products of not the most famous companies, not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either. The phrase "golden mean", in this case, works as well as possible.

Conclusion: Choose your sports gloves carefully. Then they will last longer, and it will be more convenient to train in such gloves.


I hope my story about training gloves will make their choice easier and more meaningful, and the exercises themselves in the gym more productive. May the force be with you. And mass!

Exercise helps you get your body in shape. For those people who are engaged in work with fine motor skills, it is important to keep their palms tender and not rub calluses on them. To do this, you should wear gloves. This is just as important as lightweight running shoes for runners. In them, a person will reduce injury, improve the concentration of the load on the desired muscle group. Therefore, we will tell you how to choose gloves for fitness.

Learn more about training gloves

The athlete himself chooses whether he needs to purchase gloves or not. But models for men have pads on the palms and fingers to reduce discomfort when lifting heavy weights, and they also improve grip on the surface of the projectile. With constant contact with metal, calluses and mechanical damage appear on the hands, for example, abrasions. For men's skin, this is not so important, and women try to keep their hands soft.

The people who raise big weight, there may be problems with the wrists. This makes it difficult to take more weight and develop in sports terms. Gloves allow you to keep your palms in a natural position and not injure your wrists. Classes in them are safer. During exercise, the hands sweat and can slip, which can lead to the barbell falling and injury.

In addition, there are many people in the hall. Inventory is not cleaned properly and bacteria accumulate on it. From it you can "catch" any infection from the flu to a serious skin disease.

Varieties of sports gloves

All models of gloves for fitness rooms are divided into men's and women's.

Men's gloves on the palms have pads that help fix the hand on the bar. The product is designed in such a way that it is easier for a man to cope with strength exercise. There are no overlays on female models, its width itself is already adapted to the size of the female palm.

Plain gloves are made of leather and can only keep the palms from chafing blisters on the hands. Models designed for strength training are made from durable materials. Some of them have soft pads so that there is less pressure on the palm when exercising. The lifted weight is distributed evenly over the arm.

The highest quality gloves are professional. Such models are created using new technologies. The gloves have a reinforced base to protect the wrist from possible injuries. In them, you can not be afraid to dislocate your arms when moving to a new weight. They are the most expensive of all the listed categories, but their quality is the best.

The product should not be heavy so that the hands do not get tired too quickly. You should ask the consultant for gloves that are made of airtight fabric so that the palms “breathe”. With frequent training, it is recommended to buy two or three pairs of gloves to change them while one is in the wash.

Fitness gloves are not machine washable. They are recommended to be washed by hand in soapy water. Do not dry the product in the battery or the sun. This deteriorates the density of the threads and the gloves may shrink. Laundered equipment is hung up and allowed to dry without strong wringing.

Selection by material

Models are made from different materials. Cotton products are natural. At the same time, bodybuilding is not recommended in them. They should be used for fitness. They are poorly ventilated, quickly lose their appearance and wear out.

Neoprene products are better ventilated. The surface of the gloves has a good grip sports equipment and projectiles. Neoprene absorbs sweat and can be used for activities power types sports. There are products with neoprene and leather. They are also recommended for use in athletics.

Leather and nubuck have a rough coating structure and adhere well to inventory. Their products are durable. They are easy to handle with a large rod weight, but they are expensive and poorly breathable. Such gloves are recommended to be purchased for sports, including weightlifting.

Models made of leatherette are cheaper than real leather. These gloves are not very durable. Equipment is chosen from a good substitute, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to wear them.

Less often in stores you can see nylon fitness gloves. They are not recommended to buy, because the hands sweat quickly in them and begin to slip. When training using such models, it is easy to get injured.

How to determine size

To understand the size of sports gloves, you should measure the circumference of your hand. They usually measure right hand for right-handers and left for left-handers. The measurement is taken across the back of the hand. The place is taken below the joint. When measuring, do not take into account the thumb.

If the number of centimeters is uneven, then the size is intermediate. It is better to choose a glove one size larger, then it will not be difficult to put on. If a tight fit to the palms is necessary, the product is bought a size smaller than the desired one. Leather products stretch and after a couple of sessions they can become large.

Price and manufacturers

In sports stores and on their websites, you can find training gloves of any cost and variety. Here you can find products of both well-known consumer firms and unfamiliar brands.

Considered one of the cheapest sports equipment manufacturers Torneo and Mad Max. Usually the price of such gloves does not exceed 400 rubles. In stores you can find models and more expensive, for example, leather products for 600 rubles.

The most expensive gloves are well-known sports brands, such as Reebok, Nike, Harbinger, etc. They can cost 1000-1500 rubles. Some models are multifunctional. They are recommended not only for gym classes, but also for cycling.

You can buy such equipment in any shopping center that has a sports department. You can buy a model on the Internet, but you won’t be able to try on a glove and you will have to buy blindly. Athletes often choose a product in a store, try it on, inspect it, and buy it on a site where the price is often decently lower.